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this is going to be your guide to getting rare Pals in pal world if you enjoy the video or if it helps out in any way don't forget to leave a like share with your friends and comment your thoughts down below so we're going to be starting off with the tower leader Pals because everyone wants electric tooro with a machine gun how do you get them well you press three key and oh that's not good this place right here that's a nature preserve you go there you break the law and you get wanted same thing for all the other boss Pals it turns out the tower leaders doing illegal stuff to get the strongest Pals and the rest of them are going to be in the top right A lot of people wanting lilene ozerk Shadow beak we're going to have to check that out so how you going to get out there it's a long ways across water well you need a pal that can surf serent can be ridden to travel on water and while mounted prevents stamina depletion while moving over water and it's really easy to get early on for the technology boom serent saddle level 10 and there you go alternative if you don't like stamina you can just like turn it way down in the settings for your world and then use a flying Mount to get over there the problem isn't getting there the problem is being there and not getting caught by the police there ain't no way dude I've said that GIS bolt is one of the rarest Pals in the game there ain't no way dude I've said grisol is one of the rarest Pals in the game because it took me like 30 minutes to find one just like constantly running around the island and refreshing spawns but there's one right there so the pals here are around level 20 and you're going to need some pretty good spheres to catch them uh I don't remember when the ultra sphere unlocks but that's also pretty late so yeah grisol right there weird thing about grisol one of those Pals that's like super duper deep in the technology tree level 40 much like how the rocket launcher for relaxa surus the pal that was shown in like one of the original trailers that's also pretty easy to find early on level 44 to get the missile launcher but yeah that's how that's how that's how these islands work the chest also have some pretty good stuff we have sapphires we have highgrade technical manuals so you also make a decent amount of money for your troubles and you can find some other Pals ping King as well as azuree and the weird thing is at night the police are sleeping so don't wake them but in the day they'll like randomly spawn just don't get in their line of sight or don't get their attention and you're okay if they do aggro You The Wanted system is kind of weird sometimes drops you can just kind of return to title and come back in that's going to clear your wanted you can take a death you can just kind of do whatever just don't get caught catch your pals and then the same thing for out here and the other wildlife sanctuaries except these are going to be some very high level Pals and something like an ultra sphere is going to have a low catch rate so you're going to need like legendary spheres that's kind of crazy uh you can see all these dudes hanging around but yeah that's uh that's how you get them not free very l game got to earn it all right the next rare pal has been tripping people up because if you don't see a pal you can't check it in the pal deck to find out where it's located and that's going to be a kits Sun it got its own pal deck it looks really cool it's a fan favorite for sure but how do you get it how did I get it let's find out now even if you've seen it but you haven't caught it you click on three and nothing well that's because you just need to click R and there it is like kitson actually really easy to get even though people have been struggling with it so you have to go to this area at night however this is going to need level three Frost protection so you're going to need something like an arox to keep you safe but yeah when you're here and all set up there's just kits Suns everywhere it's not even that rare of a pal it's just hard to find and then kitson is op unaffected by cold or heat while riding this pal really good that brings us to another pal that can be tricky to find it's foxal again it's found out here it can be found during the night or or the daytime so yeah if you're missing that one in your deck there you go next we're going to talk about the best friend in the game and that is quivver my heart melted the first time I saw him he's so happy he's so adorable how do you get one for yourself ah jeez fortunately there's an earlier quern to be found and it's by one of the starting areas and it's only level 23 I'm going to do a separate video on those and the Overworld of bosses because it just kind of makes for Content this is mostly finding the random Pals in the pal deck that you may or may not have seen that are going to be harder to find I also want to talk about love Ander it got the funny number in the pal deck it got its own pal deck trailer it's a complete sexy Meme and you can only find it at night but it is you know not super deep into the game also found in the desert and the reason why this is a significant pal is because heart drain gives you a life steal effect it's just really good level two handywork work transporting the mining doesn't really matter but it also drops cake so if you get into pal breeding farming love Ander for cake seems like it's going to be pretty significant and Cake sells for 1,000 gold love Ander is going to open up a lot of interesting farming throughout the game and it's a good pal to know where to find it dig toys this is a pal that a lot of people are hyped for the drill Crusher skill is super powerful mining level three very strong pal very good utility pal and it's also going to be found in the same areas so you might be thinking like oh I want to find the mining Turtle so I'm going to go to the desert during the daytime it's actually kind of deeper into the desert you can also find it there at night and you can find it here at night as well so not super deep into the game and even though it can be a tough pal to fight early on level 20 is manageable and it gives you a really powerful up in utility also learning how to survive and explore through the desert is going to be very useful so we kind of have like the Baby Desert in the middle of the game to get you ready for the more in-game desert and stuff like that also there's a lot of coal in this area which you need for the refined ingots so just a very crucial part of your journey there's also some interesting PALS like ma because okay it's an early on pal it's just a cat how rare can it be why is the habitat unknown well you find these in regular grassland dungeons so just kind of exploring all the different places in the game is going to help you find different Pals loot moon is incredible pal for the early game because of that handiwork level two it's going to get your things crafted and your base built and you can only find it at night but it's going to be everywhere in the main area catas found in the centralized areas of the Mainland really good because it increases neutral pal drops wixon look at that handiwork level three kindling level two also one of the coolest looking Pals so much like with the desert we have a baby lava area over here and you can get some really strong fire Pals so something to keep note of go over there you're going to see them and then you can find them in the pal deck and if you haven't realized by now you can even click on a grade out pal and then check its location and just kind of make sure you're looking in the right spot verd Das Sanctuary valet Sanctuary so if you haven't found a pal and you feel like you've explored everything could be just a rare spawn in the sanctuary a lot of the pals don't really seem that rare you know if you go to the area it's just going to pop up naturally and it might just show in your pal deck as a not caught pal but then when it comes to some of these like they could be super rare up to 20 30 minutes just to find the one pal you're looking for and then Len knocked with the habitat unknown that's going to be one of these special Overworld encounters again in a different video and I think that's going to be most of it so yeah a lot of the other Pals you know they're just common you're eventually going to find them explore the map a lot of it is pretty straightforward I guess some of them do have small location like these serent but that's near the starting area of the game so you might just like see them and take note and be like okay I can come back here and find them whenever um Merith is kind of the only other like tricky one to where oh you can find it all throughout here but it's going to be at night time and I think that's going to be it so I hope you guys enjoy the video hope you all have a nice day thank you very much for watching
Channel: Verlisify
Views: 250,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, Palworld Guide, Rare Pal Locations Palworld, Best Pals in Palworld, Best Pals to Catch in Palworld, Palworld Paldeck Locations, How to catch Every Pal, pal location palworld, paldeck palworld, all pals palworld, Kitsun, Grizzbolt, Lyleen, Faleris, Orserk, Shadowbeak, Quivern, Kitsun location, grizzbolt location, orserk location, quivern location, quivern palworld, grizzbolt palworld, kitsun palworld, kitsun location, paldeck, palworld walkthrough
Id: NJsM_mK7p08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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