r/AmiTheA**Hole For Working The Same Job As My Husband?

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good day there guys uses the excuse at least he's not addicted to drugs here to justify his youtube addiction back at it again with another episode of r am i the a-hole now if you love this content i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie and have a good bloody time posted by user otherwise garage 6142 titled am i the a-hole for going out and getting the same job as my husband to show him that it's not that hard would i be the a-hole if i fail all my husband has done for the last six months is [ __ ] about how hard his job is i get it it's physically demanding and a lot of walking but it's only three days a week a few days ago i asked him to go for a walk with me and he said he was too tired he's too tired to do anything i cook clean then go out and do uber almost every day because his job is so hard he can't be bothered to do anything it caused a huge blowout so i took a trip down to the job recruitment center and they signed me up right for his exact same job it's a windmill factory you go out and pick parts load them on a cart and take them inside these parts can weigh anywhere from a few grams to 50 pounds i came back home and told him the great news that we were both making tons of money now and he was super ticked all he's done for the last few days is tell me you're going to fail it's going to be too hard for you you're wasting your time you're going to end up hurting your back again he also told me i'm not supposed to tell anyone we're married because when you get fired and quit i don't want that reflecting on me i have a whole drawer full of back braces compression socks and muscle relaxers i'll be fine we both previously worked at amazon he was fired i hurt my back being stupid and had to quit and he also bitched constantly about that he swears this job is 10 times harder but i legit didn't think amazon was hard at all i was just dumb about picking stuff up am i the a-hole should i have just stayed in my place cooking cleaning and doing side work would i be the a-hole if i fail no i don't think you're an a-hole for going and trying this job out you know i feel like as your husband it's his job to be supportive of you no matter what you do and by the way he's phrasing this right now it's like he's setting you up to fail which isn't a very cash money thing to do if i'm honest everyone does fail in life and i don't think you'd be an a-hole if you failed although i think his concern comes from you're married and working together at the same place level which you know some people can see as weird and i understand that personally i don't think you're an a-hole for this but everyone has their opinions on it everyone sucks here your husband sounds like he's really good at making excuses but at the end of the day he can't use his his job is hard as an excuse to shirk his responsibilities at home you literally went out of your way and got a job to spite him i get that it's frustrating but at the end of the day what do you really think you're going to prove constructively by doing this you guys need to work on communication and actually supporting each other instead of trying to prove the other wrong everyone sucks here but wife did a chad move is opie an a-hole probably does she have big dick energy yes or bad [ __ ] energy i heard that's the female equivalent of big dick energy though i feel big dick energy is gender neutral personally everyone sucks yell y'all have a toxic marriage dynamic you sound like rivals not partners you dismiss him he dismisses you he literally got a job just to prove he's whiny what a spiteful motivation he sounds miserable but so do you yup hate to sound corny but you two are supposed to be partners in life you're supposed to be supporting each other and taking care of each other there is absolutely nothing corny about any of that though true yup this so much also you simply can't compare suffering a constructive step would have been to discuss how it bothers you that he continually talks about how hard his job is and if he can reduce it clearly his level of acceptance of physical demand is different than yours if that triggers you to a level where your marriage turns into being rivals maybe look for a better matching partner this will come up more often life includes suffering not the a-hole in my opinion i find this fudging hilarious he deserves to be shown up if it truly is like you say it is and you're busting your ass trying to pick up the slack maybe suggest you stay home to tidy and cook and do everything else instead i mean it is kind of a petty reason for getting the job but time will tell if she's right or not and where to go from there some men and some women are just kind of lazy and you'll use any excuse to not help at home this comment section doesn't seem to think that's a possibility when it could be if she ends up being wrong then that'll just be a lesson learned for her if she's right then maybe it'll be a wake-up call for her partner to complain less or shift to another line of work agree paddy does not equal a-hole not the a-hole also it sounds like she tried talking to him about pulling his weight more and he refused to listen or compromise i don't get all these people saying that they need to communicate better because it seems like opie definitely tried to do that communication takes two people in order to be successful i think she's not the a-hole in this scenario because she didn't get the job with malicious intent she was just at her wits end with him using this job as an excuse to not contribute to household chores he should have listened to her when she tried talking to him about it reasonably eta i also work in a warehouse lifting heavy things as a 130 pound woman so probably a lot less physically strong than opie's husbands and yes it's physically demanding but not so much that i have no energy to do literally anything else a lot of the people i work with have multiple other jobs as well sounds like hubby's attitude is the problem and if the job is genuinely too much for him maybe he should switch and drive uber instead posted by user snoo 10465 titled am i the a-hole for giving my wife an ultimatum about getting a dog i had a dog when my wife and i got married i loved her she was my buddy when my wife got pregnant she became increasingly paranoid that the dog would be a danger to the baby she brought up rehoming and i refused she was a quote unquote aggressive breed but she was trained one day she called me crying at work that the dog ran away and she couldn't run after her i believed her and i looked for that dog for weeks i finally just accepted it because we had to go to the hospital to welcome our child and there were just other pressing concerns it's been five years since then and we now have three children i've wanted to get a new dog but the kids take a lot of energy and time my wife has always had a new excuse not to get another dog i found out recently that my dog didn't run away my wife and her father took the dog to the pound while i was at work because her parents agreed with her about the dog being dangerous i'm furious she was my dog my baby she wasn't dangerous i would never have agreed to that she probably never got adopted and i'm honestly mad enough to consider a separation if not for the kids and practical reasons i've told her that the only way to make it up even a little bit is for us to get a dog she ultimately doesn't want a dog at all and complained that she would have to do too much with it i'm not planning to let up on this one this time and the question stands am i the a-hole for giving my wife an ultimatum about getting a dog given the entire context of this story i don't blame you for giving your wife an ultimatum her and her father just went out and dumped the dog in a pound without telling you and then lied to you she's married to you you're not supposed to keep secrets in a marriage that kind of defeats the point if i were you i would be very furious finding this news out and i'm surprised that they leaked it to you to me i don't think that forcing a dog on the wife will solve any issues i feel like it'll just make things worse but it's what i would probably do if i was you i'm not recommending it it's not going to solve anything i don't think you're an a-hole for giving the wife an ultimatum but i really feel like this is one of those make or break situations so unless you guys go to couples counseling therapy or whatever to smooth this over get her to apologize and come up with a deal and get her to stop being so crazy about a dog because she wasn't crazy about it before the baby then you can save this but this is this is one of those arguments that do break marriages by the sounds but i don't think you're an a-hole not the a-hole get a dog after your divorce dude you said you looked for the dog for weeks and i'm sure you were distraught while you searched for her your wife continued to watch you in pain knowing she caused it and did nothing she also disrespected you as a parent she made a decision that something wasn't acceptable for your child to be around this dog and you disagreed but she decided she knew better than you also if your in-laws this let's ignore the dog for a moment your partner in life your sickness and health your love maliciously hurt you at a minimum she ripped something you loved from you and caused you deliberate and direct distress over a hypothetical risk in likelihood she murdered it but at a minimum she took it from you and lied to you about it not the a-hole this is not okay and it's not something someone does to someone they love you would be the a-hole if you got another dog because she clearly can't be trusted with him you would be causing that creature potential harm but honestly get that divorce if she's capable of doing this to you can you really trust her her or the highway yeah hit the highway makes me wonder what she'll be capable of during the divorce in child custody though given how much she doesn't mind being cruel and cold-blooded not the a-hole i can't believe she would go out of her way to make family plans to destroy your trust i would never be with someone who disrespected me to that degree wow don't get a dog with this woman she didn't care about getting rid of your dog before wants to stop her from just doing the same thing again posted by user branch loans titled am i the a-hole for saying my wife wasn't my dream girl in a trivia game so my wife and i have been doing a game night every so often with some other couples via zoom since we can't go out and see people lately we were playing this card game the other night that was like basically a trivia game for couples to play and you're asked a question and you write down your answer and your partner has to guess what they think you answered if they guess correctly your team gets a point whichever couple knows each other the best wins so some of the questions in this version were a little spicy and one of the questions was who is your dream man woman to have sex with i wrote down my spin instructor since my wife knows i think she's hot and thought she'd guess her and we'd get a point well screw me turns out every other husband either wrote down their wife or a celebrity fictional character my wife was livid and upset i tried to explain i didn't actually want to do anything with my spin instructor and i would never even briefly consider being unfaithful it was just me trying to play the game she doesn't believe me saying everyone else's instinct was women who didn't exist or better yet their wives i feel really bad but also really confused i don't know how to deal with this is she overreacting or am i an a-hole and no need to tell me about the curb your enthusiasm episode no i hadn't seen it yes i've seen it now almost every man there sent me references to it as soon as the video was off i think it's pretty clear that he's an a-hole judging by the reactions there you know it's kind of not something you want to hear as a partner being like oh you want to screw them you know are you going to confirm that that's really nice god that just makes me so happy that you want to screw that person and not me when we're in a marriage together thank you these are just one of those thoughts you keep in your head and you don't ever express you take that to the grave opie it's what you should have done here you're the a-hole you're the a-hole who humiliates their wife in front of friends oh right you do i would strongly suggest you quit your spin class immediately and spend as much time and effort as it may take groveling to win back your wife's trust good grief man honestly opie is going to hear about this for ages but if he doesn't quit that spin class asap oh boy he just gave her a massive reason to worry about it in addition to humiliating her in front of friends obie you're the a-whole body big off the obvious answer is opie's wife but if he wanted to be funny he should have said a famous dead person like marilyn monroe cleopatra mary antoinette etc etc and like they don't even need to be dead they just need to be people you don't personally know you could stay scarlett johansson and be fine with most people you can't save someone that you could reasonably cheat on your wife with my husband's is uma thurman mine is vin diesel also my husband's oft-stated wish is that a swedish bikini team move into any vacant department in our complex pure silliness we both actually deeply love each other you're the a-hole dream girl i.e someone you will literally never get the chance with like a celebrity you don't put down someone that you know in real life that you interface with on a regular basis we were making our freebie list for fun and my wife picked david tennant idris elba and brad pitts i picked my co-worker our next door neighbor and my wife's sister and that's when the fight started honestly though even the concept of a freebie list is weird as hell to me if you have an open relationship then by all means have a long list but if you're monogamous that feels a bit weird to me do your thing it might work for your relationship but it's uncomfortable for me i don't give a crap who shows up i'm really not interested i have too much going on with my wife i don't have any interest in changing that posted by user electronic stomach 78 titled am i the a-hole for not letting my boyfriend correct a chinese woman we live in a shared house with a bunch of random craigslist roommates one of them is chinese and was sitting at the kitchen table during lunch time slapping her noodles and minding her own business my boyfriend had just come into the kitchen to eat his own lunch and rather than ask her how her weekend was or anything other polite conversation he instead asks her can i teach you something about culture i knew he was going to tell her that americans consider it rude to slurp food but this woman wasn't at a business event she was in her own house and in my opinion can eat her own culture's food however she damn well pleases especially since she was just sitting alone by herself first and we just happened to enter the same room after so i cut my boyfriend off and said stop he kept trying to talk to her don't say anything i said again he kept wanting to press the issue ignoring me he said i don't care but americans think it's rude to slap your food jeff stop it drop it i said as she looked highly embarrassed and quietly continued eating her meal i apologized to her and said i apologize for jeff's comments and he said and i apologize for my girlfriend not letting me talk to you i don't think it's jeff's place to educate people who didn't ask for feedback and were just trying to be comfortable in their own home he thinks i'm being a culturally insensitive racist liberal for not letting him help teach american customs who's being the a-hole here edits by help teach her american etiquette he meant that he wanted to tell her that americans would find it rude if she slurped her food at a business lunch or such occasion not that she had to stop doing it at home he worked as a cultural consultant abroad helping foreign business people secure deals with americans by teaching them about customs and mannerisms and whatnot so i genuinely believe that jeff thought he was doing her a favor by letting her know that others might be turned off by slurping but i still think that one it's not his place to give such information unsolicited and two the minute you point out that americans find slurping rude she's going to feel self-conscious and judged about doing it at home even if jeff says it doesn't bother him yeah i've got to agree i think op is not the a-hole in this situation i think she was just trying to stop a very awkward interaction going on between the two i personally would be very embarrassed if i was that person slurping the noodles like just leave me alone i'll figure it out one day it's kind of rude to just put it on them like that when they're minding their own business but i guess everyone's different you want to learn in your own time people want to help you out before you embarrass yourself but most people learn the hard way and that's kind of just life so in my opinion rp is not the a-hole they were just trying to de-escalate a situation that never should have started in the first place you are not the a-hole for being compassionate and respectful and a decent human your boyfriend is the complete a-hole you hit it square on the head they pay for that space and can eat as they please who gives a frick about american america is literally a land of immigrants i think you did the right thing and your boyfriend is the racist and culturally insensitive a-hole obviously other things are bothering him and he chose to take it out on a roommate never okay do not apologize for being decent i think it's an a-hole move to come into someone's house and tell them that americans will find her slurping rude she wasn't asking for an opinion she was just eating by herself you were right he was wrong it is an a-hole move to come into someone's home and tell them they are rude i mean it's your own house i think you're allowed to eat how you want in the privacy of your own home jeff sounds insufferable he's a guest in her house and he's lecturing heroin manners ick not the a-hole for attempting to shut that down is this how he acts all of the time not that it matters but it doesn't seem like he's a guest they are all roommates oh my god they were roommates jesus the thing is you would think that given his job he would be more sensitive as he would be explaining the customs to other cultures in a polite non-patronising manner the fact that he can be so rude and unaware makes me question if he's actually good at his job side notes this is the kind of behavior that entitled people have which i hate the fact that he thinks he's so up there that he can educate a poor chinese lady who is stupidly unaware of how rude she is etc is kind of disgusting it feels like he's treating her and her culture is uncivilized or something posted by user nyc trip mum throwaway titled am i the a-hole for not allowing my daughter to go on an eighth grade school trip this happened three years ago and my daughter mallory still resents us for this i'm asking now because my son is going to be starting the 8th grade next school year permitting that schools will reopen again and this event isn't cancelled at my kid's school there is a big annual spring break trip to new york city and washington dc it's something that most of the kids including my own were looking forward to when mallory started the sixth grade she talked about wanting to go on the trip we said she could so long as she got good grades and didn't get into trouble when she was in the seventh grade her aunt linda got engaged and set her wedding date for the following year this is going to include a big family reunion with all the relatives because linda was the last of my siblings to get married big fat catholic family many of whom we haven't seen in years unfortunately linda planned her waiting to take place the same week as mallory's eighth grade spring break we ended having to tell malory that she couldn't go on the trip after all because everyone was going to be going to the wedding instead like i said this was going to include a family reunion and it may be the last time we got to see some relatives including her great grandparents for a long time mallory was heartbroken we offered to take a family trip to new york but she turned it down because she wanted to go with friends and not family which is understandable cue to the week of the wedding a year later we flew out to new mexico for the ceremony and crash at my sisters not the bride's house mallory is still upset about having to be in new mexico when all of her friends are in new york a few days before the ceremony was to take place linda called off the wedding mallory was furious i can still remember her blow up she screamed so i missed my trip for nothing and stormed off into the room she was sharing with her cousins and wouldn't let anyone in it was a mess afterward i tried to cheer mallory up by offering to take her sightseeing or go see a movie with her cousins but she refused i gave up after she refused to go to the movies with us saying that she didn't want to watch a dumb kids movie with a bunch of babies while she is the oldest of the cousins the next nearest cousin in age was nine at the time mallory refused to speak to us during the flight back and to this day she's still angry at her aunt linda i know mallory was upset but no one could have predicted that the wedding would be called off we've tried to make it up to her but she has refused every offer i know she wants a trip with her friends but that new york trip is expensive and many of her friends parents were not willing to spend more money on another outing for the girls because of this malory thinks i am an a-hole am i you're the a-hole not only did she know she wanted to go on this trip for years but she agreed to it and then pulled the carpet out from under her feet i'm sure something could have been arranged with other parents if you would be unable to pick her up and drop her off due to you leaving for this wedding adding to this that she was more likely to see her family members again than to get another chance for a trip like this so that wasn't a good excuse to not let her go either should have just let the kid choose herself you're the a-hole from me too right like maybe at her own wedding and even if she wouldn't have invited all the people who were at that wedding or they'd die before then and that was honestly the last time they would have ever seen them then how close was she to them compared to her friends i've gone to funerals to relatives i've literally never met before if i had to miss out on something important to me only because this might be the last time you see them then i would be ticked too like yes they're family but other than very distant blood to the point that they're not even related to me anymore there is nothing that ties us together i've gone to funerals of relatives i've literally never met before isn't that such a surreal experience my grandfather on my mum's side was like this he and my grandma divorced long before i was born and i saw him maybe once or twice a year until i was maybe seven a total of less than ten times i expect didn't see him again until i was maybe 12 at my aunt's wedding i didn't even recognize him another eight to ten years later i'm at his funeral a man i hadn't seen in possibly a decade and couldn't even remember what he looked like i have to actively stop to think to remember his name my younger brother probably met him less than four times before the funeral after the ceremony i stood at the front of the room between my mum and sister with a line of people coming by giving me their condolences each one of these individuals had probably spent exponentially more time with that man than i had it was so odd it gave me this weird out-of-body experience i wouldn't have gone if not to be there for my mom and auntie whom i actually have relationships with you're the a-hole kids that age don't have a lot of interest in family events like weddings the trip she missed was a once-in-a-lifetime coming-of-age event there is no making up for that would anyone have really missed her at the wedding she wasn't the bride or any other integral part of the wedding crap my high school had a year 8 trip as well the trip may sound pretty bad but it involved a lot of activities that were just not available in my small home town the problem well the school screwed up royally 150 students in my year level no different to any other year level but they had decided to drastically cut back on the capacity for the trip 100 students were selected to go i was one of those who missed out still a bit ticked off about that because those that went came back closer and those that were left out well we were left out of everything from that point on same here my class was the largest and they picked two went i wasn't selected which really sucked when both my older and younger siblings got to go on this school trip it's been probably 20 years and i'm still mad at the school for doing this posted by user throw ra help is needed titled am i the a-hole for asking my daughter to take her siblings along and being mad that she didn't take care of him a few days ago my daughter 17 female was going on an outing to a coffee shop wouldn't tell me what shop and i asked her to take her brother nine male and she said no also this is allowed and started complaining about how a nine-year-old ain't gonna fit in a crowd of 17 to 18 year olds i just told her to watch him and she said that i can do that just fine my nine-year-old is very active never sleeps and he's a little annoying i needed a break that day just for an hour or two my daughter started arguing with me and in the end when i threatened to ground her only then did she leave she came back two hours later and there was a french coffee in her hands and this oreo blizzard in my sons my son gets even more active after eating sugar and doesn't even sleep i yelled at her and said that she wasn't supposed to get him anything and she said that he wouldn't stop whining and that he's been eating fruits for the past week so he deserved a drink and he's not gonna die i'm sure she did it to spite me i didn't ground her or anything just sent her to her room and my son is sad that i took his drink away i don't want my son to have cavities he already has a sweet tooth am i the a-hole yes you're an a-hole he's been eating fruit this whole time one or two sweet treats a week isn't gonna give him cavities if you're already giving him so much sugar in the form of fruits anyway i think you're an a-hole for being so hard on the both of them and i think you need to take a chill pill op you're the a-hole why would you send a nine-year-old to a coffee place to hang out with 17 year olds she shouldn't have taken him along in the first place and that's not an age group where he would fit in and then got mad that he got something she wants him to go to a shop where everyone else was getting something and have nothing for himself she was being the a-hole to both of her kids op should be grateful the daughter didn't load him up with some espresso you're the a-hole agreed op cared more about free babysitting and a break than anything else including the daughter's feelings you're the a-hole you're the parent not her and she's right it's weird to have a nine-year-old around a group of 17 to 18 year old teens parenting is your job not hers i offloaded parenting to my teenage daughter and then punished her into my younger kid because i didn't like how she parented am i the a-hole you're the a-hole if you really wanted a break from your annoying and active nine-year-old tell him to go outside and play in the backyard your daughter is 17 and was hanging out with people her age why even threaten to ground her just because you want a little break tough crap or she could have gotten a babysitter that's literally what they're for or even asked her daughter to babysit paid when the daughter wasn't already busy with plans of her own so she basically bullies the daughter into including the nine-year-old on a teen hangouts then freaks out when the daughter gets the kid the age-appropriate version of whatever drink she's having herself the idea is get him away from me but don't let him enjoy himself this post belongs on our slash choosing beggars all right i think that's where we're going to leave today's episode guys i really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as i loved making it i would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe like the video who knows i'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know i don't know what i'd do i'd probably be homeless on the streets of ireland crying irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content well with that said guys i hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to i hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 26,968
Rating: 4.9261637 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: aZEq8fh2Pg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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