r/LegalAdvice + r/JustnoHOA - Brother FORCES ME To Store INFESTED FURNITURE

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g'day there guys it's your main man marky back at it again with our slash legal advice now if you love this video like i love you i want you to sit back relax chuck a like on the video prawn on the barbie and um enjoy the contents posted by user stinky furniture titled brother's friend wanted a place to store a couple of wardrobes and a bed while he moved back in with his parents until the covered crisis is over my house is now packed full with urine stinky furniture what can i legally do with it country new south wales australia i get on okay with my brother and his friend hadn't shown any hint of being an idiot over the last 15 years so i went along with this i'll call my brother's friend doug my brother phoned me a while back and asked me if i could do a favor for doug and he put doug on and doug told me he's got to move back in with his parents because he lacks work like all of us and needs a place to store a couple of wardrobes full of clothes and to bed for about six months until things open up again my brother told doug i had a spare room with not much in it which is true and i was happy to help so i said sure bring it over the spare room is more than big enough for a couple of wardrobes and a bed through miscommunications and a shift change at work i couldn't be there when doug moved out of his old place and put his stuff in the spare room so i dropped my spare key to my brother and he supervised dog on friday afternoon i came back home to a house packed full of what looks like every possession doug has ever owned packed into every room of my house and almost all of it is urine stained and covered in mouse droppings a couple of wardrobes full of clothes and a bed has turned into two wardrobes full of mouse droppings clothes and boxes a dozen garbage bags of more clothes six chairs and a kitchen table a bedside table a dozen boxes of books two bookcases boxes of kitchen implements half a dozen wall hangings and paintings a house door covered in stickers a credenza a single bed and a double bed in which both of them reek of urine and bloat four small chests of drawers three kitchen cupboards a pair of card tables and two refrigerators with food in the freezers and plugged into the power and more bags of bed clothes electronics just about everything to fill a regular small house everything in the house stinks and i can't do this i don't mean it just has a scent on it it stinks badly i can taste the stink in my mouth even when i'm out of the house with the heater on now that it's winter it's nauseating i phoned doug and he told me he has to come and get this all out and he can't he's already 600 kilometers away on his parents property and has no money left i told him i'm going to dump the lot if he doesn't come get it and he told me i'd made a binding verbal agreement with him and if i damaged anything he'd come down on me like a ton of bricks with legal action 10 minutes after getting off the phone with him his dad phoned and made more threats the same with what money guys with what money i can't reach any of the shelving in my spare room i can't use half my couch or my art desk i can only just reach my own clothing in my bedroom drawers and i can only use one chair in my kitchen i've contacted my brother and he made a stupid shrugging noise and said that he thought that's what i agreed on what am i legally allowed to do with all this i agreed to a couple of wardrobes and a bed i did not agree to a house full of stuff i want to at least get the worst of it out of the house immediately but it's been raining and we have a week more rain forecast i can't afford to put it in storage i'm slowly draining my savings the last few months as work has been cut back due to covered i don't have a garage or shed i have no undercover place to put any of this best i could do was borrow a tarp and wrap up the worst wardrobes and cling wrapped the bed but that's only a minor help as it all smells bad oh my god an ms paint drawing yes i did a house plan drawing sorry it's rubbish on the left is my normal house tv is the lounge s spare room d desk room b bedroom and k kitchen on the right is the same with all of doug stuff added in red we've got quite the artist on our hands here edits okay this has gone beyond legal advice and beyond a joke i think i just went around taking photos and doug has a dried dried-up used cat litter tray in the bottom of his wardrobe underneath clothing the bags of clothing have mouse nests in them and there are cockroaches i've phoned friends and we're dumping it on the front lawn tonight it's 11 30 pm here and i'm texting doug's parents with the photos and if they want any of it they'll come get it i'll deal with the consequences of that later my sanity and sanitation is worth more so some people in the comments recommend before you do anything make sure to take pictures thanks for that good suggestion doing it right now also take a video walkthrough narrate have another person there to witness during the video in your video describe in detail exactly what you are seeing and smelling i did this here in the us for a lawsuit when the judge saw the video we won damages good luck doug lied and broke the agreement first when he dumped far more than what he claimed he was leaving into your home therefore you have no legal obligation to him verbal or otherwise they can make all the legal threats that they want you never agreed to let him use your entire home as a storage unit and the fact that this stuff makes your house unlivable should be enough for a judge to say you have done nothing wrong here i'm an attorney but in the us there are several common concepts in contract law that are not met here first you must have a meeting of the minds as in you must both agree to the same thing here you obviously did not second for a k to be valid you have to receive something in return called consideration you are not third you have no determination for how long this was supposed to last you have to establish that for a k to be valid also his junk has brought vermin and pests into your home hell no if i were you i would do as you planned texting the photos etc and put in writing that you have no contract that the personal property is infested and if it is not picked up in x amount of time giving the good faith effort of allowing them to retrieve the property you will consider it abandoned property and dispose of it do not use the word return or returning it's to him that could imply you were willing to make the effort to return it to him this is all on him to retrieve damn dude i feel bad for you please update us good luck you can skip to the update if you want this one's really interesting it's a little bit long first up i'm in the uk and i am a lawyer i would say this is a prime example of no good deed going unpunished assuming your jurisdiction is contract law like the uk for a contract to be binding both people get something out of it and this doesn't sound like a legal contract to me as you were doing him a favor and no money changed hands second it seems to me that what actually happened is unreasonable in terms of amount of stuff and its conditions and well outside of what was agreed initially to such an extent it is affecting your ability to live comfortably in your home i think this could be deemed a legal nuisance which you did not consent to do you have any free legal advice centres where you live or say law students that do a uni clinic if you deliberately chuck his stuff you might be committing criminal damage so you do need to be careful so i would write to him and his dad to say i agreed to x items in my spare room i did not agree to why actual items and the unpleasant stage of them this means zed effects to me i.e smell can't get to my own stuff etc add photos for effect i am no longer willing to store these items for free indefinitely and therefore give notice that you must collect the items from me or arrange alternative storage within x reasonable number of days if you do not a daily charge of money will be made measure how much space it's taking up and compare it to a storage unit failure to collect or pay within x 28 days will result in items being sold to offset the charges and any unsold items will be disposed of he might come to collect or move them but if he doesn't you can then get rid of it never do anyone a favor like this again without being there to supervise and rp gives us a reply saying i just looked up about contracts here being valid and consideration counts i get nothing out of this i'll take that tentatively meaning i'm not bound by any verbal contracts i imagine that doesn't mean i'm protected if i put his stuff out in the rain and it is destroyed all the same just that i don't have to keep it here that's one step ahead updates brother's friend wanted a place to store a couple of wardrobes into bed while he moved back with his parents until the covered crisis is over my house was packed with stinky furniture and it's all okay now new south wales australia it's all solved on monday morning i sent photos of everything disgusting i could and of doug's furniture on the lawn to doug and his dad telling them it's beyond foul and i wouldn't be keeping any of it inside my house and i'll dump it this week if i don't come get it 20 minutes later i got a call from doug's mother she asked if it was so bad could i send her some evidence like photos i told her i'd already sent them to her son and his dad she yelled out in the background to one of them she says she did send photos then she gets off the phone half an hour later she called me back and said they'd be down to pick up doug's stuff and apologized she asked if his books were okay apart from the mouse gnawings and droppings yeah i'm not a barbarian they were outside under the eaves this morning they turned up from 600 kilometers away doug and his dad wanted to begin packing in their pan deck but doug's mum wasn't having any of that they dumped 90 of it at the tip and came back and just took a few things home even the food in the freezer was off his mum apologized and offered to make me good with cash but she's already solved enough and i declined she left it open-ended and said if i needed anything fixed to call her i know i didn't follow legal advice but this was the equivalent of someone asking you to hold on to a small keychain sized box for half a year but instead they sneakily cover you in 50 kilos of feces you're not allowed to wash off until you get a lawyer and fill out all the right paperwork and wait a month i just couldn't do it i got lucky i've had words with my brother and changed the locks to my place too he'd opened up and let doug and doug's mates in then they left the key behind with him he didn't know how bad it was either my brother is an idiot and doug is a 32 year old baby and hopefully i'm a little wiser that was one disgusting story but i'm glad that it ended amicably posted by user darth rubber duck titled someone claiming to be my wife scheduled a vasectomy for me i'm single and i've not been to that hospital in four years healthcare law including hipaa so the hospital in question i had not been to it in roughly four years i had gone to the er after an accident at training with the national guard in another part of the state today i received an automated text from the urology center about an appointment tomorrow afternoon i called them and they told me a woman claiming to be my wife had scheduled it with my name date of birth and cell phone number i told them that i'm not married and have no interest in vasectomy ever they cancelled the appointment the last doctor i saw was at a local urgent care that's not in the same health care system as that clinic they're two separate entities do i need to file a hipaa complaint nobody outside of the healthcare organization my chain of command and battalion would have known of this er visit back then what should i do honestly i would guess there was a mix-up and an employee put the appointment on the wrong patient record it is the simplest explanation and nothing else really makes sense if someone was trying to get a vasectomy on your dime they would have used their own cell number for follow-up that's a good point but others have suggested the possibility of identity theft and i would say it's worth op following up just to be safe you can contact the hospital's privacy office and file complaints if someone called in and provided your info though then the hospital did nothing wrong can the hospital take action against the individual on my behalf if i request it they can take action for a hippa violation if the hospital or one of its employees or former employees is at fault they can't if that person found out some other way if the latter is true do i have other options like some sort of fraud law no because you have no damages keep a record of this though in case it is stalking behavior you will have to establish a repeated pattern of harassment to get a restraining order and making weird medical appointments for you definitely falls under that heading they can prevent them from using their hospital emergency services excluded the odds of them doing so is practically nil they will probably investigate that there were no internal breaches and move on more likely option though do you have any friends that would pull a prank on you outside of people i know in the guard no that's a yes then updates i contacted the hospital's privacy office and told them what happened the lady on the other end said that when i went there in 2016 they misspelled my last name to one that's much more common i get that a lot actually and she suspects the clerk handling appointments got mixed up that said she said she would contact the clinic have them contact the lady who called them for the appointments and verify that this was just a clerical error and not fraud posted by user azula always lies titled my dad is trying to take my car so my grandfather recently passed away his name along with mine is the on the title of my kia nothing in the will specifies that the car reverts to me or to anyone seeing as the will hasn't been updated since 2014. my grandfather outright paid for my car in full from the dealership and took out a loan that i was to be paying him back for since i could not get a loan myself due to the lack of the car was bought in 2015. the loan was paid off by my grandfather due to the situation he took the car away from me in 2016 because i got a red light ticket that turned into a warrant before i had the money to take care of it the will is in probate he and my uncle split everything including the vehicles my father cannot be the executor of the will because of a past felony so it reverts to my uncle who lives in hawaii and where in texas i have not contacted my uncle about any of this just yet i wanted a bit of real advice seeing as i'm broke and have no options my father wants to buy my uncle out of his half of my car and have me pay him the ten thousand dollars under certain conditions i have always intended to pay that back to my grandfather we even had a discussion about what happens when he died and i would owe the estate my dad wants the car fully in his name until i have paid him back in full i have a problem with this the exact reason he wants my name off the title is so that he has full control of the car meaning if i'm not doing what he thinks i should be doing he takes it away the exact reason i want my name to stay on the title peace of mind security the car is completely paid off and has no ties to a contract loan or dealership my grandparents loved me dearly even when they didn't exactly like me or the life i lead and this is the only thing any of my family has been able to do for me i don't want to fight my dad on this but it's looking like my only option i need that card to get a job so i can start school so i can start my life small backstory i have been diagnosed with cptsd from prolonged abuse as a child 13 year old neighbor kid i was 7 on top of having my family fall apart at 16 when my father was arrested for trafficking or across the internet i was not a victim of this along with constant emotional abuse from my mother and verbal and physical violence from my brother at one point in my life i was actually so terrified to be alone with my brother autism asperger's bipolar disorder borderline mentally invalid that i made up outlandish stories to get cps involved because my parents either didn't care or didn't believe me my parents treated my advantage the situation and everything that happened afterwards as a burden having cpstd means nothing to them ten years of in and out psychiatric institutions they still give no crap about how they affected as a child or throughout my life and as a result i'm only mentally functional for maybe a good eight hours and have to have heavy sedation to be able to sleep at night like a normal person and that knocks me out for 12 to 14 hours i can't just go out and get a job like someone mentally stable in my situation i can barely ride a bike to my friend's house and back less than two miles from my home without feeling like i'm physically dying this car is literally the last thing in my life that i'm holding on to it's the only hope i have and my dad's trying to sabotage that please any advice you could throw in my wake would be greatly appreciated tell your dad to freak off he's trying to control you and you're an adult now sort this out with your uncle don't speak to your father about this at all you could possibly receive the car as your inheritance and should ask your uncle about that how old are you 26. does the title say you and your grandfather or you or your grandfather what kind of agreement did you have to repay your grandfather where is the car now yes both names are on the title the agreement was to pay him a certain amount each month for the loan payments that he was making and my insurance through his policy i got behind we had worked it out verbally and i was catching up i honestly cannot at this point remember if anything was put in writing other than rules like no smoking no using a cell phone etc the car is currently sitting in my father's driveway my grandfather's residence before passing you missed the point of the question the title will either say end or it will say or between the two names the difference is important if it says end then it belongs in part to your grandfather's estate if it says or then it belongs to you now that he has passed although the financial interest in it may still have to be dealt with i see thank you for pointing that out as i did not know there was a difference i don't have my hands on the title but i'm working on getting a copy from the dealership updates on dad trying to take my car from 2017 so after all has been said and done i have my car back last year i got so tired of dealing with him that i gave the car back to him and told him to never speak to me again between my last post and now i got into a wreck and my father told me it might be a good idea oh okay not gonna say that my mental health obviously spiraled and what he said wrecked me for another two and a half years i had planned on taking him to court over the car and emotional damages but that is entirely unnecessary now my father passed on in april from covid his wife decided to sell it to my mother for a dollar so that she wasn't technically breaking her promise to him my mother has turned around and sold it to me for a dollar and as soon as the death certificate is in we will switch the title to my name i have my car and i don't owe that monster ten thousand dollars anymore thank you for the advice that was given on my previous post it was a huge help while the car was always in his name man i'm really great that it got solved like this but that was a emotional roller coaster my word i'm i'm really happy for op but i'm really sad along the way and that my condolences opie i really hope that everything's getting better for you posted by user baba duke duke titled manitoba canada my cousin lives in a basement suite his landlord has recently enacted a new rule in their home that states lights out by 10 pm which is enforced via circuit breakers to save on power and lowers landlords power bills except my cousin is paying for his own power as the title states my cousin is currently renting a basement suite in the house of an older gentleman who owns the property legally the renting situation is done by the book and follows the law to a t however three weeks ago my cousin received a notice stating that there will be a new addition to the rule that says lights out by 10 pm my cousin isn't overly bothered by this as he is usually in bed by 9 pm anyways and he can understand his elderly landlord wanting peace and quiet at night unfortunately he realized immediately when it first came into effect that this is enforced by the landlord by physically turning off the power to the whole house by use of the circuit breakers aside from the breakers for the refrigerators and refreezers this leads to a few problems 1. my cousin is unable to see where he is going when using the bathroom or getting water at night without the use of a flashlight or phone candles are forbidden in the basement suite 2. my cousin is unable to charge his phone overnight which is a major issue as he needs it for an alarm and worries about it dying leading him to potentially sleep in he can't even run an extension cord from the same socket as the fridge and freezer because he might blow the breaker and the new rule specifically states that extension cords are not permitted if they are going to be used to circumvent the rule 3. the landlord rarely turns on the power at the designated time of 8 am due to him either sleeping in going to church or just straight up forgetting this leads to craps showers and shaves in the dark no bathroom window and is generally an inconvenience my cousin pays for his own power and therefore he should be allowed to use his power as he sees fit instead he has to live with this situation because his landlord wants cheaper bills we both understand that this is a silly first world problem but he's tired of feeling like he's living the amish lifestyle and wants to know if there's any legal recourse he could take to find common ground with his landlord he isn't looking to sue the poor man he just wants to use his own power and is willing to make compromises so both of them are happy if he could just have the breaker for the bathroom lights and the one for his nightstand phone charger he would be a happy camper however his landlord refuses to budge does anyone have any ideas on how to approach this what kind of lawyer will he need in this situation thank you so much for taking the time to read this and offering advice it is greatly appreciated take care what the landlord is doing is illegal the landlord cannot interfere with essential services by this gov.mb california rule i don't believe he can legally insist on lights out by 10 pm either your cousin should report this as soon as possible to this website your cousin should phone the local police or rcmp if you don't have local police they should be able to get the power back on immediately for him no lawyer should be needed at all in this situation thank you so much for the advice i'll get these links to him and let him know what steps he can take to fix this he honestly doesn't want to get the man in trouble because he's apparently a very kind man who was simply lonely after losing his wife to cancer last year and started renting out the basements to help pay the bills and to also have company as he has no family left in the province they get along pretty well and they frequently have beers together outside by the fire pits and this whole power thing is the first hiccup in a decent enough living situation if anything he just wants to warn the landlord about which laws he's breaking so he doesn't get in trouble as the man has had enough crap go wrong in his life my cousin is going to try and get him to see reason and if that doesn't work he will unfortunately have to report him and let the law fix the problem this is why you never rent from family or friends you let things go on for longer than necessary until it inevitably turns into resentments anyways thank you once again for your help no matter what he needs to understand that he gets money and in return he rents out a part of his house that means he'll have to have something very specific that does not include having power over his tenant's life if he wants to have the lights out by any time whatsoever he'll need to stop renting if you sell an apple but only under the condition that you pissed on it first and the buyer still has to pay full price something wouldn't be right either whoa whoa is it not the duty of a good lawyer to help a client avoid such escalation when possible i mean i don't know that you're a lawyer i know i'm not though i've worked for several and op definitely isn't your clients but i think the principle is still valid here op's friends should first try talking to the landlord peacefully and politely fully acknowledging the landlord's concerns in the matter while advising him first of how it personally inconveniences the tenants and how it may also threaten the tenant's safety well-being and job and therefore ability to pay rent while also advising him that these measures and methods violate prevailing law that if something should happen to the tenant as a result a court would probably find summarily for the tenants and against the landlord for that reason and if it was something like stumbling in the dark and smashing something expensive it could be costly to the landlord the landlord doesn't seem like a jerk to me just kind of a hard-nosed doofus who probably just doesn't know better at least he should get the benefit of the doubt before resorting to calling in the cavalry it should be a last resort to rely on enforcement to solve problems whenever possible negotiation should be tried first i've gotten good results myself from just talking to people i will show them the prevailing law as a backup to my arguments but i very rarely had to actually use it or even threaten to this is a silly first world problem a first one problem would be his phone dying while trying to do snapchats being denied access to an essential service like power water health care etc is literally a third world problem people have mentioned potential illness on the landlord's parts but i would ask your cousin to look into the landlord's power bill cutting your total electricity in half is a big step to save money is this men having financial trouble is the power company gouging them due to some kind of change might be an avenue to look at elder abuse can often be financial and if his landlord is now scraping by your cousin may be able to report it on his behalf if it's just your cousin and the old man living in this house this is either a hostile act against your brother or maybe an early sign of dementia a call to whatever is your local adult protective services would not be a mistake having exclusive possession is a requirement of any valid tenancy meaning it grants the person renting and leasing freedom from any sorts of intrusion like the landlord randomly entering the premises to clean things up as well as from any onerous terms such as the one your cousin is facing particularly if it was not agreed upon on contracts see parole evidence rule there are definitely grounds for suit here i would speak to a lawyer if this doesn't work out harmoniously but i hope it does updates my cousin's landlord enacted a new rule that states lights out by 10 pm and is enforced by the landlord using the breakers to shut off all power despite my cousin paying for his own electricity so my cousin and i want to thank all of you for the incredible amount of advice and support that you have offered him he couldn't believe how many people cared and was touched by the very kind messages we've received by you fine folks thank you so much this situation was resolved rather quickly so thankfully it's all over now for the update my cousin is moving out this weekend he spoke to the landlord several times citing several laws he was breaking and how my cousin pays for his own power and therefore he shouldn't have his electricity shut off just because the landlord wants to save a few dollars also one of you messaged me to let me know that breakers aren't meant to be turned on enough frequently and that he's going to burn out all of his fuses if he continues the landlord refused to listen and told him he shouldn't believe everything he reads on the internet my cousin went ahead and printed out many comments from you folks as well as copies of the laws he was breaking and he told him that if he doesn't stop he would get authorities and lawyers involved needless to say the landlord did not like that one bit after an argument the landlord stated that my cousin should move out as he didn't trust him anymore question mark and my cousin was genuinely sad as he liked this man and had considered him a friend before all of this the landlord said that he will not change his mind no matter how hard my cousin fights it's and that it's best that he just moves out anyways the landlord told him that if he moves out he will just void the lease and return the rent he has paid up for june july and august as well as the security deposits all under the condition that he moves out by the end of the month and doesn't get lawyers or anybody else involved my cousin decided to cut his losses and move on luckily my cousin is a minimalist and has very little to pack and move he's going to be moving in with his girlfriend which he is very happy about and he will not be pursuing anything against the landlord as he got all of his money back about 3 000 and he doesn't have to deal with james ever again while my cousin didn't get the outcome he wanted he still got a pretty good deal he was planning on living with his girlfriend sometime in the future so this event just sped things along my cousin and i honestly feel bad for him as the man has gone through a lot and has had a pretty rough life still this doesn't excuse his behavior and nonsensical rules and that's it thank you all again for your help and support it was honestly overwhelming take care you beautiful people edits since i'm getting nasty messages i figured i should edit this to let everyone know that i have finally convinced my cousin to report him he will be reporting the moment he has moved out which is saturday we are also looking to get him help for his declining mental health also my cousin already received every dime owed to him in cash and received a revised contract stating that the lease was voided as of june 1st and that no further payments will be required there you go folks stop insulting my cousin and i got fired for discussing salary at work is there anything i can do i know it's a right of the employee to discuss this but i live in new caledonia sorry north carolina which is an at-will state so i don't know if i have any rights here are you a manager if not this directly violates the nlra and you can file a complaint with the nlrb i filed a complaint thank you what's the stipulation about being a manager not the same protection the nlrb only protects workers who are eligible to join a union management cannot be in unions ah okay thank you and galindin says it'll depend on whether or not you're in a management or supervisory role if not it is illegal for them to fire you for discussing your salary at will will not enter into it because regardless of at-will employment there is still things that an employer is not allowed to fire you for you cannot for example be fired for being a member of a protected class or in retaliation for doing a small number of protected activities discussing salary is one of those protected activities for non-management supervisory roles can you substantiate that this was the reason that you were fired can you get them to admit in writing that this was the reason that they fired you contact the nlrb and file a report for wrongful termination edits to add i did not mean to suggest that you shouldn't contact the nlrb if you don't have an admission in writing only that it would be pertinent information to include when you file the complaints and to suggest that it might make it easier to get resolved they fired me over the phone and in person the termination letter mentioned something about unprofessionalism in the workplace instead the only reason they gave was salary and there's nothing else i did there is no paper trail and i didn't know how to manage to create one you can still write down what they said the dates they said it and follow complaints i would man there's a lawyer somewhere and they are drooling and they have no idea why i didn't get fired but i almost got fired for the same reason looks like you've done the right thing and contacted the nlrb good the only advice i have to offer is don't feel bad and don't let up if crap gets heavy or your employer tried to convince you to not go through with it updates fired from my job for salary discussion in nc i posted back in february that i was fired from my job for discussing wages this subreddit told me to file a charge with nlrb they found merit in my case and i just got a settlement please please please even if you live in an at-will state do the tough work of charging the company you deserve to advocate for yourself posted by user 42k2 titled my roommate accuses me of stealing from her and says she will call the police if i don't let her search my room and go through my closets boxes and suitcases location washington dc so i'm an international student currently living in dc i had planned to return home right after my graduation in may but got stuck in the us due to the coronavirus lockdown but i hope to leave as soon as possible by july or august at the latest my university campus shut down in march and because i couldn't go home i moved into a short-term sublet until i can return home basically i'm living out of boxes and suitcases and have no desire of unpacking or settling down at this house i just want to go home as soon as i can relatable enter my housemate last week she told me that she was missing several items of clothing and some jewelry and thought i had taken them she asked to search my room alone open my boxes suitcases etc i refused because a she isn't my landlord b i felt that i had a reasonable expectation of privacy and c she couldn't even give me an exact inventory of the things i supposedly stole things were fine if awkward until yesterday when she entered my room without my permission while i wasn't there and tried to search through my things i caught her and told her in no uncertain terms to stay out now she says she will call the police if i don't consent to a search of everything i have so she can ensure i haven't stolen from her i am totally at my wit's end there's no way to lock my room door but i'm resorting to transferring my valuables into my suitcases and putting mini locks on them i'm looking for flights out of here now because this is really not a problem i needed what should i do should i let her search through my things does she have any standing to call the police if she does should i let them search through my things what if she claims something of mine is hers any advice is more than appreciated she can call in the unlikely event they show up and to want to search your things you can refuse consent for them to do so unless they have a warrant which isn't going to happen this and if you don't already you should have a lock on your door i worry that this is the kind of person that would go into your room when you weren't there and go through your things you can buy and install a handle with a lock and then switch it back when you move out thank you your comment really reassured me i'm trying to resolve it just on my own not a lawyer but i would suggest that you get a lock and a camera for your room in case she ever tries to plant something in your room or tries to claim something of yours or gets into your room without your permission i would also suggest documenting everything she says she's missing as well as documenting all your valuables in case she doesn't steal them or declare them to be hers thank you i'm looking into that option i didn't want to get a camera or anything because as i mentioned i'm living here for the very short term and haven't even unpacked she has no legal right to search your things the cops have no legal right to search your things without a search warrant which may not be a priority for them considering all the other activity in dc at the moment keeping your suitcases and anything else you can locked is a good idea if your room has a standard style door handle you can get a lockable handle that you could install easily with a screwdriver and then just swap that back when you leave it's a non-permanent modification so you shouldn't violate the lease by doing it look up lockable interior door handle on amazon or if you have access to transport you could go to home depot and pick one up there's one up by the rhode island avenue metro in ne and there's also one close by in virginia otherwise go screw yourself is a complete sentence and one i would probably using a lot when said roommate accused me of crap thank you the lockable handle is a great suggestion i just purchased one there is no apparent reason to believe what she's saying and unless she can articulate to police what is missing they would have no apparent reason to believe what she's seeing i don't think this person is interested in finding anything you've stolen it sounds more like she wants to steal things get a good lock and a camera per other comments updates my roommate accuses me of stealing so things have taken the wildest turns since i posted this those of you who suggested that she was actually planning to steal from me were completely right a day after i posted this as i was waiting on a camera to arrive i found her in my room again i was out getting groceries and came back earlier than expected and she had laid out a lot of my boxes on my bed some of my shoes were laid out on the bed and she was rooting through everything i asked her what she was doing and she said all this was proof i had stolen stuff from her i told her to get out and at this point saw no option but to call the non-emergency police line as well as my landlord and property manager a very kind police officer came by a bit later my roommate couldn't produce evidence of ownership of the things she was claiming while i had most of the receipts still intact he gave her a warning to stop but couldn't do much further since she hadn't yet stolen anything technically speaking i went to my room to lock up everything even marginally valuable into suitcases that night and that's when i started to realize i was missing a few things after all these are things that i had never even unpacked since moving in here so it didn't even occur to me before to check through those i made the decision to ask my roommate's permission to look through her room with her presents just for my peace of mind i felt bad for violating her privacy but i told her i was going to call the police again so they could search her room or she could return what she had taken she said she didn't take anything from me and how dare i accuse her etc but she allowed me to look through her room when i walked into her room i immediately knew she had been stealing from me because bizarrely her room was decorated with shopping bags and empty boxes i knew were taken from my room i think she took the bags because they were from high-end brands and she had put her own stuff in some of them and put them on display on her table vanity etc she had even put her old shoes in random shoe boxes taken from my room which was so strange i then asked to look in her closets where wedged behind all her clothes and things i found a cardboard panel underneath which was a bunch of my stuff including clothing and a jewelry box that i own i peeked under her bed and also found three of my purses there at this point she was getting hysterical so i snapped quick pictures of the stuff i found left the house and called the police and waited for them outside they took my statements asked me to send receipts of all my things and asked her to give a statement as well two days later they gave me back all my recovered belongings the police officer also informed me that she was selling several of my belongings on poshmark she had also swiped a timepiece i inherited from my grandfather though thankfully i don't think she ever realized its true value while she had it it's been a horrible few days i feel so stupid for not being more careful i've always had wonderful roommates so it was completely naive of me to blindly trust her too she claims to be living with a friend for now i was absolutely livid after everything but also tired of the whole saga i broke my lease two days ago and booked a flight home for the next week even though i know it's dangerous i thought that was mostly the end of it so i started focusing on getting ready to go home but then i got a call yesterday evening from a doctor's office asking to speak with me this woman turned out to be my housemate's psychiatrist who requested i listen in on the obsession briefly to hear more about what happened and why i honestly was very reluctant but also curious so i said i would give them 10 minutes of my time if she truly felt it would be beneficial for me to hear it i'm writing this update now having sat through those 10 minutes this morning my housemate basically said i deserved to know what had gone down these past few weeks said she has grown up with a lot of emotional and financial deprivation and owning some of my stuff made her feel more confident she said it helped her overcome her impostor syndrome and felt like we were on an equal footing over the past few weeks i frankly felt a lot of anger and felt like she wasn't taking responsibility for her actions a lot of what she also said sounded very coached and rehearsed and definitely didn't explain why she was selling my things online i told her that i hope she gets better but that i do not forgive her and told her never to contact me again unless absolutely necessary for the end of our tenancy anyway that's the end of the saga as far as i can tell i don't know what the police might do with all this info probably nothing i'm assuming but i'm just ready to put an end to this surreal state of affairs and go home now edits thanks to everyone for giving me advice on my original post and sharing with me the best of legal advice discussion on this update to which i was able to add some of my perspective some people commented and messaged that they don't care about my sob story due to mommy and daddy's money and that i should not exaggerate i am editing my post here to take out these specific details of what was stolen so people don't feel that i was only interested in flaunting material possessions actually too much info but my parents came from nothing so i'm not sorry for our family's money or for the great life they have given us my father came from a small village in a third world country where he studied hard to achieve what he did he was the breadwinner of his family since the age of 15. in his university years he was homeless my mother has a similar background i make no apologies for their success and the life they have given us access to posted by user toby bacoon titled found my car on a listing website soon after the insurance company told me it was being repaired what can i do so i found my ford fusion which was wrecked on a listing website soon after the insurance company told me the repair costs would be five thousand six hundred dollars just under totaling it via repair costs and i would be able to get it repaired which would take five days well i looked on the iaa lots website that they sent it to and they have it for sale they have cleared out my personal belongings and cleaned the car the vin matches and the key fob still has the key ring on it with my first name in bright blue what can i do if the lot has thrown away my personal belongings location tennessee report this to your adjuster first they may not know what's going on i've run into that in the past if your stuff is gone you'll have to file a claim with the insurance carrier of whoever got rid of your stuff which is likely the lot or shop if that claim is denied you'd move to small claims courts insurance adjuster here most auto insurance companies cover up to x dollars of stolen or damaged contents when part of a claim utilizing collision or comprehensive it is unlikely ops stolen possessions are covered under order and if they were they would almost certainly be subject to a deductible this would count under content's coverage for property insurance but we run into the same deductible problem and a property claim almost always affects rates it's probably not worth it for opie to file a claim i would definitely recommend a desk report with the police for a record and maybe small claims depending on the dollar figure and amount of effort op wants to put in wouldn't they be able to file small claims against the lot if it wasn't the insurance company that approved the sale and likely then planned to total it out for op since the lot was supposed to be repairing it actually removed the belongings without authorization for the owner they should be held responsible if the insurance didn't approve the sale and total out the car yeah this would definitely not be the same as if someone were to break into your car the business absolutely would be liable for anything removed from the car if they're trying to illegally sell and scrap it even if they decided to total it after the insurance company initially planned on having it repaired they have to let the owner retrieve their belongings and they need a signed title before they can do anything with it significant garage 9 says i would definitely screenshot everything call the insurance company asap and ask them what's going on don't wait for them to call you back immediately go to wherever your car is and get your personal belongings if your stuff is gone call the police make sure there is a report filed record everything if not video at least audio if the insurance company is paying to repair your car it definitely can't be sold auto claims manager here we need more info is this a tow yard salvage yard your vehicle was turned to after the accidents was it turned to an impound or tow yard after the accident and then to this facility like iaa or coparts is this the body shop that you took your car to is this a body shop they recommended is it possible the preliminary estimate was only five thousand six hundred dollars and once they did the tear down it increased the repair cost over the total loss threshold and now it has been moved to a salvage yard like copart or iaa is the listing you're seeing online or in one of these websites if the scenario i just laid it fits this is common and not out of the ordinary if your items were in your car when it arrived at copart or iaa they can allow you to pick them up or in some cases mail them to you unfortunately if your car was moved to a tow yard and impound right after the accident and then moved to kopat or iaa i would not be surprised at all if your stuff is gone now toe and impound yards are shady honestly your best bet is to call your insurance company first they will likely ask you the questions above have an explanation or b they will look into it most likely your personal belongings will not be covered unless you have an endorsement for personal items most policies do not include this hopefully your stuff is in a box at copart or a similar business the car was totaled without being notified until today 6 22 20. thank you for the wonderful advice still no word on the personal belongings though the car was taken to iaa to be inspected and their inspection added the damages up past what the car is worth and the op put in their updates kind of what was said just then the car was totaled without us being notified today on the 22nd of june 2020 thank you for all your wonderful advice still no word on the personal belongings though i hope at least some of the advice in this one helped if you guys ever find yourself in a similar situation posted by user johnson titled a 100 garth brooks ticket is turning into a 5 000 nightmare hello any advice on what i should do this is regarding tickets to the upcoming garth brooks drive-in concert this is the email i sent encore live which is the promoter on friday at 10 am cst i got in line for tickets for the mchenry illinois location through ticketmaster at 11 am i went into the queue and around 11 30 am i was let in after selecting one tickets i entered my credit card information and submitted it after a few seconds it said they couldn't process the payments i tried again after several attempts with two different cards my wife called and said our credit card company called her regarding a fraud warning she approved and said to resubmit we did this a few more times knowing that there were over 300 000 in line to get tickets from garth's tweet and if i restarted i would never get the tickets we eventually gave up notes on the universe website where ticketmaster took us under why did my payment fail it said notes if your payment has failed we recommend trying again and if you still cannot book try with a different card that part was removed saturday morning around 7am but i do have a screencap of the original about 20 minutes later i received an email confirmation with an attached pdf tickets they kept coming in and by 1 pm cst i had 16 tickets and was charged 1 600 never once did it say the transaction went through now to put this in perspective i'm a dad of twin three-year-olds who is just getting back to normal life we cannot afford 1 600 period i tried reaching out to ticketmaster and universe but there were no numbers listed and my only way to do this was via twitter i had no luck reaching anyone tried dms and tweets with them i was panicking and i knew i needed to get rid of these tickets asap i did not want to come home and explain to my wife why we owed one thousand six hundred dollars so i listed 14 tickets on stubhub at 200 each didn't know what the fees associated with stubhub were and wanted to do the best i could to recoup the costs by 5 15 pm i had sold all 14 after fees it was just about 2 000 which has not been collected i started seeing things on twitter that there was an error and that there would be a new sale on saturday still no emails about the excess charges by anyone at 9 15 i started receiving emails about my tickets being cancelled and void again no other email call or anything prior at 8am on saturday i got an apology email from universe and at 9am i received my one tickets i've been on the phone with stubhub all day and what they say is i sold ga tickets and am responsible to provide those tickets to the buyers here's the big issue besides the lack of communication i had 16 tickets and was charged 1 600 refund within the next two weeks i could see the issue if i bought one and is awarded 16 but i was sent 16 tickets and was charged 1 600 now with the show being sold out i have to look on stubhub to provide the other 14 buyers with tickets currently that will be around four thousand five hundred to five thousand dollars i plan to use that one ticket that i was sent back in short a one hundred dollar garth brooks ticket turned into a five thousand dollar nightmare this stinks i was a big garth fan any advice you'll get the farthest treating this as a customer service problem here is the executive contact information for ticketmaster and here is the executive contact information for stubhub the frontline customer service folks are just going to read a script and or transfer you to no one you need to get this complaint in front of someone with access to the power to fix it and i'm sure you guys can find this one if you look on the r legal advice subreddits and if you just go to those ones and look for their executive numbers thank you for this so frustrating when all i hear on the phone is well i talk to my lead thank you i've seen similar issues pop up on the site that i linked they have their own forums and can probably help in drafting exactly what to say the best thing to do is remain polite and concise i always always recommend a chronological bullet list remember the people reading these look at them all day they're in the best position to help if their eyes aren't watering from reading a four-page complaint letter i just want to say thanks for this already received a reply from one of them that was very sincere i've been through a lot this weekend but his email gave me some hope thank you anytime you have a problem with the purchase you made with a credit card you still need to call your credit card company and immediately dispute the transaction in this situation i'd explain there was a system error and i was charged multiple times for a single tickets i should have paid two hundred dollars but was charged in total one thousand six hundred dollars i would also explain i was sent 16 tickets but only wanted two believe me when i say companies are real quick about solving these types of problems when the credit card company claws back the funds for the purchase the company will then need to make it right in order for them to get paid also what friday was this if this was literally three days ago friday i wouldn't worry about it yet the transactions might appear pending on the account which is normal what most likely will happen is the transactions will never post to the accounts and if they do simply file a claim through the card issuer completely common situation except that he did worry about it which is why he proceeded to sell the excess tickets although ticketmaster has acknowledged the mistake and cancelled the excess of the 16 tickets he already sold them on stubhub who are now telling him that the mistake doesn't matter he has to provide the 14 tickets hence why he's asking for advice on what his legal options are why the heck would you buy them new tickets instead of just refunding them their order that's what i said but stubhub said i had to or i'll incur a big penalty thought about just cancelling my card associated with stubhub cancel all the orders then ride this out but wife's not sure that's good either also i tried calling stubhub saturday morning to cancel so they could try and get tickets through ticketmaster but again no per company policy they will charge you the cost of the tickets plus a 40 fee using the credit card info you gave them stubhub does not care about the seller a less upstanding individual would probably cancel the card claiming fraud and get permanently banned from stubhub but then they could take legal action if for some reason they had spare lawyers with nothing better to do never sell things you don't have the bank calling you was a huge warning but he did have them when he sold them which i don't understand either why did they cancel them but have no communication you know that's that would give me a heart attack being in this situation i would have a heart attack to the moon and back especially with that many kids this is the kind of situation you have like fever dreams about this is like nightmares that wake you up with a shaky like oh god was it real god damn it your heart's like pumping out of your chest and you're like oh stubhubs out to kill me they've got my number they're sending assassins my way updates everything has been resolved both ticketmaster and stubhub were very polite and helped find a resolution early this afternoon lesson learned don't panic and throw tickets onto a third-party reseller without talking to credit card company and ticking company lesson two learns don't take these customer service issues directly to the 800 phone centers wait for the work week and contact someone in management to all my friends in low places i am grateful for the support and suggestions thanks r slash legal advice my landlord is requiring that i provide them with medical records proving that my wife and i tested negative for covert 19 or we will be evicted in 30 days is this legal usa mo unless this is in your lease you could not be evicted for this reason you can tell him no if you're month to month he can end your tenancy with proper notice for this reason though and what would he do anyway if you were positive people are going to get it we have until december on our one year lease we did tell them no and they told us we will have to leave in 30 days if we do not produce our medical records he's blowing smoke he can't evict you for this but if you actually get served with a court date you should go because who knows what lies he might come up with will do if you haven't already gotten him to put that request in writing i would do so that way if he tries to make up other reasons you can show this is actually what it was about are you currently under a fixed term lease or your month to month tenants one year lease we have until december 2020. then no presumably you're legally entitled to live there abiding by the written lease until december 2020 does your lease say anything about the landlord's ability to terminate the lease early what kind of rental setup is this do you live with the landlord or do you have exclusive use of some units so in terms of lease early yeah but it's stuff like if we're convicted of a violent crime or drugs and that kind of thing which when not then it does not appear as if your landlord can introduce new terms into the lease such as being evicted for failing to produce a negative covert test if you are evicted show up in court on your court date and you can inform the judge that your lease does not specify that you can be evicted for failing to produce a negative covered test soda k dave says i'll add to the great advice here with some steps you should take first get a copy of your lease and make multiple copies store some copies in an easily accessible location that is not your apartment one copy in your vehicle one at a relative's house one in a safe deposit box etc you may need this in case the landlord performs an illegal self-help eviction it'll show proof that you're on an active current lease if this happens call the police you can also look for some local landlord tenant organizations and see if they provide any legal assistance or spend some money to have an attorney write a letter to your landlord that the request does not comply with the terms of the lease and is not a cause of action to break the lease it'll put your landlord on notice that you are well aware of your rights and are prepared to pursue those rights lastly looking for places to move when your lease expires regardless of the legality in this instance your landlord may very well decline to renew the lease when it does expire and honestly do you really want to continue living there after this just for the sea says not a lawyer but do not under any circumstances share your medical records he has no legal standing here and cannot require them of you the advice you're already given is solid please make copies of your lease and store them in multiple places the ask is so strange a are you not allowed to get sick ever do you need to report every time you get a cold what does any illness have to do with where you live b that requirement is absurd you could test negative and then get it the very next day how far will this requirement go how often will they require you to perform this invasion of privacy it's absurd and you should not adhere to the lunacy of that request op replies they were doing quarterly inspections we told them we were self-quarantined due to finding out my in-laws had a confirmed case and we wanted to make sure that we didn't have it so we self quarantined and waited for test results we tested negative so we told the property manager and now her bosses want copies of our medical records as proof did you refuse them access during their quarterly inspections does the landlord have any other arguments to evict you an argument that might be stronger than the covert arguments nope we just told them they might want to wear a mask and gloves nothing else never been late or missed any payments then yeah they can't ask that of you you notified them that you had been exposed and that they may want to make precautions before entering they cannot ask you for your medical records updates my landlord is requiring that i provide them with medical records proving that my wife and i tested negative for covered 19 or we will be evicted in 30 days is this legal so my wife and i refused to provide our landlord with any medical records and she backed down completely and acknowledged that asking for them was illegal the gist of what she said was oh oh i didn't know i couldn't do that here is the text message response we got from her apparently there was a misunderstanding between her and i i emailed her yesterday after i talked to you and told her what you said and asked her to call you she told me that she did not say that she said you were correct it is illegal to give you a 30 day notice to vacate if you do not produce a written negative covert 19 test results my apologies she said she was going to call you i can give you the head corporate phone number if you would like to make a formal complaint to the company it is blank okay thank you that is the number i gave her okay well i didn't get a phone call but it's fine we will be filing a complaint with corporates but i doubt anything will come of it we plan to leave here as soon as the lease is up and i honestly don't blame them posted by 22 and angry relatable titled cross post ppp legal advice boss says i owe 300 labor hours long story my industry was toast during the stay at home order i was fortunate to work for a company that got a pbp grant i was able to work some during that time but nowhere near the normal 40-hour workweek because ppp i was paid more than i typically would be on an hourly basis my boss is now saying i owe 300 hours of labor for which i have already been paid for looking for a law professional to help me navigate this i'm hoping to officially resign from this company shortly but on good terms so your employer like many have paid you wages during slow times to earn forgiveness for their ppp loan what is their basis for you owing hours or wages and what do they propose as a solution i am hoping to officially resign from this company shortly but on good terms i would do the former but don't expect the latter this ppp thing is a mess it shouldn't impact employees directly and now that congress has extended from 8 weeks to 24 weeks there is no reason to fatten the calf so to speak you were paid you owe nothing if your boss claims they accidentally overpaid you then they can take that money back but it also messes up their forgiveness and it sounds like it wasn't accidental you do not owe anyone labor updates tien now formal employer says i owe either 6 000 or 300 hours of labor i had my exit interview on monday it was very respectful and pleasant until the end when the other person attending the interview leaves the room and the owner my boss says so you have two options with where you stand on ppp with me you can write me a check for six thousand dollars or work cleaning the office until you've worked 300 hours i was a project manager so this whole thing felt like a power move i was stunned i replied with i'm not able to answer that without at least speaking to my husband and left turns out she had had this same conversation with all the employees that have quit because they aren't getting paid and can't make rent or buy groceries i have been in touch with the sba tn department of labor and done initial interviews with attorneys edits i do not plan on pursuing this unless she comes for me if she does choose to pursue this then i hope to have my legal obligations clearly represented by a professional posted by user bubble sorted titled working uncompensated over time while making less than california over time exemption salary i work as a software engineer for a tech company in california i just learned that there's a minimum amount computer professionals need to be paid in order to be exempt from overtime requirements i am salaried and looking at the history of minimum salaries have been paid at a rate of a bit lower say a few thousand dollars than the required minimum during busy times i work overtime 10 to 16 hour days 5 days a week without any extra compensation however i do have benefits like 401k matching and health insurance and i did receive a bonus that puts me over the minimum for a year of work though i received it a few months after the year was over i haven't been able to find the details of what contributes to the minimum pay are things like bonuses in 401k matching included i don't think the caveats on who qualifies as a computer software employee c4.b apply to me i'm not a trainee or a computer repair person for example my company is very above board though so it seems likely that i am misunderstanding the law i would appreciate being pointed to any resources that can help me understand it better how many employees does your employer have and what is your minimum salary there's a resource here by shrm.org resources and tools legal and compliance state and local updates yada yada california rp says i would guess a few thousand employees i'm not sure what you mean by my minimum salary thank you for the link though it seems to be about general overtime exemption and not the computer professional exemption at it according to this my minimum salary to be exempt from overtime should be thousand seven hundred ninety dollars and seven cents is that what you're asking no sorry i meant what is your salary i don't know why i wrote minimum ah got it my salary has been five to ten k below each year's minimum to be exempt you can contact the district office for your location to make a complaint and there's another link for it there's been a lot of links in this episode so what contributes to the minimum pay just base salary for example in 2018 your employer needs to pay you at least 43.58 per hour 7565 per month if your base salary is less than that you cannot currently be considered exempt on the basis of your work as a computer software employee however if you have management or administrative responsibilities your employer might have grounds to classify you under one of those exemption categories instead if you think you've been underpaid your first order of business should be to write a clear summary of what you think the underpayment was and ask nicely to be paid the difference being polite often works if that fails you could submit a wage claim with the california department of labor the general statute of limitations for wage claims in california is three years you can ask for back pay farther back than that and your employer might even pay you but they aren't legally required to do so updates working uncompensated overtime while making less than california overtime exemption salary after my original post and thank you for the minor comment maker and mishni i contacted hr and asked for clarification on why we were making below the minimum for exempt software employees despite being classified exempt and working huge amounts of overtime they pretty quickly acknowledge it was a mistake and everyone on our team who was affected either got back pay and their current pay adjusted as if they'd started at the required salary or was asked to recreate how much overtime they'd worked and were paid for it i later heard other teams in the company made the same changes it wasn't completely positive some contractors were laid off presumably because of the increased cost of paying the employees that's a yikes posted by user adesha 45 titled 24 hour fitness closed all utah locations and transferred read sold our membership information billing information etc to another gym without consent isn't that illegal so i'm wondering if and what can be done about the fact that when 24-hour fitness closed out gyms in utah they transferred our membership information date of birth address email phone billing info and card numbers to vaser fitness or vasa fitness i received no communication beforehand that would have allowed me to prevent this from happening just that it was this doesn't seem right or legal florida mcgee says it's probably in your agreement that they can do this which if that is the case you already agreed to it the only thing that seems like it allows them is there is a statement that says they can change the terms of the agreement at any time and will notify members by reasonable means but isn't there some sort of consumer protection that prevents companies from selling information i feel like that crosses a line in terms of a gym sale it is reasonable to provide certain information about their client list and client information to the company taking over the gym but my billing information too yes the new company is now responsible for billing you for the gym services i guess to be honest i'm just frustrated over the lack of communication from either gym over this we were told june 13th that all the 24-hour gyms were closing and our memberships were being transferred on the 17th of june four days and then we received no communication from vaser or from 24 on how to opt out or what our options would be turns out they're charging us our old fee from 24 hours which is more expensive than what regular vaser members pay it's just frustrating all rounds so mostly just annoyed and trying to understand how it's justified from a company perspective and legal perspective i get that and i'm sorry you're dealing with this unfortunately in these times i feel like many businesses may be bought or transfer ownership and in order to have the most seamless transition i believe many business sales are done quietly it's crappy when you're a client that is left out of the loop i would approach them kindly and ask if you can pay them the same amount advisor members would pay or see if there is any type of concession that can be made the least they can say is no i'm sure they don't want to lose their new clients either 24 hour fitness declared bankruptcy earlier this year this is likely their attempt to honor the terms of your membership agreement when they cannot provide the same club to you they may be transferring his account to another gym so they can provide the same service without him going through the whole application process again as long as he's not getting charged extra or having to extend his contract for the new gym i don't really see a problem with this or edit slash updates i think i mostly wrote this with some initial frustration with my membership being transferred and essentially being forced into a contract with a different company when i initially spoke with vasa about how i felt i was paying too much paying 11 more for the same service as their original customers they essentially told me too bad i've since spoken with some customer service who are getting me the lower price unfortunately this is the only real gym option in my area also i appreciate those who have pointed out that this is very common i was unaware and it was great to learn about it posted by user rev vegas titled friend has a pregnant crazy ex-girlfriend and he wants to be part of his daughter's life we're in virginia and i have a good friend who has a baby jew in june he desperately wants to be a part of his daughter's life and is a kind-hearted wonderful person his problem is his ex-girlfriends once she became pregnant it was like a crazy switch went on from what i've heard she has been emotionally abusing him throughout the whole of their relationship he doesn't recognize it though and he still has feelings for her when she became pregnant she started physically abusing him he even showed me a picture of a bite mark from her they were living together and he was paying all living expenses because she got herself fried from her job and never went looking for another one right now she's living off student loans and money from her parents although he occasionally drops off a bag of dog food for the dogs and just leaves it on the front porch she doesn't ask for this he just wants to help out and that's the only thing he thinks she won't destroy if he leaves for her on christmas eve she kicked him out of the house huge fights told him to leave so he did went and spent christmas with his family stayed in contact with her eventually came back she liked having the bed to herself while she was gone and said he could stay but had to stay in the guest room and basically just not interact with her he obliged for a little while but when he started trying to patch up their relationship she blew up at him again and kicked him out again this time he decided to stay gone he still wanted to try and patch things up between them and tried to take her on dates and bring back the good in their relationship she shut that down pretty fast after a couple of dates the closer she gets to the due date the more competitive she becomes she is currently threatening to get a restraining order if he or anyone in his family asks how she is doing and if she needs any help financial or otherwise even if they only contact her family and not her directly she also claims he was verbally and physically abusive and has convinced her family that he was by the way all of these claims have been made since she kicked him out the last time he doesn't have loads of money to go out and get the best lawyers and such so he's trying to do a lot of this research on his own so he does everything right and sets himself up well before he starts paying for a lawyer he also knows he will need a paternity test but is 99.99 sure the baby is his at this point he has no contact with his ex she has blocked him and is worried he won't even know when the baby is born here is my question how much of a legal battle does he have ahead of him to gain some form of custody and what can he do in the meantime to help his chances once the baby is born he can get an order for a paternity test and then get caught ordered visitation he's not going to get custody of a newborn right away unless the mother is completely unfit she isn't unfit she's just questionable apparently there are some things on the house that are falling apart and she won't call the landlord to fix them because she has four dogs and she is only supposed to have two he might terminate the lease like there's a hole on the floor in the kitchen and a few other little things is he on the lease i don't think so she was living there already and he moved in with her first step he should get on the putative father registry to make sure he gets notified if she tries to put the kiddo up for adoption or anything like that in regards to the legal battle little if he does what's right he should focus on the kiddo not the ex it can be emotionally hard for a father to not have the details leading up to the birth but legally she's not required to share them he needs to respect her wishes and wait to the birth to file to establish paternity and seek his custodial rights the only thing that can hurt him is if she's able to show a pattern of abuse by him onto her update friend with daughter that he couldn't find any information about so my friend didn't know when his daughter was born and after months of working overtime he was able to afford a lawyer and took the ex to courts wound up with a verbal agreement that he could see his daughter and met her for the first time when she was about six months old he wasn't happy with how little he got to see her which was like one times a month if that and kept working overtime to pay for another court date this time he was guaranteed three times a week visit for an hour and the whole of sunday she actually was allowing this but still being a [ __ ] well he kept working and he and his lawyer took her to court again for custody yesterday after six hours in court he won primary custody and he picked his daughter up today she's now about 14 months old and will be cared for by an honest hard-working man with a supportive family structure instead of a lying abusive woman who can't even support herself i am beyond happy for him and wanted to share this update with everyone because everyone loves a good update i really hope you guys did enjoy that one that's an amazing update you don't always see them on legal advice but i'm glad that we got that one the most insane hoa let me set the scene for you a little before i get into the actual transgressions that i need to complain about this is going to be a rant because i just need to tell some people about this i live in a pretty nice middle class neighborhood basically right outside of a large city in the western united states it's a quote-unquote newer neighborhood in the grand scheme of things and more houses are only just being built evidenced by an unfinished cul-de-sac down the street from me there is a big old lake that sits in the middle of the whole thing where recreational activities occur a small shop-and-go store and a bar those are the only three things that i would guess separate us from just being a purely residential area now we obviously have an hoa or i would not be here to complain said hoa is mandatory to join and i was happy to do so as there were no regular monthly fees which is something i have never experienced before i thought that was a little strange but soon found out why they have set it up that way the head of our hoa is an absolutely psycho person if he dealt massive quantities of cocaine and had murdered multiple people i would not be surprised in the slightest if you simply have your trash out in a slightly askew manner he will find you ten dollars i am not joking it is the most petty crap i have ever experienced i have received multiple ten dollar fines for supposed rule violations he's the type of person that drives a gigantic lifted truck because he's obviously compensating for something he open carries firearms he wears flip-flops literally everywhere he goes even in the winter he once tried to pull over an actual police officer and detained them for supposed speeding him and the rest of his hoa buddies who were all friends due to having a kid around the same age all hang out in the aforementioned bar literally every single night like there's some sort of biker club and not a discount neighborhood watch one day i had the audacity to question their fighting methods at the bi-monthly neighborhood meeting and i was met with accusations that i must be a russian because this is how we do things here i am living surrounded by insane people this is not normal behavior correct i am not going insane right screw the hoa one word audits publicly call for an audit of those fines if the amount of fines don't add up this guy is pocketing the small little ones that he dishes out which is illegal glad you're here to state the obvious guy join the board get some friends to join the board too this person has no more authority than anyone else except what the ownership has given him this is what is underrated carrying it up you're simply running on the basis that you have received x fines for trash as skew so you would like to add to this first action look up mothers against drunk drivers obviously if the bar is the chosen location to meet nothing against it but you will personally call the police for speeding and public drunkenness if the people so much as think about driving from the bar i mean for an average citizen it should be excusable but for an hoa person if you come into contact with the ccr that is violated hold an official board meeting where you detail why this is illegal and why this can land people in jail invite a lawyer have questions like so if this gets put down without any change it's an automatic lawsuit right do you do pro bono work lobby for a noise ordinance publicly call it a micro penis truck that is what the kids call it today right anyways my croppiness trucks are nice and dull but if they are over a certain amount of decibels they should just receive fines for every day of operation the idea is most hoas are bone dry and can easily be captured by yourself and a handful of friends the hoa terrorist is living proof of that so dress up in your best stepford wife outfit put on those pills and go apply for the board because you are a concerned woman getting a karen haircut is obligatory i feel for you but this is one of the greatest stories i've read in a long time opie replies i have a handful more that would probably take another four posts to lay out and have only been living in this community for a little over a year i didn't even add that he loves to ride around on his orange atv which he has somehow made street legal he decided to explain to me how he did that unprompted and now it sounds like an angry swarm of bees is flying around our streets he may have told you his atv is street legal but i'd suspect his unprompted explanation is so people won't think they can report him to l.e i'd call it in any way anonymously or at least stress to ellie that your anonymity is crucial worst thing that happens is they look him over and don't sight him if you haven't already i'd set up indoor security cams that cover your exterior posted by user stalin plus love titled hoa unfairly finds my aunt for not shoveling her sidewalk note this was written five months ago since it's winter in the northern hemisphere and we're getting our fair share of snow i have a story from my aunt my aunt lives in a gated community in the pacific northwest she's at a higher altitude so she gets a bit of snow she's a nice lady very active and always helps other people her hoa is a drinking club as she describes them have a whole bunch of rules some totally ridiculous heavily enforced and always changing usually when rules are changed they get posted on some online community bulletin board from the days of dialogue also they like to find and shame people my aunt never attended meetings because she has no time for drinking and cigarettes as per usual with a lot of bylaws you have to clear the sidewalk in front of your house of snow and dice my aunt being the woman she is and living in a 55 plus community she always shovels her walk and salts it for ice a couple years ago there was a heavier than usual snowfall maybe over 20 inches in the higher elevations with some warm days then freezing temperatures for a few days after so first snowfall she gets up early and shovels her sidewalk and her walk and sprinkles down some salt it snows a few inches more so in the later afternoon she shovels the walk again and decides to salt again she literally said she tossed a few handfuls of salt and the neighbor across the street comes running out demanding she stops salting and it's a violation of hoa rules whatever crap it seems that a no salt rule was added to their book of the great hoa rules reasoning is that salt crystals are unsightly and posted on the unusable online bulletin board from 1999 which at this point the online bulletin board had been replaced by an under maintenance error page for the past few months so there was no way the drunken hoa rule changes could be relayed to the commoners well my aunt apologizes gets a warning for the first time she salted and a second for the handful of salt she applied in the second salting and then gets another warning for not properly clearing the sidewalk well my aunt left maybe a strip about two to three inches for about two feet on the edge of her sidewalk which wasn't properly cleared of snow not a big deal she made an excellent effort but the hoa neighbor didn't think so next violation would be a fine also she had to clean up all the rock salt with a broom my aunt ended up getting the new hoa rules in writing from the hoa neighbor which she read over and realized they only stated salt in the sidewalk no shoveling rule but nothing that blue salt-free ice melts also was stated is that the sidewalk should stay free of ice at all times also she read a bit deeper to learn that street and sidewalk cleaning is covered by the hoa twice a year or is needed instead of risking hoa wrath of fines and some public shaming because now it's near impossible to prevent the sidewalk from freezing up she decides she will challenge the vodka-induced reasoning of the hoa and will use the blue non-salt ice melts to keep her sidewalk eyes free the next day after an overnight snowfall she heads to the local hardware store to buy some blue non-salt eye smells strikes up a conversation with the shop owner about her issue who recommends these blue ice melting pellets and throws in a bag of clay kitty litter on the house so she can stick it to them idiots that afternoon the temp rises just above freezing and there is a heavy wet snowfall of a few inches which hits the ground wet melts and re-freezes when temperatures go below freezing at night time so instead of risking having a skating rink for a sidewalk she clears the wet snow and then dumps a bunch of these blue ice melting pellets and a whole bunch of kitty litter overnight it freezes and the next day she has the most ice-free sidewalk in all of the neighborhood and it's covered in ice melt pellets well it rains that day and her use of kitty litter and blue ice melt pellets don't go unnoticed by the hoa neighbor that afternoon she is fined by the hoa officer in charge of fines for breaking rule hashtag vodka section stale cigarette smoke she seems nothing wrong the road is salted and sanded and looks like a mess so her sidewalk doesn't look too bad or blue and gray speckled and dice free then she gets a notice to clean up the salt which she ignores because it's not salt she is using to de-ice her sidewalk but blue salt-free ice-melt pellets and clay kitty litter then that day it rained then froze and continued to rain then snow causing everything to be covered in ice and snow the next morning it was a disaster my aunt cleared the snow from her sidewalk and applied more blue pellets and kitty litter which wasn't a task because luckily she already had applied so much that there was already no ice on her sidewalk or snow everyone else in the neighborhood had to chip the under layer of ice after they risked a horrific fall while clearing the top layer of snow she then was fined again while the neighbors had to actually walk in the messy street in some parts because sidewalks in some spots were unwalkable warnings and fines were given to other unsuspecting neighbors who couldn't attend the hoa boos meetings and had mistakenly used salt or had not chipped and cleared all the sidewalk ice in an acceptable amount of time the next few days were blue skies and below freezing with ice everywhere sidewalks had been shipped but iced up over time with a thin layer of slick ice called black ice people were folding and my aunt now had a couple rogue neighbors using all types of non-salt ice melts one guy made a solution of brine and molasses which he sprayed on and got great results others used sand brine non-salt ice melters and even 15 gallons of wine which turned to vinegar was applied the hoa's alcohol consumption probably increased as the officer fell on a patch of black ice out front of his home breaking his elbow while returning from delivering fines warnings and general nastiness eventually the weather returns to above freezing levels and rain which washed away all the various ice-melting substances the rogue neighbors gathered at my aunt's house enjoying tea and snacks amongst them was the man who used brian and molasses who happened to have a license to practice law and was retired with nothing else better to do than to ruin the drunk useless hoa at the next meeting he then invited himself to the next meeting with a file folder of all the fines and warnings with a statement of dispute for each one also brought his tablet to prove the online bulletin board wasn't working which helped the case that the hoa wasn't providing proper means of communication to the residents which meant the residents could sign a petition to fire the standing hoa members and appoint an intern hoa till the election my aunt was appointed treasurer found the previous regime spent hoa funds at liquor store the retired lawyer president who then went after the previous hoa for funds spent on booze and they all lived happily ever after the end kyanite says a good story and well told plus one op replies i actually phoned my aunt and got her to tell me the story in great detail she enjoys it and still holds the treasury position she said the hoa only really organizes neighborhood improvement projects and neighborhood events most of the stupid rules are gone and they haven't find anybody since they took over she said the hoa christmas party was a blast and they now spray all the sidewalks with an environmentally friendly anti-ice solution of calcium carbonate and molasses that's awesome i'm so happy to hear someone's hoa nightmare had a happy ending i'm afraid mine is going to put a lien on my house right now because i can't find someone to repave my driveway and it has a hole that i can't fill in because the drain for the sick surrounding houses is in my driveway so all of the water flows into it so i can't just paint this stuff on like i usually do and it's been raining just about every day plus i don't think i'm supposed to do my driveway without getting permission from the department of water management due to said drain which may be why no one will do my driveway i'm just really frustrated and i have a chronic pain condition so i can literally do about one thing a week i need to find the disgruntled about the hoa lawyer in my neighborhood lol there must be one there are like 15 000 houses in my hoa gypsy ganeski says salt should be banned because it's bad for the sidewalk and dangerous for dogs to walk on not because it's unsightly salt-free ice melt should be encouraged no matter how bad it looks salt is salt not particularly harmful to dogs now it getting stuck to their pores and causing them out to re-freeze is a problem also not only a problem only for salts most salt-free ice melt however is extremely harmful to dogs you need to make sure to get specifically pet-friendly ice melts they do make something called doggy booties starting at around four dollars google doggy booties and the view the shopping tab petsmart carries them among other dealers your woofer will love them and you'll love the dog's reaction when they first wear them back in the day 50 plus years ago we had a female boxer winter came we bundled her up well used old baby shoes for her feet older siblings swiped my jacket to keep her warm walked her down the street and passed a local gas station the owner was on the phone and his jaw dropped as he turned to follow my sis and our boxer leo hat says also some places in the pacific northwest ban the use of salt because of the runoff into the streams i know that w dot wasn't allowed to use salt until major snow events completely shut down the seattle metro area for like three days i can't remember the year but it was the same year that mayor nichols ordered the city's snow removal departments to clear the roads to his house before the rest of the city posted by user nerdlover2528 titled you want the hoa to enforce the rules i live in a small subdivision that has an hoa you've all heard horror stories about hoas but this one is actually really relaxed in the compliance department the hoa is still ran by the developer and the management is outsourced to a third party company so no head of the hoa karen that lives in the neighborhood constantly monitoring everything we do however have a private facebook neighborhood group my neighbor is a complainer he always complains about the ineffective hoa because people have installed sheds and above ground pools while all these things are discouraged they are allowed with the arc approval basically email the management company a modification request with the specs and pictures and they approve it so all the stuff he is complaining about has been likely approved by the hoa management company i don't think my neighbor is aware of this because he complains about it every few months like clockwork so earlier this month i noticed my neighbor and a few other houses in my neighborhood had put out political yard signs in their yards according to the hoa covenants this is prohibited and there is no approval process it's just not allowed so i emailed the guy at the management company that handles our hoa to let him know he emailed everyone that day to remind them that yard signs are prohibited and gave everyone seven days to remove them before they get a violation my neighbor posted last week about receiving a violation in the mail he was ticked but hey he wanted an effective hoa rights posted by user chinamax 123 titled secret board meetings and hoa ignoring ccrs and replacing them with fines for 20 years the old hoa board just let people park on the streets because there's not enough parking but new boarders making up rules and fines instead of following ccrs and having board meetings in secrets and forcing a meeting of members when it's currently a misdemeanor to meet in groups due to covert in wa state i have already written a cease and desist and a demand for all the fears to be refunded to owners they don't care i'm not rich enough to hire an attorney i need help asap whatever you know to help i'm all ears yeah no this is attorney territory this is the kind of stuff lawyers live for i can guarantee that they would take this case maybe get a group of homeowners in the hoa together to help pay for a lawyer i wonder if a lawyer would work on contingency or a public attorney since we have wa state laws that govern as well well you could ask i do have one other suggestion though document all the things emails paperwork phone calls and text messages all of these will help get a copy of the ccr's as well if you have proof they won't be able to do shifts against you lawyers will only work for a percentage if they think they'll recover money but if you sue the hoa with intent of getting money you're literally just suing yourself and they'll just raise assessments on you to fill that hole much better to just pay someone to send the cease and desist letters citing where they are blatantly breaking the law and violating contracts hoas operate under contract law more than anything else much much better to start collecting evidence of their malfeasance to show your neighbors so you can gather the vote necessary to get rid of the hoa board hma meetings literally cannot legally be secret they have to be open to the public by which i mean the people paying dues because i've been shouted at before by shills and day halls about how hoa meetings totally aren't open to the general public duh freak nuts we aren't talking about the general public here they have to keep records of meetings they have to provide those records on request they cannot just enforce rules that aren't in the docks etc etc etc hard to vote if the meeting's a secret and there is no ballots hoas are legally required to do that stuff but that's not the same as they can't do that they obviously are doing it carcamouth78 says if i had to hazard a guess i'd bet your hoa is breaking a number of laws while some states allow working board members it's relatively new not every state allows it and your 20 plus year old is definitely too old to have it included look for a section that discusses meetings notice and quorum if the board is ignoring what's written absolutely everything they're doing is illegal for example i had to post a 30-day notice for board meetings for an association meeting i had to give 90 days notice by mail and post a 3x5 notice at the entrances the cc and bylaws can't be superseded by rules again there might be language that explains how rules are added or they might not if it doesn't appear you'll have to look into state law either way adding anything requires notice an association vote and opportunity to contest your best bet is to get together with neighbors and chip in to hire a lawyer you could try to pull off an emergency votes to replace the board but you'll need to put in a lot of work find volunteers equally willing and you'll still probably wind up in court breakfast beers says boards are typically allowed to make additional rules and regulations so long as they aren't in conflict with the ccrs also board meetings are also typically held without notifying members in fact most ccrs explicitly state that members aren't even permitted at the board meetings unless explicitly invited nothing you've described here except expecting a member meeting in violation of state orders due to covid is out of the ordinary op replies so if their ccrs say you're supposed to warn with 48 hours then tell a vehicle for a violation they can just ignore that and put in rules to find a hundred dollars our ccrs say all meetings must be announced to homeowners and even if a private board meeting is called to discuss liability issues they have to still announce the meeting and have rules around that no they cannot just ignore written parts of the contract thank you and op says i tried calling the secretary of state they referred me to attorney general attorney general says they only take cases that affect wa state versus private cases i called district attorney and mentioned extortion as a company as obtaining money without legal merits and threatening injury via liens on homes and they said to file a police report first i think police will tell me it's just a civil matter laws are written so heavily in favor of hoas many private lawyers won't even consider cases from individuals updates thank you everyone for your help you gave me courage to do this i got the meeting cancelled i emailed every public office official and either got canned responses or misinformation on where to go next called attorney general sent reports with the help of a few friends to the governor's complaint line on covert meetings emailed every major news outlet found a way to slip in a facebook post to the community found some emails of the residents that participated in last year's votes and emailed them directly threatened the sheriff coming as they hired a food truck to bring in even more people filed a ten thousand dollar small claims court case sent them a document outlining old penalties for large gatherings told them that they are discriminating against people with disabilities who especially can't go to public gatherings i have muscular dystrophy and if i get covered i'm screwed they sent out a facebook post that blamed me saying i'd reported them and they didn't want to fine didn't say anything about the health and wellbeing of the community at risk so now they must restart their process so much for paying a lawyer have egg on their face again send out mails to everyone again figure out how to get people on zoom explain why they have a suit for ten thousand dollars and give me the freaking documents to review that i've been asking for for more than 45 days and they've been withholding they had said i couldn't see them until after the votes what the law says they must be available for viewing at all times reg business hours they've refused i'll now have more time to put flyers on cars or homes that these crazy new rules would affect most they won't answer my questions on the secret board meetings though i did ask for the minutes maybe we save it for courts then i get an email saying they'd like to negotiate great my small claims court will have a court-appointed mediator no lawyers allowed i'm going to eat her alive in there now how does one calculate damages whoa you're courageous and tenacious and you're an example of so many of us who feel like we can't fight bands of a-holes like these brother thank you so much for the support i'm learning so much from this experience but i have to give the credit back to the reddit community i was truly motivated and encouraged by everyone's participation and especially the funny comments because laughing is the best medicine you want the hoa to enforce the rules i live in a small subdivision that has an hoa you've all heard horror stories about hoas but this one is actually really relaxed in the compliance department the hoa is still ran by the developer and the management is outsourced to a third-party company so no head of the hoa karen that lives in the neighborhood consistently monitoring everything we do however have a private facebook neighborhood group my neighbor is a complainer he always complains about the ineffective hoa because people have installed sheds and above ground pools while these things are discouraged they are allowed with the arc approval basically email the management company a modification request with the specs and pictures and they approve it so all the stuff he is complaining about has more than likely been approved by the hoa management company i don't think my neighbor is aware of this because he complains about it every few months like clockwork so earlier this month i noticed my neighbor and a few other houses in the neighborhood had put out political yard signs in their yards according to the hoa covenants this is prohibited and there is no approval process it's just not allowed so i emailed the guy at the management company that handles rhoa to let him know he emailed everyone that day to remind them that yard signs are prohibited and gave everyone seven days to remove them before they get a violation my neighbour posted last week about receiving a violation in the mail he was ticked but hey he wanted an effective hoa right if the hoa ever gets turned over to the residence don't ever let that guy get any position of power however minor frankly i fear the day our hoa moves from developer control to resident control as far as i can tell they end up getting run by people who have the time and who have opinions this is not the pool of people you want running your hoa ah yes they have opinions association i'm familiar yeah our former hoa president hid the fact that our building is over 10k in debt so that more people would move in it also came to light that one of the i guess council members i don't go to our hoa meetings because of the chaos one of the people whose votes mattered i guess died but the hoa president didn't say anything and just pretended that he just didn't show up to the meeting so she could pass a decision that she knew the dead guy would have voted against when all this came to light she had to step down but i don't think she had much option also when we moved in she protested letting us have our geriatric golden retriever on the property because she thought he'd be too disruptive but he literally just sleeps all day in the two plus years i've owned him the most noise i've heard him make is the occasional dramatic sigh meanwhile my downstairs neighbor has a tiny dog that yaps non-stop bites other people and dogs gets out all the time and i can personally attest that me and my roommates on separate occasions have had to pick that dog up after it escaped and tried to go after my dog posted by user rena jackson titled fudging karen i have the biggest karen living in my neighborhood so we bought our home three years ago at the time of purchase we signed a set of bylaws for the subdivision that were laid out in the 60s when the neighborhood was being built these rules included things like you couldn't have a separate building such as a shed pool house carport garage now several i wouldn't even go as far as to see the majority of homes including mine and my grandparents who moved in in 77 have rv covers carports sheds or workshops and their house across the street has a pool house so needless to say the original bylaws were never upheld in october of 2018 we had our little girl at 26 weeks and spent the next four months in nicu in december on one of the rare occasions i came home a neighbor came by with some paperwork saying there was a house renting on vrbo and it needed to be taken care of i needed to sign this paper and get it back to her by the 31st of december so she could get it filed i ignored the issue i don't care what someone else does with their property as long as it doesn't affect me which this never did the house was rarely rented out and when it was it was always a really quiet i never heard anything saw a trash thrown about etc anyway apparently she gathered enough signatures to amend the original bylaws to include a ban on renting vrbo she then took the homeowner who lived in a different state by the way to courts won and had it put in the judgment that they had to sell their freaking house so at this same time she came up with the idea of starting an hoa that way our neighborhood could stay safe and be able to take care of any problems that would arise no elaboration october 2019 she then began collecting signatures to add a new amendment to include forming an hoa she and another lady in our neighborhood who was a notary collected and notarized signatures once she believed she had her two-thirds vote she thinks she needed she filed the paperwork she had been having neighborhood meetings i know of 19 or 47 homeowners who were never notified of the meetings until i found out about one and posted a sign at the end entrance exit of the subdivision once we all showed up at this meeting we were informed that the hoa had passed and we were all obligated to follow the rules and pay the dues that would be determined i along with the other 19 homeowners made it very clear we were not part of any hoa and would not be participating or paying any dues shortly after this i received an email saying that board members would be voted on via email and 25 yearly jews were due and i could make my check payable to her name other homeowners received an email saying that there was a one-time initiation fee of 115 plus the 25 yearly due and thanking them for their contribution for legal fees for taking the vrbo house to court like how much money has this lady got out of people all this to say i checked her math multiple ways votes per lot votes per fraction of a lot votes per number of owners like every stupid way possible the only way i can think i didn't do it was by value of the home to value of the entire subdivision anyway she never had over a 60 vote in favor for starting a poa they probably mean hoa i've called her out on it and she refuses to acknowledge it she is a real estate agent and there are a couple of houses in the neighborhood for sale i looked at the listings and noticed that one who signed for the hoa has association fees of 25 the other home who did not sign for the hoa does not have association fees listed she's also now well i'm sorry i don't know for sure who someone has called the city on all of us heathens that won't sign the hoa so the city has been writing warnings to almost everyone for something or another mine for a pile of brush left after cleaning out a flower bed and my grass being over six inches neighbor for a stack of tile in her driveway another for having a ladder and an inflatable boat on a dolly in their yard another for leaves in the ditch and so many other crazy offenses obviously she's calling the city because she knows the hoa can't do anything or at least she knows we know she can't do anything my concern is she's taking advantage of the elderly in the neighborhood that feel like the hoa is making them safe she asked my elderly neighbor if she needed any groceries since she couldn't get out with all the covert arounds my neighbor said no she was fine then the lady turned around and said oh okay well do you have your 25 dollars for dues my neighbor's exact words were i gave it to her i'm afraid of what she would do to me if i didn't not that she thought she was being physically threatened but she literally thinks she could lose her home over not paying these bullies is there anything i can try to give or say to these elderly to make them not feel threatened by her or the other board members i have plenty more details if you have questions i know some states have laws about extorting the elderly you might want to look into that if you can a lawyer will help you better find out if it applies here also she's using the city inspectors to harass them anything with old people being taken for money i call adult protection services the coming around to ask questions can be a deterrent in itself i thought that was for stuff like carers and family members stealing money or medical neglect do they also cover stuff like opie's situation if they're illegally collecting money from older people that don't understand what's happening i would call because it sounds like a scam i wonder if you can also leverage that against those horrible scam cold calls my grandpa's wife keeps falling for those she's got dementia and forcing him to pay money to them that happens a lot says all states have laws governing how hoas are supposed to work honestly i'd ask to see the notaries logbook of all the signatures and the addresses to confirm with the homeowners that they did in fact vote for this some don't keep logbooks but there are still records of who voted yes if you think the notary was in on it look up notary misconduct in your state for who you need to report it to also i make my hoa checks out to neighborhood hoa it's highly suspect that she wanted checks made out to her ask for financial records immediately and when note i said when she doesn't produce them or she shows her paying herself file a complaint against her with the real estate board she really should know not to mix money and basic accounting says you get a business license for a legal entity i guess i would be worried if she's pocketing the money and faked the signatures all of which are fraud a police report starts a paper trail even if no charges are possible due to her harassment i agree with your second point heavily and this indicates to me that she didn't set up the hoa correctly and legally having been through something very similar to this i'm going to add that you need to publicly disclaim any indebtedness to this hoa of any kind you cannot be compelled to join an hoa that is formed retroactively and if there are no common areas there is no hoa full stop you should immediately send out certified mail to each and every homeowner in your subdivision specifically denying the debt and any indebtedness thereof you should also publicly state a demand for documents including articles of incorporation tax filings state and local filings all correspondence and so on and whatever you do do not speak with anyone you should communicate only in certified mail you may also have personal cause against the realtor and can go after her license for this i certainly would it took a monumental effort on my and my wife's part to drive this devil out of our 40 home 2 street subdivision but we did it there is no hoa here and there never will be the fact that some smart ass piece of crap real ted thought he could do this was what started all of it i will tell you this my wife believes it was something much larger than the work of this jackass and i did not and it god dang near cost us our marriage over the fights we had you need to immediately lawyer up file suit against this real ted for what she has done and start burying this [ __ ] with paper including demands for documents i would also immediately demand to know who the legal counsel is you can also go pull up all legal findings this fudging [ __ ] made they may be defective you can't just spin up an hoa without a hell of a lot of work including federal filing bet she didn't do that but as i said if you have no common area there is no hoa what they are doing is extortion and the fact that they are now trying to compel you to join them is illegal they can't full fudging stop this is what happens when some fricktard decides to be a big shot posted by user hello friends titled hoa levy finds even though not part of hoa location kissimmee florida situation my parents had an existing fence on their property that was falling apart they tore the old fence and built the new one without a building permits a couple of months later they received a notice from the hoa stating that they are in violation of the governing documents because they had fencing installed without a filing of building permits with osceola county or notifying the architectural control committee as per the deed restrictions requirements my parents are not part of the hoa the notice also includes the following statements additionally our records indicate that you are not a member of the redacted homeowners association we highly suggest that you complete the enclosed application and submit this with the annual dues of deducted they were invited to attend an hoa meeting to contest these fines however they were unable to attend due to an emergency since they did not attend to the meeting the hoa levied a 1 500 fine and planned to file a property lien against their home my parents tried to get more information but the number provided does not return their calls at the moment i am trying to pull deed records from the county to determine if there are any deed restrictions i plan to help the folks contact the hoa representatives if they do another meeting regarding the fine questions can the hoa impose fines if my parents are not part of the hoa or is it dependent on what the deed restriction says it just appears counterintuitive to not be part of an hoa yet these have to still receive personal approval for offense regardless of deed restrictions outcome we are hoping to remove the fine thanks in advance for any help funk doctor says an hoa cannot find someone if their lot isn't part of the association full stop and that addendum you mentioned makes it seem pretty clear that they do not think you were part of it either if your search shows that there are really no deed restrictions then you don't have to have the fine rescinded since it's not valid if your search does show something contact a lawyer immediately as you will need pro help the very fact they apparently issued a fine to a unit they know isn't a part of the association is pretty outrageous on its own op says i was finally able to find the deed however it was only one page and the document contained the following this deed not effective until redacted this indenture made the redacted day of redacted a.d redacted by redacted secretary department of housing and urban development of washington dc herein called the grantor who post office address is redacted to parents witnesses that the granter for and in consideration of the sum of redacted and other valuable considerations receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hereby grants bargains sells aliens premises releases conveys and confirms unto the grantee all that certain lands situates in osceola county state of florida viz lot redacted i'm sorry i can't read this i'm just going to put the screenshots of these on the screen you can read them all if you want that's pretty epic it is a very long deed heathen chaser says not a lawyer but that looks to be just a part of the hud purchase contract i had a similar statement in my fha purchase agreement for my home if your parents kept all of their mortgage paperwork and there was no mention of hoa within it then they need to contact their real estate agent and or title insurance to determine if that house is indeed part of the hoa the county deed office might be able to help as well left penguin says if the hoa is trying to put a lien against your parents house i suggest you find a real estate attorney if you were part of the hoa but were not notified when purchasing the house then you could try using your title insurance i did not even think about title insurance thanks i contacted my parents to call the title insurance hopefully it can shed some lights but in the meantime i told the folks to assemble any sales documents for review back to the original post op puts edit i received clarifying information from the folks hoa has yet to put a lien on the property they only threatened update 1 is about the deed we just read out update 2. i found the record plats and saw no mention of the hoa nonetheless i told my parents to call the title company for more details i will sort through their sales documentation later tonight update 3 unfortunately i found the restrictions document slash covenant titled restrictions on real estate for redacted subdivision and to my parents lot science record plats i found the documents on the county recording website and it says no building shall be erected placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the architectural control committee as to the quality of workmanship and materials harmony of external design with existing structures and as to location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation i hope that helped some of you guys out on your hoa endeavors posted by user cafe now titled notified hoa of intent to build fence president called to inform us of gentlemen's agreements location michigan we moved into a new house earlier in the year and noticed homes don't have fences unless there is a pool built during the home buying process we requested the bylaws multiple times and never received them and even had our friends who live in the neighborhood post on the hoa facebook page asking about fences the answer on the facebook post was that the city restrictions on fences are more stringent than the hoas once we moved in i got access to the facebook page and found the bylaws and the only thing about fences talks about how tall they need to be and how they can only be in the backyard no requirement to notify the hoa or anything when i mailed in our ballot for new board of directors i included a note stating our intent to build a fence and that i reviewed the bylaws and city requirements and i would make sure i follow the rules there signed with my name and number and the president called my husband upon receipt of the letter to tell him about the gentleman's agreement that people won't get fences unless they get a pull there is nothing about this in the bylaws i roll over them calling my husband instead of me we do intend to get a pull in the next couple years but offense is our first priority to keep our young children and the dog in our property line both our neighbors do not have a problem with us getting offense i want to keep an open line of communication with the hoa for the sake of keeping a positive relationship but is there any legal enforcement they have over us building a fence without having a pool first thanks i'm still stuck at you not getting a copy of the ccrs and bylaws when i bought my condo those were in the disclosure documents i got when i signed the intent contract i've been annoyed with this too i know it's a very casual hoa technically we've never received the bylaws i just came across them on the facebook page but we never signed any bylaws or anything print them off in case they try to change it since it's just on facebook i'm not a lawyer if there's nothing in the cc and does bylaws or house rules you are free to do whatever you want a gentleman's agreement is not legally enforceable i'm not a lawyer either but i've taken contracts some gentlemen's agreements are enforceable it all depends on the context but if there was no actual agreements gentlemen or otherwise between op and the hoa then it's probably not enforceable true a verbal contract is legally enforceable however in the case of hoas when you close on a property you are required to sign the bylaws thereby agreeing to be bound by those terms the hoa cannot add verbal terms to the agreement after the fact unless it follows its due process for amending the cc and dars or bylaws if the hoa wants to restrict building fences it needs to follow its due process and the president claiming a gentleman's agreement won't cut it in court posted by user cam cab 04 titled can they do this we bought an apartment three years ago recently our hoa decided that they did not like doormats being outside of our apartments the standard ones because it's a fire hazard question mark the thing is we live in florida it rains every day in the summer and shoes get wet and muddy especially when my husband is a botanist i find it a little strange for a rule to be made like that and so sudden i think it was because the lady that cleans outside was annoyed by them more than anything i understand it can be annoying but can't they just give us a date and time and we will bring them when cleaning is going to happen this age away is made pretty sudden rule changes which no one seems to be allowed to vote on my husband joined the hoa board after they suddenly said we couldn't have visitors after 7 pm any day of the week unless we notified the head lady in advance i feel like i don't know what is actually allowed and what is not i would have never moved here if they had those rules at the time but they didn't until this past year it does seem a bit litigious i think getting your husband on the board is a good idea as he can help steer the ship a bit look up your rules and regs there are usually stipulations about how the rules and regs can be changed by an ownership vote or by a board vote with a certain amount of notice etc unless they are breaking any rules there isn't much you can do giving notice for visitors after seven seems absolutely ridiculous i would fight this tooth and nail i doubt that they are allowed to do this yes the visitors after 7 is what is really upsetting we're in our late 20s and having friends over during our last few years without kids is a huge hassle what's crazier is we have two parking spots but we only have one car when we have visitors over they can park in our parking spot so we aren't taking anyone's space we would usually tell our friend to carpool so they could park in the extra spots with this change they get towed after seven we went on vacation and took my car so my mom left her car in our spot we didn't say anything because we figured it's our parking spots and we aren't even using the seconds that we own as well and we got towed while the towing is petty and seemingly a waste of money and resources i'm sure your complex simply pays a company to go around and point out cars to tow they probably don't have any other guidance other than tow every car without a placard or tow every non-registered car if it's the former you should share placards with guests and if it's a ladder they just suck sounds like you need more clear iron dars no idea about your local laws but when i lived in a condo in new york city the new york city fire code expressly prohibited anything being kept in the corridors of a multi-family dwelling including doormats holiday decorations umbrella stands etc so it could be a fire code issue but more likely you have a karen on the board i lived in new york city as well when i was a kid apartments there are indoors so i think that is why i'm in miami everything is outdoors i would get for the fire department to get through but it's a really wide hallway and there is ample room oftentimes logic has absolutely nothing to do with fire codes it's a case of this is the law like it or lump it all right that's where i think i'm gonna end today's episode guys i hope you enjoyed this one tell me what you thought of it down below and i hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to say hi to outro maki all right guys that's all for today's video i hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel i would love you to subscribe because i love your face i love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video i don't know what else to say today guys i hope you enjoyed the content i do have a second channel that's called marky2 link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have adblock installed uh if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're on phone hope you guys have a good one i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 14,324
Rating: 4.915709 out of 5
Keywords: r/justnohoa, r/fuckhoa, r/hoa, r/legaladvice, r/aita, hoa, Home owners association, reddit, Markee r/justnohoa, Markee Reddit, Markee HOA, LegalAdvice, r/legal advice, r/legal, legal advice, Markee legal, Markee, Markee Legaladvice, Reddit
Id: CaFyK11GVfI
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Length: 135min 11sec (8111 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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