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g'day there guys it's your main man maggie back at it again with another episode of r slash i do work here lady now if you love today's video like i love you i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy today's amazing contents posted by user another night in jail titled inmate thinks i'm a new correctional officer and that he can run all over me i'm a corrections officer in a local jail and have worked there for 14 years we're pretty laid back for a jail but it's still a jail when an inmate asks for something and gets told no the answer is no having spent the previous 10 years in retail this is the dream also when an inmate is told to do something they're expected to do it i should also mention that my sergeant is very protective of his staff the cast are me sarge is my shift sergeant inmates is some 20 year old kid who thinks that he can run over the new guy back in 2014 i had a bunch of vacation time built up so my wife and i took a two-week vacation to go to cooperstown to see the major league baseball hall of fame and watch the induction ceremony being a huge atlanta braves fan we had a lot of fun watching bobby cox greg maddow and tom clavine get inducted when i got back to work i'm doing my rounds and an inmate approaches me now i don't recognize this guy so he must be someone who was arrested while i was on vacation he immediately starts in on me like he owns the jail he says hey i missed yard call because i was asleep i need to go out to the yard now i tell him too bad you should have woken up when we did yard call for your dorm you'll just have to wait for the next one tomorrow what do you know you're just the new guy get me your sergeant me trying not to laugh and knowing sarge will get a kick out of this say okay wait right here i point to the spot he's standing in expecting him to be there or at least close by when i get back i finish my rounds and call sarge on the radio and say hey sarge i got an inmate down here that says he needs to talk to you well what does he want me trying to keep from laughing say he thinks i'm the new guy and can run over me because of it i'll be right there when serge arrives we both go back into the dorm and lo and behold inmate isn't waiting where i told him to he says well where is he i don't know hey inmate sarge is here to talk to you inmate still acting like he owns the jail walks out of his cell and approaches sarge and says hey sarge i missed yard cole and the new guy here won't let me go out so if you missed yard call that's your problem not mine or his next time we call yard call get your lazy butt out of bed him interrupting sarge says but you don't understand sarge interrupting inmate and getting louder no you don't understand when a member of staff gives you an answer that is the answer furthermore when an officer tells you to wait somewhere you do it you don't walk away inmates trying to make excuses says besarj this new guy interrupting inmate again still pretty loud this is officer me you will refer to him as officer me not the new guy furthermore officer me has been working in this jail since they put the paint on the walls so if he gives you an answer that is definitely the answer now go lock down the inmates looking like he feels a foot tall says but go lock down inmate goes and locks down and sergeant i go to his office we have a good laugh and serge wants inmate locked down for three days for disrespecting staff but since we got a good laugh and a good story i convinced him to just make it the rest of the day i later go and talk to the inmate to give him his lockdown paperwork turns out he's not really a bad guy just pretty dumb and he apologized since he's become a regular we still get a good laugh about that whenever he comes back to jail posted by user ceoigan55 titled i am more qualified for your job than you are i'm a head of sales and marketing for a major property developer with 10 years of experience in the industry several of those spent at a large competitor's company let's call them money homes they are considered the epitome of luxury due to the huge price tag and this will be important later on my team covers all of the capital and a very large portion of the country roll on today since we have only recently opened up and are launching new developments for which we don't have the staff today was the interview day normally for those kinds of positions the person would be interviewed by the sales manager for that particular development sales coordinator and sometimes one of the sales directors since it's a bit of a track for the sales director to come in for the interview two and a half hour train journey when we're supposed to limit non-essential travel hr asked me to step in as new employees will be reporting to me anyway q eight applicants we have waiting first few interviews go pleasantly but nothing special until we meet interviewee number four meet annabelle before she comes into the room she's sitting in the waiting room area with other applicants and not only can i hear her go on about how she pretty much has the job in the bag as she's overly qualified and the other guys are wasting their time first mistake then i can see her shuffling through papers at the admin desk which was left unattended second mistake she still doesn't realize that our office is behind a venetian mirror i can see her she cannot see me she hears the admin come back in and scurries back to the seats it's now her turn for the interview she comes in hands me a copy of her cv and sits down opposite myself and the other two members of my team i look at her cv with a slight half smile which i think she took as a good sign so she goes off talking about her major accomplishments at different employers she tells us that she's actually more interested in being hired for another position at our company which she can assure me she's more than qualified than our current employee she then starts spewing out figures of our marketing campaigns which have not yet been published and advises me on the results we should expect and what our next move in terms of marketing should be i advise her that the only positions currently open are for sale staff but asked her which one she's specifically interested in she mentions wait for it sales and marketing director my job my co-workers both look at me and waiting so i decide to play along i've asked her what makes her more qualified than our current director she comes back to the marketing figures points and asks me outright how many applicants are able to predict to a certainty what results you'll achieve and then leads to a major point on her cv money homes so i started asking a little more about her position there what was her area of responsibility how long she has worked there etc she starts off telling this long rehearsed story of how she started there as a negotiator a few years back and worked her way up to associate director which is a fancy name for managers responsible for more than one project and how she eventually became sales and marketing director but is looking to leave so discretion is of utmost importance at that point i couldn't hold it in anymore i really wanted to let her carry on but i just burst out laughing and asked her to leave she just gets very confused and starts asking what she said that has offended me with the biggest grin on my face i then said it's one thing hearing you talk down to other applicants when you're supposedly looking for upper management positions watch you steal confidential information from my admins desk while pulling the two pages out of her hand which were our marketing reports and telling me and my colleagues that you can do my job better than me by lying to me about your experience she gets offended and starts going off at me saying that i know nothing about her and she did not lie about her experience and how would i have known that anyway annabelle the reason i know you're lying is because i was the sales and marketing director at money homes during the years you have described and not only do i know you were not in a managerial position i know that you were not even part of the department even if you did work there as the department was made of 42 employees all of which i knew by name i recommend that if you do indeed work there you contact your director as i will be filing a grievance against you for stealing confidential documents from their main competitor her face went pale as a sheet of cheap toilet paper she turns on her heels rips her cv out of my colleague's hands and runs out the door like does she really think we will not keep her details on email which she sent the document through can't wait to see if i'll be hearing from her or money homes anytime soon edits had to take out a couple of details in my terms of my employment as one of the colleagues has seen the post and asked me about it actual story not changed also annabelle isn't her real name posted by user unicorn squad 2689 titled no i don't need to leave i've never posted on here before but i found this and couldn't help myself this happened about three years ago backgrounds i'm a teacher in a college this is a further education college mostly for 16 to 19 year olds and a few adults studying vocational subjects like electricians hairdressers etc not a university however i teach one of only two academic subjects in the entire college that many of the students have to take by law as remedial classes my subject is pretty hated they're in my class because they failed an exam and most of them have had really bad experiences in high school so we tend to be pretty relaxed and used first names my name is quite long and students never use it so i just tell them to use a nickname that's a shorter version and easier for them to remember the kids and doll of the staff know me by this name even the cashier at the coffee shop the dress code outside of workshops and ppe isn't strict we have tutors with multi-coloured hair short leather mini skirts joke t-shirts etc we can't wear shorts or see-through tops are literally the only rules i've come across about clothes but they are really strict about id everyone has a photo id with either staff or students in big letters and color-coded lanyards that are checked by security when you enter so only staff could possibly have a staff photo id this is relevant later and a lanyard note about me apparently i don't look like a typical teacher i have 14 tattoos mostly visible bright blue and silver nail polish that day a funky patterned dress bright blue butterflies that day leggings and bright blue slip-on shoes with butterflies on them i like butterflies they're in four of my tattoos as well my nickname could technically be used for a guy but it would be unusual where i'm from i'm also used to people new to college thinking i'm not a teacher it happens all of the time at the start of the year when we're setting students up with classes i occasionally get arguments with my decisions on which class the students will take because parents don't believe i'm a teacher but i can usually show the policy to stop it but this was far and away the worst time it has happened so far so on to the story this happened on the second parent teacher evening of the year and around february so for these events each department is given a specific location as my department is so big we can't have a room so we get set up in the open space next to the cafeteria as it's the only place where we can all fit and still have private conversations with parents or students so there i was bored tired i'd been there 11 hours at that point doing my marking waiting to see if anyone would show up for the record i've had 14 parents show in the six years that i've been teaching there way bigger issue of working in a deprived area doing a remedial course sadly this guy was one so i'm sat there marking assessments surrounded by the other 23 tutors in my department and my manager as she also has students when one of my students appears shock he says that his dad is coming in from the car am i free i say yes sure bring him over when he gets here i'm just doing my marking a few minutes later i glanced up and saw my student pointing me out to an older guy who was clearly a relative the guy walks over and the following conversation happens the cast are me rude parent confused student and my manager ot other teacher sitting next to me also doing her marking not speaking but confused i say hi can i help you are you the student's father yes i need to speak to my nickname his teacher where is she oh i'm sorry for the confusion i'm my nickname my full name is and i show my photo id i teach students my subject how can i help no no i mean his real teacher now i'm getting confused i am his real teacher again pointing to the staff id no i mean the one who teaches his lessons and marks his work not his helper the student gets additional support in class and i say yes that's me what are you talking about you're not a teacher just tell me where to find my nickname go away and stop being stupid me suddenly understanding the student's self-esteem issues say sir i assure you that i am both a qualified teacher and your child's teacher but i do not appreciate being insulted m my manager coming up behind hearing him getting loud says is there a problem yes i am student's father i'm looking for his teachers my nickname and ot he said they were over here oh well yes my nickname is here pointing at me and ot is here pointing at her sitting on the table next to me don't lie to me look at them they can't possibly know enough to teach my child i want to see my nickname right now where is he he i'm afraid we don't have any male teachers by the name of my nickname and neither of my child's teachers in my department are men cs walking over looking worried at the arguing says dad what's going on did they say something bad about my work valid worry for this student why did you lie to me where are your teachers concerned student looking so confused says this is my nickname pointing at me and this is ot pointing to her don't lie to me this stupid girl i am one of the highest qualified teachers in the building by the way can't be your teacher you need a man to teach you properly meanwhile me ot and my manager are standing there in shock cs looking really embarrassed the student had asked to move to my class i say i'm sorry what do you mean by that what exactly do you think we're trying to teach that requires only male inputs student says dad they're really my teachers he says no teachers have to look smart and everyone knows that the best teachers are men why don't you have the best teachers at this point my manager's manager intervened and took him away my student apologized and disappeared behind the coffee counter until they could leave when my manager returned we got the rest of the story it turns out the guy initially thought i needed to leave or help him because he thought his child was trying to pass another student off as a teacher to get out of trouble because apparently teachers can't be young female have tattoos and wear casual clothes what his excuse for not believing the other teacher was i'm not sure she is 15 years older than me wears a suit and looks like she just walked out of a corporate office next to her i do look like a hippie student it seems he thought that i somehow had stolen my id badge with my picture on it a stack of marking and sat down in the middle of 24 other tutors and started marking without any of the other 24 tutors catering staff admin students or security noticing once he realized we really were his child's teachers he then went into a rant at my line manager and department head both female teachers in my subject area about how women were all terrible teachers they weren't as clever as men and should be at home looking after their own children not here corrupting his it seems telling kids that the titanic was a real ship not just a movie and that 9 11 really happened it wasn't just made up for a movie about firemen counts as corruption though he could have been more ticked about the follow-up conversations about early 20th century poverty and class distinctions the importance of health and safety religious expression freedom of expression versus hate speech and extremism i like to have a chat and teenagers are usually funny then he went into a complaint about his child being discriminated against because he was put into my class not the male teachers again the student had asked to move needless to say my managers were not impressed and asked him to leave in front of security this guy then spent the rest of the year trying to make his child do work the wrong way because he didn't believe that his female teachers could possibly be right luckily the student ignored his father came to extra sessions and managed to pass my subject sadly the other teachers still had him the next year the student was already further behind in that subject when he started nothing about the quality of teaching or effort but he was asked to bring a different family member to parent-teacher meetings in future as we couldn't allow parents to abuse the staff since then i've been kind of glad no parents show up for my parent teacher meetings posted by user utsat eno titled nearly arrested for cleaning up so backgrounds i work in a high school but have been out and not allowed to return to my room since mid-march also i look young with my mask on without it you can easily tell i'm in my 30s so we finally received our designated times to empty out our classrooms for the summer unfortunately i am just a paraprofessional not a full teacher so i don't even know if i'll even have a job in the fall with the school i decide to go and fully empty my desk of all my personal belongings and extra snacks that i always keep in there nothing that went bad but stuff i keep on hand in case of low blood sugar it is important to note we have been authorized for casual wear so many of us show up in simple shorts and t-shirts most of my co-workers recognized me with the mask however the school recently hired a new principal and police officer the week prior to all of this fun as i finish i began to walk out of my room through the halls i managed to get to a section of hallway near my parked car when the officer comes around the corner and tells me to freeze the school is closed no students allowed put the bag on the ground and step back with your hands in the air if you thought you could sneak in and steal some stuff you are mistaken i see i'm employed with this school as i offer to show my id the new principal comes around the corner and joins into this mess principal to the officer says i told you i saw a kid stealing arrest him now while i notify the other officers at this point the officer has my id in hand and looks at me i go to remove my mask and he drops his hand towards his holster and shouts at me not to move rather than risk getting tased i call down the hall to a group of teachers who know me well enough the officer tells me to stay back but one of the teachers happens to be the jrotc teacher who many officers know well as he regularly helps teach defense classes in the community should also mentioned he retired quite high in the military and everyone respects him even more for it lieutenant colonel says calm down officer he's been here for a year and a half and isn't that damn young he proceeds to walk over and signal for me to remove my mask once the officer sees my beard pop into view and matches it to the id he begins to apologize profusely while getting upset at the principal who has now turned red in embarrassment i told him it was okay considering the circumstances and that i would not be upset or report him edits sorry for not putting this all in as it slipped my mind i am six foot eight our tallest officers are six foot even none of our offices are allowed to carry firearms anymore only tasers batons and mace this is also in one of the most dangerous schools in our states posted by user evanescence fan jay titled no ma'am you cannot return that meat a bit of backgrounds i used to work for a large grocery store chain in california ended up with surgery and now frozen shoulder so during the time between pt and surgery i was able to work at self-checkouts no one likes self-checkouts anyways back to the story me is me old foreign customer is ofc of course he is me watching people check out items looking at the screen and fixing any issues i.e coupons wait on the scale veggies with no number ofc is from another country she hands me a bag and says i want to return this meat i say okay do you have a receipt no okay no problem do you have any issue with store credits no problem i get other meats i start looking at the information on the package the meat is frozen to the touch and brown it's a pork roast that has seen better days i try to scan it but it won't scan i say just give me a moment sometimes it doesn't always scan okay i keep trying to scan but it's degraded i look at the date and wouldn't you believe it the meat was almost a year old the old foreign customer tried to return a year old meat to purchase new meats our store doesn't take meat that old and she didn't want to use it i see i'm sorry old foreign customer i can't take this because it's too old why not it's sitting freezer i no use it's almost a year old we cannot take meat that old i gave back the meat and told my front end manager we had a good chuckle posted by user rock toll titled i was the boss's son had an entitled employee or my crew make a mistake super long so apologies a little background my father owns a telecommunications repair company and before that he worked in the industry for years and since i hated daycare i spent every summer helping him and learning to weld rig cell phone tower antennas crap like that by the time i was 19 and dropped out of college i decided to go get my certifications and ask my dad for a job well he got a huge contract and hired five brand new guys with myself and another veteran that's been working for him for years as crew leads to run all the repair projects i end up with this massive d-bag who got fired from multiple different physical therapy clinics and is now 40 and unhirable by any other industry but he has a massive superiority complex because he has a bachelor's and that somehow makes him better than tradesmen on to the story me is me cl is the other crew lead db is douchebag we are on the first site on the first day of a job for a major clients taking down old antennas and putting up new ones cl and i drive up to the site after morning meetings at the hotel with my dad and the client over skype and we've brought lunch for everyone ciel realizes that he forgot his hard hat at the hotel and tells me he'll be back in half an hour no big deal it's a simple job that i've done before with my dad i drop the sandwiches in the refrigerated server room and go over to db who's using a trailer hitch winch to haul a brand new antenna up to the tower to our other guys who are 700 feet up at the top waiting to install it he's got the antenna about 150 feet up at this point i say hey db i think you got your fasteners on backwards the fasteners have to be perfect because the higher the antenna gets the more wind the more tension on the winch he says ah they're fine no they're definitely backwards they're fudging fine go the frick away bootlicker guess that was his derogatory for me being the boss's kid no they're backwards and by the time it gets up there the winch is gonna slip and that antenna is gonna drop bring it back down and fix it i don't have to do crap for someone who's half my age and couldn't make it through a year of college only reason you're here is your daddy's kid and can't make it in the real world right as he finishes the sentence i hear the winch crack so i grab db and run both of us into the service shelter smashing all the sandwiches in the process while the winch flies out of the hitch mounts and the antenna drops like a rock onto the truck carving straight through the cab and into the ground underneath ah so you can't rig right and you don't have the common sense to put the pin in to secure the winch to the truck there's no way that was my fault not only is it your fault but now i get to explain to both osha and our insurance how we managed to damage over seventy thousand dollars in equipment and thirty thousand in our clients equipment in the first day on the job i spent the rest of the day calling osha my dad our insurance and my mother our accountants to make sure that all the right reports get filed and our asses are covered on all bases i'm assuring the other crew guys their paychecks aren't going to be affected and that i'll get them more sandwiches at the end of the day reports are finished my dad calls me up and tells me to fire db for negligence so i go up to him and i say hey you're being let go sorry but this incident is just something we can't afford to happen again and since it was obviously you can't fire me pretty sure he can fire you and if you don't believe him i'll fire you if you don't believe either of us we can go see the boss tomorrow screw it let's go talk to the boss right now it's like 4pm by the way so we drive three hours interrupt my family's dinner and then sit there smugly on the couch in my dad's home office while he literally screams at this guy about costing him 100k and maybe a lost contract and basically tells the guy he's following a civil suit for negligence since i specifically came and told him he was doing something incorrectly what the frick does he know he's just a kid i taught him how to rig a winch when he was eight and he did it right you're a 40 year old man who managed to crush an entire truck get the frick out of my house all right and i think that's where we're going to leave today's episode guys i really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as i loved making it i would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe like the video who knows i'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know i don't know what i'd do i'd probably be homeless on the streets of ireland crying irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content but with that said guys i hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to i hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 14,672
Rating: 4.9383826 out of 5
Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, r/idontworkhere, r/idontworkherelady rslash, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, i dont work here lady, i do work here lady, idwhl, r/idwhl, reddit, reddit stories, Markee, Markee Reddit
Id: Y2Z2NrQ8n70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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