r/AmiTheA**Hole For Denying Insane Requests For Money?

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g'day there guys bases his self-worth on what time he gets out of bed in the morning here back at it again with another episode of Oz /mi the a-hole now if you love this content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prone on the barbie enjoy this bloody good content posted by user deleted titled am I the a-hole for laughing at my son's girlfriend when she asked me to pay her compensation for the money I spent to my other grandchild I have two grandchildren one is 7 and the other is 5 the 7 year old is the child of my daughter and I do have more access to her but despite what my son's girlfriend accuses me of I do not have a favorite the 7 year old does beauty pageants they are completely her choice but she saw pictures from her mother and died doing them and begged to be in them she also rides horses combines this is very expensive and I pay for it all I've offered in dumb happy to do so my son's girlfriend is morally opposed to pageants and afraid of horses her daughter is asked to do what her cousin does but isn't allowed to she does t-ball and music lessons which I also pay for but they are significantly cheaper than what the seven-year-old does the other day my son's girlfriend brought up this favoritism and I said this isn't favoritism because I pay for two activities for both of them she said it is going to give her daughter a complex so I need to even the money off and put the rest in a savings accounts my husband and I laughed because that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard and she stormed out of the house my son actually said I should post this because he's conflicted afraid of her so am i the a-hole I wouldn't say so no that's just stupid logic coming out from that woman and you know if she wants to put that money into a savings account to make up the difference herself she's more than welcome to I feel like this is just a quick cash grab and she needs to get over herself ROP is not the a-hole this woman is delusional your granddaughter needs a loving grandparents who were active in her life not your money and your son needs to put his foot down and tell his girlfriend to knock off her crap and she is going to be the one to give her order a quote-unquote complex if she is constantly talking about the money difference between granddaughters your granddaughter is a child there's no way she'd either know or think about how differently expensive via two sets of activities are unless her mum is putting that in her ear you can always remind her mum that you offered to pay for the same activities but as she refused you'd still happily provide for the alternatives but she needs to lay off about the financial difference as it was her restrictions agreed kid probably doesn't even understand the concept of money and you'll still happily provide for the alternatives correct to a certain points hobbies and similars should be what the kids like if you say this she'll understand that Opie will pay for any hobbies and the mother will likely pick a very expensive one that she wants the kid to do not what the kid would like to do the younger daughter wants to do pageants and horseback riding though hope he was willing to pay for it but the mother said no for her own reasons very likely choosing daughters current activities herself not the a-hole it is very generous for you to pay for your grandchildren's activities paying for the same number of activities is fair it is not your decision which activities the kids are participating in and the child who is in less expensive activities will only get a complex if her parents tell her about the money discrepancy otherwise she'll never know that her cousins thing costs more the children shouldn't even know who pays for their hobbies posted by user salt understanding 7 titles am I the a-hole for throwing out my mum after she threw out my weed so I'm a 30 year old man I'm single and live alone in a house that I own a few months ago you know what happened and my mom lost her job so I decided to let her stay with me I have a medical marijuana card and smoke every day I knew my mum disliked weed so I warned her before she moved in that I would be smoking weed daily and would not stop for her she agreed and only asked that I smoked weed outside which I thought was a relatively reasonable request weed has a strong and many people don't like it at first this worked out fine at first but she started making remarks about how I should quit etc I mostly just ignored them and brushed them off then it evolved to her demanding that I quit as if I was still a child she could issue orders to I refused and told her that she can move out if she doesn't like it she started crying and saying that I don't love her that I have a problem etc the next day I come home from work to find her waiting for me she explained that she had flushed my weed a little less than an ounce down the toilet for my own good and then demanded that I go to treatments well predictably I was furious and not even really about not having weed anymore it's pretty cheap like I usually buy ounces for 125 bucks and I can easily get more it was about her total lack of respect for me I'm an adult I own my own house have a good job and have approval from the states to legally purchase and possess marijuana so someone I'm doing a huge favor for demanding that I stop and throwing out my stuff when I refused is extremely outrageous to me no matter if she pushed me out of her vagina thirty years ago anyway we argued about this for a while and it became clear to me that she was not sorry at all and that she would probably do it again so I told her she can't live with me anymore I gave her a month but she's already packed all her crap and drove to my brother's house a couple hours away she obviously thinks I'm a huge a-hole and so does my brother but I think that's mostly because she is his problem now crazy how throwing out someone else's property can lead you to being kicked out like that man ah god I have free reign over my son just because I birthed him yeah I'm so smart it's pretty apparent here that IP is not the a-hole I support your decision to kick her out if she's not gonna respect you it's you know not the best time to do it obviously you'll get a lot of people saying you're in a hole for doing it during the current crisis but she has the brother to live with a few hours away and now she's his problem not the a-hole it wouldn't even matter if you smoked purely recreationally you in adults you have your own home and your own life her approval isn't necessary it sounds like she might be trying to over parent you because moving in with you upset the power dynamic that you're used to good job setting the boundary and enforcing it not the a halt on a 28 female or in my own house have a decent paying job and have all my debt paid off smoking pot is still illegal in my states I however don't care I'm not 16 anymore and I don't have to revert to keeping it in my car anymore I can literally keep it wherever I want in my house my mom and dad don't like that I smoke pots they hate it a lot and don't understand why I do it I usually tell my mom because she likes to drink that it's like my glass of wine at the end of the night I don't really like to drink cuz a lot of people in my family are alcoholics and since I actually enjoy the occasional drink I don't want to ruin that freedom by becoming an alcoholic anyways my parents understands that I am an adult and just like when I lived in their house you live and come to my house you live under my rules you honestly need to talk to your mom about boundaries just because she's your mother or anyone in your family for that matter does not mean they get to ignore your boundaries family doesn't get immunity from boundaries that you set for yourself how would she like it if she threw her stuff away just because you didn't like it and thought she had a problem the double standard around weed in the u.s. is bonkers people will judge those who smoke recreationally but drinking multiple nights a week or even daily gifting bottles of alcohol offers happy hours and the like a roll no problem despite overwhelming evidence that weed is a less harmful and dangerous substance than alcohol even in legal states we can still lose your job for using cannabis due to federal prohibition even in legal states there are laws prohibiting you from smoking on front porches or areas that are visible to the streets despite the fact that there are not similar laws limiting adults from visibly consuming alcohol on their own property we need legalization on the federal level and massive re-education around our drug policy it may be too late for the reefer madness generation but lumping marijuana into the same category as meth and heroin is incorrect for so many reasons and not how we should be educating future generations about responsible substance use not the a-hole your house your rules if she can't follow the rules she's got to go good for you for setting boundaries I'm constantly amazed by the number of people on em either a-hole who give free housing to people who throw out their stuff if a house guest is not working and just getting free housing they should be helping out around the house cleaning cooking doing chores etc not snooping through personal belongings making demands or throwing away stuff posted by user what the hell mom one two three titled am I the a-hole for telling my mom to stay out of my sex life I twenty three female and gay I came out to my family when I was 18 and my family reacted pretty well sometimes my mom will say like larkey herma phobic things but it's really whatever I've been dating a girl 23 female let's call her Kay for about three years now and I took her home to meet my parents last week my parents Lika and all which is good but this is the convair my mom Kay and I had last nights we were all sitting in the living room and she randomly says sir who's the man in the relationship um what who's the man you know during sex what the actual hell kind of question is that I'm Your Mother I have the right to know about you know you don't why would you want to know anything about your daughter's sex life what's wrong with you okay you'll tell me which one of you is the man and which one is the woman eh you the man yep okay cert me in Kate ID we're gonna go to bed mom so Kay and I stand up and start walking up the stairs mum says it's just a simple question why does it matter so much I tell Kay to wait on the stairway and I go back down to my mum the fact that you want to know about my sex life is so weirdly disturbing that I don't even know what to say what is wrong with you Jesus fudging Christ I was so weirded out by my mom doing this that we left that morning to go back to our apartments my mum has texted me a few times asking me why I left and why I wouldn't answer her questions about my sex life but I've ignored her I do feel bad leaving because I haven't seen my parents or my siblings in a while but what the hell am I the a-hole edit / updates she called again today so I picked up she asked me why I left and I told her that she was asking weird questions and it made us uncomfortable she then told me that she heard us having sex at nights confusing because we didn't have sex and my sister is 14 and my brother is 13 when I told her that she definitely didn't hear anything she told me that it was rude of me to hide stuff like that from her and that she has a right to know I ended up explaining to her that it was homophobic of her to ask who the man is but she kept telling me well someone has to be the man then I kept trying to change the subject and she got mad and hung up when I wouldn't talk about my sex life this is pretty confusing because she's never been this interested before this is the first girlfriend she has actually met so I assumed that has something to do with it honestly I'd love to ask her weirdly inappropriate questions about her sex life back boots she would probably answer them and I don't want to know that um that just got really weird really fast I'm gonna go with you're not the a-hole for taking those actions I think any sane person would do it or start a fights I think it's better that you didn't start a huge you know arguments in the house and you let things defuse those are really oddly intrusive questions that she has no right asking or knowing as you've said and I agree with you so opie you were not the a-hole this was super cringy firstly she's not entitled to information about your personal life sex included I can't believe I'm typing this secondly this hetero Norma's ation of homosexual relationships is just wrong what the hell is that question even super to mean you're obviously both women in your relationship da so I would either go with that or ask her stupid question right back at her who's the man in a woman in her relationship also even if she were oblivious to all of that you sing you don't care to answer this question should have been the end of it digging her heels in like she did and even continuing to harass you makes her this super a-hole maybe Opie could give her a pair of chopsticks and Oscar which one's the fork seriously asking which one is the man is just massively insulting like the defining feature of a lesbian relationship is that it's women only no men allowed so who's the men neither that's literally the whole points that's that's what we're going for there huh that's what I usually say I have had people try to discuss with me who in a gay couple is the other gender unlike Oh wha and I always just look at them like they're shockingly stupid in complete silence for a while and the nice slowly in a I don't believe I have to explain this to anyone kind of tone and so neither they are both men slash women and that's the whole point of homosexuality but they aren't attracted to the opposite sex but the same sex some people seem to think they can happily discuss this with me because I interact well with other people regardless of their orientation or gender and I'm an heteronormative relationship as if they think I have insight and weren't judge because I'm obviously also strange and think like them spoiler just because I'm married to a man as someone presenting as a woman does not make me straight and I'm actually not straight at all I'm queer as hell you just don't immediately see it like that's even a thing really the sentiment in itself comes from the sexist belief that all men and women are supposed to adhere to gender specific kinks which is ridiculous since that stuff is decided by a good few thousand mental and genetic factors although others said it better I want to reiterate that in the same sex relationship you are still both the woman and there is no man all that needs to be playing in a relationship I remember being out with my lesbian friends and someone asked them this and I remember dying of shame that someone would ask this question of them literally they are both women so there is no man in the relationship they have sex like two women Knights like a woman and a man not the a-hole posted by user violet clouds 22 titled am I the a-hole for telling my parents that part of the reason I don't want more than one kid is because of them I female 26 have been with my partner male 25 for three years and recently we've been talking about having a child's the topic came up at my parents house and they've commented how nice it'll be for us and them to have kids running around I gently told them that we're actually only planning to have one child and all hell broke loose apparently if we only have one child they'll grow up spoilt brats lonely etc we told them that we obviously want to raise he or she to help others and be grateful for what they have and that they will be able to play with our friends children my mum wouldn't let it go and kept telling me that because I'd grown up with siblings I should know how important it is for the kids to have them after hours of being told off for ruining my kid's life before they even exist I snapped and told my mum that part of the reason I don't want more than one kid is because once they had my brothers I was pretty much ignored growing up I got good grades worked and was pretty responsible while my brothers were challenging and got in trouble Alliance this match they took up a lot of my parents time and attention and I was just left to my own devices unless they needed an extra parents they never helped with homework took me to college visits came to any of my games or even really hung out with me because my brothers needed their time more when I went to college they asked if I'd mind using the money I earned from work and taking out a loan because they needed to use my college fund to pay off one of my brother's debts and to get the other one in apartments it was their money and they're not entitled to pay for me to go to college so I sure but they then missed my graduation as my brother had a soccer game and only sent me a text that patent has continued until this day to be honest with Forgotten birthdays etc I know my parents love me and I don't blame them as I know my brothers were high maintenance but the reason I only want one child is because I want to give them enough attention and make sure they never felt the way I did I explained all this to my parents but my mom said I'm an a-hole and that the reason I didn't get attention was because I didn't need it and I should grow up and stop taking my resentment out on my future kids so am I the a-hole wow wow that's actual serious gaslighting ends deflecting on the parents there dear lord are they just completely unaware of how they made Opie feel that's so heartless to say that and their actions throughout the years are completely heartless as well in what universe could Opie be the a-hole here you've been emotionally neglected by your parents dear Lord I think this is a good first step to getting the parents to understand where you're coming from Opie but I think a lot more work will be needed in the future if not possibly just going low contact with them for a while so that you get your own space because this is gonna bring up a lot of bad memories or events from the past so I don't blame you if you do anything really with this the ball is in your court and in my eyes you are not the a-hole the reason you didn't get attention was because you didn't need it she seriously said this no your parents were crappy parents there was no excuse for that blatant favoritism that went on during your childhood my parents said the same damn thing the squeaky wheel gets the oil I wasn't a wheel I was a child I don't talk to them anymore Opie says it's a horrible attitude to parenting and I'm really sorry that you had to hear this too you don't get to pick and choose which child gets your time and attention I'm glad you made the decision that was right for you interp you're doing better the fact they missed your graduation from college for a lousy soccer game are they serious no they're crappy parents and the blatant favoritism is over well mning here I completely understand dopey with that one my parents made me miss high school finals to go to see my older sister's college graduation several states away I had no choice I performed so poorly on my finals that my overall GPA dropped to a two point five I was made fun of and treated as if I was stupid at the practice graduation ceremony by one of my peers for such a low GPA so you missed your finals completely and got zeroes that wrecked your GPA and you weren't able to reschedule no I missed all the review days the review sheets for the exams studying with my peers didn't have time to study between going to the States my sister was in attending her graduation and going back I was able to do the tests when I returned to the States literally the day after we got back no time to study I just lacked all studying basically that's psychotic who does that to their kid hey where can I totally screw over your education to go celebrate your sister's education not the a-hole your choice but to be honest if you have more than one kid I have zero doubt your experience will ensure that you don't do the same to your kids I wish I could up vote this more Opie it is absolutely a choice and if one kid is all you want and feel comfortable with then I think that one kid will be well loved and raised rights but you are also in a position where you know exactly what not to do with multiple kids so you would be able to do it right and not be crappy like your parents absolutely not the a whole and your parents suck I'd never thought of it that way and it's such a good points I've never considered having more than one but it's nice to think that if I change my mind I will at least have some idea of what not to do thank you both I would highly recommend lowering your contact with your parents before kids come into the picture they clearly unapologetic and definitely the a-holes here posted by user Lonely Planet's girl titled ma the a-hole for telling my dad I'm not ready to meet the person he's seeing only two months after my mom passed my parents have been together for 40 years my mum had a cancer diagnosis in February and she passed away in April I've always been close to my parents and they've always been like friends too my dad started seeing someone last month and while I honestly prefer that to him being on his own all of the time and I have no problem knowing he's spending a lot of time with that woman I find it very difficult to be around my dad and her I met her for the first time last week and I realized that I need more time before being around them together maybe that's irrelevant but that woman is the same age as me late 30s it's a lot for me to process at the same time a few days ago I decided to be honest with my dad and I told him that I needed time I tried my best to make it clear that I'm not against him seeing someone and that I do accept that he can spend all of his time with her if that's what they want I just need time to be around them as a couple he got it all wrong and now he's upset with me I'm lost am I the a-hole I don't think we continue as an a-hole in this one like it is a lot to lose your mum like that that would obviously take a long time to heal from but even if this was just a case of divorce and you know one parent getting with the partner of another for a lot of people that's hard for them to see one of their parents with someone else and that does take a long time to adjust to so this situation is just that's amplified to the enth degree and everyone has their own time that they're ready to see things some people are never okay with it and they can never see the parents as a new couple new structure and that's completely okay I think Europe Aegis needs to have another sit-down with a dad in person and really just explain how they're feeling and why they're feeling this and what's going on there because yet I can sense a lot of pain coming from this person and it's okay it's your feelings are valid but I definitely do not think you're the a-hole you are not the a-hole at all this is a very difficult time for you and it is okay for you to need time to process everything you don't mean anything meaningful with it so take your time that's exactly is I'm still trying to realize what happens because everything went too fast one day my mum was doing great no symptoms or anything the next she gets a scan results and we learned she's at the final stage it's so surreal and tied to process I don't think he's the a-hole either this is a clearer case of narrow a-holes here unless there's more to the story that hasn't come out the timing is a bit quick for my taste but who can judge how someone grieves and it doesn't sound like he's been too pushy yet on this but if there's more going on to this story of them dating or he gets really pushy about you spending time with her he would become an a-hole because you definitely aren't it felt a bit weird to write this post considering this subs name because it's clearly not a question of who was an a-hole in the story no one is I'm really just questioning if my reaction is normal or not considering the situation like you said grieving is a different process for everyone and this is why I respect his choices I just can't be part of it right now it's too quick for me my dad died from cancer 13 years ago I was five and my mom remarried eight years ago and at first I didn't know what to do she told us he'd proposed I wasn't even sure if they were dating to be honest I was only 10 and asked my sister and I how we felt about it we both were happy for her because she was happy bits deep down I still wasn't sure but I never said anything but my stepdad is a great guy so it's all good and stuff I know my situation was different from yours but it's okay to need time and to take as much time as you need you're in no way in a hole and I'm sure your dad understands that you will need time not the a-hole and honestly super weird in my opinion for him to be dating so soon after his wife's death and dating someone his daughter's age yes all of it feels weird at the moments but whatever his grieving process is I will support it I just thought he would get that I'm not ready to pretend to be a family again with a stranger Hey I just wanted to chime in here my mum died five years ago and my dad found a new partner about four or five afterwards it was a strange time my parents had been together for nearly 30 and I couldn't understand how my dad could just move on but you don't choose when you meet someone and they've been together ever since and they've recently had a baby they're clearly very happy his new girlfriend is also younger than him by quite a bit so it's a very similar situation it took me a while to become accustomed to seeing my dad with another woman especially as my parents had such a wonderful relationship but in the end I'm a grown woman my dad's girlfriend isn't my stepmom we have a very different relationship than what I had with my mum and that makes it easier to understand we get on really well and I love having her around and my dad is happy posted by user to be deleted soon titled am I the a-hole for calling my stepfather an alcoholic every time he calls my brother a gay he isn't really my stepdad as I was 15 when he came into our lives and I've never seen him as a father to me especially as my dad is still in the picture it's just easier to call in my stepfather sir my stepdad and my mum had a baby when I was 17 my brother is now six years old and lives together with me my sister and our mother in an apartment so he's the only male in the household his father lives a five minute walk away from us my brother loves wearing dresses and high heels every once in a while unicorns and butterflies loves glitter and pink and all stuff his father calls girly but brother also likes cars trucks and big machines play fighting and stuff like that my stepfather has a problem with his son liking girl stuff and that we're raising him to be a gay since living together with three adult women who let him play whatever he wants has a bad influence on him and he will turn out to be gay my mother and my sister ignore comments like this from his side but I usually fire back stuff like better gay than being an alcoholic and similar comments mentioning his drinking problem he lost his job and driver's license due to his addiction a year ago and doesn't see the problem with it he's putting our brother in danger when cycling with our brothers he'll just be reckless and do dangerous stuff and my brother will copy him of course and shows him how to load a gun which is also illegal in my country so he's barely allowed to see his son especially not alone my mother insists to think I'm being an a-hole to mention his addiction when he says idiotic stuff like this and I should just ignore it but I think he's an a-hole for calling his son as soon to be gay I don't have a problem with his stepdad and in general I don't hold a grudge against him when he's nice and normal I'm able to talk to him in a friendly tone I'm only like this when he talks crap about my brother and the LGBTQ community what do you think edits he never called my brother directly gay or a gay and my brother never heard those words out of his mouth he only says that when he's in an argument with our mother or me and my sister when my little one isn't there to hear my mom and sister ignore what he says because he's drunk and they don't want to waste time talking to him when he's like that I think it's a very clear case of you're not the a-hole and we really do want to keep that dad away from the Sun for a while while he's still forming in the brain area probably a really bad influence to be impacting him it's not to say that keep him away entirely it's to say don't let him affect the brothers choices and behaviors so negatively from the get-go because kids are very impressionable and teaching him how to load and gun while you know that's it's ok to do that it doesn't bring the best impression out it's in a father especially in a country where it's not legal to have guns I can understand America but if this were Australia and you could pack harm and they're saying yeah let's just teaching my kid how to load a gun you'd have so many heads in the room turn and be like um 22 called Child Protective Services on this man so because of that not the a-hole if he has no problem spitting slurs at a literal six-year-olds then he should be fine with getting called out for being an alcoholic piece of trash simple as that I'm more concerned with the fact that your sister and mother have zero problem with your grown adult stepdad hurling insults at a child being a worthless alcoholic and owning an illegal firearm then you potentially hurting the drunks baby feelings oh no oh my god I missed that this poor boy is six years old it's not right to say that crap to a man of any age of course but he's a freaking baby there is no right situation in which you should be saying that to someone at that age honestly Opie you're not the a-hole Rp edited and said that he hasn't used the slur directly Adam but I wouldn't be surprised if he's heard it kids are really perceptive and if this is sent to Opie and their family during arguments I doubt it was done quietly poor kid definitely not the a-hole giving him a dose of his own medicine if he can't be respectful to a child he can't be respected in my opinion keep looking out for your brother he needs you and we'll need you in the future if only to have someone who understands and supports him and allows him to be fabulous I will say be careful stepdad seams volatile and provocation could end very badly for you and for your fabulous brother exactly this he seems like he could get violent with his homophobic fears ever proven to be true or if he suspect that your brother is too close with a friend watch him and keep him away from your brother all right now I think that's where we're gonna leave today's episode guys I really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as I loved making it I would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe you liked the video who knows I'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know I don't know what I'd do I'd probably be homeless on the streets of Ireland crying Irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but no Pharrell you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content with that said guys I hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to I hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 46,389
Rating: 4.9141169 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: fF6xyIz3KRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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