r/AmITheA**hole For Making My Roommate Wet Herself?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where opie causes a girl to wet herself am i the butthole for not giving up my room because my half sister wanted as a christmas gift i'm a 16 year old girl and i live with my mom and her husband my mom and dad divorced when i was 2 and she and her husband had another kid my half-sister who's 14. i visit my dad here and there but not often due to him traveling a lot for work recently i've grown into liking anime and other things so i asked my mom if i could rearrange my room it was super plain and depressing at first so it felt good to add color and lots of decoration posters led lights and pictures it took nearly three weeks but it came out super nice and it's overall made me a lot happier to be in last week my half-sister went to my room while i was visiting my dad to celebrate christmas early and she told her dad that she wanted my room because it looked nice when i came home my mom told me about her wanting my room and i said no she said it would mean a lot to my half-sister and i could take her room and redecorate that one i said no again and that if she really wanted a room like mine she could decorate it her own self with their help my mom said that she was just a kid and wouldn't be able to do all the decorations like i did and it would be simple if i just redecorated the other room i was angry that my mom would even suggest that i give up my room that i worked so hard for and i even spent my own money on everything but the paints her husband offered to give me money to decorate the other room without spending my money but i still declined my mom called me a brat and said i was almost 17 and i should grow up and that i wouldn't be in this room for more than another two years so it wasn't a big deal if i give it up her husband called me selfish and said i was crushing his daughter's feelings and that was the only thing she wanted for christmas his words were op how could you crush your little sister's dreams and be so selfish i get that it's just a room but i don't think it's right that i have to give up something i worked hard for because she went to my room without my permission something they didn't even care to acknowledge my mom's been trying to convince me to give her the room and i said that if she takes my room then i'll remove all the decorations she's been mad at me for nearly three days now and i feel like an awful person to letting it get to this extent am i the butthole what am i reading what kind of screwed up parent says okay big sister give your whole room over to your younger sister because she wants it if little sister wants a room like big sister the solution isn't to just give her the room it's to work together as a family to help build a room like that for the little sister the parents could have come to op and said opie your little sister really loves your room would you be willing to help us and little sister make a room similar to yours you won't have to spend any of your money but this could be a fun family activity that's what your parents should have done not try and strong-arm and guilt-trip you into giving over your room op you get zero out of five buttholes your younger sister gets maybe one out of five buttholes because she's still being a little bit bratty your parents get four out of five buttholes parents who play favoritism among their kids are disgusting luckily though we have a happy ending opie adds this in an edit hey i just want to let you know that i did it i moved in with my dad and i took every last decoration down the only thing that stayed was the painted walls my mom wasn't happy she kind of blamed me for everything she said i was overreacting over a room and by me leaving i was being a child thank you to the kind writers who message me and have kept in touch since you guys are the reasons i had the courage to stand up for myself for once my dad is a freaking amazing guy and he let me decorate my room with a lot more decorations words can't explain how thankful i am to all of you you guys are awesome am i the butthole for giving away my grandparents gift that was intended for my fiance every year my grandparents give 300 to their single grandkids and 500 to their married grandkids along with a note that says to share with their spouse when opening up our gifts this year i noticed my cousin who had recently married his gay boyfriend only received three hundred dollars while my fiance and i received five hundred dollars i handed two hundred dollar bills from my envelope to my cousin in front of everyone which caused quite the scene my family is very religious and refuses to accept gay marriage as legitimate they refuse to acknowledge his husband as a member of our family and tell him he's going to hell unless he changes his lifestyle i defended my decision saying we're not married yet and they are i think there's been a mistake conversations quickly devolved resulting in both my cousin and i leaving shortly after my family says it wasn't my money to give and my actions disrespected both my grandparents and my fiance my fiance feels that my family was welcoming her and i rejected her in front of everyone am i the butthole so i think this one is a little bit nuanced everyone's saying is that you're not the butthole and for the most part yes i agree your grandparents are being super bigoted and are being really mean to your gay cousin's husband also i really do appreciate that you stood up for your cousin though that being said i can definitely understand why your fiance would be upset by this your wife wants to be accepted by your family just like your gay cousin's husband so when you handed your cousin that 200 then yeah you were implicitly insulting your fiance so i guess what i'm trying to say is i agree with what you did but not how you did it the ideal situation would have been standing up for your cousin without insulting your fiance i'll give your grandparents and their supporters three out of five buttholes i'll give your cousin and his husband zero out of five buttholes uop i think i have to give you like point five out of five buttholes because i can understand how you really embarrassed your fiance in that situation man this is really a sticky situation because i think i also have to give the wife like .5 out of 5 buttholes i mean i definitely understand that she wanted to be accepted by the family but i think what she should have done was taken a step back and realized okay there's some complicated family dynamics going on here and it's not really my place to get involved yet this is between my fiance his grandparents and his cousins so i should understand that this isn't an insult against me so i guess the ideal situation for her would have been that she would have backed up her man for doing the right thing but i guess that didn't happen am i the butthole for locking my roommate's girlfriend out of my room and bathroom i'm a 21 year old guy and i share an apartment with another guy named john who's 22. john started bringing his girlfriend macy around a couple of months ago which i didn't have a problem with she just stayed here a couple of nights a week the problem started happening over a month ago macy came to my room and asked if she could use my bathroom because john's is an effing mess i've been in there before and i agree he never cleans it his tub is stained and full of hairs and there's streaks of piss on the toilet seat it smells awful and it looks as bad as a men's restroom in a public park i kinda wish i never let her after that whenever she was there she'd ask if she could use my bathroom or straight up just go when i wasn't there how did i know i started noticing toilet paper balled up in my trash bin my ex used to do this too when she would change her tampons so i knew right away then she would literally use my shower when i wasn't there because i also started finding these long hair stuck on my shower tiles not only that i work night shifts so until late afternoon i'm sleeping in my room she would wake me up to ask if she could use the bathroom after i started saying no she just started sneaking in i'm a heavy sleeper but a couple of times i did catch her and she apologized but it's because she can't stand using john's bathroom i'd tell her to tell him to clean the bathroom and then problem solved but she says he promises he will then never does i'm already irritated with this and i don't want her continuing to use my bathroom so i wouldn't got a lock for my room that was a few days ago and now jon is pissed with me it turns out that while i was sleeping she kept knocking on my door trying to get in but the lot kept her out anyway she had to pee really badly and john was already using his bathroom and well she wet herself so yeah i guess she was banging on my door and i couldn't hear it because i was knocked out and i had my headphones on she ended up having a small accident because she couldn't hold it any longer because of that she got mad at jon and now he's mad at me i told him why i got the lock and i don't want his girl coming into my room whenever she wants to use the bathroom it's weird and she leaves her own mess too they still think i was being a dick for getting a lock in the first place and they don't think it's such a big deal for her to use the bathroom because it's not like she's snooping in my room i mean i don't know sometimes i'm not there also according to him i'm being dramatic to go through all that trouble macy is giving me the side eye whenever she's there now and says i didn't have to be like that with her so yeah i didn't mean for her to have that accident i don't think i was over doing it by getting a lock when i kind of feel like i didn't have another option i wasn't the butthole here though was i because they sure as hell are acting like i am o.p what your roommate and his girlfriend was doing was a pretty significant breach of privacy also the fact that she would wake you up to use your bathroom is really disrespectful they both sound entitled and rude they have their own bathroom they can use i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes i'm giving your roommate and his girlfriend two out of five buttholes each am i the butthole for asking the doctor how to increase chances of having a boy next time i found out today during an ultrasound that my wife is pregnant with twin girls i wasn't mad but i was let down because we already have two daughters and i said come on it was an accident i only meant to say it in my head but i guess i was so frustrated it came out of my mouth and i said it out loud but it was fine because everyone laughed i asked the doctor how i could increase the chances of having a boy next time and he recommended something called the shettles method but he said it wasn't guaranteed and i thanked him everyone was happy and laughing everything was fine as soon as we get into the car my wife turns into a whole different person and stops smiling and being happy i can't remember her exact words but i knew she was upset about the question i asked i told her that i love our daughters but i just wanted a boy and there was nothing wrong with that she hasn't spoken to me in a few hours i don't really see what the problem is i don't want too many replies please just like 10. if you read this and see if there's 10 comments already please just don't add another one thank you edit okay we passed 10 you can stop now thank you edit you guys aren't listening there's already more than 10. and in case you're curious this thread has 7 464 comments down in the comments i'm gonna agree with cat mac 14. you're the butthole your wife is pregnant with two children she hasn't even had them yet she's still making them and you've already moved on to asking about how to make sure the next one she carries is a boy you should be ashamed of yourself yeah i agree opie your wife is literally in the process of growing two of your own children inside of her and your response to that news was basically like ugh more girls when can we have a boy already it's very disrespectful to your wife your current daughters and your unborn daughters so sorry opie you kind of sound like the butthole in this situation i'm giving you let's say 1.5 out of 5 buttholes also the way that you were so bossy with the number of comments that we were allowed to post on your thread makes me think that you're actually way worse than you're making it sound but that's just speculation i don't want to give you a higher rating based on speculation so why don't we just say this op how about we try to tone down the douchiness okay am i the butthole for kicking my girlfriend out of my place on new year's eve for scaring my little brother we can all agree that 2020 was a terrible year particularly from my family we lost our dad at the beginning of the year after he had a heart attack and my 12 year old little brother had no one to take care of him our mom died when he was three so our dad was all he had left i'm a 29 year old male and i fought for his custody and was appointed as legal guardian honestly it hasn't been easy we're still adjusting to these life changes and my brother is taking it the hardest for months he just wasn't himself he had a bad attitude and he was lashing out i got him into therapy because i knew he was just hurting plus the stress of the pandemic his behavior has improved so much since then even if sometimes there's days when he's withdrawn days before christmas he was feeling sad since it was our first holiday without dad that day he asked to be left alone we had a talk to discuss his feelings and i gave him space after that my girlfriend was over that day and i went out to buy groceries when i got back my brother was out of his room and helping out i didn't think anything of it at the time yesterday my brother and i were having some guy time before going back home to get ready for new year's eve my brother opened up about how grateful he is for everything and he hopes that i don't change my mind about taking care of him i asked him why you'd think that and he told me what happened that day when i was out my girlfriend went to my brother's room to tell him that he needed to change his attitude and stop moping because he should be grateful that i'm taking care of him at all and that we could still hand him over to the state if we wanted to i was furious and i had to reassure my brother that this was never gonna happen because he was really worried about it we went home i confronted my girlfriend and she didn't deny it she told me it's true and there was nothing wrong with telling him to stop acting like that when he should be grateful that i gave up my life to take care of him and she said the part about me giving him up wasn't that big of a deal to her because it's not like i'll actually do it i said she still scared him with the threat and i told her to leave my apartment because honestly i was too far mad and because i didn't want her to be near him right now she started crying and there was more fighting but she left in the end it was just me and my brother for new years since last night i've been bombarded with calls from all her friends for kicking her out knowing that she has no family and nobody else to spend the holidays with everyone sided with her and even my best friend says i may have overreacted by making her leave when she probably thought that she was helping they've heard my side of the story but they still think that i was the butthole for making her cry and spending the new years alone i'm having trouble seeing how i could be the butthole here so i'm looking to internet strangers to weigh in on this hmm let's see it's okay for her to threaten your little brother without your knowledge or consent that he will be kicked out of the home and have no family for the holidays but it's not okay to kick her out for the holidays i think the word you're looking for is effing hypocrite telling a 12 year old boy that you're gonna give him away if he doesn't stop crying it's like something you'd expect a disney evil stepmother to say opie it's time for a new girlfriend and some new friends while you're at it they are all completely wrong and i don't even understand how they think that you're the butthole here your girlfriend way overstepped the line and what she said to your little brother was just straight up nasty my guess and admittedly this is just a guess here but my guess is that your girlfriend secretly resents your little brother because without him you'd be free and untethered and able to do whatever she wants op please see this as the red flag behavior that it is that was our slash malicious compliance and this is our slash puppy bloopers if little sister wants a room just like big sister the solution you go if little sister wants a room like big sister the solution isn't to just give her the room dog if little sister wants a you go if little sister wants a room like
Channel: rSlash
Views: 277,235
Rating: 4.8890805 out of 5
Id: TKS3vRTuaSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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