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a bam welcome everybody to rogue tower it's a roguelike tower defense game very cool so here we have it our beautiful tower isn't it magical uh the way this is gonna work is we're gonna place down some towers right now we only have ballistas but that's okay that's fine uh we are putting them down in these houses because um if we put uh some things near a house uh it's gonna get us extra gold and more gold is more good that's what i always say uh and the way that we summon enemies is we're gonna slowly expand the map out pretty easy pretty simple uh what are we gonna do uh we will be giving cards that we can use to upgrade our stuff plus some damage to shields generates mana oh uh mortar towers pretty good heavy shafts let's do armor i think we're gonna see armored enemies more than anything else so at the moment we just have basic little goblins uh nothing to worry about our ballistas are in range take that place next to a cult shrines uh increase my health more mana generation i don't have anything that is using mana right now so i'm not too worried oh wow okay we can make them consume mana but they do more damage let's get just plus two damage to armor okay so the map is slowly gonna expand out uh oh this new little house for us to defend which i think is probably worthwhile uh because more gold is more good there is like an extra house back there that i could spend some money on but i think the return it's gonna take a long time to uh build that up uh oh extra range kind of like the idea of extra range let's do it and expand uh so we had the option to get a mine earlier which will repair our main tower which is very cool um not sure if i super need that just yet because main tower absolutely fine oh look at them go look at them run so these guys got like a little speed boost kill him with fire uh a haunted house uh we don't have any graves available yet so not too worried about that uh possible damage to health like everyone has health oh okay right that's probably good you guys can both have some towels as well so if we try to upgrade something uh we can actually upgrade their individual things uh we can upgrade all kinds of goodness and i sort of see how our towers are doing because different towers will actually level up themselves and will do more damage so this uh everyone's got like a little health bar take that ooh tesla coils okay right i do i do want to test the coil because uh it's a different type of tower and i'm not sure what the range is on it i think that's in range maybe it's not we might be able to buff its range can i afford like i think having a bolt thrower by here is probably good uh that'll keep blasting back there these guys are all shooting away so we can kind of like expect guys to be you can really like fiddle with their target priorities uh okay it is doing some lightning it's not a ton but it does hit everyone that comes through there maybe actually on him like a little bit deeper in killing with fire no my guys don't do burning yet so let's just uh get shafts boom expand okay it'd be nice if this camera came all the way down because then these guys can actually fire earlier on when uh the enemy is just sort of like coming nearby oh nice okay yeah right there but tesla's kind of doing pretty good i'm into that and then bam oh ballista town back here did not have a good time and he's dropped plus two gold on death but deal one more damage to the tower i'm a big fan of this bandit tree more gold is more good 100 but we're more likely to die if this goes wrong um you know liv live fast die fast uh that can be a tesla coil because that's like every enemy is going to come through here now and so just like a little bit of chip damage you know maybe one there as well like they've got to go around it maybe one there too can i afford that no not yet ballistas just doing great great work sure let's do the mine uh i don't think we super need it yet but this is like future proofing us nice okay these guys actually came into range suddenly now maybe getting some mortars uh could be good because mortars are very long range i'm actually having them a road down the middle what range is a ballista oh they're pretty good range we're pretty good uh man they're actually really expensive now so everything gets more expensive the more you place them luckily we're actually generating a healthy amount of gold uh going through that armor pretty nicely yeah pretty good it's pretty good okay this is like a little bit of a sad area they can't stop us now are we 100 can you're coming up to bullish the town here bird that is not where you want to be um we have a lot of ballistas oh oh god he always made it oh encampment okay yes love it okay right a little encampment oh wait i don't have the cash okay right maybe not maybe not okay so now we're getting into a bigger area this will be a prime spot to get a tesla coil and i should have built both of these mines wait also why did i build a mine there that's a mana crystal that's not a that's not an iron vein okay they're kind of getting blasted boom an encampment i come on the encampment further back uh because this is now going to place like mines and stuff around um and it's just not like a last line of defense you know just slowly build up oh five percent slow because i love slow uh always good and i kind of want tesla's in this area this way so i kind of want to like expand all of these at the same sort of time this is going to be my little kill box i want all of this to be tesla coils something that hits everything at once uh then maybe we'll try and get some lines in there at some point so this guy uh the encampment he works a little bit like the um was it like the tech nail placer nail dispenser in balloons do you remember that guy so he'll just kind of sit poop down mines um just as a real last line of defense known as mickey to our back line the shredder god maybe we shouldn't be going for so many different towers at the same time oh shred actually you get more damage if you're higher up sure shred up come here uh let's expand this side okay so he's just gonna blast around and i probably need him like here to like buzz buzz down there but wow those bustles so now we have uh little rolling sheds um like battering rams these guys actually real bad bad business uh because they have so much armor um so i'm gonna need some more slightly dedicated anti-armor boys and when the little sheds pop they are full of boys okay we're going through mana pretty a little faster than we're actually generating so i'm going to have to worry about that at some point because each of my um tesla towers are using it up nice oh more banditry yes uh let's expand this side out i just want this area nice and busy oh yeah like look all the tesla cores kind of like working together actually doing some pretty good damage now like it's not killing everyone like a couple do get through but pretty legit i need the tesla coils i need to get a buff on them so they hit armor a little bit harder oh oh i need monosiphon for sure have you seen spooky spooky undead yet maybe it's worth getting um texting the undead sometime soon uh we'll expand this way oh it's gonna be a dead end okay lightning just fantastic uh i feel like we can just add more and that is that is fine oh god they're actually kind of making it i might need more ballistas i need something to try and pop these guys before they make it through old lightning alley over there oh they're gonna take out my minds okay we're good we're good i think that one might be bad that's full of full voice still uh oh please i don't just like plebs to kill my minds nice oh just the flat plus three mana generation a second might be good yeah okay right we've got a portal that is fine oh a big ogre um i'm gonna need to build um some additional things let's just stack the hills a little because this is gonna get a little hairier so there's gonna be some slowing coming out of this stuff which is pretty good uh we could got a tesla in here coming on gold still pretty good these blisters will help to take down the armored uh cars that come through and um old oogie he's bleeding he's not happy he's getting slowed i think we got him one more volley nice okay testicles get plus one damage to shields might be worth buffing our guys because we've actually spent a lot of money there although we didn't really have to deal with too many shields at the moment i think i'm into that oh treasure nice uh oh god do we just do we just go for this right i just want to be prepared for when shields turn up so i'm not sure when but i'm pretty sure it's soon oh yeah oh man we literally planned this well so now we have to deal with zombies who have shields and some cool new music as well [Music] right this is all electrocuting very nicely okay how tough are these shields oh god still very tough i want to get some haunted houses up and running okay we might have built too many haunted houses uh slightly in the profit now uh cool so they've got shields not super good i need something to deal with that because they're going to be a problem sure uh more damage to shields pretty good more mana could be good cipher mana from crystals maybe is good oh that could we could just go pure economy here maybe not the smart play but like we spend gold to make siphons that's giving us 14 a second and then we can bring all the haunted houses back okay great we've got a positive of mana uh we might be able to start getting like the mana bolts on our guys because we're doing pretty good oh god actually this this little engine does use a lot of mana a lot of the basic boys don't really make it through um let's just get more siphons is there anything not being siphoned you guys back here okay right we have a ridiculous amount of mana these guys are all pretty chill i feel like i need a couple of towers that just shoot the most armored and like some around here because i want to try and pop the the little sheds before they um make it too deep in ideally okay do poison don't know if i don't need that bleeding max cell phone if i want you at the moment or blisters game plus some range maybe let's just get range like that's never gonna be bad okay we can actually get more more haunted houses uh this is probably fine we have the minefield okay obelisk let's bring you in you're responsive but fine um because these guys are not actually generating oh shoot that is what i meant to do okay they're kind of peeping through uh let us get an obelisk boom here uh it just has giant laser um but lasers people damage to health no personal range probably not damage to shields yes select uh you target most shields maybe move you just gonna obelisk up here uh right i want you to be shield targeting okay he's not doing the most damage to a shield i can upgrade your shield damage a little i'm spending all of my cash i just want this guy to really really melt shields i've got our mana right i think we can afford to have two two off at once journeys mana through the magic of the magic market yeah i can do that [Music] 500 bucks but you want to live over here are you gonna be in town no let's make a little banking district how much do i need to be generating oh god like the amount of shields coming in now our economy is just a wild world mess at the moment okay they're not really making it past this area like i think we could just load this whole thing with ballistas more gold is more fun let's do it okay right he just absolutely destroys shields right next up he's pretty good against armor so let's do most armor after most shields okay yeah like man like look how efficient this this is running now like it's not great at draining health but like the other stuff love it uh oh getting some gold i don't need that uh plus three generation of seconds that's not as fun sometimes the armor yeah this is not consumed but do more damage i kind of think it's probably worth it like our economy is pretty stable okay mom is still pretty healthy sure double beams okay once more fixed on like damaging armor and then once the r and shields have been stripped by these guys yeah like god they get through it so quickly oh god we get through our mana so quickly um i need to set up a new banner bank oh zombie oogie he's back my nemesis i think i could be expanding this out more than this side because not a lot of this actually goes through my lightning my lightning area okay zombie oogie is kind of terrifying his shield is still very big i guess man i should probably have i just lived on this ages ago [Music] set up ballistas on most health and most shields almost uh armor and shields oh well they kind of drained them pretty well um because then they'll get a slow debuff plus the damage to shields i probably should just just do that oh we've got speedsters what even i they're like little geodudes i want more guys just blasting armor okay so little speedy boys are kind of making it long but not the end of the world oh uh oh geodudes okay they still have to approach ballista town but this is actually a bad wake-up call for everyone involved uh just a flat three generation no i need damage let's do crit chance i'll risk risking my life on on crit chance oh we're getting through oh there's chests uh more mines more health maximum bleed sure we don't bleed them yet but we will we don't really burn them either well we just need to get a bleed thing i know um muscles make them bleed oh extra crit chance sure okay right this is this is getting busy uh so we have got loads loads more lasers we have loads more ballistas the map is expanding out and actually doing a lot of damage to them early on kind of really focusing this area you could just like super buff 24 it's all of our cash so these boys like strip their shields or special stuff uh and then hopefully this just like comes on for a second yeah man it kind of melts pretty good university uh let's do this okay we've got some universities uh that are going to study and try and give us some bonus bonus damage percentages pretty low on actually discovering stuff but we'll just have to see see how that goes okay the attack is relatively safe i don't love these guys getting around so much waters gain five percent crit chance love it okay sadly our universities have not yielded yet i'm not sure like statistically what's the best way to do it like having a lot on like low percentages this probably makes sense [Music] because all of them at the end of the turn get to like proc to have a chance or do you just want to like stack one main boy like i've done here but he's got like a 30 chance well 28. i feel like we're handling oh god actually armor armor is starting to get through oh god there's so many of them okay i've been i've not built any towers for a long time and that's probably super bad for business um i think we're gonna need a lot of money on towers right now [Music] uh basically build tower on cooldown is the new game uh-oh are we gonna be okay [Music] yeah we'll be okay right uh this is normally where i kind of goof up uh in this game or oh god no no oh my god okay well um yeah we failed to manage our economy guarded like the banditry of what each guy was doing like four damage all it took was three man there's so many ways we could have avoided that uh maybe not spending literal thousands on um upgrading all of this stuff wow wow uh so when you have uh played um you can then go and you can um buy upgrades you can upgrade like different towers you can unlock other towers there is a lot of a lot of stuff in this game so there's a lot of replayability uh you can reset your experience and buy different things very cool um highly recommend uh and that's rogue tower everybody until next time see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 95,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: zYwUfsbSJ3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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