Wheel of Punishments!

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- Is Keith really your best friend? - [All] Ooh. - Yes. - Okay, then, Keith is your best friend? - You really think that? - You really think that? - You're confident in that? - Is that real? (upbeat music) - Y'all, we all feeling good? - Well. - Not for a long, long time. No, I'm just kidding. Yay! (applause) (cheering) - Hello, friends, and welcome to the Mystery Wheel Challenge! (groaning) (screaming) - In case you were wondering why we are all rocking these bandanas, it's 'cause today, is going to be done in teams. And so we are going to play Food Battle 2020, just kidding. We are gonna play Boomerang Fu, and basically you are a food item and you're trying to use boomerangs to kinda slice your opponents in half. - You can throw them, you can punch people with them, - Boil 'em, mash 'em, - Stick 'em in a stew. - So right now we are divided into three teams, me and Noah, Spencer and Ian, and Tommy and Damien. And we are each gonna go head-to-head in one epic game battle. (chuckling) - I don't what... - Food Battle? One epic Food Battle? - I got battle on the brain. And then, when a team loses, they are going to go to the Wheel of Punishment. - [Damien] The battle wheel. - Of battle. Both of you are going to have to do the punishment. Each team will play the other team once. - What's up on here, what kind of things we got over here? - So we got a Clown Makeover, where you're gonna look like a clown. We have Water Break, where you drink some clam juice and pretend it's water. We have an Electrocution Lie Detector. We have Spicy Beanboozled. We got Big Mouth. We got Egg Roulette. We got a lot of fun things happening. - I'm looking forward to clam juice, I just don't want the stinky, stinky spray. - Oh yeah, there's fart spray! - [Damien] Cut to last time! Like, y'all, sometimes I think on YouTube people play things up and they're like "Wow, I'm so scared by this react thing," This smells real bad. - [Sarah] Are you holding your breath? - Ah! It came in anyway! - Are any of us okay right now? - No! - No. - It's the bandanas, they're too tight. - This is the last video after two weeks of filming, we're all just like, "Ahh! Where are we?" - And in case you like seeing us slowly degrade into madness, subscribe. (upbeat music) - Tommy, I'm gonna need all of your belief because Spencer's one tough cookie, and I'm not talking (gibberish), I'm talking about in general. - I've beat Spencer in a game. - Well, you've beat Spencer physically but we don't talk about that. (laughing) - I'm sorry, for your. (somber music) - Tommy... - Don't tell them. - What food are you gonna want? - Ooh, human touch. (laughter) - Haven't had that in a while. - Beep, beep. Beep, boop. Beanboozled. - Tell the camera I'm your best friend. - What? - Tell the camera I'm your best friend. - Yeah, you have to do it. He said you have to do it. - He said it you have to do it. - That's the rule. - Oh! Spencer is my best friend. - [Announcer] Coming soon on video and DVD. (laughter) - I'm kinda feeling (beep) coffee. But you had loved the Popsicle. - [Spencer] Look at him shake! - Bro, that's the energy of you on What're Those. - That's true! That's me. - Alright, first to ten kills wins. - No bots. No bots. - Alright, I'm taking bets right now, I've got Damien down about five percent, so I'm taking forty-five cents bet on Damien. You'll get a fifty-five cent return. - We're fighting right now. - So you can dash! You can slash! And you can throw those 'rangs. - [Sarah] Dip, dodge, dive, - Wow, good one, friend. - Thanks, man. It's a practice round, though, so it doesn't count. - Warm up round. Now this is for real. - All right, doing the donuts proud. - [All] Ohh! - [Noah] Nice! - Wait, did you charge that up? - Yeah, if you hold Y you'll charge it up. - For sure do that again. - Oh, no. - I didn't know that either. - Come on! - This is way too gamer. - Ohh! - Whoa! - Wow, did we both die? - I think neither of you get a point. - I think I survived. - [All] Oh! - We each get a point. - We killed each other - Interesting. - We both died. (slow-mo groaning) - I can do that. - Ohh. - Hold Y to bring it back. - [All] Ohh! - Watch out, it's shaking boys. - Oh, slash him, slash him, slash him. - Ooh. - The hash slinging slasher! - Oh my god! - The hash slinging slasher! - Oh! - This is intense dude. - [All] Oh! - Oh my god. - Dude my testicles retracted inside my body. (laughing) - Well that's just cause it's Friday. - Ooh, what's that? - A power-up. - It's a juicer in the middle. - Dear Eliza, dear Eliza. - Bounce? - [Sarah] You can bounce. - Oh, wait! How did that hit you? That was an extra life I think. - No it was an extra boomerang. - Or it was? - [All] Oh! - [Ian] Spencer! You were the chosen one. - Oh shit I forgot you get punished too. - Yeah! - Caffeinated baby! Oh my god. - Oh nice! - Let's go! - I did that for you Ian. - Let's go champ. - We got a Pac-Man scenario. - Oh he had a shield! - It's alright we're way ahead. - I could blow a three point lead. - Yup. - You get a shield if you're sucking real bad. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh well that seems dumb as (bleep). - You got extra 'rangs. - Nice boomerang. - We stan. - If you walk into the little slide boy you freeze up. You do too. - Oh, double entendre. - Oh power-ups remain! Oh god, oh no. This is rough. I can see this ending bad for me. Yup. - [All] Oh! - What? You blocked it? - [Noah] That was X-Games mode. (slo-mo groaning) - You guys are playing this game way better than I ever could. - I'm just gonna boomerang, boomerang, boomerang. - Get you 'rang back boy! - No he's got two 'rangs, doesn't even matter to him. - [All] Oh! - It mattered a little bit. - Oh he's stepping onto the plus sign. - Stepping on the plus, do, do, do. (laughing) - Oh. - Better get your boomerang. - Oh (bleep) my bones. You have two boomerangs! - From downtown. - From boomerangs! - You're shooting ice! - How am I supposed to... Ice has never helped. - You shoot ice and your caffeinated so you run fast. - Ice has never helped me. - You're best friends, guys, get it together. - Oh, don't get squishy. - Hit the gong, it makes an awesome sound. - Hit the gong. - [All] Oh! - [Sarah] Get him Spencer! - He played you! - Oh. - He got the- (all talking) (applause) - That was crazy. - You did really well. - That was so good. - He got that power-up a long time ago and that's all it takes. - Explosive boomerang. - Just start swinging wildly when you go in there. - [All] Whoa! - [Ian] What the hell was that? - I got explosive boomerangs. - That didn't count. - Yeah, don't go out of bounds. Oh. Oh! - That was insane! - Dude, the comeback kid. - Does it auto come back to you because it explodes? Cause that's savage. - [All] Oh! - I think we both... - Wait, what? - [Sarah] Wow you both got a point. - [Tommy] When you looked away it blew up. - Power-ups will be fun! (Damien laughing) - Um... - Uh oh. - Oh no. - I mean, what am I supposed to do? - It's okay. It's all right at this point. - I sense a fart on the way. - Damien gets farted on? I really hope not. I was hoping Spencer would lose because he asked how it'd feel to burn up a forest. - It's all right. - [Ian] Oh, no. (horn blaring) - [Sarah] Sorry boys. - We're best friends! - Comeback kid. - I don't think I've... Not to pull a Shane and say I've never won, but I feel like I haven't really won a game on Smosh Games. - I'm gonna eat your family. (laughing) (upbeat music) - I really want Spice Time or Water Break. - [Matt Raub] You tooted! You tooted! - [All] You tooted! You tooted! - [Sarah] Spin the wheel! (wheel clicking) - Don't do that. - [Sarah] Actually nervous. My hands are sweaty. - Water break! (cheering) - Oh, Tommy my boy, we've done it. - Yay, clam sauce. - Oh no, no clam? - [Sarah] It's a little bit of clam juice in the glasses there. - Before we do I just want- - Asking for the audience, what is clam juice? - It's the- - [Man] It's the juice of a clam. - It's literally inside a clam. - You know like almond milk? - It's saltwater. - You know when you wear underwear that's too tight for like all day? - [Sarah] That. - Oh, Damien. - Tommy I just want to say real quick. (suspenseful music) - I'm sorry I lost. - No! - Oh boy, I'm parched! - No, Damien, don't! Damien no! (laughing) - That was water! (laughing) - [Damien] We both drank it. - What does it taste like? - [Damien] Clams. (applause) - But Damien's a sea boy, he likes sea things. - [Sarah] He does! - [Spencer] He just drinks saltwater. - I once devoured a mermaid whole. (upbeat music) - The fart spray legit made me gag last time so... - Y'all are talking it up, now I'm excited. - [Damien] Fools. - Hey Sarah, we're on a team so like, you better win. - You were the one leaning over to me and being like, "We're (bleep)" (laughing) - Maybe it's 'cause you were on my team. All right so this is the practice round Sarah. - See I ended our practice round early. - [Damien] Because he needs no practice. - You were just defeated by water. - Yeah. - Ever had a wet doughnut? - [Ian] I have. - A burger but cold. - For me? - [All] Oh. - I have... - That's just the beginning. - Yeah, it's just one. It's just one. - He just took off the crown. - Yeah, Sarah, somebody could throw a three point lead. - Come on, yeah this is what I'm sending you. It's energy. - Oh (bleep). - Whoa! - [Damien] That was savage. - Shot from behind! - That was (bleep) crazy! - So just lock into what you're doing. - Sarah was actually doing way better during practice. - I know. - Oh, mutli-boomerang. That's insane. That's why were on a team and that's why we're the best. - [All] Whoa! - That's (bleep) up! - I beg your unbelievable goddam pardon. - Get it! - How? - I had a shield. - Sarah! - My hands are so sweaty. - You dash through walls? What the french toast? - Oh, do you have to pick up all the pieces? Before you can throw it, I mean? - You do have to pick up all the pieces. - Oh (bleep). - Oh my god. - What, one piece just murdered me from the side. - One Piece! - Cause it bounced off the side. If you call it in and it hits the surface it reactivates. - Yes I meant to do that. - [All] Whoa! - That was cool. - That was collision. - That was dope. That was spaghetti right there dude. - That was macaroni in a pot. - Yeah, Sarah, come one. - Sarah get the book, get the book. - Sarah read! - Yes queen! - Oh, that's kind of the worst one. - You should murder him now 'cause he can't throw it. - I just died. - That's the way to do it, just rush him and stab him, you got a shield. Rush him and stab him. He can't get his boomerangs, just rush him and stab him. - Dude I can't get all my boomerangs. - Dude it's so slippery. - Yeah you got this, you can do it. - Like a knife fight. - No no no no! No no no no! (cheering) - Yeah! - Good job. - Dude those are so exciting. - Nancy's getting anxiety noises in the call. - Oh come on, when is she gonna lose that dang shield? - You killed her as well, it didn't work out. - (bleep), goddammit. - Yeah. - Uno mas, uno mas. - No, no, no, this is just pray. It's like every year at the World Cup. Sarah you're Messi, you'll do something, right? Something will happen. - Something will happen. - Every year, yeah, the World Cup every year. - That counts as a million points. - How did you... how do you do that? - He can jump through walls. - He jumps through walls 'cause he got that power-up. - Yo, bro, he got X-Man mode. - He's literally God. - Don't go X-Man mode on me. - Stab his but. Stab my boss, Sarah! - Stab my... - That's my new favorite reality show on ABC. - (bleep) my boss. - Welcome back to Boss Stabbings. - That's a Star Wars character for sure. - Good job! - Sarah go get it, go get it, go get it! - Dude if Ian blows this I wouldn't even be mad. - That'd be incredible. This would be the best comeback of all time. Sarah get it (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) - Oh, where is it? - What does disguise do? - Stop moving, stop moving. - That doesn't help with a two person game. (laughing) - Come on! - That's (bleep) bullshit, that's (bleep) bullshit. - You can't get me, I'm running too fast. - That's the catch phrase! That's the t-shirt. - Wahoo! - Please if want the "You can't catch me, I'm running too fast" t-shirt, please get our merch. - Sarah, good job! - Yes, yes, yes! - Sarah he's only at five more kills. (laughing) - Sarah just go get him. Stab him in the tummy. - [All] Oh! (applause) - [Tommy] Sorry... - [Ian] Now I sense a fart. - [Spencer] Wildly inaccurate. - [Noah] Yeah but she's most chill, she was chill about it. - In your vicinity. - That was me. - Oh, nevermind. - [Matt Raub] Spin the wheel! (upbeat music) - [Sarah] Which one do you want? - We're free! - Which one do I want? Um... you know what I would really love? I'd love a clown makeover. - Me too. - No, Lie to Me 'cause I've got a good question for you 'cause I feel like you've been lying to me. - Why do you want me to shock you? Wait, what? You have to do it too. - That's fine, I always tell the truth. - I don't want to do Lie to Me. - Wow, he just called you a liar. - I know. All right, here we go. (wheel clicking) - [Noah] No! Okay, we're good! - You mother (bleep). - I did immediately lie, I don't have a question to ask but if I just, if I put it out in the universe I wasn't gonna get fart spray. - Goddamit, this is the one. The one I did not want. (laughing) - Oh no, I'm gonna poop. - Sarah, I would like to know. Do you truly love your cats? - Oh... - [Matt Raub] Probably not. - Yes. (suspenseful music) - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. - Say yes again. - Yes, yes, I love my cats so much! (shocker buzzes) - Ow! (slowed audio) (dramatic music) - Oh, I don't love my cats. (applause) - Sarah, what hurts more, the shock or realizing you don't love your animals? - You can ask me a rude question back now. - Okay, I have one okay, are you ready? - You can set me up for failure. - [Sarah] Put your hand in there and then you push the button. - Oh there was residue shock. (laughing) - Now I'm not happy. - All right, are you ready? - Yes I'm ready. - Is Keith really your best friend? (all gasp) - Yes. (suspenseful music) - You think Keith is your best friend? - You really think that? - You really think that? You're confident in that? (shocker buzzes) (laughing) - Does it just shock you every time? Is that the game? - Um, it doesn't stop. - I don't know, Damien, why don't you go? We'll ask you a question. - I'm actually okay thanks though. (upbeat music) - Well this should be a game for the ages. - How's your, how's your nervous system? - Honestly shocked, like really shocked, but like actually... Here we go Tommy. Oh Tommy did you see that tweet today? - Don't distract me. - You need the boomerang back, you're not on a podcast Noah. - [All] Whoa. (applause) - It's okay, it's all money. - If that helps you, do it. - Okay. - Distract Tommy with your questions. (laughing) - Ignore him. - Charge him, charge him, charge him. Charge the watermelon. - Murder the most melons. Murder the melons. - Get your boomerang Noah Grossman. - [All] Oh! - It's okay Tommy, it's okay. - [Ian] Slow 'rang. - That scared me. - From what I've seen, people start in the lead and then they're not in the lead. (laughing) - It's just what I've seen. - Damien how does it feel to be punished twice? - Tell Tommy about the tweet that I saw. - Tommy they said you're the best thing that happened to Smosh since Ian and Anthony. Now you go out there and you win this baby boy. - Dude he played with you like Jigsaw. - Op! - You got the multi! Yes! (growling) - Fire 'rang. - Oh that boomerang is fire. - (bleep). - Fire, fire boomerang. (laughing) - Happy birthday. - Say it wasn't me. - Yeah it's been a weird day. - Oh, wait, when did I get on fire? - [Ian] You roasted yourself! - You caught yourself on fire. - You're good, you're good. - Have you tried setting fire to the rain though? - I haven't... - Chase pavements. (laughing) - I feel like Damien. - I feel... - And they gifted me clam juice. - Yeah, yeah, thank you. - Where'd you go? - You go into a pot afterwards. That's a massive flex. You turn into a pot after you kill your guy. - That's like tea bagging... - Oh wow, forest fire. - Oh my god. It's like, how do I see them? - Oh, sorry. - You can't hide from that. - Hit the gong, hit the gong! - Just don't move at all. Don't move at all. - Hit the gong it makes a fun sound. - Yeah! He did the thing. - Be careful of the fire. - Yes, Noah! Point blank range. - I like this, we're keeping the stakes high. - Okay, I don't like this at all. - Oh look at the little toaster in the middle! That's so cute. - I still feel like a loser. - You don't thrive off of anxiety? - Hit the toaster, see what happens. - You know, unfortunate timing. - Yes! - There's nothing to do. - Now you finally understand sports. - Wow, I don't know what's going on at all. - Oh no, you're frozen! (applause) - That was a little heartless, I'm sorry. - No that's fine. I thought you'd light on fire from the forest. - Get the bible, the question bible. You can dash through walls, go. Yes, get him! - My. (applause) - Yes yes yes yes yes. - [Sarah] Oh my god. - [Damien] Oh my! Savage! - I didn't... - The fact that you planned that. (laughter) - Just turn into the box, that helps a lot. - Watch out for that teleport. - He killed him before he jumped in! - That was crazy. - [Spencer] Noah what's your plan? - [Sarah] Noah! - I don't... I'm here and I'm gonna win. - I like that strategy. - Well. - (bleep) (triumphant music) (applause) - I'm sorry. - It's fine. It wasn't gonna go any other way. - It was just the multi, the multi... - No don't give it to that. You are clearly a cup of coffee better at this game. (upbeat music) - All right, Sarah time for us to get something... (wheel clicks) - So Pitted. (screaming) - No! No! I don't want this for anyone. No! Sarah, Noah, I loved them both so much! - Sarah because you also lost I'm not about to take this full punishment so I'm gonna do a spritz and you're gonna do a spritz. - Yeah. - [Noah] That's how it's gonna happen. - [Ian] Damien's already having PTSD. (dramatic music) - I think I should do it in the center. - [All] No! - I thought I just won though... (fart sound effects) - [Sarah] That's enough. - [Ian] That's enough. - [Ian] I don't know where to go. - A little went on my eyelashes. - Oh no. - [Damien] You got poop eyes. (fart sound effects) - [Ian] I don't smell anything. - [Spencer] Yeah it smells. - [Noah] Sarah, here, put the cap on it. - It's insane how well they captured the smell of human shit. - I don't think they had to capture anything. I think they just... - I don't, I don't smell anything. - [Matt Raub] Hey, do the outro! - I smell nothing. - Oh! Sorry, I've been holding my breath. - Oh my god! - What are you guys freaking out about? - Oh this is like, I live in an RV, it's been six months, and finally I'm gonna dump what's in this tank. - It's like a puppy (bleep) all over me. - Thank you so much for joining yet another Smosh Games video. This punishment is for all of us so if you enjoyed our misery and laughed even a little bit, please subscribe and turn... No, no, Sarah, no, no. Also be sure to click on this video over here, also there's this video over here that you can check out. - No! It's straight up an (bleep) hole, my nose is in a (bleep) hole right now. Oh my god! - [Sarah] Matt I wanna give you a hug! - [Noah] It doesn't get any worse. (electronic music)
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 796,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Wheel of Punishments!, boomerang fu, nintendo switch, switch games, spin the wheel, challenge, game, 2020
Id: OmRqzJUyi6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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