PTE Very Tricky Reorder Paragraphs MADE VERY EASY

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hello guys this is summit Collier once again from study hub first of all happy new year guys I wish the see new year brings lots of happiness and success in your life guys today's lesson is gonna be about reorder paragraphs I'm gonna show you how to handle or how to solve the tricky questions of the quickie leader paragraphs in this class I'm going to show you three questions which are tricky or which are very tricky for a load of students I'm gonna make it very easy for you make sure you watch this video full it won't be a very long video but it's gonna cover everything in detail so three reorders which are very quickie and I'm gonna show you how to solve them in the easiest possible way in the simplest possible way and you won't find reorder paragraphs difficult after this know how to solve the easier ones of the moderate ones I've made another video about Fivefinger strategy and full step rule you can watch that one right now for online students I've already shown you this particular technique but for everybody else I'm gonna show you right now so guys first of all when we see a paragraph on me when we look at a paragraph our first task is to find the first sentence first simplest means then independent sentence that is introducing the topic so looking at this particular sentence it says there will be a spectacular display just like a meteor shower there will be a stack / spectacular display where will be a spectacular display this sentence is not an independent sentence because it's referring to something else there will be where we'll be we don't know it's not starting something next things is as they fall they fall as what fold we don't know they fall to earth they will burn up and become on demand shooting stars that can be directed to any chosen location and be seen within a radius of up to 200 kilometers now therefore we don't know where is it they will burn we don't know where is this now these questions are example period questions and a lot of students in fact 90% of the students get these questions wrong right and I'm going to cover why and how so look at the third part when the 2020 Olympics gets underway in Tokyo project sky canvass hopes to paint the sky above with shooting stars now when the 2020 Olympics gets underway in Tokyo skycam a soap strip in the sky above with shooting stars is this sentence introducing something maybe it says when the 2020 Olympics gets underway in Tokyo okay so when this happens project sky canvas which is the name of a project hopes to pin the sky above the shooting stars okay so that is probably introducing something there is a condition there conditional to this kind of kind of thing a complex set us when the 2020 Olympics gets underway in Tokyo project sky canvass hopes to pin the sky above with shooting star so it can this be the first sentence one may be I'm not gonna say yes I'm gonna say maybe the plan is to put a micro satellite in orbit that will fire tiny particles into that must fear the plan is well planned for what right we don't know and if you have seen the first video which is a Fivefinger strategy you would know the plan plan is more of a common now it's not a proper noun so we don't know which plan why plan it's kind of talking more about something not introducing something the first sentence has to be C which is introducing something now after that the next sentence has to be referring last phrase refers to the next sentence which I have shown in the previous video as well if you haven't seen the previous video make sure you watch there will be a link in this particular in the description of this video or Fivefinger strategy make sure you watch this video one of the best videos for he or a paragraph and this is the higher level this is the next level there right so project sky canvass hopes to pin the sky above with shooting stars they have introduced it the project which is called project sky canvas and what else they've done is the it hopes to pin the sky above with cheering stars so I have to link it with the shooting stars next one says there will be a spectacle display just like a meteor shower well that's not linked with the shooting stars that's also not look linked with project sky canvas as they fall they fall what folds they fall means the shooting stars toward they will burn up and become on demand shooting stars that can be directed to any chosen location and be seen within a radius of up to 200 kilometers know can this be the second one well the answer is maybe I'm not gonna say yes I'm gonna say maybe why am i saying maybe why not yes and that is the biggest mistake that students make when they look at the second one they're like their fall means it's linking they're like yes it has to be the answer but no it can be the answer it doesn't necessarily mean it is the answer so what I'm supposed to do is I'm supposed to look at rest of them as well like next one and the following one and then I'll see I'll compare if I have two of them I'll have to compare which one is the next one right so I'm gonna go further the plan is to put a micro satellite in the orbit that will fire tiny particles into the atmosphere now therefore could be for the tiny particles as well the particles that are in that Monsieur it could be four they fall means the tiny particles fall well what is it for we don't know is there for their fall is it for shooting stars or is it for tiny particles we have no idea now these type of questions actually what we have to do is there is a topic introduced we have to elaborate or explain the topic first before talking more about it what is the topic the topic is project sky canvas right project sky canvas which hopes to paint the sky above with shooting stars now we have to elaborate it first before talking more about it so the second sentence will not be be it will actually be deep and a lot of students mark B is the second one why because they they when they look at be there like therefore means it has to be linked with the shooting stars but no you have to double check all of them and then see which is the best option right next one has to be the plan plan of what of project sky can was the plan is to per a micro satellite in the orbit that will fire tiny particles into the atmosphere which will look like shooting stars which is mentioned over here so this is the plan is about the project sky canvas and then that will fire tiny particles which is related to shooting stars that has to be the second one and that is the biggest mistake that students make now in the next one I'm going to show you something very similar and the following one is the hardest one that you may ever have seen I'm gonna make it very simple as well so after this I have linked it with the with the fight for tiny particles right there will be a spectacular display just like a mirror shown no as they fall to earth they fall means the tiny particles that were fired into the atmosphere so we have introduced the project sky canvas then we have talked more we have explained the project right and then we have to link with the next one which is tiny particles into the atmosphere as they fall to earth they will burn up and become on-demand shooting stars that will that can be directed to any chosen location and be seen within a radius of 200 kilometers right and then the fourth one has to be there will be a spectacular display just like a media shawl which is more like a conclusion right is it making a bit of sense guys let's look at another sentence which is very similar to this one another paragraph and then I'm going to show you the hardest one which is the most confusing one note I think hardly in my career out of auto for example if I have told that particular question in my class - - Sara flee thousand or 1800 students only about less than ten students have have are have been able to give me the correct answer for that one it is very difficult to very confusing for a load of people and I'm going to show you that one in a few minutes but let's look at next one so guys next question first task is to find the first sentence the combination of these two components is what gives here the ability to withstand high stress and strain these two components which two components we don't know so this can't be the first sentence it's not introducing anything and as here is stretched its structure changes in a particular way and as there is stretch end can we start a paragraph with there no we can't it's probably adding something right third one here consists of two main thoughts the Codex which is made up of partial fiber parallel fibers and the matrix which has an amorphous structure right can this be the first one maybe because it's introducing something it says here consists of two main parts two main parts of here one is cortex and second one is matrix so that's what it's drink and this for the first one I'm gonna send maybe but I'm still gonna read rest of them and I'm gonna still see which one is the first one this this structural change allows the hair to handle up a large amount of deformation without breaking this structural change which structural change don't know the matrix is sensitive to speed at which hair is deformed while the codex is not well that's not introducing and what is matrix what is codex we don't know so first one has to be see now last phrase so this particular sentence introduces here which consists of two main parts two main power are the two parts one of them is cortex and second one is matrix and they have introduced a little bit they've explained a little bit cortex is made up of parallel fibers and Matrix has amorphous structure so now we have to link it with the next one the combination of these two components which two components well the core accent matrix is what gives here the ability to withstand high stress and strain now the problem starts a lot of students will stop here and say this is the second one but what we're supposed to do is rather than saying yes for the second one we are supposed to say maybe we're supposed to say maybe maybe this is the second one but we still check rest of them right we'll see if there is anything else that is explaining more about corazon matrix before coming to two components right then it says and as here is structured structure changes they're not talking about changing any structure this structural change which structural change we don't know so it's probably linking here its structure changes and this structural change probably right but then go further the matrix is sensitive to speed at which here is deformed while cortexes note while cortex is not and maybe the combination of these two components these two or these two we don't know so the next one has to be more explanatory which is explaining more about cortex and matrix before talking about the combination right so second one is not a it has to be e why because E is still explaining matrix which is sensitive to speed at which here is deformed while cortex is not right and then we cannot move on to this from the combination of these two correct cell matrix components is what gives here the ability to withstand high stress and strain that it has to be the third one and then for this structural change well there is no structural change that they're talking about and as here is stretched its truck just changes in a particular way fourth one and this structural change allows here to handle up a large amount of deformation without breaking so this particular centers these two components was there to confuse you you have to explain the topic first before talking more about it I hope it has been helpful guys these are some of the tricky questions and I'm gonna show you next one which is the trickiest question and not even a single student I mean I shouldn't say not even a single less than 5% of the students are only able to give me the correct answer for this one let's see if you can get it right right I'm gonna give you a minute probably pause the video and try it first before watching further so I mean try to get your answer first and then I'll explain everything pause the video right now I mean as soon as you see this question on the screen and then cried out first and then we'll go further from there I'm sure you're gonna love this question it's very interesting PD is no difficult it's just it's just about learning the right strategies knowing the right techniques if you know the right techniques it's pretty easy if you don't know the right techniques it's it's difficult right pity exam some students and it's getting less popular some said it's not gonna be there anymore but but what's happening is it's expanding what I have heard is Canada has now actually started accepting PDE for student results I have it to verify that I've just heard from students I'm not 100% sure about this and if you know about this write it in the comment as well if you do know right let me know as well but but that's what I have further to write next one let's move on to the next question look at this one one was priest in Rome this one read it yourself and then we're gonna go further so I hope you have tried it yourself let's discuss it now and if you have got the correct answer yourself write down in the comment section that you have got the correct answer so that I know how many of you are looking at watching these videos when you're commenting I'll get a bit of an idea how many people are watching these videos how many people are benefitting the videos from the videos and how many people are actually reaching to the third part as well because I'm gonna make more videos to help you out guys alright one was priests in Rome another was a bishop in attorney and third well st. Valentine most nothing is known except that the that he met his end in Africa which sent Valentine this early Pope intended to honour remains a mystery according to Catholic Encyclopedia there was at least three curly Christensen's by that name Pope Gelasius I recast this pagan festival as a Christian feast day circa 496 declaiming 14 February to be sent Valentine's Day the history of central intense days obscure and further clouded by various fanciful legends the whole idea roots are in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia a fertility celebration commemorated and Willy on February 15 now these type of questions are very confusing because you try to make a pastori and the story is not gonna make any sense at all right what you're supposed to do is rather than now you're mocking works on the basis of pairs if you get the first pair correct you'll get one mark if you get the second pair correct means second and third right you'll get two marks if you get third and fourth right you'll get three marks if you get four till fifth right you will get four marks so you're marking works on pairs and your task is required to make as many pairs as you can now you can like all the pair's right easily but first of all when you have any confusing question you try to match the pair's right try to look for the connecting devices for example they he/she/it he refers to a male person she refers to a female person they refers to a group group of people right so it refers to what is it referring to right this refers to something but so let's see what are the referrals now in this one it says one was policed another was Bishop and there's nothing known about the third one so they're talking about one two and three which sent Wellington this early Pope now this early Pope must refer to a name right for example Pope Gelasius so we have to use name first and then the pronounce this early pop so can is that a link well maybe right remains a mystery according to second Lincoln said read there was at least three Christian saints by that name three early Christian saints one two three so is that a link well maybe what am I looking at is I'm looking at words like this I'm looking at word like these he see it many one two three right those sort of links third one Pope Gelasius arecas this pagan festival well say this bacon fest old witch festival there has to be the name of a festival to which its referring right so we have to find the name and this one has to be the next one after name right as a Christian faith declared 40 forbid to be sent under the history of set Valentine days obscure and further clouded by various cells fanciful legends now this one looks like the introduction of because it's introducing Valentine's Day this could be the first one I'm assuming right then it says the holiday routes now the holiday can not be the first one because which holiday hole it is a common noun and I've explained it very well in the first video which is about four step rule or Fivefinger strategy link of which is given in the description of the video the holiday routes are in the ancient Roman fest festival of Lupercalia the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia of ancient Roman festival to remember this pagan festival well this pagan festival refers to engin Roman festival off you know pre Kalia fertility celebration commemorated annually on February 15 so we've got some links now right so I know first one is this one the history of said valentine day is obscure and further clouded by various fanciful items right next one one was priests another was bishop well I think before this sentence we need three early Christian signs right so this can't be the second one this early purple we can't use this one is the next one because because before this early Pope we need Pope Gelasius so let's try this one this Pope glasses are Rica's this pagan festival well we can't use this one because it says this pagan festival there is no mention of festival layer right so second one has to be the holy day the holiday means Valentine's Day the holy day roots are in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia a fertility celebration commemorated annually on February 15 and the ancient Roman festival leads to leads to this pagan festival right Pope Gelasius I Rica's this pagan festival which festival the ancient Roman festival of lipra CALEA right now they're introducing Pope Gelasius then it has to be this early pope which sells melons and this pop - owner remains a mystery there were at least three Christian saints early Christian states by that name 3 1 most priests second most bishop and there is almost nothing known about the Toninho I'm not trying to make up a story and if you try to make up a story it won't happen a lot of students actually actually choose this at the second one thinking various fell offensive religions one was police second and third that's what happens normally and then what happens is if your first is right your second has to be wrong as well and then you're mocking here your I mean you basically lost almost all the marks right or you may just get one mark but now you're getting all of them because you're focusing on the connecting devices and that is how you solve difficult questions now I have a load of them that I can help you with what I'm planning is I'm gonna make some more videos throughout the passage of time now I would suggest you to subscribe the channel and then so you don't miss out on any video if you're after online training as well you can contact us on the given numbers we do take online classes like this where we help with hundreds of exam repeated courses and we had students understand these questions and we have live lessons we have recorded lessons to help you out time is not mainly an issue because we have to help students who are in US Canada UAE India or New Zealand Kenya Singapore different countries so time is not an issue the course is designed in a way where where time is not an issue but if you have if the video was helpful let me know in the comment section and what should be the next video about let us know in the comment section I hope this video has helped you if you want more content like if you want exam memories the questions that are repeated in the exam what was there in the previous exam to get an idea right um but you can do is you can go to our Facebook page you can like our page look at the video and then you can also follow the page but even after following it it won't make much sense because you can't get the resources in order to get the resources you will need to go to this particular link it says follow and then it shows you three options default see first or not so go to see first when you have clicked see first every week at least through two or three times we will be uploading exam Marie's we will be uploading new questions as soon as we have uploaded them on our Facebook page you will get a notification if you have made C first there right once you've prepared you for your exam you don't need any help you can make it default or you can make it something else but for now when you're preparing it's free resources that you're getting for help if you have taken our course still to it if you have not taken our course still do it you're in touch with us we know that you're benefiting from this and that's gonna encourage us make more videos and help you more and more and provide more resources right but if you need personalized training as I said you can take our online courses go to study up online calm students in India Bangladesh and other countries for example Pakistan developing countries we have special rates you get unlimited course for 17,000 Indian rupees for example in India 17,000 INR Indian rupees instead of paying the full price you're actually paying 300 roughly 350 AUD right it's about 7,000 Indian rupees for unlimited course which gives you unlimited access until you get this court there is 21 day challenge as well with mock exam and without local exam if you take it with mock exam it's about 20,000 Indian rupees and if you take it without in mock exam it is about a 17,000 Indian rupees for the same course as well 21 day challenge we blink for that particular video is in the description as well if you're in Australia US UAE we do have special offers from time to time you can contact we work on this particular number or you can contact myself I'm also planning to start live lessons live lessons every week there will be question and answer session for everybody you can come and you can ask questions about anything in PDA for that I'm gonna provide a link of telegram in the description of this video you can basically just join that particular group and I'll be sharing the time like when am i weldable every week and I'm gonna be live where you can ask me questions and I'll be happy to answer your questions it'll be probably between one to two hours lesson note session it's more about answering your requests answering your questions if you have any doubts so you can you can know a bit more about the exam but in the online session we do this anyways you do get three three hours long sessions in which we teach stuff in which we NPR guys and guys anything else let us know in the comments section I hope this video was helpful have a wonderful day guys thank you very much [Music]
Channel: PTE Training Online (study Hub)
Views: 28,221
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Id: zAE8XIh-Bs4
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Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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