Meeting Producer Michael & Discussing Watches in Beverly Hills

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what's up everybody tell you ball this out here we're in Beverly Hills I'm meeting some guy here may have seen him before how are you great to see you see you - good to see ya I said you got some nice team producer Michaels channel I'll link to it down below did you all get to take the stuff on your channel we do like to plug it you can bite know so guys go to producer Michael the YouTube channel and if you click on the video there you'll see that we're giving away a Jacob and Co watch there's no strings attached it's completely free but if you go to produce Michael calm /give away you can go directly and subscribe to win so we wish you the best of luck and what are we going to be doing we're going to talk about some more watches an essential watch is the place I know you've been before okay let's do it we're gonna set up we're in Beverly Hills California prolific collector of watches dealer of watches in Beverly Hills I think you guys both have an interesting pulse watches that are going up in value understanding what people are gonna buy understanding what people are you know selling selling so in terms of what you've noticed from maybe a buyer's perspective and what when you're looking for watches a sell are there common traits and we can talk about supply and demand all we want but what do you think causes so much to go up in value versus some that maybe don't take off the same way social media you think social media is controlling the value of watch it in my opinion would you agree with that I mean they hype things up and and then everybody wants it and consequently the prices go up so I mean these Rolex is the the standard Rolex is I mean your success would know a lot better than me but someone who had double the cost of retail right correct which is insane and only because people in social media influencers have told people they need to have it all right so speaking of social media to kind of go along with this theme you're wearing a watch right now Richard mil RM 1103 I think it's a perfect embodiment of this storm of social media so talk about Richard mill what got you into these watches and do you think what they're doing this hype around the brand is it sustainable so this particular watch I think people say is the the hottest watch in the world currently the 11:03 is that is probably this - this watch I believe the retailers like hundred and forty thousand or somewhere around there is that correct and they're now selling court of a million dollars well I was fortunate enough to buy them at lists I'm a watch collector so there's certain watches as a watch collector and I'm in a very fortunate position to be able to buy them I just bought because I feel a they look nice and be hey as a watch collector you gotta have it right so is this the greatest movement in the world probably not I don't know I don't know much about the movements I buy them because I like the look of it everybody says Pat X a great movement and if it is or isn't I don't know Rolex you can throw it against the wall drop it play soccer with it and it's still gonna run so to me that's the best movement so rich art Mel do you think this is all sustainable all this hike I see at least for a while probably another year or so everything bubbles right so if you look at supercars some of the supercars right now are off the charts and you can watch them slowly going down and down and down it's supply and demand and it gets to a point where things become too expensive and people stop buying them so you have to reduce the prices then the people that bought them at the high prices lose out and they go buy watches mm-hmm can I ask you a question yes sorry to interrupt your questions but the question that I think viewers would like to know the answer to when you see somebody walk in the door and you haven't spoken to them do you already kind of know what they're going to gravitate to based on how they appear well what I'm looking at is what watch they're already wearing which is a giveaway absolutely so what type of person buys a Rolex versus our brightly we both walk in together we're total strangers to you we don't know each other right neither of us are wearing a watch and he walks in next to me we both say to you we have $5,000 to spend 5,000 or 10,000 okay okay okay let's take that back is there's no 5,000 or 10,000 we both have we both have no we both have an unlimited amount of money to spend on the watch within reason what would you recommend for us so would there be that question yeah that's absolutely right based upon the way Teddy's dress I would definitely put him into a dress watch I would suggest a nice gold watch on a leather strap such as a Patek that would probably one direction I would go the fact that you're more extravagantly dressed a portable version of big bed tell you these eight P with a yellow doll I think that's the dirty yeah that would go great with what you're wearing today or I have liked you blow with orange but gets on it that would also be an issue watch for you or a Romain Jerome skeleton version so you answered my question so there is a factor based on the appearance of what you think of what should be on that specific person I guess yeah you tricked me in the answer your question there you go okay so you walk in yep fifty thousand dollars to play with you can spend it on one watch all of it or you can spend it on multiple watches what would you go for okay so what would I buy well Seth knows there's a couple of watches that I'm actually kind of looking at I like the bling he watches isn't it yeah where is it this one here I called him the other day said I know you've got this watch what's the deal on it I said that that's kind of funny but I think that's more than fifty right a little more yeah but if I pushed him really hard I probably get it for somewhere around it's out of your choice about you I guess I would pick the fifty one seventy white gold to register mechanical chronograph but yeah which ones it up it's the one in the box right there you guys with all the numbers the one in this one here see you couldn't give me that watch it's beautiful but not for me I mean can you see me wearing it it's a classic watch it's a classic oh it can you see me wearing it no all right so what would I go for I think I go for the Rolex on Pepsi Jubilee I think that'd be my sports watch and then for something a little more dressy I would go for the I'd go for that vintage Patek lips I think that looks sweet alright alright so we have this ellipse here how much I have to pay you to wear this watch for a day you don't have enough money okay give me five thousand I would not wear that but that's besides but I'm changing this to a different selection because you said a couple of watches and I'm thinking couple of watches so actually I would probably buy a regular day date and just for the heck of it I would buy one of these and they don't know what so there's my 50 grand for their comment yes I think Daytona I wouldn't wear this no but I would put it in my collection to have it right because it's not my style of watch that that I would wear I have a GMT in white gold I think I've seen a way with the diamonds in the the baguette diamonds are baguettes that's me because it's blingy because I'm a bit wild this is very conservative and it's very beautiful these are great watches I just would like like a super dish wouldn't work but every time you do that I swear I think Rolex didn't use did you believe for quite a while the music quite frequently on the six and 75 which is with more believe it or not this is the 2019 is trading for more but I see actually more upside and getting the vintage you know it's a proven thing it's been in the market for 40 years 50 years they're the same really subtle differences but the lugs are bigger on this the dial is really yes but it means from a distance it's a very similar watch yeah interesting interesting i producer michael so most people like things that are watching this have seen your videos going through your wash collection is there a washi recently added that maybe people aren't aware that you have and I just got a fifty nine eighty nice which is rose gold on a bracelet beautiful yeah and again that's that's one of those watches that as a watch collector I think because of the way that watches him you know become popular that's one of those watches you've got to have if you can get it so I did is it my favorite watching the world no but it is a nice watch and I don't know what the reference number is it fifty nine a B something something that watch has got a 50% in last year yeah yeah so one brain that I see on your channel all the time is Jacob and Co what is it about the brand that attracts you to them Jacob and Co some of the some of the innovations are incredible I mean when you see an astronomic and the things that it does it's sick you've seen plenty of them tonight just a great great manufacturer and the attention to detail I think is better than Patek personally you know everybody would agree with that bowl all right so you're probably a perfect example for a lot of these authorized dealers it's somebody who is a high-volume purchaser of watches what could they do better great question so to me buying anything luxury doesn't matter whether it's a watch your car clothing it doesn't matter it's about the purchase experience right it's about the follower it's about the attention that they give you because you've got choices if you go into a store and they treat you like a number on a computer and just want your money that kills the experience even if they're selling something you really want so to me I'm very very specific about where I buy things there are certain stores I won't go into which I won't name even though I like their products I just won't buy them because I've had bad experiences with them as far as you know customer service and you take your money then you want something different then sometimes you know it's a problem with them so III avoid those places and that's why you know Seth for example if anybody's looking for use watch item to come here why because I know he takes care of them he's taken care of me why would anybody else be any different I can only speak for me but he prides himself on customer service another thing that I've done with Seth and hope you don't mind me saying this but I've bought watches from him in the past there were many many years and maybe he thought I made a mistake I didn't want to buy it he's taking them back and I've trade them against something else and he's never killed me on a trader so you know that's worth something you can't do that at an authorized dealer right fair comment well this is a lot of fun so I want to thank you that it's been an absolute pleasure absolute pleasure producer Michael make sure you subscribe we are giving away a Jacob and Co watch producer Michael calm /give away go enter the look so big thank you to Seth from essential watches he's right on Wilshire Boulevard right in the lobby of 9601 complex definitely head in there he's got some awesome watches available and a really good down-to-earth guy also if you want me and producer Michael do some more concert together Leeson comments down below about other things that we can do maybe in the next time I'm in Beverly Hills so guys thank you guys so much for watching be well and I'll see you all very soon
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 395,166
Rating: 4.8438158 out of 5
Keywords: Meeting Producer Michael & Talking Watches in Beverly Hills, Producer Michael, Teddy baldassarre, producer michael watches, producer michael watch collection, producer michael jewelry, watches producer michael, beverly hills watches, essential watches beverly hills, producer michael richard mille, richard mille
Id: XoBdu5iH57U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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