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hi everyone I'm Meg news with magic image Hollywood magazine and today I have the great pleasure to interview the wonderful Michael Blakey thank you so much Michael for being here today pleasure is mine so would you please tell us what inspired you to pursue a career in the music industry and how old are you I've always loved music when I was a kid growing up I really wanted to be a train driver that was my thing and I think then I wanted to dig holes in the ground and fill it with tarmac but that that when I went quite quickly I really go into music when I was about 7 started to play the drums and my parents kind of hated me for doing that is very noisy yeah I said on tin cans and then that my parents decided it was serious and they bought me a little drum kit and I played and played I hadn't started the first band when I was I guess I'd have been about 12 a high school band or junior high school band and it went very very well and from that point on the rest is kind of history that's amazing define what success means to you well that's a great question um success is really fair look at the camera success is to me when somebody obtains their dreams whatever they may be I don't think money is success unless that person really wants to have success be their target point but success is fulfilling your dreams if you want to have a certain career and you're able to do it you'd be successful if you want to family you want kids they're born they're healthy everything works out well that's success so I think success is different to every other person thank you who have been your biggest mentors in your career oh well I could sit here all day we could talk about this for many hours but on a drumming side of things when I was growing I really did have a big big hero and his name was Buddy Rich Buddy Rich is renowned as one of the greatest drummers in the world and I was fortunate enough as a child to have drum lessons from budding myself and those maybe three or four other people that had that privilege and it was a privilege he was my hero when it comes to playing drums and that's where my musical career started but moving forward the Beatles everybody loved the Beatles the stones everywhere all the way up to not Justin Bieber but everybody in between thank you for sharing that so you are a producer a composer a musician an arranger songwriter drummer model ping-pong player Formula One car driver and artist manager Wow are you talking to me no I'm some of them I've been accused of being all of them but the reality I'm certainly not a model I I did a little tiny stunt in my I guess at late teens with GQ magazine lasted ten minutes no model but I've done it oh you definitely look like a model Oh bless your heart Formula One driver I used to drive Formula One race cars long long time ago but can't consider myself one anymore I played that it enjoyed it I was no good in it otherwise that's we do anything about so what were the other things you had on that but I was gonna say it out of all these things that you've done in your life the producer composer musician arranger songwriter drummer model ping-pong player Formula One car driver an artist manager what of all these makes your heart beat faster there's one that you didn't mention it makes my heart beat faster Oh what is that I'm a pilot Wow and I started flying I guess in my early 20s and they obtain different certifications does it yeah and I got to do aerobatics and when you climb up to 10,000 feet kill the power and turn your airplane into a spin that's when you really start the blood pumping in fact you don't really know if your heart your feet or your head or your arms now you know where anything is but that really one gets your adrenaline that's so great Wow you're listed in the top 10 sexiest musicians of all time in 1996 by your own music magazine would you please share a little bit about that experience how do you know this stuff okay so I'm blushing um I don't know how I happened I think at that time I was playing rock and roll music and it was in front of a lot of cameras and people got to see a lot of me hot sweaty playing drums and I'm I guess appeals to sermon the five people that voted probably voted more in my favor you know so that's how it happened but I know it was interesting it was a lot of fun at the time do I think I'll get it again no no one's gonna vote for me but no it was cool it was cool I have to admit it was a fun thing at the time congratulations thank you what advice would you give to new musicians trying to make it in the music industry that's a good question look at me and listen very carefully to what I have to say never give up don't allow anybody to tell you you're not good enough follow your dreams just keep going at it everybody told me I would never make it one of the things that my father told me get yourself a solid education for when you fail at music not if you fail when you fail and look now so consequently don't let anyone talk you out of it go for it follow your dreams oh thank you very inspiring so you are working on some reality shows right now can you tell us more about that yeah that's my new passion for the past few years I guess two years three years reality television has become something very very popular and that's what's taking off so I thought I'd get my self into that industry because I've always loved it I've done many TV productions in the past but never where I was the actual creator of a show so I started messing around with reality television and a guru guru and now I have seven shows in production which is very exciting yeah I can't tell you about them I can tell you all about them or anything about them for that matter because them in production and until the network's release details etc I have to be a little bit but it's extremely exciting and I'm actually going to be starting another couple very shortly it's a lot of fun thank you what other projects are you working on right now well I have a management company we represent some top artists we have comedians we have singers we have actors writers and it's a very exciting industry to take people two Koreas and and kind of they entrust you with them and that the trick about management is you have to believe in that career the same way they believe in their career and sometimes that difficult to do so we're very selective with who we have I'm honored to represent who I think is the funniest comedian on the planet and that would be running white yeah run is not only is he a great comedian he's my friend he's the nicest guy you'll ever meet and I represent alone I represent runs wife his wife is Margo ray singer songwriter amazing voice if you ever get a chance to check out Margo ray that somebody you really need to listen to it's this musical poetry and then we have you know some other clients we have actors and waves with crazy clients which we won't go into those details winter yeah it's a fun industry Michael what would you be doing if you weren't involved in show business oh that's easy I'd be laying and some blow up dead in a swimming pool in where would I be probably a South of France or the south of Spain and one days I was gonna say in the sunshine but suddenly here in Los Angeles every day what would I be doing I have to do this I cannot not do this I don't do it for the money that's why I do it for the money a bit but I do it because I love it and this to me is is a challenge and enjoyment a fulfillment and I just love it I like taking people from the very beginning and watching them grow in the industry and a very passionate about it so you can now send me away from this you can see your person I've actually tried retirement not once not twice three times I've had three failures at retirement I think I managed for weeks on one occasion and that was it for me so lastly would you please tell us something about yourself that no one else knows yeah I'm really only like four foot eight and they have these I love cars but this isn't something that people don't know when I guess forget that I actually did not know that really I didn't know I'm car nut Oh what's your favorite car Ferrari nice yeah it's fun color they're all good though red I mean if I could only have one it would be red so I think you always need to be red but yeah Ferraris a makeup but I love all cars all the exotic cars so it's not really a lot cause for all exotic guys but you don't want this part only do you want this part yeah listen to me yeah I've asked the camera if you want this but what else about me that nobody knows love good food cannot be good food I don't drink that's something that people don't know I've never done a drug in my entire life of any type other than an aspirin perhaps but I've never done drugs I don't believe in drugs I think anybody that's taking drugs should just leave them alone start a clean life they will hurt you other than that that's about it thank you so much for sharing everything with today thank you for asking me to do it for questions of course it was such an honor to be here with you and to meet you and there's no usually thank you and may God continue to bless you as you continue to bless others and again my name is Megan moon the magic image Hollywood magazine and today we had the pleasure to interview Michael Blakey thank you again so much for being here
Views: 109,807
Rating: 4.7453313 out of 5
Id: 2PkP1itNyVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 24 2014
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