Prison Talk: Kyle’s Charges, Prison Food & Social Etiquette | PKA

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go bacon don't go home until a state crime in Georgia as well so how did you get tried for better on a federal level 40 because we beat the state case because they wrote a bad warrant they wrote a warrant that said they were able to search my home due to the fact that I was wearing shorts I never heard this little bit we're there I know because they're kind of stoner no they were now I had some cargo shorts on and they said because I was wearing shorts that meant that I was heading straight home with the with the half ounce of marijuana and therefore they had the right to search my home whereas if I weren't been wearing slacks I guess then I was going about my day into the world and and so that was gonna get thrown out so was all the evidence that was actually acquired and there were the feds because of the types of firearms that are I owned were able to search my house regardless just because I had been found to possess any marijuana whatsoever like a seed of marijuana or hundredths of a gram of marijuana would give them the ability to search my home so the state lost their case and so the fence picked it out what do they do with the guns there's a hold onto them put them in a bag probably destroy them oh that's a shame what would you 200 k like and I you get more than that guns yeah closer to 400 they took four hundred thousand dollars with the guns holy cow I had half an ounce of marijuana I was a real danger to society you have to understand I didn't trust him either when they don't let leave no stone unturned did you know there's more guns in the basement did you know did you get like schedule when you went no they they did that scheduling for me they didn't let you set your reservation I just called the concierge down at the federal lockup and I said I don't want to speak for Kyle but I my observation is that the stress and like unknown that stretched out for two years was maybe worse than the two months in prison like that in terms of the punishment that you carry on yeah because I was looking at more like 25 years of prison I like trumped-up charges if I try to go to court and fight the silly charges so that that's the reason I pled guilty is because because some of the charges that pled guilty to are not accurate i pled guilty to intent to distribute as well because they said that my girlfriend had smoked marijuana at my house one time and that I had distributed marijuana to her in that manner and so that was a crime but but I put away that long it would have been funny for me and what did he do the show next week and been like you know it's only 1,200 weeks the list there's no but you guys might not like one of the charges was owning a firearm with the destroyed shield number now what happened was he brought a brand new firearm he bought it from a gun store legally everything is on the up-and-up he took that brand-new firearm and shipped it to a professional firearm coding person to give it like you know cool camo or another color or something like that and then it turns out that person had gotten gotten paint in the serial number and now they're accusing Kyle of destroying or defacing a serial number which is a ten-year mandatory minimum federally so that's the kind of like I don't know the threat that he was looking at at that and they were looking at like an enhancement per gun up to I don't know if it's up to five guns or up to ten guns but they can add like it's like two years per gun up to ten guns I think which is like twenty years you know did they could tack on even the guns had nothing to do with marijuana you know those type of laws are meant to punish drug dealers who are carrying a pistol while they deal drugs and it's like oh you can't steal my drugs I'll shoot you or you better pay for my those drugs or I'll shoot you that sort of thing people who are in that kind of business not for people who like have a shotgun in their closet way back at home and they smoke some marijuana at a concert and that's how they're kind of applying the law so they were threatening me with like roughly 25 or 30 years or something like that if I didn't plead guilty to so pretty nonsensical charges goodness gracious yeah and then of course is the cost of going to go ahead and rabbit his co-counsel I could do an afternoon all right I'm pretty much how it went you know like we started at third 25 or 30 years and then it was like maybe five and then it was like uh and as early as like five months ago it was like two to three you know and and and then it was like ah [ __ ] and then and then you know we finally negotiated down to this this this crime that's zero to six months and then it's up to the judges discretion and then he gave me too so so yeah and then you know just got out but yeah got out two weeks ago I'm enjoying freedom yeah it's good to be what's the coolest thing about being down my guess is controlling the light switches on your own but sure that's awfully nice you know we got clock you know and it moves very slow especially when you're watching it I just stared all day I don't know man you know having my computer be gonna play video games and stuff like having a cell phone is huge cuz like if you have one there they send you to solitary confinement you know you're not really allowed a cell phone in there you know sex [ __ ] all the any kind of reason Kyle you can almost did you know any kind of wisdom first thing you want to do I got fajitas I got fajitas as soon as I got out precise about this what's the worst meal you had in prison ah see I did a pretty good job of like lately I lost 35 pounds in prison because they eat very much at all but I ate mostly Chile like there they had these pouches of Chile that you just tear the top off dump it in a bowl and microwave it and they're 300 calories each so I just eat one of those a day and put a bunch of hot sauce on jalapenos in it but the prison food is good it's like cafeteria food at high school you know it's not great like well what's the little bars they used to have what they call like nutria bars or whatever you know what I'm talking about like uh like a future game bar no like no no no this is like a meat patty it was the hot dog of hamburger meat you know yeah yeah yeah no more days like one day a week we would have like what was basically like Popeye's fried chicken and like once a week there would be pizza and once a week there'd be like like their version of fajitas which was like grilled chicken and tortillas and beans and rice it was good food it was fine see this is the thing here at Greenville County my attorney who's a really good friend of mine we grew up together we were joking around I said if you're gonna commit a crime you want to do it on a Friday if you're gonna get arrested because Friday is hotdog day at the Greenville deli see he said I've got people that are incarcerated but will stay another day to get hot dog day hey I got some damn good hot dogs at the Greenville LEC maybe they have like ballpark Frank's are hebrew Nationals Hebrew National we his business was food to prisons and the budget was like 15 cents a meal or something that was correct that's County yeah that's like a hammer so have you ever have you ever have you ever sold wholesale hot dogs before head no 15 is a damn good hot dog in County they told me that there I was I was like what is this food boys what are we eating here you know okay it's like a boiled egg and two sausages that look like my finger but rotten and like some some oatmeal with nothing in it whatsoever and I was like what is this and they're like their budget is it was like nine or fifteen cents a day or something like that so it was just I was I got some money about the time a chick on the call I'll have four hundred dollars sent here in an hour and just look I get it you can't just feed me feed all the boys go to McDonald's and go wild this is outrageous my bags over here with his monocle and his call a friend for money I for everybody dollar meaning for everybody just go go get 200 [ __ ] double cheeseburgers and let's party out here in the Franklin County and it was on that day that Kyle knew his [ __ ] was safe I definitely would have done that you know that food was so bad I lost a good bit of weight in like the three or four days I was in County Jail like a shocking amount for such a short period of time because I just did to eat for four or five days house no good I had so many prison questions for you but we've covered so much I'm trying to think of have any more in the in the stockpile that you are intentionally saving maybe off the top of my head but I didn't really make a list you know I'm bad about that I was shaky but there were shanks but I did not shank anyone know a chef's knife program we had we had a knife sharing program yeah we're making relish yeah yeah that's that's what I used the knives for I used him to chop up stolen pickles to make relish for my tuna salad what was the most ridiculous thing someone was in for possession of half an ounce of marijuana I was gonna ask that most hardcore thing if you if you have maybe outside I mean snow was moving like a pound or two of meth and the the the the former military guy his he was in because he was selling he was selling he had like four ounces of cocaine and a pound of marijuana but there the enhancement the reason the thing that made that worse was like five or six years prior he had gotten in a gun battle at a club and had shot three guys all non-lethal II but he had shot three of them mostly it was mostly smaller stuff it seemed like but I didn't really want to talk to the scarier guys at least not enough to ask them for you in for because I've seen look question I don't want to make friends with them was it called minimum security low security what did the class it's a federal prison camp FOC EP okay federal FPC yeah what it would she ever yeah I got some pins I got some souvenirs that say it on there Talladega federal prison camp or something like that yeah you got souvenirs like remember I would have got use you know Yan Alabama at Talladega you know not too far from the the racetrack yeah I did not get to see any races while I was there there was a guy there they called Ricky Bobby you know of course telling a nice legend to Ricky Bobby yeah there were some there are plenty of people who were in there it was mostly drugs because you can't really be in there I don't think if you've been convicted of a violent crime or a sex crime and but but that's a little confusing because you when I when you first hear they like aa bunch of drug selling tax cheats right it's like no it might just be a bunch of drug dealers who never got caught for their murders you know and that's that seemed to be a good mixture of that going on but but there was also plenty of tax cheats you people in there for bribery and like tax schemes and online theft identity theft things like that there are a lot of guys like that but then there was plenty of like ex-gang members and ridiculous [ __ ] like that a lot of that going on and there's plenty of drug dealing in there and a lot of guys are just selling drugs in there was your prison divided on racial terms like is it seem like we're talking to black and Mexican guys but the guys on YouTube that I watch make that seem like it's not a thing that happens no we talk we get along but you know there's definitely more of a bond but the black guys kind of stick together and the Mexican guys kind of stick together and the white guys gonna stick together but they all talk you know you're living together in a big room you know it you can't just give not an option or shoulder yeah we've been yeah we're sharing two microwaves you know between 75 of us in that dormitory and you know we're sharing one ice machine we're sharing four or five TVs now the TVs are segregated of course like I talked about you know the first show back that black TV white TV Mexican TV and the sports TV you know if you don't [ __ ] with the other races and that's where everybody came together on the ESPN TV and learn about that did people like exert but dominance in the microwave line two guys cut and be like what do you know no that would be a real faux pas no no everybody was pretty cool about that and even like if you were about to like make a whole big chili bowl of soup or something like that which a lot of people just throw everything in a bowl and microwave it just mackerel fillets and ramen noodles and melted cheese and all kind of [ __ ] but if they and that might take ten minutes to cook up they'd fry rice in there they'd pour oil and rice and fry the rice in the microwave but if they turn around saw somebody had a cup of coffee they just want to warm their hey go ahead go ahead and you know there was everybody polite that's very cash register yeah sure you got one item the guy behind you has a or you've got a whole cart and the guy behind you husband or the most old yeah you can't stand for too long yeah the guys making the kids like they're cooking up stuff in the room like oh yeah crush up chips and make like homemade burritos oh no oh yeah you tube that does it shows you how to make them at home yeah absolutely there was a guy who can make like red food there was a knife out of a sharpened toothbrush and it's like I'll just go buy a knife like a VPN sponsor in the middle of it like the most worthless prison sponsor ever there was a guy who would make these big Chipotle style burritos even though that we only got tiny little tortillas he'd have five or six of them like like you know those people make those enormous joints they roll because they have some sort of fancy technique to roll out a bunch of papers into one giant joint he's doing that but with a burrito and you can see like the layers of burritos that he's made in his huge like a two pound burrito they would make cheesecake and they would crush up crackers to make a graham cracker crust and they would take cream cheese and sugar and then whatever the dessert of the day was if it was like blueberry cobbler they get just the blueberries and so they'd made like a blueberry [ __ ] cheesecake and they selim like like when alabama is playing football there'd be four white guys in one cell cooking [ __ ] making cheesecakes cuz they're gonna sell them for two max apiece a Mac is a package of mackerel weight how much is it Mac dollars seventy cents each I can't believe cheesecakes go for a dollar forty three feeling very good cheesecakes well they were everybody acted like they were amazing but you know they had been living inside of that prison for quite some time yes they probably thought the guards were high Kevin be in that prison the longest sentence yeah I don't think there was a limit honestly I read online it was ten years but that turned out to be [ __ ] because like you know one of my friends had been in for ten and had more to go and then there was an older gentleman who've been in for nine and had three or four more to go there was a guy who had been in for fourteen and had two more to go you know they have done time at another prison and made sure they could have that's possible like but I just don't think there's a limit because they sort of you earn your way down in this like whole complicated federal point system to get into that place like if you started maximum and you go long enough not hurting anybody or [ __ ] up you end up in whatever high or medium and then low and then you end up in the camp like a vision you earn your way down in there so for ED in rabbit pal ran laps with this guy named snow and snow would take a break every lap or two and do pull-ups how many pull-ups did he do in his set eight to ten depending on you know the day he always mix it out okay wondering but he had 40 pounds tied to his way so so do I really yeah like two weeks ago we talked a lot about person I try not to get to prison heavy unlike we do a four-hour show so I don't want to do four hours that not so I do like 45 minutes or an hour of just nonsensical [ __ ] prison talk because there are a lot of stories I met a lot of interesting people and it's a it's a stupid [ __ ] thing nobody if I were the judge I would let 90% of the people I met in there because it's like they're not planning on do anything else they just want to go back to life okay they're all planning on like oh I'm gonna be a forklift driver I'm gonna I want to be I'm gonna get my CDL I'm gonna drive I'm gonna drive a truck you're all the limit but these are people who make bad decisions though right like a lot of them would confronted with the situation where they could do violence or walk away sometimes they choose the wrong one when you know when things get hard and they have to I don't know say no to themselves or steel sometimes they choose the wrong one I wondered you know it's easy to declare that you'll do the right thing after you get out I don't know like what I'm okay I was in there for a short period of time and I was thinking like I ain't never called [ __ ] up again he started talking like that already this is how I by the way you know anybody wondering why I had so many like problems in prison this how I talked the whole time he's my face and cowboys yes they didn't take to it no Billy Bob Thornton long weeks I'm only four days any people don't care for it I call it Tuesday I realized this point I don't think people were bullying me because I think I'm a [ __ ] yeah it was it was pretty silly I I think I talked about that drug class I was in a good bit you know two hours a week of the drug class and it was I hated that the most that was so stupid so stupid they'll teach you how marijuana teach how marijuana gives you brain damage and you know that that sort of thing this book post in 2009 about you know what do they say about LSD which I just read an article about how how it helps with PTSD and rewiring the brain pretty sure they said it caused brain damage and memory loss or something like that you know lots of it's a good old-fashioned federal facts
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Id: d4R7hcR_t38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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