Prison Talk: Kyle Surrendering Himself & Will He Contact Snow Again? | PKA

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if you're going somewhere you don't anybody know about it I think is a little fishy I mean there's a lot of room in the northwest George that's a good point I'm not going anywhere that I don't want some that I don't feel comfortable with the federal government knowing about yeah if there's anyone I trust they've got my DNA and my passport [Laughter] yes they took his marshals took it when I turned myself in and they don't give it back not until I'm off probation I'm travel restricted when you turned yourself in did you do it like real cool like where you just walked in Jesus Taylor looked at your arms just yeah just walk in like that that would be seated on your knees no I just let him you joke I did like when I walked in I was like I'm here to surrender you know and he just went right this way oh that's not as funny as I thought all right [ __ ] [ __ ] and you know took my passport took my DNA and and I don't remember I think that's all it took did he use his mouth to take her t9 yeah [Laughter] [Music] yeah I did when you when you got out of there I assume and I know cuz you told me you didn't beat off the whole time I did when you got out of there I know you [ __ ] but how was that first beat off in freedom was wonderful it was on all of the things that you'd like to do in private ours are so much sweeter once you have your privacy yeah like I've talked about it for like just using the bathroom having my own toilet my toilet to myself my own shower my own soap right and when I'm done with my shower I don't have to put my soap in one of those plastic cups and then and then quickly dry off so I'm not raped yes before I can get back to my cell you know like the quiet of being outside of a dorm full of a hundred felons you know just being in my house here at nighttime here it's so quiet maybe a dog barks occasionally but like if I turn everything off it's like you can hear your heartbeat almost and it's in there it's this constant hum that's why I would wear my headset so much in there and listen to like the radio or yeah I think that that I know is non-stop noise would give me a baseline stress level that's higher than normal for me yeah for sure yeah it could because sometimes you hear people people would like do that thing we're like fake get mad at somebody like oh yeah yeah yeah and then they always laugh you chosen distress you then they'll slap each other on the back and laugh about it or whatever but I don't know these people don't know their personal relationships I thought a [ __ ] riot was about to break out you know like all sorts of stuff like that people yelling screaming [ __ ] laughing jumping up and down just just being obnoxious 20 almost 24 hours a day at night the snoring was incredible so it was just continuous noise so being in the farting the farting residue it was just like eight guys snoring like as loud as you've ever heard human being snoring a lot like at least I heard you snore I can compete with these gentlemen you could compete with one guy who was like very ill and coughed and hacked all night and like I just remember one night he was coughing and hacking and it was so bad he was just after the coughs light like it was like painful and like he couldn't catch his breath and I just remember the black guy next to me would go him that [ __ ] sound like he died [Laughter] he's so quiet at night except for the farts and the snores that his voice carried over the walls and like 50 guys lost their [ __ ] and started laugh because we're all listening to this guy yeah yeah kid nobody sounds like he's about to die oh you say brother yeah yeah it was and I was quoting a black man which makes it okay it I I think those are the regressive you just I love that part in Kirby enthusiasm when Larry is just quoting the awful thing that someone else said 10 just gets in so much trouble it is old house with the people he's giving charity to yeah he's in his own bands right to leave dirty do they okay I only saw the highlight yeah though you was about to pop in yeah I'm curious I'm curious do you still write your prison boyfriend when he gets out I I shared my information with snow what he wasn't my prison boyfriend but he was my workout partner and my protector and workout workout partner yeah we're working out the tensile strength of his [ __ ] snow and I became really good friends I did I did trade information with him but I don't think I'm allowed to have contact with him like whenever I I do this thing I did it today even we're like it's called self reporting we're like I think like actual like hardcore violent felons especially they're they have to go meet their probation officer and like answer a lot of questions about what they did this previous month maybe get checked up on very regularly to make sure they're not up to no good I go to a website and I I'm like no I haven't had any guns this month no I haven't any drugs this month no I haven't had any contact with any other felons this month no none of my pertinent details have been altered no I don't have a different mailing address no I don't have this or that no like yes this is still my car yes it's still my address yes it's to my phone over an email Submit and like that's basically the only thing that I do other than the random drug that I have no drugs or guns for an entire month why why even be free at that point forever so you can't contact other felons I don't think so I'm not supposed have any contact with I think that's probably frowned upon felons make a chunk of our population like yeah they're not talking about bumping into the the guy at the gas station they're talking about like getting your old gang back together yeah I was I you might have known if you might have had a felon in your you know in the edges of your life before this whole it's sure there and maybe there's a way around that you know it's one of those things it seems to me that like if you talk to them and explain what's going on like ya know it's whatever I gotta believe is it Chuck the alcoholic Chuck yeah yeah probably fell it I don't think he is I think he's a misdemeanor ER serial mister like I said last week he was in jail with me he's gonna pump up those numbers a bit of a loiterer he was littering jail with me when I got arrested that it was hilarious like I thought that was a joke no I swear to god no I've been in jail for a day or maybe two and they wheel Chuck in in a wheelchairs foot all in a cast and I'm like Chuck hey what's going on are you doing here I don't know what he did writing bad checks or some man this is a PSYOP to get you comfortable so I give freeze out sandwich all over his face jail sucks prisons prisons no fun jail sucks light light light people think you're synonyms I'm not sure I understand the difference so okay so if you get arrested tonight for a DUI they take you to jail if a judge says 30 years you go to prison that's the difference there are state prisons and federal prisons I went to federal prison because I was convicted on a federal level and so those are the differences jail is like temporary holding most of the time or if you're sentenced within a low-cal a locality like a County or a city if you get sentenced for by your local judge like right there in your city in your town for whatever DUI or petty theft he can give you 30 days in the county jail and that's like wherever you're from Franklin County Georgia jail and that's where I was I was in the Franklin County Georgia Jail and it is awful I have a theory do you think that prison is not as bad because people have had time to stabilize and inflate whereas Jail people are coming and going and they don't match go ahead why tell me what you know everything is worse the living conditions are met for temporary stay in jail for one thing or at least short term prison it's like this might be the rest of your life so you've got sort of a bad I mean not really but it's so much better than the jail bad the jail bed it's a flat piece of steel with a thin little pad on it the prison bed I had like us it's like a metal square with wood like spring receding in it it's just the springs and a thick pad in jail everyone gets their own bed and on TV they're like in a cell with benches along the sides inches oh so that art so that's a holding cell uh-huh that's not that's in a jail but they're not being held there for more that that's until they get booked or released that's just a holding cell jail are pods with like communal living where everybody's in a big [ __ ] room with bunk beds and like there's a tape there's a couple tables and a television that's all right that's where you realize there was a pedophile in there with you and yeah Joe latched on to everyone else being like look at that [ __ ] child pedophile [ __ ] yeah yeah we were all in there for like drugs it was it that was it everybody was there for drugs and then we progressed yeah and then one kid he did nonviolent no one got hurt crimes you know ah this guy's smoked some math this guy smoke some weed this guy had a blunt this guy that you know didn't show up for his probation thing he'd be violated as people do violence everybody that I saw was nonviolent in the jail you know not that and and then there's the pedophile there he is and we're all just like let's I don't like that at all yeah I don't like it either I think we might have to do something I'm yeah we might have to [ __ ] out of here I do nothing I want out I just Jan was a pedophile did he they caught him in it he was he was like working as a plumber but like not like don't think roto-rooter like someone hired him to come to his employment or someone hired him to come do some plumbing work at their home and they caught him in the bathroom with their like eight-year-old daughter with her pants down I guess yeah so I was surprised he was a little beat up I was surprised he made it cuz you need the king of our country that guy wouldn't get a chance in jail I benefit of the doubt way too much I was like well maybe he had some pictures on his hard drive or something you know yeah but he said I'm going eleven-year-old I actually thought maybe it was child anime porn like why did I go there like he's that innocent they were do this is because you're mr. benefit of the doubt I have no problem that way judge Woodward's you know I'm pretty sure someone planted that knows that marijuana me like you know that makes a lot of sense for know and I'm kind of famous on the Internet people are always sending me things Wow Wow not guilty if I was before me I don't know why I just assumed I even thought there was a fair chance next case drugs JP McRae person did she really say she didn't sure it was her this whole needs filled and I was like I'm the only man around take care of the job you know when you put me in jail for this it's kind of a little bit racist yep you're gonna put Danny Trejo in jail for [ __ ] a 19 year old you know I don't have to be in eleven-year-old Jesus Christ she was so developed man I was like these duties don't say 14 welcome to mid writing women badly so yeah yeah jail is horrific prison is no fun
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, pka podcast, podcast, pka clip, Dr chiz, pka moments, FPSRussia, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 481 w/ Boogie2988 - Blade's Hijinks, Boogie's Drama, Smoking Stories, pka 481, pka 481 clips, pka 481 highlights, fpsrussia prison clips, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia jail
Id: 5ymId82PV1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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