Kyle Explains His Prison Experience to Anthony Cumia | PKA

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but in all seriousness I love the book it Hanks man it gave me some peace for you know those two or three days I was reading it cuz I really I sits on the shelf in the other room I'll have it forever it took me those books were were all about escapism and I am I have it so I often daydream about how I'd get by in prison not well by the way was reading books a way for you to not get yourself in trouble the self isolate because that that might be something that works there's a big part of it I felt like if I was sitting in my bunk with a book who cannot only would know what's that who could hate that right like you know who could hate that because like you might have this idea look maybe maybe not that like so much me look at the bookworm but it's it's it's not high school we're all locked the [ __ ] the toughest cholo the meanest gangbanger like you can like I was what I I literally like my best buddy was like a Texas cholo [ __ ] meth dealing murdering forty-five year old man and I we were walking we were working out one day and I told him I was Leslie you what you've been reading you oh that's a thick book and I'm like that's Harry Potter man yeah is it good I was like it's pretty good you know this this kid he grows up and he's he's a wizard but he doesn't know it and he finds out and gets going in this magical world of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he finds out he's pretty important to the whole world oh that sounds tight book one you are like three yeah so literally I'm loaning this this scary [ __ ] Perry but and I see him over there reading Harry Potter book one a page an hour or something like and he's like it's a little hard to read it hold and I'm thinking like that's I read that [ __ ] when I was 10 or something man but I don't say that I'm like yeah it's lot of words in there you know and pages very dense and complicated Harry Potter the muggles are like the Latin Kings for me for me to accuse someone a bigotry but this lady she's emitting like I'm the only one who governs are like the beggar you know I mean it was definitely a way to self isolate and like really be to myself because I felt like maybe if I've got a book in front of me maybe I just won't get approached for anything including Reina you know or or like some both hands around a book has no hands left for prison gay sex III don't know it was just like I'm here doing my own thing leave me alone and but but yeah it was a song prisoner's thinking that you're really smart because you're reading Harry Potter and Stephen King up there and calling you the professor you you got a problem in here you ask you mean was any of it this in this big woody issue than Kyle issue I feel like every minute I talk to these guys it's a minute that I am risking saying the wrong thing right and if I just read yeah then I then I don't [ __ ] anything up maybe not oh no I feel like I'm good at that for what everyone isn't like I can read the room pretty well and like I let them do a lot of the talking to like see what level of like are we gonna talk about criminal [ __ ] argue argue a racist and if so which races are do you hate you know I need to know that going mean to you and then you mirror it yeah it or not the doctor's office they give you a clipboard and the pen pencil and you got to fill it out and hand it in something so I have a newfound disgust for Venezuelans yeah for real for the Cubans no good no good no good we don't like Cubans lately find out right away snow did not like Cubans snow did not like black people but he would he would we would be walking there's a big like track like don't have it off guy and snow so tough so and like he would he would do chin-ups with like medicine balls in a bag that he clipped on to his waist just [ __ ] cranking him out like like every quarter-mile we'd walk or jog he'd crank a bunch more out anyway and he was just like he was like you know the blacks they got a word they don't like you to call him that and I'm like oh yeah no man I I think everyone knows the word it's and I see him winding up to drop he's winding up to drop a big fat one and I'm looking around like there's so many big black guys around us and he drops it hard and I'm just like yeah yeah yeah yeah I've heard that word before yeah they don't like that yeah it's any bigger you know be a girl when you like hey bigger like he's always ready to fight or do whatever needs to be done like I'm just wanna do my 60 days I just want to doesn't it become like it's just your your life at that point like you have these preconceived notions of what it would be like to be locked up like that and you've seen movies and and people have talked about it that hadn't experienced it but then when you're actually you in there and and you're they're shutting the door on you and whatnot doesn't it I'm not gonna say it's easier but it's it's you and you're just in another situation that you have to get through it's not a special anything different magically it's just still a bad situation that you need to get through yeah to me it was about setting a schedule and finding a few things that were like creature comforts that would like that would kill X amount of hours every 24 hours it was like having the day planned out in segments that would eat that day up that's why I when they talked about the death penalty versus life in prison and they say well at least we'll be suffering in prison it's like I understand there's no freedom and everything but people are very adaptable it just becomes your new life like that's now what you do baby good ready God not just you're not 24 hours a day going oh my god I'm suffering in prison like you'll laugh you'll talk to people you'll have a good time even though your freedoms have been taken away but I don't think it says bad bad as the death penalty or it's how I felt about working in an office yeah where I was definitely I would prefer that over the death penalty because it's me it's low security you know there was a medium security prison-- like on the same facility like we called it up the hill because you could like to see it it's up on the hill and it's it's where I went initially to like get get like stripped down and put in my prison jumpsuit and all that jazz do my paperwork and they would have stabbings and killings and and like legit gang activity going on up there and they would threaten you with that they're like you know you [ __ ] up here you go up there and I saw two or three guys [ __ ] up at the low I'll sent up there and it's like he ain't gonna make it is there also like it well is there a prestige in being able to make I used to play biele hockey right and some of those guys would do well in a league hockey and it was like yeah he's playing with us but only because he prefers Sundays to - yes so there's a couple different like experience levels like we're all like RPG characters in this in this in this little low security prison some of us like me did a did a real not so serious thing and that's why we're there but some of the guys did 10 or 15 at a high-security or a medium-security and earned their way down oh but they're like that [ __ ] rescue dog that has seen I could tell like you live in your house and you'll get along with your regular puppy but he's this far away from [ __ ] ripping a throat out and does that put him like do people give that a certain kind of respect like like don't [ __ ] with you poke that guy one time and a rip your face off you could tell who you don't want to [ __ ] like like they were physically bicker they just had a look about them and oftentimes they were in positions of power it within like the you know they ran the laundry like like he's the the boss of all the laundry he he writes the schedule he chooses who gets hired don't [ __ ] with that guy and sure enough that guy had been down as they say for nearly 20 years and he was not a nice man you know he he was he's the one I had the shouting match with over touching the over the televisions shouting match Kyle means being shouted at I know I shouted back because I felt like I couldn't be completely punked out no I did change his channel back to where he won I will I will fully admit that but I didn't completely [ __ ] out you know change it back to Dillon mundo I'm gonna rape you I want you doing this under protest [Laughter] there was a ESPN black people TV Mexican people TV white people's TV we have four TVs the way I recall it and I'm not touching that black people DVD simple and straightforward and we should have labels above it yeah colored duct tape look at who's sitting in front of it you'll figure it out real and what's on it the black people are watching [ __ ] vh1 a bunch of like black housewives with big asses and titties hanging out it's like basketball wives and [ __ ] like that and the white guys are watching the [ __ ] History Channel over there are CNN and the Mexican guys are watching either Telemundo or [ __ ] some it's oftentimes a soap opera cuz like Mexican soap operas have so much sex and so much titties okay I'm actually curious what would happen listen this line up you got a History Channel or who knows what's on it and big black basketball wife whatever yeah can I sit there my life you can sit absolutely you can sit wherever you want oftentimes black guys would slide over with us any be like hey what are you watching and I'm like it's this [ __ ] about the guy who invented Hershey's chocolate its History Channel it's like the history of like American products I'm like this is the [ __ ] that invented cornflakes and he's like damn he likes his headset learn about and me in this black guy who's like scariest fun learn about cornflakes that day I might learn that brownie into an Oreo just by sitting there no issue you could sit wherever you wanted I actually as long as it's wrong because there is assigned seating not only there's a there's assigned spots which is where the chair goes and there are assigned chairs and they're very different things now he's not gonna take your chair but he will take your [ __ ] spot that the chair is in you'll be sitting in your chair in this spot and he'll be like it's my spot and I'm like nah nah see this is my chair it's got my number on it see it's get it's the one that has the pentagram on the back literally did it the pentagram and 666 underneath it he's like yeah but that's my spot your chairs in all right I guess I'll scoot the guy was a bank robber I'll have you know I ordered a small amount of marijuana what did you say to people when they like asked you what you were in the truth of what my actual oh go ahead you told I should have lied she's doing a bunch of people who did whatever you did so so Anthony asked what was what did you actually do and I asked why is it better to lie can you hit both well I told him the truth I told him exactly what I was there for because I thought maybe that would they be like that's [ __ ] dude don't worry you'll be out in 30 days it's cool you know this net no need for me to rape you you'll be I don't even have enough time to teach you how to suck good dick no prisoners would say oh you don't belong here we're gonna be a lot of yeah some did some did some were like that's [ __ ] yeah I killed a cop you know but like some of the what I should have said is like trafficking I was I was moving like you know ten pounds of methamphetamine trafficking sounds good trafficking I was charged with trafficking at one point yeah I beat that I beat the rap on that one and and not that I beat the rap I didn't do so I said so it's a lawyer [ __ ] me so I should have said something like that that was more impressive and a little more prestigious and and suggested that I was a little hardcore than I actually was because what happened was and I've told the story before so I won't like dwelling too much is like they thought maybe I was part of 60 days in maybe there's some kind of I'm a narc right I'm part of some maybe I'm a narc or something I'm there to like get him so they a lot of the guys wouldn't talk around me about anything now that they were up to no good but like they had knives and not knives to hurt people but knives to like cut up food you know you're not allowed a real [ __ ] knife to cut up and probably do both you're not allowed an onion I like like the onion itself is contraband and the knife to cut the onion is also contraband and it was a while before I learned the hidden places where then all the knives were then and and there were a lot of knives hidden in like various spies and I'd be like I really need a knife yo what kind of knife you mean they called me wet Oh which means whitey I think yeah yeah I should have I should have said I was in for something scarier because they thought a lot of guys thought I was a narc and didn't like me and some of the guys there was I was warned that and and then I had one incident where I was in my bunk reading a book and this guy that I was friendly with this hammered just like 50 60 year old black guy who who I had told like hey man when I get out you can have my radio on my headset which is like giving him $120 of prison money essentially I was a big deal it comes flowing yeah it comes real slowly you can only you it's its whole thing and his radio was busted I wasn't going to be who needs a [ __ ] walkman radio the outside you know what I mean so I was like hey man when I get when I leave this is yours and he was like super appreciative so he comes to me one day and he's like yo let you know there's some guys are they're talking and they want to get with you oh no and I'm just like excuse me yeah they say he wants to get with you and I'm like get with me you know and so that was like two and a half weeks in or something like that just started to feel comfortable with the routine and the shower and like the the working out and the sleep schedule was kind of working out I'm sleeping you know a good 12 hours a day so like half my time is in the bed I'm out and then I got all my books and then there's a rape threat I'd like to tell you the sisters never got to come yes I don't know if I'd call that a rape threat so much there was a rape warning you know it sounded like he was just coming on my yes right right yeah like I'm getting from this that he was making a pass at you ah he was letting me know there was somebody else who was wanting to to get with me and and there was talk of rape in there there were some people who had been raped there were some people who were like willing participants and just you know like to get it on with some other dudes cuz we're in here for a long time there ain't no girls and I was just like I don't want to get with anybody and I'm not gonna go down with a fight but I don't want to fight I just want to read see how this all works out with Voldemort and go home alright late and he was just like I'm just letting you know and it was oh my god [ __ ] I was so stressed out after that and you can't tell anybody like the last thing I'd want to do in that situation is like get a garden like excuse me officer Moore there's a bad man somewhere who wants to oh god I'd have gotten raped if I'd done that that would that would have been a rape that's the worst part of prison like that's the part Prison just seems like oh you hang out you get your meals yeah you might have to get into a fight every so often but like it's the rape part that really makes people not want to go to prison yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz like aside from the rape it wasn't that bad hangout it's camp if I didn't have like I've got a nice life in on the outside I really enjoy my life I have all these freedoms I have great family and friends and I really enjoy my house and I I like watching movies and playing video games I like going out with my friends I like doing this and that so not having that was a real problem but I feel like if I was just like a criminal so well [ __ ] this is just like everyday life you know we had TV we got cable TV you get to work out and you've got you got gym equipment well homemade gym equipment but gym equipment nonetheless it's not so bad the food is okay hmm so yeah don't don't don't don't don't go to jail don't go to jail you know you don't want to go to jail it's not fun well that great advice don't don't go to prison yeah that's that's my advice mm-hmm
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, Taylor Murka, pka podcast, pka clip, pka moments, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 487 Dick Masterson / Anthony Cumia - Anthony in Rehab, Anthony's Bad Dad, pka 487, pka 487 clips, pka 487 highights, pka dick masterson anthony cumia, prison, kyle prison, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia jail, fpsrussia pka
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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