FPSRussia Prison Rape Story

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the scariest thing that happened was about ten days in the black guy comes by my cell and I'm sitting in bed reading with wrinkled or do this black your friends those ready black I'd given the radio to yeah he comes by and he goes young man I start out let you know there's somebody in here this wanting to get with you you know where I sit up in bed and I'm lying down like reading like this and I set up a go mark place here someone's looking to get with me I already have a workout partner he's like yeah they looking to get with you I was like well you let them know I'm not looking to get with anybody and I won't go down without a fight I was like that's not happening he's like I'll pass the word on man but you watch your ass and I'm thinking like what if he's gonna add literally at the end but he's not a smart guy so we just walked and now I'm terrified because he's not bullshitting he's very serious he whispers this to me and he's one of my closer associates in there and I'm just like [ __ ] now I'm terrified of the shower now I'm terrified to go in there so now I have to time my showers for when snow showers now snow me and snow the big Mexican guy like we work out together already so it's it works out fine that we both go back to ourselves get our towels get our stuff and we go to the shower and and so the shower you walk into this room and there's five different showerheads and they're each separated by a partition wall with a shower curtain behind you it's very private and it's nicer than my high school showers it's really nice that those shower heads have excellent pressure and never-ending hot water it's excellent and by this time I've got good so this the same brand I use a good shampoo I've got a good towel I got everything so you walk up to the the door of this thing it's it's a shower curtain - and you pull it back a little and you avert your eyes in case am i standing there naked because you don't want to get caught are accused of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] looking or something like meat gazing dick peek and you say you say as as aggressively and as and as much of a manly tone as you can and and whoever was last to go into the shower you don't go shower so whoever was the last to go into the shower they call back and they answer with whichever showers are available so if somebody's him 1 & 3 they go to 4 & 5 and then you hollered back going in 5 and then you do it well I've heard in your eyes once again because there's a shower curtain separating you and then I would always go and file because that's a handicap shower and it was very nice it had the big big showerhead yeah and the end those like chest high shower thing too so I would take incredibly fast showers I get clean then I get the [ __ ] out and when you're ready to leave you say leave in five and everybody says alright and then you get the [ __ ] out burning your eyes again but the whole time I'm gonna say from from from from the time that do told me that until like two weeks ago I was terrified to go to the bathroom the whole time like there was a day when I didn't catch no one time and I was like I'll shower tomorrow what's the actual bathroom situation like there are three no there are four toilets installs just like in a department store anywhere else there's a urinal and there's like six sinks so it's it's fine you know the toilet paper was awful I immediately bought toilet paper like I got some [ __ ] Charmin right away it is a must-have item to anyone who's about to go to prison get your Charmin toilet paper so yeah the snow guy it turned out was like watching my back the whole time and any time anybody would say anything about me or any time I did something I shouldn't do he would pull me to the side with hey like one time I pissed and I didn't wash my hands he's hey somebody said you didn't wash your hands I'm like some I told you I didn't wash my hands when I ya got a wash up man people people take that [ __ ] seriously you know cuz you're gonna touch the microwave er you're gonna touch the TV and I'm like I ain't touched my dick I was like I just let's whipped it out he's like don't matter they don't know for all they know you're washing your hands and piss in there you gotta wash your hands I'm like out lather them [ __ ] up like I'm about to go into the operating room if it'll it will keep anything bad from happening everybody from yelling at me so now I'm scrubbing the [ __ ] out of my hands every day and they're like I've got OCD they're getting red like my skin's cracking them so clean like crab legs and I'm just like this is just then I get into a shouting match with a guy one morning and at the TV room cuz there's a it's just me and a black guy I get up at 4:00 in the morning at this point of my stay and it's just me and this black guy and and the TVs are on the local local news like all of them are and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] what's going on in Montgomery Alabama I don't give a [ __ ] I'm gonna change the white TV to Everybody Loves Raymond I want to watch a sitcom he goes yo we watched the news in the morning and I was like well watch it on one of those TVs man there's three [ __ ] TVs here we watch the news he's about crack I found it later he's been in there for 14 years and he's got two more this maniac named Chico coming out soon he takes them unless he has a [ __ ] conniption fit over the over the Morning News while I'm away lit then yeah he'll get out soon so Chico wanted all four of the TVs turned to the the local with various Google News ABC CBS NBC he wanted all of the local news stations on simultaneously so he'd know everything that was going on in downtown Birmingham that morning he needs three different [ __ ] weather reports three different weather girls it I'm just like all right Mike all right here you go ticket get a click away happy now he goes great all right fine I'll come back I just won't come back in the mornings and walk because I don't want to watch the Morning News it for some reason that this seemed real depressing to like watch what was actually going on just outside the fence and down the road like CNN one thing but I just didn't give a [ __ ] what was going on in wearing his [ __ ] and boring his fog it was a weird [ __ ] time they were but those guys thinking that I was a snitch didn't wear off until about six weeks ago why are over two weeks ago it was when I started like making more friends when people started realizing like I guess he he's actually just in here I guess I guess that I guess judges really do give people two months as it was enough reasons they just got to know you over time when you started to fit in yeah yeah they say they trusted me with the locations of the hidden knives I was trusted with that information so if you want to slice up like an onion which is contraband by the way we're not supposed to have onions or if you want to make your own relish because there isn't relish we have a pickle you know yet I've seen people nibble those items down and into chunks the guys who the but but I was trusted with the sacred location of two of the three knives in the dormitory I won't say where they were but they're hidden in like a public area like not in anybody cell and not in anybody's locker they're put somewhere where nobody would get in trouble they're hidden in a third party in a cagey one gray exactly exactly and you know they've just it's really rudimentary blade that you can chop up an onion or a tomato with without mushing it all up mm-hmm the the stuff that people ate in there I couldn't get over it first of all let me start with this there's a currency in prison they're called max ma si s Max and I didn't know what a Mac was for the longest time and I didn't want to ask I felt like a dummy and then I realized it about four or five weeks in Max are packages of mackerel fillets oh I know I was ungodly confident it was mac and cheese you know the craft in the blue box I was like I can't believe crowd and figure this out I guess these guys are working out all the time they need the protein their lean meats and so they want their max it what it is it's a 70s it's a 70 cent item in the commissary so it's close to a dollar and it's also one of the cheapest things in the commissary and it's meat and they all ate it it's what they all ate it was disgusting I only tried it once likes nuts no would cook for me and and I and I ate some of it and I was just like this is not for me this is [ __ ] gross so like they gamble with Max they they they loan each other max too for like favors and any number of things like they bet on football games you know I got 15 max that the bills are gonna cover the spread they'll play poker with max you know I'll buy in 420 Max and he'll have some like chips that they make out of tearing playing cards in half in half each of those as a chip each of those is a Mac and I couldn't understand why these [ __ ] were eating max because there was tuna in there and what I ate the whole time was chili I found right away lumps down Kyle this isn't Jackie's chili there isn't chili this is good chili okay it's a company called Brushy Creek I wrote it down because I want more of it that's how good it was all right I stopped going to the cafeteria the third day I was there not cuz the food was bad it was good it was like high school food it was just like high school food they had hammers it hamburgers and hot dogs on Memorial Day you know they had hamburgers once a week Fried Chicken once a week they have baked ziti it was pretty good you know Swedish meatballs one day breakfast was gravy and biscuits grits oatmeal stuff like that scrambled eggs some days pancakes once a week it was fine but I didn't like it was good for me so like three days in whenever I start working out with snow I'm like I'm gonna go on a diet so I averaged out to about 375 calories a day for the two months I was there I did math cuz a bag of chilies 300 calories and I'd eat one bag a day but most days I would skip at least one day I would eat today not eat tomorrow eat the next day so I eat like every other day but one one week I went for days without eating and just Christ yeah because they're not doing a lot I'd run my three miles there in the morning and then you're just like sitting there like reading or watching TV or sleeping that's all right that's all you're doing all day on the Sun so you said you were getting up at 4:00 a.m. were you napping what's the napping situation like yeah yeah so the the schedule is this at 5:20 in the morning the lights come on brightest [ __ ] fluorescent right in my eyes cuz I'm on the top bunk looking straight up and that wakes you right up your you're up now and at 7:30 your bed is supposed to be made now you can still lie in that bed but it has to be made beneath you so and if you get caught still in the covers the guard called me one day and he went ding ding ding you need to make the bed and get over them covers buddy ah no problem man I just overslept alright good day and just kept moving along you know it's not a big deal but I would that was the only time I had ever happened because it was really the only time ever done it was a fluke that he caught me so I had a sheet and I would cover up with the sheet to take a nap and I had a pillow that I made by taking a sweatshirt and stuffing it full of like regular shirts so I had a look at a decent pillow and I would nap a lot I would try to sleep the day away as much as I could like the middle part of the day when there was like I'd already eaten or had already read for like four hours and I was just you know I needed to chill out and nothing on TV or May midway through my stay they took the televisions away during certain daily hours so that people would work their jobs you know I would just sleep through that and it was you trying to create the stasis they have in sci-fi where you could wake up two months later
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 3,384,260
Rating: 4.9002538 out of 5
Keywords: PKA, PKA Highlights, Painkiller already, FPSRussia, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia prison story, FPSRussia prison stories, PKA Podcast, FPSRussia arrested, Twitch, Woodysgamertag, Woody, Taylor, Kyle, VinWiki, Wingsofredemption, Kyle court case, PKA 461, PKA Highlight, fpsrussia, tro, fpsrussia podcast, woodysgamertag, fps russia, fps, what happened to fpsrussia, painkiller podcast, Kyle Myers
Id: P72cB5tzOIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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