FPSRussia on His EXTREME Weight Loss in Prison | PKA

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computer and there was a lot to do gross today was grocery day like I said five hundred twenty dollars of groceries alone and I'll explain why in just a moment and there was a disaster while I was gone and and yeah I started feeling very nauseous and and and lightheaded and my hands started going numb while I was sitting here playing and I was like boys I am not feeling good I'm gonna have to duck on out of here and lie down so I wouldn't a tan Uncrustables most delicious snack in the world saying they're so good and and I lied down for about an hour and then I was good to go I think my blood sugar just got really low which has happened maybe five times in my entire life like usually when I'm working out too much without eating when I'm going on like a crazy crash diet I averaged 0.6 pounds of weight loss a day for 56 days by the way I think oh I don't like I literally like before the show I brought it up to my girlfriend we were talking that she knows a good bit about like health and wellness and [ __ ] and I was like yeah Kyle lost 35 pounds and she's like he was in there for like six seven weeks right I'm like yeah she's like that's not it's impossible how how could and I'm like don't don't put anything past Kyle he will stay sick if it means getting its basic math its calories and calories out just take your base metabolic rate take that take the fact that I think I think a pound of fat is like 3300 or 3500 calories and and then start start doing the math about how about about what it's what you can eat each day and then factor in 3 miles of running and it's not hard look there were a lot of historically is one of your stress responses - oh yeah yeah yeah for sure and after two days of not eating I mean you remember this when there are so little survival trip doesn't bother you so much after two days your stomach stops growling over the pump yeah there's there's a hump to get over and you're like oh this is how our ancestors survived I wish I wanted to stop eating when I got stressed out all I want to do is stress eat get some adorable chatter oh no I tried that in college and it just it made me crawl out of my school you got a snorer Taylor I see or to give I didn't try some fake you know I should've thought of that before so try to solve this mystery for me boys all right so when I left the only thing I did as far as like my house I unplugged everything that could draw power you know what was the motivation there saves money electricity you know if I'm gonna if I'm not gonna be over two months why should we why should an LED be burning why should I have an LED strip on the back of my television like why should that be plugged in why should anything be plugged in and I so I shut everything down you know unplugged the items that that continuously use electricity turned my air conditioning to 80 to 80 degrees and and I left when kitty came here to my house about a week ago to like get it read in case the probation officer wanted to do like a inspection before I was released which they said he did but it turned out that it happened for another I'll just write this one down too for next week's topics my case manager was dyslexic so the requires spelling dyslexic kitty opens refrigerator and there's maggots in my freezer and my refrigerator and there are dead flies in on the floor dead maggots dead flies in my refrigerator and my freezer gross workout how that could possibly happen how do you maggots grow in the fridge there you go okay the refrigerators on the frigerator would have had to be off right how was enough did you unplug it my power bill was paid the whole time kitty kitty kept up with all my bills of course you know I double-checked when I got out was it on you returned to the refrigerator it was on and the ice buck ice tract is full but when ice maker were there maggots or did she had cleaned out she cleaned the refrigerator for me and then I I hired somebody to clean the freezer today and it I can't it doesn't appear to me that the frozen goods had like defrosted and refrozen because there was things in there like a Reese's like cup was just sitting there unwrapped and I feel like it would have melted a little bit if it had gotten up to 80 degrees in there there was like like like frozen Brussels sprouts and frozen broccoli and that like didn't feel all bunched up together it felt loose and like it was still fresh and everything my crab legs weren't like incredibly gross or anything oh those would have been rancid yeah it was only a couple clusters but it's like whatever I didn't eat the last time I made crab legs and I just tossed them in there I don't know how it could have possibly happened like where were the maggots and flies just the bottom of the fridge and the freezer when they make their way out into like the rest of the room like was there a maggot problem in the rest of the room no no no no there's just in the fridge yeah well what the what the [ __ ] I don't know why that's what I'm paid off how does how would that proliferate inside see it couldn't have been a power outage and here's why I have nest cameras that that record all over like outside and in a few locations on the inside like like where a break-in might happen doorways and certain windows and for valuables are stored and it goes to Kitty's phone so if somebody walks past that camera she gets a boo-boo so while I'm gone obviously if she gets a notification she's like oh [ __ ] she's calling 9-1-1 so they come over here and catch who's there for whoever's burglaring me so she would have been notified of any power outage right to her phone immediately if those cameras go down because they're plugged into AC they don't have they had battery backups but I don't use them because I'm not working out the security during the incredibly rare scenario in which there's a power outage I suppose but so there was no power outage the only thing I think is like maybe when she came over the first time I checked she like left them both open and then walked away I I'm just but she says that didn't happened because there might be my fridge is even both open it's insanely broken since both and my fridge has that warning chime it's a bit annoying actually after maybe 40 seconds it's like deep deep deep deep I turned this [ __ ] off [ __ ] sucks so if I knew how I would so I'm it was so gross and all of my I just wrote off everything that was in there even the pickles and so I wanted the store today and I filled that cart up like bulging over the top with all kinds of wonderful things my dad's coming over Saturday so I'm gonna cook tomorrow tomorrow yeah I'm cooking good maggots get in your refrigerator I got magnet flies and I don't splice proliferate their maggots and those would be the food all the time right like if you leave not after in the fridge though if it's a bag of Popeyes or something in the fridge there's there is you know scenario and which lose it there's no Sanel me this debunked this part in cases where you're headed there's no scenario in which I had food on the counter flies got on it and laid eggs and then I put it back in that is absolutely impossible because I'm sorry yeah that's what I was yes'm there was a experiment I learned about in high school where they took the steak but glass over it and then that the maggots arrived and if I remember right it just proved that the maggots were always there I hope like a 13th century study where they thought that if you slice a bull open or something in an open field bees will be created like they literally thought they're like well yeah you just cut a bull open and then you go back there a few days later and now it's full of bees therefore kill a bull a bull and the guts become bees okay okay that's what they thought well I hope that's not true it's for bull yeah I don't know but but the refrigerator has been bleached and scrubbed and it is now full of all kinds of delicious foods I got a big roast I got four flamin you know four flaming minions excuse me I got a pound of feed yeah for the sous-vide I got a pound of really big [ __ ] shrimp they're like 20 bucks a pound but I can give a [ __ ] because I'm having a shrimp cocktail tomorrow and I got this I won't go into its yeah I got a bunch of really nice deli meats cuz that's one of the things I craved a lot when I was in prison was like just a ham and cheese sandwich I wanted that so bad with like good bread good ham good cheese because those things don't exist in prison any of those things what's like the best [ __ ] you can buy from the commissary cuz what you were describing the commissary as it had a lot more variety than I thought it's like a gas station it's like if you walked in the gas station pretty much everything that's in there you could get in the commissary that's how we often describe it it's like Lunchables and [ __ ] no nothing that would require refrigeration ok only dry goods so you know tuna in the in those pouches mackerel and the pouch is oysters and pouches see yeah the Chile wasn't in a can because that could be a patch yeah yeah it's it's in it's in a pouch and it's just [ __ ] delicious Brushy Creek chili would suck in prison because chili I don't eat most beans I don't eat chili like it does not agree with me well they had all sorts of medical items they had they had gas relief and stool softener and they had all sorts of things that might help you all sort of antacids all that stuff you know when you were taking like hot chili shits was there ever like a pressure of someone the outside like man you gonna finish up soon man let me tell you how you take a [ __ ] in prison if you you courtesy flush continuously while you're [ __ ] like like it's the one of those high it was when there's high volume government toilets that like immediately recovers from the first flush and has that crazy powerful like the airport toilets so like as soon as it's almost opening your ass yes it's just drawing the [ __ ] out of you like you know that guy who like will pull the that's my gallbladder yeah it's that see as soon as you start pooping you're just flush flush flush flush and that way you don't stink up the bathroom and everybody used the same method and I think to me it was gross I what I would do is I would [ __ ] and as soon as like I had made my first deposit I would quickly flush and then wipe and flush again but I wasn't going to continuously flush because I don't want to be sitting on the toilet when I flush it cuz it sprays your ass with water that's there but that's what they all do that's what they all they want you to think they all be you can see you can see they're like you know I don't see him [ __ ] but you can see their knees and the way their legs are bent that they're sitting on it continuously flushing it and I figured the reason they're doing is because the toilet paper is so harsh and rough and thin that they want their ass soaked in water like a bidet - like soften the the wiping process up a bit so the toilet paper is wet on this year worst part of prison so on the videos they say that the faux pas is for the poop to break the surface of the water that's when the the stink really happens so you have to flush often enough that it never breaks this yeah these people shits that they're regularly they eat crazy meals dude they eat crazy meals in there like like they'll be fat as [ __ ] but they'll work out four hours a day so do that I always wondered that like when I would watch TV shows and there'd be some guy who's just [ __ ] shredded I'm like is he really able to hit the macros of protein that he needs to stay on that shape really snow asked me he's like how much protein should I be eating a day oh how much proteins did I eat I don't know what that's getting into Macho Man Randy Savage territory hey Dean is the Macho Man need gotta sleep into a slim jim so that brother all the little holsters know you need 120 grams of protein a day minimum so he told like one gram of protein per kilogram of weight yo what's a kilogram he knows what kilograms are let me get my skills I'm not using an imperial [ __ ] me I called kitty and I was like hey my buddy wants in he weighs 205 he wants to know how much he's 205 48 years old how much protein should he have a day if he's trying to gain muscle and workout and she told him and I I told him she told me and I told him how tall is he probably shorter than me probably 511 about 10 something like that it's a that's a muscly guy I think maybe the the prison scale is wrong because like on my prison ID it looks like I'm six-three and I don't think that's correct at all go with you heard of here first if you want to boost your height go to prison yeah but it says I'm says it's a it definitely says I'm six-three we're not doctors and they measured me at 6 to which I'm not it was like I'll take it yeah like it made me question the competence of the staff there all right you're 6 foot 2 your blood pressure is 120 over 80 you're ready to go Matt don't worry about the rest of these tests now I am 6 foot 2 said you're gay no I just like rectal thermometers the last time I'm coming to this laundromat for my blood some Korean guy ouu so giant you must be at least six three so you gave every this is every Asian person now because I like you squint your eyes for the court I think everybody does that my eyes already squint when I laugh but yeah prison sounds [ __ ] terrible other than like it is hilarious that there are guys in there who are worried about their protein macros yeah like how do i I know I hit [ __ ] 200 grams of protein man how many max I got actually you wouldn't have to eat that many max because he would hit it 10 or pouch he would tell me and great length hop what he ate every day we'd be walking and be like this is what I ate yesterday and he would break it down meal per meal and I'm just sitting there like yeah man that's great sounds good it's a lot of protein sounds good yeah that's good uh-huh just like I don't give a [ __ ] in my head I'm like the a day will come when this won't matter her will come when I don't [ __ ] have to listen to a cholo tell me about his macros coming you have the benefit of your probably a much better runner than I am you're just a leaner kind of guy everyone I press I feel like if I were in prison alongside him I'd get a mile in she's like God you guys stop talking to do the pull-ups with you um I'm just so fat and
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, pka podcast, podcast, pka clip, pka moments, FPSRussia, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 459 THE RETURN OF KYLE, pka 459, pka return of kyle, pka 459 clips, pka 459 highights, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia jail, kyle prison, kyle jail, commissary, weight loss, prison, pka jail, pka kyle
Id: cCPjG0rcLW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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