PKA 492 w Shaun Attwood - Keemstar vs H3H3, Prisoner Eye Pluck, Convict Code

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I'm excited about this one, expecting some very positive results :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LegitimateRage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cringed when Shaun described that cell of roaches. Fs for the asthma guy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Itwasthecyka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you Woody for persisting with Shaun's mic at the start

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 178 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShitAtNames1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched a bunch of his stuff after the true geordie interview and I'm still fascinated by these stories. Such a good guest man.

Shaun if you read this (he snoops around sometimes) thanks for educating people about prison in an entertaining way and everything else you do for the most disadvantaged of our society. Cool guy of the week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tony_Bambony πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

5 mins and I gotta say Attwood is great guest.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/step2jc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Woodys T levels are getting so high that he can no longer follow a simple story.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IndigoZombie1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

TOP 1%

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Serpher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Always thought the top 1% claims were silly, as it's literally the best 4-5 episodes, but this is top 1% to me and I wouldn't be mad if woody put that in the title.

Amazing episode, great guest, fascinating stories with so many turns.

Hopefully he becomes a repeat guest, even if he comes on for two hours a couple times a year and tells his stories, really entertaining.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 114 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Lowd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They talk about Rogan in this episode, and I had to imagine...if Attwood were on JRE, they would not have gotten a tenth of these stories out of him.

Joe would have brought up his routine talking points. Trump, covid, bla, bleh.

Not mentioned covid once with Attwood. That is how you do it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YouDamnHotdog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
pka episode 492 with our guest Sean Atwood you guys will love Kyle couple of sponsors tonight post mates and the University of Colorado we'll get them later on but yeah should be an interesting show welcome aboard my friend hey thanks for having me on guys and huge congratulations on your YouTube success thank you thank you no we never get that right off the bat when I was looking into your channel about how you went to prison and everything I was like ah this [ __ ] with his British accent like I imagine like two days in there like believe me I was playing the Harry Potter card all the way you damn Yanks love your goddamned limey cousins from across the pond to me if I had tea and crumpets with the Spice Girls and the Beatles and all this stuff yeah that's great sure can you move your mouth make a little closer to your mouth yeah yeah so why'd you went to prison in Arizona under sheriff Joe wasn't my brightest idea to be running an international ecstasy trafficking operation in Arizona when Sheriff Joe Arpaio had created this house of horrors Maricopa County Jail which according to national geographic channel who did my locked up abroad episode they said it's got the highest rate of death out of all the jails and prisons in America and 62 people died in that jail over a five-year period around the time I was there and they weren't just people getting beat down and murdered by gang members some of them were mentally ill prisoners murdered by the guards one guy Brian Crenshaw failed to produce his ID for the evening meal God's pulverized them broke his neck he went to a coma he died or a month later from severe internal injuries another one Scott Lubbock he came in the guard started beating him electrocuting him with Tasers a female guard tried to stop her stop beating him his faces turn blue they pushed the rough he kept beating him the prisoner started yelling why are you beating him he's already dead his face was blue keep subscribing stop beating the corpse even though it was like they were like a pack of wolves they've just you know like the amygdala takes over and they're just ferocious and they can't stop animalistic you know this was like during a meal mac and cheese and there's a dead guy getting beat to [ __ ] yeah you see all kinds of crazy stuff like that people have in one woman Debra Bray odd she was a shoplifting on a short term sentence a daughter was calling all morning long say my mom needs her medication she's a diabetic guards were like tough [ __ ] and she started to have seizures she was pissing on herself crapping on herself and the guards are just walking right around her I like it as if nothing was happening jeez so why do you think that is about the guards do you think that it's a career that attracts sadistic people in part or that they get so jaded by like you know and this is not I've never been to a maximum-security prison but I did watch sounds of lambs where maybe they just caught one eye full of [ __ ] too much and then they just I would say a combination you've got good and bad in every profession you know I'm not knocking all guards it does attract some sadistic types and the energy in the environment is so pervasively negative even the guards who start out fish guards fresh looks on their faces trying to help people within six months their faces of turn to stone was the same for the prisoners as well as soon as I went in all completely gang controlled heads are getting bashed against toilets bodies getting thrown around I've got a look of shock on my face prisoners are coming up to me saying you got to get that look of shock your face or else you're gonna get smashed next so within six months I've got dead eyes and once I got released even on my driver's license picture to this day face just that's completely yeah we're definitely gonna circle back around to your drug enterprise days because those are fascinating but I'm really interested in the hellhole that was your prison and how it became so much worse by accident it correct me if I'm wrong here but it your bail was something like three-quarters of a million dollars initially right initially yeah and your family all got together and and and and raised mortgaged a home and a relative of yours who was a retired policeman came and spoke on your behalf at a bail hearing to try to get that reduced so that potentially you could could get out and get back on the street again until you await trial I suppose and that backfired right the bail was doubled to 1.5 million dollars cash only and I was yummy allocated from medium security it's a maximum security now I'd seen the cockroaches here and there but I got to my cell in Mac security or about 2:00 in the morning and there's a bit of light slanting in from the day room I notice it's only a two-man cell there's two bunks at the back of the wall go in and I'm wondering why my son was asleep on the top bunk because where I come from people fight over the bottom bunk thinking something's not quite right walking a little bit around in the cell something drops off the ceiling and bounces off my shoulder what was that look at the walls and the ceiling it's like a swirl effect and I'm thinking all right my eyes are playing tricks so I put my face right up to the wall that's just absolutely covered in American cockroaches nothing like I've ever seen before in my life okay house house house he asleep up there he's wrapped a sheet around him so 8:00 at night is lockdown ten lights out the roaches know when the lights are about to go out it's not lying in the cracks in the wall in this old building doing this little movement with their antenna I stick you know like I'll be waiting to invade so as soon as the lights go out they just flood the room got choice wrap the sheep around you look like The Mummy leave a breathing hole it does keep them off you but this is the Sonoran Desert it's almost 50 degrees UK temperature 120 us temperature in the sauna there's a vent at the back of the Celotex what's called the swamp cooler the only time that air was blowing was when the county health inspector walk through the building and as soon as he left it went back to the broken setting and what I mean is we've asked the guards ways and working to just say oh it's broken so the she around me and and I've already got all these bleeding skin infections and bed sores from the heat and when you wrap that [ __ ] around you you just start sweating so much and you're itchy your skin is turned soggy because you're sweating every single day you scratch yourself clumps of your own skin detach under your nails so in the end I just froze a sheet off and let the cockroaches crawl on me so you were just slowly decomposing every year rotting away it looked like a spilt battery acid on my leg at one point had this just big like infection on my leg because I'm sad my arse a lot I'm getting all these bed sores on my butt and I I put a tank order in a Medical request to see this doctor and he tells me to drop my drawers SP and he's gonna check my ass out and then he just goes to grab my dick and I pull back like wow there's nothing wrong with my dick I'm just seeing if you can do hard I'm just seeing if you can come I'm just seeing if you can go when I go back to the medical waiting room every other business said he tried to grab their dicks as well what bags are the rot story yes she around you it is way too hot and itchy so you just father she off let them crawl on you now they don't bite they tickle your feet particularly your legs I woke up so many nights and tickling in my hands I you know I flinched now if someone tickles my hands but the get on your face mouth knows the favorite place of all is going in your ears yo earwax it's like honey to them Oh little a little piece of towels I wash my either and watch the earwax on my ear one time this little piece of towel I hung getting in the sink and the cockroaches they crawl on the little piece of Health and they were pulsing right on what would a wax were like honey this is the sacrificial town came from Matt it wakes up one morning out of breath crab season hailer takes a blast shoots a live cockroach inside himself that's freaking out saying he can feel it moving around he froze up his stomach contents and somehow it's stuck inside him and it won't even come out even the day time there were so many prisoners were doing cockroach races on the day room tables gambling on who will be the winner now all the time you've got sort of just harmonized of your environment and I was living with the cockroaches in that maximum-security Madison Street jail for about a year so in the end you know I'm just chilling with them watching the habits they communicate through these chemical smells if you threaten them then like these warrior ones come running under your door like you know what's up what's up over here little pouches of babies it looks like a section of a worm and if they managed to get that under your bunk and I would find them like attached to books and stuff all the babies hatch and they go absolutely everywhere Mabel's yeah all the little baby cockroaches they're just all over the wall just swirling swirling toy that was white ones I don't know ever the world by nose are they were shedding the skin um so hey people say they would survive a nuclear site and I agree they know if you throw them in the toilet they look like they drowned you like this what they're little bastards are actually holding oxygens I saw people just smash him like completely flat I'm reading my book look over now late yeah and the fingers Rafal so yeah I was no concern at all obviously obviously there's no concern so the prison themselves were like all right it's fine for every single inmate to just live in a sea of cockroaches and that's just the way they live and I'm sure that also made everybody a little on edge sleeps not great and so probably made it more violent more shitty just a circular you know pattern there right absolutely the violence was non-stop that's all operational gangs so and why I go in getting handsome the Aryan Bravo come up to me like hey we want to work if you get in that cell over there just can't say no to these guys they're just gonna smash your head into the wall so going to the cell the clothes are thought behind me so it's almost closed biggest one gets in my face he's like what are your charges I'm new to this well charges want to compute a print out legal terminology I don't know what it means so I give the worst answer in the world I say I don't know my charges mean no the government gets the war about to attack me what do you mean you don't know what your charges meaning you would show more you would show chart that's child molester and that he's Kos which means kill on sight yeah so in the in the end I pulled out my child she they saw him for drugs they saw had big charges at a big bail bond conspiracy $750,000 cash only they were like goddamn you guys the Mafia who guys were you killing or what I was like no raves ecstasy we didn't kill anybody and then let me explain all the rules it's like if someone calls you a punk or a [ __ ] or hit you you have to fight him on the spot or as the whole gang will attack you you must take showers or they'll smash you for bad hygiene Caracol make you friends with the guards they'll smash you for snitching can't sit at the tables of a racist they'll smash you for that so they're constantly looking for people to beat up because that's how they earn their reputations and tattoos to rise in the gang you've got to commit increasing acts of violence to be fully patched into the a B you've got a kill someone for them in the jail so there's four gangs is the white gang is the a B Aryan Brotherhood then you've got the Mao Mao is the black gang then you've got the Chicano SH the and then you've got the Pacers you've got the gut like the old Mexican Mafia so it's just constant gang war in there and it's all about the drugs the absolute priority of the gang is getting the drugs in approximately 90% of the prisoners were injecting heroin injecting crystal meth the whole day just revolved around getting the drugs in and that's why these jails now created the ideal target market for gang members to sell drugs to because they can't gout in jail and they've even got the guns bringing the drugs in for them to sell to them and most of these people were arrested for crimes related to drugs young people came in back then the biggest arrest category was weed possession and then they leave addicted to heroin they've got neo-nazi tattoos they've made their criminal connections in prison they've got a criminal record they can't get a job and by the time to go out they're converted into full-on criminals nil everybody I saw got released just came right back it's really sad and that's how the prison stay in business it's $50,000 a year taxpayers money per prisoner as soon as they come back I'd written down does that cruelty prevent repeat offenders I wanted the answer to that you know because it would make me not want to go back again but I guess I it makes me I don't want to go right but but it sounds like it creates better criminals or bigger criminals sirs absolutely I mean yeah there's the deterrent factor but Arizona prides itself on that says we've got the toughest prisons if you look at FBI stats Arizona's got some of the highest reoffending in the whole of the country so it's to do with the war on drugs if you mass incarcerate low-level drug users which is what most prisoners are and the TV you see prisoners are like Pablo Escobar's Hannibal Lecter they saw the reports his extreme crimes on one side and how easy they got it on the other they got Playstations they got gourmet food that got luxuries and this is how the media tricks the public into hating on prisoners but when you get in there the average arrest I saw was a black kid or a Mexican kid with a little bit of weed getting like a 2 to 5 year sentence and a cellmate who got caught with a roach he got a 18-month sentence I was there when a Vietnam vet got sentenced a black guy had been shot in the head by a sniper it will Purple Heart Medal for bravery prosecutor said he's unemployed he's got a nice new car there was some crumbs of cocaine on the car he must be a dealer and judge was like BAM sent him away for almost 10 years like that so it's a prison industrial complex that preys on the poorest sections of society one cop said I just go into a black neighborhood and make my arrest quota it's like shooting fish in the barrel I want to I want to circle all the way back around to the bat that bail hearing because that had to be one of those moments where you're like just on the cusp of victory and victorious snatched away and you're fall into the jaws of defeat because you were in minimum-security which wasn't fun but not the worst scenario ever and medium medium Oh medium I'm sorry and then because of the way that bail hearing went down and they meant doubling your bail essentially because you went over a 1 million dollar bail you're automatically upgraded to maximum security and that's when you got sent to the roach motel yeah and I've been in Towers jail for a year I know all the I know all the slang I know the prison walk so the next day when I woke up in max security I've got a go to the white table now the woods and they're gonna determine now whether they're gonna accept me are they gonna smash me this is max security they're nearly all in there for murder there was a few crystal meth chemists so I walk up to the table you know during the prison walk with all the slang by what up what did you roll in from woods sowas jail they think they made my bail bond over a million so I got reclass to max they're like you know what are you in for what ecstasy so they're asking me all these questions and I don't think you know I'm fitting in with these guys they're gonna accept me then I go back to my room and hours later the head of the gang comes down with all of his legal papers I want you to read this for me and tell you if this plea bargain they're offering me is reasonable so they saw through my app and so I was an educated person because I was a resource to them prisoners could not read or write in max security I set up a class for the Mexicans teaching them how to write home in Spanish because a lot of worked out in the countryside and they couldn't read and write then the Aryan Brotherhood put a green light to have me smashed for help in another race I had an independent soft guy who was my cellmate at the time Joe and he intervened with the gang and they allowed me to keep helping the Mexicans Shawn can you move your mic closer that's [ __ ] horrible but something I want to like so you got there the Aryans approach you in your cell and then kind of how does that relationship go from there like you said there's no turning them down you have to kind of play the game or their ever times where it was like hey you just earned your first swastika tattoo come on in you're like no actually guys get like you know they also used an eagle let's do a real generic eagle eagle I saw one skinhead he had a tattoo of Hitler on his chest no subtlety Z coiling over a gas chamber with Jewish people dying inside the gas chamber in secret when you move you make a lot closer yeah yes you're gonna go over the screen no is that okay oh my god yeah yeah yeah over there over a hundred people arrested with me including some of my bouncers from the raves I was throwing including my best friend from my hometown who was a massive guy Eco interviews people with me on my youtube channel called wild man he's like the UK Joey Diaz Oh his fists are twice the size of mine and they're just all human teeth marks all over them he's a good guy to get arrested with so what's the a B guys in towers jail found out I was with wild man and we were at one of the biggest crews in the jail we had a coexistence with them and none of our clique got smashed your relation to the guy with the Hitler tattoo was he just like oh no that's Alan some other guys got moved out of our building and there was a white boy meeting and we had to vote on the new head of the whites I didn't vote for that skinhead I vote for Marco who was out of the Italian mafia the Italian mafia took over from the Aryan Brotherhood in that path and it was the best we ever had it like these guys were running the show outside the jail at night when we were all locked down and we're all supposed to be asleep marco was outside the jail with the guard smoking and giving them orders whenever we got rekted whenever we got raises at the guy he would find out in advance and anything the guards took all our bedding and everything would get all fresh stuff from other guards would bring it right back to us he had a legal visit from his girlfriend in legal visits the cards can't watch who's girlfriend would come in as a legal visitor giving [ __ ] in the legal visitation room and it was like the least violence ever on the Marcos rule I wrote a whole chapter about it in her time it was the best of the time it's our shells when the Italian mafia was running the show but the good times never last like meshing between the Italians and the Aryans what was that like a little an alliance cuz they're both white or like their own interests like I'm sure they had their own drug interests and stuff right it was an uneasy coexistence that culminated into a full-scale semi riot at one point and which ended up with us all getting moved so the Italians you know when people have got it good like that and they're running things other people get jealous because people have got nothing in prison so the woods were getting jealous of you know how smoothly they were running things and all the perks they would get in and they were always scheming and they always had the greater numbers we had more numbers temporarily but in the end Marco got moved he got sentenced his next in line took over he was a Golden Gloves boxer and he had a lot of fights in a row and he always won and then he fought a rule 11 inmate called Buster beets now that means a mentally ill person rule 11 there was this foul meal that nobody would eat called Red Death and this guy would just put it in plastic bags and eat it all day long and he was my cellmate briefly as well he he like took the legs off crickets and mosquitos and and beat them with little rolled-up pieces of toilet paper just pull the legs off until it's a tornado and then he would beat them with a rolled-up yeah and say good musky so you're not going to leave me now things like this wrap called dead body hose about having sex with the corpses of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and all this stuff and the prisoners was always make him do it anyway the Golden Gloves boxer Nick he ended up in a fight with Buster beets and what the beats these rule 11 guys they've got this crazy strength he kept like Marco I mean but the Golden Gloves guy Nick just kept beating the [ __ ] out bust the beats and he'd say like I give up I give up keep going to leave the cell once the beats would like jump back up bounce off the wall like Spiderman jump about 20 minutes 30 minutes and Nick's like just put he's gonna kiss wall just punch punch punch punch I think he's gonna kill this guy and Nick is his his hand he broke his knuckle his hand swole up like the size of the grapefruit pieces of teeth a ball from him had come off and and after that Nick said Allah I'm sick of being the head of the white you know I don't even know what this is all about anymore something was my people on the outside and Nick's people on the outside we were trying to help him we were trying to locate his step parents to try and get him some assistance oh yeah they want him back he starts a different gang and he's like I know the Jomo but not invited to any of the gangs they're like I know you're white Buster but you can't you know he wants to come as awful as all of his sounds I think the worst thing I heard you talk about the roaches sound horrific and like I think the roaches would severely damage my mental health over the course of days and weeks and months but the spider situation could you just go speak on that a little bit so you would just wake up with pin pricks on your skin it will get you in the next it would come out looking for food you rolled around in your sleep and you touch it then in the following days the post would start to and the skin would like melt away and the venom would eat into your flesh down to the bone on some occasions and cause what's called a volcano lesion now we take these guys to the guards and the guards would always say the same thing in the early stages at least it's the policy of the jail not to treat insect bites you put yourself in here you deal with it so this Chicano gang member who was facing like hundreds of years he'd been in a drive-by shooting he shot a bunch of teenagers he was a teenager when it has happened and one bullet had gone through a girl and come out and blew a nipple off and he was headline news every night whether these people in critical injury were gonna die cuz he was going to get the death penalty them so he got bit on his back I mean this guy was like 300 plus pounds he would roll around in his sleep on this little bun obviously his body would go against the wall and that's how he got the spider bite so we're showing it to the guards every day because it's like a baseball of yellow pus plasma is like building up in his back and the guard Allah is the policy of the jail not to treat inside bite you put yourself in it we got a lot of guys in the dayroom big guys and we got his arms on either side and held him steady there was a Russian guy bill in the military and he said he knew how to dress wounds so he was that designated doctor I was holding a roll of toilet paper and a Russian just comes up behind him and starts massaging this wound all this pus is running down his back and I'm helping mop it up with the toilet paper now this is going on for about 10 20 minutes big guys almost fainting sweats dripping off his ears his chin he starts dragging everybody across the day room we need more guys to hold him people were jumping on when all of the pus was finally out what we did then was what-what the Russian said was the best thing to stop the bacteria put salt on the wound [ __ ] racks area little lemon juice maybe when I got moved over to Mac security I started a little competition called suffer of the week where ever had it the worst the prisoners who had commissary would put in like a Snickers bar or some peanut butter and whoever had it worse that week would win so there was one guy he got bitten on his thumb by the spider so every day showing it to the guards and the guards are like you know tough [ __ ] you got nothing coming in and in the beginning it was just a puss coming out it was red then it went purple then it went blue then mold started to grow on here and it turned black and they finally took him to see a doctor and they had to cut it off before it like impacted his whole body and of course we awarded him sufferer of the week and he says it was worth losing his phone for just to get the extra food but he got angry so it was kind of a win it's kind of like maximum security prison meets free parking from monopoly just a brown recluse spider that does that and I've never seen one I think that's that's kind of part of their their their mo is that you don't see them very often they're very small spiders the worst story I heard is about the guy who sat on a toilet seat and there was one under the rim and bit him on the head of his dick and his dick rotted off because he was embarrassed to go to a doctor and say look at my penis it's been bitten by something he's thought it'll get better but those bites really don't get better they get much much worse before they get any better I told the doctor immediately every time get bitten the penis every single time these stories so far mild compared to my dick balls and gang rape and beheading stories I was I've got whole head written down so like you you like you mentioned it and we moved past it real quickly but I was curious so you said it was on one of your videos the like what do you do if some powerful guy the the Hitler you know portrait guy green lights you to get your [ __ ] pushed in and beat the [ __ ] up if that gets greenlit is there any way to go to that guy and be like hey I'm so sorry let me give you some Snickers or is it like no once that's okayed you're [ __ ] he can't go back on it or he'll look weak or complacent like how's that pan out prison rape is so common there's a rape class now that you have to attend under prea Prison Rape Elimination Act yep it's mandatory a rape class are you better raping now than before so you watch a video and there's some guys in the day rooms and predators the young prisoners coming in a hungry if they take food they're in debt and once they got you in debt they got you they say look you got to pay this they're us we're going to kill you well I got no money are you gonna go in that cell over the do whatever he says and that will pay your debt off and if you are weak minded enough to do that there's no turning back that's called getting turned out becoming a prison Punk they rent you out as a prison prostitute and you know you ruined the lot at the lowest level in the prison is punks snitches and Cha moles so the conclusion of the rape class was to stop rape you have to report it if you report anything you know snitch so after we went to the rape class a young mentally ill prisoner was gang-raped and nobody reported a single thing he gets raped in the rape class after the class yeah so that was just like a nephew to the guards now the story of Xena was a transgender prisoner six and a half foot charismatic transgender prisoner she seemed happy living with her boyfriend when I met her in prison he was protecting her but decades before when she first came in she was big weight weight lifting clicked up with the Aryan Brotherhood gang as a debt collector it's blood in blood out these gangs use people up and they brutalized them so I asked Xena what happened she said the first time was a gang rape they beat me until I was unconscious raped me while I was unconscious and sure things inside my body I said well what did they shove inside your body a broomstick I said well how did you know they were raping you if you were unconscious she said when I went the toilet afterwards I could tell by what came out I said well what did you do after being raped I sat in my cell waiting for the scars to go I got moved to another yard but the same thing happened they beat me up raped me used me as a sex toy a prostitute Punk there's no recourse no one to talk to you can't go to the guards they'll throw you in a dungeon for months or years and say it's for your own protection you can do absolutely nothing other than kill the perpetrators the victim is labeled a rat a punk and considered less than human I said did you think about killing the people who did this yes I did I feel I've also thought about killing myself and I still do sometimes and then Xena started crying she commenced any more questions but she came back because because we were writing a blog to raise awareness of prison rape and when she came back I said does this mostly happens youngsters yes it does breaking up to anyone Big Bad Dudes skinny ugly people who are street smart you don't understand the mentality of ghetto life they get picked on the most I said well how did you stop it I took the abuse for as long as I could my started fighting I won most of the fights when I stood up and told him I think about living or dying it stopped you've gotta be ruthless now that is understatement Xena hadn't told me the truth as to how she stopped this gang raping business because she didn't want to risk any trouble what she'd done Xena was studying Anatomy and the next two times the gang members came to rape Xena the first member of the gangs put his hand on Xena Xena plucked his eyeball out so it was dangling from the optic nerve and that's what I thought when I first heard that story holy [ __ ] is that even possible so I had a workout partner called iron man in prison and he told me to Jojo to join a dojo when I got outside I did karate for almost 10 years and they teach us in karate it's called bird beak strike you just go BAM into the eyeball like that and it comes out on the optic nerve now Xena did that twice they came back to rape her again and she did a classifier is extremely dangerous because that eyeball when you put it back in it just doesn't go back in snugly and behead normally the fluid coating the brain can leak through the socket and you can die you can be blinded you know it could really match your visual apparatus up let's say so Xena was a woman and men were raping her how why were they together I got I missed something she's okay so Xena was a trans prisoner six and a half foot when she first came in decades before she'd met me she was big and weightlifting and she was a debt collector for the Aryan Brotherhood now when I met her she was tall skinny she was making melting plastic and making sex toys she had her own beaded g-string and was cool but what she did was they tried to get estrogen smuggled in and they tried to stop the other chemical so Xena wakes up one morning grabs a felt-tip pen and draws lines on her scrotum yeah drinks a cup of cofee and without any painkiller at all she's got the razor blade and she cuts the scrotum open now the testicles are on branches called the vas deferens so she goes into one side of the scrotum cooked through the spermatic cord and the gristle and she manages to cut one side off now the other side must have known what was about to happen she's got a hand in her scrotum up in her guts searching for this over testicle red-hot pain is hitting her now from cutting the first 1/2 where she's got it tied off to stop the blood comes undone and the blood it's that spraying across the cell she's now bleeding to death and losing consciousness but she believed she's got to get this over one off it's a one-shot deal yes it could feel squishy things like organs while she's scrambling around to find this thing or in the end she didn't find it and the prison was informed somebody saw this and they managed to get a helicopter to the prison just in time to get to hospital to save a life now Xena was put on suicide watch for a year and when she got off suicide watch she cut the other testicle off so just when the testicle thought it was safe it's so comical to me that she plucked out a rapists eyeball with her bare hand and then the next week or let's month or whatever sometime here had passed and that same group of rapists got together said you know what we should do we should go we should go [ __ ] next thing so alright so rape attempt walton eyeball comes out rape attempt to eyeball comes out big and strong during the pipe lucking or she the leader she she was uh collecting debts for the Aryan probe oh okay yeah so i ball comes out two separate occasions i ball comes out they classify xena as extremely dangerous and they move on to some of her friends now one friend is gang-raped they shove a light bulb in his backside and they make bets on who could smash it first and that prisoner committed suicide afterwards another one is gang-raped they get a shovel from the work crew they hold him down caught his head off and when his head is finally off they put it on display in a part of the prison to show the gangs that they're the most violent and ruthless out of all the gangs in would okay Jesus really intense like it the first two examples were just horrific but then it escalated so far when we got to a beheading it's just like where do you go from here Shawn yeah thought about this a lot what's the strategy for a non tough guy in prison right like you you're not six foot six debt collector how do you thrive in this environment make sure you get arrested with wild man and over 100 people who are your bouncers from the rave scene because if I had gone in there on my own I'm not big tough guy I'm just a nerdy business graduate it's raw survival of the fittest I would have been annihilated by those gang members but once they saw there was a pack of us you know they're like everybody's coming into the jail it's like animalistic and they're looking for the weakest in the herd to slaughter so you know if you're if you're if you're in there of your bouncers and you're clicking up with the Italian mafia a wild man was behaving like a maniac in there you know and showing people how crazy and dangerous he was people are not going to go towards that they're gonna go towards less dangerous situations to threaten people and bully people and try and explore people and get money and commissary out of them now Maya co-defendants wrongly around me from the first year because the prosecutor wanted me in Wildman to be it separate she wanted me to be separate from my co-defendants by doubling my bail she got me away from them so I didn't know anybody in max security she said that we were influencing the car defense it's not to break down and snitch some in the ball he was my competitor 57 people got arrested with him they all agreed to cooperate in my case over a hundred got arrested and only four agreed to cooperate everybody hung tight that's because we were so close knit so the prosecute was concerned that I was influencing the co-defendants so I got moved up up to higher and higher security levels away from them can you age out of the game like like at some point you must be able to a few 79 years old they don't expect you to be an enforcer of any kind right but there's those guys in there who've earned their stripes there was a guy who saved my life at one point called two-tone is he was a multiple homicide murderer he was through 141 years he'd left the dead bodies of rival gangsters from Arizona to Alaska he worked for the Bonanno crime family on the job by now no senior it was the longest-running head of the Mafia Council who never got whacked he ended up living in the same neighborhood as Meese in Bacchus in the Catalina Mountains in Tucson Arizona most beautiful place I've ever lived in my life and to Tony's he took me under his wing I had a situation when I got moved over to a prison where I didn't know anybody and to Tony's found out and helped me out so I get to this new cell don't know anybody my cellmate is a serial home invader torturer he's breaking into people's houses mostly drug dealers tying up with duct tape and taking ball-peen hammers to their kneecaps that was his favorite method of torture so I show up in his cell and he says to me you know I put my property down on my bunk and he had some artwork up there and he's like you needs me war aware of your [ __ ] surroundings and he you know he starts threatening me saying I could I could smash your brains in while you sleep I've got a padlock in the sock and he didn't like me from the get-go he was an old con he just wanted to do his Ronnie's a legal tattoo shop and do his heroin and everything in there I didn't want mean so he schemed to get rid of me now he had a mate a big guy 20 plus star which is to 240 pounds and they and it president it's like high school mentality with deadly consequences they knew my parents are flying five thousand miles to visit me for Christmas so they timed it the attack this big guy attacked me just as I'm walking down this corridor to visit my parents so he sneaks up behind he's like bam bam [ __ ] move didn't get in my face comes up behind me kidney punch in and you know I wasn't I'm not skilled in the arts of fighting at that point so I turn around start frozen kicks and punches you've got no choice the prisoners looking at you if you don't hit back you're a punk everyone's got to prey on you I'm throwing some kicks and punches and they end up getting beat down on the floor didn't work out well for me fortunately a staff member came and and it ended my mom sees me up visitation I'm all injured she asked what's wrong I can't say you know she's all really nervous break them on my situation I did manage to get moved out of that cell my new cellmate Long Island he come from a prison where his neighbor said to him look I did business with this guy on the streets called English Shawn he's a good dude if you run into him look out for him now bear in mind there's 60,000 people in the Arizona Department of Corrections at that time so it's weird how people came out the blue to help me people came unglued to harm me so Long Island goes look I've got a friend to Tony's you want to play game of chess with him he knew if to Tony's like me would take me under his wing he didn't tell me that you spent bit more slick I said yeah you know fine what's him for oh he's off school mafia multiple homicide murder 141 years yes you know he just goes and gets it when he comes down the stairs like uncle junior he's sorry sorry so 20-plus years I've stood in the day room over the chess board nervous sweating he sees that he puts me at ease in a fake British accent is like if you have bloody tea and crumpets with the Beatles and you know joking around clowning around I beat him at chess and at the end of the game he says look how come you beat me so fast I said you kept speaking your mind all through the game you wouldn't show someone your hand in a game of cards would you and he slaps his head he goes are me my big mouth I didn't know it he was testing me he said look Shan Zhai stay alive on the road of life I've had to become a quick judge of character I liked you I think you're an honest guy would you be willing to write my life story I said yeah I would be honored so I wasn't supposed to be going in his cell but you had prisoners outside watching the guards for months on end I'm going in his cell he's telling me his life story absolutely fascinating stuff so the lieutenant in the Bonanno crime family who to Tony's came up under with Charlie batts Battaglia who had whacked people from coast to coast got away with it and was an expert in getting rid of the bodies so to Tony's he's telling me all these techniques about disposing of corpses for example you get a hole dug really deep get the corpse in there put some dirt over it and then put a dead animal you know a few feet above it so if the cadaver dogs come out they hit on the animal then they stop digging but the way the Bonanno crime family solved that was they had double decker coffins so they'd have a genuine person whose funeral it was someone they'd whacked would also go into the double decker coffin and it even get buried you know that's how they got rid of the corpses so yeah well his I wrote to Tony's book it's called the Mafia philosopher to tony's but sadly died in 2010 from his liver cancer his own drug taking as a lot of people do in prison because hepatitis C it's just absolutely rife a lot of the guys are sharing dirty needles and stuff like that so - Tony's there was a situation with a shot-caller whereby I written about prisoners were buying items from the inmate store and they were making their own syringes out of these items and I put that online and then the shot-caller said you know that's tantamount just to putting our secrets out there put our green lights out me smash got killed and like for 2 or 3 days the whole yard was not raw because the fellows were liking me I was doing this blog called John's your journal my writing was on got in online my parents would type it up my hand would type it up you know put it online from my letters that I was sending home and the prisoners were getting following looks like people were sending them letters and pen pals and books we're filling the whole library with books we had like a real Shawshank Redemption moment where like 54 books came in one week so half the yard was supporting me saying I was doing a good thing and half the yard were like trying to attack me anyway to Tony's called in a favor and after two or three days of craziness people trying to get my cell other people protecting me after two or three days of craziness it all just died down so potentially potentially could have saved my life here but that's right it's like an anything could happen any moment you mentioned you got into a fight and it didn't go well is it okay to lose like Italy answered honor and salute the honor is not walking away Donna is showing heart so when you go into prison into jail in remand the first thing they want to know anywhere you're charged is that's a charge check and they'll also do what's called a heart check so they'll send someone to you and they'll probe you find out about you and then that person might like try to intimidate and bully you just to see how far they can go a bit to see if you're a wee key or if you've showing half so what's what's the correct I imagine that to type rope right like if one of let's say you weren't on to Tony's good side and he sends some you know big Italian log into your your cell how do you walk that line of you know not be an outright aggressive towards him when he starts threatening you but also not looking like a [ __ ] cuz I'm sure you go too hard at him he'll be like yeah this guy's a [ __ ] problem let's let's whack him or whatever that would be so when I was living with the serial home invader torturer who got his when it before he spread attack me act a sense that that was brewing and they would come in the cell and talk [ __ ] to me and I thought it was gonna go off in the cell and I'm thinking in my head now you know if these guys are just gonna Punk me that's it it's over for me the rest of my life in prison I am just screwed so I had like my pens right next to me and I was just going to go stick a pen in one of their eyeballs that's that I would just have to make and I would have to have had to have made an example otherwise I would have been attacked extorted everything so it's it's that tense all the time and I could barely even sleep you know I'm not a violent person I'm thinking there's free guys in here big guys they could just take me down and rape me or anything if I stick a pen in one of the eye balls if they try to rape me I'm just gonna straight [ __ ] in my hand and [ __ ] just rub it all over them rub it in their faces this these are the levels of dimension demented behavior that these environments force you to think about what you're gonna have to do because you have to retaliate full-on if they do something to you why is your Punk my next question is it okay to win right let's say you're in a fight with some guy and you win one out of ten tries right like you know your odds and you think you've got a 10% chance of winning but it's your lucky day now what you know the score that guy knows the score does he get rematches until you're properly punished for winning a fight is it okay to win it depends on the level of the beef so most beefs are squashed with a one-on-one fight the gangs do not want people jumping in on either side whether it's within a race or outside of a race got a bunch of whites jumping in a bunch of blacks jumping in you got a race riot Jael gets locked down no one comes out of the cells with three days plus the trip business stops the absolute priority is to keep the drug business running at all times if two prisoners have got a beef then they third leaders of the gangs will say right that's cell under the stars you guys go in there and squash the beef and you'll see it happen you know you can watch you from around the day room and stuff these guys will fight it out and at the end they're having a hug and having a smoke together now there are beefs that can escalate into life-and-death stuff does fuse on the streets that carry over into prison and those guys that will just go and pick up a shank and come back and try and kill you so you've gotta be very worried that you know who you're dealing with and as long as it's at that low level harmonies restored after the beef is squashed yep when they take two people in the cell under the stairs and say work it out do they ever talk it out like I didn't say Jomo I said Chrome I thought you had Down syndrome and they all laugh it off and move on but do they ever talk it out you know what - Tony said he has huge humor to defuse many a potentially violent situation but talking out is more on the female side in the men's side it's there faster the fists you see a guy you'll be walking down the corridor you look at a guy guy say what are you looking at he'll say nothing you calling me nothing Bam Bam Bam it's on just like that it's like a powder keg of stress especially for the guys who are unsent install sentenced it's more stressful because you don't know what's gonna happen to you and you're looking to take that stress out on somebody I asked you what the strategy was right for a guy who's not you know hercule and it sounds like losing is it like if I go in there I can't beat up these guys just go in show heart I hope they accept that sounds the toughest guys have the highest mortality look at Nick you know he was proud of winning all these fights the more fights you win the more challenges you get everybody wants to make the name of the toughest guy in the building so eventually you're gonna come a cropper my my strategy was I've done prison survival advice videos and one of them is titled make alliances with the right people at wild men going in at to Tony's later on okay why does that guy torture you men should be mostly drug dealers was it all drugged it sounded like he had a method like a motive oh he loved it he loved it so it was going to court one day and he was in a holding cell and there was a suspected charm oh so he held a kangaroo court with him as the judge and it was decided to stab the jail more time up and stabbed him which he did and then he put a knife into the to the eyeball of the Chum I didn't go Josiah you just put it to the eyeball at the char more like he was gonna take the eyeball out and he told everybody in there if any of you snitch and what I've done I will find you or someone in the prison system will find you will [ __ ] take your eyeballs that will [ __ ] eat them Jesus so that was kind of his some people like to read some people like TV shows some people like exercise and he liked breaking people's knees with ball-peen hammers and threatening to go dry it oh yeah and the day got arrested it was headline news they had like a tank on the street and they had like helicopters over the house and in the end it looked like he was gonna go down in a shootout but in the end they one of his female friends came forward and helped them negotiate to get him out he was full-on hardcore were the different gangs like he said like it's all about business at the end of the day they want to keep making their money they want to keep getting their drugs but was there almost like a hierarchy like among the non gang-related prisoners where it's like oh okay thank goodness the the Italians took power from the Aryans you know they all suck but at least the Aryans you know they were way more brutal or oh the the Hispanic gangs in charge right now I really hope that the the black or whatever gang takes power because they're being so brutal or was it all like mutually assured destruction those panics cut a guy's head off and so then the Italians and the Aryans do it and then the blacks have to show they have to do it to like just constantly one-upping each other what was that dye name okay the reason that everybody's prison stories are different and some people will call other people out say it's not like that that rule isn't right people don't behave like that well the reason that everybody's prison stories are different is because every prison yard has different prisoners different guards there's different rules depending upon who the leader is for example I was in one building where every night there was like a fellatio show there was a white guy getting a [ __ ] from a trans prisoner in the building opposite and we'd all watch it and just they do this that running commentary of jokes head of the whites got moved out of the building and a new head of whites came in they sent word to the opposite building saying that that white guy getting the [ __ ] was gonna get attacked the very next day unless it stopped immediately so it depends upon the characters who are in charge and that's constantly changing and so I watch another youtuber what was his last name is it Watson Watson Watson yeah yeah and he takes a lot of pride in the fact that he was a shot-caller he was in charge but hypothetical woody doesn't want to be a shot-caller that's a lot of attention and I don't think shock haulers have a really great track record of an easy time right at some point someone is it good to be the shot-caller it seems like a bad strategy if you're a big tough guy and you can handle yourself there are perks and respects of Wes Watson is blown up on YouTube he's doing really good my co-defendant Wildman loves watching his videos every time I go to his house his girl where's Watson video on I think they're gonna end up doing this guy from training Wellman right now in escapes he's not quite there yet so Wildman arrives at prison it's just been sentenced and they come up to him and they say what are your charges and he says I've had a long day I'm going to sleep and they say no you don't understand who we are you need to tell us what your charges are so he knocks the guy out and he goes to sleep I'm gonna go with assault have done that we're gonna find out who you are a while I was like okay find out who I am as he sleep he wakes up and they come back they say we know who you are now do you want the guys job who you knocked out we need you to apologize to him but we're going to give you his job and well man what he's done lots of videos on my channel there's a Wildman playlist about him running the building he's got to keep the whites the youngsters under control and he's running like he's making hooch he's controlling the gambling and there are a lot of perks in prisons of doing that stuff if you chose not money whatsoever everybody's got to get the hustle on one way or another so where's Watson if that was his hustle so be it Wow well means a lot of upward mobility for careers it's like you know what weed what was there like an offer of hay or like hey we'll give you drugs to do I soon like most of the payment was like you get your heroin or Yuki's manufacturing hooch he gets to keep a percentage of the hooch if he's running the gambling tables it gets to keep a percentage of you know the take now what if your charges aren't that good right like you're not a chomo but you're maybe like a big-time tax evader do they like give you an extra hard to like tax evasion they're kind of [ __ ] prisoners like how does that data they judge they're probably gonna go to the club fat so the federal system has got more money cuz it's backed by the US federal government now there are some crazy federal prisons but there's also the club feds the luxury ones where the politicians go to and stuff like that the state systems have got no money and they're the dregs and you know it's just like they just treat you like your absolute [ __ ] in there and I just sent a very short amount of time in a federal prison not one eyeball was plucked while I was there is it that the states have no money or that a chunk of that goes towards profit the state's thoughts Pat and hardly anything compared to the feds on the prison conditions they probably just pocket it that's what they don't mean they have huge budgets Arizona's got a massive budget for prisons I think education is like xx and prisons is like third on the list so someone's taking that money somewhere along the way but by warehousing prisoners feeding them food that you can barely eat and having two guards watching a couple hundred prisoners that's how they maximize the profits and that's why those are escapes in Arizona they were so cheap they hadn't fixed the alarm it'd gone off falsely like 200 times approximately in one month so when some prisoners did escape the guards are like alright it's just going off again falsely and those prisoners went on a murder spree and people can look that up its online about the Arizona prison escape alarm going off guards ignored it and prisoners people got killed Wow so in just curious in pop culture whether it's movies TV shows I'm sure they get prison all bits of it wrong all the time but is there a show or something out there that you watched about prison like holy [ __ ] this one this one feels way more real than the rest in the mark so there are some silly ones but there are some good ones as well none of them 100% I think profit was a French film it was really gritty and depressing portrayed it well there's a movie called shot crawler and there's a finance guy he's got he runs a red light with his woman and he's friend and her wife and his friend dies and he's had too much to drink so he gets sent down now when he goes in with the new rivals in the night does the skinny black guy walks in and he's looking down really nervous not giving off the right body language that guy gets gang-raped in the name so the finance guys like [ __ ] you know they'd be guys have been checking him out and he think he's a lame so when he gets challenged the next day just starts throwing punches he's like I'm not gonna lay down for nobody in the happened to me and then the gang start to seize potential they have him carrying drugs carrying knives putting in more and more work but then he gets so much time well I don't spoil it but you know basically just makes the situation way worth worse for himself and that movie answers one of the questions you asked earlier about you know shot-callers you know yeah they can get the hustling and make things out of it but also they can get a hell of a lot more time added on they may not never even get out Wow yeah that's a good movie I saw that a while back check that out it's got what's his name the place Jamie Lannister and Game of Thrones he's the he's the main character gets under brothel brawl and cellblock I can't remember the number but that's good one too so we haven't even touched on your drug empire we skip straight to the yeah we skipped straight to the whole horrific part of the consequences but there had to be years and years of fun you know how did you started out you came to the US and you ended up being a stockbroker like that was legit job and you were doing really well at that like hundreds of thousands of dollars of a year corrected legitimate money within five years I was grossed in half a million in commissions and then you get into the rave scene and and start experimenting with ecstasy so go ahead when I was at uni I started taking ecstasy and before the rave scene you know our to soft conscious to dance warned go up and talk to women I had social anxiety it almost got beat to death by some drunks when I was a teenager which compounded my anxiety but then when I talk ecstasy I couldn't stop dancing one stopped talking to women all night long and it became my religion so I told myself you know my goal was to make become a millionaire by the time I was thirty I starting the trade in the stock market at sixteen started following at fourteen my economics teacher was giving me classes of my own and I did achieve that goal but I had no common sense I'm in my twenties testosterone-fueled no emotional maturity grows in half a million a year I'm having to get to the office for the six o'clock in the morning sales meeting because we're on New York stock market hours in Arizona getting burnt out on that business thinking alright do why I want to keep doing this or should I try and make money for the party scene and that fateful decision cost me everything so what I guess what was that decision like it was just you were so addicted to maybe not the drug itself but the man I'm getting [ __ ] I feel like I'm a cool cat now you know I'm not shy I'm dancing the night away I'm willing to roll the dice on this you know I'm in a big prison not the real thing what took me to the next level was wild man's first visit so wild man well I was working up the ranks of stockbrokers was in prison in the UK now he was my best friend since childhood and my goal was to get him out to America and have him channel his energy into becoming a professional wrestler this is our idealistic I was so so I rented him a house by the Georgian dragon British pub in central Phenix thinking he'll just go to the pub while I'm at work chill with the expats have a beer and nothing bad will happen now we're in a couple of months me and my girlfriend show up at wild man's place and a bunch of Mexicans answered the door I might words Peter Delight pizza yeah Pizza he lives here no we didn't order pizza no not pizza and then the opal comes out and me and my girlfriend like start backtracking across the road and the wild man just bounces over the road all smiles why are you just nearly got shut what's going on with your place he says they are the local crack dealers the guy at the back is the he's from Colombia he's running the crew of Mexicans they like to move around a lot so I've rented them the place they're buzzing because I can do $100 crack rock in one breath they love it when I do that they're giving me all this crack for free and I'm just living at their place over the street right now they like to move around so wild man wherever he went he took control of the street people and he just started through endless amounts of crack and crystal meth he would smoke it non-stop and he would stay out for two weeks at time he would go on a walk for like two or three days we didn't know where he was it he'd come back with holes in his shoes and his feet off it was so hot out there in Arizona he got hospitalized it's hot something happen with his heart so we went to visit him in the hospital and they got all these sensors on him and the monitors and [ __ ] and he says look this thing happens to my heart was dehydrated blah blah blah give me an ecstasy pill I gave him an ecstasy pill I thought he was just going to take it when he got out to sell great and he popped oh [ __ ] we all we all run out of that place and one man's apartment that when I got him didn't last very long a guy came over to buy directions of Mexicans it never wild might have never seen guns before the guy started to demonstrate his guns a wild man and shot himself in the head and killed himself and that place ended with his corpse on the doorstep and you know the guts coming out and over it so well and then moved over to a place on the west side your stories escalate quickly at least one lasted a few months at that first place he only last a few days at the next so he moves in with two women and a bouncer from a club on Van Buren this guy's a steroid head disco dancing cowboy with permed claiming he's a member of the Gangster Disciples and it was the girls who had wild man move in over there because they were behind on the rent so I cut a check to the office while my moves in but I knew gangster disciple guy was gonna be a problem so within days I'd get a call from the office saying the wild man's roommate has been attacked by a wild man and he needs to move out he's getting evicted I said well how do you know wild man's roommate has been attacked I mean you know what's what proof do you have of this and she said that the gangster disciple dude was seen fleeing from the apartment in the middle of the night by the neighbors with plasterboard dust all over his head and face multiple holes fortunately he did this so fast I was able to stop the check they had the cash the check the girls that he was living with said look we know another apartment that's behind on the rent over in Tempe Arizona and this again this now is the beginning of the criminal enterprise so he moves over to Tempe Arizona this is party town now you know and we're partying there every weekend and we're getting like up to fifty to hundred pills from the local dealers that's all we could get I'm just showing off you know my egos as big as the Grand Canyon making more money than I've got common sense I'm in my twenties giving pills away for free when you give drugs away for free you attract a lot of friends so now I'm starting to see the business potential of it so acid Joey he's dead now most of my male friends from Batman are dead now he was found dead in his swimming pool with his clothes on God rest his soul so acid Joey he was a supplier back then local supplier and he found out that the local middleman was getting the pills out of LA so I set a deal up to go out to buy a thousand pills now two carloads of us went out there I've got me and Wildman in one car I've got another huge guy called Seth he's also dead now and I see Joey in that car and we drive out there I've got you know the money to buy a thousand pills ten plus K whatever it was but waiting for hours outside this guy's house in West Hollywood mm-hmm and the tensions rising weilman's like when he shows up I'm just gonna go in and take his [ __ ] pills he's kept us waiting for so long rapidly turning into a robbery okay if you do that how we're gonna have a regular supply man just just chill if I don't come out of here in 15 minutes then steamed in so eventually he shows up I go in I thought if you've seen that movie Point Break but they were like these it's soul soul was the dealer and he had all these surfer gangster dudes she's very out of Point Break in there I don't thinking am I gonna get jacked at the cops watching these guys so I'm quite nervous I've got all this money on me I say all right I've got the bills where's the pills it goes in the back room I'm thinking is he gonna carve a gun just take this money off me there's nothing I could do pretty much he comes out with the biggest bag of pills I've ever seen in my life like jeez so I say all right before we do this deal is okay if I try one because yes sure so it gives me a pill and I put it in my mouth he goes do you want a drink with that chase I said no I'm just gonna chew it to see what it tastes like cuz over the years I'd learn what our good pill tastes like good pill should be hungry 225 milligrams of MDMA and clay so I'm chewing this pill he's looking at me like I'm crazy cuz just sharing a raw pill and it tasted like the real thing so I did the deal left go back to wild man's new place in Tempe Arizona and within a weekend they were gone so that was it then I'm thinking right the business experiment has succeeded I no longer need to be a stockbroker there's an arbitrage opportunity here these pills are going for 25 to 30 dollars in the clubs that was gonna be my question you took those you took that bag of pills and how much money do you pay for them and how much did you turn that into a first transaction probably about twelve dollars a pill which slowly went down over time and slept the peak of it I've got about 200 people working for me and I'm getting him out for Holland for like two or three dollars a pill yeah I mean bringing in like thirty forty thousand at a time how long did take you to get through thirty forty thousand pills oh this is over the years so Sammy the bull moved in towards the end of things when things done I got I got in with the locals in about 96 97 when I was just raving with them so the locals would come up to me with the projects their party ideas their nickname for me was the Bank of England and they would ask me to invest in their party ideas now over time what I did was all these little cliques that were throwing the parties were competing I unified all those little cliques and incorporated them into my enterprise and it was structured like a cooperation so we've got ahead of every faction and then there's crime family dinner every month for the heads of the factions and people say alright you know they go over 2530 you getting them for two or three dollars that's a lot of money well I think it was Union ladder led Bible they did like a graph and they made an error on it as well so I'll correct that for you guys so if I'm gay in about three I'm giving them to my head of a faction maybe five thousand at a time on credit at ten dollars a pill and then he's given them to his middle guy fifteen twenty and they getting sold on the streets on the on the club's twenty five to thirty so my profit might just be seven dollars on forty thousand but you know it's still quarter of a million yeah that's a lot of money geez it was the fun of it you know I'm sure at the beginning like you said you're bullheaded you're young you know nothing can take you down was the just amount of fun you were having pushing down all the stress cuz like I'm a very high stress person I can't imagine having a [ __ ] ecstasy drug empire under me like where you've just always running through your thoughts like oh my god what if one guy flips and then it leads to this and then back to me and then I'm [ __ ] like were you constantly paranoid or just so wrapped up okay this journey as you will see with all journeys of people getting into the drugs game has a cycle the beginning is the fun the glut the glitz the glamour I'm throwing parties for up to ten thousand people out in the desert got four stages got DJs flown in from around the world got my bouncers running around armed to the teeth I'm the man now the cool guy you know women coming up ravers stripped striptease dancers coming up all night long thanking me for the pills guys coming up you know giving me hugs thanking me for the party and that is just one big ego feed like I said you know my ego was as big as the Grand Canyon but yeah that was motivating me to keep doing it the mountain you know lucky you get my third wife was she was doing lesbian internet porn when I met her she was very intelligent she had a degree from the University though in Tucson and her thing was that women could join us sexually give us both oral pleasure but then the woman would have to leave and we would have full onset and that they even carried through until our wedding day to the little white chapel and on the way back a finger stained at Caesar's Palace someone on the strip just hands us one of those sleazy magazines this is in the late nineties and so she's like I want to go so brothel it's my wedding day I want to go through brothel something you who am I yes stand in the way of my wife's wishes when my wife wants to go through brothel on our wedding day I've got to satisfy this demand so I snuck coupling the brothels in Las Vegas saying look me and my wife want to come over and they're like these are gentlemen's clubs you can't bring your wife over you that's not a laugh so like you know going limp now thinking this isn't going to happen and she goes she's getting more pouty and then she goes well just call a woman out it's a room so I think the same thing is gonna happen I call a number in this magazine I say love me and my wife wanna you know my wife's bisexual we want to be pleasured do you have a woman you know that fits this yeah no problem that's all $150 for now we'll send the woman right over so we're in my wife's got lines of coke on a table because you know I was at operations in Mexico and click that with Mexican cartel guys click that with the New Mexico mafia I could get a kilo of cocaine for about $12,000 like pure slab glistening with pearly iridescent cocaine not the cut [ __ ] that you see on the streets of London England not the shitty rap tale so my wife's cutting lines of coke yeah escort shows up my wife's like a Texas blonde escort is a brunette in this like red outfit and so she comes in and I say here's what we want to happen my wife wants we pledged it orally then you know pleasure me orally then you're gonna leave because we can have sex it's our wedding day it's a cool $150 we give it a she goes you might never align a coke right okay so she might make this Master Blaster line of coke hold on a minute we're from Arizona never on the Mexican border that's pure stuff I can handle my [ __ ] blah blah blah blah blah all right so who who was I to get in a way she does this Master Blaster line my wife's on the bed she goes down on my wife I'm watching this getting turned on wanna jumper why can't you know my wife set the rule that she gets pleasure I get pleasure girl has to leave we have sex I'm abiding by that but I'm getting really aroused watching this then bad bits though the women jump out of a huge line of code the time I guard the bed she's so high she grabs my dick with this iron welders grip on my dick and I've gotta hold on to my nut for my wife because it's our wedding day like Pythagoras theorem see Margaret Thatcher try and make my dick go down I'm just desperately holy now and in the end I had to stop it and it's time now for me and my wife to to consummate our wedding but the escort she jumps up doesn't walk okay that's to tell us her life story and I felt really sad at this point she pulls out a picture of a kid she's like I'm out here from Nebraska I'm new to this you know I'm a single mom trying to make money for my kid doing things that I don't you know necessarily want to do think you guys are the coolest couple in the world why don't you take me back to Arizona can I come out clubbing with you guys tonight and all oh [ __ ] my heart's open why she's like getting furious she's just like looking at me in the end the escort goes to the toilet my wife says to me do you want to get rid of her or should I and I'm the end I just said look I'll get rid of it she goes the whole point of calling ESCO eyes out they [ __ ] leave your room when the business is done and this girl's never gonna leave all right all right I'll get rid of outside we gotta go clubbing whatever so that's what we did and yeah man you know your question was why was I involved in this drug empire a most amazing fact there if you're the pie kingpin because you know I had guys running the ecstacy through strip clubs and had striptease dancers running the xt3 strip clubs so they get all the money then from the customers and then they come to our after parties so at these after parties I'd rent like the villa the Hilton villas in Scottsdale for days on end people be going round in roller skates and I'm bicycles just just naked people put in you know candle wax and each other be a Jacuzzi on each end and it's just a really good vibe you had all these DJs in never any violence so and you didn't even have to be having sex people just being Colonel puddles massaging each other's shoulders they're in the Vicks inhaler thing someone just touches your skin your neck to see you almost have an orgasm so what's the mix inhaler thing so when you're accessing your senses are heightened to a certain degree and when you're doing the Vicks inhaler it just goes throughout your lungs and you just like have this wave of bliss huh you mentioned the stages of success you like hey at the very beginning it's a big party it's fun on the rise can you continue on what the rest of that path looks like absolutely I don't want to glamorize to see or fear that I may be at risk of doing that so far let me make this clear that the audience at this point my job now is going as girls and scaring the living daylights our kids with the jail ditions and the consequences of drugs in the hope they won't get involved in drugs and crime and they also donate books my book hard time is about the jail conditions I've donated 20,000 books in the last couple of years to school kids and prisoners in the hope they won't you know through the stupid [ __ ] I did so going more of the consequences side of it then you do eventually enter the dark side of drugs because every time you take drugs you're always chasing those first highs first time you do ecstasy yeah you have the time of your life you dancing all night long you're telling people your life story you know and the next time you do it the pleasure goes down a little fraction that you don't notice and in the background the pain the side effects rises a little fraction that you don't notice and over the years those curves cross and if you're addicted a lot of people do drugs and they'll be fine but if you've got to take the personality and you can't stop when that pain rises above the pleasure you keep going even though you know what it's gonna lead to the prison police or death and I learned that because in the jail ninety percent injecting heroin two thirds hepatitis C all the day revolved around getting the drugs in even though they knew they were gonna die yellow jaundice skin chief right now and that made me ashamed the Putin ordered reviews I saw this is the end of that road this is the horror of what it leads to and I knew I couldn't change my past so I resolved to just go out and share my story so others wouldn't make my mistakes so over time you know we had a good run and you start mixing your drugs up to get the chase those early highs I think that there was a newspaper article they called us the Zek tribe and that's because we were mixing xanax and ecstasy and ketamine at one point coke and ketamine we caught you know like CK we call that I was down by the time by the time the indictment came down the prosecutor said most of my co-defendants were chronically addicted to crystal meth they didn't have hardly any belongings loved them so that's that's that's how it ends up and in my book party time is at the very end of it it says where are they now and nearly all my male friends from Batman one by one are dead because of the lifestyle choices you mentioned you know you mentioned you were making about a half a million a year before that drug thing off your finance Commission's is that whatever my so that's a stupid thing I did I'm bubble so money wasn't even your motivation for doing the drug thing obviously no half a million a year like some people make more but that's enough you're not hurting you could buy anything you want most I've written I've written the longest ever book about Escobar's over a thousand page he's done a couple risk of my story I've researched the [ __ ] out of his life and there came a point in time when his brother said look we're worth billions why don't we just buy our own Island kickback rival gangsters won't kill us we won't end up in prison for the rest of our lives we can live happily ever after effectively Pablo Escobar turned around to his brother Roberto I said you want me to kick back on some boring ass Island you know on a deck chair sipping a margarita just paraphrasing and when I'm running a multi-billion dollar business when my money puts the President of Colombia in power where thousands of people are working for me it's all ego is psychological the lifestyle is more addicting than the cash and the drugs that make sense now you left right I'm sorry Terry do you want to fish you that no I I think I read on your Wikipedia page but you stopped doing the whole party drug thing like you left it and they kind of convicted you what I'll call from the grave like you were done you good close shop and they still came after you am I right on that yeah what Mars I met a woman fall in love and she taught me out of it and I'd quit a year before I got caught I thought that's catchy drugs they don't statute of limitations Arizona anyone from your in seven years if they tell the cops they did a deal with you they've got you they've got a witness something I forgot to mention about the dark side of drugs them when Sammy the balls crew start to move in that is when it got really dark he those people brought in the feds and all the Undercovers they lit the scene up we saw cars driving around video in cameras recording license plates recording people going in at the clubs parties now they enticed my top sales guy Skinner to a nightclub in Scottsdale on the pretext of doing a drug deal these were people who you know worked for the ball and that we found that later on and they took him into the men's room and knocked his teeth out and took all of these drugs off him so I moved over a hundred miles at that point it's a Tucson in the San Marcos community in the in the mountains there and it was a gated guarded community to get into that neighborhood you had to go to the guard you had to call the house just to let you in that's how sketchy it go because like I said I've structured it like a corporation and had all the heads of each faction they were my shield I always told myself when those when that shield gets pierce I'm next yeah and that's what happened I what you know the people the police took found the ball and his crew and I'm thinking thank you you've just eliminated my competition within all those resources that were on the ball were redirected that me and my crew that make something that's why you start because you felt like you were about to get caught no I stopped because of multiple reasons the Nasdaq had crashed I'd lost a lot of my money and I was depressed I met a woman I was in love affair she was saying it's so dangerous you got to stop this which is get me married same woman from the Primera different one sketchy things were happening to my friends and of all the undercover activity I had a lawyer and he said heads-up you know from the DEA that you know they're coming after you and it was a multi-agency task force they came after me so there was a combination of factors motivated me to stop and I was back to trading the stock market online and enrolled in college doing Spanish and I was trying to be a normal person we were gonna actually move to LA you talked about ecstasy being addictive I don't have any drug experience really is it like there's addictive like the Internet is addictive right where you just kind of compelled to do it every day and then there's withdrawals addictive what is the ecstasy cycle like the lifetime okay it's not the drug per se it's the individual so most people I mean over half of young people in this country experiment with drugs and they'll go on to lead completely normal lives and the biggest drug they do in this country in the UK is weed coke and ecstasy but there is a minor percent of people who've got addictive personality types and once they get on that road they will just self-destruct they will just keep going they'll just all-out keep going until they self-destruct and that was the case for me and my co-defendants I've got I think the personality time did you bring any ecstasy into prison when you were there like have that brought in because you probably still had some remnant connections or as you know haven't mentioned acts like ecstasy doesn't seem like it would be a prison drug it's like more of a rape drug I can't imagine the coddled puddles increasing before I got arrested the guards guards were buying ecstasy off me that they were redistributed in the prison system once I got arrested you know I was already trying to sever myself from that community and once I got arrested I was just fighting for my life then is the sentence length I was facing there was no way I was gonna bring any drugs in but once the wards found out because there was a newspaper article they said I was you know over the years I've done more than summing the ball so once they read that in the prison in the remand jail Towers jail the woods they were like all right we know you've got connections bring a vo girlfriend bring stuff in through visitation and I said a lot Alaska I didn't also you know properly I saw the last gun I kept like slow playing it in the end those prisoners who was sweating me they caused a race riot and the ended up getting moved so that friend Frette went away but the race right story is quite mental if you want to hear that yes absolutely so as I mentioned there were the four major racial categories and the head of the blacks I have to change names for legal reasons so sometimes I use a name that's a different name from for the same story and people have called me out on that but when you publishing books legal departments go over them and they make you change a name so I'll call the head of the blacks Smackdown and he was a boxer and he had never lost a fight and he was bullying members of all races for commissary came in my cell and he tried to bully a Snickers bar out of me and I was like look you know I can't eat the food in here that's like a meal for me if I give you that now you know I'm look it's like I'm not gonna have a meal today so he was sweating me and he ended up going away but he did sweats people and get stuff out of them so all the heads of every racial category except that the blacks got together and they said we've got to do something about SmackDown well you know if we have one guy say to him look one on one in the cell under the stars because he's such a trained fighter he's gonna win and that gives him his right to stay then because he's won the beef so what we'll do is we'll send a torpedo in from each race now a torpedo is someone's just gonna go in no questions asked through whatever the head of the race says too early stripes so you've got a Mexican national torpedo it was called Diablo you've got a Chicano torpedo I can't remember his name and then you got a wood torpedo who my crew knew and wildman knew this guy he was like some tough cowboy guy out in Nebraska or somewhere like that and they also say right we're gonna send three in I'm gonna have three more outside the cell just in case in case it goes bad for the first three just skilled like easy a hundred thirty one hundred fifty pound champion or like a 210 pound champion like how big is this guy it wasn't as big as my mate t-bone but we can get to him later on he was he was like John Coffey oh he was a so the blacks are downstairs the day room it's how is jail it's got these octagonal sulfur tables bolted to the floor then there's a metal grin stirs running up to two tiers of cells facing the front now there's four parts exactly the same like that in this tower and then in the middle of the tower is a glass bubble raised up with two guards over watching the four separate pods so in the day room of this if the pod was designed for 15 min the triple bunt they've got 45 guys in there so in the day room you've got the blacks on the table doing the gambling cards dominoes whatever it was and SmackDown he's up in his cell the heads of the races they give the green light so it it goes off upstairs the free guys go in you got more guys outside on the stairs guarding the position and you got the blacks now downstairs starting to notice that something's kicking off all of a sudden man the whole pod just starts fighting people are picking up mops and brooms and doing ninja moves and the the guard on duty he was a really tough guy he was supposed to wait for backup in a riot situation he put on a space suit he grabs a fire English sized canister of chemical spray and he's working his way down now from the fishbowl the bubble it's like a spiral stairs so he's gonna come out at the base of the tower open the sliding door and come in and spray everybody and he's kind of come in right behind me I was on the phone with my girlfriend they cut the phone line I'm trying to cut the stairs the shoes black guy comes down the stairs like a bowling ball knocks everybody over people are battling for positions on the Third's I'm trying to elbow my way just back to myself the guard comes in it's that sprain when you spray that stuff snot just streams and your eyes just water and people did disburse and managed to get back to my cell I've got a cell mate called troll and I've got another soul mate who's an old timer and the old timer says look when that chemical spray gets released what you've got to do is you gotta wet your towel wrap it around your head and keep blinking and blinking and blinking over and over again I know that washes the chemical out which is what I did now the guards come in the backup guards everyone's in the cells but we could still hear fighting so I'm getting curious now you know I want to look out my towel out my plexiglass window and what happened was the torpedoes two of them had managed to get out of smackdowns cell but the white torpedo was still in there and they'd they were just opening up with the chemical spray and they were fighting blind now why later learned was when the cowboy went into Smackdown cell with the two other torpedoes he snuck behind him and he got behind him and he managed to get him into a headlock but because Smackdown was a trained fighter he pushed the guy back against the wall tilted his forward flicked it back violently and instantly broke the Cowboys nose mm-hmm Cowboys holding onto his neck and the other guys are just punching the [ __ ] out of smackdown but he was so tough you know it wasn't really having much of an effect so when like when the spraying began the two torpedoes figure out what the cowboy think out in time and now we've got this fight of the blind men until that stopped now when that did eventually stop the cowboy comes out first and his nose is pointing in the wrong direction and he says in his pull-out polite cowboy twang to the guards he says before you Hank of me do you mind if I put my nose was back in please he's crazy so the guard nods and he just gets his hand in place yeah so they take him away because if you're in a fight like that you're gonna go straight to lockdown and the punishment block they take him out then they bring smackdown out smackdown look completely uninjured he just turns around of the whole pod as the guards of Scottie my own egos that three-on-one [ __ ] I'm gonna have all y'all when I get out Smackdown cool off maybe while he was in solitary you're like how did that work out I think that he ended up just permanently locked down it is so many fights as so many Smackdown ruled the block together yeah so itself if I watch enough wet Wes Watson videos his real crime was bullying outside his race right you're supposed to keep that stuff in your own race right but that's why they greenlit him have him attacked yeah absolutely he was violating the rules yeah hmm like if you're gonna [ __ ] with someone and you're in the Aryan gang not like the head honcho guy you you [ __ ] with other area so you don't go mess with the cholo okay the deal is this they want to keep the drugs business running they want harmony to an extent now if two black guys have got a beef you know going to the stores got to be two white guys go be understood squash the beef black guy white guy same thing on the stir squash the beef they don't want it igniting into a race riot if you've got issues within your race you go to your head and the head makes the decision according to the convict code so what was happening was multiple people who were getting bullied by Smackdown were going to the individual heads and saying look this guy's doing this to me this guy's doing that to me it's going against you know the racial conduct was good is something gonna happen about this guy and so many people went to so many heads that the heads got together and they decided to end it by sending the three toppy those in okay you mentioned just then the the convict code now I'm sure you have you've gone over some of that you know a lot of rules the smartest in this conversation what what some of those kind of or bits of that code that those of us have never been to maximum-security prison would have no idea or maybe not expect so you guys have probably hid so a lot of it already like snitches get stitches you know sex offenders the charm walls they're gonna get stabbed up Kos kill on sight some offenses RSOs smash on sight so for example drive-by shootings if a woman and the excuse me for women the kids get here especially in drive-by shootings that happens a lot they don't like that at all the gang members the heads so you're gonna get a beat-down at least for a drive-by shooting you know if you know a guard from the streets maybe you went the same school you knew a guard from some something keep it to yourself because that will be eggs I did if you start chatting to the guard you're through because they're gonna think you're snitch in are you dressing you know you grasses someone offices in England they say grass mean snitch I know what the Americas Austin grassing someone help me get you some more so showering bad hygiene the guy who was in the shootout the drive-by who the girls nipple and come off that guy like I said you know he was this huge guy like 300 pounds and he was sweating constantly and it was thinking a bit so the gang the Chicanos got together had a meeting about him a hygiene meeting and he was a they were never gonna beat him up and make him roll up just end the problem right there but they allowed him to stay on the grounds that he had a shower every couple of hours and coated his bay is a skin in baby powder after every shower [Laughter] we know you can't snitch right can you get away with dry snitching like I watched these prison YouTube videos on raised right and and an example of dry stitching right maybe you beat me up and then I'm all bruised and marked up I go to the cafeteria and eat right that's my way of letting people know that's [ __ ] went down and maybe it's a way of telling on you without ever doing it the the people get away with dry stitching at all or is that stuff I'll give you a story from to Tony's book so to Tony's you know it was in decades before me in the 70s in the 80s and there was a young prisoner but he was taught he was talking to regularly and he became friends with and the guy were only other year left he was gonna get released but the guy idolized the Aryan Brotherhood he was rising up and he wants it to earn his stripes so they gave him a piece of metal and they said do a number on this guy and you'll be a full patched-in member and he dropped the metal you know where the guards could see it and didn't do the hip and the to tony's went to the shot-caller and said you know he's only gonna he's only got a year laughs blah blah blah and the guy said we gonna make an example it's a done deal back away and to Tony's knew then if he's back this guy up anymore he would be hit next so he backed away and he said he was on the wreck yard and he just talked to the kid and he's you know the kid said where he fixed me up with the fellas I'm gonna go and walk the yard of this guy and the guy was you know the guy he was the shot-caller I was gonna it would already put the green light and its heat only saw the top ethos the probates digging up the shanks on the rec field and the guy's got his arm around you know like the youngster telling him you know he's gonna be all right and then they just come up and did the hit and he said yeah and he is really affected to Tony's and he said you know it made him want to help people later on in his life - Tony's was released from that sentence and the guy who was responsible for that hit he ends up showing up at to Tony's house when he got released and to Tony's helped him out because they were all clicked up these Aryan Brotherhood guys but then the guy started to take over to Tony's house he moved the crystal meth chemist in and to Tony's knew this guy was going to kill him so - Tony said look let's go and do this robbery in Flagstaff I think it was and he's driving up there with him and he knows you know they've got a gun and they're gonna take him out - Tony's thumb gets out the car a gas station just turns around at the window and just [ __ ] shoots the guy kills him so he did kill the guy eventually Wow yeah they put a hit on that young guy with only a year left yeah um naively still hoping a hit means he got like a black eye no he's dead shanked in the fimo artery and shanked in the chest plate and he didn't survive that that's the quickest way to go don't get your heart and I'll get your female artery because I've got I've got video on my channel of a an Aryan Brotherhood gang member murdering another prisoner who had refused to beat someone up for the gang and he doesn't have access to a shank or anything I'm very man this is the maricopa county jails security camera the guard is supposed to be watching this stop any trouble so what happens is the prisoner goes back to his cell everything seems fine with the gang members the shot-caller what was his name Van Winkle or something he walks up the stairs goes in the cell a fight ensues and then for 10 minutes he just starts smashing this guy's head over and over and over into the concrete and he keeps looking at the guards camera like what the [ __ ] so God stopped responded ten minutes in and then he just starts stomping on the guy's head the neck and guards do you know think the garden Hydra so 20 minutes in the guy's dead God still haven't responded she's he picks the corpse up brings it out of the cell right in front of the camera like it's just a truck it's a Froy off a balcony it gets stuck in the railing the guards how much control the gangs have got over the prisoners versus two guards the gang is in complete control so I don't know if you know Kyle did it did two months in a minimum-security thing and he explained guard motivation he said the guards really really cared about the count right that that was their big thing all the prisoners need to stay in prison outside of that everything was they barely gave a [ __ ] they didn't care too much if prisoners hurt each other they didn't care too much of that his prisoners needed to be where they were supposed to be during the countin outside of that no one cared it is that your experience at these more intense prisons yeah the gods what half prisoners fight on and make bets on who was gonna win and that that race riot situation the head of the white was this guy called gravedigger he was like a cage fighter six-foot-something yeah they're like the devil as a puppet master on his chest and there was a guard who just used to love watching him fight and they he'd have guys like pinned down on the floor and he'd be using these elbows as chisels just worn us at the ovens a person's face and soul David they were just in like a bubbling pool of blood and the God the God would loved it he would just be watching it I'd like yes sounds pretty go [ __ ] with the count though with the count and your throat man did the guards ever use the other like so I am I used to know a couple prison guards and they used the inmates to discipline each other you know that people would get raped and they're laughing as they tell me the stories and clapping to imitate the sound of the rape and I'm horrified at this right some guy is getting raped and they're thinking it's a funny way to discipline a guy who's been a pain in their ass it well like I said earlier even gods who have well-meaning intentions within six months the evil negative environment that energy is absorbed them and they be stone cold at first but then that becomes this us-versus-them mentality were you know every both sides are trying to get over all each other and both sides have got equally insidious senses of humor when it comes to thinking bad things happening to the other side so yeah guards might be like that but you know prisoners equally would make jokes about the guards and if a prisoner intervened in a situation let's say like say a female guard was getting attacked or something like that it could go either way you know we finally shot Coleridge if you've intervened on a female guards side then you're a sellout and you know you're gonna get greenlit or you know you protecting a woman from essentially getting raped you know preventing a sex offense through the shot-caller is it looks like our sex offense are against because you're kind of getting mixed messages here from solely shot callers right both depends who the shot caller is yeah raping Steve's in charge this week though so here's the in in regular life in America it's pretty uncommon for a policeman to be intimidated by a bad guy right you know out here they have complete authority and if they don't they just bring more and more and more cops until they get complete Authority and overwhelm and then bad guys don't get to push around cops what about prison the prisoners push around guards two guards ever feel like they need to get in line or they'll I don't know hurt their family okay what pushes around people from every profession to do with the police when prisons what pushes them around is money and I'm talking the money from the black market in drugs by keeping drugs illegal a black market the estimates it's almost a trillion dollars a year so some of that money's gonna corrupt prosecutors gonna crook please gonna corrupt judges gonna corrupt guards and that's what we see happen yeah so they're not necessarily intimidated that this Aryan Brotherhood could maybe I don't know hurt their kid who goes to school or their wife and oh yeah they are too if they find out what gods live and drink and they send women to seduce them to bring the drugs in oh so they'll land they'll get them to cheat or just do something that'll hurt their home life and then they'll find the whiteness and they'll exploits it yeah yeah I've got an on bad guy question your finest person the world is in a bit of a financial turmoil you think markets going up from here or is this some little little bear trap you know hiccup before crashes much further we this economy gonna recover like it's shot out of a cannon with pent-up demand or unemployment wait Dan where do you see us going we saw a 50% drop and in a burn market the average length of BOE market is nine months we saw the initial 50% drop and even in a burn market the market spends most of its time going up because the drops are so sharp and sudden so now we've got this bounce that's just prolonged boy it looks like it's running out of steam so I think that the bounce is we you know Dow Jones was 18,000 we're back up now around 24,000 on the second wave we could easily see 18,000 getting taken out because the economy's not just gonna return to normal I was at you know years ago about the Bitcoin bubble and when it was it's high and they said look if this law is gonna work its way down from here on out and it'll be huge rallies but you know when everybody in the pet dog asking me for advice about investing in Bitcoin it's a it's a bad sign there's a saying in the stock market when your barber starts to give you stock tips run the other way mm-hmm so when people start emailing me and it's happening again now because bitcoins bounced should I invest in crypto should invest in kryptos it's obviously you know it's gonna go down again soon it's weird I've always considered one of my indicators to be a little contrary in right when all the news is bad when no one thinks it's well that might represent a bottom or it could be accurate who the hell knows and when all the news is good kind of like what you were saying right when your barber is excited about stock that might be an indicator that you've hit the top well the trick is to find out what that is but it's almost impossible because how high and how low can psychology take things yeah and that's not my trick I just dollar-cost average for my whole life understanding MACD MACD okay and if you look at the the burr market that happened during the credit crunch the MACD indicator really did call those waves quite accurately and it's starting to roll over now into a bearish crossover so if people want to want to go down that road that's a good things indicates to look up so I'm not familiar with the MACD indicator but I have watched stocks for 30 years now and I feel like indicators can come and go out of fashion right like here's one that's never been wrong until this one goes wrong Motley Fool had a fun one the dogs at the dal right they always had that they just picked whichever Dallas stock did the worst the year before but had high yields or something like that and they you know tested it all the way back for some X amount of years it was like this dogs the Dow strategy is great until it wasn't until they pick stocks like Kodak that didn't come back so all you can do is use as many indicators as possible that you are familiar and rely on to maximize your probability of success and nothing is infallible you know Black Swan events will occur and people who say yeah I got to make all this money in the stock market they probably have no idea what they're doing it's a minefield and they're gonna lose their entire investments or most of it which is the case for novice investors the professionals just feed off these people who are clueless and get sucked in by the insiders who are constantly pumping the shares my company's gonna do great you know why are you buying you know our sales are up blah blah blah and those famous signers are selling their shirts the stock to you while they're putting all these positive news stories yeah and and then it's easy to misunderstand how hard it is to come back right if you put 10 grand in and then it falls to 1 getting back to ten is really hard you know it's not hard to lose 90% but you take that one grand and make 90% congratulations you're at 1900 good [ __ ] luck getting back all the way yeah anyway then I always point discussed dollar cost offered averaged into an index fund you'll do better than most and you'll probably do better than you not you but like whoever I'm talking to listening to this who thinks that they know that whatever Nvidia is gonna be the next big thing or AMD has the fastest chip right now yeah we'll see away from it folks only thing what you understand yeah right it's almost my bedside here guys okay oh I'm glad I got that questioning before you cool hey thanks so much did you guys have anything Oh social media we need to pimp yeah yeah where can people find your books we'll put the titles of your books in the description of the video anything you want to plug yeah if you put a link in to my youtube channel I just went through four hundred thousand subs nowhere near you guys yet but really appreciating all the people who've served and the new subs I'll send you a link to my books I've got twelve books now available worldwide on Amazon in all formats and you know power to it power so you guys doing what you're doing it's been a blast we really enjoyed you that was that was a that was a lot of fun those wild stories wild life you don't you were going to see PKA and RSK on your social media for the next ten years but that was two hours my life stories of trilogy it's 30 hours of stories like this so we've only just scratched the surface so much more weight with I've got so many more rapes the coverage really sticks but you heard your muni taylor know all of the sex stories all the sex stuff that goes on in prison oh my god well we got to have you back on that way yes thank you so much I'd love that yes thank you so much I guess yeah thanks lots of people are gonna be coming to check your [ __ ] out you're a fantastic storyteller oh thank you guys yeah all right are you new to this court you just hit the red hang up button what's up yeah this is my second effort discord let's see red and Goodson so put your mouse over like the video for this and I don't see you think ice goodnight thank you so relate er thank you so much for coming I'll do an ad yes enjoyed that fellow definitely I plucking favorite part the fact that there were two eye plugins required PKA is brought to you by a company that we have a lot of personal experience with post mates you know what's great about eating your favorite things they're your favorite things and you're eating them you know it's not so great getting them and the only things that deliver are not what you're craving introducing post mates the app that adds a delivery option to your favorite restaurants imagine anything you want to eat delivered you don't have to drive park or even talk on the phone to order just download the app in order 24 hours a day 365 days a year post mates will bring you what you want within the hour you can even see where your food is and track your driver forgot to get eggs or milk no problem creating a tasty burger check looking for the perfect bottle of red wine or summer beer order up post mates is your new long-term munchies booty call for a limited time post mates is giving you a hundred bucks or free delivery credit for your first seven days start those free deliveries just download the app today and use code PK a check them out post mates through what you need to get through the pandemic exact absolutely the perfect company for quarantine treat you see so maybe I had a topic did you see that Joe Rogan I totally wasn't about to talk about the same thing no lay it out four-step Rogan signed a 100 million dollar deal with with Spotify and starting I think in September all of his content is gonna be available over on Spotify it's to start to sound like an ad read I'm just excited for Joe Rogan exam it's gonna eventually it'll be exclusively on on Spotify like if you want to watch a show the way you've been washing it yeah remember to Spotify but it's free you don't have to like make some sort of special account or like a paid account or anything like that you can just his content is gonna be spotify content and it'll be still produced and created in the same way in the same format cuz it's not gonna be an employee of spotify he's he's it's the same show it's just over there now this one video dude this yeah this modified does videos I had no idea oh they're going to have to because that's what he's doing I don't know anything about Spotify but I know that he's going there and that the video episode version of his show will be on Spotify so it's Spotify does video good for him oh I did 100 million dollars that's awesome so according to my twitch chat the most reliable source on the Internet they'll still have mine they'll still be highlights on YouTube I don't know if that's true or not if it is I think it's smart right like in heck when I did my channel I had a Facebook page that I would post you and I I was on Twitter a lot engaging with people and all those things were just designed to be a little web that would attract you to my youtube channel right you know a thing to keep people engaged maybe some guy sees me on Twitter or Facebook that wouldn't have otherwise caught my new video they'd be smart to put it on YouTube and that could be a funnel that leads people who are interested in a show into Spotify because for me I mean I don't know what their new platform will be like but the Jerry show ends as soon as he leaves YouTube for me I don't see myself changing platforms to follow him over there if he's not doing I watch more Jerry highlights then I watched the the full show from beginning to end and if the highlights aren't on YouTube anymore then he leaves my universe i watch the whole show I spent I picked the guest that I liked and I watched those if it's someone I've never heard of or someone I dislike which happens occasionally I skip over those but I probably watch 30 40 % of his shows and their entirety and video format so I head on over Spotify you know like why not yeah it's not like fine and I thought it's only gonna walk crosstown ourselves and I'm this type at Spotify I mean so yeah great for him though it sounds like he's getting getting like a [ __ ] stern type deal hundred million dollars that's yeah mellow is that like sterling he's waiting again sir at this point in time yeah but I feel like Spotify is getting Aspern type Stern type deal I think that serious is it serious you know their platform looks amazingly supported by stern there are certain people who would pay $10 a month for stern Kyle okay they're like if you took Stern off of serious I think a lot of people would leave Syria and I don't know what the numbers are there from my head but maybe a quarter or a third of their viewer base would not find it worth the money had it not been for Stern and Spotify may get a similar situation with Rogan he might be the he might make that platform the one that Apple can't compete with or the one that Pandora can't compete with it's the one that has Jerry I'm super happy for him that that's awesome that's an enormous amount of money he was already making millions and millions a year but this is a gigantic amount of money that he just has Mia invest in isolation tanks and and [ __ ] he could start his own UFC head polish and kettlebells here's what I think HGH I think Jerry nailed the timing of it I think now I like his show and I I think I like Joe Rogan like I'm cool with that but I also think he's at the peak of his bell curve I think that there's a lot of people who have seen it enough you know there's this he's read it turned against him you know they're all they it's like you could if I told you what the topic is I tell you how Joe will respond to it in what he'll say they're picking him apart like the tides are turning a little bit on the unchecked fanaticism that he had two years ago and he's selling I think at the top of his bell curve to early you know I wonder if anyone else listening to this sees the same like writing on the wall that I do or perhaps I'm crazy alluding this I think he's getting his I think he's getting more and more a list guest I think he's only getting bigger as it goes and I think a subreddit has a little fun with him but I think that they are less than 1 percent of his total fan base if anything people hate triggered show up and British Rob's show is growing too he should sell I mean I'm sure I'm sure that if Rogan can get him on Spotify somehow he will he'll get snuff junior deal I need to be Rogen's I want to get on the road and gravy trade right you just got to just like just agree with everything he says I beat 240 pounds I can do that that's actually brilliant just keep eating and agree with everything I'm practicing now I do dislike shop to a quite a man yeah well he just never has anything original to say and and when he's on there with Rogan he's just everything he says is just like absolutely definitely oh yeah we're gonna be like their coca-cola is the best soda and and and Shaab will instantly be like the best all he said all he does is amplify everything Rogan says in every single situation the you could you could find the times that they've disagreed on something and then Rogan didn't change jobs mind by the end of the discussion on one hand like it never happened I see a lot of that and I was gonna describe it in a similar way I don't think Schwab's I think it's very insightful like he doesn't bring his own thoughts and opinions very often he just shocking he looks so intellectual but he punched in the head I I could say that about Rogan but Rogan somehow he's like a professional communicator meathead and that brings these two parallel aspects to all the these intellectually curious and he brings that to every conversation and it can make for some great conversation Jose Jose successful because well he's got the reach of anyone at this point Kyle's right like that's I also think Joe is more likely to trend up and down because at this point like like he's having presence not like jokey presidential candidates like Bernie like real presidential candidates on there and they're getting real reach out of it like we should get them oh yeah that would be hilarious if he could get Biden Biden and Trump same time it's a secret setup neither one knows the other ones coming that's that would be great I'd listen to that one I don't listen to that much Joe Rogan but his his skill isn't that he's insightful it's that he's inquisitive like he's got a million different questions for every person that comes on there and he seems genuinely interested from what I've heard a lot of times with the questions that I have and I feel like like a professional interview or some guy on [ __ ] Dateline or ABC they wouldn't ask the questions that I that I want to know that's a bunch of nonsense Rogan ask questions and I'm like yeah yeah what about that you know when he asked you on must so how long before were flying how long before I can mentally control the rats in it to do my bidding yeah see stuff or like the dinosaur thing he did a while back there's that clip where like he had some paleontologists on why it was like half our clip from probably five years ago and Joe brings up like so like the way a normal interviewer would do it would be like so all these people saying dinosaurs don't exist that's simply silliness correct and then that guy would be like absolutely we have so much evidence of preponderance over there's no reason to even address it Joe's like no no I would have spent like half an hour pull up that guy who says that like Raptors are made up yeah we're gonna watch this whole thing and you're gonna make fun of it perfect watch I want you to watch 30 minutes of a man mocking your life's journey and then have you respond live on camera let's go and by the time they've like watched a clip the pants on which is like alright [ __ ] livid alright first of all that guy is a communist just so you know just like personal attacks on this guy and like break it down why this other guy's a piece of [ __ ] yeah I love those episodes that that guy has been on with Graham Hancock the the guy who has the theory about the ancient civilizations been killed by the comet and and all that [ __ ] so they they fit him well together because one can speak on soil samples and fossilization records and stuff like that and the other can speak on archeological evidence and they can kind of go back and forth and and paint a really cool picture yeah I love the show I like when he's got space nerds on there and he's got [ __ ] industry leaders and politicians comedians MMA fighters it's like these are a few of my favorite things like I like all that [ __ ] you know why one Biden on his show I want to see him in long-form right like like Joe's gone crazy about how Biden is this headed into the woods at night with a flashlight with dying batteries right yeah that's the Joe Biden analogy and you say is true it I want to see it in long-form joe biden did a two-hour debate with bernie sanders and look perfectly fine the entire time there were no gas there no problems right if you only if you watch as highlights on twitter and take your views from there do you think that this guy is a gaffe machine you could do the same thing to trump up people don't I want to see him on the Jerry in long form and see if he [ __ ] up or not and that would give me a better lens through which to make to form an opinion on him then what I've seen already which is the more structured controlled impairments let's do a vice president you please put this small puzzle together great pieces I hung out with black kids in the 70s - that's right that's great we know about the black Joe well what record Joe goes in the bathroom calls the police have Joe and Joe well just realized that I have the debate marijuana I saw Joe debate steven crowder on marijuana one of the few times I've seen him kind of heated and Rogen did a great job and crowded talks about stuff like this for a living and Rogen held his own if not one so funny but that would be the thing that Rogen gets like legalization and they Joe was all for it yeah he did an equally good job back in the day going back and forth to one of those ESPN guys about how about mixed martial arts and how it was human cockfighting versus boxing right it was a gift boxing fanatic yeah yeah that was early that was it before the Jerry I think yeah yeah he's got all his hair yeah yeah I am really happy for him I'm glad he's making all that money that's that's great he'll be able to buy so much [ __ ] elk meat oh my god yes so according to those totally unreliable net worth estimators online Rogan was already worth like 40 or fillion for 30 or 40 million I'm trying to say yeah yeah let's say this hundred million dollar deal is true and that adds I don't know 450 million to his net worth right like I'm trying to take out taxes okay whatever should worst-case scenario he's getting 50 my twitch chat says Jamie gets 10% so that's undeniable the guy who sucks the cameras up and Google's ridiculous things he gets 10 million dollar jesting I misread it because I read it clearly it was right there the twitch this would be like if we show sold the show and all of a sudden MIDI Smitty had to had to get 8% of but well he does mod my chat occasionally count that count this plays a lot of games with Kyle all right go back to source on the Internet I'm sorry MIDI but you probably don't get a percentage of the gross but anyway of that if he sells it for a hundred million let's assume that maybe half fish actually lands in his bank account maybe there's other partners I don't know maybe more maybe it's all you what does that do to his life if he goes not being worth 30 million to 90 nothing yes already got like he's already got like a super nice house and he's already got his family established and he's got all the toys he could want and he already does all of his favorite hobbies whenever he wants he already has a schedule he makes himself nothing's gonna change does it impact his motivation on the show cuz cuz now I feel like he's previous to the Spotify deal I feel like he's motivated by growth maybe by money fate I don't know something's motivating him to do like it well there's a contract in place now there's gonna be there's probably a minimum amount of shows per month or per year of a quarter yes but he already knows the money amount right so like let's say I'm a big-time twitch stream where I go to mixer and they say woody you get paid this much and you have to stream to 20 hours a week I'm like [ __ ] doesn't say [ __ ] here about how popular I am so I start streaming I don't know the lowest effort [ __ ] I can find my photo stream on you lot of a popular game I don't like like it will change whatever motivates you because you already know that but he already does that he already like puts on the shows that he loves true Brendan Schaub was the guest three shows ago all right like he's PT puts his friends on he puts people that he likes on Tony Hawk was the guest today I don't think Tony Hawk's knocking any barn doors down was popularity anymore yeah he was great yeah he had it on this Joe already does what Joe wants to do that's why he's not on this show if Joe was desperate for person popularity we do a hundred thousand people who something right but Joe does what Joe wants to do there's no like if we were like Joe will give you 10 grand to get you keep you like yeah suck my dick if we offer like three seconds of work we offered him three million he'd be willing to do something he doesn't want to do right like it Kevin Smith uh tried to get him in a movie for a little cameo for money like a millionaire Simon I don't know the money amount but it and Joe was like yeah I don't it's not something I want to do and Kevin Smith is like that's so on brand for you just flip Kevin to the middle finger and say I only do what I feel like doing that yeah well that's a great place to be yes like why less people are gonna see whatever movie he decides to cameo in then we'll listen to a podcast he puts out or podcast he puts out over the course of a month like not even close he's yep he is he's bigger than Stern he's bigger than everyone at this point nobody holds a candle other the only person I can think of with like big active listeners maybe Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity popular yeah probably like Russian Joe the people with nationally syndicated radio shows that go on daily and it depends how you like aggregators now you know how many people are actually it because like Sean Hannity does like his radio show and then his TV show at night do we add both those numbers together even though there's there's overlap do we even add them at all you know and then then with with Stern there really is no very accurate way to determine his numbers last time I checked serious had around 35 or 40 million subscribers paying subscribers mind you most of them are there for him I I know I the only reason I was paying for years was for him it was only when his content shifted and became so lame I was I was paying really for the best stubs because they they had the two channels they had with a serious 100 and 101 and I believe on 101 it's all reruns going back to like the 80s or something like that and I was listening to all of that I was it took me like three years to like listen to his whole [ __ ] catalog of [ __ ] thousands of thousands of hours every road trip just playing out you know old Stern best of Stern and then when you finally get through that catalog and get to like alright let's see what he's doing today it's like ah he's doing a really terrible interview with Charlize Theron I don't I don't boohoo who cares about Charlize Theron I mean I would maybe if he interviewed her like the way he would have interviewed her in 1993 right gotta to talk about her wedding night or masturbation or something yeah yeah like I know you've got some big labia down there I always the talk around town is your labia let's if he was just a piece of [ __ ] to these celebrities that that's what I enjoy I think I always enjoyed you know the sex questions and stuff but also that really treated them with a lot of disrespect and disdain and you could tell that sometimes they were not accustomed that they had that same vibe of treating celebrities kind of shitty and it's nice I'm not saying you're wrong but I took a different vibe from it I feel like he got celebrities to open up in a way they never would on any other platform you know I I suspect we got the version of Britney Spears that her friends got because Howard just I don't know I don't want to say weaseled or slicked his way into making someone feel comfortable but that's maybe you get the intent without the evil yeah he massages them and and when he lulls them into complacency and then he sort of hits them with those harder questions toward the end of the interview that's sort of his style but it's it's gotten less and less entertaining over the years to the point where I don't care about it anymore and I realized I hadn't turned it on in weeks and weeks and so I just stopped paying the bill so I like the Joe Rogan show but I'm curious about Joe Rogan's story and how the Spotify changes it if at all right we've established he only does what he wants to do so he could just keep doing that or I don't know maybe there's better content now maybe part of this is like maybe maybe I'd love to see him do video of one of these hunting trips that he goes on I'd love to see like a TV show that's that's just his hunting season that it's him like packing up his gear at his house and his buddies are coming over to meet with him and maybe throw in Bryan Callen or Brendan Schaub and they're sort of a fish out of water and then they you know they fly out to Alberta or wherever the [ __ ] and get their gear and meet with the guide and and go through a whole hunting season including like whatever they're doing when they get back to the lodge and the foot ring of the meat and the cooking and the hunting and the eating and the bullshitting might be I'd like to see all that but you know where where that falls off brand I don't think he wants to do that I don't think he wants to share that like I feel like Joe's like that's my me time and he's done something like that before called shooting the [ __ ] or something like that where it was like him and Bryan Callen but I want some real depth ya feel meat-eater or something yes something like that but I want something that's more about him and really like following right on his shoulder like a parrot I'd like to get more into his life I'd like to know about his home life and like I'd like to see his garage full of cars the way they do with Jay Leno is super into cars people are a quarter million dollar Tesla because and he's like you know Elon did me a favor coming on the show so I bought a Tesla you know kind of hit it back it's a if you on comes on this show I still can't buy that Tesla you get free leads like what I want to continue not to work Joe could do both yeah yes I wasn't saying I get that Tesla truck next year I think I see the between it's between the Tesla truck or a new Camaro I'm gonna decide it depends where you live me I just seen my hand I'm like if you go to a place that snows the Camaro might be their own choice I know that's that's that's that's what's in my head as well right finding old cars Kyle I might have a two-car problem I you know we could make that happen too but in any case very happy for Joe Rogan's very cool stuff yeah yeah I've got nothing but love for him and curiosity for his story right like I'm probably a lot of people do this but you know just like oh I'm interested jail son is another great one right I've enjoyed watching jail summons life arc since I started following him I don't know ten years ago whatever it was I find it interesting he has this opportunity magnet of a youtube channel now where he talks about MMA things and I wonder where that takes him does it make him an ESPN broadcaster going forward does it give him a job like Daniel Cormier z-- does he become the next Dana White like where's Chael Sonnen career ARCA super fascinating to me and I like to hear him do his thing you were talking about agent ER t clinic he'd be good spokesman for that oh I do want to talk about his thing but but I'll send you a link what he this is something maybe you and I will really appreciate and and maybe I shouldn't even do it right now but look vitor belfort okay posted this did you see this no I didn't see it look he says happy birthday let's go one more time for another adventure this time will be the first dance along with the last dance the BME journey stay tuned for more news the Phenom is is going to reinvent himself one more time team run together ERT is like like separated out with with hyphens [Laughter] you can't I'm showing everyone this picture it doesn't demonstrate that he how much he's regained his form so if you don't know this guy was on steroids at like 19 I think he was a UFC champion if not he was very close to it maybe lost champion bout and then you know is around the natural career arc then TRD Vitor came and that guy just ran through the middleweight division he was fierce the only guy that could beat him was that DRT Anderson Silva actually and I you know and he just battled everyone then he got caught for steroids again he's a repeat offender for getting busted no or did they catch him or maybe they banned it then they changed they banned it yes oh there was always banned but he had a therapeutic use exception I think and he took way more than he well there's different steroids and TRT right so he was a the reason he needed TRT is because he had abuse steroids early in his life and now his body's not producing even an adequate amount of testosterone so when they start testing he really goes downhill as an athlete not even where he would be before he started using performance-enhancing drugs so they allowed for testosterone replacement therapy which is legitimate their therapy he needed it although they were definitely given more than he needed they juiced him to the [ __ ] gills they were pumping so much tea into this man his levels had to be over a thousand fifteen hundred or something and he came back in and smashed once again four years and then they made it illegal again and then you saw his physique completely decline and now he seems to be indicating that he's back yes dr t this picture that was on the screen for he's wearing a shirt so he can't tell but I've seen other recent vitor pictures and yeah I mean he he looks great he'd this guy responds well to steroids so that I think most people do yeah I haven't heard anything it doesn't I guess people die that's they abused them yes yes yes more plates more dates did a video call it last week or something and this guy died at 50 something and he was like one of the proponents of sustainable steroid use you know they think he didn't go bonkers like bodybuilders can he was just like this is how I do my steroids this is I take my gear and he's not lying about it and but he didn't go over-the-top crazy about it and it my impression of the video is that it hit my Derek Wright more plates more dates kind of hard because he's like [ __ ] this is this guy was about doing it right and he still lived into his 50s like he talked about his dose the other day I watched his channel occasionally too he's only taken 125 milligrams a week yeah he is a even though he he must I would describe him as a hyper responder but I don't what the [ __ ] I'm talking about but even though he looks like a jacked super strong guy his dosage is under control you know he's not doing anything crazy if you just go by his dosage compared to other people's and he often advocates like you know you're taking too much you don't need that much to look good yeah yeah he doesn't take that much at all yeah no child molester here Taylor get a little chill mo action yes so there's a story out of what is this the Tampa Bay TB as you miss Tampa Bay Daily News so title the article alternative school teacher confesses to murdering sex offender on community Facebook page after seeing him try to lure children and so the guy on the left here Taylor hero when you look to the side your Mike's not in front of you can you adjust oh sorry yeah so the hero on the left looking pretty fit is the one who murder that ghoulish Mario defile creep on the right and he was so and scroll down on that and you'll see the post from Matteo con Dellucci looking absolutely like he's heading to the yearly pedophile hoards hi my name is Matt I am from Buffalo - clearly riding the - a child but basically this guy had been caught [ __ ] around with kids and he put this and he started doing like a youth outreach ministry thing look at him arguing children I'm getting with priests get up on yeah yeah yeah well because he was running stuff for he's like oh he wrote this he's like my name is Reverend Matthew con Dellucci I am the founder of disciples for Christ Street ministry the purpose of this ministry is to help the needy in our community I work with the homeless and the needy families to provide them with food clothing and the other essentials that are needed for their everyday living put a couple periods in their run on I receive a lot of my donations from different stores in the community there's a tireless effort and demands a lot of attention and hard work and basically you know food homelessness all that and it shows him cutting a young child's hair there and he's clearly luring in children giving back to the community okay back to the community and this this guy wasn't it James Fairbanks the guy who took care of business dealing on Facebook yes the well we'll see yeah you are right he did murderer but he wrote dear media I am writing this is a Facebook community page dear media I'm writing this email to let you know that I killed Mateo Kahn Dellucci Thursday May 14th around 9:45 p.m. well out apartment searching and checking the neighborhood I wanted to live in I stumbled across his sex offender registry info I read where he had molested raped two children and been convicted twice he had only served two years in prison for all caps raping children I seen his address was right around the block from where I was looking to move I Drive by into my horror he was standing in his driveway pretending to wash his truck no soap or water just a rag while staring at a group of children playing in the street I watched him for a few minutes and just felt sick to my stomach he just staring at them the kids thankfully left and he went inside I went to my drive I went to drive away and notice to my amazement this twice convicted sex offender had a playground set in his backyard no fence just to slide into play house I felt sick I having my own experience with these type of predators I knew the damage he would do to those kids it agonized me for days I couldn't sleep I researched him more and more and family did victimize dozens of kids in different states one kid's mother had created a predator Facebook page about him trying to warn people about him her son had been assaulted by him when he was five and the damage he did led the poor guy to died of a drug overdose years later and his mom directly blamed that incident on him I've worked with kids for years who have been victimized and I couldn't in good conscience allow them to continue to do it to anyone else while I had the means to stop him I'm willing to turn myself in even though I'm confident I wouldn't be caught because it's my opinion that we need to fix this in our society we cannot let this continue to happen to our children they must be stopped I know in this messed-up judicial system that means I will face far more severe punishment for stopping him than he did for raping kids but I could no longer do nothing so this guy debride the best part thank you whoever are whoever you are that killed that man Pettis deserved nothing but death thank you for killing a pedophile and he said you're welcome I mean posted that there oh you're welcome I'm just saying this guy's in the contention for cool guys the loose quoting CS Lewis [ __ ] up pedophile come back you change the beginning but you can't start where you are and change the ending CS Lewis meant right between the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and the [ __ ] rest he was murdering pedophiles so yeah good good for that guy first a little way to Street well I mean it's one who died oh yeah he killed know that the the pedophile Slayer didn't die he killed the pedophile which is okay someone dies Anthony Smith dies I'm confused oh I thought that was like a different and I could be wrong or maybe oh that's the kid those probably molested when he was little and died of a drug overdose okay okay that would be my guess yeah are there supposed to be angel wings yeah it's a low line board god I hope you don't don't we all hope that doesn't happen to us when we died that nobody makes some shitty Photoshop like this god dammit dude now if one of us dies this is gonna be all of them no I didn't want to say it and lock it in but now we have it won't even be a circle colleges square beyond the middle God anybody doesn't I'm gonna haunt you know I love a haunting you know they'll pay a million dollars for actual proof of paranormal activity whoo yeah that guy they challenged for years now there's an actual guy who said that John for years that if he can James Randi is that there's there's an old ona video and a that I watched of him where and this guy James Randi he might be dead now I don't even know but he was so old that it like he was being interviewed and like flashback to a clip of him from like 1971 and he old [ __ ] in 1971 and it was this like you know gong show [ __ ] nonsense and this mystical Adam comes out in his parachute pants and there's like a Ladin hat and his Dingle and things and like it wasn't like modern day it was like they would set these people up to get humiliated like now it feels like if you know someone goes on Jimmy Fallon and they're like Oh mr. Pratt someone's here from your high school and they've got a funny story to tell and Chris battle be like oh my goodness is it Johnny Johnny get out here and it's clearly scripted like clearly set up this was before they do that and it was this this TV show very popular and this guy's whole business his livelihood for himself his family his wife his kids is being a magic man and his like big claim to fame was like he lays open a phone book and he lays it on a table and he goes like looks at it with focus squatting down looking directly kind of right at it and he goes and then a couple pages turn oh wow oh my god oh my god and he didn't the guide the Magic Man stands up and is he has no idea anything's coming and the host the shows like well you didn't lie that was really impressive let's give another hand for Magic Man another hand for Magic Man now something we didn't tell you prior to the show I'm sure you're familiar with James Randi now he makes his bones going around the country challenging anyone to prove that magic exists now for you that would be no problem at all we got a surprise mr. rending comes out and all the James Randi does is like say the guy asked so I think we just saw pretty convincing evidence of spiritual power here mr. Randy what do you say to that and the old man's like actually I would contend that it was nothing more than mr. magic man blowing through his nose onto the page as he did the theatrics and how do you plan to prove this mr. Randy well with this bag of packing peanuts I will see movement in there if there is some sort of blowing action and this guy gets down and it doesn't show it in the clip but for almost two hours this guy's like he was hoping they would just cancel the show like we're waiting and in the video an a from years ago when Jim was reacting to this he had a funny line where he was like do you think at any moment the Magic Man is sitting there like what if I actually can do this trying to will that page over and in the end the guy just goes to the energy the the problems the it's the a it's the circular air in here that's causing it to push down see it's just pushing the page right back down the static electricity and then he picks up a page and drops it and it goes the correct way and he like pulls it back the wrong way humiliated his whole life ruined he probably had to go you know be a forklift operator after that yep but very very funny clip very funny what James video and yeah yeah so if you could haunt me I'll call James up and mm-hmm I mean it'd be worth you dying you see if I die before James Randi that's gonna be so embarrassing he's got it I think he might be dead he is 91 holy [ __ ] and he looks every day of it he looked every day have it 40 years ago do you ever do that on like Wikipedia pages where you'll go through and you'll look at the oldest people who have ever lived and it's like I think the oldest ones like Jeanne Calment some French lady 122 or so but hers is come into question I think this Japanese [ __ ] at like 118 119 is the current ruler but who knows and do you ever think like just going through their life like if someone were to come up to them at the age of 61 and be like hey yeah did your grandchildren of our dying of old age when you're a hundred and eighteen yeah oh yeah your grandchildren did forty years younger would you put them in 178 yeah 78 not 178 okay Bilbo Baggins no but I get your point yeah if you're 120 your kids are probably need to be like 95 their kids need to be like 75 or 80 yeah I mean let's hope longevity runs in the family or you're going to a lot of funerals for my next twitch stream I'm just gonna do math in my head for four hours should be [ __ ] serious like five or six problems I kept you with me right I finished all of gta5 one of the most fun games I've ever played I can't believe I didn't play that before go to multiplayer Taylor Mirko on Twitch last time I shouted it out on here a lot of people joined I haven't a multiplayer yet next I'm not sure what game I'm gonna play I remembered I downloaded months and months and months ago that second South Park game I might try that out I also got a Red Dead Redemption to bully which is a rockstar game it's apparently very funny where you're a bully and a elementary school you'll like Red Dead it's it's a triple-a just super super good game multiplayer that's where like a lot of stream [ __ ] comes from maybe it's too hard and right I want to be like I want to see Taylor multiplayer take your car and land onto the top of the Eiffel Tower maybe that's like 600 hours of trying to make that video and it's a dumb idea oh I upset so many people throughout those streams with my flying just really trying to land those planes and just really not doing a good job well Monday episode with GTA and I have sent people cuz it was just footage of me obeying every traffic law the whole video stopping at every red light only maybe I did like I stole a Lamborghini and I upgraded it and then I liked driving by bus stations and making fun of bus people like you're a [ __ ] loser [ __ ] then speed out and maybe kill one of them to let them know that I'm above the law you feel like a big man I like this going on rampages in those games wait I liked Trevor you know the guy who just smokes a bunch of meth and his special abilities meth rampage that's I don't know anything about that game I'm pretty sure I played San Andreas I don't even know if I played five I probably did but I don't remember but uh but when I did play a ton of it on PlayStation I like to go on rampage it's just watch those stars get more and more and more and just say oh he can survive it was like an early version of like horde mode or of zombies or something I did like as the like the game starts out with you like all right we're gonna boost this car and make like five grand and like three hours later it's like we're planting bombs at the foot of the Pentagon the government ever gonna find out because we're hitting the Bank of America corporate building across the way now make sure you kill every cop in California that's great lots of fun I had play in that game so I'm looking forward to whatever I decide to stream next Kyle probably those people haven't seen pkn i story they must be curious they've been watching you for two hours now or two and a half yeah it's it's a little like black I guess yeah yeah yeah it was a Tuesday and today's Thursday um yeah I had to get this I had a mole like right on the edge of my eyelid that was really small I told him it looked like I was a booger on my eyelid and it was just unsightly I didn't like how it looked and I've been wanting to get it off for a while but I procrastinate things like that there's a lot of steps you got it you know you got to get I had to go to a fight to get one doctor which is kind of a problem and then he has to refer me to a specialist but anyway I went and it was a very painful or a deal they gave me a valium which I don't even know what the [ __ ] point of that was to relax me I guess like I wasn't nervous wait do you like it I mean I loved it but it didn't kick in until right about the time I got back home like like I was high all afternoon oh no yeah I met a bunch of surgeries and they give you that what did they get fentanyl is that what they give you I would had no I don't think so but but this is a pill you know this is just a benzodiazepine this is in the IV and I really am a fan no I I wanted this as cheaply as possible and they asked I want an anesthesiologist on board and I'm like what's he gonna do is he gonna give me gas or early intravenous medication no no he'll just watch us do what we were already going to do and I was like well [ __ ] that let's save $2,000 here because like the whole thing like was a grand I think it was like 400 for the dock and 600 food like what the ancillary but anyway it was more painful than I ever thought it was going to be because they just they put some numbing drops in my eyeball but that was just so that they could put a q-tip under my eyelid roll my eyelid back and it wouldn't be so uncomfortable and then they put two shots of lidocaine directly into my [ __ ] eyelid and then hurt you right burned right that's what hurt that hurt a lot a cz ologist suck man mine come I have an anesthesia I was like hey woody I'm dr. Steve I'll be your bartender for the day and I'm like Steve you seem cool you and I gotta get a log I didn't have an anesthesiologist I just had the doctor and he shot two shots of lidocaine into my and I understood the story there was a guy there who was gonna do with no no they offered an anesthesiologist and I said well what's he gonna do is he gonna do is he gonna give me some drugs they're like no no he's gonna watch us and monitor your blood pressure and I'm like [ __ ] that that's like two grand wasted money like no I don't want an anesthesiologist so the doctor shot two shots of lidocaine just into my [ __ ] eyelid and it hurts so much like I didn't scream or anything but my toes curled in my in my shoes and like my hands were crossed on my chest or whatever and they were just kind of like gripping each other and after he'd shot us with hmm that really hurt you know he's like oh I bet it did and but but he he had the thing cut off there in 60 seconds and then I had this huge eyepatch on with like masking tape and gauze that I wore about for about half the day and then I wore a sunglasses on the show the other day because my eye was just so [ __ ] up but but yeah I'm it's it's already healing I'm on antibiotics and some antibiotic ointment so by next week I don't it'll all be healed up and I'm glad I did it cuz it was annoying I didn't like looking at it I've had maybe a dozen surgeries and at this point I'm good at it you know and what do you how you doing oh I'm scared I have to do this but I wish it wasn't here I throw her up or they called me the upchuck or back in high school and I don't know everything kind of hurts a little but maybe you can help me with something oh yeah we got a cocktail for you we could solve all that [ __ ] it's I would have loved some hard drugs I would have loved some [ __ ] some morphine or some Tylenol three or some codeine or anything to really [ __ ] me up but it is one valium yeah the volume was so worthless it was so worthless cuz I got there maybe five ten minutes late and I think maybe if I'd had I don't know it really didn't kick in until like I was getting home mm-hmm like I said I that picture I sent you were my like if you look at my good eye it's all droopy and I sent my dad to and he's just like you look kind of [ __ ] up okay I'm was good that was a big one I forgot you were having that thing taken off your eye cuz all you texted us that morning was just a picture like from your vantage point laying in a hospital bed in the room and I was like oh no he's not dying yeah I like to do that to people a troubling photo with no commas in the photo and then just give it half an hour I'm glad it worked out I'm just the last time now I say true surgeries ago I did that whole thing you know that they made me feel happy I'm hotel the nurse is like man you guys got an iphone charge around here I'd love it if I came out of surgery with a fully charged just be grateful be that you know that these people are in not everyone's nice at the hospital and if you are they're happy to charge you for someone's got an iPhone charger in the hospital and I was away from home so it was a big deal was like man this thing's my lifeline to my wife I've been talking to her she's nervous if I came out of his surgery and the phone was all charged up that mean a lot to me they got yeah yeah I'm really happy I finally got that done it was like I said it was really annoying me I hated it I hated that thing every time I look at the mirror there's a booger on your eyelid and it's right in your eye you can't see anything but it um I couldn't see it like out of my eye I could just see it before what have we told you this before I never saw it I see you five hours a week yeah you gotta be really close to see it like it's it's I mean it was it was it was literally I don't even know what else to describe it is like the size of a booger like I don't have an object on my desk that's as small as this thing was what ugly and anything to go and it was like a low-grade cancer scare maybe or just was cosmetic no no because they were eyelashes growing through it which the doctor said was a good sign as far as that goes I had that one removed from my side a few weeks ago that I that I showed you that was like four stitches and that one was asking a cancer scare for sure alright back but it was nothing right negative yeah no yeah when I first met Jackie she had a big mole like right covered with Mike like it right here it's like under her neck on like the top of her son to her throat and it was a little unsightly I felt like it dropped her a point and it was like I you know we could we could be a thing but get that fixed right there you go you ever feel tempted when you're like making out or working out okay but [Music] take care of her parents I think we're a little bit like what he doesn't love you the way you are know he was heard about cancer he pulled out his liver melanoma sawing it was 15% cancer risk that much is true the other 85% is cosmetic yeah yeah that's got to go yeah I don't like those unsightly moles I when I whenever I see like it seems like black people get them a lot on their face late light like they'll have like a bunch of them we're good and I'm just like no those are freckles but I've seen black people like lots of little ones all over their face and stuff I'm just like ah come on chief I like skin tag looking things yeah yes I don't know anything like that I get cut off what causes those skin tags homosexuality old people oh really yeah my preacher told me that he was riddled with him so it was weird one time when I was younger now this is God's day one [ __ ] and look at me now yeah yeah those things are very unsightly and they seem like they're so easy just to get taken care of you I mean I both of these little things I've had removed in the last month or so I've been shocked at how good the doctors were their jobs this last guy was a plastic surgeon that deals with the eyes specifically and the one before that it's like 60 years old but he's like a was it he was I don't remember the exact like phrase phraseology of it but he's like he was like a dermatological cancer doctor it were something Oh plastic plastic surgeon was in his background but it was specifically with some sorts I don't know but he was more than equipped to cut a [ __ ] mole off of my my side and I'm so glad to get that one going cuz every now and then like go to scratch my side and I'd nip it with like my finger NAMBLA ah that thing's there [ __ ] was but that's going to new so I'm kinda cool professionals if I were to the accounting firm that all surgeon removes someone's wisdom teeth and mmm they were like this is like a 1040 to him it is now you have to know how good these guys are at 1040s 10-4 he's an individual tax return for Americans you know but audience might not and everyone I work with could name it is like I don't know 87 lines on the first two pages they could tell you what they all were every single one of them and all the subsets that they know so much about taxes it's like yeah that level of expertise exists when someone does at 40 hours a week for year after year yeah yeah I was a I'm glad I got that thing taken care of though let me do an ad read okay yes get the last one done as soon as I opened my chrome up it's this guy's horrible horrible memorial picture again god that's embarrassing support for today's episode of pain Clara ready comes from the University of Colorado Boulder a Tier one research university at the foot of the Rocky Mountains join a culture of innovative of innovation in Boulder which livability ranks as a top city for entrepreneurs at CU Boulder you can earn a graduate degree or certificate in more than 190 program overview you can study almost anything from aerospace engineering business education art Lane computer science learn from winners of the Nobel Prize a National Medal of Science as well as the MacArthur Genius grant volar routinely tops national best of lists Bloomberg has ranked it the smartest city in America and National Geographic called it the happiest place to live advance your education and your career at the University of Colorado Boulder learn more and find the graduate program that is right for you over at Colorado edu slash grant programs that's Colorado dot edu slash grab programs if I were looking for a grad program I promise you it'd be one right at the foot of the Rocky Mountains yeah that sounds awesome I won't be getting a few degrees in a year or two myself I'm working upgrade the rest of your life yeah aerospace probably something like that not a great place to live so much stuff to do they're a great place to live it is and every time I go I'm sad when I leave ski you miss Neven have to don't have to fund I don't know what you're into the skiing thing like it's you act like I'm the only one that appreciates Colorado skiing you're the weird one here I stopped through this 50 [ __ ] times I can't this is like me this is this should be like this is like you talking to a black guy like before before the color barrier was broken like what you don't like baseball what's your problem come on let me throw you a few pitches are you really good why don't you play oh and then a week later be like hey why don't you play baseball and then a week later you should play baseball all right it was my dream you sure your ankles are weak in the 90s watching you do with the bone but like just wearing the boots hurts it doesn't even matter if I will stand just them clamping on my ankle very painful morning is your would be your speed I could probably snowboard but I have no skateboarding experience seems like sledding is my sport sledding is a lot of fun I would be that breaks I knew while you sled that would be hilarious you know this has no steering and no brakes right meet us at the bottom of the run and we get down in eight seconds and then we look up and Kyle's like be lining like a laser was just to just go it off the side there's usually their little halfpipe be shaped you know to keep you in I want one of those Olympic bobsleds that I'm inside of like with one of those helmets that shaped like a [ __ ] penis in the back it's really super aerodynamic you see those people die that one Olympics in the scale cuz they got going so fast and they like launched it's called the skeleton there it early on anything yes the risk/reward of that sport is zero what is it there's a luge skeleton in a bobsled right are those three different things yes is head back feet going first skeleton is head first feet are back but you're barely on anything and the bobsled it's when you've got a bunch of guys at least two jumping running pushing that thing and then jumping in yeah yeah it's funny that that bobsled like from a lot of the people all they do is run and jump in and then they're passenger going forward so like I think the American team of one year got Herschel Walker to join this elite athlete football player and they're like you know all you have to do is [ __ ] push for a little bit and then hop in the back and don't be an [ __ ] and like it really helped him I am I right about that receive it that's hilarious if it's true because Herschel Walker is probably one of the biggest genetic freaks in human [ __ ] history that man was fighting in Strikeforce it like 52 and killing people let me show you what's Hershel Walker look look like in his early 50s he was in the 1992 Winter Olympics on the US bobsled team look at this man did they need any place they did they medal well he the Swedish team and after that everyone else does this is a now 5048 good god so next year I'll probably look like that cuz that's for forty eight year olds look yeah you really bloom in your life 49 in tarkoff this is coming Jesus Christ he's shredded look at him yeah that's a totally clean 40 it is not he was always like that he looks pretty good he's from Georgia I'm like 99% sure where do you go to high school I think it's near me well good that's pretty sick Johnson County in Wrightsville Georgia he went to high school it's that close - yeah close ish I'm trying to see exactly how far I hired these [ __ ] retards that ended up or no I went I made a mistake I went on home advisors and was like alright I just want to get a couple people coming mow my lawn this weekend this was a couple weeks ago and they came out they mowed my lawn like two Sundays ago and left an enormous amount of just clippings all over my front and back yard just grass clippings and by the time I like notice that they were gone and so I like texted the guy when he was setting up the next time I'm like hey yeah I paid for you to pick up the clippings also and there's a bunch of dead grass in my backyard and it's very unsightly and there's a bunch of my front yard too so next time bring the equipment to take care of that like used the word unsightly with a landscaper I didn't I didn't say that okay it was checking and then he came out again today and these guys are they're both morbidly obese a full mouth of teeth between them and one of the guys had a hard rock the biggest hard rock cafe shirt I've ever seen in my life tucked into the big camo pajama pants I've ever seen and he's walking around my yard mowing I'm taking care of stuff in here I'm not really just trying to make sure the noise doesn't bother me with not a call and I go out again and piles piles of grass in my front yard enormous piles and I like walked over to one of the guys and I was like he was standing by the truck out front while the other dude was on the side of the house finishing some stuff up and I was like hey you guys are gonna go back over this and collect all this grass right like this is I paid for this to be taken care of and he goes that's him brother I was like this is as far as this conversations gonna go just saying I'm dressed as help as we said I'm his helper that's him brother and so I wait for him to come around somehow even fatter man to him and I was like hey remember uh last time I said I wanted to grass the pink picked up because I paid for that he was like ah well you know when do you want me to come back and do that and I was like now preferably is now and he was like can't now can't now I don't have any of the bagging equipment and where am I even where would I put it now I was like as usually applied to play at this point just like blowing my mind that I've paid for this service twice now you prepaid it's prepaid because I cancelled that already these people are not coming back I'm gonna do it myself tomorrow cuz I'll it'll be faster for me and like the amount of indignation this fat-fuck had when it was like I mean I did it very politely like I it's like I we had this discussion do you remember two weeks ago when you came here and we talked about this like I don't want someone to mow my grass and then three days later it looked like my entire grass is dead because there's a big pile of dead grass on it and he was like how about we come out of about we come out on Friday next Friday and we'll mow again and collected all that time and I was like no no this is this is it this is it if you can't collect it now thank you for mowing but that's that's all I'm no longer interested and like the worst businessman in America he's like alright and and so now I've got a chore that these fat [ __ ] retards in their pajama pants couldn't take care of got spilled water on my keyboard right there god they're responsible for that they're responsible for this they're responsible for that that really that really got my goat today I was like sitting in here anticipating seeing a perfectly manicured lawn and they gave me an arrant it would have been [ __ ] easier for me just do it myself so [ __ ] these people I'm I'm going straight to hopefully a neighborhood kid oh yeah prepaying whenever you can and if they do 95% of the job and ask for payment never ever pay this might sound obvious to you I don't mean to but no no it wasn't obvious to me my whole life there have been a handful of times where people who get ninety five percent down and explain woody look we're almost finished to everything and it's like right right right right but there's like 600 rocks you guys we're gonna stack it on a pallet right we'll come back and do that next week ah ha ha that's when you get paid you don't get paid until everything is done done because I know that you'll you won't come back you're done yeah so that's what I do have to grab a paper towel I quickly I grew up paying people like that you know having my dad pay people like that you know people that you can't trust to do their job and and people who who are just trying to earn enough money to buy a bottle of liquor sometimes so like they're not once they've gotten to eight dollars they're ready to cash their ships out and it's like we came here to work you can't work an hour and where did you say 18 minutes what kind of junkie math are you doing over there to figure out that that's eight dollars and 14 cents I found I got to cut my grass by just just I just saw one of those trucks with the trailer on the back and his number on a placard and I looked at his gear and it looked so yeah he's got a mower with a mulcher and he's got all the waiters and you know he's white of course and and so I called that guy and had him come over and it's cheapest [ __ ] it's it's nothing yeah I pay for the PayPal way like he comes every week same day and then he like bills me through PayPal and I click one button and we're all sorted when we did this house right we hadn't renovated before we moved in and it was expensive people remember the whole story with Jamal and what the lead contractor was like woody look can you pay us now we're almost done all we have to do is like align a door put on a few light switch covers and clean the place which was a big task right imagine two and a half months of drywall work right like cleaning is a serious task and and you know it's it's like $40,000 for some light switches and cleaning yeah I'm like yeah you sound motivated that's how I like it and our relationship had really deteriorated at this point and I'm like you know when you're done everything when every item on the punch list is it I got your money sitting in a bank account right there's no inability to pay here there's an unwillingness to pay until you're all the way done and I'm gonna give him 20 though right just so he could handle his bills zero zero he got [ __ ] zero like look if you have a day and a half worth of work and you're owed whatever it was 40 grand or something that's it there actually was another sick grant I held out cuz the one of the jamal actually the subcontractor not jamal hadn't been paid now jamal didn't do the work so IDI docked him the pay e didn't pay jamal for the work that he did do he just paid him from what he thought he was should have got and i'm over here he put a lien against my house meaning that like if i were to ever sell it or something that money would go to jamal so i took it was six grand i took the six grand put it in equity account and we went to court and you know they agreed that you know of dad was gonna pay and then there was gonna be a judgment against me to make this payment they like does everyone agree and I'm like no no I'm I don't agree I'm like this guy doesn't pay his bills this guy doesn't do his work and somehow there's going to be a my credit records saying the judge had to order me to pay I'm the only guy here who does what he says he's gonna do I put the money in an equity account and the judge was like yeah he sounds right actually he's the only guy here you fulfilled his obligation so and we agreed to settle it all out of court so there was no ding on my credit record which they're not with but anyway yeah I don't you don't pay for the words done you don't pay it all the way done all the way you know like like in the in Taylor situation I guess everything man but whatever like 15 minutes of picking up grass clippings yeah well if you want your money you'll just work 15 more minutes I guess otherwise I won't do it I was totally when you're gone Taylor I just felt your meeting by the way I I just found one of those you know trucks and trailers at a gas station it's got the sign like you know Miller's mowing or whatever the [ __ ] and I got one of those guys so needed a new story came out sort of a thing Lori Loughlin probably pronounced that right ish and Mossimo Gilley Yanni they were the people that did that like scandalous way to get their daughter into MIT or Stanford maybe I think it might have been Stanford they pled guilty and they're getting a substan is getting two months in prison and a hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine two years of supervised release hundred hours community service and her husband's getting five months in prison and two months release supervised release then it's weird to me I've said this before as a hot take and I I'm not backing off I feel like the problem is they didn't pay enough to cheat their kid into Stanford if you pay two million and by Harvard a new wing with your name on it your kid gets in have you paid 1 million and whatever donate to the library your kid gets it and no one thinks twice about it if you pay a hundred and fifty grand suddenly it's corrupt well I don't remember the specifics because it's such an old case now but it seemed like they were bribing officials rather than donating toward the infrastructure of the university very day no I say tomorrow right like I think that they were able like the bowing coach could get people in and bypass the normal admissions which by the way is how I got into college and but she didn't know how to row whereas I actually didn't know how to swim I and that was like the scandal of it but is it donating to a library also bypassing the normal admission standard is just more money no well what I was saying was it seems unfair because they're bribing officials like decision makers rather than investing into the infrastructure of the university itself which does which is also like kind of questionable if you want to look at it like broadly but I definitely see a big difference like if you pay me and I get you in the door the door hasn't gotten anything out of that I I'm a middleman and I've taken all the money but if you pay to spruce up the place so that you can come in the place is better for having you there the place is not better for having a Lori Loughlin daughter there because she had some some like admissions guy bribed until just now I couldn't see your point at all but that way that was well phrased like I get it one is investing in the school in greasing the wheels and the other is investing in a corrupt official in Greece yeah I I definitely don't like either like on principle but but I do see a difference but I don't remember the specifics of that thing there were some there was like one guy who was like facilitating everything and I think he may have gotten in some real trouble I think they had a couple different ways of getting kids in school some people had surrogate test-takers and the odd degree standardized test scores some I think the rowing not a scholarship but like a rowing admissions bypass was actually a real thing I think I have that right now they had a bunch of different ways to get kids into school but mmm I kind of see the difference now but I society accepts different rules for different people right special people get special treatment and I do too like if you told me Conor McGregor got a nice rental house whereas some guy on the undercard got a hotel room I'd say yeah special people get special treatment deal with it you know oh did you fly commercial while Connor got the UFC jet you get special treatment because you know via special requirements and he's especially good at his job and that's what happens yeah some employees get paid more than others because they're good at their jobs like yeah I accept that I feel like there's a certain thing here where we just apply that same acceptance you know if you're Bill Gates kid and he donates enough to MIT you get in yeah I suppose yeah sure I think my keyboards broken god damn it God do the lawn man strikes again does it help that it's funny you know you probably needed a good game you're from anyway I just Corsair k70 or whatever it is the hundred and forty dollar one the cheese recommended Oh okay actually that sucks now the little search thing in the bottom left and Windows is it now I don't think this anymore I was gonna say is it possible it came unplugged while you inspected it that even it's not securely in you muted please adult that'd be water related oh no it's muting me everyone I can't [ __ ] dude I can't type okay it's a right now all that it's letting me do is try to add reactions to things that you guys have already written in the chat oh I like a lot I got a are you kidding me you need to get this this monitor is a [ __ ] show right now so much stuff minimizing maximize do you know how many times I've left a cap off my drink what that was the only time you'll notice I always put the cap back on no matter what I'm drinking and I God that long bastard you will know god damn it III tried to fix a keyboard a while back I completely I took all took the back plate off and I'm very carefully disassembled it and then I yeah I don't know if this happens to you but sometimes when I'm doing something meticulous I start getting this answer my pants sort of overwhelming anxiety and I just went to a rage and I started smashing it on the floor until there was nothing left and then I got on my phone on Amazon and I ordered this keyboard and it works like a charm once you spill water on one of those things I'm not saying they're right it's a it's a reparable damage might be oh no what I was doing on my phone just then I just ordered another one of these and if I'm not able to fix it after the show I'm going to just let that come through so it's coming so what you do is you take this one you put it in the box don't you return it to Amazon they'll never know oh that's a very white trash white rhino does that is not white trash I was trying to figure out a way to phrase it Taylor there is a headset you should buy along with it I'm just just pitching this idea you might not like it but can't click the link when I click the link it zooms back up to the TR T is back on the menu boys picture hmm let's see if I can open link in new tab no that's right oh there's some ugly headphones for 130 dollars it's a good headphone and the side ear cup flips up so it can go like straight over your head and it's like be supported nicely but you just flip it above your ear I would like that one because I always wear this I saw that and I thought of Taylor in thought like he might appreciate it that's good I would go and click buy now if I could I don't understand what so let me ask you this table because I've never understood why you don't put both cups of your ears on can you hear your voice come through that ear through this one yeah then why don't you wear both I don't know I don't like it people do that like he's not the only one I swear I've seen DJs and stuff yeah but for a reason and I've changed the settings before to where I can't hear my voice and I like that too I probably I like that even more oh my god I can't do this if I can't hear me I have it turned off right now yeah god man yeah your your [ __ ] anomaly if I can't hear me in here I'm like deaf person but that no I don't like it I like I like just hearing you guys in the guest most of the time oh good god no I need to hear me I think I can you guys like oh what's a whisper I'm just it's all about me I my picture my voice that's all as far as I know I can see Kyle's screen right now and it's just woody and I on those tiny little discord squares and then piles full sixteen by nine now be so [ __ ] we're gonna do a live sharing it yours too that patriotic I was gonna have a mirror Ray Charles in it up that's what oh yeah I look at them I look at the product like what people are gonna see and it always has to be like looking somewhere else I'll show lungs wishing I wish I could look at the camera but that's it's not natural for me I just move The Box around until I can look into my own eyes mmm it's what I'm doing right now I need a new headset I like this ear cup vibrates sometimes in a weird way and I will I read about it and apparently the driver is going bad it's a nice headset it was like four hundred dollars I got it like eight years ago I like these a lot are they big fan in 50s is that what I'm looking at yeah I think so they're popping yeah jack yeah I know them TX I've been looking around but still II just bought a new headset that's had an outsized influence on my buying process like that tarkoff that's probably why yeah the things that are important to me obviously Comfort I've had I've had headsets before that just this strap up here can get really comfortable it can it can actually make a little sore spot on the top of your head if you wear it for eight [ __ ] hours in a row which sometimes we do right and if like the material the the cup makes your ear sweat that's no good gotta be velour something like fluffy and nice not leather yeah this is this is something really soft it's it's not I don't know what it is but it's it's nice I like it my ears don't it's yes it's me vagina my chinchilla and I like this I even like that it's red my old headset was those Astros and they were red so I wanted to continue that little little theme and so the Astros people who seem to be audiophiles don't aren't impressed by them and I've always liked these I could even get them again you know if a drivers mad I guess it's all the excuse you need yeah I use them 10 hours a day or you order yourself a new set send that set some turtle beach gaming headset that I'd steal all of your entertainment but your headset is where you draw the line apparently yeah and I don't have pay for Netflix I pay for Hulu I pay for ESPN I pay for Disney I can't think of anything else sometimes I just prefer their stolen version cuz it's all in one place like that like Plex has all the content of all of those combined even though I pay for them elsewhere oh it's right here am i together in one spot fair enough you still watching the wire yes I'm on towards the end of season 3 I'm toward the end of season 2 okay I'm halfway through episode 1 of season 1 I started watching it last night but it got to the point where I was like halfway in and I was like I'm not giving this the attention it needs and this is important and so I turned it off and washed up so the family guy that went to bed so here's the frame this is not a spoiler or anything but just do you remember the yeah so Frank Sobotka he's the bald guy who's running the pork his nephew is sort of the slicked back hair go get her and that lives in the basement and he's got the the girlfriend he has the kid with do you remember the girlfriend's tits she gets topless at one point yeah and it's like wow she doesn't he like grab her tits at one yeah yeah you grab she's like we'll have enough time and he's like well they're out there staring right at me and I'm thinking like I bet that wasn't even the script I'm just getting Gro fee because the they are the nicest titties I've seen in a TV show in a Coon's age the prison scene for this audience snakes and Game of Thrones yeah those are CGI these are real titties oh are you there CGI yeah that explains the absolute perfection perfection yeah they are big and perky and incredibly perfect anybody doesn't believe me just I'm gonna find those titties right now I can't believe I broke my [ __ ] keyboard god damn it I find it very believable Taylor Sanpellegrino does not get along with electricity uh I think your your hair is looking better Taylor all I needed was a week I couldn't got worse good I feel like yeah whatever imperfect fade you know yeah just add a little Adam whatever half a centimeter did the whole thing and it looks good now yeah not too bad no I put my beard go for a while I really overdo for trim there I'm down oh oh we can talk about that I was gonna say a little fitness thing but uh some story I know is huge right now that I haven't I don't know what's going on really is keemstar and h3h3 are in a fight mm-hmm and I'm hoping if one of you guys knows a little more I yeah and so I didn't why don't watch team Stars videos typically but I guess he did a hit piece on h3h3 and as the subject of a dozen it keeps tower pieces like it he just lays out these allegations with no factual supporting to an eight-dollar yeah this is how it started and you know like I guess there's some element of truth the fact that the video game payday did something and they had a DLC and the money went to Ethan the HD HD cool and then keemstar on his own said this money was supposed to be for this purpose and Ethan didn't exclusively use it for this purpose and you know he stole the money and kept it though the money was for Ethan right and it wasn't like earmarked for just lawsuit costs or something and Ethan brought on the payday guys and confirmed that keemstar just made up a part of the story to make him look bad cool and then Ethan hits back with these keemstar stuff like him bullying somebody into suicide I don't know if he touched on the basher thing him daxing people again and again and keep start being kind of like on both sides of the fence you know sometimes he says daxing is horrible and how could you do such an evil thing other times keep star literally DOCSIS people and says yeah i dog him what are you gonna do about it I report the news Ethan accurately is like really I remember Anderson Cooper giving out some person's mom's address well as part of their news coverage I don't remember them giving out his wife's phone number you know like don't you're not just reporting a news you're clearly daxing a person and h3h3 just dunked on keemstar for like a forty minute video or something like that i haven't been a big fan of keemstar since he attacked my son so maybe i'm a little biased but what's the suicide thing he said so there was a youtuber named lake it's not erica it's something close to it like it Atika or something like that and the guy was clearly mentally troubled right you know he would threaten suicide he talked about like jumping off a bridge or something and key stars take on mental depression which he's put out there in Twitter a bunch of times it's like you're weak just be happy don't take medicine that's just a scam by the healthcare industry for your depression just go out achieve more and be a stronger person that scheme starts take on mental health and it really lacks empathy he entered he talked to this guy several times and was always like to kill yourself go jump off a bridge laughing at him etc he killed himself I think he jumped off a bridge there's something like that and then all the sudden keemstar is like leave me alone I'm just trying to mourn my friend I can't believe you guys are out there like tagging me for this and he just edited the video and that really showed like the before and after in the transition that keemstar went under and so Hakeem stars currently in the internet dog house although the guy is people don't watch keemstar cuz he's a nice guy because they like him right they watch him for some other reason they find his topics interesting or whatever drama right yes so proving that keemstar is a jerk never hurts keemstar right like it's out that we all know keep stars a dick that's not news that's not a change everyone knows key you can't hurt the Hulk with kryptonite you can't ruin keemstar his reputation it's it doesn't get lower and he's like look I'm scum and I do scummy [ __ ] and that's that to keemstar is so there's no exposing him as scummy currently people are reminded that he scummy and they're all like upset with him but I think in two months he'll be right back where he was as YouTube scummy dude probably yeah I I've I've never watched any keemstar content and I've also never watched any h3 content I don't think no I watched a clip of his podcast when he had bill burr on when bill burr apparently was just like not having whatever was on one of my big atoms of hardship he made a video about that or something like he and his wife he's because oh so the Internet has kind of turned against h3 h3 to some extent he started off making action video content and it wasn't straight up like reactions like videos the really low effort ones where you just make faces while the video plays he would make like mock it to his own little skits and inter splice it in and you know sort of a value-add reaction video people loved that my impression is he sort of saw himself on the top of the bell curve at that and transitioned into the podcast and a lot of people are like hey I liked this about you I don't like this new thing about you and they fuss at him anyway he acknowledged the bill burr thing and he's like people say I'm unrelatable now as he's like getting into his Porsche people think that I shouldn't live in this house it's beautiful it makes me look like a [ __ ] peasant like it's a nine million dollar home with this Jesus like infinity pool or something and a Porsche in the garage he's doing amazingly well and and he's like people say that you know I [ __ ] up the bill burn of you or whatever I'm misquoting and his wife is like you have what's cringy and I was like ah yeah own it like it was kind of crazy and they just you were able to be like yeah you know that happened um I thought he handled that well but it's more with them that's kind of sizzling out now I guess it's two days old or something like it's it's you know when I saw the video it had a million views and then I popped it on it today and it had like I don't know maybe 3.7 million views so it's uh for people that follow YouTube drama I guess it's the hip thing right now but like I said there's no chance that people will change their opinion or Teamster everyone knows what keep stars about these trash oh stop making weird stopped stop blinking as soon as I held it vertically oh yeah the liquids pouring down toward the other side yeah now it's gonna put random numbers instead of Windows key on your screen did that no it did not stop it good I didn't have anything else on the h3 keemstar I plan to watch h3 video on stream to try and understand what it's about but that neither you know here nor there but uh I finished The Sopranos last night hmm I was anticipating the like have you ever gotten to the end of a show all right I know we've all talked about this I know we have we're like you get bummed out knowing it's coming to an end like the way Kyle described that scene the end one where you're like oh and then it's just kind of a carousel revolving door of people coming in sitting down like laughing doing whatever they're doing and as that was happening I was having like that feeling of like oh no oh this is really it isn't it this is the end of the [ __ ] show [ __ ] and I was expecting the mid-sentence cut out thing to be at least a little more obvious than that instead of him just kind of hearing a ring and then just not even looking up all the way just like getting to hear and then ends and so they correct me most people understand or not understand assume like okay the end there was him right about to get assassinated yep my understanding is he got assassinated that he didn't register the bullet or anything but we see his brain turn off that's how I interpreted the last yeah yeah Ben but is there any I guess like fan theories of other things that might have happened fan theories don't matter David Chase has spoken on the matter okay they um I don't know I didn't put it together until other people like pointed it out to me there's a scene on a maybe a boat with Bobby back leotta something close to that where where um Tony he was describing how it happens and he's like it just goes to black or something maybe Kyle you can do it better than I yeah yeah I mean you got you pretty much got it he's like bet you don't you feel it huh yeah it's just everything goes black it's over yeah and they're having that discussion because Bobby had never killed anybody and then of course Tony uses that information to his advantage the next day when he sends Bobby to have to go assassinate that guy that that fat Frenchman that French Canadian fella because he knew that was his the bed way to hurt Bobby Bobby Bobby beat him up Oh mommy beat the [ __ ] out of him while they were playing Monopoly or whatever and Tony was saying that Janice is blowing all the guys under blowing some guy and then Bobby beats the absolute [ __ ] out of them and then you feel bad for Bobby just killing that guy because you could tell like like the way like Paulie kills someone is so blase and who cares that he'll like cap somebody and then just be like and this [ __ ] bled on my brand new shoes brand new and he'll like be mad about it and like Bobby shot that guy and what I thought maybe one of you disagrees is when he walked up to the guy to like put it to his forehead and then shoot him there it was almost like Bobby taken this way more seriously than the rest of him like oh yeah life I need to I need to take it I need he'd never killed anyone before yeah and so he takes it with a lot more you know solemnity or whatever the world would be than the other guys who just don't really give a [ __ ] just [ __ ] murder and willy-nilly I was the biggest surprises in that show were Chris dying I did not expect Chris to die I I would have bet like I liked Bobby so much that I knew he was gonna die it seemed like a character yeah I was like there's it was almost like a sunk cost thing where I was like Tony has spent so much time molding this guy and all that my mold fell apart again well we put it back together let me build it up it's a little better this time I fell apart again well I put him build it up again a little better this time and so that that caught me right out of right out of left field I did not expect him to murder Chris right there oh that was a really intense scene what else I didn't expect SIL to get shot up like that so unceremoniously right at the end because it was almost like SIL Paulie and Tony were kind of quasi untouchables where it's like alright that's him and then that's his little sheer underneath them yeah constantly area it is close to that yeah and yeah such a fantastic show in a year so I'm gonna rewatch that whole thing probably pick up on more things if there was a version of that show with every scene with AJ outside of season one where he's a funny fat kid cut out it'd be a better show I did not Oh something else that I I kind of liked kind of didn't like about the finale of The Sopranos was usually when you're watching a finale of the show it's kind of understood within the context of the show that they're wrapping up you know where it's like all right we're good we're closing this we're closing that put a pin on this dun dun dun wrapped up in this it was like I know it's the final episode but Tony's going around everybody's going around as if it's just another day making plans for things woman OH things turned around and we're going well right Tony came out of hiding if I recall someone killed that guy with absolutely no forehead whatsoever and with the gray hair that starts like right as eyebrows and one of the guys was like oh we might win this like we're gonna win this that kind of positivity but I I kind of like to kind of didn't like it of him like having the conversations with with his his son and like setting up plans are gonna do in the future and oh we're gonna do this business silly you need to be on this Paulie you need to do that and I don't know it felt more realistic in a silly way where it was like obviously a guy that he doesn't know he's gonna die he wouldn't have independent everything like it I mean no sadder knowing it was gonna end and he's just this what no this is just Tuesday this is just Tuesday I'm just doing Tuesday things some people put it as a bad ending because they didn't you know tie a bow and all the little lead to me it was a great ending you know I don't want every show to just not end well but for mobsters show where the main character and presumably gets shot like that like perfect nailed it yeah I think I see now why people OTT of people think that's the best show of all time fantastic the wire is good too when I told you about the wire I was like yeah you really got to pay attention it's difficult to keep up with the wire I'm gonna I think I'm on my second watching I'm having a much easier time now I think this was so complex you know like all the characters and the names and stuff I'm doing much better well I'm only halfway in episode 1 like I but I can tell I'm gonna love this show like the acting's fantastic what's his name this is the smart black guy who's like the yeah him who like the first scene he's in is like coaching someone through a court case and that was really cool so no wait the smart black guy does he have facial hair he are famous now it's just Alba Idris Elba is the actor's name I don't remember his character's name as though there's a couple stringer Bell okay stringer bill okay anyway there's a couple smart black guys in the show and I like that I like that the people who run the drag enterprise some of them are a little dumb thuggy and some of them are intelligent businessman or just you know another kind of smile like a socially kind of smart where they understand how to play this game and I just I like them because it seems like it's setting up that he's gonna be the big thorn in the side of the cops the whole time cuz you know whereas his underlings might get out of control or something like seems like he's got a tight you know fist wrapped around every little aspect of the business right I like that character already so we'll see what he does yeah he's great yeah stringer Bell I love that guy's character I like Dee's character I like most of the characters in it the the detectives I won't spoil anything with this they all develop into interesting storylines - I like what they do with them so I think you'll enjoy the series I like the over the top dressing like he's on the street but he's a cop white guy detective who's like lady you take care of the inputting data me and my partner we were Street guys he's strong yeah he's way junky strong he's wearing his an enormous shirt and big pants and is like sideways hat and I guess that was in season two I think all the bad guys are white and he's very excited because it's his chance to like work with the drug dealers and he's not they're taking pictures from a block away anymore he's the guy who's like dealing with all the other bad guys because season two is the shittiest one yes I think it is yeah yeah I was texted him I was like I'm just finished Sopranos he's like Oh awesome bats start the wire and he goes awesome just like skip season 2 and it's the best show everyone seasons I mean it's it's it's just not as good it's still a good season it takes a little while to quote-unquote get the band back together like it all the detective detectives look back in their squad again but I think Frank Sobotka is pretty interesting it's the Ziggy character is the most annoying part his son frank sobotka's son is this piece-of-shit skinny [ __ ] who's just always just [ __ ] everything up you know what I like the Ziggy because I loved that actor and Generation Kill mmm I haven't seen that in a really long time oh he's the guy that drives a lot and eats the rip fuel like energy bills I watched it one time ok well anyway I loved him a generation kill and I just saw a lot of the same characteristics in the same actor and it was I get it I get it I've seen it that's a great show yeah yeah it's got that a skarsgΓ₯rd guy in it from True Blood yeah the you're looking blonde dude yep what would you call him skarsgΓ₯rd is that the actor's name yeah okay I think it's his last name his brother is the one who plays it and it I'm taking it a little more media than I do when there's not a pandemic on like probably a lot of people are it looks like we're wrapping up our response to the pandemic it's political at this point right where if if you think it's bad you're whatever Democrat if you think it's fine it's a Republican but it's my impression that America it's not so much that we think it's over it's that that's all you get right that's all you got was willing to quarantine for eight weeks [ __ ] off I'm back at it and I'm not really much different like I don't I'm just like all right well you know not the quartet for two years I'd rather just see if I'm one of the two percent now one of the 98 percent that's fine through this thing or whatever the number is I'm not gonna it's like if you told me there was a 1% chance I'd die and I could avoid that 1% by like giving up 2 years of my life I'd be like ah I could for all the dice let me take oh it kind of comes to a difficult crossroads where like you because there are people out there who I feel like are only really rich people who are still like stay home everyone what your work in the service industry and you're out of savings and the Trump bucks didn't get you far enough sorry what are you only caring about the stock market by not but you stay home and it's like ok well you can acknowledge the value of staying home trying to make this not as bad well also acknowledging that tens of millions of people are out of work and really [ __ ] struggling and we can't do this indefinitely there's gonna be a global depression like there's gonna get there's a huge middle class for sure it's almost had a lifestyle upgrade from it and like it some people yeah if you're in non-essential industries and you can work from home and things like that yeah that's what I'm getting at like I'm thinking of you and I'm trying not to say you look like it you know like people in your situation who can do the job from home or from the office it's like you know what secretly I think this might be better than before and you know you're not alone like I won't hide that at all I I am enjoying my lot in this yeah very much but that doesn't mean that you you know enforce your standard of it on everyone necessarily when they need to make money and feed their kids and [ __ ] for sure for sure you can put the whole world on pause there's a lot of jobs where like social justice it kind of fits in with them the lawn care guys roofers you know maybe a lot of construction it's like can it it's not NBA anyway yeah you don't have a bunch of guys rubbing on each other to install a roof you can get I don't know oh yeah yeah it's very [ __ ] loud okay now you need a new roof keeping up with the Joneses you're mr. Jones just right to get the moment right yeah you don't need well you know you certainly don't need to pay for what won't be my problem if I do right flavor does DVR you drinking right now black cherry what is drinking alcohol what's he drinking like Bacardi from the bottle what was that I thought it was like fancy water like glass bottled water yeah okay yeah that would be he's pretty hardcore if he was just slug and vodka like that no thing not oh yes I didn't do any ecstasy in there but good god I got hooked on toilet wine yeah I did I was I I kept looking at the bottle trying to figure it out but I'm not the guy who's gonna crack that code you know I don't know yeah I'm pretty sure it was fancy water okay that was awesome having him on he's that was you always know the guest is awesome when it just becomes all of us being like tell another story yeah another story yes there's been a handful of like prison guys that I was interested in right Wes Watson's wanna bone lockdown 20 that keeps going and going and and cheeses like here we got his name Steve Atwood do I have it right and Sean Atwood Sean outward thank you anyway it was like I don't know this guy but we'll see how it I think he's better than any of them it's like oh here's this guy's like an inspirational speaker storyteller ecstasy kingpin mafia great Columbia family like like it's like oh my god we got the best one on earth the other ones will have big shoes to fill if they come on they will but I won't say it to that one guy's face Wes Watson even yeah they're like you'll never catch me in my home in Maine you're saving their own weird shielded way yeah Wow Kyle has a restraining order against all felons super power well you can obtain the same powers I have we need to smoke just a couple postage stamps away probably get it for something else - like mailing lizards or something bailing lizards there's a lot of things you can't mail yeah you think you've become a felon for mailing a lizard make it ivory tusks I could do it if you make it like if it's some sort of exotic lizard yeah right let me go to jail for that [ __ ] I wonder how a guy in prison who's like trafficking birds does [Music] what's your what's your charges mane hoof birds yeah I was right he's a chomo I never get quite the I've asked this lots of people you know like the game plan for my prison survival and he's like well the way I did it is I was a ecstasy kingpin and I came in with protectors from all over and then they both I don't have any prison connections I'm gonna be all alone for whatever it is I'm gonna do and I know whatever really has a good plan for me they like steal a car and then in the time between that and the the court case you're like frantically trying to build an ecstasy kingpin to take into prison with you I I wanted to ask him I wish I had everyone seemed so opposed to being in solitary for a year - yeah sounds awful I'm not like if it's so bad that people are getting [ __ ] killed on sight and squashed on side or whatever the [ __ ] and and there's cockroaches everywhere like I'd could you put me in that solitary room no you don't want that oh I think I do right I do especially I won't eat one those two coming into my room yeah I feel like if I had a two-month sentence especially it might be hard to live the rest of my life in solitary but [ __ ] not harder than getting raped I but if it's two months it might be like you know what I think we smuggle in an iPad or something I got this like two months standing on my head yeah if you have any entertainment you could do it but YouTube would help me get through books folks you get books yeah yeah yeah Oh blade told the story where he was in solitary and he had books right I tailor your muted I think am i muted no oh I might have muted me and I muted me okay I'll keep an eye on this we're saying things out loud just before I said that right like reactions oh yeah maybe get through yeah anyway oh yeah we're almost at the end we need that maybe a waterproof keyboard should be your next one this is not supposed to do that I guess no it doesn't normally blink randomly we doing any of this that's Morse code for Wow Lord for you [ __ ] do you have another keyboard around the house I do but I didn't want to run around and grab to be a temporary replacement until the good one came to stream I just dropped that doesn't happen I could drop my keyboard is fine I can exit out of this task managers open and I'm somehow in the wrong discord chat now is your mouth not working well it's like the mouse is trying to work but this is I assume putting in so many inputs that it's like jumping around and not working right so I having to click everything like ten times so goddamned well it is funny so you get wait I said again I talked at the same time I said that's life oh I ruined your timing sorry oh no it's it's all good the other one will show up between the 25th and the 29th and until then I'll use this free crappy one that came with it ah [ __ ] way she goes Randy have you been gaming at all I think they tried to pull you into tarkoff last night and you were maybe watching something I was watching the wire yeah no I've been play war hammers DLC came out last night so I'm gonna be playing that yeah yeah the new the new DLC is very very cool they added a a lot of [ __ ] so I'm gonna play in that yeah I've just been playing to talk off but I don't have anything new to report about it we're just trying to say my same old beer slow with their updates yeah thinking we could do a three hour 51 minute show yeah let's knock it out I had a great time 9 minutes you you're opting to power through 9 minutes just ignore him he's like this denuded I'm alright fine [Laughter] alright PKA 492 I think it was I think it was a fire episode so very well hey Monica come back alright any outros nope no there we go
Channel: WoodysGamertag
Views: 307,831
Rating: 4.8974614 out of 5
Keywords: commentary, woodysgamertag, mail monday, motivation, inspiration, pka, painkiller, already, podcast, diy, vlog, blog
Id: xAJ-LfYiOyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 5sec (13925 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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