FPSRussia talks prison fights and more

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think about backing out a fight out of a fight is sort of like another level of has like a more negative connotation to it it's light it's like oh that's that's another thing that you lose respect for someone for maybe back yeah if you bet if you say you're going to fight and then you sign an agreement to fight but then you back out of that fight it's just it's there's like this thing that goes back to like the playground mentality of like whoa Billy didn't show you know I like to paint this conversation through the lens of Kyle's adopted a new set of ethics out of prison yeah you can't [ __ ] you out of a fight Wade oh yeah yeah oh all I've learned from this is that I would not do nearly as well in prison as Kyle oh you did you do fine yeah you do fine I think I'd be the worst of us because I feel like what where Kyle's success came from a lot of it was the social thing you know like I approach someone to give up my radio I don't I feel like I do it wrong possibly but I'm not socially [ __ ] but like Al's a one-percenter in that regard and that's what it takes to get by in prison I think I was in kind of a unique situation for a lot of reasons just looking like I do and being my age and you know being there for the two months and everything and you know having the guards come by and be all super friendly with me there were a lot of compounding factors I think made things a little bit more stressful for me that maybe they wouldn't for particularly Taylor you know you'd have probably been playing flag football out there or something like that it's like football yeah yeah it teams and everything yeah another thing that might help me base the prison videos I see like if you're over 40 you can kind of opt just not be in the game like the whole toughness thing like people just like yeah he's not a player but I could be that guy maybe I don't know it didn't work out for [ __ ] Gary or whatever as he's it was that his name Gary who is the guy who was like I'm here washing my clothes here's my celly about to wake up just talk to himself all the time is with me he has like an ongoing what do you call it he's like narrating his own life twenty-five-year-old but I got beat up for that I don't know and I walked over to the counter and got the same old meal [Laughter] my man be about to figure out that I've got Hep C joke's on you yeah Greg was okay like he and I had we both like to eat tuna occasionally and I like to make like yeah that's it how's it exhale carbon dioxide surprises me I would have imagined like beef jerky being this player you can't get beef jerky now Slim Jim that's be flogged Turkey logs turkey logs in our bed it's late Jim's that big it's that big around and about that long and people chop it up and throw it into their like soups and like bowls of like junk and microwave it up so they got some meat in there I saw Greg two nights ago making this bowl and he was taking a slim jim and she biting off nibbles up and spitting into the bowl nobody we my rific nobody told him where the knives were yeah he saw me chopping up my chopping up a pickle making relish lately I get those pickles that come in like little plastic pouch and I'm chopping the whole pillow a hot mamas yeah I'm chopping the pickle up and I'm looking around for guards the whole time because I'm not a [ __ ] knife in my hand I'm chopping lengthwise and then down the other ways little cubes shut the [ __ ] up Greg would you get a knife I can't say Greg it's a my told me where it was where they keep it I can't say Greg it's not it's not my knife you got it can I borrow it ain't mine to give like when you were saying and I knew two of the three knife locations I was thinking like [ __ ] like shanks like damn it like a sharpened toothbrush and you're like and we mostly used it for cutting up pickles you know it wasn't for hurting people it was for right if you wanted to hurt somebody you put a lock in a sock where do you get weird padlocks Thomas Eric can get a padlock out of the commissariat everybody that was one of the first things that I bought to I got so paranoid at the first week or two after the rape thing I was so paranoid that somebody was going to be jealous of me being in there for two months and they were gonna plant drugs or contraband in my in my locker and like fray me so I would be in there for longer and I was thinking like I'm holding together real well I'm focused on getting out October 3rd but if they were to sit give me another like two months like I'll do it or whatever but man it's gonna be disheartening if they tack on more time or two this thing like I'm focused on this this end of this end that I can see that's at the end of the tunnel and if they tack on more you know if I started with four months I'm focused on four months from now but I did they and I'm the only the goal line-- hurts if they move the goal line halfway through the race it's it's so disheartening it's so discouraging and so I was terrified that like they were gonna hear that there was about to be like a search or and and they were gonna hide their [ __ ] in my locker or intentionally like get me dirty you know plant throw some throw some weed or some synthetic marijuana which was in there or or put a pill or whatever spice was in there yeah this to this I'll talk about the guy who got busted for that and what they did to him next week but so I told Smuts no one to go running and I was like I'm not going he's like why not and David told him in Spanish like why and and he was like oh [ __ ] be right back and he comes back with padlock and a little notepad with a combination aren't he go here don't lose this like lock that [ __ ] up and I had a padlock for the rest of time I was there you know I'd like to think that's know when to commissary and he's like I'll be needing to lock five dollars you could attacks the family dude lock in a sock works that auntie fo professor smacked some guy on the top of the head with that immediate like pouring of blood I had no idea how much that's a bike lock that's a different scenario though my clocks have like a cable attached to them and you plug the cable into the block this this is like you know padlock with the like like high school locker type thing and you put that in a tube sock and then it sits but I am more devastating because the smaller point of impact it's heavier yeah yeah they um I used to do presented you to in the with some prison guards and they told me about lock and a sock and those guys allowed it to happen like they'd led them punish each other and it was also something that they were always concerned about like they just felt like if they were to get assaulted locking a stop would be the opening volley to kill you they could totally kill you like that another thing about that book mr. Mercedes the retired cop he carries two things on his person a revolver and something he calls the happy slapper the happy slapper is a tube sock with ball bearings in the end and a knot tied in it he's got like a double handful of ball bearings in the end and it's Jay and if he and he uses it to [ __ ] people up you know if somebody's getting out of line he doesn't hesitate he's got it he's got his hand on it in his suit jacket and he's out with it and he's [ __ ] quacking them in the throat in the movies like whatever there's gangsters that's usually the core of their toughness it's not so much that they're Vander fighters because you can see they're not they look like lousy it's regular people but they go straight to the Stabbin in the lock and socks and the happy slappers and it's about not hesitating to perform the act of violence and not doing that thing that everybody else does where we escalate from arguing to getting in each other's face to shoving like even I knew in high school light light and light like the fight or two I got in in like middle school through high school I was like we got to skip that middle phase that's where that's where there's uncertainty like as soon as it's for sure on and we're like face to face got to hit him in the face as hard as I can like this is my chance to like strike first and strike hard and like you know the way high school fights work is like who bled the most you know well that guy had ground controllers you can see he he had complete control of the Octagon Joe well I'm actually uh actually Goldie I noticed that Billy had a bloody nose and so Kyle won yeah it's not damaged I I did that in seventh grade I was in eighth grade and my opponent was in seventh grade so I assumed right you'd think I would win turns out after I agreed to the fight I learned that he was held back a year and he was bigger than me because puberty was a distant you know uh location for me to arrive and you know so we're squaring off and hit him hit him right in the eye right in a bow good shot that was my opening volley I didn't do the wrestle the shove or anything it wasn't a sucker punch either and we were both squared up I popped him in the eye and then it starts tearing I'm like what's the matter Trevor you crying that was the highlight for me in that fight yeah he's just better than me at fighting and he hit me like again and again and again and like I want to say like 15 minutes of getting hit it was I did have a black eye though and that you know was a mark of shame that lasted a week or two and he had some bruises it wasn't kind of exaggerating wasn't the only time I hit him but I did lose and it was clear cuz ten minutes into it I was like you know I'm not really mad anymore we're not so different you and I was two to one you're bigger and stronger yeah lost a fight at eighth grade yeah I thank God I avoided all of that by being enormous big and wide
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 671,985
Rating: 4.9245062 out of 5
Keywords: FPSRussia, Woodysgamertag, Kyle, Fights, PKA, painkiller already
Id: 4XT6Oki0PKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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