FPSRussia's Last Day in Prison - PKA Podcast Highlights

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snows a genuinely nice guy I'll say this one more thing about snow snow doesn't eat in the cafeteria he goes to the cafeteria and he gets a meal for the old man and he gives that meal to him he only gets one meal and he gives that meal to this old man who can't make it at the cafeteria and nobody else is gonna bring him any food and then he cooks for himself and he would offer me food every day and he's a good cook he would make breakfast burritos he would see would steal eggs out of the kitchen and onions out of the kitchen and it would be like a tortilla with refried beans spam scrambled eggs and onions it was good it was [ __ ] it was it actually was I mean I don't love spam but like in prison it's like hell yeah give me some more of that he wouldn't he made me a nacho bowl the last weekend I was there we'd been talking about it for a month and a half he's like yeah I'm gonna make you a nacho bowl on the last week because he knew I was on a diet and he just get this big bowl of like Doritos and chips with tortilla with refried beans and chili and an officer like steak he made carne asada in prison in a microwave it was absurd and you nice guy it's no the one you offered your radio to is that no that's a black guy I honestly don't know the black guys the dreadlock guy yeah dreadlock guy when I finally gave him that radio day before yesterday I told him you know I'll give it to you on the night I'm about to leave I gave him the radio he couldn't believe I had actually fulfilled my promise he was like may God bless you and all your future endeavors he's like holding my hand like like I'm shaking his head may God bless you when all your future endeavors young man folks in here they see one thing they save one thing and they do another and you were honest man and I appreciate that because that's a rare thing in the world and that's damn rare and this locker right here thank you young man and I was like I guess I'm an honest guy man I've intended on giving you this radio the whole time it was my idea like I wasn't I don't want this radio and I'm just like yeah man you enjoy like me yeah I gave [ __ ] us every Bose yeah Gregg my cellmate he got my mic up my reading light my dishware my Tupperware my store my knives and forks my shampoo snow he got all my condiments my mayonnaise my ketchup my mustard my sriracha sauce my spicy Southwest my spicy Asian sauce like all my condiments and stuff that was actually kind of valuable and you know little things that I just passed out to random people here's some extra earbuds here's here's a crossword book you know anybody who needed a thing and if we go to the commissary with the purpose of buying things to hand out and kind of ingratiate yourself to the population they're like max for 10 of you each you get five max yeah um no but I was gonna do that on the last day but it wasn't my dormitory's data shop and they wouldn't let me shop and I was like I'm leaving tomorrow just just let me shop I'll go last I'll be last in line he's like no I'm all right well [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you know all right I'll just I'll take the money out of your stupid prison system and spend it in a mall somewhere but I've got this debit card I'm not gonna show you is it's out the car somewhere it's hideous I've got this debit card it's the most bootleg ghetto [ __ ] ever it's like my my mug shot on like a Citibank debit card it says like Metro Bank or something like that it's got $87 left on it which is my commissary balance I'm gonna use that for online purchases not that's not the card you hand to the maitre d at Morton's my first I know we're getting off a prison stuff I've got one more thing did they have whole shabang potato chips there nope asked about him I didn't exist they had lace lace stacks they had pork skins they had tortilla chips and he had to read out that was the potato chip menu okay I'm curious about that myth where you know they're like oh don't take a [ __ ] Snickers from someone on day one or you're gonna owe them until you pay him back like was there anything even akin to that there was a lot of owing people things and everybody paid there were records kept paper records of who owned who what you know whether they were doing footballs big they bet on football a ton college and professional and everybody paid up you know everybody paid up no they didn't they don't pay up you don't play anymore right and that's whole point so like they're gonna pay up but but yeah we will get off this next week I want to talk about the the prison entrepreneurs the drug class I was forced to take the job they tried to force me to work the the the counselor my my my case manager who was dyslexic and messed up my paperwork six times my release paperwork and and we'll talk about some of the other minor inmates who were bizarre individuals and we'll talk about some of the just the other nonsense that went down like some of the random things like oh like the guy who [ __ ] on the toilet seat got to sit down on get your ass in here clean his [ __ ] I'm cleaning the [ __ ] they pay me eight cents of goddamn hour and it ain't a clean [ __ ] it wasn't in the back you know you didn't have to sit between two people to shake I'm sure that's what he replied it's so funny because for D&I and every guest we've talked to while you've been gone they'll be alike will bring up like yeah thanks for coming on the to guest Show Cause Kyle's in prison they're like oh [ __ ] really like for real this time then we're like yeah like goddamn like now it's fine he's having a fine time just reading Harry Potter and napping and it does not sound like that was the case um no no it was it was pretty it was a lot of nonsense going on like like I told him I this yesterday I was like what certainly wasn't okay don't I'm not trying to say that but it certainly wasn't summer camp either which was how I had been painted by some people as soon as I got there the guard who took me from me I'm over the camp she was like don't leave I pressure you and I was like the [ __ ] do you make it means don't let my pressure you to suck their dick or something like that thank you so immediately I'm like [ __ ] this is for real huh she's like she's giving me like and it's not a dude who might joke around it's this woman whose sheet and she's my course she's a counselor their counselors are like it's not like a guidance counselor she's like running a dorm one of the dorms is her to look over and like the prisoners are her charge she's like a sergeant in the army kind of between an officer and a and a grunt yeah the guards are grunts the counselors are sergeants and then there's like captain's who are over the whole thing and unit managers and then there's the warden and then there's the others there's a whole chain of command in the end the Federal Bureau of Prisons um but yeah next week will be interesting I'm getting some of the nitty-gritty nonsense you started one of my questions so let's the summer camp thing were you intentionally playing down your expectations for this or we just off target no I was intentionally playing it down I do that with everything whenever you know what I feel like with you is a coping strategy or social now not as a as an internet strategy I feel like anytime that you you talk about what what actually bothers you or or something like that you're exposing in a weakness to a lot of people that that like to hurt you you know there's funny it's so you know you're you're you're opening a wound for them to pick at if you do that if you're like oh I'm really worried about this I'm really worried about that well now they've got something to pick on you about or something to go after so I've always had you know stuck with the mantra of you know you can't get blood from a stone right you know just you know weird you know just always stuck by that and and I always will you know there's no some people you like well I know what gets his goat you know and you know I just try to avoid that but but yeah going in I was I don't know what my expectations were I suppose my expectations were across the spectrum I was like he could be over it could be this bad or it could be this good it could be [ __ ] fun and good times or it could be a nightmare said but one way or the other it's two months and I'm gonna survive it and and and I'll just you know do it you know everyday it was such a weird coincidence woody the blocks on the wall from the front of the dorm to the ED to the end of my cell there were 56 blocks and I had 56 days and so when I first got there I counted them just cuz I'm laying there with nothing to do and I'm like holy [ __ ] that's how many days there are just it's this panning head-turning motion of counting all the blocks and I was like that is an impossible amount of blocks 56 56 block or not impossible not quite but it's taunt it was daunting to look at 56 of those blocks as time went on it was like ah 12 blocks can I visualize 12 and it's kind of hard to get 12 and you're in your point of view yeah that's 12 I can see the amount of blocks right there in front of me and then just every time 6 4 2 1 and 1 it was like you're in trouble grinding you down tomorrow I'm gonna sleep so long you got out early I takeaways for this two months 28 days of blood I'm not saying it right you got early in the morning you know I was surprised I knew that your release date was Thursday and I got a text it like 8 a.m. or something you know that you were outside yeah yeah my release day I could have gotten out a little bit earlier than that kid II got there like 8:15 8:20 and I was good to go good to go by 7:45 I guess something like that yeah you get there at noon and that day still counts and then you leave there in the morning and that day still counts so yeah it's nice of course it's a it's a pretty big percentage for someone do only doing two [ __ ] months but in the for a guy doing 10 years he's like oh gee you let me out at 8 a.m. Wow thanks boys it would have been nice to get out and 90s though yeah my parents died wow it's not like like that last day my present a hazard right people might think in a weird way like get him outside not you you're in for two months but if someone did eight years there's no reason to keep them waiting around till 4:00 p.m. they might freak yeah they might mess with him yeah snow snow is the the cool guy of the last eight weeks yeah I'm
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 459 THE RETURN OF KYLE, pka podcast highlights, prison, fpsrussia, fpsrussia prison, kyle prison, fps russia prison, kyle story, pka kyle, fps russia jail, fpsrussia jail, jail, pka highlight
Id: RlPCerbnfcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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