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I should perhaps say that if you like golf this will be painful to watch.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/trevpr1 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stopped watching after Alex’s first shot, but somehow Andrea hit a really good shot.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/No_Investment_5443 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Must be hard playing golf on stilts.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/redrefugee 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Unfair-Elevator 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right we're playing a scramble in golf with the bowtie sisters so we just showed up it was great yeah we just didn't even invite us here just found their location they will not leave how many holes we played at least three okay we'll see how it goes after that we can play as many as we want it's our course we'll see what he'll say we own it it's a private course from uh the hydration station house hydration yeah it's g-fuel's golf course so use code moist for 30 off g-fuel let's get it i'm going to start us off i'm using my old junior club so we'll play from the whites you guys will play from the reds and uh what do the losers have to do oh yeah you guys well the losers have to eat a pepper or whatever that might be whoever loses will have to eat a spicy pepper not [ __ ] uh i'll i'll have pepper pepper just like you guys i thought you were just volunteering to eat a pepper already you have to actually if you lose you have to have a bit of a pepper a bit yeah just a little bit tiny like not not enough to be hospitable like this much this much this much that much half of that no no [Laughter] all right you want to start us already didn't really graze the ground like i thought i would it is you ever seen a hole in one on a par four never but didn't you say you never got a hole in one oh oh no that's not bad that's playable i wanted to send it through space and time but also it worked all right just me the grass the ball and we're going to hit it like that yep all right i'm just going to send it kind of nervous i'm nervous i want to i want to hit it really go through the camera man wait okay this way i thought she was like wait okay i'm gonna hold my hand here just in case okay okay wait yeah okay okay okay so so the trick is don't watch the club go back we need to stare at the ball yep okay i'm not gonna lose that's straight straight down the middle all right we'll take it we take those that's how we [ __ ] do it right there you see that are you sweating why are you in a fuzzy hat i don't know this was a bad idea okay all right eye on the ball eye on the ball uh that's what i like to see it doesn't count it was a practice i was warming up actually the eye on the ball okay all right little ball it's you and me all right take a take another one take another one there it is very nice progress that's all we need all right why pressure we're all counting on it don't you golf like every week everybody keeps saying that and i don't know who started every week yeah i wonder who started that i'm putting rumors in everyone's life and lying to everybody such focus determination my heart's pounding right now that was a really good shot they knew they couldn't win go little jimmy it's dead did you switch it to neutral yeah i just switched it to neutral and back try it the car dropped the car it gave up and let it be driven by andrea very good oh watch yourself rather sacrifice himself try again oh there we go oh oh don't hit the car that's a mechanic as well what would this group do without me yeah you should park you should park i'm trying press it lightly matt can you stop interrupting my swing please yes what club are you using charles i'm using a five oh that's a that's a lot of club you sure yeah i'm not too confident in my ability to hit with anything else right now just so high up here careful chelsea uh oh no there's pedestrians you'll be fine i always hit those yeah that's usually a little included okay i'm gonna do it all right oh wow look at that wait a minute where's moist uh oh i see yours that's a good shot though it was a good shot mine went a little bit the other direction you guys have your work cut out for you yeah well we also have yeah that's overrated so just plop it somewhere around here so is it gonna be dildos time after this why do we need to yeah charlie so they don't know charlie steve's talking about dildo time we're just trying to technically beat you guys [Music] just nice and easy nice and green nice and easy really great okay it's a simple shot really uh yeah the one with the red i'm gonna practice the one oh it's so close keep your eye on the ball oh that was actually a good that was a good shot a very good swing i feel bad for the grass here like you guys say that's every shot shots you're supposed to take you have to tell us when it's bad so we actually feel good well neither of you ever golf before and we're moving forward which is the correct direction the pinky technique was too complicated for me so i think i think that's why charlie has the thumb that's right that was a good practice don't kill chelsea all right chelsea all right just nice and easy yeah just like that's another good practice yes now eye on the ball okay sorry you're gonna get mad a heart attack no chelsea okay make sure you're watching it the whole time there it is that's it that's moving hey that's forward progress that might be our best shot yeah matt's will be there there i've lost all of my confidence in the day good cause golf is not about confidence at all on shot number two i lost my confidence don't listen to the haters they're just jealous by haters i mean charlie i encourage them that was terrible matt this is actually kind of i'm following matt three times a day are you going first charlie this is a perfect shot yeah this will be easy where should i put my ball you can wait for him to go we kind of know the general gotta read area these old knees weren't meant for that that should be a straight line oh [ __ ] i'm falling that's perfect it didn't break like i thought it did what would work oh that was a that was a good shot charlie all right power ended up being pretty good in the wrong direction on the green the power was right though team mad again i'm embarrassed yeah so i need to grab another ball oh thanks matt that's you have got it okay now i got the mini golf one so i think this is good yeah because i did for a while think mini golf and golf were the same oh they are they basically i just don't want to admit you're coming up to the mini golf course golf is just big mini golf yeah yeah all right i'm going to be patient this ball says soft so it goes in i was practicing there it is going wait that is a nutty straight good work good shot jesus christ nice if only it went in though all right i'm just gonna hit something quick i don't even know if you have to go matt i really you might just look stupid again i probably will you're so lucky man are you are you counting your strokes by the way yeah yeah that was four we're actually tied at this moment oh so these clutches that's good all right so i'd say yeah i'd say charlie's away i'm gonna pull the pin yeah so just keep that in mind you're going to want to hit it a little to the right here proper angle of azimuth as they call it to the right right at me okay aim for moist okay no you gotta sink it yeah just gonna move yours for a second absolutely we're switching up the order we have a new strat shaking oh that's a nice shot matt [Music] it's there right down the barrel yeah all right let's see it here we go my confidence is waning i believe in you matt that's all i needed to hear it's all i needed to hear you didn't read the green green read you man that's kind of embarrassing oh baby no we got a winner we got a ball game one of the most embarrassing things i've ever seen yeah that's fine all right all right line it up don't miss this it's not taking you have to remember the huge back swing nice tap so i shouldn't even give advice at this point but aim aim towards this side a little bit it's got a tiny bit just like you did yeah i'm just like matt did no you don't mind good work you are carried there we go no that's not having a team charlie we are the team alex is the whole team going for a high tee off this time you should be nervous i am extremely nervous for chelsea who told her she's fine where's the hole this is where the right side she's fine all right yep i am known to slice it there's only a car i'm not worried about this did you see that ankle technique look at that roll it's about strength here yeah so i'm just going for pure power i'm dialing the gauge in the legs wow all right matt redemption i i have no confidence left today you got the first shot that's all you need which means you have to get this one too no it'll go through we're good i mean that's right i think that i think i saw it bounce right a bit yeah it's fine i'm gonna go first show you how it's done yeah just like you did last time right yeah when i got the hole in one where did yours go hey charlie got it true i don't need to carry my partner every shot that's what you get for trying to be nice put a bounty on her head so how many subs [Music] with all this hair do you want a hair tie i have a hat as well no no no oh i have a hair tie it's okay i think it'll stay on the side now i just flicked it the other way i didn't know golf was so competitive with the entire body with the mind with the soul the pep talk worked that was a good shot i gotta hit it okay i gotta watch the ball [ __ ] [Music] there we go are you sure oh yeah no no she took a step back yeah okay no no no that's good tell me it was a perfect calculation oh nice i didn't graze it this one felt a little bit tall you can yeah so next time you can choke up on it a little bit so i'm gonna try to hit it straight towards the flag yep it is really far though you gotta hit it hard that's why the putter is there the strap's not gonna work yet can i do one practice oh that was a nice swing thank you partner you're welcome partner oh it's off the tree and it's safe playable it's sitting right next to that big oak tree just wanted to make sure the trees felt included you know i was still trying to get the 50 subs i was off by a little bit oh that's a good swing all right matt you got a good one in you i don't think so no that'll work that's fine that's actually close to the flag i wouldn't be happy with it but i mean it's good i guess now i'll lead the way to our ball yeah that tree that tree right over there the grand oaks you guys should actually move it off the root oreo this is some advanced terrain i'll go over the butt cheeks into the hole that's what that's what they always say about gold she does have the butt cheeks all right i see them over the butt cheeks and into the hole that was great it went over the butt cheeks went around them i didn't even kiss him or anything jesus don't be afraid to really dig into the ground we gotta stay close to the ground like charlie yeah well i am short you're doing great wait this is it don't worry this is the one i know okay i often refer to andrea as the poster child of inefficiencies okay we're going to [ __ ] what if i never hit it there it is such strength yeah there was no strength in that it's because i listen to matt watch out alex or no i'm coming what do you mean no keep it on it helps me focus helps charlie focus that was a great shot charlie thank you thank you yeah yeah i'm losing my umph you got to swing harder clearly more strength like the driver but for here okay so perfect just you're like my cat yeah exactly i can't that's all you're this is good we weren't hitting that way or anything no stay right there that's a good spot all right andrea why are you still driving it's like one minute watching you gremlin good shot another straight one straight with how i've been playing all we need is you hitting it straight i mean at least it's safe and you have no pressure now exactly i'm just trying to take off the pressure you know yeah man no pressure none shoulders you've been playing great all day i'm playing great all day it's been wonderful have a great teammate your mom loves you wow that was wholesome little little too much mustard a little too much it's like a roller coaster yes that's why they were made like this all right i'm gonna take this one all right you go for it i'm gonna be our safe shot don't worry i got years of mini golf under my belt i love it try not to brag but go ahead and brag that actually helps you play better alex i tried that approach it didn't work today practice i'm so [ __ ] nervous for no reason you should be no reason honestly the stakes are pretty high yeah so stop choking wow what a shot he's like a gazelle all right do the math charlie crunching the numbers are you nervous do i make him too good this is my corked putter yep this is a 14 foot putt breaking a little to the left with a zigzag at the end and a trill he says he sounds so confident as he says that i want to know what he thinks why is charlie good at golf what is happening right now i wasn't kidding i'm good at golf taking the pressure off i like it this is unbelievable i don't know what the hell's happening i was actually really nervous it's not an easy part you gave her a good line now she knows where to hit it yeah yeah it came out we already won this one so no pressure you know there was no expectations i've always been good at golf you've just never seen me yeah he actually plays four times a day yeah [ __ ] i'm a night time pulsar i came into this thinking there was zero percent chance we lose and now you're thinking about the peppers yeah you just think so little of me oh god okay that's fine that counts i i added more pressure i think do you not want to mark it just in case it doesn't go away i'm just so confident right now triple bogey i mean that's good if you're like eighth grade work andrea yeah i've been uh doing a lot of work today charlie can i step up your game match my skill here oh i'll step it up so we have one hole left right yeah let's perform like that you got it you guys are in a good spot i think i think what helps is my driving because at that moment he's so scared that he's so happy to get onto the court i'll keep doing my driving and you keep telling me you're doing i think that's the strategy that's the teamwork that really matters yeah fear is a good motivator it really is oh [ __ ] i don't even know what it is did that go over or did it come down did that go left yeah i went left uh it'll be based on this oh that window wait where's the flag don't go in the sand bounce out of the sand i may have bounced out i'm not sure did you go left as well i went a little left we kind of curved and held it left yeah okay we're just gonna try to graze just pretend you're giving the grass a haircut oh god that didn't leave the tee box ah i know i'm losing myself a little suspicious what's going on that was such a confident little chip right to her should we just use charlie's no no no that didn't leave the tea box please hit that again my balls are not very good okay balls i'm pleasantly surprised at how good a golf you are i figured you guys would be why don't you ever why don't you ever play with us yeah what the hell you don't invite me what do you mean why don't you play oh you like what do you mean all right little guy time to catch up from behind nice right down the middle well the shot of the day that was a good shot this is decent a little farther i just like to put the fear in him so he plays better i wasn't even afraid well yeah okay i'll i'll make it this time maybe that's absolutely you're closer than we were before so that's true yeah good work not i'm proud of you thanks man now you're such a good teammate if only you contributed to the actual game i'm not hanging out with you guys for like a week after this video yeah we only want good golfers wow matt you got to prove him wrong they're just bullying me all day see charlie this is why they didn't invite you to go get up sorry alex hey you did your best oh man i'm getting [ __ ] on by unintentional bird what stroke is this charlie well for taking a penalty it'll be four if not this is three are you guys taking a penalty to make it closer well i just wish someone didn't steal our ball i don't know who did that give him a penalty yeah that's true when there's a thief it's unfair everybody knows when somebody steals your ball you move 100 yards up and into the fairway with no penalty first shot was around this area of nowhere it actually might have been on the green that's okay did anybody check the hole may have been in yeah they might check the hole i don't know is that a ball no it's just a dildo no too much good stay that's absolute money that's not finally one shot that's the only one that mattered you got the balls i got the balls that was all the green's fault they haven't watered this in days oh no weeks even yeah where's all the standing water what kind of green is this it's really surprising given the way charlie picked his golf course yeah charlie picked it right i think the green is great that's so [ __ ] good no way nice shot matt wow that a boy incredible match it only took to a whole three to show she looks like a gremlin running oh she got the real that'll prize you a little extra motivation all right perfect look at him just cheering for you get calculating from miles away oh what so close wow that's a [ __ ] that's got to go further well we don't know how much further though i'd say i hit it already i hit it already oh yeah we should we should move the dildo no no no no it's part of the course now matt no pressure there's four people looking at you stop it plus us [ __ ] why that was not stopped so that was such a good hit that was such a good hit that's a good line all right matt put her up bring her home never wanted anything that's a clutch a clutch guy i think you can do this i clutched cornhole the other day that's true i did as well you should have seen the coin whole game we played it was nuts unreal matt i need all your focus in this right now practice putts my god didn't break as much as you thought we're going to take that wonder how much longer we have until they come up and meet us with their clubs well once we don't play through after this don't let them pressure you charlie i'm ready to fight somebody i'll take care this is the winning shot oh no that's all right andrea andrea we need this so badly right now very gentle yes but enough strength to get it there oh my god oh that would have been oh i needed a little all right so this is this is for todd that was super good though this is for ty okay all right so now so it'll be tied if they make it so we can play another hole or we can do like a putting competition to figure out who wins what if we all just try to hit it with the dildo and do we have a dildo putter i haven't made it yet [Music] sure i just feel like you're the most experienced with this nasty with the penis putter yeah so this is for the for the winter takes off yep we're watching wow that's got some weight hold on no no no no no no that's your shot oh come i've tested it all right matt you're up next that's got some crazy everyone's everyone has to take their first round i'm just gonna hit it out on this one not best ball this is whoever this shit's heavy whoever gets it first in the least amount of hits yeah okay so so we only need one person on the team theater i'm waiting for it to fly off i got some distance to it that's up to you you can freestyle it really you could even come in there like a run into it croquet nice wow that's a that's a good line yep line it up that's a good line that's a real good line oh what a shot strong start from matt man i keep goodness me this is a very tough item it's all right that's a problem forward progress that's better that was a great shot charlotte good work much better we're gonna do his shot hit it from the base oh hit charlie's ball oh good approach good approach all right closer i think yeah yeah go ahead no no it's momentum now it's just i never know how hard it's going to hit it finish it finish it off finish it off no you got to tap it in what if i missed her nice good work very good can still lose if alex misses eight times said we're just all playing the ball and taking the best score oh my god see i mean matt was quitting but the one time it mattered absolutely made it you guys have been giving me [ __ ] all day don't worry about other than the spicy peppers yeah that's it see we can still win we're averaging the scores i thought that's not how this works yeah we're definitely doing an average let's leave it up to that guy yeah we could ask him we already won last one looks like we're winning by the average good worker oh no no i still don't think we need to yeah i still don't think so i think we won both ways good rounds i'm so proud of you what sorry that was a good two too good of a high five you lost your little sister taunting with the penis nice one we're dealing with children and i finished all my g fuel by the end of it nice yeah it was so cheap with code moist too yeah wait what's the other one what's the other code oh yeah if you don't want to use moist you can use uh uh you can also use code botas there you go wow okay cheers [Music] god oh god oh my god oh god this is so bad oh charlie my face is done i don't feel big i'm sweating i drink this entire water i still feel it charles excess protein from my meal they're just very lucky that this is how we do it because i was going to get something a lot hotter than that like someone i had a very mild water i thought it was okay i mean i'm not crying like he is my tongue burns really bad the burning is still there and i drink all this water and all this water it's coming down a little bit that was spread with carrot that'll teach you to lose on the golf course i didn't practice your penis i just ran out of holes to win
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,307,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0rXx7m5NHV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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