I Took A BDSM Test

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bdsm test what is that like a bdsm personality type or something let me check bdsm test what kind of sexual deviant are you we'll begin testing your kinkiness shortly would you like us to help you track your evolution over time with a free account no thank you we need to check you're not a robot i pinky promise i'm not a robot okay male age category under 20. that's a dangerous category okay i can't show this just because i'm not risking it but i'll just read the questions out loud and we can we can see what kind of sexual deviant i am i like to be dominated especially in the bedroom no i already get my ass beat on like every game i play the last place i want that is in the bedroom i like receiving pain during sex bdsm and seeing the results of it marks bruises makeup running by tears afterwards no not really i don't want to have sex and feel like i just got into a [ __ ] biker bar fight i enjoy it when people watch me being naked having sex well i guess i can't knock it until i've tried it i haven't had that happen yet so i'm just gonna go neutral i like to be totally helpless and at my partner's disposable physic disposal physically unable to resist what they do that sounds horrible like this that just doesn't sound fun at all it's i'm gonna i'm of course gonna say no to that one as well maybe that maybe this just isn't for me holy [ __ ] this makes it sound like i'm in like a [ __ ] war zone as like a prisoner of war i enjoy playing or acting like a pet animal dog cat pony well that's gonna also be a hard no for me all respect to the bronies and furries though i suppose missionary only please i i don't understand it like being complete like the way they describe these things sounds miserable i want to be totally helpless and beat up that's that doesn't sound fun to me at all that sounds like i'm some kind of high school lunch table outcast that just gets wedgies and his head thrown in the toilet being treated with little or no respect during sex arouses me uh pretty indifferent i don't need to be like treated with respect you don't have to call me like sir and that [ __ ] we don't need to use like formal titles uh good [ __ ] ma'am madam i'll just put this one as like a somewhat agree i guess there is no reason why sex would have to happen in private spaces isolated from the rest of the world so this just kind of ties in to like watch having people watch you [ __ ] i guess but the way they phrase it i'll just go with like an agree yeah i guess you don't have to be like in an isolation chamber sensory deprivation tank but it also doesn't need to be like in the middle of a [ __ ] school cafeteria either i would like to serve in a formal setting with explicit slave training prescribed physical positions and rituals i want to be i want to take slave training courses like i literally need to go to like college to learn how to be a sex slave and cult rituals this makes this makes it sound like more homework than fun all right i'm just gonna again i'm just gonna disagree with that i think i enjoy feeling like prey hunted by a predator uh i mean not necessarily why can't we just [ __ ] why do i have to like put on bunny ears and like hide in like burrows and put [ __ ] dog [ __ ] over my eyes to camouflage myself in the environment while i'm hiding from my significant other i'm just gonna go with again i disagree being part of a group of slaves that serves one master mistress sounds like a life that would really suit me this is [ __ ] weird jill is walking to the bar two miles away john is driving to the bar from 22 miles away if jill walks at 2.2 miles per hour does she enjoy getting flogged by a cat i'm sure i'm sure we'll get to that question soon enough uh where are we at i enjoy being kept as a pet in a cage eating out of a bowl being pet slash caressed you know this is going to be a shock but that's i think that's also going to be a hard disagree for me as well i i don't really want to be kept in a cage eating out of a dog bowl as weird as that sounds i mean call me missionary only but that certainly doesn't sound very fun i love seeing the fear in my partner's eyes when they know i'm going to inflict pain on them yeah that's that's definitely what i want to see when i'm about to have sex is fear nothing makes me feel wanted quite like that that hopelessness in my partner's eyes and maybe maybe some tears too if possible that's going to be another hard disagree i like to be sexually degraded and humiliated by my partner yes that sounds very fun oh charlie you're going to try and [ __ ] me with that small pathetic wimpy little [ __ ] little [ __ ] babies [ __ ] ooh ew you're gross you're [ __ ] get away from me you [ __ ] gross heathen ew yucky [ __ ] i'm getting semi chubbed already i enjoy playing a different age than what i technically am yeah sometimes i like to cosplay as a 70 year old professor just retired and then sometimes i'll cosplay as a nine-year-old lolly i suppose yeah yeah that's that one sounds fun i would like to be nothing but a 24 7 sex slave i.e not having any human interaction outside of sex and bdsm what a great life to live huh man that sounds like paradise oh here we go i find it adorable when my partner acts or dresses childlike or when they engage in childlike activities such as coloring in a coloring book or playing on a playground i'm definitely taking an fbi's test to weed out pedophiles that's what this is this is a giant net the fbi has cast to bust pedophiles i'm taking a bdsm personality test here there's nothing on the screen i just worry about twitch just in case something comes up but yeah i'm taking a bdsm personality test living with a group of slaves owned by me and serving me would be my ultimate life goal no no i'm just gonna that's gonna be another hard disagree from me i enjoy keeping my partner as a pet providing them with a cage feeding them out of bowl and petting and caressing them this test really likes to harp on the idea of being an animal trapped in a cage that sounds horrible that sounds absolutely like one of the worst things i could imagine if i'm being honest so that's going to be another hard disagree for me if i could not fulfill all my partner's sexual desires i would encourage them to see other people to fill the gaps now a real gentle sir from reddit would of course strongly agree if my if my lady is unsatisfied with my services i would encourage her to go get [ __ ] by chad thundercock and i'll just wait patiently and if i'm lucky i can watch uh i'll go i'll i'll go with the disagree i think on this one i'd say maybe just communicate and tell me to do better but i really don't think i'd be like slapping you on the ass telling you to get out there and [ __ ] someone else i often behave in animalistic ways during sex growling howling yeah that one yeah that sounds actually like it could be kind of cool as you're climaxing you just start spouting out like gamer lingo you know get wrecked and [ __ ] like that i'll go with it agree sounds cool i enjoy feeling like a predator hunting it oh so this is just the other way it's the same questions but reversed i like it when my partner takes on a nurturing guiding almost parental role in the relationship if i can't be breastfed and rock to sleep it's just not even worth the relationship agreed i'd like my partners to submit to me 24 7 and i'm willing to take the responsibility that comes with it some doctor doom [ __ ] huh i want to rule [ __ ] with an iron fist uh i'll go with with neutral i guess it doesn't have to be 24 7. you know maybe just for 30 seconds would be cool i like my partner to be completely in charge ordering me around i want to feel like a soldier being led by the general of orgasms if i could make some money from selling porn clips of myself i definitely would i've definitely thought about it being in fear of what my partner is going to do to me physically is arousing nope that sounds like the uh who the [ __ ] gets hard out of fear that's like the worst mechanism of like self-preservation my life is in danger time to get a boner like we did not evolve over millions of years to get fear boners i enjoy verbally degrading my partner or calling them humiliating names during sex slash bdsm oh yeah i'm always named cullen you dirty stupid face [Music] yeah your pussy's real wet huh idiot [ __ ] dummy and then i shoot a spitball at her from behind yeah raise your hand and answer another question nerd i enjoy it when my partner plays or acts like a pet animal dog cat pony etc no i i don't know what the [ __ ] is up with like this bestiality fetish it's another hard disagree hey thanks for the raid james you came in at the right time we're doing a bdsm personality test to discover what kind of kink i am come on and learn with us where are we at the idea of being tortured sexually is appealing no it's also going to be a no for me this this whole test just reminds me of something out of martyrs where they were like torturing women like almost to death so they could see god on the other side like this is a [ __ ] weird [ __ ] no the idea of torture isn't cool to me i would be willing to leave everything i have behind to live in the bdsm life of my dreams i feel like i'm about to be recruited into a cult i like inflicting pain during sex and seeing the results of it marks bruises makeup running by tears afterwards yeah again that's gonna be another hard disagree i'm not trying to get in there and treat it like it's some kind of [ __ ] ballroom blitz and i just start like wailing on my partner i like to sexually cut it's like the 19th question they've asked about sexually degrading your partner i like to sexually degrade or humiliate my partner again i mean if you if you did the courtesy of having sex with me like i'm gonna just give you a thumbs up and like glowing reviews i'm not gonna be in there and start like treating it like it's a reddit comment fight you know i i i don't need to like degrade you and bring you down to like a subhuman level i mean you did me a favor at the end of the day i will naturally take on a nurturing and guiding almost parental role in the relationship finally something i agree with typically after sex i usually like to tell them and keep up the good work in school just to let them know that i'm there for them as a father the idea of torturing someone sexually is appealing again this the whole idea of torture like they make it i don't know if they mean like real [ __ ] torture i don't know how dark this is but that's the way they word these it sounds like the worst thing in the world i'm not trying to be like an executioner i want my partner to serve me and address me as a superior i want them to call me principal and big boss big hoss even address me with the proper nomenclature in the titles i deserve of course i enjoy dressing or behaving like a child or engaging in child appropriate activities such as coloring in a coloring book or going to a playground yeah it's not weird when i pretend to be six years old than getting [ __ ] it's only weird if they're doing it yeah all right that one now it makes sense like maybe it's not as hardcore as they make it sound but they made it like they were talking about bruises bleeding fear and pain and torture that word kept coming up i'll just i'll just say no if a new awesome kink or bdsm project was launched i would like to be kept up to date oh well that's yeah yeah i think i would like electric nipple tassels or something that like shock me just close enough to death where it makes me happy i'm just i don't really want to sign up to the newsletter though so i'll just go no all right my results i am 74 percent vanilla 73 percent voyager when did i answer any of those uh 44 x this the math is all over the place i don't know how i got 70 in two different things exhibitionist i got 44 exhibitionists enjoy showing their naked body or sexual activity to other people consensually of course yeah i don't know about that primal hunter [ __ ] that sounds cool mainly focused on their natural instincts and enjoy letting their inner animal out during sex this is because i said agree with making gamer noises during sex the key part for primals play is that the participants show their raw emotional sexual feelings during play all the labels roles and protocols go out the window and the prey can become a snarling growling clawing animal hell-bent on getting away from its predator you well that was a wild bdsm personality test interesting how the [ __ ] did i get one percent in the pet category obviously not kink shaming but i feel like those questions were worded in such a way that it had almost no sexual connotations and more just sounded like someone wanted to beat the [ __ ] out of someone there's more just asking if you have like pent-up aggression that you need to take out somewhere
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,552,843
Rating: 4.9736857 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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