I Almost Died Doing the Hottest Wing Eating Challenge

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do you just want to tell them what we're doing real quick uh yeah it's the blazing challenge at buffalo wild wings i i've been training so you know i should be fine this is really intimidating enough to sign a waiver i'm actually reading the terms and conditions i'm starting to realize i could sue you for everything you've made me do the very like all underlined and caps locked is about how dangerous it is to your actual health jesus is it bad that as his manager i'm just going in and i haven't read a word i just signed all right no vomiting no vomiting or is this what you go over oh my god please don't vomit the table got it i don't do well with clean up okay all right gentlemen the rules is you have to finish all ten i think five minutes we prefer the bone to be somewhat clean thank you you may not use any ranch or blue cheese and you cannot drink during the challenge either you at the end will receive ice cream vanilla ice cream and a nice sweat band and you get ten thousand billions and points added to your app i don't wanna do it anymore you cannot let them cool down either you have to eat them as is all right so if you are ready hold on hold on let me know when you're done wiping oh my god my nose is already starting to go wild because i'm scared ready one two three there we go cheers yeah we'll choose it see you on the other side matt's already threw one charlie matt give us a like a spice level one to ten so far like a seven six or seven but picking up charlie what's ten come on now i'm going i can get you a napkin i'll be right back go keep going keep going charlie i'm hallucinating i need a napkin how much time has passed like an hour you're at a minute three oh wait it's only a minute i mean it's already better yeah it's only been one minute i didn't think about this i'm hiccuping i can't chew all hiccuping i think it's the nose for him yeah so he leaks out of every orifice like we do spicy stuff a lot oh yeah yeah okay all right i need water or i'm gonna die matt no charlie i give up i give up i can't danny this is more painful than the psycho serum is it really it is it is are you sure once you do i give up i give up i give up or i'm going to hospital well trinity is right next door it's all right the problem for me is going to be finishing them you got two minutes so you have three minutes left you gotta do it for the two of us i didn't swallow the psycho serum this is a whole new level for me yeah wait what is it you know what the sauce is made of uh ghost pepper [Applause] i don't remember and it also abstracts that the wings are awesome temperature hot yeah that's you're going in matt let's go man you have to do this for us i'm driving bro i'm [ __ ] crying oh i just put that in my eyes you [ __ ] idiot oh baby keep it coming man bro man good you have two minutes left now you're a hero you're a legend man you got broke i can't breathe that's 30 seconds you got that you're the man man i can't breathe 30 seconds no more talking and the reason he's wiping is painful on your skin i got determination i can't hear it'll be done in 15 minutes it's like when you're drunk and you're trying to not have a hangover we only have three more wings come on man [Music] i tried to help us i was so close how much time we got you almost got 40 seconds come on man two more wings oh we didn't wear the headband oh my god you got this come on man how long nine seconds and [Applause] how about me how close was i all right there you go oh and here's haley with your eyes oh yeah you missed it by like point all right let me restart if you want to try again you can use mine that's getting lit he gave himself a literal kidney stone i'm not kidding i felt like i was back and [ __ ] numb with the [ __ ] psycho serum i need more water i'm surprised at how badly it got you just because of all the other because we haven't been training yeah i haven't been keeping up with my reps it's because of the swallowing my throat was actually closing yeah yeah my throat was literally closing the problem was not the spice there's chewing that much like just for ten wings alone in five minutes that's why i was like what are you doing i really tried you got real close i i'm really upset because if we didn't make jokes in the beginning i think i actually had that he downloaded the app for nothing i can't believe i didn't do that i'm actually so upset it's our first challenge there'll be plenty more let's just wait like 15 minutes you can try again [Applause] he said the bird goes away in 15 minutes right oh [ __ ] you handled that really well when i really tried on that last wing i tried swallowing without chewing and i almost puked do you want to have one for fun sure that woman just had to watch me almost puke on my plate she gets a 100 tip do a drum yeah do a drum oh my god [ __ ] for fun yeah just funsies i feel like i went to the doctor as a kid and this is my little reward do you think you could do the challenge he's gonna go full psycho serum and eat the whole plate don't do it if you go full psycho serum that'd be huge for us okay do not do it oh at a boy matt oh i feel like i'm in the hospital and they're bringing me my little goodies oh you're tearing up already i don't know i'm telling you the spice is not that we don't have one napkins that's the biggest one right now oh yeah oh i used them all my hands were getting grody i just had to not talk and i was fine number one and immediately his eyes went here well because the chick like she said the chicken was very hot like temperature wise it was [ __ ] hot ah my ears are still not open i feel so bad for monique you should have to rub your tummy on it okay i literally told her that yesterday she's learned this thing in school where you push in a certain direction to help with digestion so i always ever do that when i have a stomach ache and i told her i was like you better get ready for tonight i'm so mad i did all of that and didn't finish you can try again we got plenty of time i'll try again with you and i'll i'll try and do one well you can challenge could charlie finish a win before matt finishes ten is this bluebell ice cream i don't know to be quite honest with you i don't know what kind of ice cream it is it tastes like bluebell it's very good thank you for being such a big help no problem i'm assuming you don't want to take those home with you today oh i'll take a box actually thank you i'm not kidding i got really lucky because i was rubbing tear drops not my actual eyes it might like the pads under my eyes are burning right now also all around my face there's a big like thing right here on your cheek and i was like that's gonna hurt do you want me to move this somewhere so you don't have to touch it i don't care it's all right oh okay i have a child that's fair well thank you all right do you guys want to give some final thoughts um well you really took the brunt of the challenge i'll let you kind of illustrate what happened all right so the spice was not as bad as i expected it it was much worse than i expected it to be it built it definitely built on like the fourth wing it started getting hot but the initial hiccups from the heat stopped me from being able to chew quickly i'm actually incredibly angry right now that i got to the last bite and did not finish um let me look up the scoville real quick they were hot don't get me wrong those bad boys stone so i remember they i remember at b dubs they used to have the scoville rating on the menu they totally revamped it april 8th of this year they changed the blaze and wing challenge it used to be 350k scoville for the previous blazon wings this one is three or uh going two millions 350k i couldn't beat those like normally yeah that's two that's two million scoville so each wing is two million how much was doctor six million the carolina reaper apollo sauce we ate was three milligrams that was a lot of fun i hope you enjoyed yourself yeah i'm pretty ashamed i i'm upset i didn't get through one you wanna you wanna take us out uh i honestly want to try and finish this wing wait all right excuse me what you're going to do one more it's not for the challenge it's just like i feel bad oh wait is that your what yeah please show that to the camera did you was bigger than that yeah i wanted to test i dip my toes in and i was like oh my god [Applause] i'm telling you right now i'm also shaking shout out like the winning state like now that it's not temperature hot it's so much more manageable like significantly yeah the heat really that's [ __ ] hot how do i look with this headband i have really good you should just wear that around now you should put your headphones on and we'll say goodbye i flew too close to this one here no compare your hair on your headband i need an app needed okay i don't know what i was thinking i need a napkin like asap i actually i can't help aaron here's one okay it's melissa's name yeah i'm going to put this on for you do you do i have your permission yeah i don't know what i was thinking oh my god okay i tried to be mad i tried to be a big man for you and i'm paying the price i do appreciate you trying oh my gosh this was a really bad idea right here i need a napkin oh i'm drooling i'm drooling oh my god oh my god matt this is this is important eat your ice cream yeah eat the ice cream my hands are dirty he tried eating another this was a dumb idea melissa you weren't here to stop me am i supposed to be here i don't know but i've got a really dumb idea oh god do you want ranch no no no don't dip it in the ice cream that would be terrible it's good ice cream though sometimes i feel like you're my son [Laughter] you're good you're good eat more ice cream oh this is i need more you've got ice cream in your cup don't you i don't have any ice cream give me your ice cream that's all you get the rest of mine no i didn't drink it oh i might have so you went with the drumette this time right hold on i'm getting a call oh wait that was his bike so bite number one we're gonna buy number one i'm playing number two i'm i am livid that i did not finish that i'm mad that i did it again we'll give an ending while you can still remember the pain level this time yeah it was a lot of fun yeah we had a good time yeah that was a blast i'm glad we got to struggle together we both gave it a valiant effort too you can't say i didn't try i went back right you almost finished them all so that was good i'm excited for our next eating challenge maybe let's make it a not spicy one you want more ice cream oh that'd be incredible that'd be so nice all right thanks guys thanks everybody thanks everybody
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,994,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tVUpttpl2qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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