Predator 2 (1990) KILL COUNT

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Moving footage used in the killcount is owned entirely by the Copyright holders Deadmeat makes no claim of ownership and simply uses the footage for purposes of Education commentary and criticism under fair use Please support filmmakers and the art of filmmaking by watching predator 2 in its entirety using the links in the description below Welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies. I'm James A. Janisse And today we're looking at predator 2 the city-based sequel the predator that came out in 1990 predator 2 has a few things in common with the original for instance It was written by the same pair of brothers Jim and John Thomas The music is by Alan Silvestri again, and although this film city hunter predator is a new individual It's once again played by Kevin Peter Hall But the differences from the original are much more noticeable namely Arnold Schwarzenegger has been replaced with Danny Glover and the lush foliage of the jungle with the ugly streets of Los Angeles in fact a lot of this movie is ugly from the clothes that everyone's wearing to its portrayal of Civilization since everyone's packing heat and ready to get into a shootout at the drop of a hat Predator 2 is often mocked as an awful movie and you know what? That's fine. It is but it's also batshit crazy enough to be a fun kind of awful I mean hell, it's got a voodoo gangster drug lord Gary freakin Busey and ridiculous lines like this one Which means you're cutting off my dick is shoving it up my ass What more evidence do you need the cool thing about predator 2 is that we get to see a lot more of the predator Who's a total badass all of the time. Again, Thanks. Stan Winston with a city full of people the murder I'll bet the body count is high. Let's find out how high get to the kills The movie begins in the jungle only we ain't talked in Central America Maybe we talk in the concrete jungle of Los Angeles in a fictional dystopian 1997 has evidenced by these first Predator POV shots The dreadlocked hunter has already found a home in the city that currently looks like a frickin warzone See and to be fair. This was made during the Powder Keg period of LA that led to the Rodney King riots So not too far off honestly the first cop we see lying in the street isn't dead just injured during the shootout between the LAPD and this Colombian gang named Scorpios led by this long-haired fellow L Scorpio we do get four kills to kick off the count with all cops who get shot by the gang members and fall down dead or Are wheeled away dead on a stretcher this time I'm not gonna count these stunt actor flip boys because they're in body armor And I think they'd be okay a sleazy reporter played by the sleazy Morton Downey jr Says the situation is not going well for the LAPD a gun drop man out man They're even outnumbered and out plan. Good thing here comes the Harrigan LAPD lieutenant Mike Harrigan. That is played by Danny Glover He enters the fray and runs up to join his partners detectives Danny Archuleta and Leona Cantrell They've been trying to protect the injured motorcycle cops lying in the road Harrigan is happy to break through the Scorpios defense line by hanging out of a police car as he drives it up to the gang Members it's ridiculous but I'm happy that Glover gets to be more rigs than Murtaugh for once the Scorpios are scared off by arrogance crazy antics and as They retreat back inside to their hideout. One of them is shot and killed by Leona with that open shirt and gold chain I'll just call him. Mr GTA cuz that's what he looks like as the surviving Scorpios gear up with guns and powder their noses Another cop is added to the list when a bunch of gang members shoot him off of his rooftop position Harrigan gets revenge for the nameless officer when he routes the gang members dug in like a bunch of California tix and opens fire on them killing all four that were standing there Don't get on me about how you see five bodies on the ground when he's done that fifth one belongs to mr GTA from earlier arrogance told by Danny that they have orders to stand by and wait for a special unit to arrive But Harrigan is a cop in a 90's action movies So you know We ain't about to be following orders when they get inside al Scorpio backs out of a room firing his guns at something and ends up turning his Uzis onto a random cop in the hallway who is shot killed and added to the list o Scorpio flees to the Rooftop where he's being watched by the predator and aimed at by Harrigan after he follows him up there But when a spook tau L Scorpio sees the cloaked predator and goes to fire at him Harrigan opens fire on O Scorpio and shoots him straight off the roof. I don't know for sure But I'm assuming the stunt was actually done by all Scorpios actor Henry Kingi a veteran stunt performer his body winds up down below on the sets crafting table back inside the detectives find the rest of el Scorpios gang dead in their Hideout alongside a massive stockpile of weapons as they check out the crime scene and wonder what the hell did this they see four bodies? And reasonable positions and one hanging upside down from the ceiling. Oh and is he naked too? That sounds like the calling card of a predator waiting for Harrigan outside his deputy chief of police Hyneman an old friend of his who's gone brass He yells at Harrigan for disobeying orders to stay outside Since the situation was supposed to be handled by these feds who all bought the same generic federal agent costume from Halloween USA They're led by this Buddy. Holly looking dude named Keyes played by Gary Busey Of course who meets Harrigan back at the police station he explains Why is there who were attempting to prevent King Willie's voodoo gangs from taking over and controlling the entire West Coast? Oh, okay to stop a voodoo gang from taking over an entire coast of the u.s. Got it in Harrigan's office Danny points out the newly transferred officer in their unit detective Jerry Lambert played by killcount veteran Bill Paxton Doing his whole Bill Paxton Shtick dialed up to 11 his goofball and gets him a nut grabbed by Leona after he doesn't leave her alone Harrigan is skeptical of Jerry's talents too. Suspecting him of just being a showboat But I guess the unit's a unit welcome to the war and cut to the LA skyline and a couple of push ins on a graphic sex scene through the window It gets interrupted by some Jamaican gang members who storm in and start the scene with three kills after they assassinate the security guards Who are outside of his bedroom the Jamaicans are led by this dude gold-toothed and are here for Colombian gang member ramon. Vega Who they hang upside down from the ceiling? Naked while they hold his lover hostage also naked after prepping this dead meat with some barbecue sauce saying a line that the predator must have overheard she Slow dude stabs right into Vegas chess. Apparently he also rips out his heart Although we don't really see that done to explicitly that's because into the scene steps Predator who opens fire on the Jamaican gang and kills the whole lot of them using a variety of predator tricks after the initial shoulder Cannon blast he uses a new neck gun to pin a dude against a wall and that guy ends up getting shot by his own buddies he sends a spear head for jet tile straight through the Hat and head of another dude and uses his blade gauntlet to stab a fourth guy with a reverse facing Dillon maneuver the last Lackey is killed by another one of predators new weapons this Telescoping spear after all this henchmen are dead gold tooth steps out to face the now visible predator on his own only to get killed In a zoomed-in POV shot that actually has a nice little joke in it When you notice that predators thermal vision doesn't quite register gold Tooths go to nice Harrigan gets to the crime scene Only to be told yet again that their orders are to stay out of it yet again Harrigan's a rogue cop who doesn't play by the rules and they go up to the penthouse where they enter to find the bodies hung up and skinned in classic predator style They even replicate that close-up jump scare from the corpse of Jim hopper in the original They also find Vegas paramour who the predator left alive since this chick wasn't even armed with any clothes Harrigan surmises that a new 3rd gang is responsible for both this scene and the Scorpio massacre down town But as they're looking at clues in the form of the spear tip weapon lodged in a vent way up high the feds walk in With a whole bunch of bright lights and take over the scene Keyes tells Harrigan that if he gets in his way again He'll make him disappear which you don't want to hear coming from a federal agent later that night Danny returns to the crime scene on his own to check out that spear tip They saw I'm still not sure how that got up there We saw the deaths take place and the one with the spear tip was not traveling in an upward trajectory But who am I to question this space alien hunter movie in any case after he retrieves it who would show up but mister apex? himself, imitating Harrigan's voice he heard earlier The predator catches Danny as he falls and then pulls him up out of the ceiling and the movie itself by killing him off screen Danny's a Friendship bracelet or whatever falls to the ground and gets blood drizzled on it from a ketchup bottle by the looks of it upset over Danny's death Harrigan assaults Keyes for information but is told that this whole thing is way above his pay grade the constant What you did with his way over your head next he seeks out this lady. Dr Richards for help identifying the weapon that Danny was trying to retrieve but when she examines it using the mother superior of all computer Technology, she discovers something shocking. This material doesn't correspond to anything on the periodic table That's uh, I mean that's pretty unlikely if you know like science, but whatever man it's science fiction I'm down to roll with it kind of like how Harrigan is down to roll with these Jamaican gang members who pull up in a Zebra top caddy with a frickin smoke machine inside. You want some gun. Come on Yo, if you ain't gonna hit it Mike I bet predator would take a tow and he's already high as hell the Caddy takes Harrigan to an alley where he meets with the Leader of the Jamaican gang King Willie to find out some information on who killed all the gang members and his Danny Boy King Willie's a voodoo man and tells Harrigan that whatever's afflicting them is from Tuoba side, and I'd take his word for a Mike He's got a Jaffar staff that's really all the info Harrigan gets before Willie tells him to go on and get and after he leaves Willie gets a visit from The predator who jumps down and stops through an alley puddle in a pretty cool shot Which is followed by another cool shot that shows predator in the reflection doing jazz hands After one cloaked warrior pose and some chants from King Willie. We cut to the gang leaders decapitated head wearing a visit of terror The king is dead long live King Predator predator takes that skull and cleans it off real nice then adds it to some sort of decorative stand Whoo, Harrigan goes to a cemetery and visits Tandy's gravestone to grieve while the kid runs around playing a classic game of Skorpios and Jamaicans He runs into predator who analyzes his face and then his weapon and determines him to not be a threat So the kid tries to make friends with him, but some candy. Oh, god, please. Don't tell me predators about to learn that phrase Come on, don't you think that's a little creepy put some candy. Never mind. It's very creepy Maybe don't make your character named predator run around asking people if they want. Candy Harrigan calls up his team to talk copshop And dr. Richards tells him that Danny's body had traces of a slaughterhouse on it So Harrigan tells Leona and Gerry to take a subway to meet him in order to avoid being traced by Keyes You don't want gary busey following you, you know on the subway Gerry and Leona see a bunch of Nair Do whales harassing some women and trying to mug a guy who's just sitting there? Probably trying to do some crosswords dude pulls a gun out on them Then one of the gang members pulls a gun and then like everyone on the sub pulls a gun the cops joined in - and now Everybody's a prime target for the predator who attacks the train from above busting through into the car and knocking out all the lights This was another particularly annoying scene to kill count but my painstaking efforts resulted in a count of nine first is this gang member who slashed by 'pretty boy and thrown into Leona next is the gang member with a real Cuban flair to His attire who also gets slashed by predator Another gang member is grabbed by the throat lifted up and presumably choked to death a fourth is thrown through the subway window as it Zooms along the tunnel and the last is shown with the bloody throat for civilians joined the count as well Including the guy who was gonna get mugged after he unwisely walks through no man's land and three of those armed folks who are killed during predator vision by him just grabbing them I guess as Leona leads all the other civilians to save her carts on the subway Jerry tries to take the predator on by himself using all his ammo on him and eventually Grabbing a corpses knife. He's rewarded with the creepiest last words. You could ever hear With that Jerry is killed since we hear a scream echo through the tunnel and Leona confirms the kill after the train stops And she sees his body hanging upside down from the ceiling of the subway car predator that appears in front of her and grabs her By the throat but when its thermal vision detects a little bun in the oven She's apparently spared since Harrigan finds her being rescued when he arrives Maybe everyone who attacks predator should pregame by strapping a bunch of babies to themselves Harrigan heads down to the subway tunnel where he sees from a distance the predator ripping out Jerry's skull and spine and Tossing his body aside He follows him back up to the surface then pursues the predator in his car and he even gets a good look at the alien Climbing up the side of a building before his pursuit is cut off with a truck smash It's the feds and after they abduct him out of his car and take away his gun They march him into the back of a trailer that has a hi-tech Death Star door too bad You got picked up before you saw the best shot in the movie Harrigan the predator standing on top of a building with this spear and skull Decoration getting freaking zapped by lightning and just taking it like a total G god damn predator. You're so fucking cool, dude Geez walks up to Harrigan wearing a Devo costume and for whatever Reason just starts blabbing all about the predator to him even mentioning the events of the first movie Oh and look There's a cameo from Anna on one of those monitors do when Harrigan doesn't seem to understand. He spells it out for a fucking Even though Harrigan is not reacting appropriately to that reality altering news Keys continues and tells them they've set up a trap in a slaughterhouse that the predator keeps coming back to for food their plan is to Capture the alien and learn from it cheese heads inside the slaughterhouse with a bunch of other dudes who are also wearing Jiffy Pop foil That should make them invisible the Predators infrared vision Harrigan stays back to watch them on monitors inside the trailer and I'm sure he'll follow orders this time and just stay out of it Predator comes inside the warehouse and isn't fooled for a second by the shady shake he senses He quickly realizes that he can't see anyone else inside. So he switches his vision to a mode that lets him See the flashlight beams that keys in his men are using Harrigan realizes that things are going tits up So, of course he defies his orders and with one knee to a crotch and a gun to a head He heads out to go help the dudes inside, but you know, they dead dear viewers So let's get him on the kill cow predator drops from the ceiling and kills three of Keyes's dudes Immediately with his spear impaling them and tossing them off the walkway Ha predator now you're gonna have to go get those when it's trophy time for the last guy He takes out his bomb ass shoulder cannon and lines up the shot with his laser pointer Then kills the dude with a single blast to the chest whose house Fred's house Now the only one left his keys but his predator lines up a shot on him a big explosion Happens behind him because Harrigan has entered the arena He's actually still gets a face full of Plasma or so it seems cuz this doesn't kill him as we'll see in a second And now we begin the Harrigan predator cat-and-mouse fight that will literally take up the last 30 minutes of this move first They shoot at each other between a bunch of me and then run through the hanging carcasses like they're an obstacle @dz discoveries out here again eventually shoots predator a bunch of times in the fishnets and gets him down on the ground and he takes that opportunity to Damascus folks really not sure you want to do that dude. This thing is gross It's like a deep-sea fish guy hit with an ugly rudder together. The two of them recite Arnie's famous line from the first movie The reawakened predator tosses Harrigan aside and is all ready to kill him when out jumps keys guess who's back He's blast predator with his frost gun thing but predator gets out of range and takes out another cool new weapon the smart disc this thing may not have a Facebook app on it But it can cut through meat carcasses and Gary Busey like nothing as it shows when Kees gets cut in half behind some meat I'm not sure what happened to his upper body I feel like it should have fallen to the floor but these movies don't have the best track record when it comes to consistent death effects Harrigan takes the fight to the roof where predator takes a huff from his mask and eventually gets tackled off the edge by Harrigan who somehow Manages to cling to the side of the building predator says one of his new favorite phrases - herring and shirt Then shows how his entire fucking species consists of poor losers since he beat boots on his wrist pad and activates a self-destruct sequence just like the one in the original day before it can go off though Harrigan grabs the nearby smart disc and severs predators arm with It sending the alien down the side of the wall in a really great stunt where performer Dave Smith actually fell down a 13 story building for it Oh also apparently that's not the self-destructing predator grabs a pipe that comes undone and sends him across the alley into a random apartment bathroom using a mixture of Drywall and I don't know blue juice. He cooks up a self that looks like a Heisenberg special and uses it to heal himself meanwhile Harrigan gives chase by climbing down the building wall and across the alleyway on those pipes the predator busts out of the bathroom and runs Out the front door of the apartment. He was in and the woman who lives there acts way too glib about the alien She just saw when Harrigan shows up and pursue. I don't think Harrigan follows the predator to the elevator shaft where he grabs a cable and begins to climb down but when the elevator cart starts up Harrigan winds up falling down the shaft and through a hole into darkness where he eventually Lands on a motherfuckin alien spaceship dawg! wait a minute This thing was parked under an apartment building and accessible by elevator shaft This movie's fucking bonkers y'all Harrigan carries the smart disk into a big chamber where he finds the Predators trophy case Which is full of all sorts of skulls including King Willie's and hoe my god. It's a xenomorph skull fuck Yeah, dude, and also one that kind of looks like a dinosaur Harrigan ends up getting netted out of nowhere But luckily the smart disk can cut through it then the big showdown Finally takes place for real and even though predator manages to land a swipe on Harrigan the last laugh goes to danny glover After he stabs the alien with the smart disk right in the belly, then repeats his own favor taunt back to him With that he rips it out of the predator who gives a blood-curdling scream That echoes around the spaceship halls and it's sub elevator parking before the predator. Finally falls to the ground dead You may think Harrigan is done But as he goes to leave a whole lot more predators show up and surround him and we're talking about some different predators here all with their own unique masks designs The lead Preds got great dreads and is known as grey bag, and he's also played by Kevin Peter Hall Also totally random but in my research I found a video of all these predators dancing on set click in the corner to check that shit out because it is just delightful The other Preds grab the city hunters body and cloak themselves as they walk away But before he leaves gray back shows that game recognize game and tosses a pistol to Harrigan a pistol 1715 that is one dope-ass parting gift and a cool Indication of just how long predators have been predator the ship starts shaking so Harrigan gets out of there just in time to avoid the big fire blasts behind him that sends them flying through the air the movie ends with a bunch of cop cars pulling up to the ash-covered Harrigan who has surely got to be feeling too old for this shit right about now did this film city hunter nab more kills than His jungle bound brethren from the original let's find out and get to the numbers Predators so cool, man *DIES* There were 45 deaths in predator 2 so no not even close to the original in terms of numbers the victims consisted of 43 human males one human female civilian on the subway And of course the City Hunter predator he has son get that try pie With a runtime of 108 minutes we wound up with a kill on average every 2.4 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw 4 coolest kill to King Willie It's not entirely on screen, but they do a nice edit with a scream for it Plus his skull winds up on a shrine alongside of Xenomorphs That's more than any of us could ask for and after all machete for lame his kill will go to Danny Pulled up onto the roof and killed off-screen I think the ketchup bottle drizzle of fake blood at the end here looks really really bad and that's it Predator 2 is an absolutely insane movie and although it did okay at the box office It would be 24 years before we got the third civil installment of the series I'm talking about 2010's predators, which I'll cover next week. But until then I'm James A. Janisse This has been the killcam Thanks a lot for watching. This week's kill count today I want to start thanking patrons who have been a patron of mine for over a year Harley Dennis Cameron steel Jesse Huxtable Ally Riley and Daniel. Koppány. I really know what to say in this call to action So why don't you leave a comment telling me what your favorite predator weapon is He's got a lot of them which one's your favorite which ones cool I'll go with the simple on the fucking shoulder cannon dude with the laser eyes set. Like that's fucking cool It's that thing right there. He's got LED lights Alright be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 5,214,783
Rating: 4.932054 out of 5
Keywords: ruben blades, pine commander boogie, sequel, stephen hopkins, harrigan, franchise, kill count, robert davi, action, jaj, movies, alien, garey busey, bill paxton, jungle, horror, hunter, gang, city hunter, predator, maria conchita alonso, sci fi, danny glover, films, dead meat, body count, la, scary, science fiction, los angeles, series, DMKC, kevin peter hall, kills, james a. janisse, predator 2, aliens
Id: cLfV7cZqTVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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