Idle Hands (1999) KILL COUNT

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"LOOK AT ME, I'M LEATHAFACE!" plug comes out

Happy Halloween, my fellow Deadites.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Actually cracking up, that was the best reference to Pnub being in Daredevil

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UncleRoadworkzzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] happy halloween and welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at idle hands released in 1999. idle hands is a horror movie in stoner comedy form starring a bunch of late 90s icons including your boy devin sawa i actually have a very personal connection to this movie when i was nearly 10 years old i won free tickets to an idle hand screening from the radio station 89x my dad went with me and we got free shirts and soundtracks and then my nine-year-old ass watched a severed hand fuel up a topless chick i had a weird childhood y'all revisiting the movie as an old man i have mixed feelings towards it i love the gore and stoner comedy parts from sawa and seth green it's got a fun halloween setting complemented by a great use of color and the soundtrack is awesome i think the main music should be remembered as an all-time great horror theme [Music] [Applause] [Music] but being a stoner comedy it feels sluggish in a lot of the earlier scenes and worst of all it's got one of the most shoehorned unlikely romantic subplots i have ever seen i mean it is just egregious man still this is an excellent movie for halloween especially since it was filmed in pasadena the same neighborhood as john carpenter's halloween i think it's the perfect punctuation to this month's wild 14 kill count release schedule so let's count some kills [Music] the movie begins at a festive halloween home in bowling california where mr and mrs tobias are settling in for bed 99 don't let the ceiling fry aw you let the ceiling fry mr tobias the late great fred willard thinks it's just a prank by their stoner son anton though mrs tobias connie ray has more faith in her boy our little scooter would never do something like that we're calling him that baby name anton would not scoot his behind off the couch if the house was on fire a noise downstairs lures mr tobias away but as connie ray is petting a good actor kitty she hears the sound of a crash followed by a scream mrs tobias goes to call 9-1-1 but gets pulled under the bed and splatted see splat and don't try to say you weren't warned lady the next afternoon anton tobias wakes up to pepe rock and comes down from his attic bedroom to get straight to work he's got a long day ahead of magoo watching ball scratching and weed token his wake and bakery runs out of bread so foregoing his pants anton walks across the street and climbs through the basement window of his bud panel played by eldon henson yes his name is panub pnub i don't know man unfortunately for anton penab says he's out of weed oh you said he was holton i didn't say what i was holding instead he and meg seth green tell anton he should consider doing a little bit more with his life for instance maybe finally talking to his crush molly who's played by a 17 year old jessica alba and who's lived across the street from him forever you could start by telling her your name he sees that she dropped her lyrics book in the street so he borrows some pants and heads out to play the hero not seeing that penub was being pemendacious about his supply let's get this place foggy anton huffs that nylon book cover and sneaks a peek inside then returns it to molly in the most awkward way possible and walks away looking like a goober after an encounter in a smoky alleyway with a couple of cops who give him shit one of them played by sean whalen who we just saw and three from hell and before that rob zombies halloween too anton returns home lacking weed this little giant try smoking a mix of nutmeg and oregano has the very flesh-filled music video for two's i am a pig plays the herbs are a poor substitute for the herb but at least he's still got titties on the screen while he gets to making lunch and time to love the titties though his kitchen knife is bloody he doesn't realize it until he's already nominated on that evidence sandwich his cat bones is having fun with the crime site too playing with the bloody eyeball even with his adorable dog dookie protecting him anton still gets scared by a silhouette in the door which was actually director rodman flunder in a cameo if that very specific name sounds familiar it's because flender directed leprechaun 2 meaning he gave us this moment in cinematic history running scared anton trips and falls into some pumpkin-headed figures that end up being his parents corpses his mom missing an eyeball and his dad now confirmed dead the discovery is understandably upsetting and when mick and penub show up at his house anton shares the distressing development with them penum doesn't exactly make it better what the fuck are you doing man that's my dad come on the burnouts begin to try to figure things out a clue but it might be hard when they're not the best at interpreting evidence and they were killed by ants please don't be stupid do you have like an evil ant together though they're able to piece something together the killer was wearing your shirt [Music] the killer was wearing me [Music] i'm the killer mick goes to call 9-1-1 but anton rips the cord out of the wall by hand even while claiming he's not a killer i don't know dude you're acting pretty killery to me and that's a straight-up mail down you are a killer dude look how killed mick is anton is shocked by his own actions and pledges to penup that he didn't mean to do it looks more like his hand is acting on its own and after it chases penub into the basement and breaks through the door to get in the hand forces anton down the stairs and throws a saw blade epineph decapitating the redheaded friend his double-sided red head bouncing down to anton's feet cool a bewildered anton has a battle with his right hand over who gets to pick the tv programming and i'm honestly impressed by devin sawa's possessed hand acting not since bruce campbell has an actor played this well against his own hand the hand ends up throwing bones out of the window and when anton goes to look for the cat his hand takes him onto molly's porch and rings the doorbell for him molly who again is played by a 17 year old answers the door looking like a high school boy's fantasy despite the fact that there's an unkempt bloody stoner who's never introduced himself to her rummaging around her porch she somehow finds it endearing sorry about your bush oh boy yep this storyline is bunk nonsense with molly inexplicably and pathetically into anton to the point of immediately inviting him inside to her bedroom like sure i get that he returned her lyrics book but the dude's hand grabs onto her ass like it's quality testing a stress ball and she just laughs it off i'm impressed i never would have thought you'd have the balls to just grab me like that that's not a real person that's a sex prop i was actually kind of shocked to see that the screenplay was co-written by a woman terry hughes burton you'd think the female lead would be more about you know human beings anton works through his hand problem to hook up with molly you're kiki but their makeout sesh stops when her parents get home and he has to book it huh before they got to listen to jane's addiction together maybe they can start tomorrow he heads home and in a scene with colorful giallo inspired lighting buries his parents and friends in the backyard i've got my issues with this movie but it's got a fun atmosphere and it seems like a lot of the cast had a good time working under flender a roger corman protege who added a lot more horror and gore to the script written by terry burton and ron milbauer no sooner has anton finished eulogizing about pot smoking then he hears moaning coming from beneath the dirt hands punch out and grab at him because we in the zombie portion of this film motherfuckers and it don't matter if they're missing heads they all zombies here anton eat a shovel anton passes out and wakes up back in his bedroom but he quickly discovers that that wasn't just a dream when he finds his reanimated friends hanging out on his couch and eating cheesy poops i love how pinup's head is laying sideways on that chair it'd be so much easier to have it upright with eldon henson popping out from a hole this movie has great practical effects all around with a makeup team that included greg canon who's won four best makeup oscars the latest just last year for vice mick and panub apologized for knocking anton out though in fairness he did kill them and explain why they're back in the land of the living there was a bright light at the end of a tunnel but they decided not to go into it how he figured fuck it i mean it was really far the hand problem makes itself apparent again with anton figuring that it must be possessed mick and penob don't know anything about the devil but they say their neighbor randy might because he's really into metal i mean he is wearing a quiet riot shirt in 1999 so clearly that's his fucking lifestyle though randy doesn't want to give him the time of day anton insists on speaking to him so he disguises himself as a burger jungle employee and flips over a tray held by i think kyle gass i mean he's in the movies credits and i don't see anyone else in the scene who looks like him but did rage cage have that much hair in 1999 anton heads into the back despite all the dangers abound and relieves a drive-through employee played by tom delonge in a cameo break time all right yeah work sucks he knows grabbing hold of the drive-thru mic anton reaches out to randy through the speaker tell me everything you know about the devil randy says he doesn't know shit about the devil he's just into metal music but if anton really does have a possessed ham like he says he does maybe he just needs to quit being a layabout and find a way to keep himself occupied idle hands are the devil's playground and tom tries knitting to keep himself busy despite the ribbing it gets him from his undead pals but he's playing rob zombie's dracula a bit too loud there causing those two cops from earlier to be called to his house they see him inside with his dead best friends and busts through the door hoping to arrest him and gain glory and tom's actually into the idea of getting arrested just so he won't hurt anyone else but his hand doesn't want to go quietly it uses a sewing needle to stab officer ruck through the head then grabs a taser and uses it to shoot officer mcmacy in the mick facey the charge goes off until the dude's face is smoking and they both fall to the floor dead go go buffalo unlike his friends anton is upset that he's killed again so he decides that the only way forward is to sever his hand from his body when a plastic bagel cutter fails to do the trick he asks mick to grab an electric carver for him oh look at me look at me i have another face and that line has been stuck in my brain for 21 years and counting anton resorts to a meat cleaver for the deed and though the hand is defensive at first penub helps steady the shot so he can finally sever it [Music] mission accomplished and a very proud looking mick seriously he looks so happy i love it knows how to stop the bleeding too mick and penub leave to grab a first aid kit from across the street and while they're gone anton learns that it may have been a mistake to cut his hand free like that the adams family stand in drops down and face hugs anton but he's able to get it off and pop it into the microwave where he hits the hand button and watches that thing bubble oh boy its fingers start spraying hot blood that is gross man hot blood the hand gets done cooking just in time for molly to show up wanting to go to the high school's halloween dance scared of her seeing his zombie friends anton pulls her away from the house to tell her that he can't go to the dance right now but maybe he can meet her there later you wouldn't stand me up would you on a chance baby snakes ugh why are they using baby snakes as a pet name molly said it earlier too i'll have to pick this up later baby snakes maybe they're just huge zappa fans nick and penub return while anton is outside and after mick fixes pedub's head problem with a big old barbecue fork they decide to make some burritos even if the microwave's a little bloody right now maybe we should clean it first hey yeah and while we're at it we can clean the whole fucking house they open the microwave and the hand flies free and though they're more concerned about pooping burritos out their neck holes anton is rightly pissed that they let the hand go now throughout this whole movie vivica a fox has been running around as debbie liqueur a woman tracking cereal murders and finding people with shriveled up hands along the way she sees that anton's town of bowen california is the next place for her to check out then draws a very ill-fitting pentagram over all her murder hot spots that's looking pretty forced there debbie one to three of those exes aren't really fitting your model she winds up at the bowling bowling alley where many suspicious hands are twiddling about randy sees and hits on her and over a drink she tells him her story i come from a long line of druidic priestesses sworn to fight a certain evil force that possesses the laziest fuck-up it can find well what do you know randy knows a super big fuck-up who mentioned that his hand was acting super fucked up debbie grabs him by his collar and throws him into her airstream so they can go hunt down anton as mick and pinup watch dawn of the dead anton sees a message from the hands threatening molly's life for once he's found something more important than smoking weed and as zebra had's mind trip plays from their great self-titled debut album surpassed only by waste of mind the three of them head out to save the shallow love interest they decide to steal randy's truck since he does keep his keys in the movie plot pocket of his visor and with mick shifting gears for him anton drives that monster to the dance the hand is already at the dance outside in the parking lot where a couple of kiss army soldiers kiss arms and shoulders and other body parts as well and let me tell you that nine-year-old james felt pretty damn awkward sitting next to his dad as kelly monaco took her shirt off and got groped by a severed hand the hand grabs her by the throat and squeezes until her neck breaks then kills her boyfriend curtis off screen with a head slam and another big old splat see splat anton and his pals find the bodies shortly after letting them know for sure that the hand is at this dance and why wouldn't it want to be friggin offspring is playing live rodman flender is a big punk fan and when he couldn't get the ramones he settled on the offspring doing a ramon's cover seems like a hell of a party even if the costumes clearly came from the cleared for copyright bins at the movie studio though i do spot a bill clinton there oh 90s molly's with a friend named tanya a devil lady played by katie wright who's now been married to hank azaria since 2007. also the guy who plays randy is her half-brother jack noseworthy i've gotta like that guy or i too pretty nose-worthy in a bit of a non-sequitur scene the evil hand creeps into an office where the school principal played by timothy stack is on a phone sex hotline the hand tears through his dick dietrich and kills him off screen and anton finds the dead son of the beach later bloody and dead horny to ready itself for the final act the hand sharpens its fingers in a pencil sharpener in a memorable and very awesome shot that shows off this exquisite hand acting the severed hand was played by christopher hart a magician who worked at the magic castle in la and at one point with david copperfield his body was removed in post-production and his hand was covered in prosthetic makeup that took an hour and a half for makeup artist todd tucker to apply hart also played thing in all three live-action adams family films though he made sure to give the idol hands hand a different personality thing was more expressive and fun if he was excited you hop up like a little puppy dog if he was nervously quiver i told chris this hand has got to be entirely different this this hand has got to be a mean mean killing machine this is the terminator of severed hands oh and i know that some places on the internet list robert england as the voice of the hand but the hand never makes any noises and england's not listed in the movie's credits so i call bullshit randy and debbie get to the dance knowing anton must be there since randy's truck is parked outside they find him in the hallways and debbie tells him she knows how to fix his evil hand die anton asks her to please not kill him please because it's not part of death's design and also he's no longer a host having severed his evil appendage that was probably a mistake she says the hand wants to take a soul to hell by midnight druid time which is in six minutes and what better soul to take than that of an empty shell of a character anton very rudely interrupts dexter holland to tell the student body that there's a killer hand to foot their jeers of disbelief turn into trash tossing and shoving but he's proven right when the ham scalps dexter holland oh no come on ham that guy has a phd in molecular biology also apparently that kill was done practically using a prosthetic the actual pulling of the appliance that's makeup that's that's an appliance and we could really only do it once we didn't even have time to do it twice hard to believe that's a prosthetic forehead on his real head pandemonium erupts and i'll go ahead and count the five people who are crushed when the hand cuts down a light beam that falls on top of them it's an intentional stunt there so i think they're intended as kills tanya leads molly to an air duct so they can chopping maul their way out of this stampede not knowing that the hand is crawling in after them though they find their path blocked by a ceiling fan molly takes some action for the first and only time in this movie and uses tanya's devil heal to block that blade up she's able to get herself past the potential danger but before tanya can join her the hand shows up and ties her up somehow then drops her down to be hanged wait not hang chopped up after it removes the heel it's a pretty inventive death and even though it's done off off-screen i still like it i don't like how molly is cheaply captured though the abruptness of that action is because it's the beginning of a new ending that came from reshoots after test screening the movie's original finale was a giant expensive thing that involved a swimming pool a gate to hell and a whole bunch of hands coming out of the wall everyone decided that it didn't match the rest of the movie's tone so they re-shot an ending that would be a bit funnier it was these reshoots that delayed the movie's release which was originally scheduled very appropriately for halloween in 1998. instead it got pushed to late april in 1999 which caused it to get caught up in the post-columbine media frenzy since it came out 10 days after the massacre in fact idle hands was called out by name by none other than the public option killing joe lieberman who the very next year would run unsuccessfully for vice president under al gore this self-regulation self-control by the entertainment industry would be for sony to pull back a new movie that i gather it's set to release this week called idle hands by all reports another grossly violent film targeted at teens that uses killing as a form of comic relief molly ends up tied to the roof of a car on a lift and if that wasn't damsel in distress enough anton has to padme her outfit and leave her in her underwear for the rest of the film the hand meanwhile is wearing a stupid fucking puppet and raises the car up towards a pentagram on the ceiling since the new ending was meant to lean into the stoner comedy element it should be no surprise that weed saves the day it's mighty joe bong mick lights up a big old hit for anton who uses it to shotgun the evil hand and hop box it inside the puppet the puppet's eyes turn goofy in a way too silly way and the hand falls out from it defeated by the bud but since this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one last scare the hand jumps towards anton only for debbie to toss her demon killing knife in a perfect shot that pins it to mick's chest it shakes a little bit and then disappears in a puff of smoke that's it that's it debbie leaves with randy so they can go fuck and anton cuts down molly so they can face but after they unlock their lips and molly steps away whoops a daisy from penub sends the car crashing down onto anton wait a harshest high brah might be a good time for you two to take off into that light now your home maybe wanted for manslaughter you coming anton no actually cause anton didn't die and the movie ends with him in a body cast as molly feeds him food and kisses mick and penub show up all aglowin and tell anton they're now his guardian angels well that doesn't mean they're above messing with him [Music] i think we should tell him we painted that on the ceiling fuck it i keep my hands busy by counting kills on my fingers let's see how high i go and get to the numbers wait what no no hand i keep them busy i'm not idle at all i'm not fucking i don't fuck i counted 16 kills in idle hands a solid amount for a team slasher the victims consisted of 11 guys and five gals a more than two to one ratio of dudes with a run time of 92 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 5.75 minutes i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to dexter holland mostly because it's dexter holland and i like how that scalping left him looking like keith flint r.i.p keith dole machete for leymah's kill will go to tiffany who just got her neck broken and that's it idle hands are the devil's playground and came out in 1999 to mostly negative reviews though i still think it has some charm that's it for the deadmeat spooktober spectacular but i'll be back next week looking at the batshit basket case you won't want to miss it i promise until then i'm james agenese this has been the kill cow thanks a lot for watching this kill cow today i want to thank my editors because without them this schedule would not have been possible like not even a little bit i wouldn't have even been able to dream of it so thank you bri thank you zorin thank you josh and thank you michael i love you guys you're the best workers i could ever have for damn it you're great seriously this channel would be nowhere near what it is without all of you you kicked so much ass and i'm so proud to have you as workers everyone watching this video thank them thank them alright everyone have a happy and safe halloween and be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 1,696,140
Rating: 4.9665575 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, idle hands, idle hands movie, idle hands kill count, DMKC, dead meat kill count, idle hands movie reaction, idle hands 1999, horror movie, scary movie, horror movie review, scary movies, idle hands seth green, idle hands dead meat kill count, recap, scary movie review, idle hands clips, idle hands reaction, idle hands review, idle hands 1999 review, rodman flender
Id: yvU0khB5_1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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