Leprechaun in the Hood (2000) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcount where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Jenice and today we're looking at leprechaun in the hood released direct-to-video in 2000 and the hood is an easy target for people looking to piss on the leprechaun series which obviously I love to do because of its high concept title and prima facia absurdity and to be sure it is a silly movie with a painfully low budget and at least one pretty problematic component but it's also one of the best acted and most character driven entries in the series actors Anthony Montgomery Roshan null and red grant play three hopeful rap artists trying to make their way out of the hood and bring a lot of serious emotion to their roles I care way more about these characters than I do any gen dick or Morty of the previous films so don't get too excited because in the end this is still a leprechaun movie but let's see how many kills the little shit racks up in this one the movie begins with wait that's the beginning of the first one it just has a new voiceover telling us the title of the movie we're about to watch one you can just not good but no one is safe from a laugh in the hood next thing you know ice-t in a crazy afro wig are looking through a hole in the wall ice-t is Mac Daddy onasis and this is the 70s as evidenced by his blaxploitation attire and the disco funk playing underneath the whole sequence mack daddy gets pissed at his buddy slug for talking about the malt liquor someone left in the subway tunnel so he throws him through a wall revealing a little room with a statue of leprechaun medallion around his neck so I guess we're continuing the Lord from par 3 and pretending like the space movie never happened you know what that works for me the new addition to left lore in this flick is a golden flute which is the only thing macdaddy claims for himself he tells his hair pick and pail to take whatever he wants and slug goes straight for the medallion removing it from lips neck and waking up the Leprechaun from who knows how long a slumber flip could use a good hair brushing after all that sleepy time so he grabs the pick and oh no he's probably just gonna kill that dude with it huh slug backs up and drops the medallion and next thing macdaddy knows he's down a lackey due to a pick in the throat I do like that slug manages to take it out of his throat before he falls to the ground yet macdaddy sees the nasty lepa boy and starts pulling all sorts of weapons out of that prop wig of his the left simply magics them all away and tells T to take a seat but before leppe can spill that iced tea for good macdaddy opens up a pipe that knocks the leprechaun back and sends the medallion flying in the air and a perfect arc to land around leppe snap who ready for some low-budget filmmaking yeah this transition to stone is done in friggin Photoshop close-ups and the end result is really an appalling sight but the important takeaway of this cold-open is that ice-t wins let's jump to the present which means the year 2000 in Compton California a rap trio led by postmaster P is auditioning to get into a Las Vegas competition that could lead them to fame and acclaim real talk although P's beats and rhymes are pretty weak you got to love the message he's dealing poster B y'all positivity [Music] yeah man peas my dude talking about being good people and shit too bad they're kind of fuck-ups that DJ butch blows the speaker ruining their audition and getting them tossed out then we witness the world's longest long tank and heads up there are a lot of them in this movie so you're gonna see a lot of those white flashes that I used to high jump cos I just think the movie didn't have the budget to film scenes with different angles but hey you know what they still made a movie maybe by fowling-piece mantra' she's got a thing positive they go to a dear god no another pawnshop yeah where they try to sell a guitar to owner Jackie Dee's saying it was Hendrix's he ain't buying it we've learned a little more about the other characters here stray bullet is a hustler who's trying to make it big no matter what and butch is a science nerd who also looks and acts like a Jordan Peele character and postmaster P postman so what is that shit you ain't never been in the military no it's post Master P because I deliver a positive message man that's all they tried the same Hendrix guitar trick with another store owner child but he doesn't fall for it either with no money to fix that blown speaker they're in dire straits when they see mack daddy own asses who has become something of a mogul tre is super impressed by his success but post dismisses him because he deals in gangsta rap when mack daddy stops his car to talk a little shit to him straight manages to convince him to give them a listen Matt takes him to his office where he keeps his frozen leprechaun and listens to their track offering some very measured criticism it's not much but it's not the worst he agrees to take them on but only if they're willing to change the direction of the music to a much more aggressive and violent type play shoot you motherfucking homeboy in the face type shit straight down for that for sure a P stands for protests and mack daddy's time is not to be wasted get the fuck outta here without a new speaker they can't perform in another audition or get to that nebulous Vegas competition so stray says they should sneak into Mac's place and steal the medallion they saw in the Leprechaun statue in his office we will be robbing in Duluth but P stands for personal property rights and says he won't participate especially when straight stars talk and Firearms so later on when stray and butch are pumping themselves up to get her done they're surprised to find postmaster P joining them just just as soon as he can get to him maybe a dissolve would help yeah yeah yeah still taking a while try another one I think there we go he got there you could do a P they bust into Mac daddy's office which in this light is most definitely a set in a film school and they raid the place as butch does some science nerd shit to the glass case with the last stray finds gold chains P finds a handgun and that's when mack daddy enters for some midnight oil burning business war which is bomb goes off and P ends up shooting macdaddy in the chest turning this into a much bigger deal than just a robbery still better follow through I guess they grabbed the medallion and post even grabs the flute from Mac daddy's purse but right before they're in the clear they hear a nasty leper laugh coming from behind him had to be gold yet beaming hoods gone ooh and Tiger Woods Oh flap you're like an embarassing drunkle they shoot the nasty looking left boy a whole bunch of times because obviously and then butch drops the medallion on their way out the door that's why they call him butterfingers butch LEP's able to pull himself together and rise up out of some smoke right as Mac Daddy recovers from the slog that was stopped by one of his gold chains but when he sees that lapse Alda thought and pissed he hightailed it out of there mack daddy goes to a nightclub and ducks into the bathroom but by now everyone should know that's like the number 2 place to run into leprechauns after pawn shops of course and sure enough right as he lights up the jaded relaxed lepa peers and is the kind of guy to immediately ask for a head earful Mac you know he's probably gonna Bogart it now instead looks like an art school freshman when he's high and just starts reciting poetry a friend with weed is a friend indeed but a friend with coal is the best type though he plays an old favor and it breaks off Mac's finger for his gold ring then sends Mac away telling him to go find his gold on his way out luck gets into a fight with the bartender and when the dude goes to hit him with a mic stand left shocks the hell out of him with some poorly done green lightning streaks they go on for a while and finish by going into the dudes eyes turning them green the trio Pro tags go back to Jackie Dee's where they trade in some of their stolen leppe gold for new sound equipment a post is an interested boring business deal he's interested in that gold flute which he blows into on a whim only to find that it creates a magical sound that both alerts left remotely to it's used and hypnotizes everyone around it or maybe they're just trying to figure out when he got that gold vape at the other snap out of the ruminations and they go to Chows place and one of those scenes where they obviously couldn't shoot from the other angle since we never get a reverse shot of Chow which is a damn shame when he starts dancing I want a close-up of that dude chomp get down ha which is bad so I know you do chow the same thing happens as before flute is blown and so is everyone's fucking mind weight-wise leptin like a bar now who are those girls why are they sleeping with sunglasses on that night visits Jackie Dee and tells him he wants his gold back but the only gold Jackie Dee has given up comes from his line deliveries we coasters you better just trick-or-treat Jilla less than out of his mop leaves without us ever getting a reverse shot because budget but later Jackie D stops his car on his way home to find a woman he recognized this in the middle of the street Jackie see yup it looks like she wants that Jackie deed Jackie D he starts feeling all over her Jackie T's and her Jackie B and gets so damn excited about the thought of her Jackie V he doesn't notice that she turns into a leper lady til he's already got a half-chub what would that be a grind me fat boy weirdly though that's not actually leprechaun like these apparitions usually are because he's inside like a trunk or something and just listening to Jackie D getting killed out there which is supremely lame P stands for peeping tom as post sits on a roof looking in on his own party he's not proud of the means they took to achieve this wealth even though stray just says they got to look to the future and think about how things will be different now besides post you shouldn't even feel too guilty about that murder cuz back from the grave as macdaddy onasis and he is pissed off yells at them to give him his flu but when they deny knowing anything about it he's done playing games his fucked up finger gives them just enough time to jump down from the roof they're on top of and run away through the alley as Mac's bodyguard shoots at them these 3 are seriously shook by getting shot at so they plan to just lay low until their audition that'll get them to the fireworks factory or I mean Vegas since Mac Daddy knows everyone they seek shelter at miss Fontaine a transgender character who is not handled great unfortunately and unsurprisingly she agrees to let them stay with her as long as they let her hang out at their rehearsal which they do on Fontaine's back patio film set their practice is interrupted by a bottle tossing Statler or maybe Waldorf but P stands for playing that flute and airy sounds when the naysayer over blue practice turns into a full-on performance with a big crowd of people but again hard not to notice that there are no shots from the opposite angle makes it real obvious that this is all a film set and that behind that crowd is the film crew that love kills child it seriously happens that fast you just appears that his store and chokes him to death the only thing halfway interesting about the kill is that less then apparently took the time to pickle child's body parts but come on if you're looking for your gold you can't be doing side hobbies like this he gets to miss Fontaine's place to collect its flute but she takes a liking to him and leaves them into her bedroom this character is very unfortunate inclusion in this movie ends with the Leprechaun killing her in bed through unknown means but you know what let's just go ahead and leave those unknowns post on the others see the little left man in the apartment and hide from him in a different part of the film set as he angrily searches for his gold showing off science nerd skills butch uses the chemicals from a douche and some KY jelly to create a combustible trap for the leprechaun then straight aunts love to come after them and the trap actually works that leppe goes up in flames and what's actually a kind of impressive if super hobbyist fire stop but I love watching people in stunt suits run around on fire so no complaints here the guys head to a church to find sanctuary from the Leprechaun demon that afflicts them and in the morning they woke it up by Reverend Hansen who says they could stay there if they agree to be the musical act for that day sermon so they get robed up as little choir boys and start trying to freestyle to the congregation despite postmasters learning to set up straight can't help but be profane jesus loves me and these people are good god-fearing Christians who don't need that devil speak in their ears so they go to leave and start a letter-writing campaign I'm sure the P stands for preserving the faith and he unleashes the power of the flute on all these people and gets their butts back in the pews hell the fluid even drags in Coolio off the streets no that's Coolio so oh here it goes we've got a full-on rap performance up in this bitch it's Ron's house of God and the people are loving it trey is awed by the power of the flu but there's no time to be full of wonder y'all cuz they see out the window that Mac daddy's here the boys flee upstairs wear a Scooby Doo like physical gag reveals that the leprechaun has also tracked them down they try to flee once more but Mac traps him in the hallway at gunpoint and he's not about to believe post when he tries to tell him that leprechaun is right behind him to really enter with a bang left straight up blows a hole through Mac daddy's bodyguard which leaves me wondering who guards the bodyguards body Mac daddy runs off and the wholesome wrap boys duck into Reverend Hanson's office the leprechaun torments them by wait what the fuck is he doing just scratching up the door like a dog wanting to go outside what seriously why is he doing this eventually he starts trying to knock it down but post has an idea see he saw this in a movie once it might have been called something like leprechaun too maybe but all you gotta do is use this big-ass safe and wait for the left to charge the door and voila it's a leper in a box with left locked up tight the boys turn back to their music ambitions and try to record the flutes effects to tape but it doesn't seem to work I guess they're gonna have to be one of those bands that just sounds better live like this they leave for their audition and hey what are you even gonna get out of this one ice you me Samba fly girls I'm sorry what yeah I guess those chicks from that earlier shot of left are his quote unquote zombie fly girls and now one of them is here to seduce the Reverend who gets real gross real fast my specialty is the gift of time but maybe keep that tongue in your mouth Reverend cuz that chicks got green eyes and somehow that freed left from the safe and allowed him to shove his hand through Hanson's back to kill em I mean cool kill and all but how do you get out of that safe the boys get to their audition and blow that flue so in no time at all it becomes another bumpin concert shot from a single angle of course but hey you know what you can still make a cool music video with only three walls just gotta get them artsy shots you know like the classic high-angle back of thighs shop got it Spike Jones would be proud they head back to their dressing room another shitty set and are celebrating their success when the movies only white character walks in dudes the stereotypical out-of-touch white guy as he tells them he's from a big-time record company guilty as charged furthermore he says they've made the finals at the Vegas fireworks competition cuz their music is so dope the kids are down with it good work guys but don't celebrate too hard cuz that sets walls aren't that yep shit see you went to high with a man look right there it's the top of that sets walls you can literally see right over them and into another room tan this movies for at least production could afford three tight gold dresses for the zombie fly girls who stroll into the dressing room and show off their emerald eyes leppe comes in after them and kindly asks first fluke when stray responds with a gun left takes over his motor functions and forces him to shoot around in the air then there's a legitimately tense scene where let puts the gun to butch his head and demands the flute but post still kind of hesitates to hand it over it's really rare for a late sequel slasher to have protagonists that you root for more than the franchise's villain but that's definitely the case here these three dudes are all super real and we don't want to see any of them die so it's a huge relief when post finally comes to his senses and hands over the flute lepre link wishes his magic and lowers the gun for Butch's head and on his way out taunts how they'll never restart so that makes P stand for poorly thought-out actions and post attacks in left holds him off with magic and makes P stand for punishment as he turns the gun and strays hand back around and puts it straight up to his chin the scene then cuts to black and yeah man let made stray shoot himself since the next scene shows post putting strays body in an abandoned vehicle like I said this death actually has some emotional weight to it and it's played with appropriate PayPass butch laments the post that it's all Oh and leave the post doesn't seem content to let stray have died for nothing but maybe he didn't die post coz open that door dude it's Trey and he's ready to party dog nah that's just a dream stray is still dead and dude post his fuckin ripped when did that happen P stands for pectoralis he opens the door to find bullets wearing some stupid light-up glasses which is there was some new knowledge from a leprechaun's for dummies book he has a plan that involves a callback to the original is we got clovers in full leaf clothes which says there's an easy way to get close to let all they've got to do is cross dress there's a surprisingly lengthy montage of Butch and post gettin done up in their best drag attire and it's got a strangely sincere tone to it with the music and Clips it uses it really seems like they're having a good time day but wearing makeup isn't the only transformation post is going through because it looks like P stands for packet and then Britta hip hop time they meet up with the zombie fly girls and smoke them down with the four-leaf clover weed which breaks their spell but not before they awkwardly recite the web's infamous rap song posted butch take an elevator to what has to be the single worst looking location in this movie and that includes the room where we saw over the sets wall cuz I mean look at this place it's the backstage of a fucking theater where they store the lighting equipment and backdrops this is straight-up embarrassing man and post gets up close to the lap and gets him to smoke the weed and then I'm pretty sure what makes a limerick about his left egg sit down sit down my healthy finish you're about to meet a club they believe gross he tries to move posts and to his left lap and the weed kicks in and the little guys donks out in the nick of time post grabs the flute and clacks away on his heels but not so fast to you cuz there be gunshots in the air courtesy of mack daddy oh shit him butch got shot damn man that pretty much came out of nowhere but I guess if they're gonna kill stray there's no reason to believe that butch would make it out of this alive that's a shame dude you never even got to meet Liam Neeson's now P stands for proportional punishment cuz even after max says he's got the only thing that can defeat the leprechaun post shoot smack three times like he did Bush once in the shoulder then the god then in the you know just general torso area up comes downstairs and knocks post on his ass against the pole Oh remember that you're in a dress there dude maybe just like close your home all right well post is airing out mag daddy gets back up and takes a chair two laps head haha that just pisses leppe off though and he does another magic bullet straight into max gun blowing him apart and finally killing him once and for all when Mac went down he happened to toss the medallion into the air and once again it conveniently comes down at the perfect trajectory to snare the little EPSA or at least we assume that's what happens when the screen goes black and we hear left screen cut to a bump and bar where postmaster P is giving a very smoky performance of the same four fucking lines over and over seriously the song is so repetitive it sounds like it's by Fat Boy slim the movie ends with post taking off his glasses to reveal some zombie flyboy eyes because it looks like he's got a new manager I taught him everything he knows okay and that's the end of the moose no no for real we don't need to show this last little bit yep it slepen the hood come to do no good an awful song that levy boy performs as he hypnotizes the zombie fly girls this definitely leads me to believe that this scene was supposed to take place earlier in the movie and that they moved it for some reason not sure why exactly but maybe it's because Ward Davis and these fly girls can't even sing the chorus in unison or on beat then the zombie five girls just do some weird-looking dance moves over the credits nan there's no way those girls got paid enough for this there we went to the hood was it everything you hoped it would be let's see if the numbers stack up and get to them Lucy will help me Lucy the cat come to do you no good Lucy the cat come to do no good ten people died in leprechaun in the hood again slightly surpassing the prior movie the victims consisted of one woman and nine men and don't be a dick in the comments about that alright with the run time of 91 minutes that comes out to a kill on average every 9.1 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill - Mac daddy's bodyguard most of these deaths were underwhelming so I guess I'll go with the hole through the torso at the very least it's a pretty fun sight get the whole machete for lamest kill definitely goes to Jackie Dee who you just hear yelling while left listens from some weird little trunk space that comes out of nowhere and that's it leprechaun in the hood was released a video in 2000 and will get its own little sequel three years later when leprechaun went back to the hood we'll look at that on Monday but until then I'm James a JD's this has been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching today's killcount if you didn't know we now have final girl shirts available at dead meat store calm also if you didn't see we're now releasing the dead meat podcast and video forum on the channel every week that's F or Tuesday just look for a new episodes me and Chelsea and sometimes Lucy who see the cat become to do no good do you see the cat come to do no good eager kitties
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 6,023,683
Rating: 4.9175582 out of 5
Keywords: fifth, rap, review, rapping, horror, discussion, dead meat, flute, films, spells, in the hood, do no good, rob spera, sequels, ice t, scary, kills, lep, series, hood, magic, mack daddy, commentary, critique, criticism, 5th, james a. janisse, mac daddy, DMKC, leprechaun, body count, pine commander boogie, sequel, afro, jaj, leprechaun in the hood, postmaster p, movies, explained, franchise, kill count, lep in the hood
Id: d5TsR86ieJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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