A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcount where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James agent east and today my friends today is a very special day because we're looking at a Nightmare on Elm Street the 1984 monster written and directed by Wes Craven that gave the world Freddy Krueger throughout the years Fred Krueger and his sweater wearin finger knife tear and dream and parent self has become one of the most recognizable figures in all of pop culture and it's not surprising given the franchises run of nine films including a crossover in a reboot two seasons of the TV show Freddy's nightmares a video game of his own as well as a character and many others and all other sorts of appearances in pop culture but the other thing that makes the Springwood /r so memorable is that he's not just a guy in a mask played by mostly interchangeable actors Freddy has given life and a huge personality by the classically trained Robert Englund who portrayed the character in every film appearance until the remake although the series would eventually spiral out of control with a messy mythos and a completely cartoon like Freddy none of that can take away from the stunning accomplishment that is Wes Craven's a Nightmare on Elm Street with all that in mind let us begin this journey and get to the kills [Music] the movie begins with some picture and picture shots of a dude hard at work what you got there disinvite hands couple of knife blades and old leather gloves well you make do with what you have and voila we've got the finger knife glove the most iconic murder weapon in our history title car non Elm Street right off the bat we're in a dream which is pretty obvious since nightgowns aren't your usual boiler-room apparel also there's a sheet or ill-dressed protagonist is Teena gray and she's being tormented by a feller wearing those Pinterest murder gloves better run as fast as you can Tina no like my crotch for real I'm really wrong are you doing right when it looks like she's safe her tormentor jumps up behind her but then she wakes up from her dream wait a minute how could that have just been a dream if her nightgown got torn like that Tina grabs her crucifix for comfort as were introduced to spring woods newest sensation the jump rope girls in their glossy premiere music video Tina and her friends are jamming out to that track when they pull up to go to school the next day well they just get to park right there on the street Tina's telling Nancy Thompson and Glenn Lantz about her nightmare with Nancy confiding she had one too when they're joined by Rod Lane there's four letters in my name how could there be room on your joint for four letters how cool teenage characters that are funny and likeable thanks as always Wes Craven Nancy tells Tina not to worry because everyone has bad dreams once in a while and Glen's like yeah one time I dreamt that I grew up and starred in a movie called Mordecai then he runs off to go practice his pirate Swagger and eccentric voices that night when they're all hanging out at Tina's place she and Nancy learned that both their dreams feature the same long fingernail freek actually they were more like finger knives or something oh sorry Nancy finger knives friggin know-it-all won't tell me what they sound like dudes one skeptical that they dreamt of the same dude but then they hear that scream coming from our back to go outside and Glenn makes the least threatening threat I've ever heard I'm gonna punch out you ugly lights whoever you are and then gets forgets sacked by rod was there to bang girls that style his pompadour and he's all out of pomade so what's going on here an orgy or something about the type of guy to make screeching noises with a garden tool and pull a fucking switchblade on another dude the team is still down to bone him anyway Glen tries to get in on the action too but Nancy ain't havin it cuz she's a good girl so he just has to lie there at night with his aching blue balls and listen to the loud ass moaning going on from upstairs where rod bangs the grammar out of Tina jungle man exchange she wakes up later to some rocks in her window and if the elastic wall over Nancy is any indication it looks like Freddy's trying to pay a visit and antsy covers that shit with the man JC in the first instance of a Catholic connection to Fred Krueger that'll strangely grow throughout the series we're only 15 minutes into the movie and we're already about to get one of the most infamous scenes of horror Tina wanders outside a confront her dream man and when she steps into an alley a fedora shadow appears behind her it's Freddy Krueger's first appearance and it's dark and scary and wait what the fuck why does he look like Stretch Armstrong no seriously yeah I mean sure the sparking finger knives are scary and his first lines pretty cool please God yes God but then he's running like a drunk uncle playing around with his infant nephew as he chases Tina down the alleyway I'm not trying to shit on Freddy's first appearance I think it's awesome and it's got a ton of great moments like when he shows off his masochism to Tina by slicing off his fingers or when she rips off his face to reveal a creepy skeleton puppet behind it but even those are a little silly and I'm just pointing out that even from his first appearance he's always had a little bit of goofiness to it but unlike in later films this Freddy's still scariest fuck rod wakes up to find Tina thrashing around and is unable to see Freddy murdering her when her chest her ups open with four slash marks and she starts levitating above the bed and her body smacks rod across the room in one of the best kills I've ever seen Tina's slowly dragged up the wall of her room which they accomplished by building a freaking rotating room and nailing down the furniture and cameras in place while they turned it Tina winds up on the ceiling reaching out to rod for help as he screams her name but there's nothing he can do and she falls to the bed dead an amazing first kill to start a franchise with Glenn and Nancy bust in the room to find Tina dead on the floor and rod nowhere to be found so Nancy goes to the police station where her dad lieutenant Donald Thompson is taking on the case he and her mom Marge don't get along but they do agree on the fact that rods the murderer even after Nancy says the earlier fight Tina and rod had wasn't that serious maybe you don't think murder is serious Oh what the fuck Marge don't mind her she's probably his drone no for real the next morning she's boozing for breakfast he tries to get Nancy to stay home from school but Nancy sleep-deprived from staying up would probably rather learn geometry than get her makeup melted off by her mom's vodka breath on the way to school Nancy's being followed by a cop and abducted by a greaser which we call real so shove add a rod tells Nancy he's innocent but before he can properly make a case lieutenant Thompson pops out and rod winds up being arrested in the middle of the road pop Thompson turns to Nancy and is like great bait mate better get to school before you late in demonology class with her teacher at least Rainier Nancy has a hard time staying away even though the kid reading in front of class is wearing the loudest shirt I've ever seen but she eventually falls asleep which gives us more fun dream stuff like Tina and a bloody body bag saying what up to Nancy when Nance follows her out into the hallway we get another indelible image the body bag being dragged away around the corner by an invisible force Nancy runs to follow it but she smacks into a hall monitor wearing a very familiar outfit where's your pass skirt you better watch that attitude Nancy that monitors been ordained in the church of finger night Nancy follows the blood trail downstairs into the boiler room where she runs into Fred Krueger for herself he's still on that massacre okay it shows Nancy he's got a bunch of oozy maggots behind his nipples yeah and he comes after her and corners are in the boiler room and the only way Nancy avoids his glove and his waggly tongue is by burning herself against a hot pipe which wakes herself up out of the dream she sees that her dream injury followed her into the real world so she visits rot in jail again to hear him out he tells her that Tina died from four slashes all at once and further elaborates that he's also dreamt up a guy with knives four fingers so Nancy finally begins to realize just how deep of shit they're all in and it's pretty deep that night she's enjoying some tubby time with her favorite blue bath pillow when she falls asleep and Freddy gets real suggestive with his glove before things can get explicit Nancy's woken up by her mom warning her about sleepy people drowning in baths but Nancy doesn't heed her warning and falls asleep again and this time Fred gets straight to business and pulls her underwater turning her tub into a deep blue sea and nearly drowning her in the bath she's able to escape but she ain't taking chances no more better break out these convenient stay awake pills behind the mirror they act v fast she gets a bedtime visit from Glen who still doesn't buy into all this dream earner stuff so he's probably not the best person to ask to stand guard for you while you go on a dream journey Nancy but since he's the only option she has they turn off the lights and she tells him to wake her up if she starts sleep freaking in her dreams she goes outside and winds up at the police station where she peeps in on rot fast asleep on his gel cap oh and look he's got a visitor wonder if it's conjugal Nancy starts calling out for Glen but to no avail and Tina shows up again and gets all buggy spitting out centipedes and turning into eels and shit this is what your dreams are like what did you eat before bed Nancy buddy pops out and begins another chase sequence that leads Nancy to her home where she tries to run upstairs only to find the steps have been turned into blocks of toothpaste Freddy uses a very unconvincing mask and pretends to be Tina for a minute until he gets bored role-playing and just wants to be himself again Nancy finally gets upstairs only to find Glen asleep and when she tries to wake herself up in the mirror she instead gets attacked by Freddy who jumps through and it pins her down on the bed they have a feathery pillow fight which looks like lots of fog before Freddy can close the deal Nancy's alarm clock goes off and wakes her up she yells at Glen cuz he had one job when she sees a remnant of her Freddy fun time she realizes rod is in danger they go to the police station but get held up by Nancy's dad who's working late on the case so they're unable to get back to rod as he's being visited by Freddy via a very phallic rolled-up bedsheet that wraps around his neck and tightens and strangles him that drags him across the floor and up the wall to hang him to death they all find rod dead via hanging in the jail cell giving us another kill to chalk up I'm I guess he couldn't stay golden after rods funeral Nancy describes her dream stalker to her dad looks at Marge nervously as Nance goes into detail about the Hat and the sweater and the finger nightclub mama Marge says it's time for Nancy to get help so off to the Katcha Institute for some science Nancy goes to sleep under supervision but when she slips into REM sleep her charts start going all earthquake II and she convulses violently in bed Marge and the doctors wake her up to find three things number one Nancy's hair is now white it just might remain that way for the rest of her day I don't really have Hamilton lyrics for two or three but she's got a slash on her arm and she's pulled Freddie's fedora out of her dreams and into reality but Nancy how will he milady his way around dream world now the next morning after Nancy shows Marge the name Fred Krueger is written inside the Hat you know in case Fred ever had a coat check I guess Marge says he's not a threat because Fred Krueger is dead and Nancy gets real mad that Marge is known about this dude the whole time so mad that she smashes Marge's handle on the floor oh-ho that liquors coming out of your allowance young lady later on after a seems very obviously shot in Venice Beach despite the film's apparent Ohio setting Nancy comes home to find the windows on her house at broad iron bars covering looks like mama Marge got drunk and installed a new security system and what a single afternoon and they say alcohol is a depressant Marge takes Nancy down to the basement to finally fill her in on Fred Krueger's backstory he was a filthy child killed at least twenty kids in the neighborhood oh-ho heavy shit but know that here they only mentioned child murder still not great by any stretch of the imagination but it wasn't until the reboot that Freddy explicitly became even more of a monster Nancy asks if the justice system did its job but sounds like it didn't the lawyers got fat and the judge got famous but somebody forgot to sign a search warrant in the right place and Krueger was free just like that so Marge admits that the parents trapped Freddy in an old warehouse and earned the mother down with him inside killing him in the fire and taking for a death trophy hits finger nightclub Nancy calls Glenn who oh yeah lives across the street in the crop-top paradise and tells him who Freddy is and how she plans to kill him she's gonna grab him and pull him out of her dreams into the real world and then I guess go I'm supposed to do the dirty work I grab the guy in my dream you see me struggling so you wake me up we both come out you whack the fucker and we got him I still want to be trust in this dude after he fell asleep last time but Nancy gives them another chance and says to meet her on the porch at midnight whatever you do don't fall Marge puts Nancy to bed and cleans up her coffee where not knowing that as soon as she's out of the room Nancy about to pull out her backup supply to get another fix in that sweet sweet Joe when it gets closer to midnight Nancy goes to sneak out only to be thwarted by Marge breaking out her own backup supply of essential fluid she tries to call Glenn but that fucking fuck ass has fallen asleep again so when's dad answers the phone and tells Nancy to leave them alone and takes the phone off the ringer so she can't call back anymore Nancy gets a call back though only it's a horrible nail screeching noise that causes her to rip the phone line out of the wall that doesn't stop the phone from ringing again though whew better take that call Nance must be pretty important hah tongue on the first kiss Fred slow that shit down Nancy runs downstairs to find that she's been locked inside her own house by Marge who's two sheets to the wind on the couch then we finally get to see Glenn pay for never being able to stay the fuck away when you get sucked into his bed by Freddy's arms mattress turns into a straight-up Serta sinkhole and then a gory geyser as it erupts with blood covering the ceiling in the walls of Glenn's room with his innards it's a fascinating kill that used the same upside-down room that Tina's killed it only this one got a little out of control shocking some crew members with the electrified blood water and tilting the room off-balance when the blood pooled to one side bosses the even weirder imagery of all that blood sliding off at an angle this kill is an absolute classic after Nancy's dad gets to Glenn's house she calls him and tells him that now it's his job to whack the fucker when she pulls an Albert dream but he just gives her some half-assed assurance that he will then sends his deputy outside to keep an eye on her house now it's time for a home alone sequence I feel like the 80s went on a real kick with kids and teenagers setting booby traps all over their houses anyone ever see the bizarre little monsters with Fred Savage same type of shit man of course Nancy's traps have a bit more of a you're next edge to that before the fun and games begin she puts Marge to bed and they have a heart-to-heart where they mostly make up yeah Marge maybe put down the bottle of bed vodka huh leave it for the morning care of the dog and all nancy sets a couple of alarms and casts off to Dreamland she goes to her dream basement where the dream finger knives are missing and a dream door leads her to a dream boiler room because when you have this place as a shooting location you might as well get a lot of use out of it Freddy shows up and chases her scaring her off a platform that lands her back in her front yard right before her alarm goes off though he shows up again and she leaps on him to try to bring him back to her world he wakes up in bed and it looks like well it looks like nothing really happened how do you explain that one Nancy I'm crazy yeah crazy like a fox we get a great final girl sequence here beginning with Nancy smashing a glass over Fred's head a cop across the street ignores her pleas for help so Fred finds the time to escape a roof only to get hit in the stomach with her sledgehammer trap all backwards down the stairs and trip over a wire igniting a lamp full of gunpowder god damn Freddie you plum easy as hell in the real world they wind up in the basement where Nancy dowse is spread with gasoline and lights him on fire and you wouldn't like Freddy when he's on fire he's about 20 pounds heavier in the face and it looks fucking weird it's actually an amazing fire stunt performed by Tony caesarian who did stunts into thing and played ghost face in the first two screams dude tumbles down the stairs while on fire and begins to climb up them again all of which was done in a single take that's some Kane Hodder level stock works on the cops finally take the screaming teenage girl seriously when they see her friggin houses on fire but if those burning footsteps are any indication it looks like Freddy's escaped the basement and gone upstairs to go after Marge Nancy walks in to find a flaming Freddy straddling her mother and after Donald rushes in it puts out the fire with a sheet they pull it back to find Marge's charred corpse floating over an eerie abyss it sinks down into nothingness and her death concludes with the bed returning to normal yeah you got Oh your daughter for life for this one whodunit Nancy sends her dad downstairs cuz she knows she's got to finish this shit she turns her back to the bed and allows Freddy to rise up from it tearing his way out of the sheets like an impatient murdering newborn but she tells him that it's too late for him to get her and that the whole thing is just a dream I take back every bit of energy quite a gamble let's see if it pays off and it does Wow unexpected static effects there she walks out the bedroom and right onto her front porch where it's a sunny day and her mom hasn't yet been barbecue good deal oh and look all her friends are alive - Wow Nance you made out like a bandit with this end day should I take back all those kills from the count yeah not so fast first-timers cuz it looks like Glen is driving a Fred's mobile and it don't want that top down at all to be honest this whole end tag scene is kind of a senseless mess I was only tacked on due to producer Bob Shay's insistence Wes Craven was not a fan of watching a possessed car drive off with his heroine screaming even worse is what happens after Marge sees the jump rope girls singing the one-hit wonder watch this mannequin in just a second oh god it looks so bad one last time in slow motion oh kind of a crap ending to stick on one of the greatest horror movies of all time but you know what it doesn't negate the kills so let's see how man we've got at the numbers four people died in the original Nightmare on Elm Street which is low but surprisingly not the lowest in the series of the victims two were men and two were women making Freddy a certified Equal Opportunity murderer with the runtime of 91 minutes that comes out to a kill on average every twenty two point seven five minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for cool is killed - Glenn it was tough between his and Tina's death since they're both absolutely incredible but this one might have just won out because of the accidental slide all the blood does at the end it just looks so damn cool doll mache for lamest death goes to Ron it's a fine kill but compared to the other three it's the least memorable and that's it Nightmare on Elm Street was released in 1984 and single-handedly launched New Line Cinema into the big leagues of production companies it also spawned a whole bunch of sequels and will cover the first one Freddy's revenge next Friday until then I'm James Agee nice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching my kill count for a Nightmare on Elm Street I think a couple of my patrons like Patrick Janeway and Stefan Kalinowski due to me making a request too late I had to settle for this plastic finger knife glove for this first video but I have like an exact replica coming in the mail from razor gloves calm special thanks to Chris who is sending it my way and I will be featuring the hell out of it these videos I'm also just really excited for this year I hope you are too
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,728,355
Rating: 4.9486051 out of 5
Keywords: kills, films, noes, fred, nancy, jail, dead meat, revenge, heather langenkamp, robert englund, robert shaye, elm street, krueger, upside down, rod, horror, sleep, nightmare, body count, movies, cinema, freddy, james a. janisse, amanda wyss, bed, glove, john saxon, nick corri, jaj, johnny depp, dream, DMKC, fingerknives, anoes, new line, scary, jsu garcia, first role, ronee blakley, pine commander boogie, kill count, tina, wes craven, glen
Id: XdeGfxfgoWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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