The Purge: Election Year (2016) KILL COUNT

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James is right, that is a wicked Bowie song.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CPinkFloyd 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
movie footage used in the kill count is owned entirely by the copyright holders deadmeat makes no claim of ownership and simply uses the footage for purposes of education commentary and criticism under fair use please support filmmakers and the art of filmmaking by watching the purge election year in its entirety on home media or streaming services where available welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james aegenice and today we're looking at the purge election year released in 2016 an actual election year in the u.s so you know this movie had some bomb ass seo election year takes place nearly two decades after the first two films and depicts a country torn in half over the purge while it continues to show the street level perspective we saw in anarchy election year also explores the political machinations behind the purge increasing the stakes from the lives of a few characters to the very moral fiber of the united states of america like the other purge movies election year also has an insanely high body count can this populist newcomer of a film beat the establishment belco experiment for most kills on this channel let's find out and get to the election earth the kills the election year kills [Music] the movie begins with mark bowling glamming out before ray davis's bass tones take over since this funky purger's got a real type of thing going down getting down he explains in a real weird voice acting delivery my purge playlist i put a lot of thought into it especially this final tune as it'll be the last song you'll ever hear he sounds like an exasperated side character on the simpsons but this dude is no gil gunderson he's a sadistic home invader who tells the mother of this unfortunate nuclear family that she has to choose the one family member who gets to live the rest are all getting googly eyed to death as we'll see mamarone must have chosen her bespectacled daughter charlie to live so i'll go ahead and put the rest of their own family on the count right now even though their deaths don't happen on screen instead the cold open ends with a card putting us 18 years in the future which is a bizarre fucking choice to me for reasons we'll see shortly now charlie rohn who you can tell is the same character because of her glasses is a senator running for president on an anti-purge platform a popular issue for the public after they've learned more about the new founding fathers corruption there are even outspoken anti-purge activists like this dude dante bishop the character formerly known as stranger who is yet again played by edwin hodge even though he looks the same age but fuck it make it 18 years later charlie is played by elizabeth mitchell aka juliet burke sawyer's true love don't at me skate shippers she's running against nffa candidate minister edward owens who watches a report about her rising poll numbers with the rest of the party on a kick-ass george washington portrait television by the way the report mentions that the nffa has been in power for 25 years so here's the purge timeline the nffa wins the 2016 election and starts the purge the next year in 2017. the first two movies take place during purges six and seven in 2022 and 2023 and it's now around 2041 making this purge number 25. fucking nailed it hey there future james here saying i didn't actually nail it cause it turns out election year actually takes place 18 years after the sixth purge the one in the original movie making the year 2040 and the purge the 24th one so sorry my bad and party boss caleb warrens has decided to celebrate the purge's silver anniversary by lifting the restriction on government officials in other words this year you could purge a presidential candidate with impunity during a presidential debate wherein owens defends the purge charlie rails against it as a religion of murder the midnight purge mass where our great nffa leaders gather together and slaughter innocence you know actually when you put it like that how the fuck's the country even going along with this shit charlie rhone shows herself to be a firebrand populist who gets the audience to their feet and all but crowdsurfs among them that kind of behavior is vexing for her head of security sergeant leo barnes frank grillo again looking the exact same as he did in anarchy which again took place 18 years prior to this why did they do that if they wanted to use the same characters how old is leo barnes lest you think the series is abandoning the ground level view of purge knight charlie's campaign is watched and commented on by working class joe dixon a dude who owns a deli frequented by emt lainey rucker played by get out's betty gabriel joe's assistant marcos is a huge charlie chap and says she could win if she takes florida but lainey is all like no no no no no no and thinks the senator is full of shit for his part joe likes charlie but thinks she's unlikely to win while the fourth dude in the deli isn't even paying attention to politics i'm thinking about waffles and pussy that's all i ever really think about actually joe gets a call saying the purge movies need even more commentary on american society so he hangs up and complies the damn insurance company they just raised a premium on my purge coverage by thousands the day before the damn purge he don't have that money so he resolves to protect the store himself since all his livelihood is in it he wants to guard against rotten apples like this mean girl kimmy and her nameless friend who like to knock shit over and fly swat each other's butts lainey steps in on the conflicts and she has some street cred being formally known as pequena muerte the little deaf you're my motherfucking hero but now lane is all like don't do drugs and stay in school so kimmy leaves with some serious side eye despite the announcement about government officials being fair game charlie refuses leo's suggestion to get a safe house since it wouldn't be very populous to her and already i just want these two to fuck talk about sexual tension leo does his best to secure charlie's home with another member of their own campaign chief cooper and on the night of the big event leo locks down the house and they all settle in for some quality purge night programming that reminds the viewers no one is immune tonight must be sweep sweep sirens blare all around our nation's capital as the purge officially begins charlie pulls leo away from his security buddy eric or should i say bluetooth eric and orders him to have a drink with her just fuck already the drink is just water but they still open up and talk about their equally tragic backstories leo says he nearly made a huge mistake on purge night and believes in the senator's mission to get rid of the holiday meanwhile lainey is spending her purge night as always driving around in a triage van with her friend dawn looking for people they can help out like this guy who jumps scares them at their window and oh now there's an arrow in his head categorize him as unlikely to live regardless of medical care they drive around with a whole shit ton of dissolves and witness heinous acts of violence like an alleyway guillotine exhibition that looks like it's claiming its third victim of the night those bros and that alien are loving it they also see some metal masked homies driving around with two of their three human hood ornaments looking pretty damn dead so let's add another couple to the list here and over at the lincoln memorial oh come on who slaughtered all these people this is a bitch to cow i think i see 16 bodies and if not let's just pretend that's how many there are since abel's the 16th president and that's fun over at the deli joe dixon is up on the rooftop click click click ready to defend his business from any looters marco shows up to pledge his help and although joe tells him no at first he might want to reconsider after a rogue electrical parade float finds its way from main street to joe's avenue the occupants are kimmy and her party girlfriends blaring miley cyrus and yelling up at joe that they go and get a candy bar from his shop and then burn the place to the ground margot shoots kimmy's ear off and the girls take off promising to be back later yeah maybe let marco stay with you joe back at charlie's home chief and bluetooth eric are up to some shady shit manipulating the security cam footage and telling other guards to go take a break from their duty a trio of guards outside joined the kill count when they're all shot in the head along with another trio of guards that leo sees killed on the security cams after he quickly figures out the saw 2 style trick that chief was trying to play with the recorded footage the murderers are a group of armored guys wearing white power and nazi patches that bluetooth eric lets into the house cause you know there's some very fine people on both sides inside they shoot another three guards who are just standing there watching tv so you know what maybe that one's kind of on them leo rushes into action giving the senator a vest to wear and telling her they've been betrayed but a kiss would make things better instead they go through leo's secret escape hatch under the rug and make it outside to an alley now maybe some celebratory lovemaking nah no time for that leo has to take out his other little stabby thing and shank a couple of fucking nazis with it after beating the shit out of them good job leo i hate dc nazis head nazi earl danzinger is pretty pissed about the senator's escape and leaves in a huff right before one of his dudes sees charlie and leo from the window and shoots at them he's able to hit leo in the shoulder and takes him down so leo takes out his cell phone and connects to a briefcase bomb in charlie's office leo detonates it and kills a handful of people in the room including bluetooth eric chief and two of the three armored nazis in there cause later we found out one of them lived on their way through the streets of dc which is burning like it's 1812 all over again leo and charlie see a purge sanitation services truck telling folks to bring out the dead and it looks like they've already got five bodies collected at least that's how many are visible to me after the truck drives away the two of them run away holding hands just to torture me some more they're pursued by a drone that looks straight out of a special edition star wars movie but after charlie intimately whispers to leo that is flying right behind them he shows her that he knows how to use that gun of his bullseye sergeant leo shows off his shooting skills some more when they're attacked by a captain spalding cosplayer and a trio of his perjure friends leo shoots them all to death after getting some solid assistance from charlie with a flaming 2x4 what is this the ecw but then more costume purgers show up and tase the crap out of leo and charlie knocking them out these new assailants on this pergy night are some murder tourists who were shown in a news broadcast earlier in the movie the rich foreigners who visit the us on purge night to take advantage of the legalized murder be like americans we're very excited i guess it's like how us michiganders would head over to canada on our 19th birthday to legally drink only you know just a little more murdery these fair weather flag flyers get all up in leo and charlie's faces just down the street from joe and in the world so marcos they can make due on their threats of torture they're lit up by the delhi boys just unloading their guns on them in the end after they all get shot i count eight dead bodies on the ground around leo and charlie joe and marcos approached the senator and bodyguard to tell them hey now it's all right they all go back to the deli where leo secures the area and charlie thanks her heroic constituents at joe's prompting marcos tells her that she needs florida to win as if that hasn't been painfully obvious since we all learned what a hanging chad was charlie wants leo to take his jacket off and get his bullet wound cleaned up but he tries to argue that he's fine you're not you want me to take it off yes please you'll both be so much happier marcos fixes leo up and then the goddamn glitterific gang is back with more tools weapons and pigs to fuck shit up joe calls up lainey for help she's busy tending to rondo the only survivor of an attack that left five bodies on the ground around her triage van add them up add them up luckily after the candy girls rev up their buzz saws to start cutting through the deli's metal barriers laney gets the message and shows up to save the day she speeds down the street and just plows right through kimmy and her friend the hidden run only kills her friend right away but lainey gets out of her van with a shotgun to emulate leo barnes with a kill streak of her own complete with a side of pork and an appropriately brutal final shot for kimmy herself there goes her face bitches everyone goes outside to go with lanie in her van with joe only agreeing to leave his deli unattended after marcos promises him they'll rebuild it no matter what it takes while driving around somehow charlie looks out her window to see this i guess looks more like a dream or something but regardless we see four more bodies to add to the list hanging from a tree there then the nazis who were flying around in a nazi copter tracked the van down through the bullet lodged in leo's shoulder and opened fire on it with a mounted mini gun not machine gun as i learned in the last kill count when the attack is over we've got another body to add to the list that dude rondo who is being taken care of by laney the van pulls under a freeway overpass to lose the chopper and don parks near what looks like a crazy medieval time-style purge fight between gang members leo figures out that the bullet must be how they found them so he rips it out and confirms it's a tracer that's when those rowdy fantasy fans see the van and surround it things are looking pretty bad until joe gives a whistle that turns out to be a secret crip passcode that he knows from his past on the streets naturally they safely open the door and make a trade with a dude who just wants some medical help for his friend in exchange the gang members agree to take the tracer bullet to another location for them so when the nazi ground forces track it down and find it they also find a whole bunch of crypts surrounding them their deaths happen off-screen but can be heard through the headphones worn by nazi in the sky or old danziger and he later lands to find their bodies and confirm the kills laney and dawn drive everyone to an underground structure that serves as a safe zone for four people on purge night it's run by dante bishop who introduces himself to charlie rhone and shows her around while people gawk like they've never seen a presidential candidate before dante assures leo that his men will do their best to keep them safe but that doesn't stop leo from snooping around he and charlie wind up in a room with an assassination plot vision board on the wall dante's people are looking to murder minister owens the nfa candidate for president at the our lady of sorrow church where his annual purge mass is taking place dante's man angel tells them they're going to get inside the church using old tunnels installed by george washington himself the original founding fathers are about to fuck over the new founding fathers now how you like that for iron well charlie doesn't like that at all saying she doesn't want to build her presidency on a murder their argument is put on pause when security cameras show a shit ton of armed government soldiers on their way inside to clear out all their political enemies angel sends leo and charlie out a back door and through an alley where they hold hands again i don't think these two know what they're doing to me man they just narrowly avoid a cg blade booby trap that swings down in front of their faces and also passed by a woman calmly sitting on a bench and humming a little ditty next to a burning body that we can go ahead and add up on the count toasty they meet up with laney at a pre-arranged pickup spot and once inside the van charlie says they have to stop the assassination attempt if they assassinate him he becomes a martyr we lose oh yeah good point charlie hey also maybe put your lips on leo's lips it'll be great the triage van is knocked on its side by an armored vehicle and charlie is abducted out of it while everyone else is still lazing about the armored van drives off with its senatorial prize but luckily laney and the delhi boys promised to help leo get her back they figure she's being taken to our lady of sorrow for the nffa purge night mass and that's where earl and his nazi crew deliver her to be tied up on a dolly in a sacrificial frock the final touches to her festive appearance are done by nffa pageboy harman james who looks like he spends his free time making out with dementors out on the church's altar minister edwidge owens gives a passionate sermon preaching the benefits of the purge and leads his nfa congregation in a chant of purge and purify [Applause] harmon james brings out another dude tied to a dolly named lawrence who the minister says will make a healthy purge sacrifice for them and all their weapons blessed with holy water harmon gets the honor of being the first purger of the evening and the skeletal lick spiddle stabs lawrence over and over with a short blade while minister jones gets super fucking into it behind him shit maybe these two are the ones that need to kiss see they're super into it go ahead and pull out the minister's belly there harmon yeah that's nice outside by the church's tunnel entrance leo approaches dante and tells him that they're no longer on a mission to assassinate but rather one to rescue the senator the two of them laney and the delhi boys and all of dante's men go through the tunnels and get ready to strike from various points inside the church leo sneaks his way behind a security guard and shanks him in the back a couple of times putting him down silently before sneaking up on another guard up in the church balcony who he tackles and i'm assuming kills even though we only see him throw a punch i just don't think he'd let that guy live the minister presents charlie rohn as the next purge sacrifice and everyone goes fucking nuts at the sight of her all of the party members come up on stage while the minister blesses charlie with holy water and head of nfa caleb warren steps up to get the first stab in but right after he finishes blessing america a nation reborn marco shoots a rifle from the balcony and lands a headshot on caleb warrens murdering him and really messing up the whole ultra sacrifice thing they had going on a shootout occurs giving us another real not fun scene for kill counting but through my exhaustive frame by framing it looks as though 11 people get killed during it including nine security guards a woman trying to flee down the aisle an nffa press secretary thomas who tries to stab charlie while she's down during all this minister jones manages to escape with some guards and harmon james keeps his cool and collects a couple of guns before making his exit more nffa guards rush out and fill the balcony with an unholy spray of bullets but after our heroes take cover they hear new gunshots ring out followed by silence when they look again they see dante bishop and his forces standing over the bodies of all those replacement guards and since it looks like they killed them all i'll add 15 kills to the count since i think that's how many guards ran out and started shooting up into the balcony before everyone took cover what the hell are y'all doing up there i'm just counting all these bodies dante it's much easier from a higher vantage point charlie is freed from her bondage and my otp is reunited before dante is told that his men have captured the minister he heads back to where they're holding him locking charlie out in the process and passes three more bodies on the ground to add to the cow these were the men who had been guarding the minister and obviously doing a shit job of it the minister pleased for dante to purge him because it's his right as an american jewish jewish yes yes but instead dante capitulates to the senator's pleas for peace after they find a bunch of would-be purge night sacrifices in a back room dante and two of his men go out to the parking garage only to get attacked by earl and his nazi gang who managed to kill the two dudes dante is with while injuring him pretty badly leo runs out and provides some cover fire that allows dante to hop into a car that he hot wires in no time he puts the pedal to the metal and serves himself up a double order of crushed nazis killing them by pinning them against the wall unfortunately he missed earl who shoots into the car and kills dante bishop the only person to have been in all three purge movies rest in peace dante your character arc gave this trilogy a spine earl runs out of bullets and drops his guns so leo sets his on the ground to have a good old-fashioned knife fight it's a cool battle that took them five hours to shoot and because of frank grillo's background in mma in boxing he did all his own stunts and this and every other scene in the movie eventually leo's little stabby puncher guy lets him get the upper hand up tune including punching a trench right through danzinger's cheek a few more stabs gets dan zinger down to his knees and with his strength all out of him leo finishes off the head white supremacist with a hold back high kick roundhouse to the face killed with a kick i did not see that coming in the back room one of the people that charlie helps rescue makes a frantic run for an exit only to find pointy-faced harmon james at the door who shoots him dead with a shotgun talk about an emotional roller coaster for that dude harmon also shoots marcos in the shoulder but when he goes to shoot senator rohn with the handgun joe gets in the way and the two men trade shots back and forth both of them taking a whole bunch of bullets before harmon is killed with a holy shit headshot joe's friends all gather around him as he bleeds out and he tells them everything will be fine as long as the senator wins and changes things clutching marcos's hand joe dixon succumbs to his wounds and dies a man who just wanted to protect his deli but wound up protecting the most important sandwich of all the hero that is senator charlie rome two months after the purge it's election day and we're finally seeing some development on the sexiest will they won't day you've ever seen in a dystopian action horror film marcos watches the results come in as an anchor announces florida for charlie rome which seals the deal and gives her the election probably because her blue wall held oh also because it looks like texas went blue that'll pretty much do it her first order of business is announced as the elimination of the purge as lainey hears on her way in to check the results she tells marco she'll come by tomorrow to help him fix up the deli some more then looks at joe's coach-like portrait on the wall before leaving the movie ends with marcos admiring the stars and bars as the news reports violent pro-nffa protests and david fucking bowie kicks in to sing about how he's afraid of americans go look that song up because it's dope as hell and in the meantime i'll show you these numbers i voted 116 people died in the purge election year meaning the bellco experiment has finally been usurped as the top kill count champion america fuck yeah like all purges the victims were full of ambiguity i counted 82 men eight women and 26 unknowns meaning as per usual a whole bunch of dead dudes with a run time of 108 minutes we actually wound up with a kill on average every 56 seconds what the fuck i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to those guillotine victims in the alleyway since they're being killed by a guillotine in an alleyway that's insane dull machete for less kill can go to joe since he got killed by some dude who all of a sudden became the main bad guy for a minute fuck off harmon james go write a manifesto in a facebook post and that's it the purge election year came out in 2016 and made the most money of any purge film yet which is probably why we've got a new one the first purge hitting theaters next week on the 4th of july go see it to support the series and i'll cover it after it comes out on blu-ray because again that's how these videos work until then i'm james aegenice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's skill count i want to thank a couple of patrons like oliver ivor christensen and steven sharnikov chelsea and i are going to try to do a podcast review of the first purge again remember i can't do kill counts on movies until they come out on blu-ray also since i probably won't do a ranked purge movies anytime soon my favorites are anarchy then election year than the original tune in next week when we start a new franchise and be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 9,693,792
Rating: 4.9257112 out of 5
Keywords: mykelti williamson, election year, series, dystopia, horror, deaths, betty gabriel, 3rd, joseph julian soria, resistance, body count, death, first purge, third, politics, kill count, purge night, terry serpico, purge, kills, nffa, dead meat, political, minister, franchise, frank grillo, james demonaco, election, jaj, scary, DMKC, elizabeth mitchell, stranger, year, death count, sequel, james a. janisse, deli, edwin hodge, films, movies, pine commander boogie
Id: a6lgnqXxbnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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