Jurassic Park (1993) KILL COUNT

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God creates dinosaurs. God kills dinosaurs. God creates man. Man creates dinosaurs. Man kills god. Dinosaurs kill man, woman inherits the earth.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Zero_1 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

I wonder if that's why it felt so offensive in Jurassic World when a woman was given the most uncomfortable, elaborate, brutal death in the film.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Pretty sure that most of the dinosaurs that got killed were female.

And some were more interesting as characters than many of the humans.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/barath_s 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Um.... Are we to assume the little girl from "Lost World" JPII lives through the compy attack on the beach?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

They only have like, two female characters? A child and a love interest. They didn't have enough female characters to kill any of them.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nadalcameron 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

On another note, dead meat James is fantastic and y'all should subscribe and watch his other videos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GoWailord 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

God creates dinosaurs. God kills dinosaurs. God creates man. Man creates dinosaurs. Man kills god. Dinosaurs kill man, woman inherits the earth.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zero_1 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

Not many female mercenaries or soldiers. Hollywood movies were more realistic.

In the novel no female characters die either.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/screenwriterjohn 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
movie footage used in the killcount is owned entirely by the copyright holders Deadmeat makes no claim of ownership and simply uses the footage for purposes of Education commentary and criticism under fair use please support film makers and the art of filmmaking by watching Jurassic Park in its entirety on home media or streaming services where available welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims and all our favourite horror movies I'm James a Chinese and today we're cracking open a dinosaur egg and starting the Jurassic Park franchise not horror you say well it's at least horror adjacent dog there are dinosaurs eating people what more do you want when Jurassic Park was released in 1993 it changed movies forever it was the highest grossing film in the world until Titanic beat it out and it spawned a series of sequels including the recently released Jurassic world fallen Kingdom which judging by its box office take you've probably RAC with Jurassic Park director Steven Spielberg set out to depict dinosaurs in the scientifically accurate way inspired by the hard science fiction of the source material the novel by Michael Crichton used a combination of effects to bring the dinosaurs to the big screen first the animatronics done by Stan Winston who also designed the Terminator the predator and Edwards freakin Scissorhands and second the revolutionary CGI done by George Lucas's Industrial Light & Magic together these effects made dinosaurs feel truly alive again in Jurassic Park quickly became a multimedia juggernaut with countless comic books action figures video games and theme park rides on a personal note Jurassic Park was one of my earliest obsessions in life this is a very important series to me so I'm excited as hell to cover it on this channel so please won't you join me for The Kills [Music] the movie begins with bona fide badass robert muldoon supervising the delivery of a metal crate to his crew of Jurassic Park employees on Isla Nublar inside the crate is a scary sounding velociraptor but the crew overcomes their fears and lines it up to an entry gate gatekeeper Joffrey climbs on top to lift the barrier and let the Raptor inside its pen but the velociter decide slams against the opposite side of the crate instead knocking it back and allowing the dinosaur to grab a piece of that sweet gatekeeper me a panic ensues and Muldoon encourages everyone to exercise their second Amendment rights on the Dino [Music] but Joffrey's life slips through Muldoon's fingers and with the very vocal death gasp he becomes the first to go on our cow velociraptors are much less scary when they just bones so let's visit the badlands near snake water Montana where doctors Alan grant and Ellie Sattler are digging up up bones dig it they just found a pretty nice Raptor specimen and grant takes the opportunity to tell the audience that dinosaurs aren't actually lizards like previously believed instead bird is the word he's interrupted by a snarky little wit hurt for the dream child himself saying that the Raptor looks like a big old turkey crab don't like that kind of disrespect so he pulls a blade on a bitch to send that kid home with one very full pair of underpants it's clear that grant doesn't like kids even though his romantic partner dr. Sattler would like to have some eventually bond in fact there's a 20-year age gap between the then 26 year-old Laura Dern and the then 46 year-old Sam Neill kind of weird but I guess he is sam neill inside their trailer grant finds the benefactor of their digs dr. John Hammond who popped champagne Hammond is played by the late Richard Attenborough who gives an incredible performance like well everyone else in this movie when it came to Casting they spared no expense Hammond needs grant a paleontologist and Sadler a paleobotanist to come to the park he's hoping to open next year and sign off on it being safe see the family of the unfortunate Joffrey filed the lawsuit against the PAR scaring the parks investors who are represented by lawyer Donald Gennaro this dude with the same tailor as David Byrne Gennaro is going around inspecting every level of the park to ensure its safety and Hammond needs grant and Sadler to come and vouch for him although they're reluctant to go at first Hammond persuades the Paleo scientists by saying he'll provide three years worth of funding for their dig you dig they're flown to the island on a helicopter where we meet the greatest character ever dr. Ian Malcolm [Music] malbim is played by jeff goldblum a man who sweats sex appeal out of every pore and he's a chaotic / nice squeezer extraordinaire who's also there to evaluate the safety of the park at the behest of the lawyer Gennaro as can be expected by Jeff Goldblum he immediately begins hitting on dr. Sattler dr. Sadler I refused to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of Attraction they arrived at the island and during the choppers descent the ride gets a little bumpy there's a clever girl metaphor when grant has a defected seat belt with two female ends to it but still finds a way to buckle them as they take a couple of Jurassic Park jeeps through the island Gennaro tells Hammond that he has 48 hours to convince him of the park safety Hammonds like hey yeah that's great no but uh check out these dinosaurs mothafucka ya goddamn right grant that right there's a Brachiosaurus and she's a hungry hungry girl hmm get those leaves a big old dinosaur and in case you want to see some carnivores don't you worry they have a t-rex Fred's gonna need a fainting lounge after hearing about that as Hammond delivers the film's most iconic line welcome to Jurassic Park fuck I love this movie Hammond takes them all to the visitor center and shows them a video meant to explain the science behind Jurassic Park it features a cartoon character named mr. DNA voiced by Greg Burson who forever influenced my pronunciation of the word dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur to bring dinosaurs back to life amber is the color of their energy because they got that Dino DNA from mosquitoes and fossilized tree sap then they use frog DNA to fill in any holes in the genetic code because they know that nothing bad has ever come from cheap patchwork to hide mistakes the team heads into a lab to see what's on the slab and there to give some more Dino exposition is dr. Henry Wu played by BD Wong looking just as young here as these dinosaur fetuses waiting to hatch Granton company get to witness the birth of a velociraptor who just needs to push push her way out of this a dr. rule shores the visitors that their dinosaurs can't breed in the wild because they're all engineered to be females that's right no Dino dogs allowed on Isla Nublar Malcolm doesn't buy it and expresses his belief in chaos saying these dinos will find a way to breed regardless life finds away all but Malcolm didn't you hear dr. Henry whoo he said that they can't and he's such a nice young man you can surely trust it I'm sure you'd never become a supervillain like character later in the series or anything during a luncheon that looks smokier than a casino Hammonds guests expressed their views about the park Janeiro's all about them dollar signs while Malcom thinks Hammond isn't responsible enough to be wielding this kind of science yeah but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they just have to think of they should the Paleo scientists agree with Malcolm that it's unwise to engage in this kind of reverse extinction engineering and Hammond laments that his only ally at the table is a vampire seems like a good time to develop grant's character a little bit so let's get some kids up in this bitch Hammond's grandchildren Lexi and Tim fall into the old man's arms and their excitement is positively contagious to grant they're here to join the parks visitors on a guided tour in these super modern electric jeeps with exciting features like interactive CD ROMs Lexie's pumped and you know what I get it you ever buy one of those enhanced CDs in the 90s like born on a pirate ship that shit was dope Hammond meanwhile is staying back in the control room which like doesn't speak very highly of your tour if you don't even want to go on it does it my dude head engineer Rey Arnold played by professional Yeller Sam Jackson starts up the Jeep's and the tour gets underway an awesome giant gate opens and then were in Jurassic Park bitch ass too bad the tour is kind of a bust the first dinosaur they're supposed to see a Dilophosaurus is more like a delay for soros because it never shows up like it's supposed to and the t-rex is also a no-show even after they offer her free apps in the form of a billy goat and that's not the only problem for the control room peeps there's also an impending tropical storm on its way to the island and their chief technician Dennis Nedry is a slovenly egotist who blames Hammond for his current financial woes that's why earlier in the movie we saw him visiting San Jose to engage in a little bit of corporate espionage with holy shit is that Dodson Dotson Dotson we've got touched in here wow it is who cares I care Newman Dodson gave Nedry everything he'll need to smuggle Dino DNA off the island so by time weari meet him in the control room we already know that he's Barbra sold out to Hammonds corporate adversaries during their Dino down time Malcolm flirts with Ellie and gets her all wet her hand he gets her hand all wet with a little demonstration of Kaos using water droplets Greg can't take the smell of all that sex appeal so he bails out of the Jeep and Ellie chases after him to apologize for falling in love with Jeff Goldblum so fast joke's on you although this just further proves Malcolm's theory so you hear him not by much talking to myself that's that's chaos dude the real reason grant tucked and rolled is because he saw a triceratops yonder which was his favorite dinosaur as a kid solid choice grant it's like the warrior monk of dinosaurs oh poor girl has a tummy ache but you know what she should be fine as long as no humans lean on her stomach while she's trying to breathe oh come on grant touch with your eyes only Ellie takes great interest in the dinosaurs health while Malcolm has a brief glimpse into the future where he sees the rest of the Jurassic Park series that is one big pile of shit Oh some of them have their moments Ian with check off storm about to land everyone is called back to the jeeps except for Ellie who opts to stay with the sick Dino instead with the storm pounding nedra's getaway ship it's go time for his Dino heist so he very smoothly and not sweaty at all tells the others that he's debugging the system then sneaks into the Dino blood storage freezer and adds a bunch of specimens to a shaving kit part of nedra's plan takes him through the park on his way out and that's why he said all the electric fences to turn off the better to push them open and not die when Arnold tries to break through his code he runs into one of those you are an idiot tight popups Nedry cyberattack has also left the phones out of service and the jeeps broken down right next to that soggy goat meat in the t-rex patch Jim find some night-vision goggles that he wants so bad babe even though his use of them is driving Gennaro mad Tim doesn't need those goggles to hear some heavy footsteps approaching though nor to notice some spooky ripples in a cup of water an effect achieved by plucking a guitar string underneath the cup when he does use the goggles again he sees that the goat is gone where could it be oh there it is that's right we're halfway through this movie and that means it's time for the main attraction the motherfucking t-rex oh my god she looks so good Gennaro runs out on the kids and into a nearby restroom to hide and Malcolm gives them the benefit of the doubt you gotta go the electric fence snaps behind them and it's time for the money shot or should I say the tea money shot cuz here comes that rex baby give me that wrong grant tells Malcolm to be still because the t-rex is vision is based on movement that's a totally made-up thing but whatever it's a movie too bad Lexi and Tim just decided to put fantasmic on in their back seat the t-rex mistakes their Jeep for a cat toy and gets ready to cause them some t pain by smashing through the jeeps glass ceiling in a terrifying display of how she's the true apex predator as Malcolm and grant gawk through their windshield the t-rex not only flips the Jeep over but gets mouth full of delicious tire rubber the men finally decide to save the kids so grant gets out and distracts the t-rex with the road flare Malcom also wants to help but he's a bit more foolhardy about it leading the t-rex on far too long until he winds up getting thrown through the air the rex accident knocks out malcolm and destroys the glorified out house leaving this hungry dinosaur to discover a free pot sticker in the form of genera with a mighty chop we get a classic kill genero eaten straight off the toilet grant fishes Lexie out from under the car and when the t-rex comes to sniffing employs his patented don't you move a fucking muscle strategy to avoid his detection the t-rex gets pissy that it can't find his prey so it forces them over a ledge and down a wall that shouldn't really exist there cuz that's the broken electrical fence where the t-rex stepped out from and she had been standing on even ground where this giant cliff come from but the Rex doesn't care about spacial logic and knocks the car over the edge just barely missing grant and Lexie in the process good job girl you should be so proud of yourself Dennis Nedry is taking the off-roading capability of his Jeep a little too far when he winds up crashing it since the road is just down a bank he tries to pull the car out with a winch cable but runs into a few problems the first of which is slipping down this natural waterslide with a stupid sound effect then he runs into a Dilophosaurus a cute little lizard boy who looks like them a chop of dinosaurs kind of small but also straight jacked this Machop asaurus has a few more fancy frills to it though cuz this fictional version of the species has the ability to hiss like a rattlesnake and spit out a bunch of poisonous tar on to nedra's decolletage then straight into his face line did Nedry bumps his head and drops his Barbasol can losing his potential fortune but not like he'd be able to use it anyway because that Dilophosaurus is waiting for him in the Jeep and gives us another kill by eating the duplicitous computer nerd in the front seat maybe she wouldn't have eaten you if you had said the magic word Nedry the jeep with tim landed in a real tall tree so grant climbs up there and coaxes tim spooky ass out of the passenger seat while accidentally turning the wheel of the vehicle they start to climb down when the jeep above them realizes shit I'm a calm man I ain't supposed to be in a tree like this and tries to get its tires on more stable ground we get a simple but exciting vertical chase through the tree that ends with grant and Tim just barely looking out when the car falls onto them sunroof first Muldoon and Sattler leave the others at the control station to go rescue everyone and when they get to the t-rex pan they're able to find the tree Jeep down below with evidence that grant and the kids have already moved on they also managed to find a sexy injured Malcolm who's so badass he's already put a tourniquet on his leg they load him into the Jeep just in time for some more good vibrations which are basically the entrance music for the t-rex so no big surprise when she busts out the tree line and begins chasing them in the Jeep must go faster the t-rex gets real close to them and has seen my film teacher would literally show every year to demonstrate how to make a kick-ass action sequence eventually they outrun the Rex who tries to play it off like she didn't even really want to eat them anyway yeah keep telling yourself that Rexy Granton the kids climb another tree and find themselves with boxy tickets to a Brachiosaurus show neat sounds like a great time for a cuddle party grant sleeps his way through some character development and the next morning they're visited by a Brachiosaurus eatin breakfast the poor girl must have a cold because she sneezes all over Lexi which is not what she was expecting they make their way through the park and find some eggs out in the wild confirming that these dinos have been doing some unsupervised breeding like many a rebellious teenager grant realizes that some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sexes for male to female in a single sex environment to put it more succinctly life found a way hey speaking of sexy ass Malcolm here he is being sexy as hell god damn son since they can't break through Ned Rees coding Hammond wants to give the entire system a hard reboot I see he's familiar with tech support solution everyone holds on to their BOTS as Arnold hits the main switch and although a computer says the system is working again Arnold will have to go to a maintenance shed to get the lights and phones back on grant and the kids continue their unsupervised tour of the park when they run into a herd of Gallimimus 'as Gallimimus i who impressed Grant with their bird-like behavior CGI used to render these animals similarly impress Steven Spielberg because it was only after seeing this scene done with computer animation that he decided to use more of it in his movie the three of them escaped and near trampling by hiding behind a log from which they see a real fellow - when a t-rex rushes out and eats one of the bird-like dinosaurs and before you even comment no dinosaurs aren't going on the kill count that shit would get way too difficult in the later movies Arnold is taking too long to get back from his trip to the shed so the power duo that learn will do and step out to save the day again only this time they're gonna have a velocity on their hands since it looks like those birds of prey have flown the coop when they get near the shed well dune realizes they're being stalked so he goes off on a raptor hunt while le park horse her way through the jungle to get to the shed c'mon hamon use a schematic to direct her to the circuit breaker but talk about bad timing granted the kids have just reached an electric fence they'll have to climb of course only after he gives them a little bit more trauma by pretending to get shocked by it after they make their way over the top Ellie gets the power charging up causing the fences to warn them of a mighty big shot coming a slow-ass motherfuckin Tim just freezes in place instead of continuing to climb down or jumping like a big brave boy the power comes back on and he gets his ass shot right off the fence and into Grant's arms luckily grant is able to resuscitate the little firecracker and move on with the lights all up and running again it seems like nothing could possibly go wrong except for a raptor in the house yeah it's finally time to see my favorite Jurassic Park dinosaurs in action and right away they score a kill when Ellie finds the detached arm of mr. Arnold if you don't recognize it just try to picture a cigarette in his hand fun fact Sam Jackson was gonna get a whole chase and death sequence until a real-life hurricane wiped out the set they needed bummer Ellie manages to escape from the Raptor in the maintenance shed and make her way to safety outside but while Muldoon is on the hunt for the other two Raptors he underestimates their ability to trap him well doon joins the kill count after one of the Raptors jumps on him and knobs him to death kind of looks like when Lucy plays too rough only you know more murdery grant and the kids make it back to the visitor center and he puts them in the dining area while he just about finishes his character grow big Tim the human piece of toast growth is good but maybe work on those jokes a little bit he heads outside to look for the others leaving the kids alone to eat all the jello pie they could want while grant and Sadler reunite outside the kids get their funtime snack around ruined when an uninvited dinner guest shows up with a shadow puppet show they run off to hide in the kitchen in yet another unforgettable sequence in a movie just chock-full of that seriously JP gives some other movies a chance to be this iconic and since these raptors are Mensa members they can open doors so they step into the kitchen for a midday snack of kids hey you know it's pretty cool some of these shots of the raptors are dudes wearing suits I love it the Raptors make a mess and sniff around and get real close to finding Tim before Lexi distracts them with a ladle hey yo Raptors if you so smart why you smashing your face into a reflection you big dummy the kids managed to trick the other Raptor into a freezer and Locker in size and flee the kitchen as old smashy face recovers Tim and Lexi join Elie grant and his shotgun and together they all head to the control room to reboot the system and call for help this scene is one of the movies only miss that's just full of dumb character choices as grant and Ellie try to inefficiently keep a raptor out of the room while Tim dances around like he has to pee instead of being any use like you know by grabbing that gun off the ground but since the computer is a UNIX system and Lexie is elite hacker she's able to navigate her way around the block port map from Mario Kart and successfully reboot the system the door locks and with the phones online again grant calls Haman requesting a pickup but in no time at all the Raptor breaks into the room and chases them into the ceiling they crawl through the air ducts until the Raptor wacom holds his head up in there and nearly snaps up Lexie stunt-double whose face was digitally replaced with Ariana Richards's when she looks up they get her back up and make their way out to the main lobby of the visitor center where the raptors already waiting for him history starts getting rekt as they all swing around on various dino body parts and ride them like they're a bunch of bucking Broncos at a bar when they get too bucked up and wind up on the ground the Raptor from the maintenance shed joins the party so now they've got two of these bastards yappin and snapping at them just when things look all but hopeless the motherfucking t-rex shows up somehow without anyone noticing and eats that Raptor now there's a meal worthy of a Rex while the Raptor and Goliath fight goes down the humans run outside where Hammond is waiting for them in a Jeep finally willing to admit yeah okay maybe I fucked up they drive off and the t-rex finishes her fight inside ending it with a mighty victory roar dinah saw our heroes board the last chopper out and hammond bids farewell to his disastrous murder car the movie ends with grant's character arc completes since he's no longer repulsed by children as he looks out the window at some birds nature's live-in dinosaurs it doesn't really matter how many people died this is still one of the best movies ever but since it's the conceit of the show let's go ahead and get to the numbers five people died in Jurassic Park all of them dudes and I hope you like to taste the blueberry pie cuz you about to get a lot of them in this series but the run time of 126 minutes we wound up with a kill on average about every 25 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw four coolest kill to Donald genero even if you've only seen this movie once you remember the dude getting eaten off the toilet guaranteed Dahl machete for lame his kill will go to Joffrey who died in a close-up on his hand why didn't anyone freaking shoot ah and for this franchise I want to give one more award each movie all of these films the original and the bad ones have multiple amazing dinosaur sequences so for each movie I'm going to award a diamond diner an award given to the most exciting or well-made sequence involving dinosaurs for the original Jurassic Park I'll give it to the t-rex escaping from its paddock and attacking the visitors the Rex looks absolutely incredible and scared many a small child who saw this movie yours truly included and the entire sequence just has non-stop thrills to it from the Malcolm chase to the affer mentioned toilet snack even knocking the Jeep over that weirdly existant wall it's all great I love it and that's it Jurassic Park came out in 1993 and not only had a huge impact on the world of cinema but also on me your humble kill counter and despite all its flaws I was equally impacted by the first sequel the lost world Jurassic Park which I'll be looking at next week until then I'm James Agee nice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count I want to take a couple of patrons like pickles McGee Fleur Richardson and Tyler slaw yes the Jurassic Park movies are the new series on the killcam but again don't expect a kill con on fallen Kingdom until it comes out on blu-ray I had so many Jurassic Park toys as a kid that this is really sad to me I want those fences back I want that RV I want all that shit alright be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 4,446,054
Rating: 4.9277864 out of 5
Keywords: kill count, jp1, first, DMKC, sci-fi, dinosaurs, pine commander boogie, hammond, films, scary, kitchen, velociraptor, sam neill, dna, jeff goldblum, movies, kills, nedry, body count, michael crichton, stan winston, satler, jurassic world, spitter, trex, jurassic park, ellie, science fiction, jaj, malcolm, steven spielberg, dinosaur, newman, dead meat, cgi, toilet, jp, sam neil, t-rex, grant, raptor, original, horror, laura dern, scifi, james a. janisse, sattler, isla nublar
Id: ssgi47SPJNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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