Power From Within - Prophet Kobus

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did you know that for every truth there's a contra truth if I can call it that so the word heresy in the Bible is not error the word heresy in the Bible is not error the word heresy in the Bible is out of a broad spectrum of truth you take one truth and run with it that's the word heretic in the Bible so if you say a person is a heretic you know we say we said when people have false doctrines but that's not the Greek word the Greek word heretic is I take one truth and I overdrive it and I forget the broad spectrum of truth so many times you take a truth and there's another truth looks like it's opposing that truth and that's why if God if you work him out he's not God anymore that's why God can't cannot be defined God cannot be put in a box God can is God and He can do what he wants to do okay so there is this thing of chasing after God and seeking after God and this week God really spoke to me and during the hours last night God spoke to me again and this is what just came out of my heart when I spoke to Tony and God said maybe she shared it with more preachers when are you ready here comes a word from God prophetic when the bush was burning was Moses seeking off to God was Moses chasing off to God or was Moses tending the Sheep of his father-in-law come on I want to help you tonight so God came and burnt the bush and Moses came closer to the bush and God said Moses while Saul seeking after God when he was on his horse to the road to Damascus or was he after killing the Christians and persecuting them and putting them in prison and as he was on his way persecuting the church got him off his horse and said Saul Saul why persecutest army who are you he doesn't even know who I you said I am Jesus whom you he said I have chosen you and I will show you how much you must suffer for him okay I just want to help you and God just spoke to me this week and said how many of us were really seeking off to God when he found us or did we find him that I choose God or did God choose me now I'm not talking predestination I'm just trying to help you in a contract truth here tonight so God has grabbed you by the collar to call it that way God chose you as you sitting here and watching via the TV tonight God is chosen now we fall into this thing of seeking God and God says hey I found you you didn't find me I chose you you didn't choose me I picked you you didn't pick me so why now all of a sudden do we get into this stressful thing of I must get our must get our must get can't we get to a place of just resting in the Lord and say he chose me he picked me he anointed me he called me he blessed me and I'm just gonna for a couple of weeks just rest in the Lord and just say God here am i you chose me now I want you to take the reigns again take the rule again take control again and take my life again and do your purpose with my life again this is a word for a few people in the house amen so let's turn in our Bibles tonight to the book of Hebrews chapter 9 maybe we should go to X chapter 7 - and Ephesians 3 and John 7 and everybody say innermost my innermost being in John chapter 7 verse 37 to 38 and 59 we're not reading I'm just quoting it listen to what Jesus is that last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood up and cried out if any man is thirsty let him now come unto me and as the scripture said rivers of living water we discussed this last two weeks rivers of living water now we know that waters are living waters rivers of living water will flow from where the King James would say belly the amplified would say from his innermost being now that either mouse being can be called different things in the Word of God it can be called heart and it can be called conscience that's the difference words that used therefore Adamo's being right Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 may God grant you out of the rich treasury of his glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the holy spirit himself indwelling your innermost being and personality verse 19 verse 19 that you may really come to know practically through experience for yourself the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience that you may be filled through all your being unto the fullness of God may have the richest measure of the Divine Presence and that you may become a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself [Applause] [Music] so this innermost being of you yourself God wants to God himself once to flood and God Himself wants to fill that innermost beam with himself so that Colossians 2 verse 9 and 10 may come into performance where it says the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Christ but we have this fullness in him Colossians 1:27 the mystery that's been hidden throughout the ages has now been revealed that it's so rich in glory Christ in us is the hope of glory so Paul says in Galatians 4 verse 19 my beloved children of whom I'm and travel again so Christ be formed in you Romans 1829 God predestined and foreordained us to become conformed to the image of his son 2nd Corinthians 3:18 as be how as we behold in a murder like the Word of God the face of Jesus Christ we are being changed from glory to glory into the very same image so God wants to flood God wants to fill your innermost being with himself so that you will be a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself so the rivers of living water will flow from your heart your conscience your innermost being God wants to fill you with God amen so so he Bruce Lee now even the first covenant had its own rules and regulations for divine worship then he goes on to explain how the tabernacle worked let's put it down here tonight for our study it's gonna be great Moses's tabernacle looked like this you know there were twelve tribes and they were three on each side and the beginning there was the entrance into the tabernacle where we had the brazen altar and the washbasin and then we had you know the first portion of the tabernacle we said the lampstand and the altar of incense and the showbread remember and then entering in was the Ark of the Covenant where the mercy seat on top of it and there was a veil and here everybody could enter they the priests could enter and they only the high priest could enter once a year and that was called the secret place that was called the Holy of Holies that was called the most holy that was called the house of God so that place was dedicated to the presence okay called Shekinah called visible called seeable prisons of God Almighty so God appeared there on top of the mercy seat underneath the wings of the cherubim God didn't appear here this was part of the tabernacle but that place where the Ark of the Covenant was the Ark of testimony that is where God appeared in glory now the Bible says the first covenant had his ways of worship all right now it goes on to say in Hebrews chapter 9 is that where we were verse 3 inside and beyond the second curtain of veil was the holy of holies is that right it had a golden altar of incense the ark and he said we can't talk about that lot now verse 5 these arrangements having thus be made the priest entered into the outer division of the tabernacle in performance of the ritual acts of worship but into the second division none of the high priest goes and he only goes in once a year and never without taking a sacrifice of blood with him verse 8 by this the Holy Spirit points out that the way into the true tabernacle is not thrown open as long as the former Tabernacle remains a recognized institution and is still standing look at me did Jesus open the veil can we now come boldly to the throne of grace Hebrews 4 and Hebrews 10 did Jesus split the veil from top to bottom and did he split the real veil which was his flesh body he did how is it that so many people still don't find a way into the most holy place where people still don't find the presence of God although they preach it pray it and write books about the glory in the presence the Bible says as long as we recognize that institution of the tabernacle the way to the true holy of Holy's will not be thrown open these people that's talking about a rebuilding of the temple that's people talking about how they recognized that table neckl and temple jesus fulfilled it Jesus finished it jesus said it is finished Jesus didn't come to - to abolish the law he come to fulfill the law so everything that the tabernacle stood for Jesus fulfilled and now there is another Tabernacle revelations in the tabernacle of God is now with men 1st Corinthians chapter 3 first Corinthians chapter 6 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 is we are now the temple we are now the tabernacle we are now the house of God God now dwells on the inside of us so if we still recognize the former Tabernacle as a place of worship and think that it will be reinstituted with sacrifices God sees the way for you into the Holy of Holies will not be thrown open because Jesus was the final sacrifice never again will they be sacrifices okay just for interesting say verse 9 seeing that that first outer portion of the tabernacle was a parable a visible symbol or type or picture of the present age everybody say present age in eat gifts and sacrifices are offered and yet are incapable of perfecting the conscience or of cleansing and renewing the inner man of the worshiper please somebody the inner man could never be cleansed or renewed if somebody sticks to that old law ritual of worship Tabernacle Temple worship because it could never cleanse the inner man it could never renew the inner man of the worshiper what is God interested in your inner man what does he want to do with it Fullerton flooded with himself why he wants rivers of living water to come out of the innermost being God wants to do something on this earth and he's looking for a tabernacle in which he can prepare in all his glory first him for the ceremonies deal only with clean and unclean meats and drinks and different washings mere external rules and regulations for the body imposed to type the worshipers over until the time of setting things straight of reformation of the complete new order verse 11 says Jesus became a priest of better things high priest of a more perfect Tabernacle verse 14 and now the blood of Jesus has purified all consciousness so he sees this whole Tabernacle thing was external worship external purposes but God is interested in the innermost thing not in the external thing so let's see if I can help you tonight so it says as long as people still recognize the former order the inner man of the worshiper will not be renewed and will not be restored and will not be cleansed okay so sitting here tonight in this house and watching over the satellite and the internet there are millions of Christians that are struggling to get things right on the x-term and God is not trying to do anything to the external issues he's trying his best to get on the inside of you and full and flood you with himself so that external issues can be resolved by the internal man being renewed by the Christ dwelling on the inside of you somebody must hear the word of the Lord tonight Acts chapter 7 now this is what the Bible says in Isaiah 66 verse 1 more or less the heavens oh god of a throne we've discussed this two years ago in depth the heavens are God's throne and the earth is the footstool when God showed me this revelation he showed me a chair from the side it's an H keeping that out he showed me earth alright taking that away he showed me the heart earth heart the word earth which means foundation place or fireplace so the word hearth is the place where you make fire you know if you go into an old house you got the hearth a you know that place where you make the fire and the house gets hot or it's called foundation place so the heart the inner man of man is the place where God wants to establish his throne so the throne O God is in the heavens so you who were dead in your trespasses and sins he made alive again and raised you up and seated you together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so Christ is inna we are in Christ so we are in heavenly places so heavenly places are in us so our hearts become God's throne we must we must be established on earth so our Father which art in heaven thy will be done in earth yah it says in earth in your Bible all other places would say on earth but the scripture would say in earth later will be done in earth as it is in heaven so God's is inside of Earth I'll want to manifest the heavens so I want to establish my throne some way in heaven on earth where's the chair again so you have heard my revelation for those who haven't I share it with you once more this is a chair let's say it's a throne it doesn't float in the heavens it stands somewhere if you don't get the revelation let's recheck your IQ the heavens our God are they thrown earth is footstool so where is the throne on earth okay where is God working on earth waste people getting saved on earth wait people are getting blessed and healed and delivered on earth so where do we need the kingdom to be established on earth let your kingdom come let your will be done here in earth as it is in heaven don't take us away let your will be done here God we need to see God here God is seen in the heavens they haven't stopped filled with his glory so what needs to be filled with the glory the earth as true as I love numbers 14 21 and the earth shall be filled with my glory so glory needs to be established on earth glory needs to be seen on earth so we need a manifestation of God on earth so we need to get an understanding the heavens of God of thy throne the earth is thy footstool as I have 66 1 , so what shall be the place for those who place of what should be the place of your wrist if the heavens authorize throne the earth is opposed to what place can you find to race though God so we will God find a place to sit and say let's have fellowship let's find a place of habitation I want to stay I don't want to run around and get out again I want to find a place where I can rest so if we read The Book of Numbers it says God wanted to lead them to a place of rest but he couldn't because they were stuffed make it so hebrews chapter 4 says they couldn't find the place of rest because they faith were they they the gospel was not mixed with faith but there is a place of rest our forefathers had the tent the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness even as you directed Moses to make it had ordered according to the patent and model he had seen now that is hebrews chapter 9 our forefathers in turn brought it this tent of witness in with him into the land where Joshua when they dispossessed the nation's which God drove out before the face of our forefathers so it remained you until the time of David who found grace favor and spiritual blessing in the sight of God and prayed that he might be allowed to find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob but it was Solomon who build a house for him however the most high does not dwell in houses and temples made with hands as the prophesied heaven is my throne and earth the footstool for my feet what kind of house can you build for me says the Lord or what is the place in which I can rest I'm talking to people if there's anybody that has ears to hear so in Hebrews chapter nine says this whole Tabernacle story was until the time of reformation remember he says it was only for external purposes but God wants to fall the inner man renew the inner man restore the inner man claims the inner man so that external things can be set in order now external purposes were dunya but it could not fulfill external purposes because the people stayed in some how God says there's gonna come a time where am I gonna finish this one Institute a next one which is called the inner man and if people can realize that as the true tabernacle the time has come if that man is renewed this well just be fine okay if you still don't understand let's just put this in again that we understand where we go into tonight how much do people struggle to get external things fixed up in their lives attitudes habits call it whatever you want two works of the flesh and we try our best to get rid of don't do again don't touch again never be able don't do how many times you I don't want to do that again I'm not gonna touch that again did you get it right for a time and then it creeps up again and you say I had victory over this now for six years I've victory over this for six years it's gonna creep out again if you didn't do the renewal in the inner man see Church is still busy with external stuff in other words we are still recognizing the tabernacle of Moses we are still recognizing the temple of Solomon so here comes the Bible he says the tent of witness was were the children of Israel from the days of Moses till the days of David and David sawed off - how does it say he prayed that he might be allowed to find the dwelling place but Solomon building my house however Oh father help us tonight I don't want to be long I just want to bring a short mitches David desired long for desired to build a house but point one point two but Solomon Solomon built however God does not but now God dwells in so tonight we need a revelation of this thing and say Oh God how are we gonna work this thing out it's not just getting renewed and restored and washed and cleansed he's getting the presence of God there now when they built that tabernacle I told you that before in Exodus 25 verse 22 22 25 22 verse 25 when did I build the tabernacle God says on top of the mercy seat underneath the wings of the cherubim there I will meet with you and there I will speak intimately with you so there is a place where God wants to meet with people so let's go to Psalm 102 in Psalm 132 Psalm 132 Lord earnestly remember to David's credit okay oh yeah I thought I'd I have a few people god I want you to remember something on David's credit now I read something in exit David desired long to build a house for God but he couldn't Solomon Belarus but God said I don't dwell in that house so what will God rebuild and restore the tabernacle of David Amos chapter 9 X chapter 15 God wants to restore the tabernacle of day but David didn't build a house so God put something on David's credit so as I of 55 tells us exactly what it is he said I will rebuild the sure mercies of David so what is that God will reward mercy what was the place called regard mate Moses mercy seat okay so on top of the mercy seat so David found mercy and grace the sign of God so what does David said the Lord is my shepherd and only goodness and mercy shall follow me there's a whole series of meetings on the mercy verse 5 now verse 4 this is to David's credit I will not permit my eyes to sleep all my eyelids to slumber until I have found a place for the Lord a habitation for the Mighty One of Jacob I want to talk to people who listened when I did the introduction of this message in Hebrews 9 X 7 Ephesians 3 in John chapter 7 they say will not sleep verse 7 let us go into his tabernacle let us worship at his footstool arise O Lord do your resting place not from your resting place to your it so rise o God and come to your resting place you and the ark in brackets the symbol of your strength let your priest because with righteousness and let your Saints shout for joy for your servant David's sake turn not the way in the face of your anointed in you reject not your king the Lord swore to David in truth he will not turn back from it one of the fruit of your body I will set upon your throne if your children will keep my covenant my testimony that I shall teach them their children also shall sit upon your throne forever for the Lord has chosen Zion he has desired it for his habitation this is my resting place forever says the Lord here will I dwell for I have desired verse 17 they will I make a home spring forth and but for David I have ordained and prepared a lamp for my anointed what is the place of God's rest so David says God will you not arise and come to your resting place now I know they sang a song arise from your wrists God doesn't want to arise from rest you want to rise to rest at this moment God is not resting God is anxiously walking about looking whom he can bless God is looking for a place where he can find a place of rest so God is looking over the face of the earth seeing if there is a group of people where he can find a place of rest God is not looking for a building God is looking for a people for God does not dwell in dwelling temples made with hands God dwells on the innermost of people so he says God has desired Zion he says here will I dwell this will be my resting place forever so first of all you gotta find out whose ionise so Psalm 1:1 8 you don't have to go there first Peter chapter 2 you don't have to go there Matthew 21 you don't have to go there but he tells us exactly who zionists isaiah 28 he says Israel rejected the Messiah therefore the stone that the builders rejected will now become the chief of the corner and here I will lay the foundation stone earth okay I will lay the foundation stone and I will call it Zion if anybody understands what I'm trying to say I hope it's not far-fetched so I will lay in Zion a foundation stone so God is looking for hearts in a people then are open for renewal restoration revival for cleansing where he can places the cornerstone Christ Jesus and grow up and find a resting place in Zion so who is Zion the people that have opened the innermost being for the renewal by the Holy Spirit to be a dwelling place where the cornerstone can be laid the foundation place which is called the earth which is the heart of men and a woman which has the oenomaus being that don't cling to external purposes external worship but they worship in spirit and in truth and they are committed and dedicated to the purposes of the Almighty from the innermost being and not from the outer green thank you if it's understandable tonight come on way are you looking for God where are you looking for results Oh God stretch out your hand God come heal the sick God come bless us tonight why do every service and preachers are learning this thank you why every service for years now I say let's take hands and then I would admonish people and advisement say from your innermost being let the river flow and touch the person next to you so as we pray now we are praying from the inside out not from the outside inside say father we stand in agreement for we two of you shall agree on earth it shall be done to them by my father which is in heaven so heaven my throne earth my footstool so if we stand on earth in agreement heaven stuff will be done in earth so out of your belly shall flow out of your innermost being flow so where does healing come from how are the sea killed how are people play why do we lay hands on people why do we lay hands why do we say to a person look at me why would Peter say silver and gold have I none but such as I have come look at me I haven't got money with me I've been to the spurred wood ministries and they're building a new church so we just gave everything so look at me I've got no more dough on me but look at me such as I have given to you on the inside of me a river broke forth yesterday that Pentecostal meeting we were there for 10 days waiting and all of a sudden a wind came and you were all filled with all his purse so man give me your hand and he pulled him up and immediately his ankle bones became strong and he started leaping and dancing and praising God where did the healing come here where's the river where's God oh and when you pray where's God so why do we struggle with miracles why do we struggle with science why do we struggle with the results because we still want to get it from outside in instead of from inside out Psalm 102 now remember that external stuff was only till the time we will God find a dwelling place Zion what will be his resting place forever Zion whoo Zion a people not a building we marching to Zion beautiful beauty you don't have to watch just touch me but you know we had this Dilys silly stuff that you know came from an old dispensation we brought it into the new and we think God must bless it he said as long as that institution is recognized the way is not thrown open into the Holy of Holies so I want to get the way open for God to find the dwelling place so I don't want to recognize external worship issues I want to realize it's now spirit and truth it's on the inside of me where God now dwells come on when the faith people came around the Copenhagen's you know the couple of San Diegans you know yeah in the 70 they had a same we must get God inside minded but the more they preach it the more they see God out there god I've got all the booklets in Christ the greatest words on earth in Christ the second greatest word Christ in me but we still hola tonight Oh somewhere in the distance father how do you recognize that the way people minister to the sick they think this screaming is gonna shake the demons out or get God's attention father tonight we lay hands on the brother God your Eternal Word declares tonight's father what you proving is your unbelief you are proving your inability and disability to reach out and heal the sick you are proving that you don't know if God will appear or not you are proving that you haven't touched heaven to change earth yet so you are crying out to a god to come prove himself and appear in the holy of holies when the right sacrifice has been brought and then God will come in and the high priest will be blessed for another year and he will come out and say sacrifice accepted now I want to declare the sacrifice has been accepted 2,000 years ago the veil has been looked open and God said it is finished the way is thrown open for the people that realize it's not an external thing it's now internal I must say it because people we're gonna go out here and people will still struggle with external issues god oh god tonight has we come a father tonight oh we declare oh my god and people declare the name father tonight god tonight father and they don't say anything what they actually saying is please accept the sacrifice and appear in the holy of holies please we are trying to get you behind the veil God sees these no veil ah I want to flow from your innermost being out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water and wherever the river goes there is life and in the midst of this river and on either sides is the Tree of Life they leaves off for the healings of the nation so let the river flow let the river flow Holy Spirit from the inside out where does the river come from from the temple Ezekiel 47 who's the temple you and I so where does the river come from from the temple out of the door which is our mouth open your mouth and I will fill it so let the river flow out of your innermost being God come here the sick God says go heal the sick God come touch the people go touch the fever god save the lost don't get the sinner safe but we cling to external issues that's why we try to get holy from external Oh God help me not to do this again so from the outside God will you help me not to do that again God from the outside will you not let this tub drop off so there is this tree in front of your door and it's wintertime and the leaves start falling off now today they don't have that anymore like you know when we were small we used to have our own fruit trees every every yard at their own twelve fruit trees remember and then we in to time the leaves start falling off and you gotta go off to school and rake the leaves remember and you don't want to do it every day so you stand under the tree and you shake it but there's a few leaves that don't want to fall off so you've got to come again tomorrow and then there's there's one old peach sitting there from last year and you shake it and he doesn't fall in check it and it doesn't fall in shakin now it's wintertime there's the tree dead three months dead same springtime comes and you say wow the trees start budding flowers and you walk underneath them funk they falls this old peach on your head you shook it for three months ended 104 but went from the innermost being new SAP was pushed into the branches that old stuff just fell off so we trying to shake the snow godlet oh god take that Oh Lord take that Oh Lord deliver me O Lord help me and we try our best to get this works of the flesh of God says if you walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh so we try our best to get rid of the external works of the flesh instead of let the river flow so if I walk in the spirit and let the Mountain Bob left that old leaves and just fall off automatically without me trying to get rid of it ie main colors this is old stuff but people say how did you get right to live like this oh well oh oh I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that and by the end of the day I've done it 343 7 times and after a faint 212 times an hour and I was still gonna repent another 300 times but now I forget to try not to do it I walk in the spirit Oh Jim bravura a kilo boo bras holy holy holy of God you are great hey Bravo a LeBron ball why do you walk so difficult my sister can I bring you healing tip your hand there you are oh there goes the pain how do you feel now oh good hair Allen Lewis uh probably ditched it by tonight I go to bed and now what was I repent of I got nothing to repent whoa well I didn't curse the dog I did ah I didn't do that I didn't do that why because for the first time in 12 years I didn't try it ought to do it I didn't go for the external issues I allowed my innermost being to have a river of living water to flow from it and to be a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself on the innermost being a body only fooled and flooded with God himself so until the time what's the time so let's read description then the last one remember state these two portions verse 13 that he saw him under - - for those who forgot where we were I didn't you will arise and have mercy for Zion for it is time yes the said time yes the moment designated has come verse 16 when the Lord builds up Zion he will appear in his glory let this be recorded for the generation yet unborn there are people yet to be created shall praise the Lord so the songwriter is prophesying that they will come a generation that will realize they are Zion and when God bolts up the Zion he will appear in his glory and when God will appear in his glory the people realized that the set time has come what time for external issues to be dealt with from the innermost being and not from outer man now oh my god I beseech you let your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayer offered in this temple so now arise O Lord and come into your resting place Lord let your Saints be clothed with salvation your priests and your Saints with goodness is that more or less what I read in Psalm 132 Oh Lord God turn not away your face from me your Anointed One remember your good deeds and your mercy and your steadfast love for David your servant does that take all the scriptures together where did you read Cooper's well I read the prayer of Solomon in second chronicles 6 but it wasn't a pray for the temple he was prophesying Davis heart's desire for the people that will be called Zion 2nd chronicles chapter 6 God look at me come into me and let me be that place of resting okay I'm gonna close exodus 40 so before we read our last scripture Ephesians 2 verse 22 through 22 says the following we are no longer strangers and aliens to the Commonwealth of the blessings and inheritances of God but we are being built our holy habitation of God the king of Zeus translations say we are being built the most holy place so if the innermost being is a dwelling place it means that this body of mine is not just the temple it's the Holy of Holies of the temple for it's the place where God wants to appear and show himself in all his glory so God doesn't only want to dwell on the inside of me he wants to show himself from the inside of me is that true so I must be the inner man the most holy the Holy of Holies inside of me so when God told Moses to build that tabernacle he had the whole plan on the mountain and Hebrews 9 said he had to boil it exactly according to the plan but if we stick to this plan God says we will not have the Holy of Holies thrown open how am I gonna do this I want to read listen and I want you to get the revelation as God spoke to me this morning so I'm just putting everything to make the scriptures make sense so everything I said to Matt was to make the scripture make sense so if I if I add the plane I would erect those posts just stay with me for one minute I'm leaving then I would put those canvases up dead right then I would rake that tent I put the veil in there then I would put the brazen altar I would put the Laver I would put you know the lame stance and the incense altar and I would put the showbread there and then I would put the ark in there because that's the most holy thing and that is the cherry on the cake so to speak that's what I would do lost higher in Exodus 40 the Lord said to Moses on the first day of the month he shall set up the tabernacle of the tent of meeting verse 3 he shall put in the Ark of the testimony and then screen the ark with a veil then you shall bring in the showbread table and sit in order the things that to be upon it then you shall bring him a lamp stand and said to these lamps then you shall bring the golden altar for the instance and then you shall and then you shall bring the Laver with water and then you shall build that Court and then verse 9 you shall take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it and shall consecrate it and all its furniture and it shall be holy anybody has gotten near to you 4:17 and on the first day of the first month in the second year the tabernacle was erected Moses set up the tabernacle ladies sockets set up its board put in his bars and he directed his pullers Moses spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent over it as the LORD commanded him this is how he did it he took the testimony and put it into the ark and saved the poles in the Rings in the ark and put the mercy seat on top of the arc he brought the ark into the tabernacle and set up the veil of the screen and screened the ark of the testimony LORD commanded Moses put the table in the tent of the meeting on the north side then he said the bread in order let me put the lampstand in the tent of meeting then Moses set up and lighted the lamps before the Lord then he put the golden altar in the tent 27 then he burned sweet incense then he anointed those people verse 34 then the cloud the Shekinah Gause visible presence covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle I don't know if you've got this tonight smoking how many got what I just missed I read this four o'clock this morning I said why did I never see this why didn't I never see this Moses didn't start from the outside him he started from the inside out and God said this is the way you do it Moses you start inside with the most holy and then you build outside to the outer court then annoying the people to come from the outside in and then I will anoint and you know what they never got from the outside in the same as with a dedication of Solomon's Temple before they got in God brought the anointing down and the priest could not stand to do their duty because the glory of God formed the house the same as they with Moses God brought the glory on the tabernacle and the Bible says Moses could not enter the tabernacle so I hope somebody sees it so God says when my glory really comes in that I will not allow any man to injure because I just tried to show you this is a pattern this is a parable Hebrews 9 of the real thing don't start outside and come in start inside and work outward start there in your innermost being and get yourself cleanse get yourself renewed get yourself filled and let the river flow and external issues will be dealt with and God will fill the house with glory hallelujah father if I know in the lens of this camera it says the point of contact you they in your house walk to your screen put your hand on your TV screen so I put my hand on the lens who knows how gods can anoint your eyes yes hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're gonna be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, porphet kobus, spiritwordministries, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, power from within, unleash the power from within
Id: AxDo-kizdJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 51sec (3291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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