Debt Cancellation - Prophet Kobus van Rensburg
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Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 38,407
Rating: 4.8078904 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Kobus van Rensburg, Kobus van Rensburg, SWM, Spirit Word Ministries, Truth, Word, Worship, Wonders, Signs, Miracles, Debt Free, Spirit Word, prophet kobus, supernatural debt cancellation, debt consolidation, debt, consolidate debt, how to get out of debt, get out of debt, freedom debt relief, prayer for debt cancellation, Cancellation of debt, financial freedom, Debt-cancelation, debt cancellation prayer, debt cancellation testimonies, debt cancellation sermon
Id: -f8hFcqUiy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 01 2014
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