Speaking in Tongues - Prophet Kobus

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hi I am caboose van Rensburg join me now for captured in glory we gotta go right into the Word of God you gonna be blessed it's time for the church to come out of the closet and become visible you are the city you are sit on a hill you are the light of the law [Music] first Corinthians 14 mark 16 how many knows many times it's missing the basics that make you miss the big things I used to be electronically trained and so my mind tend to think electronically since I was very small I used to strip everything I used to build in when I was back Tim Trevor used to build alarms for if it started raining gutters wind often you know I I loved electronic stuff and I love photography so I had this camera and we were married already or not started there and the fresh didn't go off man and I had all my Tuesday and my you know magnifying glasses and I stripped this electronic flesh to the bone there was nothing I took all the spares I think you know the fire is now not kicking in some transistors shocked or samana and I opened it I sure yeah tested everything and put it back together again and I was struggling to get the thing back together you know little Springs and little stuff and my eyes caught the two batteries lying next to the flash and I thought maybe it was the batteries so I took my multimeter and I tested the bedrest and they were Flint and I couldn't get my flesh back together have you ever done anything like it ever had some immobilizer in your car and it's been there for seven years and one day you in a hurry and you get in your car and you start cursing the car you close the neighbors you curse the angels anybody that could have meddled with your car and then you go you get the mechanics out and a Marilyn and somebody say sir is this car gotten immobilizer and you say what yes under the dashboard a little button you press it in the car my aunt have you ever done anything like it oh come on don't be so ugly if you ever done it so were the Word of God sometimes we look so deep to find something so awesome that is sometimes just lying there right on the surface and sometimes people go and they miss the basics and they never move in to the power of God now I think one of the things that God has graced me with is to never go away from the basic stuff that he learned and that I learned how he taught me by his spurt and this is one of those nights to say this is God's Holy Word inspired by the Holy Spirit and the same Holy Spirit here today to teach me lead me guide me into great truth that I will never lose and never leave behind our flow in the power of the Holy Spirit I will understand and not depart from the true ways of God in Jesus name right the last couple of weeks we've been busy with the river those who were here the word that we stood still at was the word innermost for those who were here where the Bible says in the in Chapter 3 from verse 16 through 19 God wants us to know the love of God that surpasses knowledge so what does he want you to know the love of God God wants you to know the love of God okay and he says that love surpasses mere knowledge this is if we come to know this love this is what he's aiming it so that you can be a body wholly filled and flooded with God himself so you've got to know this love so that you might be totally filled that is God's purpose with your life filled with God himself so he says so that you can be strengthened and reinforced in there in the man or the innermost being of your personality that's where God wants to fill you with himself and ye that the key word is you must know the love of God and if you know that you can be filled with all the fullness of God we're in the inner man okay so talking about this inner man we discussed a few scriptures in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 first Corinthians chapter 6 Ephesians chapter 2 first Peter chapter 1 this is more or less the Scriptures we touch on that said you or the temple and we went further on in Ephesians 2:20 to say you are not only the temple you are actually the Holy of Holies and then he describes where in your inner man thank you all the people there your inner man becomes the Holy of Holies of the temple of God and he says and the way this works and operates is the Holy Spirit indwelling you if you say Amen you make it your own now with us Holy Spirit indwelling you it says it will become a river and this river will flow a river flowing from your inner most being John chapter 7 so the Holy Spirit come into the Holy of Holies that your inner man where you become the temple because of the love of God and then your innermost person you are filled with God himself and a river starts flowing now understanding this river we discussed a few things Matthew 5 verse 14 says you are the light of the world now he's describing the light you are a city let's sit on a Hume now he described the city he said it cannot be hidden so becoming the light you become a city where does the light of the city shine from so revelation 21 and 22 tells us exactly how the light shines from the city he says well that we are so no temple there in this new city it is because God is the temple and the lamp which is Jesus Christ is the lamp or the lights of the city so John chapter 1 verse 9 says the true light that was to enlighten every person was coming into this world so Jesus came into this world alight the people that set in darkness a light wind up for them so Jesus came as the light of the world to enlighten people so that we can now have the light of God on the inside of us so the lamb becomes a light makes us the Holy of Holies fills us with himself and we become the temple where God wants to manifest himself okay so this temple is on the city oh it's in the city which is on the hill and out of this temple comes the river so zekiel 47 says ah I saw the temple remember and out of this temple from the door flowed a river ankle deep knee deep she already to little place way it's so deep that you can only swim in it but ever this rubber ghost there is life so revelation tells us out of the throne and out of the lamb comes a river of life and wherever this river goes is a tree of life so where does the river come from our innermost beam so where is the throne in the temple of God on the inside of us so you are the temple of God and the river is supposed to flow from you this is what we discussed the last couple of meetings okay so let the river flow so Joel chapter 3 says you know let the poor say I am rich so we you know add up some words and say let the blind say I can see you know and let the river flow so they ease a river psalm 46 is there is a river and the streams of this river makes glad the City of God so who's the city we are the city together we form the city of God and this city has different streams so all the different streams together make up one big river and when this river goes there's life so a church needs to be revived by more and more streams flowing so it can't just happen because of one person flowing constantly they must be more streams to this river and there is a river and the streams of this river makes glad the city of our God and the source of this river Psalm 36 is with you is the fountain of life in your light do we see the light so Jesus is the light but it's also the fountain of this river flowing so in John chapter 4 Jesus spoke to the woman at the well he said if you drink of this water you will thirst again but if you drink of the water that I give you it will become on the inside of you and well springing up into life everlasting so there is a river on the inside of you bubbling and bursting out in the glories of Almighty okay so how does it come out so jesus said to the woman this well will spring up on the inside of you into life eternal in John chapter 7 verse 37 38 and 39 it says on the last day of the great feast Jesus stood up and cried with a loud voice if any man thirst as it is written let him now come to me as it is written and rivers of living water will flow from his inner most being and this he said verse 39 this is it of the Holy Spirit which was not yet poured out for Jesus was not yet glorified so if the Holy Spirit comes on the inside of me it'll form a river flowing out and it will come out of my mouth and people will see you know it right mark chapter 16 ready right let's go to mark 16 first mark 16 you got your other finger there by first Corinthians man I hope this is gonna bless you today mark chapter 16 verse 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but even believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe now we've got to get this thing straightened out once and for all in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ today the Bible says if you believe if you believe these signs shall follow now I don't know in what church you are sitting there watching but this is still in the Bible they can try and reason it away they can try and fight it away they can try and TV it away they can try a newspaper it away they can try and magazine it away but the Bible still says if you believe these signs shall follow science shall follow all these people that's following science no no no the science follow us right all these people that running off to the science know the signs are running off to us are you ready let's read on let's read on he that believeth and is baptized verse 16 shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall not maybe follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out Devils now this is something that believers will do to others so it will go to another person say out so it's something that they do to someone number two they shall speak with new tongues so the first thing that will happen to the believer in himself is the job father said it so Jesus says if you believe there's gonna be signs that will follow you you will speak in other tongues it's a sign that will follow you then he goes on to you shall lay hands on the sick and they is that right and they shall recover so then after the Lord had spoken verse 19 unto them he was received up into heaven and set on the right hand of God and they went forth preached everywhere the Lord working with him and confirming the word with signs following [Music] so they went preach and God worked with them and the signs followed them who see that it is actually there in the word of Almighty God now when Jesus said go and preach the gospel we gotta take mark Luke and Matthew and put the three together because everyone says something else in the last words of Jesus before he went back into heaven Mark's is going to all the world preach the gospel these signs shall follow Matthew says go and make disciples of all nations and behold I am with you always even today none of this age Luke says something else go and tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you be clothed with power from on high so Luke picks it up in the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you stole the lost discourse of Jesus with the disciples before he went into the cloud so go and as you believe signs your follow this is the science you will speak in other tongues go make disciples of all nations teach them to observe everything that I've taught you but before you go first go wait in the city of Jerusalem till you get the power from on high so here they go now they wait they can't go before before they got so all three the gospel said go all three says but you must first get something and then after you got it something will start following you so X chapter 2 they waiting and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there was a sound from heaven like that of a mighty rushing wind that filled all the house where they were seated and they were seen of them cloven tongues like as of fire dividing themselves and said upon each of them and they were all failed some way the universe being they were all filled with a Holy Spirit and they started speaking in other tongues the very first thing you can try reason it out work it out preach it out argue it out but there it is when the Holy Spirit came on the promised day that Jesus said it will come they were all filled with our Holy Spirit and they started speaking in other tongues for if you believe these are the signs that you'll follow you point number one you're gonna speak in other tongues and that'll be a river flowing from your innermost being and that is supposed to produce power work it out reason it out but come stand next to me and let's have a do you produce your power and I'll produce mine a challenge in Jesus name we line up the sick and you line up the sick you come with doctrines and I come with a river for wherever this river flows there is the Tree of Life and wherever this river flow there is life don't have to agree 1st Corinthians chapter 14 follow after charity now for those who don't know today charity means for this charity means old clothes and food but when the King James Bible was written in 1611 the word charity meant fullness of love okay so if you see charity today we say love and charity so we it's got another meaning but in 1611 it meant love so if you go to other translations it'll say love so the Amplified Bible would say eagerly pursue and seek to acquire love King James follow after charity or follow often love so what did we heard the last couple of weeks in Ephesians if we know the love of God that's a process knowledge we will be filled with all the fullness of God Himself we're in our in a man we will be strengthened and reinforced with might what God is actually trying to say is I want the river of life to flow on this earth they are multitudes of sick people all across the face of the earth people are dying by the hundreds of hiv-positive cancer sugar diabetes and I tell you the miracle world since they can't help them the only help is at the river of life so where does the river come from from the temple okay so they must be a sign involved so please help me I'm gonna help you follow off to love now let's see if I can help you desire spiritual gifts amplified and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowment and gifts so listen your follow love science will follow you but you must eagerly earnestly desire the gifts I want to help some reason all these people with all the tongues and the gifts and the signs and the wonders number this book says in 1st Corinthians 14 if you want to get stuck with the first portion that says follow off to love I want to help you with a second portion that says you must surely desire the gifts thank you if I can get a more few a manger all the people that got the love there oh you must follow love love love love but the same Saint Anne says you must eagerly desire desire is a very strong word it means everything on the inside of you must crave to have these gifts are you ready I'm skipping here and there for tonight's purpose so I'm not taking away or adding I'm just touching the scriptures that I want to speak on tonight verse 2 for he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not to men but to God for no one understands or catches his meaning because in the Holy Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things not obvious to the under standing come I want to help you today for anybody who wants to get back to the basics and get the power from it jesus said you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit comes upon you jesus said in John 7 he spoke of the Holy Spirit that it will be a river flowing from your innermost being and this is spoke of the Holy Spirit that was not yet poured out for Jesus was not yet glorified so Jesus is now glorified the disciples are waiting and all of a sudden here comes the Holy Spirit what happens when the Holy Spirit comes into the room they were all filled and started speaking in other tongues nothing else they spoke in other tongues Jesus said it'll be a river so wait till it comes when it comes it will be a river flowing so when I spoke in other tongues that is it so the word of God comes in follow after love but when you follow after love remember the science will follow you for what is love God is love so if I follow God the things of God will start following me see if I'll follow after love 1st Corinthians 14 verse 2 says if I speak in other tongues listen to this I speak mysteries to God let me help a few theologians no one will understand it because you are not speaking to somebody you are speaking mysteries to God Thursday what is this tongues no one understands it you are correct you actually read your Bible no one understands it but come as the Bible says if you speak in tongues you must interpret it no the Bible says there are tongues that must be interpreted but not all tongues must be interpreted because he's talking about praying in tongues speaking in tongues singing in tongues and prophesying in tongues they are different all manner of tongues divers kinds of tongues but we are touching in the one that's supposed to be producing the power of God that's supposed to cause a river of life to flow wherever you go you are supposed to bring forth life when the river flows so if you speak in another tongue you are speaking mysteries to God and no one will understand you come and I want to help you with something so simple so basic but it'll lift you up in your spiritual life like nothing on this earth no one understands you when you speak in the stuns that we're talking about tonight which is a sign that's supposed to follow you if you believe in Jesus the very first sign that's supposed to follow you he stumps they're very for home and I wanna pray for the sick do you speak in tongues man I want to raise the dead do you speak in tongues I wanna prophesied do you speak in tongues and I want to see the fire for do you speak in tongues when I want to reveal secrets do you speak in tongues I want to discern spirits do you speak in tongues but Kubus tongue says it's it's the very smallest of the gifts so why don't you go for it all this type of excuses you know I want something bigger than tongues why don't you start small I tell you tongues is as supernatural as raising the dead so he that speaks in an unknown tongue did you realize that the Bible says unknown thank you for the understanding doesn't speak to men but to God for no one understands or catches its meaning because in the Holy Spirit he had the secret truths and hidden things not obvious to the understanding now listen to this 1st Corinthians 2 vs lion says the following that I have not seen the ear of muttered neither's had come up on the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love know the love of God for those that love him but God has revealed this unseen hidden things to us how by His Holy Spirit can I go on but the natural man will not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are spiritually discerned so people will sit in church and they are bored stuff but watch them Saturday night when the music playing they pop a few pulls and get some others / let's be honest they may go berserk then we think they made but get them in their right minds to enjoy themselves you can't you got to need something from external to boost your system why not get something from intern which is called holy spirit to lift you up and do something in your life okay are you ready just keep your finger there let's just read it Romans 8 you know it but let's read it let's read it Romans 8:26 likewise the spirit also helps our infirmities for we know not does it seem unknown for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now for many years people have been caught with that word not uttered and they say so you can't speak it but if you go to a broader translation it will say in articulate speech of understandable languages okay so it's the Spirit comes and I can't utter it understandably but it comes from an animal or man ray st calebrage you could say their MA and that stuff is what I don't know what to pray for no man will understand but by my spirit I start speaking the mysteries to God that only God knows and God knows what imma need so if I allow the spirit to flow from Aida mosby he will start praying the stuff that I really need that I don't even know I need so I start getting stuff that I never asked I am protected when I didn't even know I need protection because I allowed a sign to follow me because I'm a believer and that is speaking in other tongues which is a mystery but no one understand but it's the most powerful thing on earth that God can give unto mankind the most powerful thing is not healing the sick that is powerful the most powerful you that a believer can have is speak in other tongues because that is the source of the river you don't have to agree but that is the source of the rubber okay let's read on first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 4 he who speaks in a strange tongue edifies and improves him self if you speak in another tongue its mysteries to God no one will understand you point number 2 you will pray unknown stuff is that good enough for you it's good enough for me by the Spirit of God point number 3 it says you will edify I gotta put the amplified in here I did you look at my faith we've got all this self-image stuff all the psychics and stuff trying to improve our self-image not God not the person makes to you not your child not your mother not your father you will I need some expression somewhere you will edify and improve yourself if you speak in an unknown tongue thank you that's a great clip for the two year in the front so one of the greatest things that God has given us he sometimes one of the most neglected things in the Church of Jesus Christ oh how many souls have you're led to Jesus today how many people that you prayed for how many things how much did you speak in tongues today I'll try again we want to get oral people you know did you testify did you do that did you do that what about if we keep on asking now how much did you speak in tongues today now if there is one thing I can prove on this earth is the power of speaking in other tongues I tell you the song is very true when the saints come dragging in do you feel like it sometimes many times I realize oh god I must preach in ten minutes I haven't slept for three days this seems in my body that doesn't want to function because I don't get rest there are thousands watching wireless satellite and the internet god I must have a word I didn't get chance to read Bible for the last two days struggling just to live oh my god air Grusha Delmonico's supra bajalia Rhea Shakir Shelly my brother I pray unknown things that I don't know what I really need I don't know how my body needs to be improved so rare car the Holy Spirit now goes and prays for me Salem Angra the unknown stuff chica I start getting in a fight I start feeling better I improve myself because I've got so many complexes I mean that'll make you know you look bad so how's Oprah akhira so I improve myself I forced myself out of that low attitude self-esteem thing and all of a sudden I know wow I've got the power to preach the word I've got the power to go and heal the sick I've got the power to lay hands on people here before the meeting get them healed like where does the power come from from within strengthened on the inner man hell by the Holy Spirit indwells us hell by speaking in an unknown tongue hey ground or shake a lame our broth covers but I don't understand what you say correct no one understands I don't buy this you're right I watch you the offering you didn't we didn't come on how many what she then sitting here knows these places in your life where you can improve yourself and you've been trying with everything look at all those bottles standing there on your shelf trying to improve yourself you rub it here you rub a day you prostrate here you plaster there you trying your best to improve yourself drink this inject that go here go there everything everybody wants to improve themselves and the most easiest way it's right on the inside of you speaking in an unknown tongue will edify and improve yourself as a brat oh take a lemon rose de Lima Raya che Cuomo Rahman gay it does more than bio plus power vital xlg triple a steel magnesium triple st nicotine etc guessing you whatever you drink that stuff but brother when you really need it they drop you ask me we're gonna get a breakthrough in the spiritual realm that's gonna shake the medical world and they will not know what has happened when we turn to channel spirits years ago when I saw that vision for those who hurt me I saw this old radio set years ago their head shoulder width is w then was full of noises we will be boom boom and you had to fine tune your radio to get a signal and then you would hear the music you know we remember shortwave and God says people are tuned to shortwave because Ephesians 4 says there's so many wings of doctrines so many wings shortly and I saw the hand turning the button to FM Shh this is radio heaven crystal-clear every s and every P was just there they said God said you can tune into FM and get a full measure of my spirit any time for if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit by the Holy Spirit within me praise but my mind is unproductive it bears no fruit and helps no body then what am I to do I will pray with my spirit but I will also pray with my understanding I will sing with my spirit but I will also sing with my understanding verse 18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you or all of you put together well this is something for a man to say everything let's just try and add on to this clarify yourself if you want to look at your margin it will quote Isaiah 28 verse 12 this is the refreshing with stammering lips and tongues I will speak but they will not listen Paul quotes first Corinthians 14 from Isaiah 28 verse 12 this is the refreshing if you speak in other tongues it's an edification it's an improvement it's a refreshing and the Bible says but they would not listen so what did God say he says this is so simple that people will not listen people will not take this message of if you want to be refreshed if you be edified if you want to be improved here's the key hey Ingrid or Stacy Lamar bravia can to heal emotionally Vienna it's a refreshing before you know me who feels so good but then we keep each other so busy we don't allow each other to speak in tongues so it says I will speak and pray in tongues but also with monastery but if I speak in tongues my understanding becomes unproductive unfruitful it bears no fruit it's a river of life that flows out of your being when you speak in other tongues is that right so Ephesians 6 is we must lift up the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy so the enemy shoots off those dot sets on fire into your mind I quench the fiery darts of the devil so how do I quench it by letting water flow over it for the this is somebody said it's a personal pronoun you gotta spell it with a capital letter I already so I Queensland dollar Jacob all say didn't but you got to make a decision to do it it doesn't flow automatically this river the gates of this river must be opened by you the doorpost of the temple must be opened by you it's a flow not to pool it's a flow not a tug it's a flow it comes out of you not pushing flowing so God doesn't do it you do it but as you do God will cause the flow to get stronger but you gotta algebra da same ting Glen oh Oh Cooper's I've been saved 27 years I could never speak in tongues talk to me why would you keep on I could never see because you never thought it is valuable you thought it is stupid anybody can do it so why didn't you do it before a terrain he says I will sing with my spirit and i will sing with my understanding come on I won't be long how many times do you sing in the spirit so if tongues is speaking or praying in the spirit then singing in the spirit is singing in tongues so Colossians 3:16 says let the word of god well richly in you speak amongst yourself in psalms hymns spiritual songs visions 5:18 drew be drunk with wine with excess but be filled with the spirit speaking psalms hymns and spiritual songs so we sing and if we sang five songs good we can maybe tune to channel spirit so we start with the first one taylor-brady though celebrate celebrate Jesus celebrate like let's go for a slower one holy holy God Almighty was a nice to come let's go for a very slower hallelujah hallelujah right thank you just perfect channel now here are my cinema lutely now my yeah yeah yeah oh yeah so you are still you know pump you know you still at the River Nile in Egypt you got a pump to irrigate you know pump pump what about getting to the promised land where it flows with milk and honey why did it flow so easily day because it's so low that's even below sea level at certain places there okay so it's very low so stuff can flow easily and make it so fruitful so you know just humble yourself and the side of the Lord don't exalt yourself you know and as you humble yourself in the sight of God you know florea jailer mama said it it I mama no no no no no no no it can we get the pianist a just sir can you give us see there thank you all right everybody everybody everybody everybody Wow what about if we just come together like now just open our mouths say la la la Boucherie la more horrible silly and they come on let them hear over the television gay Lamas hombre la la Mambo a body and you know so let the river flow let it flow let it flow here a lamasery delamere I'm a man drew in a jiggle Armando she really inaudible rebel around Oh she'll hell I'm on de novo Rama come on join us stay in your house hallelujah la la la morra Baba sur la la mando right stop it's your River you can stop anytime and start anytime but why don't you flow come on out of 24 hours a day how many hours were you flowing today yeah my soul breaking and I'll get she cute Oh Bravo edifying improving quenching fiery darts speaking mysteries praying unknown prayer requests I mean God is on the scene because you allowed him to step in from your innermost being ricotta Shelley Brown born Gong Day God says for so long I try to get a hold of your tongue but out of the mire and out of the dirt oh man is like people as burs ease with a flirt oh you've been speaking things that doesn't come from above it's not been driven by the force called love but God says now by the power of God's light you're gonna be clothed on the inside with ease mite and you're gonna let the river flow it'll be the way that God wants things to go oh so let the river flow so open your mouth and let it come from the north and from the south let the river flow let it flow that it flow and wherever this river go there will be life and it'll put an end to strife Oh God says there is life come on it's time for the river to flow hallelujah say you can go anytime I mean verse eighteen I thank my god I speak in tongues more yo verse 21 so it is written by men of strange languages and my lips of foreigners will I speak to these people and not even them will they listen to me quoted as ayah 28 I said it so I don't have to say it again so God says today everybody I want to speak through you would you and God since they wouldn't listen then would you listen now Oh what could you know nobody understands that was point one I don't understand you're right that was point one I don't know what I'm praying you're right it's mysteries but it'll work for your good it'll edify you it'll improve you it'll bring God on the scene it'll Queens the fiery darts of the devil it'll start working for you things and great thing it's a sign that's supposed to follow you so these signs will follow what is the first one you will cost out a devil but that is for somebody else what happened to you he was speaking other tongues oh I have seen people whose minds were gone with accidents or with damaging birth and you try to pray over them and nothing happens and you bend over and you start speaking in tongues and you see reactions because the spirit is in contact with God's produced rage something is happening here Ephesians 5:18 says do not get drunk do not get drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit so it seems like there is you know like similarities between filled and drunk now you've got to go with me you want to be part of this great revival in Acts chapter 2 when they were filled the Bible says in verse 12 but others were mocking saying these people are full of new wine in other words take a lot of drunken people Peter said no they are not drunk as you suppose in other words if I look they look drunk too but it's not as you suppose let me tell you why they are drunk this is what Joel prophesied when God said I will pour out my so they are filled with the Holy Ghost so there are similarities being drunk and be filled with the Holy Spirit so in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 14 says of following when I am beside myself it is for God's glory oh when I am fully aware of everything it's for you so I'm behaving well for your sake but if I really want God to get glory I'm gonna get beside myself I'm gonna be filled and it's gonna look like I'm drunk so they say why do people act so funny in that church why do they fall and laugh and scream while you would be too if you are filled with the Holy Ghost so God doesn't say it by choice he's saying my command do not get drunk with wine but do get filled with the Holy Ghost like that lady here is drinking very fast you know you know just one dose of the Holy Ghost is not will you do this in public I won't either pains on if you sober or drunk will you do that in public will you will you be filled I like the people from the east Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil a commandment don't get drunk with wine but get filled it seems like it's more than a choice it's like it come on when lost have you spoken continuously in other tongues you they in your house when laws the G tuning to channel spirit soul growl - tequila Brava do need a tequila ma come this is a different service today I think it's time for people to tune to channel spirit and giggle Amaro go stay she'll get filled you look so holy in your black suit look like a penguin Phil before this night is over we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna lay hands on every person to be filled for a change failed for a change Phil Phil when laws did you had a good in filling of a Holy Ghost speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual remember and the 60s were fill why would you do that because you're drunk no they are not drunk as you suppose no see how people switch off I'm looking for people that are tuning to channel spirit with me diseases per Edward channel isn't it what on earth is happening here now that's a good Phil Phil you will not do that in public will you Phil Phil Phil yeah those tears that you pay 50,000 grand for can't shake you like this do not get drunk with wine but we failed Phil hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 57,332
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg spirit word, kobus van rensburg teachings, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus life, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, spirit word ministries 2018, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, spirit word ministries sermons, power of tongues, speaking in tongues, speaking in tongues church, kobus van rensburg sermons download
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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