Word and Meditation equals Power - Prophet Kobus (Part 1)

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chapter 1 Joshua chapter 1 just verse 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth it shall not depart error in other words it shall always be in your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe and do according all that is written in it for them you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success you shall prosper you should have success you shall be wise is that ok when shall you have this when you have observed what God said it seemed like you missed that one it says you shall take this word he shall not depart out of your mouth you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may observe okay so these two things you got to do the word must not depart from your mouth and you must but you must meditate on a day and night he says and then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall deal wisely and have good success this this world shall not depart from your mouth if I am in an airplane and I'm ready to depart to the United States of America and it says this aircraft shall not depart what does it mean it's not going anywhere now I've checked it in different translations and it says the same in all translations this word shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may observe all that is written in it so that you can make your way prosperous so that you can deal wisely and so that you can have good success in other words the Bible says a fool speaks all that's in his heart a wise man keeps his tongue proverbs a fool will say all his heart a wise man will keep his tongue in other words if I just speak speak speak speak speak everything just comes out comes out comes out I did not meditate what's written in the word so that the time it departs my mouth it must bring prosperity it must bring wisdom and it must bring success if it does not it means I'm a hurried speaker that makes me a fool that means I just keep speaking speaking speaking speaking I can say the word as much as I can say a dress so same mouth that speaks word speaks nonsense the same mouth that speaks positive confessions speak negative confessions so we got to take the word meditated it's not allowed to depart if you haven't observed what it's there for so Romans chapter team tells us from verse 8 ratio from verse 8 right to verse 17 he says this word of faith that we preach is in your mouth this word of faith so it takes the word of the law and it makes it the word of faith because in Deuteronomy 30 says this law or commandment that I give you this day is not difficult it's in your mouth and in your heart to speak it okay so it's blessing or cursing it's life or death it's good or evil it's in your heart and in your mouth to speak it so if you don't meditate all right you speak anything the one minute you say well bless you brother you good the next minute you say you're a creep man in other words I did not meditate I did not observe what is written in the book that's why I don't deal wisely with situations but if I meditate before it depart out of my mouth I will deal wisely I will prosper and I will have good success so this word of faith that we preach it's in our mouth and in our heart that if we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord that God raised him from the dead we shall be saved then he goes on to say but how shall they believe if they don't hear how shall they hear if there is no preacher then he goes on and he talks again about believing and then he comes in verse 17 he says so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word I mean we heard this message for the last 35 years but have we heard that the word to believe is in our mouth and in our heart so we must meditate on it before it depart so what we hear from the word even if it's read spoken or written word if we get the word in us in Bull's faith if I do meditate on it observe what is written and then when I speak they must be results of prosperity wisdom and success so it says belief belief belief belief a couple of times there in Romans chapter 10 so hebrews chapter 11 we know now faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not seen so they stuff that everybody wants to see but you don't see it so faith is that evidence to get that stuff in so now if since coming says we are saved through faith or by faith through grace through grace by faith all right but it's not of ourselves it's a gift of God so faith is a gift but now then do I get my faith to operate and this is the revelation that I had I think two thousand and two or three and I preached the series on it I said God's gift to me is faith my gift back to God is belief and I still think that's a great revelation God just gave it to me in preaching one night I think it was 2002 or something faith is God's gift to me my gift back to God is belief so I get the spoken word the written word I get the word but this word shall not depart out of your mess Joshua does fear don't let this word apart but you must first make big teeth until you observe all that is written then you shall make your way prosperous then you shall deal wisely and then you shall have great success Wow I can preach the whole hour just keep on repeating it repeating and repeating it repeating it okay so Hebrews 11:1 bless you guys faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen okay now listen to verse 6 without faith it is impossible is impossible without faith it's impossible to believe God for he that go to God must believe that let's stop . now everybody in this house and everybody watching by TV john 1:12 says 11 says he came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave me the power to be called the sons of God as many as believed how many in this house believes that believe Jesus came believe God sent his own son to die you believe the blood washes you from all sin unrighteous believe Jesus is the Son of God come and let's work together we believe full stop then we are believers now listen Enoch goes to God must believe that he so we believe that he's not was not shall be but he is in other words I am that is another word for ease so I can't say II's but I've I believe he's it means I believe he is I am right he that goes to God must believe that is do you believe that now the rest of the scripture and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him now please saints of God holy believers listen if I believe the first portion he's that's why I'm saved why don't we get the second portion he is a rewarder of them that seek him in other words if I go to God I say father I believe he's God the Father why don't I then believe that he's gonna reward me for what I ask why is it that Christians can pray for ages and never get a result if I take my prayer list how many of the articles discussed has been answered is it not answered because something is wrong in my life it can't be because we're living in Grace and Peter said when the lay man at the gate called beautiful walk don't look on us that though by our own works of righteousness or good works this man is here but no it's because we believe it's faith in his name that made this man whole it's believing on him that you crucified that God race it's not our work so so he got an answer when he spoke so we gon see if we go through our list that's not answered yet that's not answered yet so I said Lord what is it he said if we believe that God is but we struggle to believe that he is a rewarder we believe he is but we go and we don't break through that he can reward in other words I must be specific in what I ask otherwise how will I know he rewarded that thing that I asked for and if I ask for that specific thing do I believe that he's gonna reward if I believe he is why don't I believe the rest I mean what's more difficult to believe here I come full of nicotine and alcohol and other leaves yeah where I come into a church I cry I say Jesus I haven't seen him I haven't felt him he didn't appear but yet I say Jesus cleanse me wash me I receive yours must say I stand up and I believe my past is gone I'm a new creation I'm saved I'm a child nobody will convince me different now what bigger Mariko do you need them to believe that stuff you've never seen him you've never heard his audible voice he never appeared to you you never had a dream about him but yet you believe that you are saved you are born again you're a child of God why don't you they believe the simple things like answered prayers and it all comes to that one in Joshua so his reward to her to believers in the 1946 revival I said it a couple of times here the song that they sing at the end of the meetings when they started the healing lines Oral Roberts Jaco aaand William Brennan would the sister come to the organ tonight yes we're just gonna sing only belief then you're only building only believe all things are possible only building and only bill and you see the people coming the people coming and sinners coming and crutches are flying and cancers are disappearing and only believe if I believe that be saved me from my sinful life can I not believe the reason and I said lord I need to give an answer to the church we need to get regular breakthroughs he says don't let the word apart meditate on what is written in it so that you can observe what is there for so that the minute you speak it it's gonna bring success prosperity and wisdom out of you so hearing meditating [Music] Samara tithing is sometimes a slow process if you translate it into Afrikaans this is meditate Jew English you'll never understand yes really there's a good mob fight in other words if he said a water how will you know we rewarded you you were not specific if you just prayed to prayed I must praise God pray for every break so if I know what is written I can take that word and be specific and saying God you said it you said this word cannot return void unto you now I've got a promise here God concerning my situation Lord I meditate on it I see what you did for Joshua I see the walls of Jericho falling I see what you did file I sure I saw what you did for Elijah I saw what you did for Ruth I saw what you did for obed-edom I see it Lord I meditated if you did it for them you got to do it for me now I've merited now I want to speak it forth in the name of Jesus Christ of man I speak this thing into my life my God shall supply all my needs a gory you see but we speak oh my God shall supply all my needs then I look at how other people's needs are supplied and I get jealous instead of getting specific about my need and may that they till I observe what is in it and then I speak it and then you shall make your way prosperous this can just may be the word that you needed to change your life forever so simple yet so profound first 22 and behold they come with one of the rulers of the synagogue gyrus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lieth at the point of death now look at the man's situation my little daughter lies at the point of death I pray thee Julia come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live hmm come lay your hands I know you know the story you know where I'm going you can preach it to me but let me preach it to you come lay your hands she shall live and Jesus went with him and much people followed him and throngs you imagine the crowds just building up where you going man they going to Josh's house this little boy man he's got a daughter you know she's nearly dead but you know he said to Jesus if lambs and she will love well come join us as they go crowd get bigger bigger crowd strong - we're going to see gyros door - healed I mean he's the ruler of the synagogue everybody knows him huh he's like the mayor of the town I don't know where our mayor is nowadays but in any case verse 25 and a certain woman now he is a different story an insert and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered it's like that today - but rather grew worse it was too quick when she listened when she had heard how shall they believe this they do not hear how shall the year no pressure but when she heard of Jesus came in the prints behind and touches common for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be made whole now look at the amplified bible verse 28 but she kept saying if i only touch His garment I shall be restored to health verse 29 and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body she was healed okay okay insert she heard she kept on saying and strike with it and Jesus verse 30 immediately knowing him himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes his disciples they don't even thirsty as the multitude thronging thee and says thou who touch me and he looked around about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said to her daughter thy faith has made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy play Jesus had nothing to do with America [Applause] when you go to God believe he is and the reward of them that seek Him so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word Joshua don't let this book depart from your mouth made the Tate honor think deeply on a day and night till you observe what is written day and then when you speak I put my words in there then you shall handle with good success you shall make your way prosperous and you shall deal wisely in situations and circumstances so this woman heard there's a man in town called Jesus must be the Messiah because he's from Nazareth as the Prophet said this is the miracle worker tell me more he touch people and they are healed people touch him and there tell me more then she meditated then she kept on saying if I can just touch if I could just touch his clothes the more she heard it the more he fell in her heart the Moy pelham worried came out of her mouth the Moy came out of her mouth the more she heard it the more she heard it the more she spoke it the more it fell into our heart the more she meditated till he becomes such a saturated woman with him I can touch if I if others touch seemly father and damned woman your faith has made you whole you got what you believed for [Applause] cool do you think it's cool not for gyrus it may sounds right but remember the precession is on the way to go to gyrus house that the purpose of the precession is to go huge irises daughter and now everything stops and Jesus starts talking to this little woman Peter starts argument in everybody is pushing now do you come you know Jesus I've felt power going out gyrus how do you know that by reading the rest while he yet spake they came from the ruler of the synagogue house certainly which said your daughter is dead why troubles thou the master any further a look here why trouble the master any longer the situation is now out of control hey why do you want to keep on going on with what you are doing the thing is now so bad it can't be saved I mean they already took the furniture they already said you've got seven days to live it's not worthwhile trying to press him now it's too late why trouble is thou the master any longer can I share something with you I am the woman heard then she must have meditated and then she kept saying huh if I can't touch him woman your faith has made you whole awesome stuff isn't it why trouble us down here comes to another revelation why trouble style the master any longer your little girl is dead why troubles down the most any longer your little girl is a listen to John 14 let not your heart be troubled you believed in God now believe also in me hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we uploading more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, spiritwordministries, spirit word ministries, Word and Meditation equals Power, Word and Meditation = Power, meditate for good success
Id: Jqc1TygmHzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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