Let your Heart agree with your Mouth - Prophet Kobus

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hi I am caboose van Rensburg join me now for captured in glory we gotta go right into the Word of God you gotta be blessed it's time for the church to come out of the closet and become visible you are the city you are sit on a hill you are the light of the moon [Music] for those of you who tuned in late or something I think already four or five cripples have been walking here tonight and two people that were carried in on blankets already walked and what about you you don't have to suffer with AIDS you don't have to suffer with crippling arthritis you don't have to suffer with excellent results and stuff you can be healed so in the name of Jesus Christ people sitting watching right now I asked that the almighty God will stretch out his hand and bring healing into your home that all viruses germs cancers diseases sugar diabetes will leave and that people watching and seeing and hearing right now will be touched by the grace and the mercies of Jesus be healed in Jesus name in Jesus name Lee Amin right are you ready mark 11 verse 11 and Jesus went into Jerusalem and entered the temple and when he had looked around surveying and observing everything it was already rate late and he went out to bid phanie together with the Twelve Apostles now what did he do in Bethany if you read Luke John chapter 2 he went out and made himself a whip what did he want to do with the whip he wanted to go correct the things that was wrong in the temple now Jesus when he walked into the temple the amplified bible said he looked around surveying and observing everything the bible didn't say and jesus went into a raging anger foot he saw everything that was supposed to be right was now wrong he went through the checklist an is it wrong wrong wrong they did everything that they were not supposed to do if it was our temple we would have got an anger foot raging maniac and just kicked everybody out Jesus just surveyed it and it was already late so into Bethany and he made himself a whip right through the night verse 12 on the day following when they come away from Bethany he was hungry and seeing in the distance a fig tree covered with leaves he went to see if he could find any fruit on it say you went to find fruit that what he went for he wanted to get fruit for in the fig tree the fruit appears at the tire same time as the leaves but when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the fig season had not yet come and he said to it no one ever again shall eat fruit from you and his disciples were listening to what he said look at me it's not only mad people that stalks the trees faith people also talk see trees I talked to the trees but they don't listen to me it's time you read some scriptures you can talk to trees and they can listen to you I know people who talk to the flowers in the house and they're supposed to grow that's what they say verse 15 and they came to Jerusalem and he went into the temple area and began to drive out those who wanted to see Jesus there Dave he began to drive out those who sold and bought in the temple area and he overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who whose who dealt in doves and he would not permit anyone to carry any household equipment through the temple enclosure and he taught and said to them is it not written my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations but you have turned it into a den of robbers and the chief priests and the scribes heard of this and kept seeking some way to destroy him for they feared him because the entire multitude was struck with astonishment at his teaching and when evening came on he and his disciples as accustomed went out of the city in the morning when they were passing along they noticed that the fig tree was withered completely away - eats roots that's a quick drying up process verse 21 and Peter remembered and said to him master look the fig tree which you doomed has withered away and Jesus replying say to him have faith in God truly I tell you whoever says to this mountain be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place it will be done for him for this reason I'm telling you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that it is granted to you you will get it and whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone forgive him let me drop leave it let it go in order that your father is in heaven may also forgive you your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop a few things here tonight before we go on in our study tonight we are talking about agreement for the past couple of weeks and we add some awesome revelations about heaven and earth where heaven is God's throne and earth is the footstool and everything about heaven and earth and we talked a lot about God's hand and God's voice so that is the mouth of God and the end of God that is his creating power God creates with his voice and his mom and his hand and we talked about the agreement of heaven and earth so tonight we're gonna go deeper in your case and in my case so Jesus came cursed the fig tree after he cleansed the temple no he cursed the fig tree before he cleansed the temple why would Jesus do that imagine with that anger in him whoop preparing a whoop all night imagine him coming into the temple where they were selling doves and not cursing the fig tree first come I'm just talking to people with some savvy in their heads imagine Jesus on his ways spent all night after he observed looked around and surveyed what they were doing in the temple imagine with what emotions he made that whip that night imagine what was going on in his head what he's gonna do tomorrow so on the way the disciples were following at the distance you know it says so in the Bible and they were at a distance and Jesus walked off the road and Peter said to Thomas and them you know just stay behind the mouse's not in a good mood so Jesus spoke and said to the tree died and it died man then he cleansed the temple then Peter said the fig tree that you've cursed is dead jesus said have faith in God for I say to you if you say whoever says the King James whoever say shall have now we heard a lot of what you say is what you have and we have a lot of people saying but not a lot of people having so jesus said if you say to this mountain be removed each are removed but he puts a condition with it and believe so tonight we're gonna go a little bit away from our hands in our mouth and bring it to they must be agreement between your heart and your mouth when you start saying things and I want to touch on it tonight and prove to you that most people haven't got that agreement that's why most people don't see the type of results that we see right here in this house then Jesus said something but if you speak and your heart is in agreement with your mouth there is another little condition you must get your heart clean if you want your heart to agree with your mouth it doesn't help you have an agreeing heart but it's not clean so if you have anything against anyone just forgive it drop it let it go don't sit with bitterness and unforgiveness resentment and offense in your heart because offense is resentment bitterness and unforgiveness will block the agreement that's supposed to be there between your heart and your mouth and you can agree you can feel the agreement you can even experience the anointing of your heart in your mouth agree but there's a blockage if you haven't got a clean heart before Almighty God so first John chapter 3 and verse 20 says if your heart condemn us God is greater than our heart if your heart condemn us not talking about it's been claims because of forgiveness whatever we ask we receive of him because we have no condemnation so whenever these unforgiveness whenever let's put it there unforgiveness and offenses you can spell it with a s or a C in the Bible I see when this unforgiveness and our fences you've got a blockage so get it clean because you want to see results so tonight let's go to Romans chapter 10 and trust God to do a great things in our lives the righteousness based on faith says okay let's try the game the righteous shall live by faith that was the revelation that Martin Luther had in the 1500s the righteous shall live by faith now the righteousness which is of faith says say if I want to stand in the righteousness of God I've got to get my mouth in agreement with the righteousness that are received imputed into my heart so there's got to be this agreement so the righteousness based on faith says do not say in your heart who will have seen into heaven that is to bring Christ down or who will send into the abyss that is to bring Christ up from the dead but what does it say the word is near you on your lips and in your heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach come on it's so simple you can get it tonight have faith in God says Jesus to Peter when he said Lord the tree that you have cursed is dead from the roots jesus said Peter you can have more than that if you have faith in God whatever you say he will also have but when you say it you must have faith in your heart for your heart must agree with what you say and if you've got that agreement make sure that the results will be there because you have no condemning heart because you got unforgiveness offenses resentment out and if that heart that is clean out agree with the mouth he will have results so comes Romans and Paul is quoting from Deuteronomy 13 with God spoke to Moses and he says I call heaven and earth as witnesses today that I bring before you life and death so choose life for this commandment that I give you this day is not difficult it's very easy it is in your mouth and in your heart to do it now please notice in Romans Paul is quoting from Deuteronomy 30 he says what does it say the word of faith the righteousness which is of faith saying do not say in your heart do not say with your lips who shall it seem to they will go down to the abyss but what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart to say it and that is the word of faith but you tirana me says it's to do it so we get our hand and our mouth the saying does it ok so then they comes the agreement I mean Peter and John goes to the gate called beautiful and there's the man sitting there begging and Peter says to him silver and gold have we none we've just been through the offering process at the spur administration so but such as we have we give you in the name of Jesus Christ of that speaking we say unto you in the name of Jesus cry rise up and walk the man looked at them Sir Peter took his hand grabbed him by the hand raised him up and he sang Kobashi so the minute the mouth and the heart agreed the hand was automatically stretched out so there was the 3-quart rope that is unbroken and coming into agreement the mouth the heart and the mouth and the hand and they the man walked so Deuteronomy says this word is not difficult it's in your mouth and in your to do it so you gotta be a doer of the word Romans says you must say it and then let's go on Romans chapter 10 the word of faith is in your mouth and in your heart verse 9 because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart belief that God raised him from you will be saved for the heart a person believes and so he's justified with a mouth he confesses out freely his faith and confirms his salvation the scripture says no man who believes in Him will ever be put to shame ok let's drop down to verse 16 he says but they have not all heeded the gospel for Isaiah says Lord who has believed I wonder how far we could go in it so when it comes to the children of Israel god bless them as I said they did not all believe okay that's what Isaiah said about the house vision they did not all believe now in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 1 and 2 says about Israel going through the desert they did not inherit the promises because the world was not mixed with faith therefore they did not get the results of the promises but God's promises came true I mean you can go look at it the promised land was there and there was a group of people that inherited the promises they were a group of people with Joshua that did get the lane but they were a couple of million that died in the desert because they had no faith so something went wrong between their heart in their mouth maybe they've said it and didn't had a day maybe they had a day and never said it he says if I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that is salvation so I've got to get the commandment that's not difficult between life and death now remember we got to put you tirana me with Romans to get the full story life and death is so easy it is in your mouth and in your heart to do it so if I get that agreement I can see results so Peter if you have faith in God this is our faith in God works what you say you gotta believe with your heart if you doubt in your heart you can say whatever you will and you will not get it there's got to be the agreement between your heart and your mouth if you wanna see rather the results okay so it says as I said they did not all believe so their faith was in vain when we talk about faith I remember the other day they were a lot of Muslims here from Hindman and I asked what faith are you from and they said you mean our religion he said well our religion is we are Muslims I said okay what is your religion he said you mean our faith and I looked at this man and God spoke to me and he said when we talk about faith we talk about religion when we talk about religion we talk about worship because it's by faith that you worship something or somebody and that is your religion based on your faith so your faith qualifies what religion you have if you are of religion a Buddhist you have faith in Buddha so who do you worship Buddha so your worship your religion in your faith is one combined thing okay with that in mind as I said they did not believe so they did not have the religion right they did not that they faith right they did not have the worship right how did I know that how do I know because they kept on turning back to the idols of Egypt when Moses turned his back they made a Kaufman because they knew in Egypt they worship the golden calf come on people they kept on the Bible sit and they followed the Sun God and they followed them they followed any type of thing because they faith was not right they worship was not right because they worship was not right their religion was not right so it condemned the thing between the heart in the mouth and they never had the results of getting the promises of Almighty God so let's see what Jesus said in Matthew 15 if you got you up to 15 drop down to verse 7 if you get versiv just read he progressed well in Isaiah prophesy of you saying this people draw near unto me with a mouse but and honoureth me with their lips but their hearts are far from me come on somebody we're gonna get into the word tonight he says well did as I say these people come with a mouse they come within lips we worship you we worship you worship you Oh blessed be the name of the Lord there's a be the name blessed be the name of the law he says where's your heart is your heart in your praises is your heart in your worship or is it lip service and mouth service listen to this but in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men I gotta put this down I want to call it the natural man so Jesus is the natural man I mean they say teaching doctors of men so it's natural the natural people have mouth and lip service and that is in lane because because dear children of God because the heart is uninvolved so that brings us to a place in worship where it is in vain because our mouth and our lips are worshipping for our hearts are drifting on the highways of this world these people are natural people so he says hear and understand not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man but that which comes out of the mouth defiles a man then came his disciples and said unto him know you that do you know that the Pharisees were offended he said unto Him every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up let him alone they be blind leaders of the blind and he's the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch then all said Peter say to them declare unto us this parable jesus said are you also yet without understanding it's your Peter headed man man he got it from all sides do you not yet understand that whatever interest in the mouth goes out into the belly and he's caused out into the you know verse 18 but those things but us those things let's get to the word verse 18 but those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the main for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witnesses blasphemies these are the things which defile a man but to eat with unwashed hands to file them not so Jesus just jumped back right into the Pharisees cup of tea Matthew 12 Jesus speaks to them more or less about the same thing he says more or less also to the Pharisees they are hypocrites he says either make the tree good and it's fruit good or make the tree bad and it's fruit bad because and bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit neither can a good tree bring forth evil fruit how either then now listen if you don't use this I can't explain it if you don't hear it on the first drop it's gonna be a struggle to explain to you how can you being evil speak good things I hope you got it so Jesus says there are people that's be good but their hearts are not in what they say that's why they ever got the results then Jesus goes on to say to them the following in Matthew 12 out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks now listen to this what Jesus is saying in fact is your heart can be evil and your mouth speak good now I want to try and get this before we read the rest of the Scriptures you can say the word must declare the word so he says but I'm just putting in a word yeah are they to explain it and they were gonna look at scriptures and see if I'm right or wrong but when Fraser comes when you are in the heat of the battle I hope I'm not too close to you tonight when the heat comes when the pressure are applied then your mouth will show what is really in your heart so Silla pause and think about that for a while Isaiah said they come with a mouse I'm trying to put scripture and they worship me but their hearts are not in it so how can they that if evil arts speak good things for a good fruit cannot have good tree cannot have bad fruit bad tree cannot have good fruit Jesus are you you know misquoting yourself are you you know contradicting yourself you said no no no no no people can speak all the good things people can come you know and you can oh oh what's the sweet OH and you can judge them because of their words and they is so sweet and I can try and prove to you how good their hearts but Jesus is in fact saying out of the abundance of the heart now he's trying to explain something when pressure are applied when the heat of the battle comes your mouth will show what's really in your heart because the mouth can only bring forth what's really in the heart when the pressure comes now listen to this he says because the heart is deceiving above all things you don't have to take it tonight I'm just gonna keep on preaching and put one scripture upon another scripture and you can brag about your good art so the pressure comes and then your heart will be revealed because of what's coming out of your mouth is it too tough don't you think it's time to have results don't you think it's time when you lay hands on your bank papers that you'll have money in the bank by Monday I'm not ever greater overdraft don't you think it's time when you speak too spooky I mean that old rate car that you have that got spooky at the back anything it's time when you speak to spooky you know turn into spirit yeah you know that holes you know anybody who saw stuff you know I know a few things okay James chapter 3 let's try verse Tuesday's we often stumble and offend yeah remember I said in the beginning offenses and unforgiveness will make your heart not to really agree with your mouth he says we have enemy if anyone does not offend in what he says if somebody never says the wrong stuff he is a fully developed character a perfect men Hebrews 6 let us go on to perfection able to control his whole body now listen to this and to Kirby's entire nature what God is trying to say is you will get the natural man under control and become a spiritual man for the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they're spiritually discerned so God says if you can get your mouth in tune if you can bridle your tongue you will get the natural man under and get this furniture man on top and you will be a spiritual man being able to agree with your heart in your mouth and you will see results in Jesus name he says if we set bits in horse's mouth to make them obey us we can turn their whole bodies about you know but it's but this law you put it in the mouth of the horse you got that bridle then you pull it aside and the whole horse I mean this big that's long he just say yeah likewise also the ship's they are so great drummer oh they are steered with a very small rudder uh-uh I didn't offer this course in the South African Navy in the early seventies now that thing we were on well as long as this bit longer than this church and the rudder at the back was justified you turn that steering wheel of this thing just go that and that whole ship's turn around now listen to me he's not talking about ships and horses he's trying to talk about your natural and spiritual men he says even so your tongue oh Jesus my tongue you don't have to look this way take your Bible and look at that thing is it wasn't for you if you can't see it touches singing hmm tell you I love you mom the longer you stick it out the sharper it becomes spiritual discernment yet tonight people are very sharp even so the tongue is a little member it can boast of great things see how much would have a great forest in a tiny spot consider blaze stem to the King James the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members he defiles our whole body he sits on fire the cause of nature and he sit on fire of hell so says you are a natural man and you can only prove it with your tongue that's got the fire of hell on it when the pressure and the heat comes your tongue will reveal what's really hidden in your heart it'll reveal if there's offenses resentments bitterness I've got nothing against nobody well let's put some pressure on I got nothing against a anyway let's put some pressure on yeah yeah oh I thought your heart is clean for every kind of beast Birds serpents things in the sea dolphins whales is tamed by the natural man come on the human nature says the amplifier but the tongue can no maintain it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison now listen if we can get back to Matthew 15 Matthew 12 mark 11 so here comes it with our mouths and our tongues we bless God even our Father and we curse men which are made in the likeness of God out of the same now listen to this see if I were right when I quoted Jesus with the abundance of the heart out of the same else proceeds blessings and cursings now I'm trying to prove that you can't prove with your tongue what's really in your heart till the pressure comes out of the same mouth comes blessings and cursings my brothers these things must not be so dust a fountain sinful at the same time sweet and bitter water can the victory be required now my brethren can the fig tree bring olives and berries it doesn't be one of the two all our berries I'll just have to go look that one up in the dictionary I can't vine bring forth figs so no fountain both he yield saltwater and freshwater but he just said he does he just said the same mouth can bring forth blessings and cursings so God Almighty spoke to Moses did I bring before your command that's very easy it's life and death and it's all in your tongue so choose life and I'm gonna take heaven and earth as witnesses against you because heaven is my throne earth is my footstool so I'll take the combination of heaven and earth to stand up against you what are you gonna do with your tongue oh no no no no but you gotta have your heart in agreement to for it's in your heart and in your mouth but you can't speak good and evil but you can you can praise God on the one side but your heart is far from him you can turn away and curse somebody else that's made in the likeness of God how can you bring full sweet and bitter water but you can it only shows what's really in your heart if your heart is pure it's gonna be pure water and whatever you say you're gonna get I'm trying to break it so simple so whoever says to this man go it'll go but you gotta get your heart into Jesus Jesus Oh get out of church and before you get to the stop street there at the main road a car passes you by because they in a hurry because they think it's still the driving me in a hurry to get past you they kept in front of you you say this stupid idiot Tony see I'm like oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to verse 15 this wisdom the Saints not from above it is earthly it is sensual it is demolition can a Christian have a demon ha ha ha pull out your tongue then he goes on to say but the fruit of righteousness is show is sown in peace to them that make peace so where did we start the righteousness which is of faith will say count on somebody so the word is near you in your art in your mouth to do it if you have faith in God you will say two things and it'll happen to you for whatever you say you'll have if your heart can be an agreement but then under praise you must proof that your heart is in agreement don't prove it Sunday in the worship service prove it Monday in the traffic service prove it in the high traffic season four o'clock in the afternoon in Johannesburg and you had to be at the airport five minutes ago and everyone in the car is trying to tell you how to drive now select your fountain bubble haha so let the river flow let the river flow Holy Spirit count to ten dozen never counted so fast in all your life not even a computer can stand with you verse 19 chapter 1 understand this my beloved brethren he's very very tender spoken me James I'm just gonna eat them right now understand this my beloved brethren let every man be quick to hear slow to speak slow to take offence and slow to get angry for man's anger does not promote the righteousness of God the righteousness which is of faith speaks come on so with the heart we believe and with our mouth we speak how the righteousness which is of faith which does what take no offense doesn't get angry so get rid of all uncleanness in the rampant outdrove wickedness and in a humble gentle modest spirit receive and welcome the word which implanted and rooted in yards contain the power to save your souls so the word that I received with the right spirit can save my soul so how do I get saved by believing with my heart and speaking with my mouth Roman steam so if I received the word with gentleness speak it with the right attitude of heart salvation what is salvation it means deliverance it means wholeness it means wellness it means prosperity I will get whatever I say if my heart is in agreement with my mouth because I've received the word and I were not stubborn against it I wanted hard-hearted against it I received it with a meek and a gentle spirit and when the pressure comes the same thing comes out which comes out in the worship service hallelujah in the glory hallelujah hallelujah when the pressure comes man the adjective that comes out there has not been taught in no school yet be he doors of the world the word heresy be doers of this word for him and not hearers only now how can you do the word that's what Deuteronomy says the word is near you in your mouth and you ought to do it Paul quotes it and says to say it so you're saying and you're doing your heart and your mouth is gonna be the agreement by the Spirit of Almighty God so help us if anyone listens to the word without obeying or doing it you see that he's like a man who looks carefully at his natural face I hope somebody's gonna understand we talked about Jesus age you know how natural people worship their mouths are in it but their heart is not how do I know their hearts are not in it Lord they mouth us their arts are so good Jesus is well out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak but God how will I know that oh when the pressure comes when the heat is supplied what will then come out of your mouth when trouble heat when troubles around when he evil come the body Road we and the spirit world know the natural man is the one that hears the world goes out and does not do it because it did not go down to his heart he only receives it in his brain when it comes out his tongue will show if his heart really received what was said into his ear so faith comes by hearing the word and it'll come by a preacher that's got it in his heart you can sit under the most awesome messages if the preacher haven't got faith in what he speaks it'll not do anything to you so sit in the right teaching sit in the right atmosphere where faith is shown what can I say man okay listen to this verse twenty four forty thoughtfully observes himself and then goes off and promptly forgets what he like looks like know what he was like but he looks careful him to the fault this law of Liberty and his faithful that means grace and persevere in looking into it shall be blessed in his doings see doing doing doing if anyone thinks himself to be religious and does not bridle his tongue now the bridle comes to the butt of the horse's mouth but deludes his own heart this person's religious service is worthless futile Baron King James says it is in vain what did Jesus say in Matthew 15 in vain do they worship me with their lips and their mouth if their hearts are not in it so James just turn it around he says if their lips doesn't take the word and say the right stuff their religion is also in vain so you've got to have the agreement listen Church listen the agreement between your mouth and your heart how good is it are they both pure are they both doing God's things speaking God's Word is their agreement when you speak what does your heart say when your heart speaks what does your mouth say when you say to a person walk what is your heart say who are you to say walk remember this afternoon at the pick'm pay you say go drive your trolley down the railroad track remember when you say rise up and walk does your heart say yeah come on trying to tell you how is it that so many sick are healed in this house for God's glory and by His grace because we see a few things in the word and we try and do it try be doers of the word not by our own efforts by trusting him and let our fountain just be clean let the water be sweet proverbs 18 in closing let's look I'll read the King James nvm prefer I don't know what we'll say at the best I haven't really checked it out verse 6 says of fools lips brings contention and his mouth involves a beating if mouth invites a beating so your bicycle has a cop drop me home no foolish contention and his lips invites a beating it's a rugby ball face when you see it you want to kick it forget it then he goes on a fools mouth he's run and his lips are a smear to himself I know it's not for you but just read it so you can share it with somebody else they call it sarcasm they say it's the lowest form of being witty that's what they always said to me in school I still like it foresight the words if you think is just ugly stuff listen to this the words over if you heard lately oh I mean a Whisperer or a tail bearer or as dainty morsels they go down into the innermost parts of the body can I just put it plainly have you heard I you know this is a secret don't tell it to you must even tell your wife this is so confidential you must not tell you not even your wife just keep it between the two of us he says that stuff goes into your heart and next time you open your mouth they will not be agreement between your heart in your mouth because you have been a slanderer a whisper you've said things that you thought was good and it was a secret but that went into your heart now you want to speak you think your fountain is still sweet if pretty mean unfortunately it's only you and God that knows it and sometimes you don't but God does you don't have to say Amen you can say oh you CH exclamation mark ouch alright you can do anything verse 13 he who answers a matter before he hears the facts it is a folly and a shame to him the strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up forbear 4:17 he who states his case first seems right until his rival comes and cross-examines him verse 19 a brother offended is harder to run over than a strong City contentions separate lame like the bars of a castle you heard James 1 and 3 a man self shall be filled with a fruit of his mouth and were the consequences of his words he must be satisfied whether good or evil because death and life are in the power of the tongue and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it so either make the tree good and it's fruit good or make the tree bad and it's fruit bad because a good tree can't really produce bad fruit neither bad fruit really produce good fruit except if pressure comes you can reveal what's really been put in your heart through the years so how about your heart is it an agreement with your tongue or is it just idle words coming forth in your worship your religion has been in vain but you can make it worthwhile tonight your worship can be with it you can get that agreement I mean so if you confess Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that he's raised from the dead salvation will be yours you got to have the agreement can I prove to you that you can say the right stuff and not to have the same results look this way I will not read that I wanted to read it but I'll say to you now remember where we started with a fig tree Jesus took a whole night to meditate so his anger would not be he's downfall What did he say when he cleans the temple it's not my house supposed to be a house of prayer you've made it a den of robbers did he curse them when he kicked them out or did he say what the word says about the temple so a fools mouth will be his downfall with a multitude of his words so Jesus went to spend the night out in Bethany made the whip came back cursed the fig tree then cleanse the temple then came back and then gave the awesome teaching of your heart must be in agreement with your mouth she want to see results Wow wasn't that just awesome thanks for tuning in and watching this program I want you to write me info at spirit world god orgy today I want to pray for you father I bless this personnel with joy peace happiness health and well-being Jesus lives [Music]
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 16,409
Rating: 4.9294119 out of 5
Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, kobus van rensburg spirit word, kobus van rensburg teachings, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg life, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus teaching on immortality, porphet kobus, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, let your heart agree with your mouth, heart agreement, agree in heart and mouth
Id: 3DA1AupT8uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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