Rock Power People - Prophet Kobus

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hi I am caboose van Rensburg join me now for captured in glory we gotta go right into the Word of God you gonna be blessed it's time for the church to come out of the closet and become visible you are the city you are sit on a hill you are the light of the Lord [Music] you know people fall into things past hurts familiar spirits getting victory over things of my life for my childhood and my youth and you know like David says forget will you please forget and remember not the sins of my youth and people go through the motions of getting victory over things that does not even exist anymore and everybody can look at me and say yes there are many things that's haunting you and Lester Sumrall wrote a book on the ghosts of history now look at me very straight how many knows they are a ghost of history that tries to own you so tonight we're gonna try and find out how to get the root of the ghost of history how many of you have ever fallen into the same trap you said listen this thing will not come my way again and after a few months or a few years maybe after a lot of years here comes the same thing sticking out these edges how could I do it and then I got a saying even a donkey one not bumpy's it at the same rock twice and you say my goodness I'm worse than a donkey you know say how many knows what I'm talking about there are traps that's been set for you and you have fallen it again and again you wish you all not you pray it against that you rebuke it you curse it and maybe even you really cursed it but and so the trap is there certain I just do scriptures first Corinthians in chapter 9 verse 27 Paul says but like a boxer I buffered my body I handle it roughly I discipline it by hardships and I subdue it for fear that after proclaiming to others the gospel and things pertaining to it I myself should become unfit not stand the test be unapproved and rejected as a counter fit how many times have you tried to preach help bring the gospel and when you find yourself you do the very thing that you tell people not to do if I'm on my course and running this race and I'm helping others to run their race after I help them I want to be sure that I am still on course as well I don't want to help others and then find but I'm unfit I'm not on course let's put it in other words since I want to stand to the test so enough helped others to go through their situation and circumstances off to help everybody I want to stand the test when it comes my way come on church so in thinking of standing we immediately think of Exodus 14 where they stood right next to the Red Sea and here was the Egyptians Pharaoh with all his warrior chariots behind the Israelites and they say to Moses behold Pharaoh and his warriors are behind us and Moses said stand and see the salvation of the Lord and for as you see the Egyptians today you will never see them again stand when Josh effete was in his army and they set their faces to seek the face of the Lord and they fasted and prayed for three days in the Spirit of the Lord came in the midst of a congregation the Prophet stood up and said stand up tomorrow against them you shall not fight for the battle is not yours the battle is the Lord you shall stand and see the salvation of the Lord in Ephesians 6 when it talks about our warfare against Satan it says taked unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand on that evil day and off you've done all to stand stand so he repeats on standing standing standing and the old people used to sing those songs tanning on the promises of grass my king you know standing standing I think I've said it many a time but many people instead of standing on the promises they're sitting on the premises but it's time to stand and when we think of staying you know the scripture that jumps up in my heart right now is Matthew 7:25 remember when Jesus told them about if anybody here these sayings of mine and do them James chapter one be doers of the word and not hearers only you know deceiving y'all anybody hear these seconds mine I do them I will show you what I will compare this man with he will be like somebody that dug deep and found his house upon the rock so if we do what we hear we will find our house on the rock and each will stain so build your house on the rock build your house on the rock build your house on the rock can each will stand there's no power on this earth that can stand so how do we get to that rock standing power let's go to Matthew 16 where Jesus talked to the disciples verse 16 and Simon Peter answered now you know out of previous teaching Simon means a flaky Rick it stands and when the wind comes you know if the wind blows this way it stands that way when the wind blows that way it bends over this way when the wind blows this way it bends that way when the wind blows that way that is the word Simon okay it's a flaky record but the word Peter means rock when the 40s and 50s came and it was I this Italian that couldn't be beat him in the boxing ring they call in Rocky Marciano and then somebody saw it in the late 70s and decided well I'm gonna make myself a lot of movies and Sylvester Stallone started making his first movie Rocky it was such a success he made Rocky - and Rocky 3 and rocky 4 and rocky 5 so there's something in the worldly system that's got the spiritual idea that if you can be stable foundation rock power that is what it is so Simon Peter the flaky rake that's supposed to be a rock stood up and said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus said unto Him blessed that I used Simon for flesh and blood has not revealed the son to you but my father which is in heaven and I say unto you you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it he's not just talking about the man that operates from hell he's talking about the whole system thank you he's talking about the whole operation man he's not talking about somebody working for Telecom he's talking about telecom he's not talking about somebody working for the Air Force is talking about the Air Force he's not talking about somebody working for the Navy he's talking about the Navy it's not talking about some demon that's operating from hell he said listen let me tell you the gates the entrance the thing that takes you into the place called hell that will not be able to stand against you if you're Simon it's not your revelation it's you open your heart so I say you are Peter you're a rock and if you take that rocky thing the gates of hell cannot stand against you because you will be everything that will stand for stability little Stanfill foundation heard and found his house on the rock and each shall stand he will be a rock power foundation Peter person so be it Peter you're a rock so why would people remind why would Jesus reminded Simon that he was Peter now when Jesus first called his disciples to him he said and he first called Simon the brother of Andrew and he called them unto Him and Mark chapter 3 says the following and he called them unto himself and he said unto Simon and he surnamed him let's change this bloodline let's change this thing where you came from let's change this thing that keeps you in a cycle let's change this thing that keeps you in your history let's change this thing that keeps you in your childhood you said I'm gonna call you Peter take your Bible and turn our onepage back to Matthew 14 verse 26 and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying a ghost so you would have say oh here comes Jesus I would like you see I would like to see you on the Fall River in the midst of the storm you'd it's so dark you can't see the sighs and yet come somebody in dazzling white walking on the water and you said Oh hallelujah angel and they cried out in fear verse 27 and straight away Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer yes Jesus it is I be not afraid I like the amplified he says take courage I am remember when Moses saw him on the mountain and he was scared and he walked close to the bush and he said who are you said I am that I am I am now listen and Peter answered him and said lord if it is you let me come unto you in the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus the rock power stability found at person on the world that he heard previously was now in a storm and when he heard it was Jesus he said but I'm Peter so I will take the word if he can say come and then looking unto Jesus hearing his word and then all of a sudden situation started taking control of the situation verse 30 when he saw the wind now it is not seeing Jesus anymore boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink so he was halting between two opinions am i simon or mi peter am i gonna be a flaky rake am i gonna be a rock found a stable person that's why I never sink he didn't know where he was standing halting between two opinions is it Jesus or is it the wind he's gonna be in control of my life here today and Jesus grabbed him and he said o ye of little faith wherefore did you doubt the word little faith is act on impulse the word is burst most people are very easy when the anointing is there to jump in the flow but what about acting when you don't feel anointing don't see anointing don't experience anointing it's cold faith you just know that the Bible says that there's no voice from heaven there's no man of God around you there's no wind blowing over you there's no Dove coming down from heaven there's no lightning verse around you you're just in a situation and you just got to do it because the book says I say so [Music] but it's easy to act when there's a burst because the glory is there you heard the voice of the Lord so you that act with a burst of faith on impulse why did you doubt the word out there is the word double so the Bible says in James 1 verse 7 and 8 a double minded man is unstable it's like the waves of the sea so why would James compare a double minded man with the waves of the sea because he knows exactly what happened there that day when Jesus said oh you though you acted on that bursts of faith why did you get a double thought okay Alex me why did you get a second source come on how many of you know you hear the voice of the Lord you start acting you're gonna buy that house then things don't work out you get a second thought then you start getting some other information not from God and the thing doesn't work out because of a double mindedness that entered into your life so ye of little faith why did you doubt why did you get a double thought why did you get a second thought why didn't you just stay Peter why all of a sudden that you turn back to your old life of Simon can Peter say Tiffy's you come Peter got out of the boat Peter started walking and Simon started sinking but it was Peter that said tell us the meaning of the parable it was Peter that noticed the fig tree was with it it is Peter that said you are the Christ the Son of the Living God you can go right through this Bible whenever something happened in the four Gospels every time it was Peter that said Lord tell us it was Peter that said when will this thing be it was Peter that's not Simon not Simon Peter Peter said tell us the meaning of the parable John chapter 12 or 13 Jesus is washing the feet of his disciples around the Last Supper table remember and Jesus came to Simon Peter and Simon Peter said would you wash my feet and Jesus said if I do not wash your feet you will not understand it now later world you will understand it and Peter stood up and he said sorry you're never gonna wash my feet and Jesus said then you have no part in me then Simon Peter said watch me Oliver so just after that Judas left now it's interesting to know that Judas was the son of a Simon but when Peter said Lord who will betray you it's all the same story but just different Gospels so he said one of you will betray me so Peter stood up said Lord who is it who the truth just tell us so do and Jesus said the one that I take and put the bread in the sub with him it is he and the Bible says and judas iscariot and your bible will repeat it the son of simon why would they not just say Judas Iscariot everybody knew Judas Iscariot they were not to Judas Iscariot they were just just they were just one Judas why would they put an emphasis in the Gospels on Judas Iscariot , the son of Simon who was to betray him took this up and walked out and as he walked out Jesus said well the time has arrived for the Son of Man to be betrayed so we're gonna pick it up later but let's go straight to Gethsemane now verse 36 all things are possible unto you take away this cup from me nevertheless not what I will but you will and he cometh and findeth him sleeping and he said unto Peter , Simon sleepers now could you not watch one hour with me so here comes Jesus he's been praying his sweat drops become blood I mean he sprang father if this cup can pass from me let it pass from me and he's in agony angels comes to minister on team he comes back imagine the situation imagine the state Jesus is in so here he comes and the disciples are sleeping but it's not James that say tell us the parables it's not James that said let me walk on water it's not James it's not it's not serious it's not Matthew that said the fig trees whether it's Peter that jumped in every time it's Peter that say well if you say I'm a rock I'm gonna be the rock he said he walked up to Peter and he walked the rock up he said you flaky rake could you pray one hour where's that rock stability foundation power when standing on the rock what happened to it Luke 22 Jesus says I appoint unto you a kingdom as my father's appointed unto me that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel and the Lord said Simon Simon the only time he was ever called that in abhava Simon Simon behold Satan has desired to have you but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not and when you are converted that means when you have changed your mind and your attitude from assignment to a Peter go and strengthen your brothers Lord if everybody denies you you can trust me I mean I mean you said yourself I'm Peter remember when you nicknamed me remember that night when you said it's not Simon it's not yourself but my father so I call you Peter cheese you remember now Jesus come in if I'm wrong trust me if they're all gonna leave you rocky will stand with you I'm not gonna be a flaky flake I will not deny Jesus is Peter I'm glad you've got that attitude in your mind but Simon Simon your past is running so fast if you start trusting in your own power that your present will not make sense so if you ever thought you're gonna be Simon tonight you're gonna find out you are Simon Simon your nickname will be gone Simon will even be lost you're gonna be a double failure tonight Simon Simon first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 therefore let anyone who think he stands who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm take heed lest he fall if you think you're a rock if you think you're stable if you think you found it on the rock it says watch out you may fall so let's go back to John chapter 21 after these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples of the sea of Tiberias and on this why showed him showed himself they were together Simon Peter and Thomas called didymus Nathanael of Cana in Galilee and the sons of Zebedee and two of these disciples and Simon Peter saith unto them I go fishing I want you to notice Europe it's not Peter now it's Simon Peter Simon Peter is now there and Simon Peter said let's go fishing man but he already showed himself alive why isn't Peter saying well it's trust God why is he saying let's go back fishing so can you see him wavering and we talked about Thomas Doughty and they said I will also go with you and they went forth and entered into a ship immediately and that night they caught when the morning was come now Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus then Jesus 17 children have you any meat and the answered him no and he said of them cause the net on the right side of the ship and you shall find they cause they for and now they were not able to draw in for the multitude of fishes from caught from catching nothing right through the night with one throw on the other side not enough nets and people to catch the fish they fool that disciple whom Jesus loved that is John saith unto Peter it is the Lord now in Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he Girt his Fisher's cut among him for he was naked and he disclosed himself into the sea now can anybody tell me why would Simon Peter jump in the water of the Jesus was resurrected and the boat is full of fish why would someone with his right mind instead of being excited why would he now jump in the water he was reminded of his failure Simon that's why he jumped into the water but recovers why would the fish in the boat reminded him well guru Luke and it came to pass as the people pressed upon him to hear the word he stood by the lake of Ganesa res and so to ship standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and we're washing their nets and he entered into one of the ships which was whose boat was it and he prayed that he was thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship now when he had lived speaking he said unto Simon launch out into the deep and let your nets down for a draught and Simon answered him master we have toiled all night and have taken nothing and when they had this done they enclosed the great multitude of fishes and then it break and the bacons they promised which were in the other ship that they should come and help them and when they came full to both ships they saw that he began to sink and when Simon Peter saw it he fell down at Jesus knees saying depart from me I'm a sinful man Oh Lord three and a half years Jesus tried to make him Peter and the very thing that he met Jesus with he failed again right at the end verse 10 says and so was also James and John the sons of Zebedee which were partners with Simon and Jesus another fear not from henceforth you shall catch men so let's look at a few of the reminders Luke 7 so they went into a house offers certain Pharisee by the name of Simon now is it coincidence said the man's name is Simon or is it perhaps that God worked it out before the foundation of the earth that this story will play off in the man's else that head of the names Simon so here the woman is breaking the alabaster box the spy cannot oil over his feet wipe his feet tears everything and and Simon is upset first forty four the in turning toward the woman jesus said to Simon do you see this woman when I came into your house you gave me no water for my feet she has wet my feet with her tears what they were their hair you gave me no kiss from the moment I came she has not ceased to kiss my feet tenderly and caressingly you did not anoint my head with oil she anointed my feet with costly perfume therefore I tell you her sins that Romanian forgiven and he said to her your sins are forgiven it's John Beck Peters just denied Jesus the already crew Jesus is already finished with Pilate now he's already been beaten he's already got a crown on his head already been stripped off his robe and he's already got another robe on so he's now carrying his cross and here is Peter with the other disciples in the crowd they don't want to be seen with Jesus now so you can read the Bible and see they were there in the crowd they were not hiding now they're hiding later so the in the cur and he understands trying to get the face of Jesus of Jesus and right in front of Peter Jesus fell and they called someone out of the crowds they said Simon come carry the cross why didn't they call these thousands it's the reminder of the failures of the Simon that'll keep you assignment but if you can stand up as a rock power person that I made you you will not fall but don't think Oh Lord nobody will deny you you said if you think you stand if you think you're this great man I will keep on sending Simon's your way you will find Simon around every corner you will find Simon's house and the woman will anoint him you will find Simon carry the cross it says and if that's not enough I'm gonna give you all the glory and power and I will not stop reminding you of Simon soul you are converted and then stand up and go strengthen your brethren so let's pick it up remember when Jesus said in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses now take that back to Matthew 28 to mark 16 and to Luke 24 combine it with Acts chapter 1 he said when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you shall start in Jerusalem then you shall go to Judea then you shall go to Samaria and then you shall go to the ends of the earth so here comes the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost the whole house is filled with the sound of a mighty wind tongues of fire divided themselves and when they were awful Peter stood up Peter said this is that Peter preached the powerful gospel Peter said repent and be baptized the next day Peter went to the temple Peter said to the lame man rise and walk Peter went back to the disciples and said let's phrase out straightening out people Peter went to the synagogue and the Pharisees and he said this Jesus that you crucified and Peter is this man but the only problem is three and a half years later Peter is still in Jerusalem but the Holy Spirit was to go to Judea Samaria names of them now you know how he was rejected in Judea and Samaria first of all they accept the team then they rejected him so why those two towns first because this is where he was crucified and this is where he were the areas where he was rejected so said when you get it they go there and then I'll send you all over the earth three and a half years later Saul has got letters to crucify and and kill the Christians and they get to Stephen preaching and so says let's stone the man we can't let this wicked doctrine go forth and Stephen is stoned and they took the clothes and laid by the young man of the name of Saul who was this eager Pharisee very young man very arrogant young Pharisee and when Stephen was stoned the other Deacon stood up by the name of Philip he said well maybe this is God's judgment because we we stuck to Jerusalem so Philip went to Samaria and he started preaching and there was great joy in that city and all of a sudden they started getting saved so Philip didn't know what to do because the promise was to the Apostles and Philip is a deacon so the first thing he knows what to do is go for Peter this is awesome listen to Acts chapter eight and Philip went to Samaria verse four was great joy demons were cast out the sequel healed you know the cripples walked and there was a certain man called Simon which before time in the city used sorcery and bewitched all the people verse thirteen and Simon also believed verse 14 and when the Apostles which were a Jerusalem heard that Samaria received the word they st. Peter and John not Simon Peter Peter I mean he's the one filled with the Holy Ghost and he came in laid hands on me verse 17 to receive the Holy Ghost and when Simon saw that through the laying on of Apostles hands all he goes was given Simon said give me this power but Peter said your money perish with you because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money thou has neither part no lot in this matter for the out is not right in the sight of God repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray God if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven you for I perceive that you are in a gall of bitterness and in a bond of iniquity then answered gonna say praise the Lord that none of these things that you spoken would come upon me so here comes Simon he believes he repented he took all his mad magical stuff and threw it away he follows Philip he's standing this is this is awesome what will it cost we have this power and all of a sudden Peter is reminded of his failures and periods challenged with his post Peary's challenge with his failures and Simon said please pray that all the stuff he says will not happen should we please I mean I didn't really mean it that bad I mean I can't help it my mother and father called me Simon please Peter you know you remind me of myself when I see you man sorry I said all those things but when I saw you because for three and a half years I was supposed to be here I didn't come now a man by the name of Simon would come and challenge me my face with the power of the Holy Spirit where I was disobedient for three and a half years so what did Peter do he still didn't go to the other cities turn around with chapter 10 there was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Centurion of the band called Italian band one of it was a brass band and a vowed man one that feared God with all his house which gave arms and prayed to God always and he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour and angel of the Lord God's coming to him and saved Cornelius when looked on him he was afraid is it what is it Lord he said unto Him your prayers and your arms are for a memorial before God now send men to Joppa and call for Simon whose surname is Peter he lodges with one Simon a Tanner whose house is by the sea and Lord's the Lord said verse 13 rise Peter kill and eat now while Peter doubted himself or 17 the men from Cornelius made inquiry for Simon's house and stood at the gate and called and asked where the Simon which was surnamed Peter were lodged there after all those years knock on the door is Simon here now not that the owner the one that's lodging here the one that is supposed to be called Peter oh yes why would the angel say that to cameelious because everything here is called Peter he knew you would died out the vision because he's too scared to go to the heathen nations because he scared of what the Pharisees would do to him if he eat with the sinners you can pick that up in Galatians so that Simon thing is still haunting him he's not made the quality the season yet to be rocky Peter so he started preaching and the Holy Ghost fell glory broke out baptized the house of Cornelius and all of a sudden peter is running around preaching to the heathen preaching to the jews preaching to everybody could and all of a sudden peter is the main apostle I mean it's Peter man Hebrews 12 said let us lay aside the weights Anderson that's so readily and easily beset us you know that there is a weight that is made customly for him that will not even affect him do you know there's a sin that'll appeal to hear her that to him doesn't even look like temptation because everybody has got his own simon that he's got a deal with and if you don't deal with your simon peter will never rise to its fool so let us lay aside the weight the sin that's already beset us let's get our eyes on Jesus why our eyes on Jesus remember how we started think when you stand on four and we must run this race by standing by hearing and doing the rocks story remember where we started the message remember second chronicles 20 was one of the scriptures we quoted when josh effete said stand and see the salvation but you know before new jazbaa the prophet before he said it this was his prayer Oh God are you not God in heaven are you not God of Abraham Isaac and Israel but seeing this great army against us there's no power in us so we're not gonna say how we stand we're gonna look to you there's no power in us to stand against these messes but our eyes are upon you so the Lord said there's good you will not have to fight tomorrow just go and stand because you dependence is upon the rock the Lord is my rock and my shelter the Lord is my rock and my deliverer Psalm after Psalm of the song 1st Peter 1 verse 1 Peter an apostle a special messenger of Jesus Christ writing to the elect excels of the dispersion scattered abroad in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia who were chosen and for known by God the Father and consecrated and sanctified sanctified made holy by the spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ the Messiah to be sprinkled with his blood may grace and peace be given you in increasing abundance that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ freedom from fears agitating patience moral conflicts praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus by His boundless mercy we have been born again to a never Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Peter writes his first crystal he said I'm Peter I'm an apostle I'm a special messenger and I'm writing to special people I'm writing to you God how great God is toward you his speciality and so listen how he closed his epistle in chapter 5 now remember Jesus said Peter no he didn't he said Simon Simon Satan has desired eagerly to sift you so every now and then Peter jumps out but sometimes seem as judges ease boldness with his arrogance because Peter chopped of Malchus is here and it wasn't supposed to be right okay chapter five verse six humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he cares for you be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom you must resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world superior right II suppose so Peter an apostle a special messenger to the elect to the special Saints five chapters later humble yourself in the sight of Allah cause your cares on him watch out the devil is still alive he's still walking about this roaring lion he's so seeking whom he may devour and I want you to know that the same afflictions we all go through it and all the brethren that's still out there they all go through it so I want you to know this is not for some special people everybody has got the same enemy the devil is still alive he's not dead he's just defeated and he's roaring around walking around like a roaring lion and he's seeking rid of a may devour I think Peter must have said you know before I close the letter went deserved mustard again I made Simon on the way whoever said can't be true oh yes let's look at second Peter chapter one Simon Peter a servant an apostle a servant an apostle of Jesus Christ - they never obtained faith through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ grace and peace be multiplied unto you according as his divine power has given us all things now he says well you're not just add to your faith virtue and add to the virtue knowledge and add to the knowledge temperance and add to the temperance patience and add to your patience godliness and add to your godliness brotherly kindness and add to your brotherly kindness love for Eva these things be in you and abound they will make that you will not be better than 50 lay aside Simon lay aside the weight that always comes just at the right time because it is ready to beseech you the wait understand that so readily and easily beset you by looking unto Jesus for you have not yet resisted unto blood you didn't pay the price on the cross he did so why do you want to be Simon if you can be Peter why do you want to be silent she can be Peter hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg spirit word, kobus van rensburg teachings, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus, prophet kobus life, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, spirit word ministries sermons, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg snr, prophet kobus van rensburg life
Id: g4xO-EgraJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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