Prophecies, Dreams and Visions (Part 1) - Prophet Kobus van Rensburg

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yes in Acts chapter 2 verse 28 in the last day says God okay afterward in the last days it's God I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh how many flesh okay God says my spirit okay that is a good word if you break it up up on okay it'll be up and on you the Spirit of God will be upon who okay so do you live in a flesh body that it means that you supposed to be part of the old flesh that have to have the Spirit of God on you when on the day of Pentecost they were all together in one place suddenly was sound of a mighty rushing wind that filled all the house where they were sitting you know it didn't fall the country didn't fold the city he didn't failure it fell the house where they were sitting so with a believers were together all in one Accord that's why God poured out his spirit you know God has never poured out his spirit in a cattle field or the battlefield okay so just for interesting psychic God is interested in people that are in one that's why Jesus prayed father that they may be one okay so that the world will know I pray they burn so the way I am they may be too and so God wants something of a unity I said it the last time I discussed about us with commitment and dedication and faithfulness that through the history there's very few revivals that broke out because of you know gorgeous Poirier but it was always poured out when a group of believers at one vision and they all came together in one place to pray the spirit was always poured out in a place okay people maybe had manifestations and experience with God but most of the time God poured out his spirit in a place and people normally came to place it's very few that people come to a person people come to a place where a person II so I don't know why God decided to do that but a place can be saturated with presence a place can be prayed through with presence so that I finna cos they were all with one Accord in one place suddenly there was a sound and they were all filled you know how many were filled okay so the little ladies that came the little children that maybe came together they were all filled with Holy Ghost and they started speaking in other tongues they began to speak in other tongues now that is a word that maybe we've overlooked he didn't say they spoken out then they began they started speaking in other tongues why did they begin to speak in other tongues because when Peter stood up in the Amplified Bible he said why you so amazed this is the beginning so that's why they began because that was the beginning of that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and gossiped in the laws they support out my spirit upon so God is looking for a group of believers that will all be of one Accord the old old story that got me really going for ministry was when I went into this old furniture shop I was saved about two weeks to three weeks I don't know even how long and I went to this farm store to you know buy stuff and there was his old thing lying behind the counter so full of dust say the company is not successful because it's been long established but a company is successful because they have people in it who live it sleep a dream it eat to do it ok so this is the beginning of that but they in fact they were all filled but you know he didn't really touch all the people but he touched all the people that were present I told you last time Evan Roberts the world survival broke out because he said imagine God descend and you are not present okay so all flees but now the thing if the spirit is poured out upon all flesh there's two things that's supposed to happen okay we say tongues but tongues was not mentioned in the prophecy okay tongues was mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah this is the refreshing this is the revival this is the renewal I will speak to you with tongues so the prophecy of Isaiah was not quoted in Ex the prophecy of Isaiah was quoted in first Corinthians 14 but the prophecy of Joel was quoted in in Acts chapter 2 so what did the prophecy of Joel said when God pours out his spirit upon all flesh I pour pour out my spirit upon the sons and the daughters and what shall happen oh thank you and what they shall prophesy and dream dreams so just to correct it because people wait for the old people to dream and they wait for the young people to see visions so all of you that are not young or old you can't do anything but so it can't be for the young and the old you know so the original just to correct it and there are some translations that really put it beautifully he says I will pour out my spirit upon the main servers and then the maid servers and the old and the young shall dream and prophesy so we just try to put everybody into the prophecies is the old and the young shall dream dreams and see visas okay and dream dreams see see our to go to the sea okay so people shall prophesy who the young men the old men the servants the man servants the maid sir they shall all prophesy dream dreams the old and the young so your dream dreams and prophesy okay what is a dream what is a vision okay that's why the old man and the young means our dream dreams and see visions okay so a dream is a sleepy vision and a vision is an awakened dream okay okay because they both originate from the very same source they both originate from our conscience okay so the world will call it subconscious but the Christian hasn't got a subconscious the Christian only has a conscious you know what the world call conscience we call mind okay and what they call conscience we call mind what they call subconscious we call conscious so they've got different terminologies but if we go to the Word of God we can't declare it psychologically because then we are about five we already struggle with the three I mean if we're gonna be five we're really gonna have a trouble to declare which one is which one all right okay so the Bible comes in 1st Samuel Chapter one through three there was man by al cana he had a wife by the name of Hannah they didn't had a child and Hannah went to the temple and she prayed for a boy and you know the priest Eli that was a little bit backslidden was over fat because he ate too much he's eyes were swollen closed because of the fat and that's true that's all in the Bible so because of his back slim condition the only thing he that he set any ate the fat of the offerings that his sons brought him you know and they stole the offerings that was supposed to be to the Lord you know and the Bible says and because of the state of Eli they were not really the Word of God it was very scared and visions were just asked out of you know it wasn't even spoken of so in the days of Eli no visions no word no word no visions in the day of Eli okay and the Bible says that's a little boy Samuel you know grew up in the temple of the Lord with the Ark of the Lord was you know anyway a night time came a voice Mew Mew the little boy jump up the only authority he knows easy lie runs to Eli but there is no vision there is no word so Eli have you called me sir ha ha long losses I had a vision or even been in the word I know nothing what are you talking about ghostly boy second times I'm your boy run eh sir have you called me no vision no word third time we run sir have you caught it there was a time in this temple when God spoke there was a town we heard the voice there was a time with God appeared there was a time when we saw the boy maybe if you hear the voice again say O Lord speak your servant listens so you come several several yes Lord is it I'm gonna do a thing in your days Samuel Samuel they will not believe it this is what I'm gonna do you know I'm gonna get so dead I was gonna fall and be dead because of his backslidden condition his sons are gonna be killed you know and there's gonna be trouble but I'm gonna raise you up as an awesome prophet and your words will be spoken so the next day he like man you had a vision and what did the Lord say don't hide anything from me what the Lord said you know and Samuel shared the vision I mean and from there samuel 8 open visions i mean he saw things he saw things okay so we jumped to chapter 9 and the Bible says the prophets were called seers the prophets were called seers okay in those days the prophets were called seers okay so seers must see visions okay so prophets can have impressions they can have a feeling but a seer says more than a prophet seer says hey I see you know a prophet say I feel is it true can it be I see but they don't really see they get a spiritual impression but not a clear vision but prophets were called seers and you know Saul was there and his father's donkeys was lost and he said is they not a seer today we would say you know you see not to sangoma or a witch doctor this is what South Africa does I said in the newspapers if there's any song gamma if there's any witch doctor or any spiritual healer that can maybe tell us the whereabouts of this but they never asked for a seer or a prophet you know so the other so is in order seer that we can just inquire about my father's donkey it is the seer Samuel so they come into the city and Saul says do you know where we can see this here you know Samuel says I see ah I see you are worried about your father's donkeys and I see that you know your father's worried but I see that your father's donkeys has been found and I see that you don't have to worry but I also see that you are now going to be king over Israel so I see you better come with me and stay with me because I see Tamar on when I anoint you with King and I see yeah and and the Bible says not one of Samuels words fell to the ground so why because he saw you know why you know because he had clear-cut vision but they were no visions in those days they were no word in those days but when Samuel met the Lord the Bible says that night when he said speak O Lord your service the bosses the word oh this is so awesome the word of the Lord was revealed unto Samuel okay and then for the next few chapters every chapter and the word of the Lord appeared unto Samuel and the world the Lord was revealed unto Samuel and the word Lord came unto Sam so what happened Jesus appeared and Jesus saved Samuel this is it because and the Bible says and the word of the Lord was revealed unto Samuel at Shiloh Shiloh an Aramaic word for the same Hebrew word for the same Greek word as Christ Christos The Anointed One the Holy One the precious one and that's where the temple area was that war it was first was that's why joshua offered his first offerings after they came into the promised land and he said you know this promise shall stand till Shiloh comes who is shiloh Christ okay so they are certain Hebrew dialects certain Judaism's that call him Shiloh you know when Shiloh comes you know our Jewish nation shall be say they wait for that okay so the word of the Lord was revealed unto him oh yeah so in the last days is God will pour out my spirit upon all flesh then we shall prophesy what is prophesy speaking the revealed word of Almighty God speaking the manifested revealed word of Almighty God what is seeing visions becoming seers again what is dreaming dreams be God spokesman again you know that you know that dreams is the way that God spoke through the most in the Bible you know that God spoke more through dreams than any other way in the Bible right from Genesis and in a dream Jacob and in a dream Isaac and in a dream you know Rebekah and in a dream right through the Bible he said you know Russ jumping over to the New Testament angel appeared unto Mary and said Mary the Holy Spirit should come upon you the holy thing which shall be born shall be called Jesus golde the Christ you know Joseph found out he's very upset you know and he goes very dry I'm gonna put away this girl how can she say she's pregnant you know and here comes a dream you know another angel this is and an angel appeared unto just in a dream and in a dream he say Joseph don't put away Mary for this is of the Lord okay so dreams visions it's so important to see in the spirit to walk around and see things to hear things from the Almighty God and that is why God has poured out his Holy Spirit that's the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joe not the tongues that tongues was the prophecy of Isaiah the prophecy of Joel was dreams and visions and prophecies okay so we need to have clear-cut word from the Lord that says hey the note would say I can see the Lord say you know there's old brother Hagin man bless him you know they in the cloud of witnesses but he said I will never preach if I don't prophesy he says when the Holy spirt I will never preach without prophesy you can listen to his tapes you can go through the videos he would preach and then he would prophesy hey Lord will say now you can go to Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland tried to prophesy in all it's not all on TV but if you go to his meetings you always prophesy there's offered that stuff that we all know he says no no no it's not stuff that we all know he would preach a sermon and then just prophesy the sermon in short you know the Lord would say if you could Hawken unto my word and listen to what I have said this day he will hear and you will see the results but he's just now met he's now emphasizing his word by saying they'll say of the Lord he said well I'm a prophet so I got to prophesy you know if this were better shall we prophesy okay so seers prophesying dreaming dreams so we must had come how is it how can we help it on that we can see more visions dream more dreams and hear more clearly from God how do you hear the voice about so clearly how come you see these things how come you know these things yeah would you would you have you how did you know this stuff yeah how come you say this stuff and wow it's just I mean the last couple of weeks there is not one message that I've preached that I haven't got about two three emails as it covers I just want to confirm two nights worth every single night ask Annalise I look at all these look at all these handsome faces every quivers this is exactly what God said to me will happen this is the survival says if I prophet speaks two or three must stand up and then the first prophet must keep quiet does it mean how the other prophets got a greater word no you must give the other prophet a chance to say I want to confirm this word man I tell you all week God's been sharing with me about the scriptures I mean this morning I woke up God woke me up with a scripture I mean God say to me this I mean the last couple of I come in the church and people just say a word that's a hey that's what I'm gonna preach you know so why don't we do we I actually prophesied we are actually seeing visions we are actually in the spirit okay where are we thank you in the spirit okay so I have a spirit man that needs to be very awakened so Jesus comes and he says when this Holy Spirit comes be glad that I go for if I don't go I cannot send you the comforter but if this comforter comes man he's gonna teach you he's going to remind you of all the things that I have said now we were not here when Jesus spoke and Johnson is if everything that Jesus said was to be written down they would not be enough books so how can we know everything that Jesus said I sent you the Holy Spirit you know what he he will remind you of everything so I walkin I thinking geez it that's exactly when I said next to the Sea of Galilee earth nothing the Bible you're young yet to remind you of the stuff that I said so our speaking our feel it's not me speaking I feel man I'm not speaking now this is a people come to me all because your eyes change Jerell your compaction change when you speak man you speak something happens to you now we see yeah that's not the man that I greeted at the door man you there's something out yes I mean is either something his mic he's totally different his language is different he's this is an authority so what is he doing he's speaking the words of Jesus he's speaking the words of the Lord so what is he doing he's a prophet his prophesy so Jesus be glad because we need comes he's gonna remind you but that's not all he's gonna start convincing convicting and put some emphasis to the world about a lot of things about sin because I go to the Father because I don't believe in me about righteousness because I go to the Father judgment because you know the rule of this world has been judged so who all could do the conferencing work the Holy Spirit will do the conferencing work so what draws you to the Father no man can come to the Father except this for a draws him so who's involved in this whole dreamy dreamy seeing me visions you know sleepy visions and awakened dreamings who's involved the Holy Spirit so he's involved so where does he grab ahold of you so Paul comes in romans chapter 9 he says verse 1 my spirit is in agreement or confesses or testifies with the Holy Spirit so now forces I'm gonna try and tell you how this thing works it's my spirit you know with he spirit when these two are one so father I pray that they may be one father as you and I are one and I on you or one now I said the other day maybe we should just discuss it some way God is first God is not physical God is Spirit Jesus is physical the man Christ Jesus he came to reveal the father the unseen God God is spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and so what's the Holy Spirit oh the Holy Spirit is that seven Falls for it that portion of God that can be saved all over the world that thing that we call anointing that thing that we call power that thing that we call will come upon you and make you able to see visions and dream dreams okay so that's why Jesus was born by the Holy Spirit so who was that spirit that came over Mary the father okay because the father must get to the mother is they want to have babies so said the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and that we shall be conceived of you shall be called so what was that Holy Spirit the father because the father is spirit Hebrews chapter 12 God is spirit and we must be subject to the father of spirits so he is a spirit okay so Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit he was born of the father he says I'm born of the father I've come forth from the father I came out of the bosom of the Father he goes a father to say I am in the bosom of the Father so jesus said my father you know I can just do what my father shows me you know so he was laid off the spirit by which put it was he laid the one that was poured out which one was he living by the one that he was born by okay so God is spirit jesus came to manifest a spiritual God and unseen God okay but the Holy Spirit was poured out upon him but it was born of the Holy Spirit yes that's the father you know he lived by the spirt that's a father he saw in the spirit from the father yeah but he was laid of the spirit into the wilderness you know and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me which perk not the father the anointing part that empowers you to be able to see so Jesus says I can see that your thoughts are not good why do you think in your heart what is easier can I heal on the Sabbath they haven't said word Easons oh you are now thinking so come standing the mud study goes the man's brother then he said any of you that has a kettle or a donkey and he falls into a ditch on the Sabbath would you pull him out so why do you care more about animals than about God's people so Jesus always nailed them what was doing that oh the spirit upon him okay but he was born of the Spirit which is the father but he was led of the Spirit which is the Holy Spirit but he was anointed of the spur which is the Holy Spirit so he says the glad that I going I'll sing to the very same Holy Spirit and if he comes he will remind you of all things and if he comes upon you oh this is that in the last days says God man people will again dream dreams and see visions have sleepy visions and awaken dreams oh brother I tell you since I got the Holy Spirit I speak in tongues you know I speak in tongues more than anything else here brah shakadou the mom Bob over here take a brush it did when tossed you see a vision when lost that you see a dream how much covers you know how can i how I'll help myself to see visions and how can I self help myself to dream dreams that's what romans 13 says and that's what's Ephesians 4 sit how do I awake I like your conscious because my conscience is awake the course is awake you'll see visions and dream dreams he'll be sensitive okay the Bible says in Ephesians 3 people become calloused okay another translation says they become insensitive okay they say they become hard let me not become hard no I'm just insensitive Unger fula insensitive for what he says with our eyes okay he says in Chapter 1 I pray that the eyes of your understanding yeah come on - would you really ever but you not your eyes are wide open you know you see everything but you don't see nothing you know so what are we trying to say to people you are insensitive can't you feel but are we talking about the eyes so that you might see and understand what what is the wisdom you know what is the depth what is the riches what does he want to know our inheritance the power that God used when you raised Christ from the dead oh I want you to know the stuff why with eyes open which eyes of our understanding live to the mercy see as we speak place you up you yes
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 65,101
Rating: 4.9066806 out of 5
Keywords: swm, spirit, word, ministries, kobus van rensburg, Prophecy (Media Genre), Vision, dreams, Dream (Quotation Subject), Holy, Future
Id: EvDJP-usunE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2015
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