Power Through Your Hand - Prophet Kobus

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put your hand on your Bible say this is God's holy word inspired by the Holy Spirit and tonight Holy Spirit breathed life into every word spoken every letter read let it be spirit of life my life be changed and transformed in the presence of the Most High God tonight in Jesus name so I touched a little on this the end of January and I anointing meeting and I just feel I gotta do it tonight again so tonight prepare your heart we have discussed it over and over again and we've said it this week that Isaiah 66 and verse 1 says the heaven so God as I've thrown heaven is the throne that's a place of authority and Earth is the footstool that's the place where authority supposed to be exerted okay earth is a place for God's feet so we know that when Satan tempted Jesus in the world earnest he took him on a high pinnacle and said if you bow down and worship me I will give you all these kingdoms and their glories remember for it has been given to me so he says this this authority of the kingdoms has been given me I can give it to you if you will just fall down and worship me so Jesus later on taught the disciples whenever you pray say our Father which art in heaven let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven let the kingdom of heaven now come to earth so God wants that a combination because in the beginning God in the beginning God created heaven and the earth and I say that year the first day only on the fourth day came planets so before they were a Sun and a moon and a star there was heaven and earth so I don't know what the scientists say I don't really care a lot I rather believe the Bible so in the beginning God created even the earth the authority on earth was given away Jesus came and Satan said I can give it to you if you will fall down and worshiped me jesus said no you're gonna worship the Lord your God owning him only shall you serve but three and half years later coming out of the tomb Jesus appeared unto the disciples in Matthew 28 verse 19 and he says all authority all authority in heaven and on earth has now been given to me it's now mine so there's no authority left to any other aliens for it it's all been given back to me I got it rightfully back I didn't get it behind a closed door I didn't get it in the wrong way all Authority is now been given to me so now I give it to you go so Jesus is something in this fashion in Matthew 18 verse 18 he says again I say unto you if two of you shall agree on touching anything that they may ask on earth it shall be done to them by my father which is in heaven so Jesus is saying if we stand on earth and we can agree then heaven will come to answer us so everything that is in heaven that is God God's authority God's power God's glory on earth we need to agree to see heaven and earth move because all authority is now mine God created heaven and earth in the beginning man was supposed to rule so the heaven is still the throne earth east of the footstool you can have everything on earth Earth which is in heaven so our Father which art in heaven your kingdom come heavenly one your will be done on earth as it is in heaven do we want it or don't we want it but when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that'll be when we all see Jesus well sing and shout the victory but while on earth oh brother I tell you it's hell on earth but jesus said let heaven come on earth but we want hell on earth where did the scripture said let your will be done on earth as it is in El our Father which art in heaven let hell come to earth so I Chile we've been going through hell and high waters well Helen our water can't go together because the one is on fire fire another one so forget it let's just read maybe just one more scripture I don't know what I did Jenny enough January to me it was an awesome service so I'm trying to think what I did I want to get some of that stuff back here tonight I want heavenly authority power glory right now where I'm standing here tonight so when the disciples were challenged by the Pharisees about a lame man that got healed at the gate called beautiful this is their prayer our Father which art in heaven and she saved my way I said why do the heathen rage and the nation's imagine a vain thing Pontius Pilate has stood up against Christ the Anointed One of God they prayed Psalm 2 back to God and then they said Lord these people are threatening that we are not supposed to preach in the name of Jesus of it Oh God listen to their threatenings and grant these servants of yours to speak thy word not a word to speak thou thy word with boldness so that your hand god help us to speak your word so if we speak your word remember Jeremiah I will put my words in your mouth and then you will speak same in Isaiah so that when we speak your word this will be the result your hand will come and bring healing science wonders miracles now I want to ask you when the disciples prayed this prayer the Bible says in Acts chapter 4 verse 29 through 33 and when they pray together the place was shaken where they were together and they spoke the Word of God with boldness and with great power that the Apostles gave witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ where was God in heaven who was speaking the disciples whose word were they speaking they heavenly father's word what happened God stretched out his hand where did they see God's hand with their hands what happened great power signs miracles healings who saw a hand from heaven coming down and take the they had the gate called beautiful and raised him up no it was Peter and John that said look on us and late took him by the hand and they raised him up and his ankle bones received strength and he jumped and shouted and leaped and praised God but the prairies Oh God stretch out your hands when we speak your word so that we will see healings signs wonders and miracles in the name of your holy child Jesus who has ever seen God's hand coming out of heaven smoke and fire breaking up the signal or who has seen people walking up to sick people touching them and say rise up in the name of Jesus Christ so let's read a scripture verse 12 listen to me o Jacob and Israel my cold wants I am he I am the first I also am the lost come on what did John see what did John hear when he was on the Isle of Patmos and Jesus appeared unto him here while as wool eyes like a flaming fire feet like bronze burning in the fire what did John hear jesus said I am Here I am the first I am the lost I am the beginning I'm the Alpha and Omega I'm the root of David I am the one you know so this is it listen what he says yes my hand has laid the foundation of the earth and my right hand has spread out the heavens when I call to them they stand forth together to execute my decrees you see the problem is why people don't see the awesome the results that we supposed to see we separate heaven and earth and we make Earth a planet and we make heaven a home and the only way you can get to heaven is one day when you say and the only way you can reach heaven is by death now if death is such a great enemy why do you have to kill him to get to our final destiny in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth I told you the first day when God drove Adam out of the garden garden didn't God didn't take paradise away he took man away so paradise was still at the same place where in the garden on earth so Paul says I was caught up into the third heaven 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 2 verse 4 and I know a man I was caught up in paradise a third heaven equals paradise equals the garden equals the place where the Tree of Life is so it's not in a distant it's another realm so I got to be spiritual to find out that God wants heaven on earth the same place so father let the stuff of heaven manifest on earth why do we have to go there to get it why can't we have faith and getting the unseen into the scene so God says it's my hand that spread it out and when I speak to heaven and earth there is an agreement and they all work together at the same time so let's go to Acts chapter 8 verse 5 says Philip went down to the city's Samaria and proclaimed the Christ to them and great crowds of people with one Accord say they were in agreement listened and heeded what was said by Philip as they heard him and watched the miracles and the wonders which he kept performing from time to time every say his manner wonders and miracles that's what we here for tonight who wonders and miracles he says the foul spirits that's the ugly stinking stupid demons came out of many who were possessed by them screaming and shouting with a loud voice and many who were suffering from palsy who were crippled were restored to health everybody say healings signs and wonders and it was great rejoicing in that city but there was a man named Simon who had formerly practice magic arts in the city to the utter amazement of the Samaritan nation claiming that he himself was an extraordinary and distinguished person they all paid any attention to him from the least to the greatest saying this man is that exhibition of the power of God which is called great and they were attentive and made much of him because for a long time he had amazed and bewildered and dazzled them with his skill in magic arts but when they believed the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ as fully preached they were baptized both men and women even Simon himself believed what made the magician believe I'll ask it one more time what made Simon the magician to believe in Almighty God to even be saved and baptized science wonders miracles and healings now when the Apostles at Jerusalem heard that the country of Cimmerian accepted and welcomed the Word of God they seemed Peter and John to them and they came down and prayed for them that the Samaritans might receive their Holy Spirit what did they come down for from Jerusalem to Samaria for one purpose these people now have made Jesus because of Philip the Deacon preaching and because even the sangomas are now coming to Jesus even the magicians are throwing away their arts they see the miracles are there who we wanted but we haven't got the knowledge to teach you how that works so we need to get the apostles so here comes Peter and John and James they say well if they now got the power and they see how it works they may need to know where it comes from and they prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit for he had not yet fallen upon any of them but they had only been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus then the Apostles Holy Ghost now laid their hands on them one by one and they received the Holy Spirit what did they do they laid their hands upon him one by one and what happened they received the Holy Spirit now let's go on well but I challenge you to minister as from this Sunday in your church however when Simon remember a former sangoma he is the magician he can't do anything anymore he's made Jesus so the devil is out of him so he can't trick the PIA he can't blow fire he can't throw stuff he can't get rivets out he can't pull ribbons out he has now nothing here comes the disciples and they lay hands on the guy watching them is a former magician with any mind let's read verse 18 however when Simon saw the form of magician that the Holy Spirit was imparted through the laying on of the Apostles hands he brought money and offered it to them and said give me that trick now please don't be so religious grant me also this power and authority in order that anyone on whom I place my hands may receive the Holy Spirit Peter said to him you wicked thing it can't be bought by money maybe eternal god help us tonight the church have lost the art of laying on of hands with the following results that the other people standing by will see something happening to such an extent that they will even offer you money to be able to get the same power that were the laying on of hands they will be an exhibition of the power from on high so God says with my hands I have laid the foundations of the earth with my hands I have formed the heavens and when I make a decree heaven and earth will come together and stand in attention so if two of you agree on this earth my father in heaven will see that there will be that combination of heaven and earth so our Father which art in heaven live that Kingdom and we'll be done on this earth and come on earth so Oh God will you not give us boldness to speak your word so that when we speak your word your hand will follow in our words and when we lay our hands we will see healings signs wonders miracles and when they prayed the shaking was there and they went forth preaching and with great power the Apostles gave witness kobali this is awesome stuff three times in a row the Apostles came down laid hands the former may Jesus II just choukai Ferrari and he said how do you do that what did you give me he didn't say give me power we didn't say say give me that I may lay my hands and when I lay my hands I want to see what I saw when you laid your hands come on church what has happened to the laying on of hands in the Church of Jesus Christ what has happened to the authority and the power of the laying on of your hands on how many people have you laid hands the last month and saw the results of the hand of God upon your hand when you speak his word he will follow it with results when lost have you laid hands with results how much does it cost Peter said may your money just go with you to think that you could buy the free gift [Music] the free gift of God with money you stupid idiot it costs you nothing you just need to understand that heaven and earth is a combined unit and the heavenly power needs to be exerted on earth you need to get the spiritual stuff in a fleshly body and manifested spiritually and people will see it physically when Jesus taught he always confirmed it with miracles when Jesus did miracles he always confirmed it with teachings come on just just wake up why are we at this conference we want to have the power to go forth and bring the glory of God back to this earth mark chapter 5 verse 22 then one of the rulers of the synagogue came up to iris by name and seeing him that his Jesus he prostrated himself at his feet big beam honestly saying my little daughter is at the point of death come and lay your hands on her so that she may be healed and live and Jesus went with him in Matthew it says his daughter already died so here comes the ruler he's not just some ordinary guy he's like the archbishop popped up a sting you know because he my little daughter is at the point of death Matthew says she already died but Jesus I don't care what just bring that hand to my house and if that hand can be laid on my daughter she shall live now we know on the road another scene took place a little lady that had the issue of blood twelve years and if I can just touch the hem of His garment I dream it all and see stop the procession and Jesus turn around who touch me Peter said you see the crowds throng you howdy cuz and Jesus now I felt power going out of me and you know and in the meantime verse 35 while he was still speaking they came from the rulers house and say to Jairus your daughter is dead why do you bother and distress that teacher any further overhearing but ignoring I wish somebody would preach on that one day overhearing but ignoring that's more or less what you should do to that bad news overhearing but ignoring what they say Jesus said to the rule of the synagogue do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear only keep on believing keep on believing in what what you said previously you said bring your hand to my house and if you lay your hand on my daughter she shallow she said stick with your faith confession when they arrived to the house that exactly what Jesus did touch the little daughter and she was made whole Luke chapter 4 now at the sitting of the son all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to him and he laid his hands upon every one of them and cured them and demons even came out of many people screaming out and crying out more or less the same as Philip and Stephen in Acts chapter 8 dear pastor friend on how many people have you laid hands lately with results of demons screaming coming out sicknesses disappearing science wonders and miracles leaving and people receiving the Holy Spirit with a sign that they know that they've received so that other people could see they received the Holy Spirit come on openSUSE Donita like stop he's a dr. Madani any luckily opening my hand he said I just hold him a little bit now he will not quickly come by but he can't move so when it was teaching birthday me one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said woman Thou Art Loosed not I'm going to lose you now remember what we said in Matthew 18 if any two of you shall agree on touching anything that they may already shall be done to them by my father which again I say unto you whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven [Laughter] [Applause] haha I've never seen me love it all my life woman you are loosed the dead shall not praise the Lord [Laughter] we can't good form my hands he said [Applause] [Laughter] yeah yeah oh my goodness he's supposed to be the interpreter how on earth is he gonna interpret ha ha there goes the interpreter for the Koreans [Applause] ah job all the way from England the Frenchman blessing I don't know why you get laid in your neck but take another dose so [Music] [Music] this is our Portuguese pastor who makes the oils [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boy but see help us they're gonna be in a break and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight ha ha ha yeah I thought that was good stop how do we go on I haven't even finished the introduction when lost have you laid hands on your people with results when the mid [Applause] come on the cinderblock stand with your hands in the air come on you and I on it take it [Applause] when lost have you laid hands on people with results with me from Korea that's a nice stretch keep it there keep it there keep it there keep it there that's a good workout man in the corners Fe Road right there that's an awesome stretch man ah treats just make you've gotta have everything under control why don't you just lose control for a change why do you want to look at all that why don't you just give God a chance to step into your church they flew out for the meetings from Korea bless them Lord double double it up double it up ship ship ship jumping up and up yeah make a backflip she can't understand English flip it back sister [Applause] [Music] when they saw where the laying on of hands your weight is that women worry dear Lord help [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Supernature [Music] No Oh yeah [Applause] there's God so when the magician saw with a laying on of hands well the thing is a bit full of oil tonight hmm smells awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the whole rooms gonna smell of this oil [Music] 14 different ingredients of biblical oil I went to the Holy Well in st. Urban's in England where the first martyr died 280 and according to his treats in the foxes Book of Martyrs those favorite the book this guy was a Roman soldier and when the Romans came in and besieged England and I wanted to kill this priest this Roman soldier said to the priest give me your robes and they'll kill me instead of you because he loved Jesus and as the Romans be editing his head fell where this well was and this well wasn't really running and when they beheaded teams as well started springing up and for 200 years or something whenever people came to that well miracles just happened you don't have to believe it I do so I went to that well and I picked some of those leaves out there and put it in olive oil that's growing inside the well just the leaves with olive oil and you take pure spikin out no difference smells exactly the same I said Lord what on earth is this so I've got some of those leaves in here so if you see something drifting in these pieces of the leaves so tonight we've got a table on that side we got a table on this side and I've got oil in the center so Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Redeemer friend and King the night which he was betrayed he - bread and he said this is my body now take it take it and get the results that we see in this house he didn't say it's a resemblance he didn't say it's a symbol he didn't say it's a type or a shadow he said this is my body eat it and when you do you proclaim my death until I come and after the supper took the cup and said this is the New Testament in my blood drink it and proclaim my death like so Paul says if you do not discern this is the Lord's body they will be sick among you people will die before the time you didn't say if you discerned this body if you wanted to CERN that bodyguard Ephesians 2 if you want to discern this body go to 1st Corinthians 11 Jesus thank you for your body that was broken for me I eat your flesh now cuz that's Roman Catholic no it's bread and if you discern it you will not be sick this is the New Testament in my blood thank you for the New Testament in your blood better promises better blessings thank you if you go to the table you take a piece of bread say thank you Jesus for your body it's broken for me you take a cup you talk to God whatever you want to so then when you're finished you just come to the front that I just will see that there is not a stampede and I will be in the front anointing you with oil and if you really can't make it there just carry away Eternal Father in the name of your holy child Jesus we pray give us boldness to speak your word so that your hand will be stretched out with healings science wondrous miracles tonight I pray that there will be such importation greater than what we could think x8 ever had so that when we lay hands on people they will receive mariko power of the Holy Ghost and we will see it feel it know it go away with it keep it in Jesus mighty name [Music] there is a place where darkness cannot find me a place will never shine where the streets flow with living water where the fields touch the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] in hi [Music] take me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Janeway [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is a place where darkness cannot find me a place will never shine where the streets flow with living water where the fields touch the sky [Music] place [Music] [Music] [Music] in hi [Music] take me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] dang man [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is a place where darkness cannot find me a place will never shine where the streets flow with living water where the fields touch the sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, porphet kobus, spiritwordministries, spiritworldministries, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, power through your hand, power in your hand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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