Poundland Sandwiches Roundup with Barry | Ashens

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"So how'd you spend your Friday evening?"
"Oh you know, sat around watching two Brits eat discount store sandwiches for about 40 minutes. There was a dog in it."
"In the sandwich?"
"I mean, maybe."

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PsychoDuck ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What Stuart needs to do is carry a scrap of the brown sofa wherever he goes when he travels away for a video...if there's any left of it to spare, that is

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FertileProgram ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Imagine if they made this same video, but with Eli Silverman talking about flavour profiles, Paul Gannon keeping score and Cousin Dan swearing offscreen at Linton Davies.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/davedubya ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tuna and Corn is actually a classic sandwich mix? Never heard of that before here in Switzerland.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Chrisixx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I genuinely don't understand British tastes in sandwiches.

Tuna and corn? Cheese and onions? Chicken and stuffing? Barry keeps asking about butter?!

That island is full of insane people.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/radda ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Watching this video has given me flashbacks to being a student honestly. I'm sure in moments of desperation I ate a poundland sandwich.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ashensfan123 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'd buy that for a dollar!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bixby--Snyder ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Am I the only one that had to rewind to confirm that Barry picked the pug up by the scruff? No wonder the little bugger can't keep its tongue in ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/i_broke_wahoos_leg ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is the collectorโ€™s edition of Robocop Stuart was talking about:


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChicaneryBear ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh my goodness from your favorite film series berry yes I absolutely love Star Wars - haven't seen it yet no we're off to a good start how you doing folks it's a berry reunion Verret burying it we're here again in the West Country yeah come all the way from the east to the west haven't even bought me cider yeah I've always got some Americans speed of lads on so what the lads always do they're on tour buy sandwiches from pound land yes they do I can't believe you've never done this I've never know they've been doing some just for years they always looked a bit kind of but they seem to have massively up their game recently right I mean I've not ventured in many pounds but I always would go in and see them on the right hand side in the frigid section grab some house detergent stuff cousin gettin bargain there you can do I mean obviously I go in quite a lot yes I've never been in when needing a sandwich I thought you know what I'm gonna rope Barry into triangle brilliant I can't believe you've never done this yeah it's such an obvious one that they're just such a range of it we've got like the nine different one there are yeah knowing yeah and oh and a bonus item - festive ones as well right yeah there's a scene in that got cheese in it and you know that I don't like cheese I do so that's a great stuff yeah the last time that we met up I was in Norwich and we had search for me yeah so there's one piece but yeah that's something you know that so I can have cold cheese for you hence my bit of water there I'm always roping you into something dreadful Emma yes it's okay it's all good so let's begin with the most basic of all the sandwiches well it's a few line a few layers above the most basic as opposed yeah ham and cheese on white bread okay that's looking pretty basic yeah it is yeah it's a takeout is the name of the Browns legend Eric sandwich thing is it will take you out with but that's a leaf on one pound yep one pound and all of these have yeah four slices well it's a four so I supposed to tell Italy two slices of Brady yeah cut good Vani with your filling so there's very feeling slightly anemic looking famine it it is yeah there's a mixture of cheeses and fingers in there then I felt a bit of red Leicester and cheddar is ooh different can the ingredients and - yes mature medium mature cheddar and red Leicester okay mixed with mayonnaise right so okay that's like macerated for you but if we just get this one out the way and don't take your big boy it's actually not like the size of the bread yeah - all right it's like Generic sandwiches that you get from shops that they were not to pound fifteen every they charge you a lot my Fuhrer and like a rudder no service station or something that charge you like three quid for this yeah then they make them by hand we've done a machine that make up which machine well let's have a look at the there's no much as you would expect there's no butter on that side of the bread somebody was very Tesco value sort of hand and go yeah what do you expect yeah I know me but to my sandwich so I'm that's literally they've just shot the bit of bread in yep and there's a sheet of ham is your house your hammer sheet do you choke to the concept of a hand sheet and there's not much cheese there really that's mayo mix it I mean that's that's like 10 grams of cheese if that yeah there is very little cheese in it okay so that's good for you yeah this is really good doesn't doesn't smell too cheesy I know I know it smells a bridge not tolerate this will be good man but when you go for it three two one yeah it's actually um it's got cheese in it it's great so I mmm oh the hams not grave is fine please for a parent that's good that's that's better than ones I've had from discount supermarkets and stuff in the past okay yeah we're much more expensive it's just too straight for the cheese yeah here's a big kick to the cheese there's a bit of flavor to it it's the cheese when it's not melted I can't do it very well and that's dust what's the thing it's overriding it and getting the mayonnaise the ham taste sorry and the bread is soft it's can you eat cheese melted she's if it's gone cold yes that's so weird isn't that weird yeah I can't begin to understand that I can I don't know what I don't know why like red Leicester cheese particularly I can't stand it welcome get the taste of that in there melt it and put it on a cheat I've made a peach sauce up on that and the peach has gone cold like that party and I eat it like this it's like clammy it's gone back to like landing like a silicon texture um I could do it by the way what if you thought it had been melted beforehand if somebody told you would you be able to tell yeah I would I hope I'm not the only person against this for their I feel like there is a difference and it's a pug sneezing on my own what do you think right dog sneeze not included yeah what are you that cheese you're cool this would be a really high value treaty a would be anyways well I'm genuinely quite impressed by that that's fine yeah not a bad start and I think the fact that it's a value sandwich the cheese isn't hideously loaded you know I think of major supermarket livin or posh one would be a lot more one be like as a parent quite possibly next up yeah another sandwich classic okay please be good please be good z-tune er it's sweet corn boys to learn sweet corn sweet corn yeah alright uterus week on hello how this sandwich is like not even fit in the box it's not filling the whole thing there's really only got away with a box half that size it's a lot of air in there a rattly sandwich well it looks alright yeah always it gonna be like you know because when you get like a decent sort of tuna Mayo combo going on this year or normally sweet season 2 2 de Mayo and swing born on white great I just wanted a favor to use like tuna paste or something instead don't think nothing - there's not terrific about a I'm gonna be honest water my skin disorder and sweet ha yeah I mean it's definitely tuna yeah something smells a bit disappointed that again this used to be there's gonna be no butter on any of these yeah that's a health thing and certainly not to save money but margarine wasn't it Evan was my craving up margarine yeah and then 90s or and likes an eyeful cold is that up around it and they were like pushing it and it turns out that a lot people told me that that was worse than butter in the end more sauce oh yeah believe I might be one of those myths and I can't believe it's not as unhealthy as butter here we go right oh god fine yeah I'm actually getting like shreds of tuna in mine mmm a couple of actual pieces yeah again basic tune this week on sandwich but for a pattern mmm it's a bit more tangy I didn't I Samiha again a little bit like sharpness or something little bit of vinegar or something yeah yeah look it's overly fishy but it's it's fine like it's actually not bad at all I think it's just kind of disappointing because it feels so light weight until you know when you're toasting you don't I think there's more in it no and you can't really make cheap sweet corn it's just sweet cause it's already made yeah trough yeah no that's quality just looks really when you start to hold it without that call it is thin it's like this thing is quite spongy and white bread but I think it'll get you by day definitely I mean for a d-pad yes I'll take that yeah absolutely I'll buy that for a dollar or now mister oh there's a beautiful new collector's edition of Robocop I don't know a few about 20 times but not where we've got one I like sequels okay that's they feature two of the loads I'll watch that second one over and over at the time that was so cool yeah future stuff yeah they would have had all that by now apparently yeah it demanded a no no instead with cheese onion and malted brains but we do have hoverboards yeah wheels yeah do you think they'll ever exist real hoverboard I have no idea I reckon society will have collapsed before then yes I think we've got three weeks of Karen right we might need time-travel to go back and sort it yeah I wanted bread it is cheese none you know not to but I hate cheese onions so I hate she's an entertainer brilliant I have never had a cheese and onion sandwich in my life neither remaining so are you expecting more I don't know it's a mystery everyone 40 watching I never consider cheese I guess one is vegetarian okay well it hope so really I'm thinking it would be raw onion let's have a look medium mature mayonnaise medium mature cheddar and red Leicester cheese's with red onion nice on malted bread yeah probably already Union hmm costs too much to cook it the NIT yeah yeah we got that cheese combo again though oh yes your favorite yeah perfect oh well the bread I'm lucky I'm liking more but a malted brain yeah it looks a bit more I think yeah that does look higher-quality gone true yeah ooh there's not much onion in it isn't there mmm no it just it's all congealed doesn't it like ice yeah it's just it's just a paste yeah you would expect it is a sandwich fully cooked all your walls with that he's choosing the same yeah they can't get to what I need Oh put the heat would melt somewhat grow out oh dear so multi-thread seeded nice I'm genuinely not looking forward to this first experience so cheese and ham sandwich Oh ah youngins really overpowering it hey I'm gonna expecting that from read on 5 pcs now aha the trees are enjoying this I could taste that way more than that other one no there is more change something hmm no not about the onion is didn't know too much for weeks I liked the onion at first I've got the texture a bit through it onion it was good but then the cheese kicked in I don't know why anyone in the world likes cheese no me savages now no that's that's not nothing to me the ploughman can keep it yes the bread was nice then yeah I liked the first bite you know was the sandwich the seed I felt a little the the overkill of the onion whose art if you really like onion I do in general bet not the raw stuff that really takes everything over yeah I like raw onions generally normally but that I mean have a cheese and onion together I've never had that combo ever because of the cheese thing and I'm not missing out I don't think well what do we have next to take up more another basic one chicken and stuffing on white bread my favorite sandwich it's neither get in a shot yeah yeah how about you're the one that you go no we have BLT or chicken and stuff in is my favorite I'm feeling really quite poor now oh nice oh so much is a classic if they have a for my own pound and I just want your weight electrons being held and it's actually cuz I have a look right doesn't mean let him do it but this certainly won't any in Bristol pound lamb yeah yeah that's probably a bit so this is the most anemic and bland looking food ever made everything is the same color how's the capacity in the box for this one movement still yeah there's enough room to slip in you know your car keys or something yeah wallet and they're great I mean what happens these boxes of course you can recycle them out there but could you use it dude rinse it under the tap yeah yeah okay right wine red yeah stuffing okay is this just like literally like bread mix with some sage in it yes pretty much I think my fish they must do this I don't know how they make them bro I do some it must be like like a teaspoons worth when they smear over in and that's it that's it Rachael sandwich you've got a but you're gonna make a profit on it for a pound laughter that's probably a package or you can see the chicken that's the little lumps of it there it's ditching your cubes there's probably like a pack of chicken like that they've just diced up and spread it around with all the best bits of the chicken either what's up well it's not yeah I'm gonna be yeah beak I won't say who oh the livery something the donuts it was a reindeer 7c who's delivery is done yeah what was delivered was a massive load of dildo it was a load of palm and sandwiches no yeah it's it's just the thing I get a lot of kitchen gadgets be easier to make laughs believe the shooting set of stairs yeah I've got 200 at least I haven't reviewed there's so many do you know get sent ridiculous amount I'll show you it's not good right so it's my room of unreviewed yeah there's basically a bedroom in our house that uses an office in like one whole wall is full of kitchen gadgets this is ridiculous hell but you've got a garage just full of crap what have you so yeah it Springs and roundabouts yeah yeah right I was gonna say the same about my kids it's not polite oh we haven't eaten this Yellin no we definitely haven't all the suspense is killing I feel like I've already eating it right how actually use a question how would you improve this sound I already know what it's gonna be like we're magically we go to tighten it yeah I just Star Wars video I'm a Princess Leia now that's nice have a low bar on the side did he ask you okay yeah I'm right sometimes it's like you're buying seems like a suppose yeah I think that's the general gist all right is that it's a lot of stuffing going on them certainly more stuff than chicken there's very little chicken mmm you can um you can really taste the sage yeah the sage in especially not it's not bad no it's good just good stuffing I think so far a lot of them are just sort of 70 80 % spread II mmm like obviously the cheese but the mayo or did the mail it's in this it's kind of a thing that's holding together is becoming the main ingredient than the chicken another yeah this is it I feel they are cut back slightly on the main ingredient yeah equally what they're using is quite good yeah it's it's really the British good the sage good not chicken there is is decent you know what I'm finding ticking of way I'd be like that I mean took a fairly decent one out of that but as I took it it kind of felt like it was getting smaller as I got closer and it sort of as I'm holding it it's kind of getting like this weirdly cheap boilers oh yeah whereas a decent I mean you get a good grip on it like yeah give me some of it I think for a pound these have been fairly impressive though yeah yeah absolutely I can't really comment on the cheese and onion because I hate but it's kind of like this yeah there's one sandwich beer bread it's not touched they put it all on one side stuck it together and yeah there's there's your sandwich singing the Box as a quid but again I've had a lot worse for a lot more money yeah so at the end we're gonna be like giving these away on eBay inside that's right yeah it was a dr. dre or something Oh was it you know like a bit of a sandwich it left since I'm sold on eBay whatever do you like chicken salad very I think I do oh I don't tomato not raw tomato at least yes so it wouldn't be for you there bit smarter why don't you do the salsa yeah because it still takes the edge off it but why so this is malted bread again yeah and I do like that it's kind of got like a tricolor thing so I mean it's quite hard to handle me sandwich with three-way color thing I see yeah there's a lot of leaves on mine one just looks like garden sweet awful love so you got love leaves a lot of leaves yeah someone's garden you got a bit of cucumber and some tiny bit of tomato in there and the chicken mayonnaise stuff yeah that actually so far looks probably one of the best quality lay out ones of them it's how she feels like there's a few layers to it the bread sort helps as well yeah it doesn't add too bit of something mayonnaise and cooked chicken breast tomato cucumber and spinach on mountain range nice okay well Robert very may we not vision yeah some artists got a good role to play mm-hmm should have been left on the casting couch the mayor the mayor acting is like a lubricant here and the tomato is kind of like the power power ingredient but then that whole bed of spinach that's a lot that is a lot it's like you're eating a garden you're not getting a lot of chicken out of it no the main thing is the spinach buys you a spinach sandwich yeah but what into like a herb section and Steve market nazar it's just if again just Isla I mean the spinach is really fresh yes I mean then thank God for that yeah yes I do the tomato was it's not too much it's cutting around their babies did you get any cucumber no I do not because my cucumber is literally one little piece at the back and I hate you Cooper so I tapped to keep it away from him there's Lucy you I kick over I quite like cucumber so I've got some of it in there but mine in a bit is slightly bigger but I like that because there was a lot of depth and layers and more going on it just looks a bit more interesting you feel like you get more of your parents yeah yeah I'm sorry cucumbers really fresh as well yeah yes I think it's pretty it probably comes room maybe the same places where they make the other stuff that is my or Tracy different that one I just let the wonky date them go out the back don't give them too much of the chicken yeah just one spread remember no butter on these ones they don't deserve it they'll be coming in normally do get butter oh this is another chicken bakers you're gonna bacon that quality one yeah I'm gonna say these ones look like they've got more to the bread seems in some way more substantial yeah probably some salt over it seems to do illusion it seems like more filling and more packed loaded sandwich that's how they sell it normally the big boys are like a loaded bo2 and they do a triple sandwich oh don't they yes a bit of bread it's always like the breakfast one or so yeah that means you share you some you are somebody is your bread yeah sit together I'm gonna get married or something like that the sandwich was real women's United a new social media site oh my gosh right yeah the other half pop rollin it was amazing I fall in love with someone that liked the same sandwich it's like a dream come true yeah well the bacon seems to consist of a few very raggedy pieces to be honest with you although they often - in sands of us yeah quite a bit mine oh oh hang on oh no I got some anyway back to it yeah I think it is in there yeah there's a fair bit in there I just it's just not very substantial in it you know yeah is that you're not gonna get a terrific amount of calories out of this but hey it's a malted bread again Nathan we're strong enough smoky bacon I was gonna say the Baker's incredibly strong mmm I like that because it's adding a bit of I know I see bacon being salty there's a little bit of depth of flavor to that really now it's not just you're like don't expect him huh hmm I think that's probably my favorite so far mmm do you like a chicken and bacon sandwich Norman oh yeah there's got that more wheat bread it's got enough mayo's it's packed in it in a way with the bacon just pushing it through the chicken seemed right most important thing is I've managed to make the Christopher Nolan era Batman logo yeah yeah that's good that's my favorite so far again I've had so much so so much worse sandwiches yeah for far more money yeah I've gone to like cafes and paid for like you know a real nice one in like yeah you don't easily pass I mean they all would but that's definitely my favorite the bacon and the chicken is a vanilla texture but the bacon the smokiness just add an extra flavor I'm gonna be honest Barry this has not gone the way I thought it would no I wouldn't expect me to be terrible sodon't Errol they're all sort of decent yeah he probably been warned about asked about to do this for quite a while maybe I don't think anyone has ever mentioned really it's not weird maybe because they like yeah these are actually all right probably don't know what will you tell them I've got this stuff in my cupboard called liquid smoke that you can replicate outdoor barbecue flavor so I just got a feeling whether they could be really cutting anything you know and just put a little drop of that in there and be like oh yeah hang on let's have a look at the ingredients what another is gonna say liquid smoke yeah yeah yeah they don't smoke the bacon it'll go it literally says smoke flavored bacon Oh have we been taken in by some fake smoke people yes some real budget bacon and then cooked it with liquid smoke that smoke flavored yeah I'm calling the cupboard down ace this stuff looks like tar but it works really well this is the same seasoned egg mayonnaise with smoked flavored bacon on malted bread it shakin bacon right I'm not a fan of an egg sandwich oh I do like an exam all right okay so party isn't it it's just sort of a thing that you eat and you're like I know I'm gonna fall on stage and smell like I like scrambled eggs pretty much yeah poached a year yeah painting the obstacle like an egg sandwich nice all the sandwiches that I can tolerate in like it would be on the lowest of the light down I think that would be the last one you would pick but it can't be a bad day he's like a buffet or like so work a work function thing and it'll sound is laid out and I everyone always leaves the egg ones tonight this is true you have a worse sandwich if they had something like tomato and mustard egg it's not oh yeah I had something like the thought it was awful there was a work thing actually thinking about was it yeah because I wasn't sure what it was and I did see um as a Roy looks half decent that took it as like art is full of onion and a mayonnaise it's when you get stuck if spies and the little kids queuing up eating the savages and take a bite and they put it back down oh that's nice you peel it up why the nose on it yeah lovely that looks pretty loaded they look at that yes I mean maybe eggs barely cheap for them to do and just whack it I should give the whole show to the audience not sure this is working as the bread keeps sticking to it yeah is it by de parler brilliant but mainly links to the feeling looks awesome now for that mmm right and going for it lots of shards of eggy mine just agony weird mmm this is one of the weaker ones actually generally this is one of my favorites but this is not it doesn't have to put the quality of the others the bacon actually I'll smoke flavored bacon still you're not getting that smoky taste at all we were just getting the last one blew your head off yeah this one I'm not getting anything real punch that last one this feels bland it feels rubbery cuz the egg whites bland is the thing yeah this isn't quite the eggs a bit bland as well I don't know why that is I might give it another try I mean Oh bill the smoke flavor on that bit I did yeah - and the mayo and the yolk kind of I guess that sort of merged together there's something there it's nowhere near as bad as I thought this was gonna be this year this is my most disappointing one it has potential business feels I don't know in some way lower quality than the others yeah probably isn't but other ingredients seen that bacon again after their last one it was like okay this is gonna like rock my socks other than the egg but that's like a completely different bacon it's like they've caught it from like a sheep or something bacon of baking sheet or as we call them in Norfolk a pig oh come at much born and baking sheet one of them caterpillars wear your hat off they recognize the feature that any in bugs and stuff oh they can move up in the future of eating all insects and bugs and I've seen snowpiercer it happens in that all right yes no piercer there's stuck on a big train right right Wow we're going to the festive ones are very fiying the release of this video near it is space to feast on Malta bread Wow what is a festive feast I don't know what could it be a festive feels a cranberry in their season mayonnaise yeah cranberry shuts me okay butter basted turkey nice nice cooked chicken breast and pork sage and onion stuffing on malted bread so you getting chicken and turkey and it looked interesting pretty full it looks like a good wedge in there bulging out of the blocks mate yeah yeah there's no multi thread as well they've gone they've come for the top quality stuff here Stuart and I talked off-camera about the Christmas dinner game yes and how this year I may not exist yeah last year people say that's fake but this year they're saying I know that now we're doing vegan and veg and I still think it's fake yeah I just got that thing off ah you ask the people in the shops there's only available online you go online I'll Sony available the shops yeah I think they make a few promotion alike I know of one existing ever oh really that was last time this is like layers of Christmas Tino and it's in and their new layer of sprout layer of Turkey it's I might make you one for Christmas come out with a sandcastle postman comes through the house that's what that was actually right I have a Christmas sandwich oh that's so cool yeah well that red monkey I've got to say that they've all been really willed in datebook okay that's good stop spread it again they're very rare eh - yeah I was gonna leave even a dummy about three weeks always waiting for the tail these were last Christmases yeah House Christmas are gave me my sandwich in the very next day you put in the cupboard for a year one piece of the bread isn't semi stale is hard yeah I've got that there's a cartoon in that was it yeah captain Tim planet that's insanity oh we're so gonna fall down there alright oh wow hmm it's once just like in the middle is some sort of bigger it's a little bit a clump like a badge it's some Christmas paste yeah it's just like in the matrix isn't it enjoy your Christmas protein rule I love that the chutney has kind of become a butter though it has actually finally brushed something on the bread rather than the needs of those yeah the rest of it has been quite dry before so well here we go push it all back in nice mm-hmm the cranberry sauce is nice that I think the stuffing again plays a real major role here mmm I think it's the sage is quite a strong her be getting that a lot though make that put together a good stuffing I think yeah which is wise and it's cheap for them to do that boiling pads it out and there's actually quite a lot of I don't know if it is chicken or turkey but at the front it's actually quite a bit there listen there's a lot more meat in this than there was in the chicken and bacon mmm it's like the management all sat around the table one right it's Christmas yeah we got a load it up a bit we all get them in for yeah you're already doing for Christmas or two chromium's choosing a little weird I want to be front load the sandwiches as well hmm so like for that it's in the bottle oh my gosh then right at the back to be filled they don't seem to have no no it seems very ugly / yeah yeah it's what I would do but no that's actually yeah that's really good yeah bloody pound as well say my birds in the garden they go climbing love this man really crazy all these sandwiches and finally pigs under blankets okay if it Peaks in blankets eggs in blankets because the sausage is wrapped in the blanket which of the bacon but they've probably put it under blankets because there they are so for those of you who don't know what picking a blanket is it's a sausage with a bacon wrapped around it I'm sure country it might be a big one like America where they have pigs in blankets plates it's something different I think it's that phrase is known in that world of food but I think it's something different but it might be actually wrapped in like a dough or paste your baby knows on me missus or sausage in the middle I might be lying comment I just remember putting a video at what it's saying about pigs and blankets and someone said no that's not a pig in a blanket whatsoever it is yeah that's what pig and blanket is here sausage again pick a blanket they are amazing yeah like Christmas Day that for me that is my favorite thing of Christmas dinner to pick your blanket good hmm I had a delivery from a major pizza chain recently okay and they offered pigs in blankets as a side what just stand alone yeah oh my gosh hello their ovens just like edom no no it's just a little sausage with a bacon wrapped around it was ultra oily and sweaty okay not good yeah Wow I might have to try that bf done no it's done well do this yourself this is our last week okay yeah so it's Christmas it's like it's not Halloween Christmas menu oh yes absolutely so these are Lincoln shear pork sausage seasoned mayonnaise it's been in several wars cranberry chutney and diced smoked flavored bacon on malted bread so they've actually picked some pretty good stuff there mom there and the real sort of uncertain part is the sausage isn't it we're not really sure yeah we haven't come across their sausage yeah this is new territory it's been interesting to braise there's a lot in these ones there is yeah this is them arguably their most substantial that doesn't look good I'm just trying to see that the front yeah who was a very anemic looking sausage it's very white oh gosh there's big lumps of something jealous or gluttonous and that'll be the animal is like a little bits of bacon bits that you give I'm not super map I'm not crunchy ones but proper shredded up stuff yes they can hide all the fatty bits really well I mean I think we've got some proper budget bacon it's a year that really is I mean it was big at one stage yeah whose knowledge yeah no yeah at last but the cranberry worked well last time I'm going for it Oh mocks eat bread is oh the smoke thing is overpowering oh yeah that's ruined you guys like a beer no there's a really strong there's too much smoke flavoring on the bacon mmm all you can taste that almost feels like the same bacon from the chicken and bacon mono not the egg and bacon one I'm not I can bake them almost a completely different animal or things could be different sheep hmm the sausage is read rubbery as well yeah it's like yeah I'm not gonna try a bit of that hormones well it's very strong oh dear oh that's crap sausage it's really bad that totally bland mmm nothing to it what they've done is I mean it looks really fatty anyway but there's a there's more herbs in that as well parts of it are translucent it's spandex attached to it the rice is stretching that's weird the sausage is not up to the other ingredients and the bacon is has got too much of that flavor on its it's killed it for me yeah in terms of strengths and depth that the saltiness of the bacon is adding up there is more to it it's something going on which actually quite like compared to like the egg and bacon there's true there's something to it but for me it's just smoke flavoring and a mass of something or other yeah yeah no impressed well I'll take that in there no that is the weakest well unfurl I feel these have actually been very impressive for a pound yeah I think honestly I when you said I've got some power and some reason but okay well I know a cracking cafe for lunch but we'll try it and I think even from the first one that was actually not too bad yeah and that's not their entire range I think they do another couple as well yeah okay yeah that was supporting it'll be good I mean everybody can we find a sandwich out of that they'd like it what's this oh this is dessert is that yeah and by dessert I mean not dessert all right bye spits that bites and pieces we got there on the end savory eggs and you get like an entire lump of them there's a quarter of a kilo of mini savory eggs for a pound these are actually in most supermarkets on it I can't sure I say probably a little bit more than a pound first this is usually about twice as much at least oh yes you know yeah I know we like scrambled up egg pate thing in a bread crumb with a bit of sausage meat you're not gonna kind of scotch egg combo oh that that's a very scotch egg there's a mini Scotch eggs basically on me oh yeah oh yeah that's the Scotch egg smell yeah isn't it Alan Partridge he says a scotch egg smells of gas or something of that sort of scotch oak a selection of miss shape and cracked or split breaded sausage meat pieces some of which may not contain make mayonnaise thanks very much machine Lucy off the rejection line of another supermarket sure that yeah that's fine but some of them may not just be full of spiders Wow got this one once just a bit a lot now my keys in it ready to eat Christmas I did not expect that well I would've been not wasting of the lower quality meat though yeah I'm so sure I proved to them not knowing if some of them we got eggs you know not well I'm gonna have oh they're very soft very soft I want to find one with nothing in now yeah kinder egg yeah it is very keen do I know what you say does actually feel like there's a teeny little egg I'm like there is egg mayonnaise in mine I can confirm existence of egg mayonnaise my naked you see doing autopsy yeah I don't know it's good that's actually really well filled mmm so you've got bread crumb sausage meat and egg thank you actually mmm that tastes good quality doesn't it yeah I reckon these are really good ones that have just been thrown away they've failed some quality control aesthetics or something definitely not the same sausages that other one other one who's that supposed to be there that is a great song yeah well no you just related to eat elastic band or something laughs but it's well packed together look at that it was really good I probably like the meat to be a teeny bit saltier like a little bit you know I'm seasoning it yeah there's some pretty missed watching it just acts as the thing that holds it all together anyway you don't really want that but that's really nice there's really quite a sausage and also I've never had a savory egg who were hey I've never had a savory anchor put in before well no you're not listen the surprise is the sort of thing you can have a birthday party and just put a candle รซget no can but a candle a I forgot was gonna bring some cheesecake for starters no cheesecake wony desserts there I'm not I've seen you just go to the aisle and get like a million chocolate bar yes it's actually really good some of the stuff in this video that's actually really good do I really wanted to find one that's got like you can they want to eat this on the train on the way no they wouldn't keep that longer than this and that's quite as like putting a statement now if you look in the shop when you actually do look at the back of the packaging you see some might not have any contents well how does that even happen yeah these are all fine who would bring it all over here it's like indirectly what's the surprise in the middle of the egg that's right I won't mayonnaise it's quite hollow there's a being known as a bit yeah minor farm fuller as a general rule I can't believe we're doing this this is just such a weird tangent window I'm gonna whiz this all up and make it into some sort of big scotch egg it's a bonus one what is this a lump on that was just pure sausage meat boy and inside oh there is egg man no no I think I think this is gonna be 100% worst fortune cookies ever oh yeah well we did well man that can empty one in there if you realize they yeah so I've got the aghast it's exactly partridge I'm incredible of the writing on the back that's great and it just sounds like they're totally putting you off bottom yeah but they were really good like that really good yeah and a huge amount for pound I love that they have to declare that involved yeah on the actual like the list of ingredients it's not just like a little fun donors like some of which may not contain any egg may was you empowerment saying well I think we came up a six on that yeah they're really good they are truly believe that these are like miss shaped ones from a high-level supermarket that's gone into the be another all they'll take him yeah I'm rice weather yeah really good hmm excellent well hats off the pan right really yeah I think so decent savage range for the money which related sandwich when was the chicken and bacon it just took me that there's the bacon depth just kind of gave it some edge you know call it the first of feast mm-hmm yeah and I thought if you did that intentionally but the quality the thickness that all of it just seemed to get a little bit better I tried to start off with the more bland and obvious yeah those first ones I would probably say yeah okay they were for pound but I put it bait to quit or something maybe even three one of the bigger ones now if it's only going pounding berries in beer that's great so I surpassed your expectations then totally yeah well that did not go the way I thought it would I didn't correct him to be poisonous or anything but I wasn't expecting to actually be quite dicing yeah yeah really happy like I'm still alive I've eaten a bit of cheese it could have been worse it could have been fermented fish oh yeah I know Megan yeah anyway bye-bye subscribe for more
Channel: ashens
Views: 796,512
Rating: 4.8856168 out of 5
Keywords: ashens food, barry lewis, ashens food stuff, ashens food poundland, sandwiches, poundland sandwiches, ashens, review, funny, cheese & onion, Chicken & stuffing, poundland festive sandwiches, egg & bacon, chicken salad, savoury eggs, scotch eggs, poundland, taste test, food special, ashens poundland, poundland special, Festive sandwiches
Id: Rmvd98i15gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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