Will it toastie? ft Ashens

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Appreciate it OP. I don't subscribe to Barry's content (cooking ain't my thing) so fun to be able to catch things like this.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Dotura 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can confirm the tastiness of the Sainsbury's cheese and ham sandwich one, we used to have a panini press/grill thingy at work and we used to put them in. So pretty much the same but without the clamped edges. And I can't believe we never thought of buttering them first though

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lostgate 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I never used to like Barry, used to find him annoying. But now i totally love him! What a doll!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AlinaAirline 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Disappointed that they didn't try baked beans.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/davedubya 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

No worries :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/grim_tales1 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have one of those toastie devices, they are wizardry

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jamie_W 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- It's gonna be hot. - Yeah, I'm slightly worried about burning myself horribly. - Do you wanna go for it now? - Yeah, can't be bothered to wait. - Yeah, sure yeah. (grand music) Howdy doody folks. I'm not at home, I'm in Norwich. - Hey, everyone's at home in my house, except people who aren't me. Hello Barry. - Hello, how are you doing? - Not so bad, cheers mate. How are you doing? - Yeah good, I'm all right, I had a heck of a journey up here. - Yeah, I did hear the outline of the story. (laughs) - Yeah, I'm not gonna go into it, but I got here about half past one in the morning, so I'm flagging a bit, but I want to mange. - Mange! - Yes. - (speaks in foreign language) - (speaks in foreign language) Is it? (speaks in foreign language) - (stutters over words) Yes. - Yes. We did a video called "Will it SodaStream?" This is sort of a follow up to this, this is today, "Will it Toastie?" (makes a yoda noise) I'm quite excited by this. - Interesting. Interesting. - I've reached out on Twitter and asked different combinations of flavours and picked my favourite three, I didn't want to poison us for a change, I've picked some nice ones and I've brought my favourite sandwich toasting device. - Ooh. I've just realised this is why we've got the microwave isn't it Barry? It's clearly a microwave device. - Yeah, so basically this is a gadget, so rather than a standard sandwich toaster, I used to have a cow one, it was like a sandwich toaster with your standard green and red light on it, so green light when it's ready, had a cow's head and it moo'd when it was ready, you paid, like 10 quid extra for it. (laughs) But whatever sandwich toaster. - 10 quid per "moo". - Yeah, they normally take roughly 10 to 11, sometimes 12 minutes to do that, but with this thing, I absolutely love it and it does it in like 5 minutes, it's on Amazon, I might put an affiliate link below if I can be bothered, but it's, just search "micro toastie" and it's phenomenal. - I've gotta say, this has got to be 100 times easier to clean, surely? - Yeah, absolutely. - It all comes apart to stick in the dishwasher or something. - Still got the metal plate on it, so you still butter the bread to get the toasted sandwich and you just clamp it together, so effectively the bread just gets squished. Should we do the first filling? - Yes, what is the first filling? - The first one was chocolate gateau. (laughs) Two slices of bread then, Stuart, would you like to be the buttering assistant? - I would love to. - So, the butter acts as a bit of a lubricant, it gives it that golden colour, cooks it nice, gives it that real flavour. - Nice, how close to the edge do I have to go? Pretty close, I would say. - Yeah, fairly close. - This may take a few weeks. - (laughs) - Right, there we are. - After, buttering this good, it butter work. - [Both] Ooh. (comedy drum fill playing) - Now this is where it gets complicated, because I did buy a Mary Berry chocolate cake, but it was specific on Twitter, it said chocolate gateau. So I went to the chilled aisle, and we've got a chocolate gateau, but I think it's quite big, so we're gonna have to try and shape it, but the good thing is-- - Aren't we just gonna mash it up? - Yeah I think so, but the good thing is bread can press can't it? - True. - So we can kind of get it in there, and it's the sides that are gonna seal it in, so as long as we get the middle bit. - Yeah. - I said seal then and I didn't do my, (impersonating seal comically) Right. - This is, that's an impressive thing. - Look at that. - There's got to be at least three calories in that, maybe even four. - Yeah, so what I think we're gonna have to do, I've got a spoon. - Okay. - I was thinking that we just, sort of-- - Spoon the blighter out. - Yeah, and this was frozen, sorry, so it has been at room temperature. - For eight minutes. - Yeah, I think we're just gonna spread-- Cause people did say we could do like, Baked Alaska, so ice cream and meringue in there. Other people said Yorkshire pudding or pancake batter, but I thought that might soak into the bread. - Yeah. - And then you'd just be left with this thin layer of like, pancakey ham. (both laughing) There we go, I'm quite happy with that. - Excellent. - Would you like to add the bread? - Certainly first, I'm gonna eat that, ha ha. - Oh yeah, so it's got to-- - Oh, it is quite frozen. - Yeah (laughs) but with it being frozen, hopefully it will thaw it out as we blast it. - Ooh, yeah. - So, do you wanna place the bread down? - I would love to. - So yeah, butter side up. What a moment. - Look at that. - And then, it's got some holes, so you line these up and press this down, and although it was hopefully-- - Squash the bugger in. - Yeah, expecting cheese and you clamp it on the side to make sure it's-- - Ooh that's about as good as it's gonna get, I mean-- - Yeah? - Yeah. - I'm worried actually because the bread wasn't fully flush? - No it wasn't, it was slightly odd taste, it was the toastie bread as well. - Yeah, I went for the big stuff so that it would fit in there. Is it worth opening and having a little sneak or do you think we should just go for it? - Just go for it. - Yeah. - We might ruin it. - (laughing) Yeah, who cares? We can wash it, and that's peace of mind. - Right, fighter jets at the ready. - Oh my gosh! - You should probably ignore that, right! - I bet that comes in handy. (laughing) Sorry. Five minutes time. (microwave door slamming) If anything exciting happens in that time, we'll let you know. - It won't, I really hope, if anything exciting happens it would be dangerous. Activate. - Little bit of an update, about 20 seconds to go. - I can hear some spitting. - Yeah, it's a bit angry, we've just walked out and come back in, and there's like a real toasted sandwich waft. - Yeah, little bit cakey as well. - Yes. - Well, understandably. - But there's a little bit of spillage coming out. - Yeah, two, one, sandwich. (microwave beeping) - [Both] Ooh! - Steam, yeah so you can hold it here, as long as you don't touch the molten lava cake, because the metal plate is the only real hot thing. - Ooh, excitement. - Ooh, should I turn it over so the clasps fall downwards? Oh, look at that. There we go, that's what we're-- See this? Nice. - That's really sizzling. - Yeah. - [Both] Ooh! - It's expanded. - That looks much better than I thought it would. I mean yeah, you've got the burnt stuff here, but look at that, that's like textbook. - Yeah. Just see what it's like the other side. Yeah, needs a bit more butter, maybe. - Yeah, not bad. - But, we can flip it cook it a bit longer, but end of the day, we ain't gotta worry about any of that sandwich toasting, we'll go with that, look. Well this one's kind of already exposed anyway, so maybe we, just look at that. - That is some steam and cake. - Yeah, that's gonna be hot isn't it? - That is gonna be hot. Ooh yeah. - It does smell like chocolate brownies though. - Oh my god! It really does. - It smells amazing. - That smells like freshly baked chocolate brownies, absolutely. - I think the grunt of it (laughs) is that the word? - Brunt, probably. - The brunt of it (laughing), the grunt (grunting), is in here. What we'll do, standard procedure, apple pie protocol. - Yeah. - Give it a couple of minutes, then we'll see what it's like. - Cut into it to let some of the heat out. - Yes. (heavy blowing) (toastie crunching) - Just seeing if you're in agony or not. - Oh that's hot, but it's bearable, just. - Okay. (heavy blowing) - Ooh that's nice, yeah that's all right. - Ooh, that's really nice. - It is init? Yeah, it's kind of like, just a nice, freshly warmed baked cake. We've made something that's tasty, (laughs) we've eaten something that's not out of date. - What's gone wrong? This blanker, he's ruined it for us. - (laughing) It's not what's supposed to be like this. This is nice, so if you've got a gateau in your fridge, shove it in your toaster. - Yeah, what could go wrong? - Yeah, actually not a toaster, shove it in one of these, that's a lot safer. - I'm just gonna keep eating this, it's really nice. (laughing) - Number two, again this should be amazing. I went to the frozen aisle, and first of all I was like, "ooh, I don't know about that", cause it takes about 12 minutes to cook normally. - I've just seen what this is, yes. - This is chilled curry, which has been left to stand for about four or five minutes at room temperature anyway. Normally it takes about five minutes in a microwave, so we could have a whole curry, cause there's rice as well. Curry and the rice inside a toastie. - Proper, curry Korma sandwich. - Yeah. (bouncy music) Intense butter action. So this is washed and ready to go. - Tremendous. - Your butter side down, shall we expand it? Or do you think, we just go for how it was, I actually-- - It kind of worked before didn't it? - It worked didn't it? I think the main thing, as long as we get the filling in there. - Yep, and then really squish it down. - Yeah. - I think we'll be fine. - Would you like to have a go at loading it up this time? - Certainly. - Ooh, it's Korma, so obviously the mildest of curries. Just about a curry, some people would say. "That's not a curry." - "It's not a curry if it ain't, burnt your eyebrows off, "it's not a curry is it mate?" - "That's toothpaste." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you're not sweating." (both laughing) Oh look at that. That's nice. - I've got a plan here, if we put some chicken in. - You're putting some foundation chicken pieces. (both laughing) - Then I'm gonna put some sauce on. - Yep. Look at that. - Got some sauce on there. Now I'm gonna put some rice in. - Rice. If this works, there could be people all across the country not taking a salad to work anymore. - Everyone complaining, "oh he's put curry in the microwave again." - Oh god, yeah. - Here we are. - Try and line it up. (exhaling heavily) - Right. - Well there's a bit of residue of (laughs) chocolate gateau there but it all adds to the flavour. - But that's fine, it'll just give it a nice sweet edge. - Yeah, well, see you in five. There's a few little bits of sizzles going on, but I'm not sure if that was the moisture from when we washed it up. - Yeah. - Disclaimer. (microwave beeping) I'm not getting the smell as much. - I'm getting a little bit. - What, are you getting a bit of curry? - Bit of curry. - Yeah? - Yeah. - I just smell microwave. (laughing) - I thank you for microwaving. - Ooh. - Ooh, whoa whoa! - Ooh a bit of bursting, yeah. So we're gonna effectively have steamed the rice and encased it, along with the curry, in a loaf. - Will the rice be rock hard, cause it hasn't cooked properly? I don't know. - I don't know, I think it's gonna be okay. I have high hopes for this. - It's still clicking and popping. - It's still doing noises (laughs) - Yeah, shall we release one clamp. - Yeah (making explosion noises) - Oh it popped up a little bit. - Yep. - And this one. That could just be the butter sizzling. - Could be. - Shall we go? - Go for it. - [Both] Ooh! - Textbook. - Clean and hot. (laughing) Sorry. Look at that. - That's like, come out perfectly. - That's completely held it together. - By God. - That's amazing. I wonder, I think it might be the top side, yeah. You don't get as good coverage, but that's all in there, that's a curry in a toastie. - If you were served that in a cafe you would be, "ooh, nice", you know? - Yeah. Oh wow, and you've got that, where it's crimped it so thin in the middle, it might actually have two individual portions here. - I think this has come out perfectly, yeah. - The only thing you can say about the downside of it is that the colour is not quite there on the bottom side, but it's still a bit there. - And it's very clearly curry on the inside. - [Both] Ooh! - It's gonna be hot. - Yeah. I'm slightly worried about burning myself horribly. - Do you wanna go for it now? - Yeah, can't be bothered to wait. - Yeah, sure, yeah. - I've taken a small bit so I don't burn myself. - (exhaling in pain) - The rice is fine. - Yeah. - Maybe it's precooked anyway. - I just got a chunk of chicken. - Ooh, very hot chicken? - It's on fire, (laughing) but it's tender, oh my gosh! It's sort of like, cause it's steamed it cause it had nowhere to go and all the heat in there, it's warmed the chicken through and softened it-- - (exclaiming) it has! - It's hot, isn't it? - Hot. - It's hot. - It's cooked it really well but it's bloody hot. - Yeah, that bit of chicken there, it's so tender, wow! - I'm genuinely impressed by that. This is great. - Yeah, well the last one, kind of, is on brand with yourself. Remember when you came to my house recently and we did the Poundland sandwich taste test. I have a Poundland sandwich. - So, you're gonna directly toast an already made sandwich? - Yeah, inside a sandwich. We're gonna toast a-- - What? - Yeah. - So you're gonna have bread with a sandwich inside? - Yeah. - Toastception. - (laughing) Yeah, yeah. Take out the Poundland-- - Chicken and yet, also bacon. - Is it Poundland or Poundshop? No Poundland? - Poundland, yeah, yeah. - Did Poundshop get bought out by Poundland? - Now pound shop is a generic term, there was Poundworld, Poundland, 99p stores. - Yes. - 99p stores were mostly bought out by Poundland I believe, Poundworld just went under, but is now slowly resurfacing as a shop called OneBelow, and Poundland still reigns supreme. - So we've got the chicken and bacon, I'll tell you what, it was one of the thinner ones out of them, some did look quite packed but as we saw when we did that video, they kind of front-load them, and they get very thin at the back. - Yeah, they are sensible. - But what would be embarrassing is this, if this bread now is wider than the expensive one that I bought. - It could happen. - Ah, this is the granary bread as well. So I was thinking we could do different bread as well. You've got two inside, ooh, that's sort of gonna fit, just. - Yeah. We need to clamp this one in. Do you mind if I have a look at the internals. Ooh no it's filled, properly to the back. - Has it filled? Yep, yep. Ooh, that's a little bit that one. - Yeah, yeah. - Mm yeah. I feel like the ones we reviewed were better than that? - Yeah, the Christmas one I think they went all out, they were like, "oh, this is where we're gonna get "the most attention, let's go for it." Right do you want to butter? - Yeah, let's go for it. (lively mexican music) - Right, just like a puzzle, it should fit. - That's the easiest jigsaw puzzle ever. - (laughing) Now we've got to, how are we gonna squash this down. Hang on, hang on, I've got the perfect thing Barry. - Brilliant, a mallet. (laughing) - Just by coincidence, I have a rubber mallet down. - Should we just try and get it down at first and then-- - Certainly. Ooh no, Barry's super human strength. - Ooh, popping the-- There we go. Whoa. - Well look at that. - It's in there. Do you wanna just do that anyway? (laughing) (mallet banging on toastie maker) The thumbnail is literally Thor. I've not seen Thor, or any of them, but I imagine that there's a toasted sandwich scene. - You've never theen Thor? - No I've never theen it, no, no. I think it's got a bit more give you know. (microwave door slamming) - Right. - I like this, this is a good little spin, look at that. - Not useful if you want five seconds, it only does 10 second increments. - Yeah, is that sound really loud or is it just me? - Yeah it's started vibrating a little bit. (banging) (laughing) - (laughs) Oi, now there we go. Just while that's cooking, a lot of you guys said lasagna. Now I was gonna put fresh pasta sheets in there, amazing. Bechamel sauce, tomato sauce, cheese, but when it came to the beef mince, I would have had to have probably cooked that first, I couldn't find any ready cooked beef mince, maybe Quorn mince? Or you could get beef from the deli? But it wouldn't have worked so well, but that probably would work, and pizza as well was suggested, but that would work, because those things kind of already exist, but you don't generally see a toastie with a sandwich already in it. Ooh, I just got a waft of chickeny bacon, the smokiness. - I haven't, I've just got cooking bread. (laughing) - That's the title of the video, "Cooking Bread". - The bread has been cooked Barry. - Are these ducks changing? - Yes, we've got Ghostbusters now. We've had Blanca, Harley Quinn and now Egon. - Oh perfect. Ooh, steam I shouldn't have done that. I just inhaled a load of steam up my nose. (toastie machine sizzling) Whoa. - Whoa, bloody hell, that's sizzling. Right. - I love how it just goes, "boom". - Yeah, "boing". - Yeah, okay, okay, okay. - Well it's looking good, looking good. Not quite as textbook as the last-- Well it wouldn't be, cause there's twice as much bread. - Yeah, it's just bread and bread. We've just made a loaf. (toastie sizzling) - Whoa, that's hot. We've made a gourmet Poundland sandwich, that's my thinking. - Make it gourmet, there's a YouTube channel in itself isn't it? - Well, I did a video that I haven't put out yet called-- Where I up-cycled a PotNoodle. I made my own PotNoodle from scratch, so I bought a cup and I bought ramen noodles and that, and literally copied the process of it, and I was thinking maybe we could do that with up-cycling a Poundland sandwich somehow as well, and I guess we've kind of, just done that. - Yeah. - Look at that, that's gourmet now yeah. - There's more bread in this, than-- - (laughing) Yeah, that's it, it does look like an extra layer of meat but it's just-- - Yeah. - Oh, that's the granary bread isn't it? - Yeah. - I'm getting confused, I thought that's all the chicken, but no that's just squished granary on white. - Yeah, there's very little filling in mine so it's gonna be very bready. - Yeah. - Right, I'm gonna bite a bit off the edge and see what happens. - You gonna go? Go. - Answer, I get burned. (laughing) Ooh. (laughing) It's really nice. Why is everything so nice? I don't know why I'm complaining. - Oh yeah. - It doesn't taste like there's twice as much bread. - No, the other bread layer's almost become an extra bit of flavour, maybe cause it's a different type of bread, with the seeds in it and stuff. There's not much, sort of, flavour going on, like with this one the bacon was smokey when we tried it before but-- - I've just actually hit a small bacon deposit, it was quite smokey. - Oh really? - Yep. - I think I might have just got a bit of crust then, whichever crust it is, it's just one big tram line of crust. - Tram line of crust. (laughing) - Oh yeah, I've just hit the middle that's nice. There's a little bit of mayonnaise in there, ooh that's really good. Seasoned mayonnaise that was it, yeah, with a smoke-flavored bacon. - That's good, that's genuinely really nice. Recommended. - Yeah, well we thought we'd do quite a nice selection of toastie ones, all the ideas that come in were genuinely quite nice, and I think we picked some fairly unique ones, but they've all worked. - Yeah, could you save time just by buying a sandwich, and then just buttering it and sticking it straight in there? - Oh right, from the shops? - Yeah. - Let's find out after these credits. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ All right? - Whoa! - Bonus scene. - You've got the cameras on. (laughing) This is exactly what we just teased. You go into a shop and you buy a ready made sandwich like this. This is a Sainsbury's smoked ham and cheddar on malted bread. - Ooh, that's far too posh for me. (laughing) I've got to stick it through a sandwich toaster. - Double the price, cause it's actually got real meat in it. - What? - Look at that. Trying to escape, there's so much meat in it, that's very rare. - [Stuart] Yeah, bloody hell. - [Barry] If this works though, it will be an up-- Very nice? Tasty? - No. - [Barry] No? (laughs) Give me back my Poundland sandwich. - Genuinely no, not impressed by that. It's got a weird taste to it. - [Barry] Well, I was hoping if this worked, it would be like a croque monsieur, like a posh-- - Ooh yes. - Do you know what I mean? - [Both] Yeah. - [Barry] But, what we're gonna have to do, cause it's gonna be exposed edges is try and seal it down a little bit. Whoa, look at that! - [Stuart] God, it fits exactly. Like, disturbingly exactly. - It's designed for it. Zey line up, ze holes. (laughing) - Commence, en-toastening. Right. - [Barry] See what happens. - Two, one, the sandwich has landed. (sizzling) - [Both] Ooh! - [Barry] That's worked. - Different bread, so it's gone a different colour, but that's all good. - [Barry] (salivating loudly) Well there should be some gooey cheese in the middle of this. - [Stuart] Oh, ho, this is the first one we've done that actually has cheese in. - [Barry] Yeah. Whoa, yeah, that's really hot. (laughing) It's definitely worked though. Right, try this bit here, it's gonna be hot. Oh that's good. Oh. That is good. The crunch on that, the flavour. I think it's cause it's a little bit darker in colour, a little bit more cooked, a little bit more, the butter has worked a little bit harder. - Yeah, this works really well. - Tastes like a pizza because of the cheese on the edge. - 100% success today. - 100% the first time we've probably eaten something that's not horrendous, but tomorrow I'm here again, and in a future video you'll see us do, "Will It Slush Puppy?" So keep an eye out for that one, and head over to Stuart's channel in a bit, cause we are gonna be testing some weird out of date Cokes and Pepsis? - Yeah, that's gonna be nice for you. - Yeah. - It's not. - (laughing) See you later.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 332,737
Rating: 4.9248686 out of 5
Keywords: Will it toastie, will it soda strean, ashens, stuart ashen, barshens, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, taste test, ashens food, food special, food challenge, how to, toastie, kitchen gadget, toasted sandwich maker, poundland sandwich, chocolate cake, chocolate gateau, can you toast a toasted sandwich, toasted sandwich, mico, microwave toasted sandwich maker, morphy richards, morhy richards mico, will it?, bread, sandwich
Id: CYd0vMa5vrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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