BUSTED Storage Facility Scamming! Her Reaction Was Priceless! Exposing Storage Unit Fraud!

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i think i have clear-cut evidence these storage facilities are scamming people and i'm going to show you that today i know that you guys follow us since you're watching this but if you follow a lot of the other storage channels on youtube i'm sure you've seen there's a lot of drama going on in this business lately i try my best to stay out of it but i think right now based on what happened to us this morning i have absolute 100 clear-cut evidence that they are the ones scamming and running people up we talk to them directly i have a lot to show you guys and i want to take your perspective on this too let's get into this video [Music] let me start from the beginning so there was a small 5x5 storage unit that we've been watching for like four or five days because it looked decently packed full of stuff and let me say it bit up to 230 like forever ago and then it just kind of sat there nobody bit on it and it went off this morning it was supposed to go off at 10 45 a.m i got up at 10 o'clock placed my bid of about 400 i think it wasn't over the exact number at about 10.05 so 40 minutes before it went off all this time went by 1005 to 10 42. nobody placed a bid if you don't know how storage treasures works if you bid in the last three minutes it adds three minutes to the clock which is really annoying but that's beside the point nobody bid in 30 some minutes right when the clock hit 259 258 somebody bit on it extended the clock already i'm suspicious because i'm like okay who's going to wait that long anyone that knows what they're doing why are you going to wait that long and extend the clock on me so i went ahead i outfit them again they yelled at me again i outfit them again blah blah blah we went back and forth until finally i just said okay it's the 5x5 unit it's not worth it what is that 470 and there's only maybe 11 boxes in there plus a massage table which is already way overpaying but for us sometimes we have to overpay to get units to make videos so it's not a big deal but for a normal person it's reselling this stuff it made no sense right off the bat it made no sense so i was like whatever i'm just gonna let it go at like a little after 10 45 so like 10 50 10 55 something like that i don't remember the unit went off that person wanted for 470 now remember this when you win a unit you're paying a 10 buyer's premium on top of that 470 so you're already adding another 47 taking it well over 500 and then don't forget you have a six percent sales tax there so you're talking well over 520 to 550 for a 5x5 storage unit with 11 to 12 boxes and a massage table that's stupid i'm not saying there's not stupid people running prices up right now we all know that's happening but i think it goes a lot deeper than that right after that i'm like whatever what about my dad we started cooking lunch and stuff and then phone goes off ding check it what do we have an email saying last person that won couldn't pick it up and guess what you're the backup bidder we're going back to you now this is less than one hour less than an hour after the unit went off and i'm already the backup bidder because the other bidder can't pick it up you telling me somewhere out there there's a person that went on a unit bid on it at the absolute last minute extended the clock ran it up to over 500 and then decided think about this when they decide that they don't win they have to contact the facility the facility then has to contact storage treasures they have to cancel their bit and then email the backup bidder so think of how much time just that's going to take so you're probably telling me within 10 to 15 minutes of winning that unit that guy said all right i won nevermind i don't want it i'm just gonna go ahead and call the facility cancel my bid and do all this you really think that happened you know what this sounds like to me is this is a facility this person owed them lots of money right it's probably like a hundred dollars or so for a five by five three months late rent with late fees on top of that what do you think that capped out about 300 plus the late fees and taxes doesn't that sound like around maybe 400 some 500 or something to cover their losses a little shady there right the backup bidder system on storage treasury this design cell you have a 48 hour window to clean out that unit so if you don't contact them and pick it up in 48 hours then you've given up your right it goes up to the backup bidder one hour no that is not how this works if that happens i just believe there's some super shady stuff going on and this time i was fed up and annoyed because it's been happening non-stop lately so we decided let's contact the manager of the storage facility and see what they have to say about this tell them exactly what happened from our perspective and see if they're quick to come up with a story or they have an explanation that makes sense neither which i think is gonna happen let's contact them let's do it my name's not on the account her name was on the account so guess what you get to talk to them but we're gonna record the entire audio just for you to hear and pick apart yourself listen to this hi my name is amber i just have a quick question i just got an email from storage treasurer saying that i was the backup bidder on a unit usually what happens is like the original person that won it has like that 48 hour period to to like come pick it up basically and then after that 48 hour period then we're contacted to be the backup person but i mean this happened like an hour after i mean i just wanted to know like what happened i guess i mean did the winner call you guys um so what happened was the winner basically can you start out a conversation any more suspicious that sounded like a three-year-old trying to convince his mother that he didn't leave the toy on the floor by accident i don't think he knew where the location was i think he's based out of indiana he didn't know where the location was huh hmm let's pick a random storage auction and see if there's a group here we can figure out where the location is let's see i got it you see the giant bold text right next to the picture that's in bold and says location that might have something to do with it you don't miss that come off it like it's such a lie not to mention you search for auctions by punching in your zip code in the radius you want to drive so really really just know our um but i called to let them know that they won she said that it was by accident did anyone else catch that it might have been subtle but 30 seconds ago it was a he now it's a she it could be a couple but i know when people start getting things wrong in their head their own lies they start jumbling over the smallest things and that's what it's looking like to me so she was actually on the other line with george's treasures um now does does that happen often no that's actually the first time one of the most obvious signs to me and a lot of other people when somebody is lying is that they always say it's the first time it's ever happened to me i don't believe that i've been doing this for three years and it's happened a lot more than once to me and i'm sure i speak for a lot of other buyers that watch us this is not the first time this happens and i seriously doubt it's the first time it's happened to them being such a big storage facility in a big city no way again another red flag okay also just like if they win it on storage treasures like they just call you guys immediately saying oh well i mean i can't i don't i don't know it just seemed weird to me that it happened so fast yeah i think so what happens normally is you know you win the auction i give you a call to let you know you want and then uh schedule a time with you within you know the time frame that you have for you to come and pick up and pick the items up right now honestly there was a big special this morning and i ended up having to cancel one so there was kind of a little miscommunication but when i called the person to let her know she won she was already on the other line with some storage treasures letting them know so i think that's why it happened so quickly because as soon as she saw the email that her i want to say her husband or somebody yeah i want the option she was just trying to figure out how to cancel it so that i guess they wouldn't get in trouble for not coming to pick me up okay it was passed on to the first person and she can't they can't come and pick it up for whatever reason i didn't really get into the details um and so storage treasures contact us to ask us permission for them to choose a backup better right and that's when they select you [Music] right right i mean you probably haven't gotten any of that yet because we didn't respond to the email um yet but i just yeah i just wanted to call it a c because there's there's a lot of stuff happening in the storage world now and i i like everybody's kind of getting you but there's a lot of stuff just happening overall to where like stuff i mean gets canceled like i feel like some of these facilities are trying to make up their losses they're trying to bid it up themselves and then when it doesn't pan out how they want they'll cancel it and then it'll go to the backup bidder so that's that's why i'm just kind of skeptical on literally every facility that we have to deal with because of this i mean i don't i just don't know what's going on everything's just gotten so weird since covet started and that's just what it seems like from a bidder's perspective from a buyer's perspective is that storage facilities are bidding managers or employees or some somebody's bidding on these units then when i guess they like the facility wins they'll cancel it because they're like oh crap like we can't win now we just have to cancel it maybe we'll re-auction it or something like that and no nobody really wants to win anything anymore because everybody's getting crappy units and they can't get anything i understand i definitely understand well i'll let you know this uh i i don't have the time or you know the effort to try to even do something like that my opinion [Music] [Music] was a very interesting situation and yes everything did happen quickly but i think that's because the initial sitter was on the she you know got on the ball really early um we're trying to let the storage treasure know that she couldn't come pick the unit up [Music] all right well um i'm assuming we have to respond to the email so i guess we'll make a decision and you'll get an update once we do okay okay all right well thank you you're welcome so that's the conversation we had and if you ask me that story sounds like 100 grade a complete bs nothing about that makes any sense first of all they said they accidentally bid whoever once been against me four five six times back to back to back that's a complete lie they didn't know the location the location's flat on the screen that's a complete lie also give them the benefit of the doubt right i look at the map i'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're in indiana the closest they could possibly get to virginia right across the ohio border if you map it to the city where the facility was at it's still nine hours away so you're telling me they're going to spend 550 then take a truck nine hours one way nine hours back the other way to get a five by five storage unit with maybe 10 boxes come on none of it makes sense none of it makes sense i don't believe it but then again i could be wrong i don't know but it just it makes no sense to me at all i want to hear your perspective in the comments please i want to try to sit there and read through all the comments to see if somebody else can give me a logical explanation of this because well i've been thinking all day and i can't come up with one so if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe hopefully we get a unit soon guys peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 88,065
Rating: 4.9080558 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, abandoned storage unit, storage unit fraud, fraud, storage unit finds, storage unit frauds, storage unit fraud exposed part 2, exposing fraud, exposing scammers, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: j4-k_tuCpGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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