Old Storage Unit Owner Wants TO FIGHT ME! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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welcome back to treasure hunting with devious guys and today we're gonna be doing something extremely different something I've never done on this channel before but I thought it would be interesting mostly we finally got the green-screen working so I just wanted to play with the effects like we could be in Niagara Falls we could be in New York we gave you but anyway let's really get into this so we got some of the harassing us threatening us and whatnot on Facebook claiming that one of the storage in as we went through was their unit and basically that we stole their stuff so we get these messages all the time literally usually just a one message we say something back and that's it but no this guy wants to keep it going so let me show you how this is gone I'll pop to my cities up on the screen as we get up so he starts with a generic a few all right I just ignored it at that point because we get that message I mean literally 10 times or more every day whether it be on Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube comments blah blah blah we get told that all the time it's just whatever music to my ears didn't think anything of it so I just ignored him by the way if you're watching this hater like this shirt I love my haters we actually made our own shirt like this it's actually if you want it it's in the description but anyway after you said that I ignored him then about 10 hours later later in the same day by the way I pray that all the messages unfortunately I'm not it's like you guys know I should be but I'm not unfortunately so 10 hours later he says you stole my you know what I'm saying I can't see it cuz YouTube would be like all that so I simply responded back basically what storage unit if we stole a if we stole your stuff what storage unit did we steal it from so I didn't hear anything more from that day so I figured all right it was just a dumb troll it's done but the next morning after we wake up we got a message back from fam and it's the URL to our biggest video we have the drug deal unit that has 1.3 million views or 1.4 almost million views so I was like in my head at first I was like so it's don't likely most likely and definitely a troll as idiots just trying to say it but then I really thought about it if somebody's gonna see us going through their stuff it would make the most logical sense that it would be the video that has the most views cuz the most people have seen that one but I just reply back you know yeah I'm sure literally since that video has been out we probably had somebody say that to us like 100 plus times whether it be in the comments or social media they always try to tell us that's mine you took my stuff it's my stuff my Uncle stuff my cousins my brother so didn't think it may be anything of it we just ignored it in whatever I didn't reply back to him at that point he's just another idiot troll desperate for attention after I didn't say anything to him about an hour later this guy messages being something that really changes my whole thought process on this whole thing gotta stay puffeth my whole thought process on this entire thing he messages me back with the facility name in the unit number so I run not not run but I get on storage treasures and I look back there and sure enough this guy was exactly right what he sent me was the exact facility in the exact unit number of the unit he's talking about so I went back and read watched the video and I thought to myself maybe he I said it somewhere I did not anywhere mention the facility name so at that point I was like okay maybe he's actually telling the truth or maybe somebody that just happens to store there somebody that's bought there somebody that works there but anyway he's a lot closer at home than I thought but we did mention the storage number in the video so he could have got that from there but as far as the facility name there's no way he could have got that without being on the inside or actually being the legitimate owner of this unit so after he said all that I pretty much just ignored it I'm like all right this is getting way too creepy to me I'm not gonna reply back to him let's just go on he didn't say nothing else the next morning again I wake up every messenger when he says when can I get march back and I'm like first of all it's not yours anymore when you leave stuff in the storage facility and you don't pay for it it's gone it's no longer yours legally I don't know why so many people always say it's stealing you're taking advantage of people when you store stuff that business is making money based on its ability to rent lockers if you're stuffed in there and you're not paying they're losing money so you're telling me they should have to lose money because you're too irresponsible to pay your bills I mean it sucks sometimes it does some people get put in unfortunate situations but the emergency on your part there's not making an emergency on someone else's part unfortunately that's just how the world works so at that point since I didn't know who he was I kind of just told him straight up the truth that stuff has been sold months ago I think we made that video back in October it's March now so obviously if we have any of it it's very very little ever consisted mostly of a lot of shoes and high-end clothes and pretty much all of its going I might have like a pair of shoes or something like that but anyway I legally owned everything in there you're not getting it no matter what so he responds back but you need to get my back and I respond in my head at least by laughing hysterically because there you go making commands and threats of me already and it's just it's not gonna happen so being a sarcastic person I am I respond back saying how exactly do you accept me to do that magic I mean it's not possible he has go poof wreath like reverse all the sales some of it kind of went to Texas California New York who knows where that stuff went it was all sold online so he sent me to perform some type of starts magic spell oh you're not a wizard book and just do something it's not possible buddy I don't know what he wasn't getting at that point after that I guess he didn't like the sarcasm too much so he comes back with okay you're gonna wish she got me stuff okay I didn't guess he's a pirate maybe I don't know it explains nevermind what I gotta go any further than that but he said you're gonna wish you got from me stuff back all right so this pirate troll guy basically right there is when I was like alright you're basically trying to threaten us at that point you're gonna wish or what what's gonna happen if I don't what do you do at that point I took them a little bit more seriously I guess he could technically if he knows where it's at he could at least be close enough to us to if he was actually gonna do something do something so after that all I did was give him a little smiley face emoji just laughing because at that point my mind shifted from is just a real threat to now you're actually annoying me you're really you're like threatening I said that now you're annoying me so now my sarcastic level just went way up now I'm gonna try to make you mad because you're making me mad so didn't respond to him any more after that he didn't say nothing that day once again next morning we got a message from this dish once again you think I'm playing my stuff was in there I was locked up I couldn't pay alright there's so much wrong with that sitting first of all you can't use that as like a victim this I was put in jail for probably committing a crime I feel sorry for me no and I'm guessing if you were locked up based off the video it's most likely for dealing drugs or something else like that so you expect me to feel sorry for you because you are out committing crimes and you had to pay the consequences for that I'm supposed to feel sorry for you sorry but no so again I go in a complete sarcastic mode and I say how exactly is that my fault I mean I'm being sarcastic but it's a legitimate question you were locked up you didn't pay your bill what does it have to do with me if I didn't get it somebody else would have got it you just happen to see it because we decided to upload it on YouTube that's the only reason any other person got that you would have never seen your stuff all right after being sarcastic again I guess he really doesn't like sarcasm not for that this guy was pretty mad once again and goes you seriously looking again after aren't you or whatever and I'm like what do you do and at this point it's just funny games with me I wasn't really taking this guy's a serious threat if you want to do something I mean our information everything you want to know about is on YouTube if you really wanted to do something you could come do it now and judging off the fact that you did this month this video is put up six months ago don't think you're really looking to do anything so once again I did his favorite thing I read I responded with extreme sarcasm and said totally I am shaking in fear I'm trembling you're so intimidating based off of your typing it's just absolutely terrifying me later on in the day once again this guy was not done yet he says I'm a fine where you stay first of all your grammar there it's brutal it's so bad like actually hurt I'm trying to like trains like this I printed this directly off so it's not actually in regular English it's in this kind of English whatever you call that so it's if I say something wrong doesn't match exactly that's why this guy doesn't know to talk then I respond once again extremely sarcastic because that is what I do I say cool off to be waiting we can even have drinks or something just being as sarcastic and annoying as I possibly can because these people are just crying out for attention so let's give it to them they're gonna waste my time I want to waste their time too if this guy was being a troll or just a douche he really didn't break character after that he responds with Daddy I'll get you when I find out at this point I'm like you're gonna get me I'm just so scared about this guy DMing me on Facebook you know not actually trying to get in contact with me I mean maybe is we don't know that I don't think that informations out there hope not at least but at this point I'm like you're most likely just crying out and desperate for attention you don't own any of that stuff you never owned any of that stuff you just want attention from somebody so that was the last we heard of him for that day but again we wake up the next day and sitting in there is another message from this guy and it just happens to be our city in zip code so that first I'm like oh he says right with a question mark and I was like holy crap this guy's actually figuring stuff out for a second there I was worried and then I thought about a per second how could he have got this well our pita Box happens to be in the description of every single video so no you're not some you know an anonymous hacker no you didn't contact somebody to figure it out you just read the description but at first before I really thought about all that I kind of just said you know what are you really gonna do because the first thought was crap he actually knows where we're at he's gonna come try to do something which will make a fun video so I invite you by all means come on down and would be really entertaining but once I realized all he was doing was just reading the description and taking the address out of the PIO box just the city in zip code I was like if you really have any idea where we lived at you would have included the address you literally put the city in the zip code that's the only information that's in the PIO box as all you did was read the description so once again instant sarcastic response I respond back saying oh you can read the description I'm so surprised you can actually read Elvis sarcasm but at the same time there's a little bit of truth in that statement actually a little bit surprised so to find out if he's really telling the truth or not or he's just reading the description I just tell him straight up if you know where I'm at what's the address he responds back quickly with don't worry about it trying to be threatening but in real actuality you know he doesn't have a clue and he would have said it right there he just responds back with don't worry about it that just tells me right there you don't really know anything you don't really have any information but you still want to sound tough so in other words I respond back to him said so in other words you don't know then all he says is that shaking after that he hits me with it I dare you to tell me where you live like why do you need me to tell you if you know who I live why do you want me to tell you just because you know all you're doing is reading the description and after all you have no idea what you're talking about be honest buddy I'm sure whoever this dais is gonna be watching this video too so go ahead and tell me in the comments if that you you have no idea what you're talking about then it hits me I just thought of the biggest douchebag who ever not really distract me but hilarious me I can make he's asking for my address so what do I do I give him the address with the same zip code and city but not to my house to the local police station because I thought this would be great this idiot is actually gonna pull up to the police station and it would just be great so that's how I responded I gave him an address it looks like a regular house address don't think he's writing up to Google at first hand probably gonna plug it right into a GPS and get on the road so that's what I figured just gave him the address and just cross my fingers and hope that idiot would actually show up to the police station looking for somebody after I said that he responds back right away with just wait and I respond backing a course sarcastically again how long exactly for a second I contemplated just going and parking at the gas station by the air and just watching for a car waiting for a car but I don't know who he is I don't know what he's driving so when it done me any good plus our car kinda has a giant treasure hunting would you even sticker on it so they'd be able to know who we were and we wouldn't be able to know who they were which would put us out of the disadvantage is something we're gonna actually go down so decided against it I figured I'll just ignore him and if he actually is stupid enough to go which I would probably guess he is we would at least be able to get a message back from him see if he actually showed up or something like that so after that we got one message back for him this was hours later all he says is wait until I see you Tuesday and I was like when are you seeing me Tuesday first I was thinking about the fact that we are leaving next week we're leaving on Wednesday though to go to Nashville Tennessee for a UFC fight car so I was like maybe he just heard me say that in the video I think I've mentioned that a few times in the past maybe that's what he's talking about and then I really thought about it Tuesday happens to be the day of our live auction so this all this information is available on on the auction zip app so it's not like you have to know somebody to really get the information anybody can look this up on Google if you just type in storage in an auction too near me you'll most likely the first word is all at first - is all to be auctions in and it has all the addresses listed out exactly where we're gonna be so I my only guess is that's what he's trying to say he's gonna come to the auctions and do something which all these auctions are in Virginia so just to let you know my permit for carrying a little sum something it's still good in this state so I wouldn't recommend it it wouldn't be in your best what should I say wouldn't be in your best judgment it actually tries something but if you want to we will have a camera and it will be highly entertaining I probably won't even have to use that judging off your sentence structure you're probably not that intelligent but if you want to try to show up someone I've never seen before follow the car do something like that I'm just gonna tell you right now trying to come by the house is a very very very very very very very bad idea and it will end very very badly I would not recommend it for your own safety do not do it so for now all we can do is wait and see what goes down on Tuesday if anything honestly I don't take this first as a legitimate threat maybe someone's gonna say but he's not a threat I've had people threaten us in the war on you too it's nothing this guy just happened to be a hater in my opinion happens to be a hater with a little bit more time on his hand and a little bit more hatred and despair in his heart that actually took the time to go through and look up I mean this is all available online if I want to stop somebody I can look in their description find their zip code type in storage options near me with the zip code boom pop up with storage treasures and option zip Sivan the next ones are and make a general assumption that someone the dust storage units for a living is going to be there that doesn't take like a master hacker or some special person it's really really simple to do so in my opinion I don't think he's a threat at all I think he's just the troll but what do you guys think you think we should I should really be worried like should I be like what's the word just aware of my surroundings more so I mean obviously I always have a gun with me sitting on in Virginia at least I always do have a gun with me so really nothing's really gonna happen to me but what do you guys think I just want to know anyone's opinion on this should we take this as a legitimate threat or most likely what it really is just a pathetic loser crying out for attention I want you guys to tell me down in the comments but anyway that's gonna be it for this one really I just wanted to make something we've been doing videos every other day I just wanted to make something to play with this green screen because we finally got the backdrops working right and literally that's all I've really wanted to do and I figure this is interesting let's get everyone's tank on it soon thank you guys so much for watching if you can't enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button frost recharge about the video all the time if you do when a falls on our social media links they'll be on screams click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 350,006
Rating: 4.2945204 out of 5
Keywords: old storage unit owner, old storage unit owner tries to buy his locker back, storage unit owner, old storage units, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit wars, abandoned storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage hunters, storage wars dave hester fight, storage wars fights, abandoned storage locker
Id: smZADJ7g75Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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