Pokémon Black 2 Hardcore Nuzlocke - Ghost Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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pokemon black and white 2 are some of my favorite titles that also happen to be one of the most difficult sets of games to nuzzlock so today i'm gonna find out if i can beat a pokemon black 2 hardcore nuzlocke using only ghost types now the real trouble with using ghost types in uneven is that the first ghost we can get is yaw mask after the third gem fight but we're going to creatively solve that problem by using pokemon dream radar and if you've ever watched a hardcore nuzlocke video before you know the rules but if you need a refresher the rules are going to be on the screen right now to start off this run i naturally go by my title of miss univa hold on your name is miss univer as in the top model of the univer region find professor juniper you can have my autograph just this once naturally we of course have to start our adventure by picking a starter pokemon but since none of them evolve into a ghost type it really doesn't matter who we pick we then have to fight through the only battle where i have to use a non-ghost type in the entire run we can then actually progress in the story to get our first hey miss univer you can't go without oh fine but i actually need to progress with the game speaking of which black and white 2 has sort of a mini game spin-off called pokemon dream radar and through having that game we can actually send ourselves a hidden ability level 5 driftloon additionally if we've completed the main quest in pokemon dreamradar itself we have access to both spirit tomb and rotom which aren't otherwise available in pokemon black and white too so naturally i played a bit of pokemon dream radar acquiring these pokemon on different searches counting them as static encounters this resulted in acquiring our infiltrator spirit tomb with a quiet nature that i named avarice then we of course have rotom which only ever has levitate as its ability it's got a serious nature which is pretty good and i decide to name it vanity finally we've got a relaxed nature flare boost driftloon which i named gluttony after realizing i just logged into my pc on the pokemon center's public wi-fi i'm glad i was using this video's sponsor nordvpn nordvpn has super fast servers all around the world that make sure you're safe while you're on the internet by blocking suspicious sites and preventing malware from infecting your device so that you can feel safe on the web even on public wi-fi even better than that nordvpn doesn't log any of your data has 24 7 customer support and a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee and hey sometimes pokemon isn't available everywhere on netflix so if that's the case just connect to a different server and boom you can go back to catching them all so make sure that you go to nordvpn.com forward slash antler boy to get an amazing deal on a two-year plan and on top of that four whole months for free you can also click the first link in the description or the link in the pinned comment down below but for now let's get back to the run and at this point there's not much for us to do other than go up against the first gym challenge against charon and his normal types with the ghost type we actually dodged sharon's stab moves but he does have bite on both of his pokemon so i lead off with spirit team who not only doesn't have any weaknesses in this generation but it's also pretty powerful for this part of the game with its base 108 defenses this means the patrick goes down to two faint attacks as it tries to work up and lillipuff tries to do the same thing as i hit it with a confused race since it has vital spirit so i can't put it to sleep with hypnosis and even despite the fact that willow pup used a workup it really doesn't do any damage at all with bite so the only thing it can hope to do is flinch me but it doesn't so it just goes down to a couple fain attacks and that's our first badge down we then get to burbank city where we have to take part in more of roxy's riveting family drama and you know what i don't blame roxy's dad for wanting to be a movie star who wouldn't want to be an avenger come on but my strategy for the upcoming poison gym is going to be using gluttony and its hidden ability flare boost flare boost powers up your special attack by 50 if you're burned so i make sure to find a growlithe to pre-burn myself before the gym fight and with that done we basically ensure that we're gonna rock and roll roxy's entire team she starts out with coughing as we start out with drifloon and coughing is a pretty defensive pokemon more than specially defensive so two gusts is enough to take it out now we've got roxy's second and final pokemon wurlipede and lucky for us it's actually weak to flying so on top of our flare boost we can just bop it with another two gusts and with that we claim our second gym badge after that we make the mandatory visit to pokestar studios where they want me to be a movie star so we start shooting the new movie right away and i gotta say i think they made the right choice in casting me as the new black widow what could go wrong after my debut we head off towards castelia city when you just can't stand it anymore scream at the ocean oh well times are stressful might as well give it a go after having all my stress and anxiety relieved iris the champion invites me a supermodel and movie star to go to the sewers if it weren't for the fact that i found some leftovers i would have called this the worst outing of all time we then have to go up against the next gym leader and fellow artist berg but the only art that i'm gonna be introducing berg to is the art of sin specifically the wrath of my team after putting his swadloon to sleep with my spirit tomb i take it out with a single dream eater nextenberg's lineup is dwell which is a bit more annoying since it has the sturdy ability this of course means that we're gonna leave dwell at one hp so that berg uses a hyper potion and we have to take it down to sturdy once again not exactly the biggest deal in the world but you hate to see it finally of course we've got burke's ace pokemon leave vanity so i decide to swap out into gluttony we do actually quad resist any attack that this levanny can throw at us and on top of that we have a quad effect of gust which is flare boosted by 50 so we can take out this levanny in one hit after getting my gym badge i've seen enough pokemon to receive the aviolite i then just straight up steal a wide lens from this guy's house and it's at this point we can finally get to relic castle to get what would be our first ghost type yaw mask i name it sloth it has a neutral nature and it's perfect for the eevee light i also just want to point out that this lady has to be the most based npc in any of the pokemon games what should i talk about on the first date oh bro that's so easy you just uh uh yeah maybe you should ask someone who isn't a youtuber and who actually goes out hold on a minute i actually do go out i'm utah's top model and it's great to be back in my element and you see elise is not too happy about the fact that we took her title last time so she's back with a vengeance so to make sure we have the best chance as possible i level to the level cap and get driftloon to evolve into dripblim and this means that we have one of the most important matches of the run upon us we have to defend our title as miss univer elisa starts out with amolga so i send in my eevee light sloth and she goes for a volt switch that gets a crit on me and almost does half my health however i manage to burn some strike on the switch in but it gets a critical hit pursuit and almost takes out sloth pretty insane that i got crit twice in a row and actually managed to live but next up i switch in gluttony and i decide i need a bit more survivability here so i go for a stockpile as pursuit does minimal damage the next turn substrika hits me with a powerful volt switch but it doesn't do that much because of my stock pileage and i set up another stockpile to get to plus two defenses you might think my plan is a bit weird here but i go for a hex on flappy which doesn't do that much as i get paralyzed but the next turn it goes for volt switch end is of strika now i am paralyzed here so i might be unable to move but i actually managed to hit my hex and almost take out some strika which has a citrus berry so it doesn't go down to the burn at least then high proportions and i unfortunately get fully paralyzed however considering that i'm at half health i take a pursuit very well and i go for a hex taking zip striker really low in fact the burn gets her down into the red but she decides to go for a vault switch the next turn switching out into flaffy this actually gets very close to taking out my drip limb and i even get fully paralyzed against flappy so i have to swap out into vanity and since vanity's an electric type it can tank a volt switch from flaffy super well as substrika comes in and almost goes down to burn the turn after that i get hit by a pursuit which doesn't do that much damage because of the burn and it doesn't matter what move i use here so i go for confused ray and it just goes down to the burn next we got a mulget to deal with and it can't do anything super dangerous to vanity so i take it out with a couple of shock waves and lastly we only have flaffy left to deal with and since vanity's pretty low i switch out into avarice who gets paralyzed by a thunder wave however this doesn't actually matter since i don't get paralyzed any of the two next turns and i take it out with an ominous wind and faint attack combo and i gotta say it feels fantastic to defend my title and see my face up on that big screen this pokemon's become attached to me that's why i'm treating it like a friend and not a tool well too bad you don't have a cleft key because then you could be doing both anyway next up it's time to challenge one of the most difficult gym leaders if not the most difficult gym leader in all of pokemon and scary enough for us he starts out with a crock rock that has crunch so i start with eeveelite sloth i managed to take the crunch with over half hp burn the croco rock and swap out into gluttony it uses torment on me which isn't gonna matter since i can take it out with a single hex the next turn but then comes the real problem excadrill so i have to swap out into alvarez and try to put this thing to sleep with hypnosis fortunately it goes from metal cloth so i can't get flinched and with the wide lens accuracy boost i hit a hypnosis i then decide my plan is going to be to go out into sloth and hit it with a power split but it actually wakes up crits me down to 1 hp and gets an attack boost the power split does do a little bit to lower its attack but i switch into average try to hit hypnosis again but this time i do get flinched by a rock slide and honestly at this point avarice isn't in a good spot at 7 hp so i decide to swap out into vanity who tanks a metal claw fairly well but its defenses aren't that great i managed to out speed the next turn though hit it with a confused race so that it hits itself in confusion and at this point i just have to hope and pray for an omni boost from ominous wind however excadrill snaps out of confusion the first turn hits me with a powerful rock slide so i have to confuse it once again then after hitting it with another non-boost ominous wind i prock it citrus berry so it gets a little bit of its health back snaps out of confusion again and gets me down to 5 hp and at this point my pack of tricks is completely empty i go for another confused ray hoping it hits itself but it breaks through and takes down vanity with a rock slide i then swap in gluttony who's my only team member who isn't in the red but i quickly get brought down there by a rock slide and hit it with a hex that doesn't do that much damage the next turn i expect clay to go for a high proportion which puts me in an even worse spot than before and i only managed to survive burn because of my leftover ceiling but this really isn't good since xcadrill outspeeds all of my mons and the next turn it can just freely take out gluttony with a metal claw so that's half our team out i then go into sloth who's left at one hp obviously can't out speed and just goes down to a rock slide and this means that all i have left is avarice and since it can't out speed either that's game over boys so since our entire team wiped that means we have to start over all the way at the beginning no autograph for you this time lady the difference in our team is that everest now has an impish nature which is really good sloth is stuck with its neutral nature gluttony's also got a neutral nature this time and vanity has a modest nature which is so amazing so let's see if my revised strategy is enough to get us through attempt two clay of course starts out with crock rock but this time i decide to lead with avarice crock rock uses crunch but we got a defense boosting nature and it's not super effective i do miss my hypnosis but the next turn i managed to actually land the hit i then swap out into gluttony as croc rock stays asleep and hex hits it for double damage since it's got a status condition that's one big threat out of the way next is excaval of course so i swap into sloth who has full health this time i actually managed to dodge the first rock slide then i don't even flinch and i hit willow wisp this means that i can freely go for power split the next turn and i'm not even below half health even though i get critted by a metal claw gluttony comes out next and i'm thinking i can take the hit well but obviously i get crit that's twice in a row once again and i don't want to get crit a third time so i swap out into vanity and this time i'm actually in a way better position since it's both burned and power split so i go for the confused ray and even though i get hit it doesn't do that much damage citrus barrier then heals up extra drill after the burn i go for an ominous wind and together with burn it takes it down so low that clay goes for a hyper potion and at this point since i know that i can't go down to a crit i'm just free to spam ominous wind maybe hope for that boost but extradill keeps hitting itself in confusion so i actually managed to take it out with vanity lastly we now have sand slash so i go for the confused ray right away and it breaks through and goes for a roll out of all things i suppose i can't really go for anything else since i'm immune to bulldoze but it snaps out of confusion on the second rollout so i have to go for the confuse ray again and hope that it hits itself and it actually ends up doing just that so that breaks the rollout streak and the next turn i swap out into sloth who's got a lot of its health left but it actually just ends up taking itself out with the confusion that's the fifth badge i also easily win the world tournament after which we have to fight some plasma goons during this fight sloth actually manages to get to level 34 through the experience share and evolves into coppagrigas then now that we have the surf hm we can go back to route 4 and search for the rippling tiles where we can actually find a five percent chance to get jealous and without catching frillish i catch it and name it lust and it does end up having a really bad nature but it is pretty funny to have a level five jealous end we then make our way through chartstone caves so that we can get to our next destination the celestial tower here we can talk to professor juniper who gives us the lucky egg and maybe that's a sign because i have never been this lucky in my whole life you see we're here to find a litwick and the first one i find is shiny i mean i did find a shiny rattata in one of my other runs but i couldn't use it because it wasn't the right type so i threw the master ball at this thing as soon as i could it even ends up having a neutral nature which is pretty awesome and we can pick up the tm for willowisp and with that done it's finally time to take on our sixth gym challenge against skyla now skyla leads off with her swoobat but i've got vanity which is gonna make this pretty trivial i set up a substitute and the next turn i can take out swoop out with a single ominous wind swanna goes down to a quad effective stabbed shockwave and skarmory would too except it has sturdy which makes things a little bit more annoying fortunately though i'm completely safe behind my substitute and as skylar heals i can take her down to sturdy again and eventually we just take her out with another shockwave six badges down two to go with that out of the way i use my miss universe private jet to fly to lentimos town while there we can pick up the powerful tm for charge beam we can also go to the strange house and i used to hate haunted houses as a kid like i would never go into one but in this case we can get our encounter banette you name it envy and it happens to have a timid nature which is terrible since it's a physical attacker however we can power up our team a lot by picking up the tm for shadowball and teach it to pretty much everyone before progressing i also pick up a whole ton of shards by spamming max repels this way we can teach a whole bunch of move tudor moves to our pokemon i then start to make my way through reversal mountain and wrath gets to level 41 through the experience share which means it evolves into shiny lamp pens the dark musicians of village bridge aren't too bad now i summon the dark musician in defense mode uh anyway now that we're in opelusan city it's time to take on draden and his dragon types and i think i have just the strategy drayton starts out with drutagon so i start with avarice who's gonna be the key to executing this plan after missing my first hypnosis and taking some damage from crunch i do manage to hit my second hypnosis and that's when it starts i start setting up my nasty plots spirit tomb isn't exactly the strongest pokemon but at plus six any pokemon is really a threat and i have icy wind from the move tudor so naturally drudogon falls to an icy wind and here's the thing drayton loves to use dragon tail and especially if you've used setup moves so that you don't get to keep your boosts but since dragon tail always moves lasts and he tries to use it with both his flygon and his haxorus well it's pretty much an easy win for me that's her 7th gym batch down after which team plasma shows up and to be honest guys wear the hacker team plasma whenever you need them because i'm always out of ice in my freezer and instead of helping out these guys are off playing space pirates you think that's how they recruit people to team plasma just hand out free popsicles oh and did i mention that team plasma has ninjas so they're pirates ninjas they used to be knights so where are the vikings secret tunnel i wonder where the gym leader yo what though anyway the final gym challenge we have to face is marlon and his water types and he leads up with keracosta so i go into sloth and go for willowisp thinking that he's gonna be physically based but of course he's not so this pretty much means that i just gave this carracosta a free shell smash that's pretty scary in the next turn i get hit down to about 40 by a skull after which i can just take him out with a hex since he already was burned this means that jealousens is up next and my answer to this thing is going to be avarice on the turn i switch i get hit by a brine which doesn't do that much damage but the following turn i get hit by a powerful skull that also burns me i can then put it to sleep with hypnosis and freely switch into vanity and since the jealousy is asleep i figure i'll take the opportunity to set up with a charge beam which actually gets me to plus one after which i can just take it out with a shadow ball this means there's only one pokemon left to face and that's way lord and since it's way slower than i am and i have plus one i can just freely take it out with a single electro ball oh rodem you're my pride and joy and with that we've collected all eight gym badges yeah that's right swim away you weirdo and then go back to the haunted house and pick up the spell tag and i also had no idea earlier that i can actually pick up a dusk stone here which means that we can evolve our lampent into a chandelure and just look at that thing isn't it magnificent anyway at this point we have to hunt down team plasma and they're in the giant chasm just chilling or something we have to infiltrate their ship and their password is basically the pokemon equivalent of one two three four i'm disappointed in you team plasma and the next obstacle on our way is the scientist who styles his hair after the planet saturn maybe his logic is that it'll emulate the planet's gravitational pull and thus draw in all the babes but i doubt that's working since you know he's a terrorist anyway the first turn i bring magneton down into sturdy range with a flame burst as i get hit by a thunder wave the next turn chorus heals up to full health so i bring him back down to sturdy with a flame burst and he out speeds and goes for a volt switch this means that he sends in his next pokemon metang which gets absolutely obliterated by a flame burst twinkling is next and it sets up a shift gear which could be a problem if i get paralyzed but i end up hitting through and destroy it with a flame burst the next pokemon on chorus's lineup is bohemian and at this health i am in range of a crit but i decide to risk it and i take a psychic and can take it out with a shadow ball however now that chorus only has magneton and magnezone left i need to switch out of chandelor so i swap into vanity i get hit by a pretty powerful flash cannon but i can hit back the next turn with a charge beam which boosts my special attack then i get paralyzed by a thunder wave and a non-crit charge beam really doesn't do as much damage as i would have hoped it would do next i get hit by a flash cannon that leaves me at 29 hp and i get the special defense drop so i have to switch out at this point so i switch into avarice and i immediately get hit by a flash cannon that also drops my special defense hoping to live another one i stay in and i actually manage to hit my hypnosis this means i can safely swap out into gluttony and try to take this magna zone out with a hex but it actually leaves the magna zone with just a sliver and so i have to risk it waking up but it doesn't and i can hit it with another hex for the ko finally we got magneton at 1 hp but since i'm faster i can just click hex and win the battle hope things work out for you in your space hair next up we have to go up against black curium and we actually don't get to swap pokemon between this battle and the fight against getsys and since i want to lead that fight with chandelure i decide to burn the black curum so that it can't do that much damage to us and after that the combination of a hex burn and a shadow ball finish off the black cure and now we have to go up against one of the scariest fights in the game you see getz's ace pokemon is a hydragon that has crunch and that thing is really scary so knowing that this battle could be a run killer i definitely have to proceed with caution getza starts out with his confederagus and i start in style with my shiny chandelure one spell tag boosted shadow ball is enough to take out copper grigas and next up is seismitoad so i pivot into gluttony who's immune to the earthquake and i can hit it with a willow wisp so the earthquake won't hit as hard as i get hit by a muddy water which lowers my accuracy i then swap into lust who's immune to muddy water and back into gluttony to dodge the earthquake and i pretty much think that i can do this freely back and forth but it actually goes for sludge wave against lust so i swap back into gluttony to dodge another earthquake and at this point seismitoad is so low and burned that a hex can take it out after that we face electros which obviously can take us out with a thunderbolt but it ends up going for acrobatics which gets a crit and does quite a lot i then decide to go for a really risky willow wisp as it goes for crunch which doesn't take me out because of the burn next turn i swap out a vanity into wrath who has more health but it actually goes for flamethrower which is perfect after that i can just hit it with a spell tag boosted shadow ball and that's it for electros next up is drapeon and i burn it right away really hoping to not get cripped by a night slash which i fortunately don't i then decide to not risk wrath and swap out into sloth who can tank these hits really well with its massive defense what i'm most worried about is a crit which would absolutely devastate me so i'm just sitting down crossing my fingers and hoping that it doesn't happen and eventually i take out drapion finally we only have toxic croak and hydrogon left so i want to put myself in a great position to take out the hydrogon so i swap into avarice i end up getting my special defense lower though so i swap into gluttony who can actually burn it with a willow wisp it does however come at equal exchange since poison jab poisons me so i swap back into avarice for free since it goes for sucker punch and fails it's at this point i start setting up my nasty plots and the first two turns it actually goes for sucker punch so i pretty much get to set him up for free the final nasty plot turn i get hit by a shadow ball and then buy a sucker punch crit which doesn't do anything and i can take out toxic crook with an icy wind finally we only have hydragon left but unfortunately i don't think i can live a dragon rush at this range except somehow i do on 13 hp and i can take out the hydrogen with a plus six icy wind i thought for sure that this thing would just tear through my entire team and that this would be the end of the run but i guess this means we get to go on and see how well we can fare against the elite four on my way to victory road i find this house where i pick up the flamethrower tm from this old man we then basically have to go through the pokemon badge version of airport security to get to victory road where we can get our next encounter a golurk which i named sinner because it's our eighth pokemon and there are only seven deadly sins then at the end of victory road we have to take on hugh but he's pathetically easy so in the interest of time i won't even show it but he does give us the tm for thunderbolt i then do the same thing i did before with the shards and run around in victory road with a bunch of max repels on just so that i can collect gems for every type and with all that preparation done it's time to head to the elite four and take on the final challenge and the first trainer we're going to be taking on is chantal and her ghost types because ghost oddly enough just like the dragon type is super effective against itself so we're kind of both at an advantage and a disadvantage here but chantal leads out with kafadrigus and i lead with gluttony i decide to first set up stockpile and then i get burned by willowisp which is awesome since i have flare boost after that since i'm faster my best play is to use baton pass to swap into wrath and get that defense boost i do have to switch into the shadow ball on the switch end which does way more than i expected it to do but that's a small price to pay to just tear through chanthal's entire team with spell tag boosted shadow balls oh yeah that's right my chandelure is way better than your purple piece of garbage anyway that's one elite four member down and we move on to the next one caitlyn and her psychic types and for this one i decide to employ a pretty interesting strategy where i start out with vanity and go for substitute as i actually dodge a yawn and what i think is the oddest thing about the ai here is that i'm just setting up for free with charge beams as it keeps trying to go for yawn even though i'm behind a substitute and it doesn't work not exactly the smartest move on caitlyn's part letting my fastest pokemon set up a whole bunch of special attack boosts just to tear down her whole team but i suppose she's the one who has to pay the price and she certainly does because vanity just tears through the rest of her pokemon with a bunch of shadow balls sorry caitlyn you never stood a chance that's half of the elite four down and next up we have to face off against the fighting type user marshall this should theoretically be pretty easy since we have all ghost types but he does have payback and a lot of good rock moves on his team speaking of which the first turn i set up my defenses with stockpile as i get hit by a really powerful payback i then get my special attack boosted with charge beam and he misses a rock tomb the next turn i take out throw with a flare boosted psychic then it's time for the scary khan kelder but it actually just gets the same treatment sorry buddy hate to treat your ace pokemon like that but when sock comes out i'm a too low health to stay in with gluttony so baton pass my defense boost into sloth and tank a rock slide i then take minimal damage from payback and burn the sock to both break it sturdy and have its attack the next turn i take minimal damage from payback once again and i can finish off the sock by using hex this means that the only pokemon marshall has left is myeonshou and it was super annoying and used bounce all the time but i basically can't take damage from it so i take it out with a hex eventually and now all we have left is the dark type user grimsley now not only are his dark types really good against my ghost types but he's also just the sleaziest guy in all of pokemon so i hate that i have to deal with him the first turn i get hit by a night slash from my part and i go for a stockpile just so that i can baton past the next turn after getting hit by yet another night slash since i can baton pass at the end of the turn this means i'm not going to get hit as i swap out into vanity i then take the opportunity to use charge beam to try and boost my special attack which happens and i don't take that much damage from knight since i have my defense boosted from that stockpile this means that after taking down my part i'm a plus 2 special attack which is enough to take out crocodile with a single signal beam which i learned at the move tutor then we got scrappy but it's not strong enough to hang on after a plus two thunderbolt finally we got bisharp but i don't think i can take a night slash from this thing at that health so i swap out under wrath and i live on 21 hp the next turn however i'm faster since i have a base speed of 80 and bisharp only has a 70 base speed so that's it for grimsley i'm glad that that wasn't as hard as i thought it would be how come you never sit down on that couch huh yeah i thought so you filthy pig anyway once again casting that loser aside we have a final challenge left and honestly i never thought i'd get this far with ghost types so bring it on iris [Music] that's right it's champion time and ira starts out with a high dry gun of her own so i start out with lust since this thing only has special moves and actually not even a dark move so i try and hit it with an ice gem boosted ice beam but it doesn't quite do enough so i tank another dragon pulse and i can take it out with another ice beam the next turn okay that's one threat neutralized and she goes into lapras next so expecting the thunderbolt i go into vanity and actually manage to dodge the sing this means that the next turn i can drop some electric gem boosted divine lightning down on this lapras and take it out in one hit that's two down and next up is agron so i set up my substitute as it goes for autonomize the next turn after that i go for a charge beam but i actually don't end up getting the special attack boost as he goes for another autonomize this means he's faster but we both miss her attacks and he then hits a rock slide to take out my substitute and i knock out the agron the same turn i even managed to get the special attack boost from that one but now we have to deal with iris's ace monster haxorus so i foolishly set up a substitute as the haxorus goes for a dragon dance and the next turn it hits me for a dual chop the first of which destroys the substitute and the second one takes me down to a really low hp so i decide to swap out into sloth who has our highest defense and he actually gets a crit duo chop and leaves us at 80 hp the next turn i get hit by an earthquake which i barely survive and manage to burn the haxorus to have its attack expecting another earthquake i pivot into gluttony and now that i know she's going to go for a full restore i decide to go for toxic so that i at least have status on the haxorus the next turn i forget that it's poisoned and not burned which means i take a ton of damage from dual chop as i set up a stockpile but that's unfortunately not going to be able to save us a little bit ironic that gluttony dies because it stockpiled too much so that's the first death of attempt 2 if a ghost can even really die we then send in sinner but haxorus actually goes for another dragon dance as i go for a rock polish so it's still going to be able to out speed us the next turn hacksaws goes for earthquake which i barely live on 50 hp after hitting it with an earthquake of my own taking it out now the reason i didn't click ice punch right there is because i'm holding an ice gem just so that i can beat this dredder gun shear force liforb drutagon is a menace so that's why i needed that rock polish to out speed and take it out in a single hit we also outspeed archeops and i thought iron fist boosted ice punch would take this thing out but we actually end up losing sinner as well and this means archeops is the only thing that stands in our way so i send in wrath because there's no more glorious victory than a shiny one but i actually end up flinching from a rock slide even still i want my victory at the hands of wrath so it all comes down to yes i actually managed to survive on 24 hp and take out the archeops with a shadow ball we don't have to lose our shiny and with that we defeated champion iris i did it against all the odds i defeated a pokemon black 2 hardcore nuzlocke using only ghost types and what i think i learned this time is that chandelure is probably going to be my favorite shiny for the rest of time it looks so amazing and i'm so glad i got to use it and i think the ups and downs of this run really made me remember why i love pokemon so much through it all there's usually always a way that you can win even when the odds are stacked against you so if you enjoyed this run as much as i did make sure you give this video a like and if you're not subscribed what are you doing and with that said make sure you leave suggestions down below of runs you'd like to see in the future but guys until we see each other next time have a good one [Music]
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 148,152
Rating: 4.9560699 out of 5
Id: UJzryNcVvWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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