Pokemon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke but I play as LEON!

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welcome to the andrew collette show i've been playing pokemon sword and shield with all different kinds of types but can leon the galler champion beat a hardcore nuzlocke at his own game it's gonna be a total of eight encounters since i can only choose one of the starters leon arguably has one of the best champion teams in all the pokemon games unlike a certain dragon type champion am i right here are the leon hardcore nuzlocke rules when a pokemon faints it's dead i can only catch the first leon pokemon encounter from each router area no items in battle but held items are okay set to battle mode no leveling past the next gym leaders ace pokemon until the start of that battle and only charmander charmeleon and charizard are allowed to dynamax since that is the only pokemon leon with dynamaxx so the first big question is what starter would leon choose i founded the answer in the first episode of pokemon evolutions as you can see the player character has intellion this means hop would have cinderease and leon would have really boom so grooky it is and since i am the champion in the making the name theme will be past champions with grooky being named blue because that totally makes sense i head over to the professors to receive a pokedex who is that is that an imposter of me and you don't know your way around town kinda sucks if you ask me anyways i received my pokedex from aminohamanoh sonya my childhood friend but it looks like she's been brainwashed thinking that's the real leon i'll have to prove that i'm the one the only true leon now having a pokedex gives me access to pokemon home which i can use to transfer a charmander from another save files post game then i boot up the pc at the pokemon center to retrieve it from the box i then asked jack in the pokemon center to change charmander's name to lance my brother hop and i decided to have a battle with our new pokemon lance easily embers wulu three times burning his wool my brother hop knows what he's doing sending out sable next but i also know what i'm doing switching in blue we use our signature moves facebook branch pokes to knock out the sabble ruka diaz hops last month so lance is brought back to burn his feathers so crisp with embers fake leon continues being suspicious not wanting to endorse us for the gym challenge but thankfully our battle along with granny mcnanny being persuasive he's cornered into handing over the letters so out with it leon how many did you catch not one what were you doing this whole time dude i obviously just beat the crap out of you so chill maybe you're the one who needs it after taking the train and skimming past the wild area i entered the moto stoke boutique to dress up in leon's clothes unfortunately i don't get access to them i don't know if it's because i erased some save data or started a new profile but since it's past august 31st of 2020 this is the best i can get fine i'll do it myself [Music] [Music] so so we colored the hair purple but after it dried up the purple is gone for whatever reason sorry about that [Music] come on that deserves a like and subscribe i'm hop i'm leon's little brother in fact and the next champion get me all signed up would you well yes i'm trying to if you'll just give me a moment geez since when did my little brother become such a karen looks like i want to smack some sense into him so i go back to the wild area at west lake axe well to catch myself a tempo naming her wallace then i slapped my little brother hop around with the literal exact same strategy i used from our previous battle don't get so upset bro just stop asking to see the manager after fighting some trainers on route 3 lance evolves into a charmeleon in the galler mine i run a crossbeat who asks if i was endorsed by the champion dude i'm the real leon he's got you fool too beat isn't buying it so he challenges me to a battle i have lance swords dance the first turn while solosis endeavors bringing me down to his hp i tell lance to open wide and start chomping his psychic types with crunches one hit ko and the gringo gothita and hattina this frustrates speed he can't believe he was deceived by an imposter leon we finally get to the first gym leader excuse me milo that's a little unfair sneaking up behind me this ain't some old school rpg but alright you want to play a little unfair lance take out that gossip flower with just one fire finger now dynamaxx and max flair that elder goss they do survive but react with a pathetic max overgrowth not even phasing out my fire dragon boy lance incinerates every hair eldegas has left winning us the first gym badge with no sweat now i know what some of you sweat over that's right shaving your balls take it away leon oh hey there have you ever nicked yourself down there come on be honest it sucks and hurts a lot that's why i'm proud to partner with manskip as this video sponsor let me show you some of the things the galar champion uses himself first we got the lawnmower 4.0 with skin safe technology that way you can shave both your balls and your butt without cutting yourself plus it's waterproof so you can shave in the shower my balls and wife thank me every time after drying off i use the ball deodorant so it doesn't get sweaty and stinky down there and finally the ball toner if you need to freshen up down there after a rough day this will do the trick the perfect package includes all of what i use along with a travel bag and boxer briefs go to manscape.com today to get 20 off along with free international shipping plus two free gifts when you use code andrew show at checkout i didn't mention it earlier but blue did evolve into thwacky before the first gym leader match and that's the only thing different about our next brother battle with hop some of the pokemon are involved other than that it's a rehash of what we did before our sincerest apologies the chairman is quite busy at the moment are you sure about that oleana nessa the gym leader of holberry is our next opponent my lead is blue who's not threatened at all by goldie's horn attacks therefore blue can swords dance twice to triple his attack power facebook branch poking goldeen and arrow kuda you may be wondering why i'm not using razer leaf well it's a 95 accurate move meaning it could miss against dreadnought and i'm not allowed to dynamax blue if i missed they could max strike to lower blue speed then kom the next turn that's why branch poke is safer winning us the second gym badge oh look hop's going to give us a tip on how to beat kabu hop tells us he's in gallermine 2. how is that a tip to beating kabu whatever i forgive him then we run into team yell my little brother gets cocky and says can't you see that i'm hop the trainer who will be your next champion but then grunt b of all people is quick on their feet and replies oh so we've got a joker here eh you're so funny i forgot to laugh okay it was a good comeback i can't just stand there let them burn my little bro like that so double battle with team yell it is i have blue start razor leafing to cut down their hp and hop is just doing this so yeah blue does all the work taking out lanoon and theevil but i can't save wulu in time from the pancham low sweeping maybe try helping next time bro but that's not the end of team yell because at the voodoo end their celebrity marnie challenges me next i continue to play it safe with lance swords dancing while krogan hits us with a revenge then i dragon dance to out speed that pesky morpeko later with plus three attack it's time to body slam squashing the crow gunk scraggy is bulkier so i have lance go for an outrage at this time to secure the ko her ace more pekko is last but can't live in outrage either successfully blasting temeo off again for a while since blue and lance are getting close to the level cap i evolve wallace into a palpato so she can solo the gym challenge before the big fight all i gotta do is knock out five fire types in the gym to proceed however during this sizzlip encounter the other trainer salandit fakes me out so i flinch then they start constantly sand attacking me so my skulls miss the sizzlip the little insect is able to bug bite me in the process luckily i did have wallace holding leftovers recovering 1 16 of hp at the end of each turn but the sizzle peed gets me down to 10 hp i need to land the next gold it misses oh thank goodness they bugged by selande instead and ko'd it thankfully my next attempt at scalding is a one hit ko that would have been a wipeout since wallace was my only party member but of course after completing the challenge i add blue and lance back to the team then face kabu wallace gets to lead the charge staring down the ninetails while burns with willowisp wallace doesn't care all she's here for is to place the stealth rocks then pieces out for lance to bring in the fire all nine tails can do is quick attack but lance just laughs in her face while eating leftovers at the end of each turn dragon dancing once and swords dancing twice nine tails now goes bye-bye from a body slam arcanine hopes to weaken our attack power with its intimidate ability but thanks to our earlier dances and lance being allowed to dynamaxx arcanine is tossed aside with a max strike kabu's a sense of scorch couldn't be overcome by power alone wallace's stealth rocks are four times super effective against the fire bug typing dropping the centipede's health to 50 percent this is what enables lance to obliterate center scorch with a single max strike winning the third gym badge unlocks the snowstorm weather in the wild area which means i can go back to rolling hills and catch a mime junior naming him diantha over at hammerlock hills hoene just found and caught as well given the name of steven stone then they pace back to the center of the wild area moto stoke riverbank catching a rhyhorn named alder with a full party of six i level up diantha to evolve into a gallerian mr mime alder the ryhorn has the best defense of anyone on the team so she makes a perfect counter to team yale's physical attackers and shuts them down with earthquakes as i travel through the grass on route 6 our penultimate encounter actions discovered and named after iris a few more battles on route 6 later helped steven evolve into a doe blade and he's not a dope blade for long because right as i enter stone stoinside there's a dusk stone right behind the pokemon center evolving stephen into the final form of aegis slash my little brother wants to fight again to see each other's new pokemon we've added to our teams dianthus sees the water flying bird and says sayonara with thunderbolt since we won't see it again until the post game drizzle isn't difficult either but they do survive the first thunderbolt and weaken our power with tearful look a super potion and another two thunderbolts later cause drizzle to faint silly cobra goes down to an ice beam and toxo falls to a sidekick to be blunt little bro you shouldn't have box wulu and corvasquire for that match since the level cap jumped to 36 i prepare my team for bay by evolving wallace into a seismitoad blew into rulaboo and lansin to charizard since lance has now earned his wings base fighting types are no match especially him on top i swords dance and the skating in place boy can't even hit back with a counter so i have lance fly up and boom knock out that him on top and this just isn't any charizard it's a giganta max charizard lance is also naturally a fast mod making quick work of pangoro and sir fetch oh they use detect well never mind it takes two hits to get rid of sir fetch which means normal-sized charizard has to face gigantic maxima champ but who am i kidding charizard isn't afraid i used g-max wildfire and sir fetch earlier burning 112th of machamp's dynomax hp while lance is in the air and is then smacked down by a fly gg bay give me that fourth gym badge what the heck are you doing bead were you just about to vandalize this precious mural well let me just stop you now go diantha do ocean could slow things down setting up light screen and aiming at my weak defensive stat with psyshock but after a few nasty plots diantha blows away the competition with shadowballs i saved the mural take him away boys ah oh no looks like the mural still broke down but according to sonia i actually revealed some clues for her research about the ancient warriors maybe i should go back and tell chairman rose to release speed from jail from there it's a straight shot to the balania gym fight i literally don't know what to say about this battle steven is just so op with its typing against the fairies and not to mention all the free boosts opal just gives me with age slash that was a steal after earning the fifth gym badge iris evolves into fracture hop is like that little brother where you're about to go to the bowling alley for a birthday party but then your brother begs your mom to take him with you and it's so embarrassing just like hop has to show up in this video every 30 seconds but at least he's no longer a brain dead sweep first lance heats things up with flamethrower blue skinny lizard comes in next so i send out my own blue to counter with drum beating then um wait a minute who's that pokemon again ah he act nothing special wallace tags into earthquake it second last is snorlax so obviously steven's ghost typing is best here it takes a few iron heads since snorlax the fatso is only using stockpile but he faints eventually and last is bolton so i swapped back in wallace uh never mind a puppy roar drags out blue they crunch me i drum beating and win only two more battles with a little bro everyone and he mentioned he lost against gordy the rock type gin leader how you have a cramer ant intelion and trevenant i would never make a mistake like that oh [Music] shoot oh man ah i was actually gonna use wallace against gordy i gotta train her replacement alder who evolves into a ride-on then i go back to store inside preparing to reset days over and over until what no way i got the protector item on my first try nice alder goes away for a bit and is traded back as ryperia shortly after diantha also evolves becoming a mr rhyme we're now ready for gordy go blue clearly blue wins the match up with drum beating being four times super effective against barbara cole as you all know you don't bump knuckles with a shuckle so our wallace replacement alder is summoned shuckle likes to rock tomb lowering our speed which is fine since we not only resist but also keep going back to full health with leftovers alder armors up with three iron defenses to prepare for future threats after that a stone engine earthquake get rid of the shuckle stone joiner does not attack rather it used wonder room to bizarrely swap our base defense in special defense and our special defense sucks one earthquake decimates stone joiner alder handles the g-max vocalist from the gigantic max just fine because just what did you expect from a rock move slamming into a ryperior colossal is four times weak to earthquake so it doesn't even last a whole turn the sixth gym badge is ours later at the local restaurant i try to woo sonia when she asks about the galler legend tapestry i insist that poster is absolutely fantastic i thought she'd laugh but instead gets upset that i'm confusing her come on leon you're better than that with the ladies then my little brother has a great idea he says to beat the crap out of him in a pokemon battle to impress sonia after that embarrassing moment let's do it pop is such a nice younger brother he purposely leads with double who can't even touch my ghost type steven so i just swords dance three times to sacred sword the dub wool slice up the snorlax shadow sneak the intellion chop up the pinkerton and karate chop that corbinite thanks bruh on route 9 these team yale punks are blocking the way so alder flexes on their dark types with hammer arm alder stays at the front of the party while grappling appears stopping our water track we're unable to run but it's no biggie since their reversal doesn't do much but i failed to run again and then grapple lock does the worst thing to alter octolock now order cannot run or switch out and her defense drops at the end of each turn i have no choice but to fight back after one earthquake i need just one more turn [Music] no oh no oh what oh sad day alder's dead definitely a bummer but we still got a great team and i do get one more encounter but it's not until way later anyways this is the easy money fight where you can just set up for free since live parts only attacking move a sucker punch i actually burned 000 calories in this fight because i accidentally left a huge lasagna in the oven for too long during the whole sequence will you ever forgive me if you look on the bright side of alder's death we won't body press once this whole nuzlocke so we'll get a more interesting battle blue is sent in first but that's just so it can take in the intimidate from the scrafty for iris iris is the star of this battle holding the evil light item which gives an uninvolved pokemon plus 50 in both defenses so the brick break was met and now iris can one shot the scrafty with superpower is with superpower here it doesn't kill wait i thought i killed what did i do wrong what did i count wrong sand attack so what did i do wrong well i forgot to check iris's ability which is rivalry you see rivalry gives you 25 more attack if you're the same gender as your opponent however if you're the opposite gender it does 25 less damage resulting in scrafty survival so now this isn't the cakewalk i planned it to be i need iris alive so lance tags in and is sand attacked causing him to miss the flamethrower and be hit by a payback the next flamethrower hits and now malamar is here iris comes back in and is smacked by a heavy foul play iris is female malamar is a male how will this go [Music] i think that's death oh iris oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh i can't why do you have this stupid rivalry i can't believe iris did it what a freaking girl boss she is you can now rest my lady blue takes in the throat chop in her place i predict the obstagoon to obstruct which it does so blue is able to source dance for free i protect the next turn to block the throat chop i have to swords dance again because obstagoon could live a low role and counter back even harder after being hit by another throw chop blue eats his citrus berry brick break ochoes the obstacle taking down piers last main threat to us pierce still has scunting but is nothing steven can't handle scunting's only physical dark move is sucker punch he does have snarl and his screeches go through my king shields but after stalling all five of his sucker punches steven easily tanks the snarl and hits back harder with iron head winning us the seventh gym badge booyah things got tough for iris but no one died after that exciting battle i read the galar bugle and it has fake news imposter leon photoshopped that whole thing pokemon can only dynamax where there are power spots and since when does a galler bridge have one i have to act quick before this sus guy hoodwinks all of gallery now i spent a long time scheming up a plan to best ryan with no casualties but lance is my only fast pokemon and his fly gun is even faster so i knew what i had to do speed eevee training i go back to route 1 and slay rookie d's until lance was faster than flygon and blue was faster than daralidon we're now ready for ryan and our starter squad leads the duel since lance is allowed to giganomax he does so right away and wipes out flygon with max wormwind blue uses drum beating on gigalith and i could have given blue a miracle seed and attack evie's to ensure the ko but i didn't want to rally down out the next turn i was planning on lance taking a huge hit from gigalit's rock blast but instead he dodges it the second turn lance finishes off the rock with a max overgrowth and blue claps that santa condo with the drum beating do rally don giganomax is ryan's final turn but remember we are both faster lance uses gmax wildfire and blue uses superpower sealing the deal along with the last gym badge it's amazing what some speed training can do to make a tougher battle not tough at all this is where the level cap gets difficult to manage marnie and hops ace pokemon are level 59 just one level above ryan's level cap lance already reached level 50 so he has to be boxed and now i'm gonna go through this rotation to keep everyone under level during route 10. first it's just diantha and iris side note iris got to evolve into hacksters after that battle then we add blue to the mix for this hiker battle for this gentleman i only have steven and iris and finally i have iris solo in this double battle so i can just skip it hacks the champions cup semi-finals are initiated with marnie first steven blazed through her last time so why not this time too her life part is faster and going in right away with the snarls i swords dance once and am now below 50 from two snarls so i need to start firing back with iron heads plowing through both lypart and her scrafty toxic sucker punch is the only damaging move it has for steven since fighting and poison don't affect us she does try to mess us up with swagger but we're fine overall thanks to leftover ceiling and after all five of her sucker punches we're safe to strike with iron heads again crushing toxic croak morpetko and the dynamaxx scrimsnarl the next and last semi-final contender is hey stop copying my prep techniques little brother and this match is even easier than the marny fight because the doubles only attack that can hurt us zen butt so i swords dance three times to quadruple my attack power and automize once to double my speed to zoom through double with iron head crucify snorlax with iron head clop and kirchhoff from the shadows and i continue to shadow clock cover knight and intelion with just one pop each i'm sorry i trashed you so hard hop but did you really think you stood a chance against your elder brother by the way what kind of training do these bodyguards even have it only took one two three four five six seven average citizens to scare them all away for real i chase after oleander to inform her that rose is with the wrong leon you do come on i'll tell you on the way you've got the wrong buzz you've got the wrong mind she doesn't listen gets tired of my babbling and just straight up starts a fight with a kid i came prepared lance is holding a choice scarf locking into one move but we are 50 percent faster outspeeding the frost lasts incinerated with flamethrower mylodic is a sign for lance to check out having blue take its place knocking out melodic with two drum beatings same thing goes for selazzle lance covers for blue this time and is vino shocked in his place once again choice scarf comes into play here because without it selazzle would be the faster one earthquake makes the fire poison lizard go extinct since i am locked into earthquake i switch out for steven after serena takes stage she does use a tract on steven causing him to fail about every other term because he's immobilized by his love for her thankfully her acrobatics along with leftovers healing nullifies her as a threat so after many turns three swords dances along with an autonomize eventually comes to pass steven taps into his crazy side psycho cutting the plant he loves diminishing the love sickness he was inflicted with this enables him to freely psycho cut giganomex garbador since the attraction is gone rose come on man listen to me this leon is a fraud that's why he won't help you why isn't anyone listening to me whatever i'll just enter the champions cup finals [Music] [Applause] [Music] fake leon is supposedly in control here but when beat interrupts this massive event fake leon does nothing about it proving my case even more that he's a fraud i guess that i the real leon must stop bead while in shield form steven holds against maw's two crunches after two swords dances and autonomize you all know the rest of the story iron had all of his fairy pokemon been there done that sonia might be disappointed but i'm going to wash your team away wait who told you i like sonia freaking hop can never keep a secret we haven't seen diantha in the limelight for a while so let's see him shine he protects the first turn to block elisa pod's first impression then returns the favor with freeze dry activating his emergency exit ability introducing us to seeking now diantha lacks two things physical defense and speed thus while sea king aqua rings diantha iron defenses sea king then proceeds to use megahorn and i really gotta hope for no critical hits while putting up two more iron defenses lefties also helps out of course i finally switched diantha to attack mode with freeze dry an ice move that is super effective against water types but it's not enough to one shot meaning we have to risk more mega horn crits nessa used her full restore but two more freeze drives from us fillet that fish golissopod is back and it's standard to protect the first impression then finish things with freeze dry bear scooter also fails to land a critical hit and its frail fish body dies from freeze dry pelipper is even more screwed being four times weak to it i did teach diantha energy ball just for nasa's dreadnought and it's not enough who cares we live the max darkness diantha successfully sold the nessa round ah bay the fight with no substance because your halucha can't do anything except bounce which i can just protect the real question is can my editor fit this whole battle in before the end of steven's favorite joke what's the difference between iron man and aluminum man iron man stops the bad guy and aluminum man foils their plans okay so now it's time for us dragon phonies to fight it out and what i mean by that is i'm using lance the wannabe dragon charizard and ryan claims to be a dragon trainer well actually now that i think about it he does use four dragons here but starts off with torquel the torkle can't hurt us too badly so i'm guessing he's gonna yawn i swords dance and there's the yawn i swords dance again and he lava plumes end of turn lance falls asleep but this is why i had him hold a lumbery which wakes him up with a buffed charizard that just woke up from a nap lance earthquakes torque will down to the center of the earth derpy goodra would have a chance versus a typical special attacking charizard but mine is physical baby dragon claw with only three pokemon left on ryan's team i decided to gigantomax lance into his sick form to max quake the tertinator lance is still faster than flygon from the speed ev training we did from earlier so max wormwind is all it takes and lance finishes off the skyscraper with a max quake ryan seemed a little off to me so i asked and he opened up saying he was still bummed facebook and instagram were all day on october 5th uh okay dude back in the locker room hop informs me that the fake leon's name is lee finally he believes i'm the real leon intelion is like what before the final match of the run i headed back to the slumbering world to help out sonia and my mom looks way too excited for me to be stopping darkest day is she hoping i die well if that's the case i better go find some help from the dead i head to the lake of outrage to financial cloak and boy did this guy take a lot of convincing to join us i was getting nervous to kill itself with takedown recoil eventually i am successful in catching it and name him cynthia because they're both ballers after that rough encounter i feed cynthia some candy evolving him into a dragapolt hey chairman rose i know what will impress everyone i'll start a fire charizard started the fight hey that's my song says who you really want to do this right now oh it is on [Music] thank you very much for explaining it all to us comment below if you know what chandelure is talking about where the heck were we in the story rose lost good enough for me hop in i head upstairs where impostor leon fails to calm down and catch eternities in a basic pokeball this is no longer about saving the world it's about doing it better than him and rubbing it in his face since he hasn't been highlighted at all in this run yet i have cynthia be the knight in shining armor versus eternitis his spectacular speed fires off the dragon darts first then he resists the cross poison one more dragon dart tilts he turns so hard that it flies up in the air like a rocket before blowing up into itsy turn of max form it gets even better when the legendary doggos arrive in the ta-da nick of time the synergy they have with cynthia is amazing sashiyan starts off with hal increasing everyone's attack stat making our dragon darts even more powerful eternitis tries to weaken our attack back to normal with max whirlwind but cynthia's clear body ability prevents stat reduction this fight really could not have gone any better and alas time to shove it in fake leon's face i use a simple plain ordinary pokeball and catch eternitis you all know what that means i finally get my chance to prove that i am the real leon once and for all in the champion battle cynthia still hasn't had enough time in the spotlight so i lead him versus fake leon's age of slash cynthia could die to just one shadow ball from aegislash by risking which pays off since they use king's shield i dragon dance because of my hindering speed nature that way i can out speed his own dragapolt also with one stage attack boost cynthia's phantom force cannot be blocked and ko's the aegis slash cynthia then goes on a rampage missile striking haxorus to zero hp with dragon darts he continues to shoot them at their dragon pole pew pew pew pew now his seismitoad is a bulky toad and survives the dragon dart mayhem but ends up missing the toxic now having to live with that regret for the rest of her life imposter leon tries to save seismito with full restore but they can't keep up with my pew pew pew pews now i could kill cinderacer but i have to end this the right way i have cynthia phantom force rather than dragon dart because it leaves cinderace at a sliver of health cinderace attacks with acrobatics but whatever cynthia then u-turns not only ko'ing the rabbit but pivoting in lance that way it's a fair one-on-one face down between the charizards we both begin by gigantic maxing our charizards now his charizard is faster because it has the timid nature increasing their speed i was ready though and had lance hold a charty berry which cuts in half the damage received from a super effective rock attack like the four-time super effective max rockfall we just used i have lance max airstream back at them which increases our speed now giving us the opportunity to move first the next turn and that's gonna be the end of the battle since i have my own max rockfall ending fake leon's career and exposing him to olive galler we are the champions my friend he then explains to gallardo the misunderstanding and crowns me in my proper place leon the true champion of galar that was a pretty fun nuzlocke i literally dressed like leon just to get the full experience too even though my encounters were limited leon's options were honestly just incredible let me know in the comments of any other fun nuzlocke ideas you can come up with maybe i'll do one thanks for watching everyone please like the video and subscribe it would really mean the world to me and it really does help the channel you all have a good one thanks let's at least see what it looked like with the wig on it's probably hideous huh
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 987,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon leon, can i beat pokemon sword, pokemon sword as leon, can you beat pokemon sword, champion leon, play as leon, nuzlocke as leon, hardcore nuzlocke, leon pokemon, hardcore nuzlocke rules, pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, charizard, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge, pro nuzlocker, andrew collette, andrew collette show, the andrew collette show, leon challenge
Id: aR9l6smDtxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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