Can JUST ONE Rowlet Beat Pokemon Legends: Arceus?

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rowlet he's the freaking best pokemon to ever exist i mean just look at that bow tie put it on anything that looks trash then it becomes a snazzy masterpiece rally even had a sick final evolution but then uh i don't want to talk about it raleigh was such a busted pokemon that could learn 48 different moves in sword shield then they had to go nerf him down to only 15 moves in this game but you know what i still bet rowlett has what it takes to beat pokemon legend's arceus all by himself i always thought it was weird that this game offered only two starters as i locked eyes with my new rallet i knew he was the one this rowlet was adamant natured meaning his physical strength gets a 10 increase nothing could stand in his way oh paralyzed no no oh no well of course cheap hacks can give anyone a win in pokemon arena shows just how worthless akari's pikachu is without rowlett being fully paralyzed no one can defeat rowlet without cheats like that uh i mean no one can defeat a level 12 rowlet without hacks that's because at level 12 rowlet learns roost which not only heals himself but also loses his flying typing until his next turn making munchlax's rollout no longer super effective like i said easy game my then triple pocket dared me to exterminate the alpha qrikatoon that infested deer track heights the immediate aerialists from the cricket brought a gasp from the audience they were wrong to believe rowlet was in danger as he goes in with an agile gust which allows him to attack a second time with aerial ace bugs will always be destined to lose to owls this guy has three pockets too which means he's gonna want to challenge my rallet but he's a total pushover using bubble against my grass type like come on you gotta have some skill to be a guardian of a cleaver hey andrew i got just the perfect owl song for [Music] you now here's where we run into our first real challenge irida more specifically her glacion if you didn't know rowlet is such a stand-up guy ice types have been known to be well very bad rowlet felt so bad for all the ice types out there except the ice cream cone that he let himself be four times weak to their attacks just to make them feel better rowlet's gonna lose this one but it's purely out of pity however rowlet wasn't gonna let them do that every time you see in order to progress in this game you need to catch some pokemon which ranks you up allowing you to enter new areas but what do we do with all of them after they are released not back into the wild mind you but they are grinded into grit dust which is essentially what has replaced eevees in this game which boosts round stats that along with smacking around a few alpha barrels ready yes for the rematch route starts off with an agile aerial ace and because it boosted our action speed blacion is not able to do one of those agile strong combos with powder snow thus route flexes with its strong style animation and finishes off era does glaceon when it comes to the frenzy of noble pokemon rally and i have a working relationship similar to this hey youtube head for the exit i'll take care of the dragon ralph takes care of the real battles while i calm the big baddies back at headquarters arizu falsely accuses and ursuluna of being frenzied whatever route's always down for a challenge unfortunately akari slows us down right as we begin our next mission she claims her team has improved but a mime junior seriously get him out of here raleigh no time for jokes even the pikachu was a cakewalk since it never thunder waved strong style that yellow rodent with leafage easy battle as i'm questioning call about to figure out what's going on in the crimson mirlins vola walks in wishing to see the power of our rallies my homie sure does love to flex so the battle commences route strikes right away with aerial ace then is embarrassed when kissed upon by the togopee another aerial voice gets rid of the baby which brings in volo's gibble next after a couple twisters rowlet heals with the roost and a couple turns later rowland of course wins but rowlett sensed something someone didn't fully put out their campfire it must be routes arch nemesis joker riddler and bain hissui needs bat rallets not the hero history deserves but the one it needs so we'll hunt the fortune sisters because they can take it once justice is served we ride on over to kalabal where we also find ursuluna now i just got spam a to click through some dialogue oh i meant to press no [Music] since ursulina is quite the defensive tank i go for magical leaf since it's a special attack it does a decent chunk but so does the bear slash you may be thinking rowlet needs to level up more no no no all we need to do is change the weather with the air foggy the accuracy of all moves are now further reduced ursuluna changes his strategy to using baby doll eyes first weakening our damage output it's going to take a few more magical leaves compared to last time thankfully the incoming slash misses route is now halfway there to taking down the bear another slash another miss another magical leaf from us puts ursulina into the red he does finally land a slash but it's too little too late as route strikes down the pete pokemon good job buddy wait a minute someone's missing from this meeting where's our zoo they recommend we use the help of ursulina to find her but raleigh works alone please save lilligant man bat row really has a soft spot for arizo but it's fine we'll help out the girl and calm the frenzied liligans ah shucks it's irida again let's see how well a level 35 rally can take this ice beam [Music] raleigh disappointed with my training puts me back in the sweatshop to grind more pokemon into grit i'm tired of this grandpa that's too mad you keep digging with route hp and special defense tvs trained up to nine along with being level 40 can he now beat er does glacion the eevee could look around though yes okay glacian's gone don't quick attack don't quit no freaking evie how about level 45 just take out the glacion we just got to get one hit this thing got has got to crit eventually it's a freaking leaf blade for crying out loud there we go critical hit there we go baby there we go baby doll lies you're just you're done get out of here you're done all right we can finally move on double crit yeah is that ritual oh no it's just paulina whoa your knees is someone hurting you do you need bat rowlet to watch over you hmm polina says iskan's a good guy but asking us to go after her dust glops sounds like a trap i go catch the dusk glops anyways because i have nothing to fear with the almighty rally by my side i bring the dusk off back to iskand to find out what he's really up to and oh he's just a big scaredy cat dusklops then makes us our magic that we need and you're next buddy once again just gotta mash my way through some text here and ah freak i did it again [Music] the pokemon company then thought it was a great idea to give us a close-up of the fortune sisters chests and while we're being distracted by force they kidnapped growlithe we chase them to the top of fire spit island where raleigh's gonna have to face the misfortune gauntlet first against clover's obama snow since there are three separate battles i don't have to worry about my action speed being affected by the strong style aerial ace which gets the one hit knockout coin stocks croak is next and is faster than my bird meaning she gets to poison jab first it does massive damage but ralla is able to recover some hp with agile roost before using the quad super effective cycle cut on the frog last and maybe the least is charm she starts with ride on where i could safely heal with the roost which also keeps rowlets safe from rock attacks but they do get to bulldoze twice this time i have rowlet agile roost that way they can only use one bulldoze with a good amount of hp rowlet casts a magical leaf which is just too much for rydon to handle gengar is the last of the misfortune montage who fires off a vino shock but rowlet is just too much of a tank to be bothered by it he scoffs then slaps back with a psycho cut expelling the ghost from this sacred place the little grout tries to be a hero as well he got way too excited rushing into things and got struck by lightning instead now he's just another problem for us that we're gonna have to fix i tell rod to take a back seat and rest while i take care of the monstrosity arcanine is calmed then it's off to more pokedex grinding to further advance the story that has to be a togepi huh did i just get freaking shiny togepi what does shiny togepi look like is that shiny togepi right there that is shiny togepi i i was not i was not planning on there to actually be a togepi no where's my spoiled apricorns we don't got any go back to the get in no no oh my gosh got it okay well with every good thing that comes in life it must be balanced by something bad melly we meet again we'll get to nelly later right now we just have a simple scrimmage versus adam and leafeon and evie nothing a few aerial aces can't handle shortly after arriving at coronet highlands our first match with nelly begins this looks harder than it actually is scunting may be a poison type but i did replace one of route's moves with air slash sure he may not be a special attacker however air slash is a high speed move meaning we can use aerial ace right after making the battle short and sweet ingo on the other hand he's got three pokemon that route needs to get through the much choke isn't the problem it's that dang gly score with it being faster and having quick attack he's always going to pull off multiple moves in one turn since glass score has considerably less special defense compared to its physical i released pokemon i caught from the cobalt coastlands to increase rowlet's special attack stat that along with the final move rowlett can learn being leaf storm will it be enough oh what what i wonder if that's a low roll not even sure if i'll find out because leaf store missed a few attempts after a few more tries not even a hyrule could take down the glyscor a train rally to level 51 but kind of forgot there's another obstacle dude take him out finally ah okay that's fine that's fine we can stall out this tangela easy we can stall it out and we're not poisoned which is great and it's ancient power it seemed that no matter the level i trained rowlet to be it was never enough to live tangela's ancient power i keep trying every couple of levels but rediscovered in mid-battle what we really needed to win don't miss okay can rally live on 96 hp i'll be honest i don't think he can in the fog it's foggy miss yes it missed oh my gosh we're good we're good we're good yo the fog weather engine power this should be fine because yeah now we're not flying type so we're okay offensive stats stats back to normal that's gg oh no we missed oh they missed there we go okay we win we win there we go okay oh come on ningo you didn't even give me a chance to say no while he's doing that i got something to show you all baksu is a monthly japanese snack subscription service with different themes every month meaning new snacks every month and they're sponsoring this video bok su is fun on its own or can be a unique date night a couple of my favorites one of the sweet ones conroe pure premium is that how you say it they actually send you this cool booklet so those are pure gummy white peach and they're a little bit sour and then the second one not in english and it was kind of sweet on the outside but it was really crunchy and good i really like things like the gobo chip this marshmallow has white chocolate with freeze-dried strawberries mixed into it it's literally the best marshmallow i've ever had and it shows you where all the snacks come from and we also have to mention another favorite it's a soft pastry that's filled with a cream in it and not only does it taste delicious it even has like a little flower on top so it's really pretty as well use my code andrew colette 10 and link in the description below to get 10 off your own authentic japanese snack subscription from bakzu don't miss out on this delicious snack journey through japan with rowa at level 60 this melee rematch shouldn't be too bad right rally even gets to make the first move however even a strong style attack can't oh coast gun tink which just allows his two poison buddies to help finish off rallies i don't think i need to level up any further though all route needs is a critical hit to take out skunk tank with one attack then this zubat and score piece should be no problem so after quite a few attempts later yes we got it that's gg that's fine that's fine i know that's it's actually kind of bad if we still lose as i swear back to the grind it is i just feel so bad bullying all these alpha blisses but i do have an evil side so unless you subscribe right now and like the video i'll keep killing these blisseys until they're an extinct species you wouldn't want that on your conscience would you go ahead like and subscribe or else anyways let's see how the melee battle will go at level 65. [Music] no poison if we get no poison of course good poison of course of course why would i not get poisoned i mean there's still a chance that they could just look around scorpio okay i think we live that i think we live that oh my gosh i gotta go full roost gotta go full roost baby we'll be looking around oh my gosh there's a lock this lock is kind of insane yes yes yes yes this is game this is game time for you to die okay all right that's gg unless they get like a super crazy crit or something yeah we're good it's over it's freaking over finally holy shmucks rally boy you deserve a rest i'll take care of the electrode buddy oh give me a break back at jubilee village akari demands a rematch and i'm gonna give it to him mr mime opens the fight with psychic while route one shots back with an agile leaf blade akari sends darabia next and rowick got just a little too greedy here trying to outstall the brave birds with roost which eventually got the best of him we simply just had to rematch until we had the same beginning versus mr mime then strong style areola is the saurabia to zero hp upon its entrance pikachu shimikachu the battle is won the professor and i traveled to alabaster iceland where we once again run into the clan leaders irda complains that she's sweating but come on girl just admit you like adamant already it's obvious you think he's hot then we go up to meet with the warden of avalog garrick what is wrong with avalok being frenzied oh so we're asking dumb questions why is the sky blue gladly pops out of his pokeball furious that insulted his master now i thought i was gonna have to grind rowlet up to an absurd level since we struggled against glaceon earlier but as you can see leafblade almost wiped out glaily in one hit since leafblade has a higher chance of landing a critical hit i rematched garrick right away and what do you know the second battle route lands the crit facing the low-level frost last in a 1v1 is child's play at full health the children's game that does get old after playing this game a few times is catching up with sabi after catching up with her at snow point temple we duke it out with her mons in the penthouse i thought this was going to be an easy battle since a strong style leaf blade ochoes the ryperior but that just gives more turns to magmortar and electrobuyer to pounce on the owl i kept trying at the same level because i was so confident ralph could do it but the thunder waves and flamethrowers were just too much to handle i got close after nearly an hour of trying nevertheless it was back to training back to clobbering the blissey since you didn't like and subscribe when i kindly asked earlier combies okay we just gotta we gotta try to go get the shiny mayo combi right it's kind of part of the brand oh yeah there it is just waiting for me shiny mayo combee [Music] i wasn't serious i was joking i really didn't want one i was is it female it's a freaking female it's a what this this is worthy of an ultra ball for sure oh my goodness the kombi's will never leave me alone i have so many female i i have so many shiny combis all right level 75 rallet can he do it agile magical leaf should kill come on thank you okay we got an agile mode off looking around i don't think that matters we just wait poison that's fine okay looking around i did an agile they still get so many turns okay air slash take it out please just take it out leaf blade should do this right that's game even 25 levels higher than sabi's ace we could have lost that battle if at any point electrobio went for a thunder wave we take those now to prove our worth to the ride pokemon braviari so worthy in fact that rowlet just straight up dodges the hurricane then slashes back with shadowclaw no sabi no braveyard blow her away so she doesn't play that owl song again i then jump with weird ear and fly with braviary to neutralize the gigantic frenzied avalog is this andrew some kind of monster in disguise says the guy with whatever this is on his chest in the end i was banished for being falsely accused of making the sky red when we all know it was wanda all along we're given a choice to pick our temporary home with either irida of the pearl clan or adamant of the diamond clan what can i say rowlett likes the ladies don't worry i keep him in check by blocking ereda during cutscenes of the three alpha pokemon we need to face i start with who i believe would be the hardest gudra iron tail barely doesn't chip half of ralph's health away so he does an agile roost then shadow claws when gujjar uses shelter instead raut just keeps clawing however sometimes we miss because of gudra being obscured from shelter and sometimes they miss because iron tail just sucks like that occasionally gujar goes for a dragon pulse rather than the usual but rally sticks to his bread and butter of roosting with a side of shadow claws it takes a long time but eventually nine shadow claws later route comes out on top zoroarc is by far the easiest i mean we could have technically lost if zoroart got a critical hit shadow claw rather than nasty plotting but i'm not complaining same thing could have happened with overquill they failed to crit with the first poison so rowlett dominates with two air slashes in a row the lake trio rewards mine and routes efforts with a chain thanks does anyone actually think this is gonna work what it definitely won't help with is benny except for volo i think this is going to be our toughest challenge the good thing is we can one shot his first two pokemon miss maggiest and sneezler the problem is they are all fast enough to attack before rowlet can it's time for the training arc you guys hear that i heard it oh it's a machoke i already got a shiny machoke in another profile rally buddy get ready for battle okay [Music] got it man three shinies this run that's some pretty dang good luck and that's not blissey it's a hyperbolic time chamber i keep my promises can a level 90 rowlet beat benny it's looking likely with miss maggie is missing but the freaking dyer claw from sneasel makes raleigh drowsy that move is such whack it has a heightened chance to be a critical hit and can either paralyze poison or cause drowsiness in order for me to win this i need to avoid all of those rowlett also needs to avoid the hypnosis from miss maggias it took a whopping 12 battles not to get hacks at all when mr maggie is misses the hypnosis route shadow clause when dire claude does not get one of its four secondary effects rally agile ruse then agile aerial aces to bait the max potion from benny then a standard aerial ace wipes out that hideous being with our owl almost at full health the gardevoir face-off is no longer bleak she does set up a calm mind before using psychic which allows rowlett to agile roost but the shadow club barely falls short of a ko this looks like the end no way rowlett can live two calm minded psych no way route survives thanks to gardevoir running out of power i tell my boy to start roosting cause we gotta be ready for glade but freak gardevoir drops our defense after a psychic we keep roosting to stall out the defense drop once we're back to normal it's adios for gardevoir shaking in his boots benny has glade use swords dance rather than attacking which leaves him wide open for a strong style arios let's go no time to celebrate yet though because the kamado fight is already here route immediately starts to exert pressure with shadow claws kamado heals his braviary then has it perform a quick attack air slash combo rallet may be damaged but the bird is gone golem is the next big threat however route hangs in there from the stealth rocks he does need to roost right away to avoid fainting from the residual splinter damage it also keeps us safe from future rock attacks so golem double edges instead a few turns later leaf blade slices the megaton pokemon to its grave the rest of kamado's team should be fine as long as i play it smart since snorlax and cliff a bar slower i just have row roost when he needs to then attack with leaf blade whenever he has a healthy amount of hp now bow before your new god rallets alright now let's see if this red chain actually works yeah i knew it who needs some dopey magical broken chain when we have a rallet there is no doubt he could win the root chain's been shattered but we still got the pokemon of the lakes to thank for getting us this far uh no it literally did not help at all relic could have easily handled dayalga as well but was a little worn out from palkia so we'll peace out for now in fact i'll just mine some of this ore to catch dialga myself oh brother these people again raleigh can you please kick these hobos back to the streets as i was saying i used the ore to make the origin ball chuck it at primo dayalga and the world is saved rabbit parties the entire night with akari what a player but there are still a few more things we need to do before the final boss bolo guides us throughout history to find the remaining tablets our first stop is this alpha vespaquin which for some reason has the stone plates it was an easy battle but they literally gave no explanation as to why it had the stone plate i then meet up with commander kamado at the beach to see him in his swimsuit i mean battle him of course there's not much new to his team but his snorlax does have fire punch now and he's got a hair cross which dies to the sight of any flying type move aside from those two we use the same strats as before to beat him after wiping the floor with his team again he hands over the fist plate then it's just a montage of fetch quests catching all the legendaries that each hold one of the elemental tablets i do find it awfully suspicious that mellie calls corcelia a croissant i'm pretty sure those weren't invented yet dude i'm watching you azaski always watching before turning in the plate cevolo i got rowlet up to the max level of 100 and fully evie trained him in all the necessary stats volvo finally deems rowlet and i worthy as opponents to face off in the ultimate challenge his true form is revealed and the battle begins raut scares away the spirit tomb forcing volo to switch roserade for its place raut swoops in with an aerial ace to pluck the bouquet from its roots arcanine may seem intimidating but one raging fury's not going to be enough to take down my bird however the tokugas does power up with a calm mind and overwhelms rowlet with an immense amount of power since ralla didn't even get a chance to fight back is this even possible if only i had the original battle system along with his old pool of 48 moves then i realized i've been by rowlet's side this entire time throughout every failure training montage and every hype moment i was always there for him and i can be there for him again i talked to anvin back in jubilee village to purchase the crafting recipes for ox power guard and ox evasion i gather the required materials and start crafting like minecraft steve we head back up to the spear pillar to face volo once again our first two turns i apply oxivation to obscure rowlet and then ox power guard to sharply race his offensive and defensive stats after the setup an agile leaf blade scares away the spirit tomb what is it with this thing this time volo sends out togekiss i was hoping a strong style aerial ace could one hit ko the jubilee pokemon but it doesn't bolo uses a forward store then is able to have together stick around until route's boosted stats diminish then blows him away with an air slash even with items this battle seems bleak the main problems keeping us from victory consists of three pokemon arcanine with her raging fury rosa raids poison jab and toga kisses air slash i feel if i can just get past those three then i can do this failure after failure we will not give up i all of a sudden realize that dark pulse doesn't have its flinch effect like it did in past games instead it now never misses so i use ox power guard first to better tank spiritual's attack then apply the aux evasion leafguard then ochos the forbidden pokemon archanite is next and lands the raging fury man i need something to miss raleigh restores with roose then is hit by another raging fury so i have him roost again finally a miss now get her out of here with leaf blade oh crap my defenses are gone but thank goodness volo sends in rosarite rather than togekiss i give rowlet another dose of ox evasion then he roos but why isn't rosarite missing here's an ox power guard buddy finally a poison jab misses still rowlett needs healing to prepare for the toga kiss it seems like it was for nothing though since rosarit poisons us again from another jab i'm sick of it aerial ace the rosary rallet and there's the toca kiss oh boy after that air slash i gotta reapply the oxavasion then heal him back up thankfully volo's next attack misses my boosted stats are gonna wear off but i need to kiss gone asap aerial ace cuts them down to about fifty percent but volvo heals rally aeroaces again air slash misses again come on you can do it [Music] what what oh my gosh we've been getting pretty lucky finally the dreaded toca kiss is dead i've never gotten this far i'll take whatever lucario throws at me at least he doesn't have any super effective moves instead of attacking back i smothered the ox items again to keep us in the game then row ends with roost lucario's going in hard with bullet punch and a critical hit close combat i restore routes hp since there's not much else i can do then lucario's current you misses take advantage of this bro you've got to be kidding me aerial ace wasn't enough oh i have to use the items again otherwise the effects will disappear luckily a couple crunches didn't hurt ralph much so say bye bye to lucario there's the guard chomp and he freaking misses let's go a regular leaf blade doesn't one shot but now i have to be super careful here i need absolutely need ralph to be at 100 health because once giratina comes in we lose all of our increased power since it's effectively a new fight as you can see rowlet did heal back up with roost dodged the dragon claw then struck down the guard chomp with leaf blade now the moment we've all been waiting for can rowlet beat pokemon legends arceus all by himself even volos giratina yeah it looks like all of our boots are gone so it does look at that that's fine this guy does not have any super effective moves against us power guard this time first okay it's fine that that guard look look how good that guard's doing i don't think we need evasiveness i think evasiveness might be a waste of time now because just look at how good we're tanking those that's all we need are just two regular shadow claws all right we got this guys we got this this is gg's this is ggs [Music] okay this form is not as bulky but it's stronger that's the scary thing we roost once fine that's fine i'm getting you back up in the green we're good we're good okay shadow claws all day here okay that's game unless we miss that's game that's game oh baby sayonara gear tina we beat pokemon legends arceus with only rowlets no items in battle till the follow battle well there you have it proof that rao is the best pokemon in this game nay the best starter ever nay the greatest pokemon of all time if you want to see another challenge check out my water only hardcore nuzlocke like and subscribe you know all that good stuff that helps me out you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 636,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, rowlet, andrew collette, andrew collette show, the andrew collette show, legends arceus, giratina, rowlet only, pokemon challenges, pokemon, pokemon challenge, only rowlet, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, can you beat pokemon legends arceus with only a, can you beat pokemon lgends arceus with only a rowlet, challenge run, pokemon legends arceus review
Id: e1r6kznfvQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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