Can you Beat Cuphead using ONLY the Plane?

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i'm gonna try to beat cuphead using only the plane for every single level hey no flying planes in the house buzz off old man so as you can imagine the tutorial was easier than ever literally ignoring the instructions and nabbing the coin at the end let's get into the boss fights first with goopy legrand surprisingly this doesn't feel all that different from being on foot him bouncing all over the place compels me to hover near land in order to land more shots when he's grounded for those small moments it actually gets more difficult when he grows because his jumps take up a majority of the screen usually you just walk or dash left or right to avoid it but in this case you're not as mobile in the plane i'm embarrassed to say i actually lost my first try it's really not that bad just had to adjust being in the plane and getting to the third phase was a breeze in fact the gravestone part was the easiest since i could fly up to his eye level and shoot him down from there [Music] onto the root pack and the potato cannot hurt me then there's the crying onion yeah not much to say here either now when it comes to the carrot i actually have to put in some effort you see his carrot torso for whatever reason is immune to my bullets thus i have to fly sky high to snipe him in the peepers problem is the carat missiles fire at you from the top of the screen when i descend downward to the right dodging them i'm unable to further damage the carrot per my plane only aiming to the right with some adjusting to my maneuvering i'm still able to best the veggie trio all right let's change things up a bit with a flying gun level and i swear these enemy minions were ready for my airborne threat a tube of homes in on me with its seed and the daisy floats right on top of me how are these flowers countering my aircraft you've got a big flower oh yeah flower's a good weapon [Music] whatever in a street fight grab a flower okay just fly over the acorn maker oh goodness the acorns are after me maybe if i just stay tiny i can outrun them uh oh it's gaining on me ah into the leaves i made it out alive no time to rest though since we're in the ring throwing hands with ribbian croaks wait where are my bullets the plane's not working well unfortunately this level is bugged or glitched so um how about a word from our sponsor this light is a turn-based mobile rpg in which you collect beings called espers to form your own five character squad this light is set in the future where a global cataclysm brings the gods of ancient mythology into the modern world my personal favorite is artemis turned into a slick archer and there are others like anubis the dog-headed gentleman the art design has a unique pop fantasy style and the music meets the taste of all kinds of players by blending in genres such as pop rock and edm get new espers to enable a squad strong enough for the boss fights and if that's too easy for you try challenging other players the newest member to join the ranks is gaius with the power of zeus after losing the love of his life to the enemy gaius is determined to save the world with the power of thunder he's a very strong dps expert that could switch to his god king state making him more powerful than many others almighty zeus awakens the raid of summoning zeus is up for only a limited time so go download the trendy futuristic mythology rpg dislight through my link in the description below and use the code esper union to get incredible gifts thanks dislight now what about stages where cuphead is already flying in a plane well that'd be boring so i present to you walking mode believe it or not these bosses are by far going to be the toughest why exactly will i just learn that the airplane's peashooter actually inflicts more damage than its normal counterpart to compensate for this the game gives more health to the airplane enemies combine that with us using the weaker normal shots and that results in hildeberg living on for much longer than usual i needed an upgrade so i watched on over to pork rind to purchase the smoke bomb and chaser shot sure our damage output was even more trash now but at least i could constantly fire at hilda while smoke dashing through her tornadoes but oh man did i underestimate how much hp this lady actually had how long is this going to take minutes passed by and i still wasn't at the final phase fast forward a bit and we're finally there and the chaser's pretty much useless here not only does it deal half the damage of a normal p shot but it also homes in on the nearest target which in this case are the flying saucers and stars of course i need to hit the face so i switch to the p shot dash through the saucer beams and fire diagonally whenever i get the chance the x shots were very helpful here and even won us the fight now let's see just how long it took jeez thankfully that's the only walking level for this island only for this island let's shake it off with another flying gun all right nothing too crazy here simple enough i figured it out i now know how to change the direction of my shots that's going to be a game changer for later the last section is a platforming challenge however i have no worries thanks to the ability of flying over it all leading to an easy finish speaking of easy the mausoleum levels the pink ghost didn't stand a chance and chalice i'm definitely not gonna need your help later on to someone who's known to be more difficult cagney carnation [Music] this flower can be hard to sum because you normally have to traverse up and down in order to dodge its projectiles not this time i simply stay at the top and avoid incoming attacks with no worries of platforming i did get ambushed by a couple vines that's besides the point though let's see if we can have a little fun with them with the island one contracts in hand the second island is unlocked and i'll start with baroness von bonbon this could be interesting depending which minion she sends into the arena surprise get that coming out of my face okay not much of a challenge here what about the waffle uh no somewhat floaty just like the corn all right the gumball machine now we have a challenge well there was a challenge but just like every dispenser at a restaurant it went out of order for real though the last phase was the one to fear because the baron's head didn't care where i flew following my every move so i made sure to take her out fast with chompers on to our hardest regular boss yet beppy the clown during the first phase i get to flex my downward angle shot which gets us to the second phase quickly the fool turns himself into a balloon who then blows out animal balloons from these pipes they just so happen to conveniently be where i'm shooting mr clown taking me down to only one hp before losing to his dumb fight horseshoes clown the second attempt only one dog balloon sacks me and i blew through the horseshoe section with ease only one phase to go initially i thought my positioning was good with the exception of these platforms bugging out my plane just a little and then oh look at the cute little penguins i never remember these penguins being a problem maybe because on foot they just die instantly to the shots when you're at the bottom with them well anyways i'm ready for them next time evading all their baseballs why do these penguins have baseballs whatever match one let's celebrate by going to the fair where there are even more clowns obviously i can fly over most if not all the obstacles this stage throws at me but there was one who didn't physically harm me rather they caused permanent damage to my soul that being this hot dog i shoot at it with all my might yet it stands there menacingly with that creepy smile and those eerie eyes even after death it stands strong i may have won the battle but my nightmares will never be the same how could this get any worse another mausoleum oh no anyway last week all right let's get back to the bosses i've seen many say this grim dragon is one of the harder opponents for me though he's never really been that bad add a plane to my arsenal and it's gonna be quick once the first phase is through i can aim diagonally downward to the left allowing me to fire while safely evading attacks from above easy piggins however there are still two foes on this island that i avoided until this moment because i have to face them on foot and boy are they difficult first of the duo is to jimmy the great and i do not even stand a chance against him unless he starts off by summoning the scimitars from the chest if he begins with anything else like the jewelry or the cat sarcophagi it's pretty much game over because i need all my hp for later and they'll hit you at least once while covering your landing space on the ground so i would restart until the sword showed up again which was avoidable either by parrying or smoke dashing i had no problem with the second phase either since i could also ninja dash through the pillars when it came to the third phase i initially had a rough time with the ghosts and planets trapping me into the corner but i figured out a way to cheese this easily i would simply walk up and crouch right before him totally safe from everything okay most of the time that doesn't happen and i think you get the point then there's pinocchio i implemented a similar plan where i would just simply hide behind him where the finger bullets couldn't reach me the turbine could target me but i would just duck and cover the final phase is where things get serious at first i thought this was going to be a quick gg with jimmy's head being a giant hitbox however to jimmy's mind projectiles and the pyramids dark energy beams can trap you into an impossible position i could only think of one solution get to that point with all three hearts still intact i purposely disabled my super arts to ensure i can make a blast to jimmy five times to make quick work of this tri-pyramid scheme still i had to rely on my agile reflexes the peak shooter and after about 35 minutes of attempts the red man was bested what awaited us might be worse though wally warbles the bird things start off fine with only little tweety birds and egg shots i still get overwhelmed from time to time especially when he barrages me with the three large bullets a few attempts later i get past that part then holy heck what am i supposed to do here i mean it's actually not that bad shuffling left and right with a few jumps should do it right it took a little bit to figure out that i could jump camp in the left corner easily dodging the egg shots with little to no effort and it worked with the feathers too just duck like you're surviving a nuclear attack in elementary school and hop when needed once wally's taken care of his son willie is a piece of cake the smoke dash provides an easy escape from the spicy eggs closing in on you just takes a while because of the whole airplane bosses have increased hp thing the bluebirds bring back wally in the fray on a stretcher and once again not too bad but you gotta get lucky too as long as his heart is within his body the peashooter can inflict some quick effective damage there are some unavoidable traps though you can't jump over them so all you can do is crouch as they make their way towards you and the trash will inevitably kill you all you can really do is hope that not all the objects fly at you after about a similar amount of time it took to defeat the genie wally was a dead cocoon soon to be feasted by his own kind alas the final aisle no reason to travel anywhere else and we get to fly our airplane again since i just went through a couple rough go-arounds i decided to take it easy in honeycomb herald constantly jumping is key to survival with this stage no need for that this time with my uber powerful plane up next is captain briny beard his ship likes to chew up cannonballs then bowl them down the lane they will never collide as i fly now here comes the super bomb morph what oh why am i lagging then there's the squids inc yeah i can't see anything now anyways the final part where the whale ship goes ham with its laser did not feel much different from walking mode since you essentially had to be down near the ground for that one i feel the need for speed the finish line is in sight as i swoop into the last flying gun course i mean there wasn't much to say about the one before this and this one goes smoothly too the spinning pig axes actually caused an early loss due to my recklessness so i played as safe as the ancient elevator descended by hiding in the corner i am very very sneaky sir before you know it i make my way to the end stick the landing concluding our journey of the run and guns on to the next boss werner worman i was a little disappointed with the springboards i was hoping they'd do some crazy bounce glitch but no nothing as this tank brings out the flamethrower and bottle cap blade saws i get serious as well angling myself for direct damage uh what for real this time getting serious with the mega bomb oh why am i lagging guess i'll have to do this the old-fashioned way watching out for the cat paws and falling wooden panels then giving the spectral mice a taste of death even though they're already ghosts wait a minute housemaid [Music] another molecule what's going on all that slapping was causing a ruckus down at the chapel disturbing sally's wedding and she ain't happy about it she frantically jumps all over the place so i react with some stellar positioning if i do say so myself for the second face in front of her house i had unintentionally saved up a super bomb which finally actually explodes on the boss then during the third phase she's all like why don't you ride the wave and i'm all like how about no she proceeds to become an angel and just watch how quick this thing ends that was easy we're getting close to the devil one ticket for the phantom express please the battle begins like a standard one standing there shooting the eyeballs and boss when word gets out that i never purchased a ticket the conductor takes me on i fly my plane like a pro aiming directly upwards while shifting left or right depending on which carrier the conductor is camping out in with the lollipop ghouls i have nothing to worry about since their lightning breath can't keep up with my air tactics all that's left is the head of the train and it knows what i'm trying to do it tries to counter me by running left and right to prevent me from shooting from the side after pairing his tail then when i fire from beneath flame droplets fly off the engine distracting me while the bone ring snipes me down to one hit point left i keep on the pressure ultimately winning our duel okay i saved the toughest ones for last two more levels on foot dr cow's robot here we go [Music] this is gonna suck his antenna laser takes up like half the floor space and there's nowhere to land when the drones take up the other half my counter measure is the time i jump just before he aims the laser so it fires to the side of the screen rather than the bottom oh yeah and the game won't let me parry the vertical beam for whatever reason so my only option is to dash through it sometimes resulting in me slamming into a drone even when i managed to destroy his lower third the homing bombs still make my life a nightmare if only there was a way to instantly power up heck i'd even pay a few dollars for a quick shortcut in life like like a mobile game yeah pay to win baby dlc the delicious last course miss chalice miss chalice golly we need your help sounds like a plan boys you mind if i take care of the baddies here before going just to be clear i really did have to buy the dlc again the version i usually play on is my switch but i needed to purchase it again on steam in order to mod the game so why not like and subscribe to support me in a free way we won't discuss the gnome ice wizard and dogfight battle since they use strategies we've already seen and i beat them all on my first try moonshine mob is where the wind streak came to a halt you may be thinking how that's possible and it's because of that darn ant either to attack him i did so horizontally which led to death by tongue then i got a little careless after discovering that the bombs don't set off i guess chalice is just flying behind them what a strat oh never mind doesn't work when they explode the dancing lady wasn't too rough the plane just isn't as agile going through the platforms when running from the rays of music back to the anteater though thankfully chalice's aircrafts burst bullets in three different directions at once enabling us to hit the snout under the tongue but the fly balls coming back have a larger hitbox then it hit me oh yeah i have mini bombs i could have used those a lot earlier excuse me esther i came to the delicious last course to avoid more of these types of fights not get more of them this does reveal the whole reason i bought the dlc though the crack shot it may not be as accurate as the chaser shot but the damage output makes a significant difference in these drawn-out battles before taking it back to the main story first we have to deal with esther luckily camping near the bottom left keeps us safe from most hazards including the oil snakes which conveniently go right above us and below us however when esther lashes in the cactus it's inescapable and screws up my positioning placing me on the right side a couple tries later and it's on to her next phase dodging the falling safes was easy but this mod somehow made the item's glitch sticking to the floor of the desert i freaked out at first because i thought their hitboxes were still active turns out they're not meaning i messed up this attempt for nothing the second reason i went to pay to win route was chalice's super art the heart shield i don't think i need to explain why more hearts is a good thing of course in this instance i lose it right after activating it not a problem though since all i have to do for sausage ester is duck beneath everything with the occasional jump over the bean can i thought i could do the same when she was canned by camping beneath her then i thought the game glitch when a can of beans came out of nowhere through some additional testing i discovered this was actually programmed into the game only when the player goes underneath esther's can interesting i learned something new about this game every playthrough so you're saying i have to use my straight up raw talent to beat this challenge accepted one final boss is left on dlc island uh i'm stuck why can't i fly down a trapdoor with a plane anyways like i was saying one final boss is all that's left of the dlc oh there we go again i'm stuck why don't planes work in this guy's bakery chalice i hope you don't have a stepbrother you know how chef saltbaker's ingredients are all over the place causing you to constantly panic well in an airplane i can just meet him at eye level and start blasting the pepper shaker phase is the hardest part giving you the same obstacles you'd face if you were still on foot except you're not as mobile without the dashes taking it on a second time is a breeze since i know now what to expect and the final two sections are substantially easier with a plane especially the chef's heart form having no worry of platforming leading to the dlc coming to a close now miss chalice please please please please help us with dr cal her kit is overall superior to cupheads she can double jump to trick the robot's laser into firing higher than usual then dodge roll through the other beam he throws at us this obviously makes things a whole lot less chaotic of course it's still rough when each robot part is destroyed causing new attacks to be used on us but overall the money was worth it when the iron giant's head comes flying at us i gotta be honest this part's easy the deja vu then kicks in when dr cow's final phase appears to be a harder version of wall-e warbles feather attacks the gems are similar but now there are electrical walls to avoid too nothing 20 minutes of practice can't handle making it to this part with full health and a heart shield sure helps too it was a long tedious and repetitive process but over time the evil doctor's plans were thwarted great kid don't get cocky this was not the time to get cocky though cause cala maria oh cala maria this was by far the most excruciating painful boss i had to face in this challenge sure when she only attacked using one method it was doable but my worst enemy was the stupid seahorse the water spout doesn't affect you when not in plain form so it just constantly follows you on the sea ground with all the other ruckus going on with all the kills it had on me it wasn't the only one out for my head the puffer fish oh my goodness these things spawn right where you stand so no matter how fast your reaction time if you're standing in the wrong place at the wrong time you're doomed there is a pattern to the madness you just gotta hope for a simple one like this rather than the most difficult one in my opinion where the puffers summon themselves in different positions going outward and inward then so forth it took a long time about two hours of time to beat that first phase i thought calamaria was done for because her medusa eyes had no effect on my walking form there was a slight problem with the mod though yeah endless c sometimes this would just occur between phases on top of that the cave where you face off against her floating head you can't walk on the coral so i took a closer look at my title and thumbnail can you beat cuphead using only the plane with the glitches and bugs that maybe make this boss impossible i think it's fair to go back to the main theme of this video beating the game using only the airplane thank you for your help miss chalice now cuphead must finish what he started against king dice it's generally not hard to get the dice roll you want but in a plane it's super easy since you only have to press one button to parry as opposed to jumping then pairing first up is the cigar simple enough fly above its flame breath and boom roasted the domino couple boom roasted the monkey not as plain as the others since this is originally a plain level i have to be on foot the problem with being on foot is i can't reach the top row of the cards you want to get out of here get rid of that monkey and by get rid of that monkey i mean start over and don't roll the dice to land on that same spot the problem is there are others like the monkey like the skeleton horse probably doable but why put myself through that so here's what i do roll a three to light up a cigar boom roast it roll a two for the domino duo boom roast it roll a three to land in a safe space then roll a one to spin in the roulette dancer boom roasted a final three and two rolls initiates king dice confronting us himself guy's a chump though as i fly above his cards shoot at him switch sides rinse and repeat boom roasted well well well ain't it the devil time to finish this once and for all cuphead battle stations aim diagonally and dodge or not okay good perry just say hi to evade the goat hooves how you did not get damaged from that head contact i do not know and come on man the super bomb morph doesn't work remember i did have to transform back to normal to be able to descend to the depths of hell then quickly reverted back to plane mode i stuck to the side firing at their eyes while watching out for the axes and falling casino chips i failed to parry the pink bomb resulting in me being in range of the explosion taking me down to my final life point i maneuver carefully from here wary of the devil's two assistants spitting out skulls and the invading bats swooping on by the last phase of this entire playthrough was finally here in a non-climactic way it was one of the easiest as the devil cried that i could just fly from a single remaining platform completing the challenge of beating cuphead using only the plane give the video a like to support the video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content like this remember almighty zeus awakens so download this site through my link in the description and use the code esperunion for those free gifts
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 4,847,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead dlc, cuphead the delicious last course, the cuphead show, cuphead all bosses, the delicious last course, cuphead gameplay, cuphead dlc gameplay, cuphead the delicious last course gameplay, delicious last course gameplay, can i beat cuphead, can i beat cuphead the delicious last course, can i beat cuphead dlc, Cuphead bosses, Cuphead plane, Cuphead plane bosses, Cuphead all bosses, Cuphead what happens, Cuphead what if, Cuphead bosses with plane
Id: Y88AwqNBvZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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