Ranking Every Galar Pokemon I Could Beat Up

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with a brand new generation of Pokemon right around the corner I feel comfortable that sword and shield are not gonna get any more DLC and it's finally time to rank all the Gen 8 Pokemon I could be in a fight and to make sure you guys have enough information about me so you can laugh at me in the comments and tell me I'm completely wrong I'm 27 six foot three around 200 pounds somewhat athletic but not really much of a fighter and I don't have elemental powers like Pokemon so can I really beat any of these Pokemon up yes yes I can but what I probably can't beat up is a small mystical uh unicorn I know it's not the big unicorn but it has mystical powers and it's still a horse I can't beat up a horse and this one would impale me speaking of fairy Pokemon I couldn't beat up I respect wheezing with a hat way too much to say I could beat it up he's floating in the sky all Majestic and incredible mustache I'm gonna leave it be but grooky I understand there's a lot of grooky fans out there but I'm taking the stick out of its hand i'm whacking it on the head over and over again and then I'm punting it wacky I'm pretty sure it's its name it does have the two sticks right away it's gonna be able to whack me but it has weapons it picked up off the ground I'm now able to pick things up that's going to even the fight I don't care about your abilities to throw leaves at me flacky I'm gonna slack you with a bat then easy does it oh that then this thing kills me so fair is fair I live around a lot of rabbits I feel comfortable I could beat up a rabbit this one I know has the ability to set me on fire but it's like Ember right it's a little little baby fire it doesn't learn the big boy fire moves until later on I'm not worried and this is a snowball I live in New England I'm used to throwing snowballs I can kick this guy to the Moon I could toss him at other Pokemon I'm not worried about that but darmana tan yeah let's let's not waste anyone's time that guy is folding me in two raboo is a rabbit with an outfit I'm going to put it into probably I'm just not impressed by a lot of the middle Evolutions galerian stun Fisk is an interesting one and I think we're gonna put it into we'll see it's a bear trap just don't step in the bear trap and I'm fine but I also don't know how I'm gonna beat it up so I feel like this might be a stale maybe we might stare at each other across the fire trade stories we might leave the fight the best of friends the rabbit that plays soccer or football for everyone who's gonna get angry in the comments yeah I'm sure it could destroy me I've seen its scary move it gets a soccer ball of flame and would kick it at me this one hurts my feelings and I almost want to put it into probably because it's adorable but it's a small lizard that cries I don't want to say what I would do to beat up the lizard because it hurts my feelings to have to even think about it but I'm not losing and as I said I live in New England I see squirrels every day they're very very dumb creatures and you know what this guy's big I'm sticking with it the squirrels I've I've seen so many dumb squirrels meet their untimely demise in very dumb ways small bird I am gonna put into Pro now I'm gonna put into Punta to the moon it's it's in the sky above me but it does not look like it could do enough damage to ever take me out the bigger Birds yeah no I'm out of here I don't know how big you are but I'm gonna respect you and respect the skies it's a little harder to fight a bird up there this bird is made of metal I'm done so uh goodbye John there's nothing I can say about that blip bug makes this easier I I like patting the punt into the Moon it makes me feel a little better about myself I could step on that little bug quite easily and daughtler I don't I just don't see what it's going to do I get it has like psychic powers but just know this thing's a UFO that's terrifying that's got alien technology does it have like a laser gun I I don't know does that have a death threat I I don't know I think I can take on the the small Fox it might get a few uh good hits in but I I feel pretty good about my chances don't know I feel like thieval would probably destroy me but it's just it's very cool Pokemon but it's also a silly Pokemon at the same time if that makes sense and might be a little too silly to take me out every single time there's probably a world where I get a win off against it it's gonna hurt my feelings if anyone says this thing can beat me up I don't even know what it would do I just don't see it happening I'm gonna put this into we'll see I really don't see it beating me up but I do respect it's an evolved Pokemon it's the ace and the first gym there's not many Pokemon that look more punctable than wulu and punted to the Moon is a category it would be crazy not to say that now this thing would absolutely destroy me but it is like soccer ball looking and just kind of on the principle I want to put into not great maybe I get a really good kick yes off I found a ton of snapping turtles in my days and I wouldn't mess with a normal snapping turtle but choodle has a ridiculously bulbous head feels like I could get behind it and just punch it in the head never got a good Chop on me I wouldn't be the happiest guy out there but also I'm I'm not an insane person the the big turtle would take me out I love dogs I love dachshunds I know this thing is based on a corgi or at least I think it is but corgis are very adorable for the same reasons dachshunds are adorable and I would not be caught dead fighting a dachshund that just wouldn't happen so you win less adorable to me but if I'm gonna say this one's gonna beat me up I'm gonna say older dog with electric powers is getting me out of here it is what it is now this is a coal that I think is a little car it might like hurt my hands to pick it up but I I just don't see how this thing is going to beat me up this thing could just dump coals on me and I don't know how I beat up this rock if I can't beat up that rock I can't beat up this one but this is an apple I can beat up an apple the worm in it I understand that flapple is a dragon Apple it's an apple that's exposed the little worm inside I'm actually going to put Aplin behind it because this guy seems easier to beat up the apple pie Dragon again I get that it has Dragon abilities and I get if we were gonna take this way too seriously dragon breath or something would get me out of here or Draco meteor but are you kidding me it's an apple pie Pokemon one thing I forgot to mention that I have over all these Pokemon I'm fighting is I have the brand new Playmore merch why is that important well this shirt gives me the power to find shinies easier and beat up all of these Pokemon it's available for a limited time at bm7shop.com we're celebrating 500k with this very first play more drop I'm telling you it's the shirt you need if you're ready to fight a grookie or if you just want to find a shiny this Pokemon is is called silly has Silly in its name and I'm taking the silly snake and I'm swinging it around it'll throw it I feel like that's my strategy for most Pokemon that look like that but this is the first one named silly this one's Anaconda said yeah no I I get it it also is is its face like a shotgun I've never really understood what's going on here ramaran's an interesting one and I'm actually going to put it into probably and the reason and being is I know there's an animation where it just like swallows a Pikachu you wouldn't just shock this thing slightly and then it just falls from the sky into the water and then it's done I just don't think a bird that's picking up a Pikachu is going to do anything to me I think the Pikachu's taking the bird out and then my job's done I'm putting aracuda and we'll see it's like a little Barracuda fish that's also an arrow so if it can like shoot itself at me I'm kind of out of here and actually I feel like cramerant takes a rakuta so if it shoots this they gotta be in the same tier what am I doing against this are you kidding me it's just it's not going my way this is a literal baby not that I would ever punt a baby but if toxol was real I would punt that baby I'm putting this guy in not great not because I could really beat it into a fight it just looks really uninterested and it just wants to play its guitar so while he's like busy playing guitar maybe I trick him into a jam sesh I don't know how to play guitar I take the guitar you know that I've been loaned and then I just Whack Him on the head with the guitar over and over again I don't care that this thing is a fire bug it's like the least intimidating thing I've seen I love that now the this is this is Nightmare fuel there's a big difference between this guy and this guy you know and it's fighting capabilities already terrifying I'm not dealing with that this adorable octopus with boxing gloves it's asking me to Bunch it right in the face and it has a squishy face so it's not gonna hurt or break my hand everyone says you know you punch someone in the face you're gonna break your hands that's why I haven't done it you know I'll punch the Pokemon it's not that I'm I'm scared or not a fighter or a coward no no no crap locked I think is one of the coolest Pokemon they've made I love the design I love the colors but it stinks it's one of the worst fighting type Pokemon ever made and I hate to say that now it could beat me in a fight but unfortunately that might be the most redeeming quality it has as a Pokemon I will simply drop the teacup I will simply drop the teapots I'm not intimidated by the little Pokemon that's wearing a hat I like the hat that Pokemon wearing hats are fun I mean this thing looks very easy to punts it looks like it's asking for me to punt it this thing I I assume I wouldn't take seriously and then it would use psychic or fairy powers to to take me out but of course I'm not I'm not beating hatarine I I understand the little imp though that's sticking its tongue out at me I'm gonna be extra angry when I kick this thing he's taunted me for five minutes I've finally had enough I'm kicking it look at his tiny hand this guy kind of freaks me out I'm putting it in a not great it still seems pretty small and I I think I could overpower it but it worries me it absolutely worries me and the hair monster are you kidding me I don't want to go anywhere near the hair monster it's it's gross for one and two terrifying rock and roll Zigzagoon doesn't it doesn't worry me rock and roll the noon actually is significantly more terrifying than regular linoon I'm putting that into not gray and the member of kiss that decided to become a Pokemon sure you can win I'm realizing I haven't put too many Pokemon into probably so I think gallery and Meowth goes here perfectly it did gain the steel typing which is the only reason it's not impunted to the moon but I know this Pokemon stats are atrocious it's fast and has like nothing else so it's fast and it's Steel type which is definitely going to be scarier but I think I'm beating this thing up nine times out of ten I feel bad about this one but it's based on Coral that is die I don't think I need to say anything else I don't know why we skipped over uh Viking uh Meowth evolution it's gonna it's gonna destroy me because I haven't given it enough respect and I get it the game's the game it's an ugly game but the game's the game just like thwacky uh far-fetched has a weapon it's a big leap maybe I'm not respecting it enough but I feel like if it gets one of those I get one of those and then we just have a battle it's like a lightsaber battle we get stuck in the middle then I just kick it and it's a tiny bird and then it drops the leak and then as easy as it was to destroy galerion corsola Ursula is taking out all of its anger on humans everywhere for destroying core I think me and then also deceased me are getting destroyed by kersla until the end of time this is as scary as it gets and actually surf etched wait a minute I'm putting surf fetched into we'll see now if I don't get a uh you know a a is it joust ah if I don't get one of those and a shield it's gonna win but if I get a shield as well and we just get to joust I have a feeling I could win Tip Tap McGee is at least human size but I it would insult me if you don't think I can beat up hit Tip Tap McGee I'm putting it into probably but I'm also putting this portly fellow into probably we got Tip Tap McGee and a a portly version of it they added ice types to them which doesn't make them stronger it only makes them weaker similar to the teapot I feel like with this guy I could win pretty easily I just take the the little part of the coffin and just kind of like Huck it the actual coffin monster I think the coffin Monster Beats me this is a snack I will eat the snack this is a snack I will eat the snack phelix is one of my favorite Pokemon at this point and like multiple Pokemon working together in unison to take anyone out in front of them I I respect the heck out of failings I'm not winning that one in curtain come on snom I buddy pal friend I I'm sorry Frost Moss I'm actually gonna put into probably I just I I think I win I can deal with the cold I've braved a few Winters I did actually visit Stonehedge recently I don't think I could beat up any of the Rocks I tried I squared them up I lost I I lost in 10 seconds I'm actually gonna put the penguin in probably I don't love penguins as much as I love uh adorable dogs but I mean they are very adorable but I mean this is a pink one with a block of ice on its head it's not very formidable I'm putting indeedy in wheel C I often question why it's a Pokemon but it is more Pico is adorable and I really do like it as a Pokemon and the hangry mode is fine maybe at the hangry mode it can get a little hangry and run at me a little faster just so when I actually punt it it goes even farther a lot of people don't know this but elephants are actually my favorite animals in the world so a steel elephant with mystical Pokemon powers would absolutely destroy me and this this one I mean I've heard enough stories of of what elephants are going to do no sorry I'm out and this is where we get to a very easy part of the list nope no way I don't think so metal dragon but then there's drapey I actually think I'm gonna put that in not great I don't actually know how I could hurt it and it could be fired at me like a weapon and then this guy could fire it at me like a weapon and then this guy is a pseudo legendary ghost dragon with two of them I I'm completely out of there and this is where things get even easier sliced into Shields are less scary but no way I don't need to say anything about this but this is also where I realize that some of the tear makers are weird because we still have this lizard guy I never tiered who I'm gonna put into probably and then this guy who is a sniper lizard it could just snipe me but when it comes to the DLC there's not much here I could fight so let's just finish this off with the one or two things I might have a chance against I'm putting Slowpoke in probably it doesn't really do much different than regular slowpoke it just has yellow wow I just don't really see what it's gonna do to me but it is a it's a hefty fella so it might be tougher to take down but looking through the rest of these I think the only Pokemon here I'd have a chance against is Cub Food and I'm gonna put this thing into probably I'm probably not taking it seriously enough but I feel like I could just put my hand on its head and it's just swinging at me it can't reach me because I do have long noodle arms and maybe they're not the strongest arms I could hold it in place it gets tired and I beat it up but that's probably the end of me taking any of these Pokemon out and there you have it let me know how incredibly correct I am in the comments or how incredibly wrong I am make one of these yourselves as a lot of fun and be ready gen 9 drops we're tearing the Pokemon I can beat up there it's gonna be fun
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 487,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pm7 plus, pm7 tier list, pm7 plus tier list, pokemen7, pokemon tier list, tier list, ranking pokemon, pokemon fight tier list, pokemon fight, pokemon battle, pokemon battle tier list, ranking every pokemon, pokemen7 pokemon tier list, pokemon i could beat in a fight, galar pokemon, gen 8 tier list, galar pokemon tier list, ranking every pokemon i could beat up, ranking every galar pokemon i could beat up, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon gen 8, pokemon beat up
Id: uUkJAnRA4B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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