Pokémon Legends: Arceus but I can only use SHINIES

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i'm gonna beat pokemon legends arceus but i'm only allowed to catch shiny pokemon the game does force you to catch four pokemon right at the beginning and since they are tied to main story missions they are shiny locked which means they'll never shine but i'm not allowed to progress any further until i catch my first shiny yo i hope it's badoof i want badoof on the thumbnail baby see so this is why the first shiny's gonna be tough is we literally don't have a freaking deer we can run on we're literally just running around hoping for the best aircraft is a cool one i don't remember what the shiny looks like but hair cross is cool oh we got one oh just shakes dang it no no no wait we want to fight you okay buddy okay we got a shiny baby we got one first one all right pokeball this thing up all right let's say bye to the rest of these guys we no longer have use for them bye bye rowlet bye bye badoof bye bye starly bye bye shinx and now we just got this shanks okay what do we want to name the shinks we got any name ideas wait wait so what's our findings are we rank one now probably gotta do like some fights or something huh we're still not even okay we still can't even get to the next area yet so i think we just keep beating up the doofs i mean are you suckers first start baby all right we got to get four more of these things so we got a few shinies all right looks like leo wins the poll thank you for the people that voted yeah we got two attacks in a row baby yo two yo get the double oh sheik's gonna do this don't miss buddy don't miss heck yeah baby get out of here shank's evolving well this evolution so intense i love how intense they made the evolutions oh so now i get weirder as you watch me drop bombs on this frenzied cleaver just want to explain that the timer right above my head represents total play time i usually like to keep track of encounters but as you can imagine they can be hard to keep track of in this game i'm now at the point in this game when mass outbreaks can occur i can go back and forth into the village then back into the obsidian highlands until one finally spawns about 17 minutes later oh oh we got one okay wait wait oh wait it's a shanks are we gonna get two shinxes it's gonna get me a few more points i mean i guess i could take whatever i guess i need whatever points i can take so yeah the reason i'm trying to find mass outbreaks is that they raise the chances of finding a shiny to one in 158. they only generates between 10 to 15 encounters so once i'm done defeating them all i reset my game back to where i saved right before i went to the mass outbreak then go back to the village and return to re-roll the encounters three outbreaks later [Music] oh we got another shiny we got two of them which starter did we pick we went with route oh it got out we went with rowlet but we've released it the starters are shiny locked that was pretty fast you know it was seeming tedious but it was definitely worth it was it really worth it andrew all i got out of it was four boxes checked off in the pokedex which leaves a lot to be desired what i didn't know at the time is that mass outbreaks only appear for pokemon that you've already caught which in my case is badouf starly and shinx but i don't figure this out until well later into my playthrough why we're not going for another shanks oh my goodness why are we only getting shinxes okay what's the best i can get i won't even get a number caught for it i won't even get a number of all i will literally get no points oh actually no i'll get i'll get one point probably two point 20 points yeah that's not worth it screw that i don't know google will probably come back into it they'll probably try what everyone's doing and buy developers oh charlie okay okay we finally got something okay finally it's not the most ideal but it's something and it's not a shinks so that's the best my least favorite pokemon game [Music] yep okay so no shiny here's my least favorite pokemon game hey you pikachu gosh did that destroy my childhood oh my goodness what a freaking scam that game was dude pikachu wasn't listening to me ever pikachu hated me we got it oh luckily i saved right after i saw the shiny star leaf so let's see if it's still there it's back it's back baby it works okay turn around i need you to turn around oh or go to sleep that's cool too yes we got it okay we got it baby okay oh we got the starly [Music] that's it that's it i guess it wasn't a brand new pokemon but that's all that's all we got looks like chat has voted for night talk all right show me starabia boom there it is after completing more research tasks for the pokedex i look for another mass outbreak still not knowing that it only works for pokemon i caught which means eventually and it could be really do oh badoof we got badoof yes yeah let's go not what i wanted a hundred percent but it's not shinx or starly so we'll take it let's get this badoo man look at that guy look at god hadoop the god walking on air i do think dialga has the better one like when when you see dialga in like the boss battle i think it looks a lot better i think when he's just standing there next yeah it looks like uh it looks so out of place we got it we got it oh wait wait stay safe oh my gosh i okay all right oh get back here okay all right we got it people we got the badoof okay yo is a she a goddess nice baby all right i don't agree with this name but you guys chose it so let's go with it cheese all right bye awesome version i need you for pokedex entries i'm sorry what don't like that [Music] 20 points exactly there we go after catching four shinies i obtained the second star rank use cheese the babero to earn ursulina's trust quell the frenzied liligant try to get a new mass outbreak but still don't know i can't get it for pokemon that are not caught and eventually start riding through the crimson mirelands to find a full odd shiny okay let's try to go through as many pokemon as we can shiny hunting oh my gosh you know what i'm pretty you know what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna do one more thing guys sell it i wonder how much i could sell it for that be considered pokemon prostitution and what oh we got a shiny oh my gosh guys oh it's it's an alpha dude but it i think it takes more damage when it when it rests when it says drowsy like that's a new status too no i i just meant like when you were gonna go we got it when you went yeah mcfiddles wins the poll boys we did it you guys came in clutch and you stood up for what's right today it was fiddly wait a minute yeah you know what i mean big boy mcfiddles how many stars you do i have i'm at two quite a ways from getting three you know what i like knife when whenever we come to this place we're doing night that's just way better over here incident is there to decrease stat and be annoying exactly however oh we got a shiny okay wait we got a gastly i can't even tell it is wait i'm i'm confused come on come on come on nice we got it rick never gonna give you up i'm never gonna let you down taking a break from shiny hunting we're gonna raise up some pokedex points and see what we can get rick gasly is evolving man look at he'd be scary into rick hunter where is the barrel guys we just got another shiny crow gunk oh oops i didn't mean to smack it in the head don't run away guys i think we're getting out of this area today i think we're getting out of this area well it's only a two-stage pokemon but we'll see nice okay yo let's go it's like we maybe we shouldn't be trying to shiny hun maybe that's our problem okay i think we can evolve these things we just we don't need to do anything else with this yeah let's evolve leo simba it's time for you to fulfill your destiny leo looking pretty tight i love that yellow okay so i think the goal i think what we have to do with mime junior is we just send it to battle use mimic and run away i think that's i think that's what we got to do 25 times that is just so stupid it's unbelievably stupid it also means i gotta wait for them to attack [Music] there we go it is done to save because i never want to do that again yeah that's all we can do cool all right we're evolving our alpha m out we're evolving our shiny alpha mime junior into a shiny alpha mr mime how do you get it to do the animation oh there it is it's ready to watch the super bowl in a couple weeks we've caught number without being spotted number defeated more mimic why why all right our final unique evolution probably for the next bit there he is what that's not a shiny gengar all right i'm pretty sure that's enough let's go okay over 26 hours into my shiny journey and i finally made it to the cobalt coastlands however this area does impose one small issue that can't get passed without an exception that's being dust glops since the story forces it to be there it is shiny locked don't worry i released it immediately then i tell the frenzied arcanine to calm down and now i'm going to fix my wrong by going back and forth from the village until oh yes we got dust clops okay let's go get it baby [Music] oh we got it guys we got the shiny finally geez that outbreak took a lot longer than it needed to okay we're gonna give everyone a minute to get unbanned before we start doing uh name suggestions all right cool cool in the meantime let's evolve nighthawk shall we there we go we gotta name the dude what one lord farquaad won all right we're gonna name it lord farquaad i don't know if we have enough space oh after using 25 mud bombs we can safely evolve krogenk into his evolution into her evolution am i getting any other shinies i know we will have to i'm just seeing how close we can get okay look at that we're all full on dust glops all right that means we can involve it all right lord farquaad has had his time being the small guy around here shiny dusknoir times we've scared off with scatter bing oh we haven't done either of those for them those are easy points anyone else needs scatter binge that's like 150 points seven we need seven 150 points that's all we gotta do we get to go to the next area let's go hey let's scatter bang some pokemon how many with gastly oh we're done we just need one more nice i think we move on to the next area everyone yes rank four here we come well it took about five hours of dex grinding just to meet ingo then head over to the coordinate highlands to have a friendly duel and stop the noble electrode from throwing a fit i just need to rank up once more to beat the game so i'm going to need a couple new shinies thus the hunt continues that's probably gonna be our longest hunt that cannot be an easy shiny it just can't be an easy shiny oh we got shiny oh my gosh that actually was not bad kind of doesn't look any different in this lighting just look at it it's not that it well it's it's only a double stage evolution so we're gonna probably need to get another shiny maybe okay it looks like ding dong is the winner ding dong the witch is dead welcome to the team shiny bronzor during the next hour i contemplated who the next and possibly last shiny should be i usually like to end a shiny challenge with a legendary like my last video but sadly the developers shiny locked every single legendary in this game so what other pokemon could be just as menacing dare i say just as dangerous to shiny hunt as a legendary let's find out i think it actually could take longer than rayquaza because like rayquaza's chances were one and three don't tell me it's that combi is that combi shiny oh no no no no not a combi it's a combi [Music] why did i go back to this area [Applause] that's not male is it oh no it's mail no what do we name this stupid thing barry b benson from the b movie welcome to the family so that's not going to be my last shiny i need one more and barry b benson has inspired the last hunt that being a shiny female combi you may be wondering how in the world is that as climactic as a shiny legendary well the chances of finding a male combi are 88.14 chance when you encounter one while a female is only 11.86 percent chance so about one in ten on top of that only female combies can evolve and i need that evolution in order to progress so not only do i need to find another shiny combi i also could be really wasting a lot of time since the shiny is likely to be another male my quest does not start out great it took almost two hours just to find a combi mass outbreak since i officially caught one i started killing them i killed them all they're dead every single one of them and not just the men but the woman and the children too they're like animals and i slaughtered them like animals i hate them we got shiny okay we don't save but i think it's a mail oh it's a mail oh no let's let's test it let's test it baby so we don't save so we no longer have that shiny mayo combi believe it or not things just get worse after resetting the game and some more hunting i find another outbreak and decide to try that one to shake things up problem is i think i messed up the save at some point because i wasn't able to reach the kombi's before they disappeared so i gotta look for yet another combi mass outbreak which took another two hours and 20 minutes during that time i found a faster way to get rid of the non-shinies faster by throwing berries at them this is more like climatic music when like you get there wait a second that's not shiny is it oh my gosh guys we got it guys we got it we got it oh my gosh how did i not hear it oh yeah let's go all right oh my gosh that could have gone so much longer but we freaking got it two male shiny combies and now we got a female one okay it i couldn't tell at first i didn't hear any shine sound maybe it was a zelda music it was also like the the atmosphere color made it kind of rough to see too oh man guys we found it we freaking found it yes oh my gosh you guys don't know how happy i am i really thought like we were gonna get like five or six male shiny combis first i still need to do a butt load of research tasks before receiving the fifth star i won't bore you with every detail but here are some highlights now we can get a proper shiny evolution more importantly more pokedex entries there she is beyonce the best mcqueen alright so here i am trying to take down some vespa quinn's here with fire type moves since that's one of the pokedex entries and then i heard a shiny sparkle sound so i have not seen the shiny yet i was just grinding uh while chilling watching some tv but i ran right back to my computer to get uh at least somewhat of a instant reaction that i found another shiny so let's find out what it is together it's not the paris is it was it another combi are you serious are you serious we found another shiny male combi what is this i mean i guess it doesn't hurt to catch it for the next seven hours yes i said seven hours i complete as many pokedex entries that i can including defeating 20 star raptors with rock type moves having luxury while charging you strong style 40 times finding five vespaquin to leap out of trees takes longer than you think can't forget those 25 mimics for mr mime using vino shock with toxic coke 40 times along with some nasty plots and much much more i think this is it 30 points there it is we can finally go to alabaster iceland's finally i showed that avalon who's boss then finish off a game by besting origin form dialga throwing one last illegal pokeball well that's game just under 60 hours 59 hours 58 minutes and 58 seconds we have beaten pokemon legends arceus only being allowed to catch shiny pokemon aside from the story forced ones that we immediately released and that's the game for more shiny content click the video on the left for my sword play through and for more legends content click the video on the right to see how my first 50 hours went check out my youtube live channel in the description below if you ever want to see any of my future runs live remember to give the video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe to the channel for more thanks for watching you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,144,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video games, nintendo, pokemon, challenge, can you beat, pokémon, pokemon nuzlocke, gen 8, speedrun, challenge run, andrew collette, shiny, shiny only, shiny pokemon, only shiny, hardcore nuzlocke, the andrew collette show, andrew collette show, only shinies, shiny nuzlocke, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends, legends arceus, pokemon legends shiny only, legends arceus shiny only, pokemon legends arceus gameplay, pokemon legends arceus shiny only
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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