When Chess FINALLY Gets A Sequel in FPS Chess

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oh hey kade oh hey blitz are you ready to lose to an international chess champion an international chess champion grand master blitz at your service no one told me that actually i just made it up but uh you're gonna die anyway ready get set no stop yeah go there we go oh you little monster you can't have friends this is the perfect shield oh i fell hey you know what down goes your king no i need him we're loose you're so thin thank you what's your diet like get them yes how did you oh this is going to be bad really i i got it i got to see oh you had your friend kill me i hear it your jerky jerkiest jerky jerk jerkland didn't need to get my hands dirty okay let's let's do this you're ready to dance yeah oh pod bishop what's the bishop not a friend i'm not either got a big old blunderbuss slip thing and this oh yeah i forgot about that cool oh my god get back okay off to a good start i'm ready you are straight up straight up cheating right now okay but you know what oh no falling into my trap cage you have fallen into my trap the international chess champion i should have known i have no defenses you don't yeah no stop would you diary of action okay that's good now you've you've opened up the hornet's nest [Laughter] i don't know i feel like i should do some sort of oh no i mean i could put you in check that exist in this check oh yeah see there it is and now i feel like i need to wipe the entire board bow oh no oh no stop it i uh my own king get them wow it's a headshot damage that's crazy i i was dinking around like a dink around her and this is bad this is bad you're you've been playing your fps games haven't you no i'm an international fps champion are you you're going pro mode mm-hmm okay are you gonna rook fork me there it is check oh balls i like this and okay hold that can't do it oh wait oh no okay the rook it's been a while since i've rooked things up but you know what get out of here that'll do it which one of these did you go into oh you're right there i was blocked by my arrow really evasive you shall not pass are you still up there hiding somewhere not hiding yeah what was that i don't know where would you actually go kill them dead die horsey die horsey again let's die king what'd my pieces ever do to you [Music] oh i'm so sneaky but i'm such a sneaky boy do you know how sneaky is that stairway i was wondering where you were yeah okay i'm gonna land on this paper airplane oh this is perfect yes it started turning and messed me up that's fantastic and now yeah kade vikings fine ah yes let me sing it oh no i'll take it i'll take the pawn down i will i don't like that i'll do it [Music] i don't know it doesn't oh we're falling off falling off ratio fall off right plus why are my pieces flying down here go get a minion stupid minion my little one just fine the perfect strategy oh yeah whoa that was a big brain move mm-hmm does the train kill you trains after me it's blocking no i got hit by a train oh man you're destroying me and now now all my pieces are gone it's fine i'm sure you can win them back somehow now we have options a little pond v pawn pvp action if you will get ready to get set up [Applause] yeah which one's your fake guy this one perfect it's not fake he's real his name was steve he's real to me quit hiding behind your big brother stop charging run [Music] started taking a bunch of damage out of nowhere [Music] wait that's maybe dude hey [Music] where'd you where'd you go is that how are you so good at hiding where'd you go minion what are you shooting at the a sneaky boy i am so sneaky right now i am the sneakiest sneaky who ever sneaked in sneakyland i genuinely don't know somebody my minion keeps shooting at this door which makes me think you're hiding over here but um oh wait a second there you gotta take care of your minion first get him back up minion oh there it is wait what these actually block shots oh they do i forgot about that oh you've like you've taken my entire squad okay fine pawn versus bishop this this should be super easy all you gotta do is shoot you in the face and then eat the thing in your life and then shoot you dead and then where's the smoke shoot you're dead run run really come on just die okay i didn't even take damage that time i found my new favorite unit whoa this is good why you launched that see how far that pond yeah i knew you're gonna check action i knew you were gonna do that oh i'm going all in i think i've seen this before it is it's a radio can't get him oh my gosh the smoke conceals you so well i don't want to be next to you actually oh i don't have a choice it looks like oh no i was like you remember that game for the nes called duck hunt where there's a really annoying dock that goes that's what i did i threw you in the air and then you went duck hunt see that trick i tried to escape there was no escape now this is going to be bad i knew it this is fine what the king it's my king i believe in my power okay i got it i got a bit ahead of myself actually i think there was no chance for you to survive that you're still there yeah it's your turn my turn i'm taking it i'm taking her oh no she's been a bad girl my strongest troop i have to see if i remember how to use her again yeet oh i missed with my heat that angelic flying yeah it's close yeet give me a piece oh the train by the train i was looking for my pawn to throw that was a good idea this bishop's got good big brain strategies going on do you oh die what are you okay i'm gonna i'm gonna take you down again no this i can't let this happen three times uh-huh oh yeah yeah yeah die maybe i just need to run for a moment okay that's not working for me either yep you don't even have legs you can't run if you don't have legs now what happens hmm boom oh you weren't expecting it all the way up all the way he's just a pawn leave him alone he's just a little pawn what did he do to deserve this run before the tractor okay okay where he doesn't know you're too big and tall hey where is that oh hello no no don't call me too big it's never nice it didn't mean to hurt your feelings you just see a little bit of this bishop play okay we're reversing here yeah it's my turn to be the bully now okay believe me hold me real hard yeah wait where'd you go are you down here now i'm assuming this one isn't you maybe yeah oh bad idea don't get close ugh i can't i can't get out oh you're going up it was a trick oh yeah oh and i oh did i get it yeah you got me nice not nice kade that is not nice for me oh are you worried i heard i was dead i just needed to connect one more pop-pop and you would have been bop-popped exactly like that see now my bishop's in a good spot or it's not it is bishop versus bishop how will this one go first off shoot your king second off wait [Music] i do love a heat oh no it's the train slide under eh did that oh is that no i thought i was going to be able to get the shot you've gotta see how close i was to being dead i told you you can't mess with my bishops look at how close that is i really needed one more bullet i sneezed in my general direction i would have died i gotta say that this is like the absolute worst possible chess like setup that you could have okay i don't like this so i will never do anything else oh great i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck where am i going no why is this stolen this is so horrifying six feet take me away we're not we don't need to socially distance anymore this angel of death approaching me right now oh no did you just build a wall i did and i'm afraid i'm stuck i just ow i was playing with my pawnee you don't gotta sneak up on me like that fine rematch oh great this is for all the markers does it it doesn't reach up oh here we go perfect perfect oh my word wow i really can't believe that i hit that actually you just straight up cheating now that's what you're doing you got those hacks on just running away sticking to windows oh you're kidding me wow this is actually super even yeah wait wait a second i think you're winning technically when did that happen oh great [Music] i don't like i don't like that no wait no i'm not no there was no waiting involved with that situation okay now what are you gonna do huh this oh that was a bad plan oh see you're not gonna expect this part though boom and then no scope it's not working it's working it's not working that tactical retreat oh see i don't have a scope on my guy i just have an annoyance oh no yes i am safe it's wow perfect where'd you go don't let's not talk about it okay blitz oh no no no jump scare it ahead see that i just jumped right in your forehead do you watch this trick ready and attack and i was just looking and then oh man you got wrecked that was impressive it was i gotta do that more often yeah oh no i can't take out the back line wow oh wow okay i i don't even think i was aiming at you when i [Laughter] oh stopped you weren't aiming at me my head was in your cross fight oh oh no the infamous sniper battle oh all the way up all the way where where'd you go down there yeah oh i'm stuck this'll be fine yeah can i grapple onto something oh the ultimate plan yes i am well trained in these things you are you are you are professional fps chesser if this needs to be an esport now it's true i i want to go pro i have an idea same i don't know how well my idea is going to work out anymore that's fine i'm mixing it up what no i'm calling an audible okay i can do this one what about when i do this at blitz i'd i don't know where i'm at okay i'm apparently right in front of you yep oh no what did i look like to you just standing still you just stood still oh no yes i'll get wrecked what did you try doing it like it let me grapple onto the chandelier but didn't let me so my screen just started violently shaking and i couldn't move you know what that sounds like to me an excuse kade sounds like an excuse all right new tactic go go no no i'm gonna get away there's a chance what where's he at go minions get him where no okay you almost killed me that's so hard to track down it's just a big hulk smash jumpy boy just out of nowhere attack wow i was perfectly behind me too i did really good well moving forward well all right run tiny pod run little never mind hello little king oh stop it you're so annoying is that no get this tractor beam out of here you almost killed me i was so close to being dead now what are you gonna do um go forth i could make it i can make it i'm running out of moves if you are running out of things i can't touch you survive anymore arcade it's okay i know your weakness what [Music] my amazing goodness no no no no is that a common weakness yes not gonna lie i thought you were gonna have me there for a second you know i was kind of hoping okay it's not for a lack of hope good idea i got an idea i got an idea yeah no that was not my idea oh yeah this ideas never work out in the face of a kid from the king's tractor beam hey where are you going i think i can get there can i get there what are you planning on doing with that guy oh no i didn't see the rook all a part of his plan hey where are you no no oh that's still working you are in trouble now i can get here too please don't run from this fine and now i can get this guy oh no jump jump what's the play in the shape i'm afraid not blitz i'm afraid i'm so oppressed it's come down to one thing kade i guess you just have time we have to settle this like men with swords at dusk um [Music] is it yeah i didn't know you could do that hey wait yeah we both died interesting both players lose yeah could be win both players will win wow last time we played intern we tied two i think you actually beat me but your guide fell apart and you still have the one pawn left i win i'm the winner i've got more people alive yes well thanks for playing yeah that was fun bye bye and i'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members for supporting the channel including autodesk ben dickie j teddy hippies destructo man general harris maxer vc engineer whip it good eagle our expensive teas aren't off rail deegan sarcasm rex baron fox whiskey spider sacks joe b dog rules 2.0 fury arrow nerdy geek skunk chess corey and rob the king brad kdf dalton c helgorum mr m gaming secander kyle kieran grayson monkey zane mr one and epic bacon
Channel: Blitz
Views: 468,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, fpschess, fps chess game, fps chess gameplay, fps chess blitz, blitz fps chess, fps chess multiplayer, intern fps chess, chess, chess game, online chess, fps chess imcade, fpschess imcade, fps chess cade, fpschess cade
Id: SJPbsr8kqJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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