Can You Beat Pokemon Brilliant Diamond playing as Cynthia?

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many say that the best pokemon trainer from a certain region is their local champion but is that true are lance's three dragon nights really that much of a problem is wallace's water type team really that hard to figure out how to beat and then there's cynthia the woman who made 10 year olds rage quit then they just made her even more difficult in this game by giving her pokemon held items and eevees so i want to play through this game as cynthia using her same move sets but i'm going to play on set mode and not allow items including the held ones because i want to give my opponents a fighting chance before cynthia was champion she was a thief growing up alongside her friend barry at 10 years old she stole a piplup and barry took the tertwig knowing he'd have the advantage over two of my future mons a couple days later cynthia was caught red handed by professor rowan will you give back the pitfall [Applause] so cynthia had to go find her real first starter on route 204 that being badou but that little plant wasn't enough to make her happy no she wanted to start a group that gave nightmares to kids who played gen 4 for the first time she also ran laps in jubalife city to stay in top shape and increase her friendship with badou she's a runner after much sweat and tears from constant sprinting cynthia now has a real damage dealer on her hands rosalia for reference i've been playing for over two hours and we still haven't fought her first rival fight yet speak of the devil here he is now luckily his starly does not know any flying type moves yet so this is doable i do miss my first stun sport while they tackle then they quick attack making contact which activates my poison touch ability poisoning berry's bird i now take this time to use growth twice increasing my attack and special attack by two stages sometimes started growls but a couple absorbs later sucked the life out of that bird and this turtwig sequence goes on forever absorb is ineffective poison seeing does nothing because he keeps withdrawing but thankfully turtwig tackled and got poisoned in the process for laying his paws on roselia and that's the reason we win all right roark smash or pass uh how about a gym battle instead geodude is rock and ground so is onyx and krandos doesn't take the absorbs too well either so i guess i win oh cynthia you've come at the perfect time smash or pass [Music] how about new at valley wind works i find cynthia's second team member cellos and it's pink too just like hers and credit where credit is due this grunt has to be the smartest of all grunts in pokemon history they don't just give up their key because they lost to a 10 year old they ignore the kid if only i had some decent pokemon now here's my jam [Music] let's move on so commander mars wants to battle well her zubat doesn't seem to be feeling it missing a super sonic then deciding to take the bench by u-turning i switch out cellos for roselia to be smacked by a fake-out perogly should be a challenge for my roselia but mars has it doing this well we take those and we get to see papa reunite with his daughter i need cheryl to return to forest safely then i find my future self in eterna city who actually cuts me three times ouch hello cynthia i've got someone i'd like you to meet rorke no get me out of here let's just face the second gym leader and get out of this town gardenia's cherubi has only not very effective moves against my roselia so i take this chance to use growth five times but stop once cherokee starts copying me this results in a one hit ko with cut it takes two cuts to kill the tert wig and four cuts to knock out roserade because of a super potion winning us the forest gym badge afterwards i get a call that someone is keeping a clefairy hostage what kind of person would do such a thing oh that kind of person go back to your apartment and fix it fix what get pants who's this i got one pant leg on for all right guess i gotta knock some sense into her while zubat is wasting time giving me a mean look shiloh's crushes them with two ancient powers skunk tank comes in emphasis on the tank because once they poison gas lowers their accuracy with mudslap barely doing any damage so we go back and forth with them sometimes missing their snarls and me water pulsing or using a recoverer this gets boring so i swap for roselia to leech seed the skunk but he gets scared after a nasty flamethrower so more taggings occur when shellow's not afraid of flamethrower then baits the snarl for roselia to come back safely finishing the battle with a magical leaf in return for saving his life the bike shop owner gives me a beautiful yellow bicycle it's like a reward [Music] and the creepiness continues don't say a word just take it with the odd keystone in my possession i begin my quest to catch my very own spirit tomb i go underground because to summon a spirit tomb you must interact with 32 unique npc basement dwellers entering and exiting areas just for a chance for mpc spawn locations to change after three and a half hours 27 npcs were found but i hadn't seen one during the last hour so i'm just going to progress the story from here status update of the hollow tower is the towers shaking ever so slightly ah hartham city nice to get some fresh air and visit some cool places like this church make sure you never judge a pokemon based on whether it's weak or strong listen lady i'm cynthia i only catch the best pokemon this lady won't let me go for a stroll because rosella and chelos aren't cute you're telling me this landlubber is cute but these two are not cute who cares then i catch cynthia's mom helping a different girl with beauty contests i definitely caught her in the act i mean she's never even told me about beauty contest you can tell she doesn't care for me to win by giving me whatever this dress is oh barry i am glad to see you i could really go for a battle right now after all this crap i just went through you haven't seen my shallows yet and she's pretty gnarly crushing your starly with one ancient power as grotto comes in i bring out roselia for a while there is quite a stalemate with grotto resisting magical leaf and rosalia quad resisting razor leaf so both sides decide to set up with us using growth and them using curse later roselia defeats the grass turtle with magical lease but he's gotta dip out right after cause of that fire horse shellos takes her time using her cover whenever needed then when she's comfortable she spouts some water pulses at ponyta barry sends out weasel next who is looking a little suss with that tail whip [Music] ancient powers get rid of that aviated weasel now in veilstone city we can finally upgrade our style to look more like cynthia should look i actually don't stay in the city long and head over to pastoria city since i feel like it would be better for my two pokemon to take on crasher wake first shello still is a widdle baby though and has to face the mustache twirler gyarados and i just realized i forgot to heal shellos she still manages to live after two crunches but the consequences of not healing make shellis useless that's because she only had 2pp left of ancient power i recover a couple turns but realize it's no use so shellow's faints roselia appears like a ninja dodging the icefang then getting the revenge kill with the grass not quagzire is four times a week to gigadrain need i say more flozil tries to avenge quagsire with icefang but roselia still has nine hp left allowing him to drain all floatsworld's hp with only one giga drain winning us the fenn badge it's back to valeston city for the fourth gym badge and after some battles with the gym trainers sheldos evolves into gastrodon which will be much needed for maylene roselia still goes first though because dazzling liam is just too much for meta titan machoke the real battle is only beginning with maylene's ace lucario a high-pitched screech lowers roselia's defense and our dazzling gleam doesn't even get them into the yellow so while lucario bulks up i have roselia leech seed before fainting from a metal claw gastrodon is screeched as well but it doesn't matter thanks to gastrodon knocking lucario out of the ring with digg winning us the cobble badge i meet up with barry later to show what a complete joke he is you don't evolve starly fine i'll rock to it you won't evolve weasel fine i'll dig in a grave anyways i'm having trouble getting rid of the psyduck so i walk over to valor lakefront to ask my future self for some advice so you bend and snap i got it well the bend and snap sure did the trick what was that technique you used i too seek the power of the bend and snap no way cyrus you're creepy speaking of creepy it's time to face gym leader fantina and her spooky pokemon things start off well with willowist missing while gastered on rock tombs their second willow wisp does connect which means a second rock tomb does not finish the drift bloom after being hexed a third rock tune pops that balloon out of here gengar appears next pulling off a confused ray after we recover some hp the confusion does cause our dig to fail but our second attempt works out and this miss maggia stays in line with their tradition of keeping us confused with their confused race that was a bad play because they could have just used magical leaf the next turn which is brutal for gashardon but roselia cleans things up with shadowball winning us the relic badge hi cynthia oh hi cynthia i just came to tell you the next time we meet we're gonna fight to the death okay bye after receiving that horrid news i fight barry again at cantalave city sure some of his pokemon are evolved now but they all lose the same way as last time except for this heracross who is new and drowns from muddy waters by now i'm sick of only having two team members so i hop into this super fast boat i said super fast boat that's better i sail on to iron island where i meet with riley who gives us our third pokemon in the form of an egg i also go just a bit deeper into the cave to pick up the shiny stone which evolves or zelda into a roserade now i really want this egg to hatch so i decide to get off my fat butt and start pedaling back and forth until ryolu finally decides to hatch from its egg i don't feel like grinding right now though so he'll just get xp by backseat gaming you know what that means gym leader time featuring byron and it seems like no matter what that bronzor is going to live the first attack just to put up a trick room with slower mods going first bronzor confuses rosarie then gets blown away by a shadow ball stelix likes to set up rather than attack also so he summons a sandstorm while being sucked by a giga drain he tries to get rid of us with earthquake but rosarite lives in giga drains again there is still one turn of trick room left helping bastiodon to go first with stone edge but roserade isn't bothered by it too much seeing that giga drain didn't do as much this time a gastrodon switch is the obvious right decision here along with a quad super effective earth power winning us the mind gym badge hey cynthia come with me to the library okay gramps i brought cynthia like i said and now i'm out of here i don't know what's going on here so i'm gonna fill up my roster a bit more i head back to wayward cave with the power of strength i can now access the basement to find myself a gibble best part it's jolly nature just like cynthia's in-game guard jump next pokemon on the list was a fibas from mount coronette this encounter sucks like a lot to find a fibas you have to fish in one of the four random tiles in this massive lake so i disconnected my switch from the computer and turned on some netflix over four hours later i finally found a tile with fibas as happy as i was to find one this playthrough has had a lot of time-consuming ways of getting cynthia's pokemon running around to evolve badoo finding npcs for spirit tomb cycling to hatch ryolu fishing for fee bass even more cycling for the lucario evolution and cooking poffins which somehow increases beauty for fee bass to evolve into milotic so please if you haven't already subscribe to the channel it really does mean a lot to me since these videos take a lot of time to make and if that's not good enough for you do it for the suffering magikarp if you don't subscribe and like the video it will die i know you don't want that on your conscience only you can save this magikarp alright let's get back into some action with saturn rose rage shadow balls his cadabra bronzor and toxico pretty easy the xp share from the battle helps gible evolve into a good bite on my way back home i passed by the nearby lake to see lucas in trouble with mars rosarite scares off goldbach so he you turns out of there for ugly fell for my trap aerial acing me getting poisoned for making contact giga drains and shadow balls from here send this commander blasting off again that's it i need something more challenging even though lucario and melodic are still under leveled i go to snowpoint city to face candace lucario immediately shows he's not to be messed with flexing with his flash cannon now watch this sneezel stand there all smug thinking it's going to survive a four time super effective aura sphere all because it's holding a chapel berry which is supposed to weaken my fighting attack [Music] minicham can actually hurt us so i don't know why candace didn't send it earlier i save lucario for later so gastrodon takes the sage she does pull off one earth power but the brick break upon switching and two more after that were too much for my slug candace heals with full restore but that's not enough to stop rosary to magnificent shadow ball obama snow obviously has the advantage in this matchup but i keep rosa reid in to deal some chip damage along with dropping their special defense before dying to a blizzard with the path now paved lucario wins the game with flash cannon earning us the icicle badge oh shoot i forgot barry was securing the lake acuity location i wonder how he's doing oh you're finished already i can't believe we're not gonna have a rematch against jupiter really what a bummer all i get to do is easily defeat cyrus's discount team and saturn is pointless because his team is the exact same way it was before i was disappointed that i didn't get to prove myself to jupiter earlier but at least we get to participate alongside barry in a doubles match for jupiter and mars while also saving the world at the same time these bronzers don't pose much of a threat though so i'm gonna have lucario nasty plot twice to raise his special attack he fails the third time because of hitting himself in confusion no thanks to their confused race so i start telling him to just start clapping them with aura spheres with skunting on the field i change it up with flash cannon but the stinker stays alive to poison my buddy munchlax bronzor keeps us confused which means scunting lives another turn and munchlax dies berry star raptor arrives swiftly knocking out skunting with close combat lucario is still on standby hitting himself star raptor continues to show off his fighting skills clocking bronzor back into its pokeball while lucario one shots golbat with flash cannon jupiter's out of pokemon so it's just mars left and her bodacious cat is surprisingly fast digging before any of us can strike i switch in my lodic to more comfortably tank the dig whilst our raptor continues close combating milodick finally gets an opportunity to show what he's got but an under level with ice beam doesn't finish the golbat thus barry's bird steals the kill well looks like we're still doomed oh never mind things look like they're gonna be okay wow there was no other way the world had to be fixed well looks like the verdict for cyrus is guilty and on the bailiff haunch crow steps up to defend his evil master unfortunately for him my lucario's faster using flash cannon before being hit by an air cutter cyrus saves his bird by switching in gyarados i see this is a great time to get my lodix some extra xp before my real encounter gastered on ed tiersa frey after thawing from the ice things freeze she soaks in the waterfall with her storm drain ability then starts crushing gyarados and weville with rock tombs running low on hp from haunchcrow's critical hit night slash i decided to give goodbye a chance to finally battle but turns out he's not ready yet so back to the bread and butter with rosarite but dazzling haunch crow with gleam however rosary does lose the match-up against crowbat but all that's needed from gastrodon is another rock tomb to stop cyrus saving the world from mass destruction as the dust clears it seems there is one challenger remaining he's just standing there menacingly some may run from this threat some may capture it for their own gain but i cynthia strive to be the greatest trainer in the world thus my gastrodon and lucario enter the ring and take the title of legendary for ourselves what's the prize for winning how about i finally find 32 npcs in the underground which means spirit tomb is finally mine he's quite behind level wise compared to the rest of the team but i know how to fix that he can solo volkner just kidding buddy it was just to get you some more xp goodbye is still under level 2 but he ain't scared of no raichu however that artillery does scare him not roserade though ambipom throws off our pace with a critical hit fake out then gets poisoned for double hitting us lucario handles the situation with orospheres and what is it with these chapel berries they're not going to save you luxury is a meteor animal surviving a nasty plot boosted orosphere and almost kills my lucario with thunder fang predicting another thunder fang i have gastrodon negated with her ground typing then demolish the luxury with earth power winning us the beacon badge having access to victory road helps cynthia's ace goodbye reach its final form of a guard chomp finally i can now challenge the elite four ah barry you really had to ruin the moment didn't you well since most of my pokemon are at a decent level now it's time to show off some of their skills first mylotic's competitive ability star raptor's intimidate lowers our attack stat but thanks to the competitive ability any time a stat is dropped mylodic's special attack increases by two stages it would have been a quick lights out for that bird if they weren't holding a focus sash but they waste their time with sunny day anyways giving my lodic the open shot barry do you really think torterra is the right pick here i understand it's a grass type but you just saw me ice beaming so i don't feel bad at all for doing this to you and rapidash is next who taught you how to play this game barry finally sends out snorlax a decent pick it's annoying enough to chip some damage and put melodic to sleep so i have gastrodon take its place who is annoyed by the chip damage and being yawned asleep in the end gastrodon wins the interaction weasel arrives prompting my rosary to step in and ocho them with giga drain haircross is the last pokemon i'll ever see from barry and it's no problemo with our dazzling gleams get out of here barry only winners belong here i know i said i was eager to face the elite four but i did at the beginning of the video say that i was not allowed to beat the game until i had the same move sets as cynthia's in-game team after searching in the underground i found all the tms needed however my lodix mirko is an egg move i typically don't use egg moves in these challenge videos so i just head over to the move deleter to remove the fourth slot leaving my lodic with only three moves that's fair enough i have one personal issue though you see garchomp is the pokemon people think of when cynthia comes to their minds heck he's even on the thumbnail i haven't even used it once this run so i think it's time for this beast to show the elite four what he's made of elite member number one aaron guard trump uses storage dance to double his attack power while shrugging off a bug buzz one dragon claw slays the dust docks garchomp continues with the dragon claw showing no mercy to any of eren's bugs the only exception is an earthquake obliterating the drapion elite member number two bertha thanks for the power display guard chomp it's time for the og rosary to show off her new energy ball move he bows over the quagsire whiskash and pseudowudo golem stays alive because of its sturdy ability allowing them to earthquake once before going down hipaodon does not have the same security as golem therefore suffering the same fate as her first three comrades elite member number three flint you may be wondering why i'm ice beaming with milotic rather than surfing i promise you it will make sense later it was annoying trying to have my lodic lose on purpose because he froze rapidash twice but the toxic from the rapidash's poison jab ensured they get the mini victory with garchomp now here rapidash stays frozen with fear he pulls off two swords dances before saying sayonara to rapidash low punny stelix and driftblim infirma normally wouldn't be a problem but i need rosarite to die here i need a gaster on to pass out too but the little bugger only has attacking moves slowly whittling down the monkey's hp unfortunately gastrodon through the power of friendship lives the mock punch at one hp gastrodon throws a rock tomb no no no no no no elite member number four lucian mr mime please knock out gas shirt on thank you lucario could probably sweep this team after some nasty plots but that's not the plan i have lucario spam flash cannons while lucian sets up screens heals and gets lucario down to a sliver of health with psychics one more flash cannon for meta cam then high jump kick knocks down the fan favorite pokemon spirit tomb tries to be useful but even though he's properly level now the output is underwhelming who doesn't love to see guard chomp cause some destruction though al kazam gets greedy with nasty plot forgetting how frail his body is giraffe rig is a giraffe i've never met anyone who is scared of a giraffe garchomp seizes on this opportunity to swords dance one after another even when the move fails just to stall out trick room once it expires garchomp stops playing with his food and gets serious surprisingly though bronzong tolerates the dragon claw just enough they try to get payback but a second dragonclaw defeats lucian time to explain why i purposely let my pokemon faint here's my lineup and here's cynthia's team i wanted it to be the perfect finale with both of our pokemon the same level gastrodon is one level higher but spiritual is one level lower so i think that's good enough there's no one better than cynthia so who better to take the crown than from myself we both start with spirit tune for a fair start mine is faster but theirs is stronger so even though we shot two shadow balls first their two shadow balls actually got the kill rosary comes in with a revenge in his eyes dazzle gleaming spirit tomb to the afterlife future cynthia sends milotic next i get what she's trying to do with ice beam but come on girl you know you had better picks in the back she continues to throw the game by calling out gastrodon next that time travel machine must have messed with her brain or something this makes more sense another ditto fight and although she proves to be the better bouquet with her fast speed my lucario is confident enough to withstand a shadow ball to buff himself with a nasty plot next he lives dazzling gleam then bops rosary out of here with a flash cannon another ditto and once again due to the lack of speed my side loses i want the guard chomp mirror match to happen so i throw him out next to make short work of lucario with an earthquake ground shark vs ground shark unlike my team cynthia's pokemon are properly evie trained so they get to box first with dragon claw at least my guard trump was able to pull off one move unlike the previous mere battles as long as no crits happen this is looking like a gg melodic survives the massive earthquake then sends off cynthia back to her timeline right where she belongs definitely was a fun battle but it goes to show that if you're older and think you're better than the upcoming generation you better think again young cynthia enters the hall of fame with her amazing cast of pokemon concluding this challenge as queen of sinnoh i put a lot of effort into these videos to give you the best experience possible so if you liked it why not give it a like and subscribe not a lot of my viewers are subscribed so i really do appreciate it i've had a lot of fun with the bdsp games so more videos are coming for sure if you ever want to see any of my future runs live go check out my youtube live stream channel link in the description below you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,628,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can i beat pokemon brilliant diamond, can i beat pokemon shining pearl, andrew collette, andrew collette show, the andrew collette show, pokemon, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, play as cynthia, pokemon brilliant diamond as cynthia, pokemon cynthia, cynthia pokemon, pokemon shining pearl as cynthia, cynthia, cynthia challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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