I Was Wrong About Palworld

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I was wrong about power world when I'm wrong about a game I will always admit that I've made a mistake in my judgments of it and I could not have been more wrong about this game so in this video I'm want to kind of explain why I was skeptical of this game going in and how it has kind of sucked me in I'm currently at level 30 I have about 16 hours in the game so I have a long way to go but as you can see I have quite a bit unlocked so let me first talk about why I was skeptical of this game the main reason for that is the developers pocket pair had previous released a game called craftopia which I played I did a video on it a couple years ago that game is still in Early Access and they have still not finished it it kind of did a lot of things but none of them really well and my concern going into this game was how are they going to create a new game when their previous game had not even been finished right so what it looks like is that I think that they used craftopia as a test bed for the for power which was their ultimate goal in terms of creating a game and it seems that they've done very well with with that right if you go look at the steam charts for craftopia it has a peak player account of somewhere around 27,000 meanwhile power world has been over two million Peak players for the last several days so it has craftopia only had about 1% a little over 1% of the peak players that this game that this game did so it looks like this game was honestly their end goal and it has worked out really well so why is this game become so popular the reason this game has become so popular in my opinion is because what it has done it has taken a a something that people are really familiar with which is the creature collecting genre specifically Pokemon the game is heavily inspired inspired by Pokemon there's other games in this genre Digimon and stuff like that and other spin-offs believe there was temptem as well but what it's done is it's taking something that people are really familiar with so if you just jumped into this world and see the gameplay Loop right at the beginning of capturing creatures it looks so familiar that it's very easy to jump into and kind of become familiar with it Pokemon itself is is the third it's the third best selling video game franchise of all time and it's the number one grossing video game franchise of all time because of the cards the movies all the merchandise and stuff like that so pretty much anybody who's into video games would more likely than not be familiar with Pokemon or even in terms of like entertainment and stuff like that so Pokemon is widely known and this game when you look at it just looks like it looks very similar to Pokémon For Better or For Worse now I will say that I have no problem with that directly copying a game like one for one there's I have a problem with that but something I've been preaching a lot lately has been the for what what I think Games should do is kind of take the best features of other games and just put them into their own game right so instead of just creating everything from scratch and kind of trying to make your own thing what have other games done well and what could you use from those games to be able to make your game better and make it appeal to more people and what they've done is they taken the creature collect collection aspect as you've seen that I'm doing here and rather it just being like a turnbas thing they've made it open world action combat basically so either I can be involved in the combat or I can have my pals involved in the combat and it just to me it just adds it's so much better than Pokemon right in terms of the combat style turn-based combat I used to love turn-based combat when I was younger but now I'm kind of at a point where I don't really care much for turn-based combat it feels too slow to me and I'm just more interested in the action combat because it just just feels better as of right now and speaking of the combat something that it does really well is as you can see here I have my little Ruby here this is one of the fire enemies in the game so if I go to the survival guide which they have a huge thing here that tells you basically everything about the game we'll go down here to elements this looks probably very familiar to most people this is the elemental system where water beats fire fire beats Grass Grass beats ground ground beats electricity and then of course you go backwards like fire you don't want to use fire against water but fire is also good against ice there's Dragon Dark and neutral so they have all these different elements in here which are going to be familiar to anyone who's ever played a creature collecting game or honestly a lot of RPGs in general because a lot of RPGs also use the elemental system in terms of strengths and weaknesses so that right there just makes it very easy for someone to dive in and start playing it what else it does really well is it has a addictive gameplay Loot and the reason I say that is because there's kind of always something to deal another thing I've been talking about a lot lately is when I'm playing a video game if I spend two or 3 minutes running from point A to point B and there's nothing in between then it gets very very boring and I just kind of don't want to explore the world it's all about like Fast traveling and stuff you can see here if I just spin in any direction there's a multitude of things there's a fast travel statue there there's items laying on the ground there's a giant enemy up there there's one flying I just killed a couple on the way here here's a pal sphere there's or to be mined over there there's trees here there's rocks there there's a building off in the distance with an NPC there's another Tower up here there's a big tower off in the distance there there's always something it's like old piece of candy that was kind of something I joked about when I was playing uh I can't remember which game was a couple months ago where was like oh piece of candy I can't I always there's always something to grab something to collect something to do so that addictive gameplay Loop and you're kind of always progressing you can capture I I don't know how many Pals you can get up total but I I mean there's so many there's over 100 different Pals you can capture as many of each one as you want until you fill up your pal box and you can breathe them you can do all kinds of stuff there's variations of them it's just the gameplay Loop of it is you just kind of just want to keep playing it and I kind of surprised because honestly I've never been into Creature collecting games they've not really been my thing and this game kind of has changed that because of the way it's been implemented so in addition to that there's a lot of things to unlock which I'll just quickly touch upon I'm not going to go through all these there are currently 50 levels in this technology tree I've I've only unlocked up to level 30 but have not even unlocked everything the ones that are unknown I'll discover by fighting different enemies or discovering different things I guess resources and stuff like that that's they unlock so there is tons and tons and tons of stuff to un unlock there's the pal deck here which is going to have all the different Pals in it as I said I think there's 100 yeah there's 111 and you'll notice that I've not even collected all of them not even close to all of them and many of them the ones that are great out i' I've seen but I've not actually captured or even fought them there's also going to be Collectibles around the map that will increase your ability to uh level enhance your pals you can enhance yourself so there's little green Effy statues that are around the map and those can be collected they increase your chances of capturing Pals you're going to level yourself up so if we look at the character cre the character screen here you can enhance your stats which definitely a lot of things unlock there there's different weapons and armors you can unlock as well accessories there's gliders you can also fly so I guess I'll just fly on my Mount real quick I have a flying Mount that I unlocked the other day so the fact that it has mounts just makes traversal so much so much easier now this is by no means one of the better mounts in the game this is kind of the first one I I found there's water there's landbase mounts there's flying Mount so oh I want to get up on top of this hill up here guess what I can just fly up here and get on top of it so the gamepl Loop the ability to unlock there's always something else to unlock at least at this point has kind I feel think that's something that is definitely keeping people involved in the game the game also has some survival aspects in it I wouldn't consider it a pure Survival game because honestly the creature collecting seems to be far more of the like the gameplay Loop but you'll see here like there's lots of there's lots of crafting stations you'll be collecting wood and stone at the beginning of the game as long as well as ore and there's also the palum that you need to craft certain things you can end up automating a lot of that or most of it you'll see here that there's this tree here that can be infinitely chopped by this pal it's already collected over 900 wood so wood becomes not an issue at some point you have the rock quarry here that's also going to reduce that I have a base setup where I have my pals collecting ore and processing it so ore at hopefully in the very near future will not be an issue there's farming in the game so it does have a lot of aspects of survival but what it does really well is it allows you to automate them now you cannot at least up to this point I've not figured out how to fully automate them not sure if you can fully automate them so you can't fully automate things up to this point just yet I have this little base set up over here this is like my second base I set it up here because it has lots of ore and ore is going to be one of the resources you're going to need a lot of so what I have going on here is I have three different Pals collecting ore one of them is gathering it and putting in the Box here and then this one's processing it so I haven't figured out how to fully automate this I hopefully later on or at some point in the future you'll be able to fully automate it cuz right now I don't have any way to take this the or from here that's been collected and put it in the oven here while so it can just be constantly processed and I can come back and it'll be finished but you can automate a lot of things like the wood collection like the ore collection like the rock collection food collection as well because you do have to feed yourself in the pals so they do a really good well job of being able to automate things there's also I think a thing that's going to possibly keep a lot of people playing this long term aside from the fact that there's a lot of things collect is going to be the Min maxing so if I go to my party here and I just pick this first pal here pal all have stats so over here on the right it's going to tell you their attack defense their work speed it's going to also tell you their suitability so what they're good at this Flack here is good at watering is good at handiwork which is basically crafting things and it's good at transporting which will be like taking the ore from the ground and putting it in the Box it also is going to have different active skills over here which you can swap out if you when you unlock the ability to do so it's also got passive skills here so this one has a 20% increased move speed and it also has 100% decreased income uh incoming lightning damage there are lots and lots of different passive skills you can unlock and what ends up happening is you can breed or combine the pals into making new Pals and you can kind of just figure out how to breed the traits that you want for specific Pals there's also different levels of Pals so if I look at like these guys right here have the pen Kings have level two mining that's why I have them doing mining because the level two mining will specifically have them targeting The Ore where level one mining will Target rocks instead the combat also has level two mining so that's why I have have it set up there so there's Min maxing in terms of that and we actually have a raid going on here which was something I was about to talk about and I honestly did not plan this hopefully we don't get every destroyed oh this is probably going to be pretty bad I might lose this entire setup here and I've died so the game has base raids uh yeah unfortunately the base rate occurred for me actually probably fortunately here the base rate occurred for me I'm just not even going to respawn here because more likely than not I'm going to get completely wrecked those were level 31 enemies I've not even fought level 31 enemies so basically the game has base raids and it looks like any one of your Bas going to get attacked I guess it's whichever one you're closest to I'm going to be honest That Base raid there I'm not prepared for it over there because I have nothing set up here I have this base set up so that they will attack they mostly spawn either up here on this hill so I've kind of like fun them through here or they'll sometimes spawn down the bottom and they'll come up through I'll have them come through that gate and the base raids do have some defenses there's some defenses you can put up I haven't fully explored that but honestly that base over there I'm just going to let whatever happens happens they're probably going to get completely wiped out because they're all lowlevel and there's just well they actually didn't destroy anything they just incapacitated all my pals so because they're incapacitated what that means is they have to be put in the pal box for a certain amount of time so I'll just throw them in here 10 minutes and they'll be back up and running so I like the fact that they have base raids unfortunately that one didn't go well so I didn't really get to Showcase it very well and it looks like I guess are they leaving or they coming back those guys were level 31 there's way even with my actual like leveled up pals I would have been able to fight them they would have probably completely destroy me anyway so I'm going to think my in 10 minutes I'll be able to get this going again so the fact that it has base raids and I'm going to be able to test out like how they work I'm going to build defenses and stuff around my bases and kind of just figure out is there a good way to funnel them is there good defenses and stuff like that I really like that idea I'm not sure everybody likes that idea and guess what if what you just saw you don't like you can just go into the game settings and disable base raids so you don't get base raids so that's pretty that's pretty cool too also if you find any system to be too grindy you can just end up Ma you can change these sliders like increasing XP from the XP gain rate from the default of one all the way up to 20 times experience you can increase the resources you get you can decrease Damage Done from enemies there's all there's basically you can just kind of fully customize it so play it however you want and then the other thing is going to be you're notice you're notice there's really no quest for me to do right now there after the tutorial so you'll get a tutorial pretty early on in the game that'll tell you kind of the basics of the game and then after that's finished you just kind of do what you want so there's this giant map I haven't even explored anywhere close to all of it I believe most of it is populated but I've kind of went to all these areas these areas are going to have lots of different things to do each biome will have possibly different Pals the further out you explore the higher level they're going to be there's also going to be some roaming World bosses so this one's catchers the there's bosses like this the grassy Behemoth which is the one that I saw just down here somewhere not that long ago which is the giant green little woolly mammoth thing those are wandering World bosses that you can fight some of them are aggressive some of them are passive there's also Tower bosses you could consider these kind of like the trainers from Pokemon I think there's five of them right now you'll notice here is the first one this is the one you have this is the one you do to finish the tutorial so I've defeated that one I haven't fought any of the other ones there's also going to be kind of like mini bosses that are in arenas that you can fight there's also dungeons you can explore so there's just a ton of stuff to do and you can kind of like once you're finish the tutorial or even if while you're doing the tutorial you can just wander out and do whatever you want a lot of time like the lower level Pals generally are not going to end up being aggressive it's going to be the further out you explore you're going to start running into aggressive ones so the first like five or 10 hours if you don't wand terribly far you'll end up just being able to kind of do explore freely and not have to worry about getting completely destroyed by every single enemy that you run into because most of them are just not aggressive and you'll learn which ones are aggressive and which ones aren't so all in all like right now this game just has so much to do now in terms of depth does it have a ton of depth I don't know if it has a ton of depth but it does have a a lot a lot of stuff to do I think where the depth is going to come in is if you're interested in Min maxing your pals Min maxing the automation that is something that I like to do I looked at Min maxing games so being able to do that will kind of it'll probably keep me playing for longer than I expected in the future there's a lot of things they have planed the one thing I think they could probably that will probably end up being the best thing for keeping people around or coming back would be the ability to have PVP now there's two kinds of PVP they've been talking about one of them is going to be player versus player PVP I personally don't think that's going to end up doing all that well to be completely honest because I just don't I don't expect the I don't expect PVP between players to do that well I kind of think the better idea is the arena they have which is going to be where you throw your pals out I guess I guess the pals RSE Pals you just put them up against other other I don't know if it'll be Solo or if you do teams or something like that I think that has a better chance of keeping people playing raing people's bases says I it might work in this game I know it works in other games but I really don't think this game would I don't think it would fit this game kind of feel like the audience this game would probably be more interesting in just taking the best Pals they breeded and or they found and leveled up and putting them against other people's Pals rather than inserting themselves in the combat so yeah overall to me this game I like I said I was completely surprised about it I'm definitely going to put some more hours in it so I know I spent most of this video talking about all the things the game does really really well I do want to mention a couple things that I hope they improve in the future one thing is going to be the pathing of the pals that is one of that's one of the things that's the top of their to-do list so hopefully that happens sooner rather than later it might not be happening right now but because I built my base here what ends up happening is even with these walls somehow some of the pals will just and there's one right there perfect example so this little fox for some reason tends to fall down here that's the guy that's producing my ore so the AI pathing they just kind of walk off the ledge there so what I have to do down here is I have to figure out which one he is and then I'm going to have to go over here put him in the box and then put him back and I'm going to do the same thing with this one put him back and it'll kind of respawn here and he won't be stuck anymore so the AI pathing definitely needs a little bit of work I would also say that the I think durability and the weight limits kind of early game later on the durability is not that big of an issue cuz you really don't need to repair that much because you're basically using your pal for everything but the weight issue is a big thing it's why if you look at people's stats they Speck in to weight heavily at the beginning of the game or most people tend to do it carrying the resources from like as an example if I chopped up this rock at the very beginning of the game there's a I don't know if it's one rock or two of them very quickly you'll fill up your weight and then it just takes forever to transport things so I hope they kind I kind of want them to just like reduce the weight by like 50% honestly for all the items just to get rid of that tediousness and then fix the AI pathing there's other things that hopefully they'll add like uh the ability to hot deposit you can hot deposit if you open a chest but the ability to be able to just straight up hot deposit or a assign T like boxes to things one thing the pals do is they'll put resources in the same boxes so this one has seeds a lot of times this one will also have seeds it doesn't have it this time kind of because they're full but they'll end up putting like a couple seeds in here a couple wood in here a couple wood in here then over here they have more seeds and more wood it's almost like they put it in the first one they find so just some minor things that I think they can fix the AI pathing is going to be the big one I don't know how easily they can fix that but hopefully they do so that's po world like I said I've never been more wrong about a game in the many many years that I've been playing video games if you're enjoying the game let me know in the comments down below thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Mediocre Milton
Views: 55,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MediocreMilton, Mediocre Milton, Palworld
Id: KQFfkRYlayg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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