I Broke Palworld (accidentally)

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Who whoo hey hey C World Is A Beautiful Mess although it has its fair share of bugs and glitches I can't stop playing the core gameplay Loop is just too much fun and it does a whole bunch of things really well however it can still tilt me and dare I say break me I know they're sorting out a lot of these issues and I can't wait but until they do you're lucky enough to see me encounter what I believe to be every glitch or bug that exists in the game and consequently Watch Me Slowly lose my sanity no matter how many times I had the alt f4 I couldn't resist just doing one more raid with the buds or finding some new Pals to catch and I most certainly couldn't resist checking out some brand new pal technology I'm making a sphere bazooka Mr Nice fruit oh you thought I was hard on pals up until this point You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet indiscriminate violence on the way I'm not going to ch L throw it no I'm going to freaking F so it's either get caught or you die you cease to exist get me this freaking launcher going to force my Palace to make it too just know every time I use it against one of one of your fellow Pals out in the wild you helped make that blood's on your hands too you're all a part of this now okay let me see this thing oh [Music] shees they got to stop moving here we go what I think I throw it farther than that a wer that fires sparce it can capture Pals that are a distance away maybe it's in the fine print they said distance they didn't specify the distance normally there are pills you can take for an issue like this but unfortunately no such thing exists for this garbage now before we get further into today's video I want to thank today's sponsor Persona 3 reload Persona 3 reload is the captivating reimagining of the pivotal game of the Persona series Faithfully rebuilt with Cutting Edge Graphics modernized quality of life features and signature stylish UI best of all you don't need to play previous Persona titles to enjoy Persona 3 reload the story self-contained Persona 3 reload is the perfect place to jump into the franchise and Persona 3 reload is available on Xbox series X and S Xbox One windows steam PlayStation 5 and Playstation 4 experience the ultimate Fusion of immersive role playing and captivating visual storytelling and Persona 3 reload where the boundaries between game and narrative weave together seamlessly engage in strategic battles Forge deep social connections and unravel a gripping storyline that will leave you enthralled offering The Best of Both Worlds and a truly Unforgettable gaming experience Persona 3 reload is available for pre-order now and launches February 2nd 2024 so to pre-order the game and check it out for yourself click the link down in the description box below it didn't even fire straight W where is there are so many things wrong with this like the fact that I can throw farther than a rocket launcher how much did I just spend on this need rocket [Music] ammo what they don't even tell you this they let you unlock it at level 29 don't you [Music] dare who who designed this whose idea was this it's not even real to close I'll be done huh huh can I get a refund on this thing garbage how how much did this 50 ings oh maybe that's not too much it's 50 ingots too much okay that's wild is I'm just going I'm just going to I'm going to cope and say it's glitched mine is glitched it's flaccid we all have performance issues and they'll never financially emotionally mentally recover from this devastated yep stupid yeah get in here I said get in the spere Gil claw you're too far yep no come here come here come here what the come here why you running coward get back here you coward you son of a quit resisting quit resisting Real Talk stun baton was the greatest purchase I've ever made nothing's quite as satisfying as beating a pal with an electrified pole until they're within inches to death then capturing their soul to imprison for eternity I'm at my wit's in bro I swear to [Music] God let that be a lesson as soon as I jump in here I just know it's suddenly kill Mr fruit time okay now stay in that sphere I want to have that what why now that's going to stay in the ball because if it doesn't Why You're the Reason like my villain Arc starts right [Music] here come here I know you're going to even if you say you're not accurate I know you're going to hit me just the way good you know what good okay I only need to catch three more cots I never want to see another one again where was that there was that pack of them I'm going to kill the whole family where they at there you are what come here no no H there's the it's a family reunion die make me sick I'm going to make them watch free will is a thing of the past for your brother sister mother 90% chance every time actually it's two not afraid to do what what needs to be done around here you've got to be holy the amount of money I've wasted on you things you 95% 9 six I swear to [Music] God I still got to catch one more I'll pull out the gap for you too don't think I won't [Music] 85% not even a shake just please I'm 10 out of 10 sweet die oh yeah oh oh you think you're getting away come where you where you going where you going deor the Dead I don't think so stupid you're going to join them dumbest little moth thing now I know what you're thinking wow Mr fruit you're a little worked up why is that well you didn't see how we got here it all started with some exploding beams as every good story does all right let me see what the stum Bon does what the fud what the fud I did not see that coming don't explode on me I didn't realize there were more Pals that you self-destruct outside of too too and later I found out there's even more it was devastating so thanks I hate it okay just a little bit of damage no no no no no no you don't buddy you didn't have to be like that my map won't pull up that's not a good sign oh I can't tab I can't escape do I really have to all F4 again brother why there's literally and I mean I mean this quite literally cuz I said literally literally nothing Happ why can't the server just like you know work for again I I came out here to catch Pals that is why I'm out here like time to go catch some pal where they at oh my God guys don't freak out but I think those are some Pals why is this a big deal well I went out to capture new Pals to get more experience except the server instability was so bad it took forever to populate an area around you with Pals as much as I love multiplayer and pal world I also hate it well winning Rome oh wait this might kill them let's not use that one vam worm I love the death overachiever though like you we get it bro you can kill them I believe you nobody is putting that into he's just showing off okay this won't kill him cuz it's not super effective get really G Spar is fud what he went back to sleep the disrespect so I'm stuck what's the worst that could happen I was going to say the worst thing that could happen is apparently we just never load in okay just don't kill them man just like harm them a little or don't even attack what's this about hello CL cloth can I get the clo I don't want the cloth anyway yeah what are you going do now what are you going do now ow I think I have found and encountered every bug possible it's cursed just hit them challenge impossible they're getting shot bro they should be like the only say he's he's he's attacking attack aggressively stupid there you go VOR I love that out what that for you I'm going to eat some Indian while you while you keep that up keep that same energy up buddy oh God oh God what I'm eating man get in V worm wait I still don't have food oh my God retreat with conviction while I'm eating IRL too the disrespect wait what what what what I can't sh bro I I don't know what cold resistant metal armor that requires a lot of ingots and I'm tired of ingots want to repair the metal Helm there be a whole bunch of ingots if I want a pair of met Pig guys ingots if I want a pee PE poo poo ingots make some more gigos speres use all my ingots okay will this kill it I think yes oh POG it's alive and well well relatively speaking now going for the Staton if oh my God if the server if the if the when I tell you I was ready to harm a small innocent living thing out of frustration I made it the server was testing me today what's that phrase God gives his toughest Soldiers the hardest battles or something like that chill God I ain't a tough Soldier you're overestimating my capabilities and patience did you increase your power with the Effigies gosh [ __ ] D it does that answer your question I I can't catch anything or hit anything they're jumping around everywhere and I forget to freaking raise my capture level I spend all that time to get the freaking Effigies and I don't do anything with it no no don't then you finally attack and you just poop on him man learn restraint what I all right that's it I'm setting fire to the world the learn restraint screw it run at him good faith stupid the vorm is too good it's good problem to have I guess this is where the fun began wait what what tell me riddle me this why would you give me this the level before I can make refined Ingot I can't I had set out with a singular goal in mind to reach level 33 so I can unlock the Hela from out you can imagine my immeasurable disappointment when I'm still unable to craft it pray for my sanity everything is not awesome awesome not cool when you're part of a team weakend on my watch I think not feed medicine come here don't be sad just take meds if only were that easy I have crippling depressed still weak okay oh you need highgrade medical supp the audacity that's how slow it is to make this thing there you go buddy now you're nice and strong needy bro why is no one working on this I got to spell out for everybody mate actually let me see how this other base is doing we have not checked on them for a hot minute and I mean like hours uh hello not a single or complete failure this is a complete utter horrific failure yeah I might as well put them all in the knife then I'll finally be used useful that's not going to kill right I know every time I check it always does check Jesus Christ I can't oh why can't the server just chill like a sec where's the sulfur coming from so many cinamas oh my god this is my living hell dude I like having real ones on the team feel free to join I'll take that as a no I'm being a real one electrocute Hello by are there two of them man I mean they are sleeping in a little sleeping genocide real quick you can leave hurricane me all you want oh my God never mind my health I can try and stun it but I might die what is This Server hard mode spawning of the two bosses a setting you have increased P spawners increas Boss B you increase SP incre B nor the M nice where am I what am I who am I where am I what is what am I ah 27 times the charm okay let's see what uh disappointment is waiting in the silver key chest thought I had a silver key okay I guess I guess I don't so this it's very disappoined actually yeah why they bothering to lock you up I like I hate to say it bro but like are you even worth locking up somebody had to say oh my God okay actually great work now let me stun him would you that he didn't get stunned instead he's just I'm in so much pain what the [ __ ] I was it's finally time to reunite with war my pride and joy from the last world that I most definitely didn't buy from some black market pal dealer because that would be super unethical obviously into yeah he's going to try to hit me with a gra or oh what the what the fud yo nice try stupid a no that's Stone ah oh my God oh my God oh my oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry yo yo take his fire help me did that hit me oh my God I'm going to die I swear me freaking mom do do do something go man the Homing rock out of left field oh heat seeking bolers bro what the fudge okay screw me my D what am I paying for man do we really care about working conditions no I am going to do fluffy paled but only because it'll mean they can get back to working faster okay don't think I've gone soft that's right we've finally reach the post Sweet Shop building competition Arc I wanted to make a Tavern that was the front for a sweat shop so see we have the front which is still working progress then you come into the Sweet Shop some mispronounce it sweat shop Sweet Shop we got to cover the this is the bartender's door it goes back to the uh Brewery it's not only a Tavern it's an nend oh you want to stay the night if you've got decent coin you get this little Shanty you know nothing crazy but it's fine the carpet's a little disheveled but if you got better coin little Nice Hill nicer battle oh this is the end for my outros come on come oh my word if you want want to enter the brewery AK the sweat shop we've got our Amazon warehouse here that's where the warden overlooks everyone they sleep outside because oh and we are over encumbered oh the 1000 lb of milk they need a break room but they don't get one I need to put the feedbacks feedbacks feedbox somewhere around here so that they don't have to go very far from work oh now that I come to figure out why they're eating they're like oh are they trying to commiss shuku oh you think you're going to get out of this too much thing is so laggy crash by the time it was done the server's back oh my God I'll say I'll I'm going to play one more song heard this recently literally stuck in my head 24/7 crash did I just crash again maybe this next song will fix it oh [Music] Fu what I went backwards I went oh Jesus Jesus G the server going to crash again okay we are headed Northeast North North we're headed I'm not going to let the server ruin the fun it's time to explore new areas discover new Pals and most importantly get some more sweet sweet XP I found the proper desert biome and decided to investigate idea turns out they're very high level oh you can't do it to me wow when you do it to me it's a lot more what the [ __ ] I don't want to hit a tree I'm going to hit a tree aren't they 12% with a hypers sphere 14 what the fudge come on fudge come here oh my word it's so laggy I'm stuck on a cactus oh my God I'm going to die bro bro oh my God I'm not even remotely CL yeah I like this song what you've got to be I have to all F4 so the top right of the map is the earliest access part of it oh and now there's just a copy of me I think my gear is still there I Clon myself yeah I hit you guys with a shadow clone JSU great he's just camping my my stuff real mature buddy minting yo that sounds cool I'm not going to fight him cuz it sounds like I'm going to die but oh there he is who he looks cool I want him to look at me okay he looked at me I'm done thanks oh Jesus what you should know what the fu let's get ourselves lenar Everybody Talks lenar this lonar that you got to get your yeah so Chad kept telling me I needed to get larus because it has handiwork 3 and it's super useful this was before people had figured out breeding and how to get an early game of nubis with handy Wick 4 so anyway I found the lar boss and decided to hop in to try and imprison it or hit him buddy get do [Music] something okay sure there we is okay that is the wrong sphere sweet what look at this dude yeah get him King Paka wow 12 damage you shouldn't have you really shouldn't have P Paka you're getting like actually you're [Music] dead please oh and then Hy I electrocute him on my hypersphere just let's go wait there's no conceivable way now here here's where Rob finally starts to come around he's starting to treat his Pals the old Mr fruit way they can't find where their work is but they can sure find the feeding box just fine feels down because of bad working conditions shut up there is literally a sweat up across the street you could be over there Mr fruits I you know it's bad when they want to be over here you know what I'm saying No this place was built off the back of their ancestors and now that they live in the castle they just couldn't give two [ __ ] about anything why is everybody just hungry and stupid Rob I like this I like this new you like don't let these walls fool you it's a [ __ ] show here it's burning down inside it's a good thing this this Castle's made out of stone otherwise it'd burn down actually no it wouldn't it wouldn't burn down because my [ __ ] fire ones don't really do much of anything but be hungry and run around and not know where the food thing is cuz they sure as hell don't [ __ ] Smite or or smell ore that's for sure they don't do that cuz yeah 30 out of 40 yeah you got 10 more that's L like I need to go catch War sect maybe I'll do that real quick so I can bring him into our battles today because I do love me a war sack here we go he's going to try and muda muta me there's his Rock holy Jesus wow curve that Like Beckham just get him real low lower lower that's low enough yeah yes he's returned home he's a coward but he's a workaholic oh you got to be kidding fud not the lag are you guys oh mea lagging by the way I'm stuck on top of my flying Mount but I'm running and I can't do anything I have a a treadmill and it's called heler for context I've been waiting for blue Rob and Joey to hop on so that we could go raiding together they finally did however oh come on Joey wanted to get some new mysterious pal so that he could Flex on us now I got the cops shooting out of me oh my God however from his end of Discord was just constant frustration and anger and after waiting 45 minutes for him to get this flex blue don't you dare what's happening over there blue blue and Rob were rightfully over it so they found out where he was and tried to sabotage his capture blue don't you dare oh no stop trying to catch it you're fighting fire Carl yes I know and I really want fire Carl I've been here for so long please no you got it Joey come no no no that's mine that's mine dude no no no oh wait this isn't even a boss this is just not a dude yeah this is just I think what I just caught is actually cooler than this I'm just trying to capture cuz it'll make be sad I'm trying to help genuinely my turn my turn my turn there there there there there come on 4% Rob this is blue right now this isn't me my turn my turn it's been your turn too many turns Rob no that was not my turn that that was blue Blue's not announcing his turn I want to know how many resources we have all you guys have all [ __ ] was on this one one dude [ __ ] uhoh oh who was it I hate this I hate this so much I'm assuming it was blue it was not me who was it Joey I didn't throw a single ball I want you to know I tried to help I want you to know Joey I threw 42 see D like they spawn a diamond dozen Joe you'll be level 40 in like a five months and by by then you'll be able to catch five months hey you'll catch up one day the pace he's been going then hey Joey yeah this is your m no it's oh that's so nice of you blue that's really cool of you Mr through 42 spheres I'm only going to say no this last time know it's literally yours you all right and then I'm done it's okay Joey like let him be a good guy man I'll say thank you blue you're welcome Mr fruit can edit this out what cringe you bro my pal crashed oh I'm I'm immediately getting raided oh my God God these guys aren't even moving they're like bro we're not ready to raid yet what are you doing we were we were getting set up God we got to wait for Jerry so we got like fire oh yeah I mean yeah you're this guy here's your moment there you go yeah this is my moment Yi what the fud just whoa what is going don't look into my eyes fruit Jesus don't look into my eyes oh yo cutscene why her feet out after much delay we're finally trying to tackle more Tower bosses so we start with the second boss located in the frozen tundra it's 124,000 Health but where's your your head is just big okay well the good news is they're just standing there so this is menacingly all fun games until they fight back no they are just standing there wait oh they're second phase they have a second phase where they actually move it's a little underwhelming when the AI just poops out they do that a lot and again one of my biggest gripes it's the AI and the server stability and I know multiplayer server just makes all these issues way worse but that doesn't mean I can't be upset I want to play with all my friends okay hell yeah see there are the flame tornadoes we wanted look at the damage ow what the [ __ ] just happening to me I am getting pooped on I just died hey she actually wait what like tornadoes killed me okay mon I mean I'm half health I get it I'm hurt Joey and she's hitting me through walls Joey all right Joey capture him uh I don't know if I not the pal the human uh no she's going for me okay oh nice we went in trying to get four people done with it we got two was it really a victory I was one of the people so for me yeah I don't mind having to see this again you I'm a married man they're just pixels you're not going to do much for just pump right now just pump it's Carl Carl holy [ __ ] Carl that was sick the ultra hyperbeam thing what the or a hydr pump water beam like what the [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] the water board nice show nice I got me a gla on Ninetails but for legal reasons it's not I do not see you Rob I'm right here above you little too chilly while loading yeah a fiesta you didn't see this but this boss is maybe 10 seconds away from that Tower boss we just fought and we decided we'd fight it immediately however somehow I waited 15 minutes for everyone to get there 15 see what we're working with here yo hey yo kind of a baddy oh my God my AR immediately IM my breath fire does want a tick Joey already thrown a ball at it he's hilarious not me somebody's tried it's stuck in the wall this is good for us I mean hell yeah okay well well it's like t- posing in the rock all right I'll try oh okay or I I did throw that like a second before you said it I'm so sorry that's fine I know that was a big ball too it looked like a really expensive very expensive ball yeah everybody says no so while we went raing together it's important to note that we tried to give everybody a fair and equal chance to capture the bosses so everyone would take turns in order throwing spheres to see if they could get the capture okay it's Aro on me wait did it kill blue it's AR on me oh it did Kill blue oh sad yeah FR this is going to be all you I might even need to try to stun it oh how's it attacking in the ball all right Joey will you announce when you're going to do it so okay fair enough Fair sorry Joey's going out of turn okay sorry who's turn is it then I'm trying to like it's like glitch for me yeah it's freaking out that was a that was a lag Spike for me uh okay well it's stuck up there I'm back boys back blue it's your turn I'm going to throw K nice it's in the ceiling pause I don't know so I got it nice nice nice go for it nice good stop good stop I think this is the one that people keep calling grass score bunny or uh oh I have reasons no no this is definitely grass Cinder oh yeah yeah Cinder yeah yeah who's getting it oh what don't waste all of yours on not a boss I don't have many guys I'll just leave it to you too you guys are fine over come on wait he's gone all right let's see the cinderace allegations I think the cinder allegations are are he's not going to beat I would say a copy and paste button was involved you call what you will but that's literally a cinder rip one to one bro that is that's not that is blatant the Nintendo brand bass here it's not like there's no argument okay I'm just going to that's a grass andace my D he even does the kick thing I'm fighting the server more than I'm fighting this dude I know for real oh he still attacks in the ball oh you got him let your guard down let's go he just did half my damage with one attack get him Carl Carl we need you Carl Carl oh there comes the Oh no just wait until one shot my guy oh man cuz it's 23 levels above it Jo oh God yeah but why is it aiming for no don't fire tornado run oh I'm lag oh my and I'm rubber running right into it oh god oh I've been shooting at car whole time he's getting in there oh God run oh my God I'm dead oh no oh no oh God now I'm getting hit and I'm on fire it won's looking at me he's looking at me yeah I don't the one problem is I don't know if I I can stun baton he'll kill me 12% that's not terrible a 12% that's pretty good good what oh my god let's go let's go let's go I got a Carl yo you know what I'm calling him Carl's junor let's go he's cute I I also he's adorable I like this guy looks like he has a cigarette in his mouth he looks like a super remixed Tang growth I'd like you to meet Carl's Jr Carl's Jr he's so un necessarily large and I love it they weren't afraid to make some real size and scale with these Pals it's all fun of games until they have to work in your base it's a recipe for disaster and Union okay okay okay everybody stop everybody stop okay holy he was getting burned come on man you go oh you got him got got him y too late no he's still stunned he still has electricity around him so all right now it's a 5% instead of four fun enough he's been the hard just to catch sh out of everybody I know oh oh wo his health is all right I'm not touching anymore slowest is going to go I Agra if you want hit him from the B oh come on that's got to be it that's got to be it nice that boy is sleep not only is he sleep he's adorable I would die for him fire tornadoes I know good fire tornadoes okay we're getting close I love how he floats all right chill chill chill chill okay four oh that might be a shake oh I don't see the shake pause champ no oh god oh oh yes it will go come on nice come come here now Kindle thank you that's all you had to do bro that's all you yeah I had to throw it in there and be like this is what you need to do yeah I just did that too they probably haven't done a single thing especially because I see all the or here so incredible guys oh no they're starving and they're injured thousand berries man there are no Pals right now it's out here looking like scarlet and violet Jesus okay man what the [ __ ] is am am I wrong we love a workaholic that's getting underpaid oh no like your attitude dork finally a man after my own heart I'll pay in clout and I'm stuck in the map and I have to Al at for okay what the fu just happening in my base hey you stop feeling depressed now why won't you just get back to work okay he has that one God damn wait hold on hold on hold on one second keep it there don't make it move showing up their massive who dude this is like red eyes dude I will never go to a urinal next to you again why am I losing Health what like I'm in a bed I'm full hunger oh my god I've relogged like 20 times the past 3 minutes this is insane how do the hip Lantern work do you not even equip it how do I stab my palamon with medicine there ain't no dude this is insane they don't work when I'm AFK all this ore should be gone there should never be this much ore the mud is slacking off of course is then I have to check if this is working they're probably all stuck in walls dying dude there's just something that feels so wrong with shooting something in the face with a musket it feels so right um why do I hear Boss music it's like in a dark room you try and run out and then it shun want to come see this so let's set some Tores Angel playing One-Winged Angel not arm arms up what's the difference ones plays after you diean the problem though is it's not spawning it's here oh [ __ ] go he's going for Carls junor damn H pump grats dude 19 poison that's large yeah poison to be big oh my God Carl's already dead there's so many things in here I can't even see the boss I'm just I know I can't I don't even know if I'm hitting him oh big big and then oh my God the damn I'm going to try an ice I'm going to try an ice grenade okay he doesn't care oh suck can he AG somebody else that'd be really cool jeez he capture rate1 for then if like you're going to die like you just kill him I promise you you you you will get XP for it all right kill him I'm trying to capture Hy the balls that you miss take them down wait the room just lit up what the [ __ ] is this that was great that there you go hell yeah unfortunately we had to kill plasm mut we were a little bit ambitious and people had been dropping like fli not to mention the best capture rate we had was like 2% so guess I just get the Black Ops one maybe menu theme in your head uh not not often recently I remember it actually yeah either took a lot of therapy but I mean yeah not you've got to be like another relog like my really yeah hey every like 20 minutes or so was you know that one was the you have to Al that floor you can't press buttons you can't do anything you're stuck in the world oh yeah I've had a few alt fors yeah you'll find my clones out in the world I've several of them just give them my regards bro what is you doing he's getting bullied he help me all right Reco little don't recall all them we all right wait his health isn't updating don't shoot uh I don't see people moving yeah everything's uh no tragic right through the world yeah it's so funny thing about not falling through yeah I am under the water help I see you're down here too oh Rob good to see you oh you come here Austin how's it going guys you guys want to know how to get out I can show you the world can I fly through the floor no I can't it your Rel log of [Music] course top of the [Music] water I mean you could just do this wait did you say Morse Code test too good speaking Morse code the Japanese have attacked Pro Harbor guys oh my God oh my God I hope still has here oh [ __ ] okay oh don't don't you do that I guess we'll find out why that me oh we're [ __ ] oh we're this dude doesn't stand a chance Brother come on okay oh wa he killed me this is your throw Joey I get all Joy's balls right I have to relog for context here because I was higher level and mainly a higher capture power Joey and pug gave me all their spheres to throw on their behalf so every throw alternated between one of them oh oh my God oh my God you got it go baby was let's go Joey Oh My Big W for you Joey I love that for you let's go I feel like you're trolling why do I feeling you being too congratulatory now that's aing B capture and it finally got in why would we be trolling yeah I don't like that why would you think we'd be like that okay where do you guys want to go next oh what I mean um yeah where do we want to go next no oh one more after this he last one here we go bonus bonus bonus will we kill it is what you're saying the last one let's go I can't tell if you're trolling are you trolling oh my God that one's real no this one's actually real yes real oh man yeah that one wasn't a joke I just had I just had to make we need tell me I have to go back to my dumb [ __ ] base with my dumb Pals there's nothing to be afraid of when there's nothing here just oh God oh my God I lost my f now oh okay ladies neomis level 50 wow I don't want to do that I'll get [ __ ] on yeah those are like the endgame bosses currently in the game so yeah that's a no from me big dog oh I got rocket ammo from that dude way I could use my sphere launcher one time wow don't tempt me with a good time yeah the entire time I was gone you know how much or they got zero fight them kill them all no don't kill the oh hey there Lambo oh it's been like days how you [Music] doing what's your guys' least favorite pal the ones that don't go back to work yeah nobody else with my energy like I don't want to work mine to the Bone I like to yell at mine and call them names but I want them to be happy while I do that you're not going to work and you're going to like it what do you mean there is no work hungry depressed and and you need me to make I'm just going to chop him up okay who's the boss who's the boss give me something juicy bro see this is how long it takes to spunk I should have been able to see who the Floy wait I don't even need floppies no mercy well that was disappointing I do declare and that was the laggiest and dare I say glitchiest Day of power world for anyone ever we still made good progress though not nearly as much if the server and lag didn't get in the way but it's it's fine I'm fine it's all in the past obviously L it won't happen again moving forward right right if you enjoyed this video I think you might enjoy this one with that said thank you for much for watching have yourselves fantastic I'll talk to you in the next one very well
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 157,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld funny moments, palworld vs pokemon, pokemon, pokemon with guns, survival game, crafting game, palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld best pal, palworld best base, palworld survival guide, palworld 100 days, palworld meat cleaver, palworld multiplayer, palworld pvp, palworld base building, palworld base, palworld base building competition, palworld lucky, palworld shiny, palworld shiny hunting, palworld luckies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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